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    have a group of Ukrainian nerds figured out how to make the Russian military fund Ukraine’s Army I’m Paul US Army Combat veteran let’s talk about what I think is a pretty brilliant scam let’s get into it okay so this is actually from the telegraph uh reposted from Ukraine today uh but this is sometimes there’s just a story that’s too good to turn down right and this is one of them a group of Ukrainian scammers right calling themselves the monetary Army are running romance scams on Russian service members to the tune sometimes of thousands of dollars right and funneling at least some of the profits into the war effort for Kiev right the scammers uh it’s actually a comically unsophisticated scam um the operation is pretty simple they find illegitimate websites dating websites and then cryptocurrency transactions uh in order for them to bu uh lstu uh Russian service members for serious cash right now this was originally born in 2020 when Ukrainian Tech workers took advantage of a huge surge in online dating app use in Russia to Target Russian men looking for love and of course it started as a small team but now employees get this 100 people people they pointed out one profile Arthur a 24-year- old man from harke who was an early member which bear in mind he was started then at when he was probably 19 or 20 um and he showed off fake dating profiles on telegram now seems like some almost again they’re targeting Russians apparently with very little common sense um Arthur of course makes a bunch of fake profiles under names like Natasha and Asia or oena they all have uh you know they’re all pulled looks like from like insta models uh just kind of standard Instagram type stuff uh and a fake name and then gets on uh a the Russian version of Tinder div divin Chi and score some matches and who wouldn’t trust this grainy photograph of someone who’s obviously a a model probably not even in Russia at all right if there’s one thing you can trust it’s uh a beautiful woman in your area on the internet but again you don’t have to be a you know there’s probably not an IQ test to get into uh the Russian military especially not now um so this uh Arthur posing as Natasha or Elena or Anastasia says during the talk with them uh he will when he says when the men say well let’s meet up he’ll say oh we come to an event that’s going on near my home and they’ll send them to a site that says a theater show a standup comedy show a ballet or a movie right then but here’s the thing they send them not to a legit site but to the site of the uh ballet or whatever and the ballet website uh has tickets for sale but you can buy them only with uh cryptocurrency and as the telegraph points out they went to the site it appears legitimate has pictures and videos of events travel guides and an about page that claims millions of people use it monthly that should be suspicious nobody I’m sorry there are not a million people in the entire United States that go to the ballet every single month all right I would say at most in a given City like maybe a few hundred real talk okay so right there should be should have been the Russian’s first red flag okay no one is that cultured all right and then of course it sells the tickets cost an average of 35 which is 35 bucks right and the men are instructed to pay the website through a cryptocurrency and the appeal is that this is not such a such a huge amount that it’s suspicious but it’s still a lot by most people’s standards again given that the uh average salary of a Russian uh 2024 in USD let’s see oh don’t worry Google’s AI is on the case the average yearly salary for a Russia 2024 about $14,000 right which works out uh I can do math right so 14,000 a year divided by 12 month I could have done that I totally didn’t need a calculator is about $1,000 a week uh divided by about four weeks a month so you’re looking at about 300$ 250 will say dollars a week so again that’s about 10% of your weekly take-home pay a little more like 15% of your weekly take home pay so that’s a fair amount right um you know again by contrast that’s about a 100 bucks right maybe 150 uh in by us standards so not enough that you might really dig deep and especially if you’re thinking with the little brain which is how kind of romance scams work right they shut off the thinky part of the brain and they make you do the part that uh I’m going to be nice and say that you reproduce with so they pay the tickets right and then after completing the transaction Arthur Tesla Russian men oh I got to ghost you maybe you should ask for a refund then he says uh you can just contact customer support well customer support is Arthur who runs even more of a scam and then Arthur says uh the system says tells the men uh you should buy two more tickets as a deposit to get the refund for the initial tickets which doesn’t make any sense but again you don’t need an IQ test and I’m going to be honest us we’re going to talk a little bit about other folks that have been caught in these kind of scams cuz it’s not just ukrainians targeting Russians I’ll hear I’ll tell you that but if you’ve ever interacted with young privates in the US military you know that they are victims of scams constantly and that’s because they’re 19-year-old men right they often times that like they don’t have any real world experience and that’s part of why they join the military to get out of their Hometown and see and interact with the larger world and I I’ll tell you I was 22 I had only ever been in high school and college right and so there was a ton of things about just the ins and outs of the world that I learned in the military uh how to buy a car right I never bought a car before at a dealership um I had to learn about utilities about even just stuff like how do you keep your car registered and keep insurance on it and uh all sorts of aspects of living alone right um keeping a schedule all that sort of stuff some of it you kind of get in college but college is like the training wheels version right so you know and certainly being in a professional