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    hey everyone welcome to the Iron Man 70.3 monom blah highlights the ninth race of the Iron Man Pro Series which had stacked fields on both the men’s and the women’s side it was terrible conditions pouring rain and wind Paula Finley said she was sure it was going to be canceled and was surprised when they were able to still compete they shortened the swim to 1170 M so didn’t favor those faster swimmers who are looking to get more of a gap out of the swim but favored the likes of Lionel Sanders who was part of this men’s group which we will go over first so starting off in the swim it was unsurprisingly Ben Cano who went to the front straight away he was joined by Justin R he’s been having a breakout season he’s always at the front of these races also Jal Pereira a Portuguese athlete Olympian who’s a real dark horse for this race he was up there at the front of the swim as well it wasn’t that spread out as much as in a regular race everybody knew it was a shorten swim so they were going to go all out was also a wet suit swim which tends to favor those weaker swimmers as well so it didn’t get as spread out as normal so Ben Cano Xiao pra Justin RI and those other top swimmers tried to do as much as they could but weren’t able to get as much of a gap now Ben Cano you can see him here doing a bit of backstroke seeing where everybody else is at before they got out of the water and it was Xiao Pera who got out first leading the way and hoping to get a bit of a gap jumping onto the bike knowing that that would be his weakest leg but now it’s where it gets really interesting because some of the top favorites weren’t that far behind Jackson laundry 42 seconds back on the swim and then Li Sanders and Chris lierman they got out together just over a minute back a minute 10 seconds or so they were in a prime position to catch up to this front group on the bike in a short amount of time that front group contained some strong cyclists with Ben Cano Justin R and Matthew marquart who we knew was going to have to to play his cards here on the bike as he had only got about 30 mil of running in the last 6 weeks due to a stress reaction injury since Texas so he went to the front and started pushing hard with that Infamous water bottle setup that he’s got going on and the front group Whitted down to just him Justin R and Ben canoe and they were working well enough together that they were holding off Jackson laundry and we know how strong he is on the bike so Jackson remained just over 40 seconds back and this group of three might have made it all the way to T2 together if it wasn’t for Lionel Sanders who was charging from the back in fact Chris lifman wasn’t able to keep up with him and we know how good a cyclist he is too so he bridged all the way up to Jackson laundry and then Jackson said he wasn’t able to go with Lionel up to the front he said he tried to and held 400 plus Watts for over two minutes and wasn’t able to stay with them so Lionel was clearly in some amazing bike shape for this race and he made it all all the way to that front Group by himself which ended up being the decisive move of the race and pretty decisive for Jackson to who wasn’t able to make it across so this front bike group just got a whole lot stronger and Matthew marquart said after the race that he was impressed by how well they worked together at taking turns which is not always what is the case eventually though it was just too much for Ben Cano who just lost touch with them but didn’t lose too much time coming into T2 only a minute and a half back which in these conditions and after a hard bike ride meant he was still in contention for the win whereas everyone else in the field Jackson laundry was closest after him coming off the bike but he was 4 and a half minutes down and everyone else was over 5 minutes back so it was going to be a winner from this front group and the favorite was definitely Lionel but he did share after the race that he was actually struggling a little bit after he got off the bike I think I overdid the nutrition a bit on the bike and my stomach started to shut down like it was either like I was going to have to stop use the bort body or puke so it really was anybody’s game still at this point Matthew marquart looked the least favorite with his lack of run volume recently Justin R’s only ever posted a 116 117 half marathon best before maybe this was Ben Cano’s one to win and maybe even on a stellar day Jackson could have found his way back into this race but as the run is kicked off Lionel was clearly in some good shape not showing any signs of those stomach issues I’m moving past Justin rally really quickly by a 5K okay it was Lionel and then Matthew marquart who had moved into second place showing no signs of that lack of run training and he looked like he was flying but Lionel was just putting too much time into everyone and it looked like that might be the podium because Ben Cano was suffering a little bit saying he had a tight back after the bike for the first 10k of the Run however things would change because Ben started to loosen up and Matthew marquart began to cramp right at the very end and started losing time just like he did in Texas and allowing Ben back into the race and in the last few kilometers he overtook Justin Raleigh who wasn’t able to go with him at all and then he got up to Matthew marquart who clearly thought he had enough left in the tank to take on Ben Ben tried to drop him going up the hill right into town but wasn’t able to and then finally broke him going into the finishing through shoot and barely managed to take that second place which clearly meant a lot to him he’s been struggling with his form a little bit but this one will have him right back on track it was Matthew who finished in third and Justin R in fourth as he almost took out a flower pot going into the Finish Line there ahead of Jackson laundry so what a result for R Jackson clearly wasn’t done any favors there being stranded out on the bike course and then Chris Lerman finished in sixth which is an important result for him still probably would have hoped for more but he did have the fastest runs but running a 11241 which is a minute faster than what Lionel ran but man Lionel’s bike split and performance there and just overall a brilliant day for him coming back from injury he said he didn’t feel his rib there at all out on course which is a good sign for him heading into Lake Placid he’s got 5,000 perfect Pro Series points from his two races now but he’s all in on Kona and you’d have to imagine if he gets another amazing result in Lake Placid and then a great result in he might be finishing in the top very top of the Pro Series so yeah what a race there on the men’s side and it was backed up by a brilliant women’s race as well so let’s dive into that so the women started 5 minutes behind the men which is great