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    1. Coming from golf, the US Am vs US Open distinction of 2 different national championships wouldn't be that foreign. Was the turn out just not good enough in the amateur (elite) championship to justify 2 different races? Seems like a loss for the sport from my pov.

    2. I wish there's more pro crit race here in Vancouver Canada. I watch the Project Echelon raced in Gastown Grandprix last week and they totally crushed it. STRONG RIDERS!

    3. This is insane!!! That rain is just making the course an ice rink. At full speed. Full power. At night. With all of those downtown area paint lines and oil spots. Nuts! These guys are true hardmen. Chapeau!!!

    4. US crit racing has become utterly boring. For years now it's been the same story. Whether it's been Legion, Project Echelon or Reign Storm. One strong team dominating the race from start to finish. And not by attacking, just by riding a hard tempo. No breaks, no chasing, just waiting for the sprint. Not good for the sport.

    5. It amazes me how there were not more people on the deck. Really wet and every surface that says questionable grip, road paint, concrete cobbles and drain covers, everywhere. Before you even consider the speed and numbers.

    6. Got to watch and meet some of the incredible Project Echelon guys in Grafton WI, awesome team! I spent my time in the Army and their mission behind the team is fantastic! My brother and I truly appreciated the Project Echelon hats! Kudos to you Will, great race!

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