environment interacting with colleagues uh how to manage a boss that maybe you don’t like those are all basic life skills that you can learn in the military the problem is that you haven’t learned them yet when you’re in the military right and so that’s why a lot of times 19-year-old privates have even more lessons to learn about the way the real world works and they’re so often the victims of either scams or romantic relationships that are not quite scams but are clearly exploitive if that makes sense um so this is like shooting fish in a barrel because again Common Sense would tell you why would you need to deposit money to get a refund and it’s possible that Arthur loses a lot of people a lot of people say that’s dumb this is a scam keep the money don’t worry about it but they’ve already made 35 bucks why not try to make a little more then they put in more money uh and then he says literally I can sometimes get them to put in an unlimited amount if they’re dumb enough they say oh put in more for the deposit more for the deposit more for the deposit men can be trapped in a never ending cycle of putting additional money into the system then they start telling the victim that he made some mistakes filling out the return form now you you already put in two payments now you need to put in four which is crazy because again usually it relies on the attractive woman to get your brain to shut off but the attractive woman left the interaction it’s now it’s now Arthur and customer service Mont Army makes an up as little as 78 bucks from each scam successfully completed an average of 100 PB that’s a lot guys that’s that’s what 50% of a week’s pay it’s a lot of money the maximum that’s ever been stolen for one guy 19,000 pounds they say part of the money this is classic scammer move part of the money goes to helping Ukraine’s military but mostly it just goes to pay the staff Arthur pulls in ,500 a month from the job that’s a lot of money by Ukrainian standards right others work for the monetary Army part-time whenever they need extra cash like a 29-year-old woman named Jana who literally looks for works for the scam in winter when work is harder to come by she said she looks for quote idiots to match with for the scam often the men are laborers police officers Russian soldiers or students in a military academy they L her tell Jana they are going to war and ask questions like will you wait for me of course she will they are saying yes we’re heroes but I really didn’t take the conversation in the direction of politics I was here to get them to open their wall shout out to Jana for eyes on the prize right sometimes they want to call their date or ask for explicit images While others send their own graphic pictures they’re idiots everywhere you block them right away what good are they FYI guys there’s a whole other tree of scams in which a romantic partner who’s overseas will often times encourage the the male we had a private get caught in this uh when I was in the military um where the the attractive woman I we’ll say from the Philippines uh will say wow you’re so hot why don’t you get a little naked on cam we can have a little fun together so guy gets naked on cam he has a little fun with himself uh and then the woman from the Philippines says wow I now have HD video of you having fun with yourself if you don’t want me to leak this you going to wire me a34 $5,000 and a lot of those individuals especially because they believed they were in a relationship with this person and so they may have given them their social media they may have given them their Facebook they may have their LinkedIn they may have their real name so it’s a credible threat when they say I’m going to send your mom or your aunt or your grandma video of you having fun and so that’s those scams can be really devastating right not just because they are financially devastating but because if you don’t comply right like if you don’t you’re out you know you’re only out the money that you gave the the ballet in this scam but in that scam you actually will get that footage that video sent out potentially to co-workers or friends and family so it’s a really exceptionally devastating uh scam and I’m surprised they don’t run it they may they may Pawn those people off to run a different scam I would but maybe this is a little too that would be a little too um what’s the word I want it might be illegal and it might be like run a foul of Ukrainian law right this is like almost good-natured fun right scamming people for ballet tickets uh scamming them at that level might be a little too much right of course Jana started working with them summer 2022 shortly after ukrainians military mention push Russian troops out of harke before then Jana never considered being brought of a scheme to Rob Russian men but she’s been in har for the entirety of the war she says considering they bombed a lot doesn’t hurt my conscience so now let’s I wanted to talk more about the fact that this is this is fun this is a fun story but it’s much more serious because this is way more widespread we’re going to look at how this is going on across the globe uh but first if you’re looking to enhance your cognitive Focus don’t know if it’ll help you avoid scams but it’ll help you stay focused which you know itself has value you want to check out strike gum strike gum has 90 milligrams of caffeine in every piece and 100 milligrams of alpha GPC for further cognitive Clarity zero sugar though so there’s no big sugar crash and best of all right this is made in the USA right over in Denver by the guys at liquid core it uses high quality allnatural ingred like natural caffeine that’s pulled out of green coffee beans none of the weird labade encapsulated stuff and it’s veteran owned obviously so if you want it check out strike gum.com that’s where you can get your new user discounts and your uh your your uh first responder military veteran discounts but you can also get on Amazon if you’re an Amazon person right go in just search strike gum and pick some up thanks to everybody that’s left us those five star reviews on Amazon makes a