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    In this video I’m discussing the effects of steroids: good and bad.

    Check out my two BEST products (my beginner-intermediate training program and my nutrition app)

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    How Much Muscle Can Creatine Build

    How Much Muscle Can Steroids Build

    General Risks of Steroid Usage

    The Effect of Steroids on the Brain

    The Effect of Steroids on the Heart

    The Effect of Steroids on the Testes

    The Effect of Steroids on Life Expectancy

    Thanks to these folks for helping me with the video:

    Mike Israetel:
    Derek More Plates More Dates:
    Chase Irons:

    Also, shoutout to Kurzgesagt for the video concept idea:


    Written by Jeff Nippard
    Filmed by Jeff Nippard & Meraki Films (
    Edited by Rickie Ho & Jeff Nippard (
    Music Arranged by Editor Musket (
    Music sourced from Epidemic Sound


    About me: I’m a Canadian natural pro bodybuilder and internationally-qualified powerlifter with a BSc in biochemistry/chemistry and a passion for science. I’ve been training for 15 years drug-free. I’m 5’5 and fluctuate between 160 lbs (lean) and 180 lbs (bulked).


    Disclaimers: Jeff Nippard is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before starting any exercise program. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Jeff Nippard will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness or death.


    1. Exciting news! We JUST hit 150,000 users on my nutrition app MacroFactor! As you can probably tell from my videos, I really value data. That's why my app has the best analytics and science-based coaching algorithms out of any app on the market. You can try it for 2 weeks for free here if you use code JEFF:

    2. I don’t think people are taking steroids “more than ever before” solely because people are talking about it more. Social media sensationalizing, glamorizing, and normalizing insane physiques is what did it. Openly discussing it was a byproduct of informing the public that those physiques are not naturally attainable so that the destruction of people’s minds (i.e. mental health crises) weren’t as widespread as they otherwise would’ve been. Talking about steroids normalizes it so that it’s not as taboo as it otherwise would be, but that doesn’t mean it’s the main contributor to its usage. It actually prevents a lot of it. Furthermore, the fitness industry has simply grown to be much larger than ever before; this is a confounding variable. Linked to that is the fact that more people than ever before are working out and going to a gym, too—another confounding variable. These should be taken into consideration.

    3. 💪 Great video and insights; thank you for taking the time to produce and share this info. I really like that you call out the real natural-limit may just take more personal discipline. Keep making this great health content! 🙌

    4. Yea ok no steroids for me. I was thinking about it for a while as I've been working out for some years and my progress begun to slow down with time but I still want to get big. And was really thinking about it for some months but after seeing this, fuck no i'm not trading all those health aspects to not even keep the gains when I get off the gear. Thanks for the video, was really helpful informing ! <3

    5. Wow… Dr. Mike's anxiety was clearly kicking his ass that day. I have a similar problem as him; I don't know why he'd accept it's worsening as a side effect. It's pure hell.

    6. Couldn't help notice alot of the fitness influencers lately taking direct aim at steroid use…. they all hate Sam S and this is their indirect way of showing it. Sam is the type of person that realizes even indirect cheap shots still only increases his popularity and viewership.

    7. So bad! Kinda feel bad for the teen athletes at the gym that are obviously taking something to get to their abnormal size and muscle gain. These kids are able to bench high weight, but when they barely can handle carrying the really heavy dumbbells away from and back to the rack without doing one at a time, 2 hands…helps put it into perspective.
      11:00 – this is what Arnold did, and it's why he's still around.

    8. Can you convert your testosterone test to nmol? I tried to but can't work it out. Want to see how I compare to you given I've never done steroids and barely worked out

    9. 33 year old natural lifter here. I've been lifting ever since I was 11 years old. Competed in some natural bodybuilding competitions in my 20s. Solid overall physique. Thinking about going on TRT in the future when I turn 45 years old or so, when the natural testosterone is on a decrease. I would love to see a video specifically on starting steroids in your mid 40s or early 50s, under the guidance of a doctor or nurse (looking specifically at healthy individuals who have never touched steroids prior to this, who have been training for 10+ years, and have built a solid foundation + stick to other overall good health options). I would love to see a video detailing the results of these findings, and the benefits vs. drawbacks.

      Great video. Thanks Jeff.

    10. I'm personal not ever planning on taking gear, and I would never advocate for taking steroids, but I accept the reality that many people will and do take them. I also think it's a mistake of doctors in the US (I think that means the AMA) to not embrace the reality of steroid use and offer safe options including pharmaceutical grade substances and regular monitoring of blood tests and cardiac function. Also, as I understand it, TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) as a medical term refers to a process which restores you to normal testosterone levels (for example if you suffer from hypogonadism). If TRT is putting you into hyper-metabolic levels of testosterone, then it is no longer TRT – it's something else.

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