sometimes they start a little closer to the men but this men that they would most likely especially with a short and swim not run into any of the slower Pro men and that the women would have their own field of play which was excellent every body’s eyes we’re on the rematch from St George between Paul offley and Ellie salous here but there was also quite a few other names in this field a few chasing the pro series wholeheartedly like Alice Alberts but then also the likes of Tamar ruit who’s been racing the t00 series she as a Canadian athlete clearly wanted to do well here and right away in the swim it was Ellie stos who had a really quick start perhaps hoping to get away with the likes of jod Stimson two-time Commonwealth go old medalist who finished in fourth place behind Ellie at Iron Man 70.3 Boulder not that long ago however with a wet suit swim and the conditions and the fact that it was short it was going to be near impossible to get away from anybody here and that’s exactly what happened jod came out of the water first followed closely by Alie Paula Grace who had a great swim and Sarah true who was doing her second race of the pro series tamaru was in the perfect position after the swim just over 30 seconds back however her bike has been a little bit of a weakness recently so it was going to be all eyes on how much of a gap she was going to end up with after the bike to the likes of Paula and Ellie so after a long T1 run and a wet transition the women were underway on the bike and it was about a group of six of them that were away together at first and within the first 10 kilm they kind of stuck pretty close to each other but eventually Ellie and Paula broke away and left everybody behind they started gaining minutes pretty quickly and by 30ks into the bike they already had 3 and A2 minutes on Grace zck and four minutes plus to Sarah true Alice Alberts and tamaru and it would only continue to get worse throughout the bike ride and also jod Simson picked up a double puncture on the ride so that would end her day at about 66 km into the bike Paula had made her move on Ellie and had gained almost a minute but the two of them had almost seven minutes on everyone else including Tamara who was riding relatively well making her way up into fourth position just behind Grace Alexander who was riding well also but coming off the bike Paula had increased her lead to 2 and 1/2 minutes over Ellie and then 8 and 1/2 minutes to Tamara and 9 Minutes Plus to the rest of the field she wrode incredibly well but unsurprisingly considered she just won the Canadian national time trial championships on the Friday before the race so she was obviously in some remarkable bike form but for Ellie to stay that close that was pretty impressive Paula said she actually didn’t get any soreness after doing that time trial ride and thinks it might have actually helped her out for this bike ride but a lot of the women and the men reported how much the conditions affected that bike ride I think a lot of women were tentative like some of the men riding in those conditions hoping to keep the rubber side down as they say but definitely affected how this race played out but now we had to wait and see whether either of them had over biked and 2 and 1/2 minutes for Ellie wasn’t that big of a gap especially coming off of the form she was in from winning Iron Man 70.3 Boulder and Tamar JW at 8 and a half minutes back it seemed impossible for her to move up further in this race with how good Ellie and Paula are on the run as well but with Tamar is run speed I have to keep reminding myself nothing is impossible and we were in for one heck of a finish to this race now as the Run got underway Paula kept increasing her lead she clearly hadn’t over biked and had paced herself perfectly as she so often does Ellie didn’t look like she was struggling necessarily but just didn’t have that extra gear that she needed and now Tamara definitely had that extra gear and at 15 km into the race she had cut that Gap to just a minute and a half and then at the very end she caught up to Ellie and Ellie responded it she wasn’t going to let all the work that she’ done go to waste that quickly and she tried to hang on to Tamara but Tamara you can see by these images had a bit between her teeth and she was not going to let go of that second place that she had worked so hard to earn could you imagine the amount of mental strength it took to keep running that hard from so far back to get all the way to where she was and in the end her speed was just too much for Ellie who had to let her go and settle for thir place and you can see just how badly it hurt these women to have that kind of finish at the end of a 70.3 it was very similar to Ben canu and Matthew marire on the men’s side and we were just really treated to some intense racing this day in MBL but the Limelight should remain on Paula Finley who beat Tamara and Ellie by almost four minutes she had a perfect all round day she moves up into 11th Place in the Pro Series just with 3 70.3 races a third place at Oceanside first at St George and now first here in mon trom blah she might find herself finishing quite high in this Pro Series just by racing 70.3 is alone I can’t wait to see what these three women do next it is so exciting to follow them but next up in the Iron Man Pro Series is Iron Man 70.3 laaa Delon next weekend which has got another stack start lless and I will be trying to cover that race for you as well so make sure you subscribe to the channel become a channel member if you want to see these videos continue it really helps I couldn’t do it without your support so please consider that and thank you so much for watching we’ll catch you in the next one


    1. I attempted to watch part of the race but the number of commercial breaks (and length) during Ironman races is insane. It makes it unwatchable. T100 is doing so much better with coverage. I really enjoy being able to pause and rewind for those races.

    2. Thanks for posting this. I watched the race in part but switched off at times, and TBH I learned more from watching your vid.

    3. Mate, you're doing a better job at this than Ironman themselves. They are going to trash and you are literally saving their ass. Thank you for putting this video together. I really hope they are paying you well for that. And if they don't, you know what to ask them! Even went through the trouble of adding the faces of the athletes as you're mentioning them! It's a small thing but it showcases your attention to details! Kudos mate!

    4. Once again the winner L Sanders and 3rd place M Marquardt had excellent results coming off enforced layoffs, Lionel with the broken rib issues and Mathew said he was only able to run 50km in the previous 6 weeks! As per the previous IM PS race. Great races to watch, thank goodness we had vision on the race for second

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