massive difference to us uh helps communicate the qu the fact that we are the real deal highquality us-made veteran owned and that we are A Cut Above the the the other caffinated gums on there anyway let’s talk about romance cams the Russians are running their own romance scams believe it or not in fact just a couple of months ago this is from March a US Army a former Colonel a full bird colonel was a arrested for sending classified information to a person through a foreign dating website this guy David Franklin Slater 63 was a contractor with stratcom which for the record guys oversees the US missile Arsenal okay so this is he had access to just a little bit of important information and he transmitted documents it could be of injury to the United States he passed along information he learned from classified stra briefings relating to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to a person he believed to be a woman in Ukraine but here’s the thing that makes it insane is that people’s brains just shut down when they think they’re going to score with a younger woman here’s some of the subtle messages this we now know there are they it’s it’s now been exposed that the other person on the other side of this interaction was actually a Russian here’s some of the subtle the subtlety they Ed to get Dave to uh to send messages dear one message R what is shown on the screens in the special room it is very interesting man you would you wouldn’t even know she was asking if you weren’t already aware if you didn’t have the keenest most Discerning mind she sent him in one message quote you are my secret agent with love again just hold the wool right right over his eyes another time he sent information she said quote my sweet Dave thanks for the valuable information you are my secret informant love Yeah and again he never met this woman this woman the documents do not specify who he was contacting or the name of the foreign dating website but it was a website dedicated to foreign dating this is absolutely comical a comical level of leaking right but it just goes to show that again one Boomers and Zoomers are two of the biggest victims of online scams like this truly and Boomers have an excuse because they aren’t digital natives so they may not understand that that every every connection type site has a possibility of being scam not all websites are equally legitimate and even the legitimate sites have scammers inside them Zoomers had the opposite problem they’ve been they’re so digitally native that they’ve never had to discern utter nonsense from cold hard reality they have never been existed in a world where Patriot news.net is is way shadier and sh shittier than like apnews.com right like they just they’re so a wash in it they cannot see scams they have no idea that the the the woman on Tik Tok being like you can get you Financial Freedom and passive income with just three easy steps with my cryptocurrency scheme and it’s kind of tough because it’s like if you’re a Zoomer you’re like okay I know people that actually made a bunch of money in cryptocurrency schemes um so therefore this person must be legit again it’s Boomers and Zoomers Millennials digital natives we understand the internet is full of a complete scammers and degenerates and in fact the Australian intelligence community in fact Australian security and intelligence organization it sounds like the Australian CIA has said that in the past two years this is as of 2022 thousands of Australians with access to sensitive information have been targeted by Foreign spies using social media profiles two years ago mostly observed on professional networking programs that’s code for mostly was on LinkedIn but now they see them in dating apps like Tinder Bumble and hinge foreign spies are starting to use them they also are targeted on WhatsApp if you have a whatsap account you know you’re constantly getting inundated I get crypto scams all the time and I’m like I keep reporting them but they keep adding me to these crypto scam groups it’s unbelievably irritating but he for example the foreign intelligence right often involves The Hidden Hand of a foreign state but he said sometimes it filters through a number of other sources he outlined one campaign that involved quote a wealthy individual who made direct and deep connections with a foreign government and its intelligence agencies who did the bidding of offshore Masters knowingly and covertly seeking to advance the interest of a foreign power right Burg just called this person the Puppeteer and said he headed a foreign intelligence startup that has been that had a key performance indicator of secretly shaping the jurisdiction’s political scene to the benefit of foreign power right and this kind of operation right you see you understand the scales and layers to this sort of behavior and why that this is funny when it happens to Russians but really understand it can happen to you and the only way you can do it is to set your brain to Armed even if she’s attractive especially if it’s someone who’s attractive I don’t know what else to tell you anyway guys that is all I had huge thank you to all the members of combat vent news.com if you want access to uncensored combat footage analysis today we actually just dropped a video with uh the AO Brigade doing some real close quarters trench clearing and a Bradley AB absolutely pounding Russian positions uh you want to become a member at combat vet news.com right any one of these tiers gets you access to the twice a week uncensored combat videos but if you want to really support the channel keep me independent you can get the lieutenant tier or the colonel tier you get a bunch of extra benefits like a weekly Q&A um shout outs at the end of video and even the by name shout outs for the colonel tier for example today huge thank you to Bill cier Robin curn GES Maring Eugene qua Frank Gorsuch and France zakar thanks to the lieutenant tier folks we could not do this without you guys you really do make this channel possible and I’ll see you guys in the next one be sure to subscribe and like the video cheers


