The Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood has hit out at Rishi Sunak and “his gang in No 10” over the prison overcrowding crisis, describing them as “guilty men” who had put their political careers ahead of the safety of the country.


    Without immediate action to address the crisis, she said, the entire criminal justice system was in danger of collapse.

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    1. If you don't seriously tackle recidivism and its causes, all this is for nought. How about improving probation and rehabilitation services, hostels, housing and rehousing, drug treatment centres, out-reach programmes, mental health services, job search opportunities? Why don't Labour look at the reasons why the UK has such a high prison population and such high levels of drug and gang crime? Do the job properly or not at all.

    2. Got to imagine at least 5% of people in jail could be contributing to society, just have a scheme set up that only those most primed to return to work can be release and stay out on probation if the hold a job for the remained for their sentence.

    3. A simple answer is the foreign prisoners they can be exported back to country of origin and wife's yes some claim the other woman is the sister of the wife and they still have children. And be imprisoned there in their homelands and we the tax payers want this we could pay up to £200 to £300 a week to have them housed in their homeland prison never too come back. Like they said, they were wanted for crimes like rape and murder yes some were rapist's and some were murderers who carried on again here, and some of their government's don't know of any criminal activities at all they said, they committed, so that means when they lied about asylum here they did it to pay off the gangs of traffickers who work them on building sites and other places for cheap labour
      Love mom

    4. One answer would be to have prisoners conscripted into the Army for the last 5 years of their sentence,then they could patrol our streets and borders. But they wouldn't want to live in forces accommodation after the luxury life they are used to.

    5. Firstly they are all working together against the indigenous British people, they being the Uniparty.
      They are all committing treason, no foreigners should be holding public office this is clearly spelled out in our Constitution which most English people are ignorant of. Then Starmer tells us the illegal invasion will carry on for another 4 years this policy puts us all in peril.
      They want to create chaos so they can then put foreign troops on our streets and impose their dystopian order on us. I put the blame on all those who just voted in the election you have consented to be governed by these criminals and its the Bankers who are in control of the UK Governement, Starmer and Sunnak are puppets their job is to convince you that you live in a democracy, you don't its a kakistocracy and Starmer is in at number ten put their by a minority vote the exact opposite of what a democracy is all about.
      Its going to get a lot worse over the next 4 years everything will collapse including the Banking system and the mugs will go to work and find no money in their accounts because the wages would have been confiscated. I cannot wait to see that happen and you who voted consented to it so you have no right to complain.

    6. As a officer i will use a false name i worked at hmp wymott in 2018 and then it was a brilliant run prison with exellent education good clean cells and not much violent incidents those that did occur we had staff to deal with it. From then to now standards have dramatics declined to the point i left due to stress. This action must be taken to relive pressure get those who need help and rehabilitation rehabilitated in jail those who require education given and done safely. That will benifit society more because we will release prisioners who will have the skills and qualifications necessary to go straight into employer we cant do that at 99 oercent capacity

    7. The labour party is a threat to your children fight the woke evil sick terrorism rape and murder now we are at war save the children save yourself

    8. 😅They have no money for the Prisons Dept, but can spare billions of £ for Ukraine and the corrupt Zelenski to fight a needless war 😅.

    9. Problem with Keir Stammer is he once advocated for a foreign criminal to stay in Uk and he wasn't deported however he continue to commit further Crime my belief is Stammer will refused to deport these criminal and illegal

    10. I really dont think this will work 😕 I can't remember who. But someone on the news gave the statistics of who will re-offend when they are released regardless of how long they spend inside. And i believe the staying out of trouble statistic was way smaller than those who will re-offend being higher. I think there needs to be another plan maybe? Im not sure how it works fully in prision. But i have heard that they are allowed to sometimes wear there own clothes from home. Have TV's, Playstaitions, Pool tables. And a good range of food. I think maybe if we strip that all back inside and make it a very unjoyable place, then people wouldnt be "fazed" to come back. Or we build more prisons.

    11. Release them is good well done. Cos your sending them out to fail anyway ..putting them in shared houseing and making them a risk of mixing with other criminals…part of your licence…then your released an have probation theteaning to send you back.. some sent back by hatefull probation

    12. 708 places left? I find it bizarre the Government didnt fill the prison estate to capacity… They should fill the places…

      …then enter into a trade deal with AirBNB, maybe some travel lodges…or even some landlords with dwellings at the bottom of the housing market (ive rented places that sound worse than what they describe the prison estate) and then they can create more employment because the government would need "Criminal-care workers" (as opposed to health-care workers) to support them in these new dwellings…

    13. Fix your government, start at the top. Work your way down. Have understanding and equality. Education rehabilitation. Make life fair for everyone and watch crime disappear

    14. People in these comments complaining about Labour doing this, but completely ignoring the fact it was originally a Tory idea.

      And also forgetting the fact that the Tories released a lot of people from prison on early release during covid.

    15. People with issues should not be released . They can’t be held for ever😢.problem will still be there.All this talk is not solving anything.Action and money spent on health issues which lead to crime

    16. Insane there's already crime waves and murders happening and Labour are planning to release potentially dangerous people into the public.

    17. My son has ASD and ADHD since childhood and was vulnerable to lead by other co-defendants who are out in 3 and 9 years but my son was vulnerable and verbally and physically abused by co-defendant to choose the Solicitors that they choose and speak their words.

    18. Look up Selena Perez in El Salvador lady prison ok then u got to look up Kerri Gislare Transcript print out from Paralegal in 2017 Sacramento California 95811 ok how she a pl
      Police officer in nude is it for a boyfriend or bait.

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