    1. It's not boomers or zoomers or wtv, it's AMERICANS, you guys are he most gullible ppl ever, you are on the verge of electing a con man to the presidency, for the second time! wtf? lol

    2. I'm old ( 2/9 1968 USMC RVN), but I guess you are right. Kids are still young & dumb enough to fall for this crap and your are helping them out.

    3. Good thing to remember, is that it's not just 10% of weekly income, but things like food also cost there relatively more than in usa (on average)
      For an UA aupporter this aounds good and funny, but when we thing that nearly same thing is done from china and india, scamming people in same ways, especially vilnerable demographics, that becomes little less funny

    4. I have a great story about scams but I'll try to keep it short. So these two guys go to Japan for a holdiday and the first night go to the red-light district. A Nigerian man approaches and ushers them into an underground bar – the drinks are free! After quite a few bottles of vodka they want to leave but are then told they can't until they pay the $1000 bill for the drinks. They hand over 20% of their travel funds in that first club and the Nigerian follows them as "one of their new friends" and walks them into ANOTHER bar – They FKN follow him!! morons!!. Anyway, same deal – free drinks. After a few more the Nigerian man takes them to another room where they do white powder and his nose bleeds "that's how you know it's good", he says. They want to hit the next club except this time it's $5000 – they cough up their remaining $4k but also submit their passport until they can get the rest the next day. He asks' his mother to spot him and I bet he got scolded lol. It was later found the substance was laced with glass powder to cut it. Be safe out there kids!

    5. You would be surprised how popular dance and ballet is in Ukraine and Russia, they still enjoy huge show programs with has been singers etc. Something we grew out of 20 years ago in the west and we used to call it variety shows.

    6. Its not really brilliant its illegal and Ukrainians do this to everyone on the planet not just the Russians. They have been very active in cybercrimes/scams for at least a decade. Criminal call centers were everywhere in Ukraine before the war. I know because they tried to recruit me to help them scam people because they couldn't speak English well enough to talk on the phones to scam foreigners. I decided not to go to Ukraine after that experience back in 2016.

    7. Hello From Finland 🇫🇮,I know lot about this `operation`Ukrainians are very good,and there's so many different types of scams, These mayors in somewhere Russia had been given TV warnings various scams , somewhere siberia, it seems that this works,they they're paying good amount ,more weapons to Ukraine

    8. They dont get 1000$ per month. Its including oligarhs. Real income for average rus is about 300-500$ per month. Depends on location

    9. sorry I didn't know the video was going to go in this direction but I feel that it is an imperative to explain Australias intelligence system. We have ASIO which is a domestic intelligence agency, it has no ability to spy on foreign soil and has no ability to bring charges against an individual within the borders of Australia, it is a purely investigateive, observational and influence agency, any charges against an individual or entity are made by the AFP, the Australian federal Police which. is an organization that coperates with national law enforcement agencies and brings charges against individuals who have been deemed to have broken Australian laws aand or those of other jurisdictions.
      We also have ASIS the Australian secret intelligence agency which abides by it's monoculture and is our foreign intelligence agency. And then we have the Defence Signals Directorate which….who knows?
      I'm not sure wether your American viewers are aware of the arrest of two"alleged" Russian spies within our department of Defence. The malignant nature of Russian spy services is everywhere. I'm unsure of how American politics will turn but I am sure that Australia is an American ally. I'm Also sure that Australia is reasoning a Trump presidency and that is pretty much working without notice or fanfare with our friends in the Indo-Pacific; Japan, South Korea, Thaiwan, Philippines, India, Indonesia as well as our more cultural alliances with Europe to try to ensure a More peaceful world

    10. It made me laugh that the main red flag for an American is the very concept of Ballet. It's more of a thing in Russia, tbh Russia is the first thing I think of in relation to Ballet.

    11. The scams are specifically designed to target lower-intelligence individuals who are not likely to question anything. The grammatical mistakes and whole mannerism just screams "fake" to anyone with a tiny bit of skepticism, and those people are being instantly filtered thanks to their methods.

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