Un jeune aristocrate américain impétueux qui fréquente l’Université d’Oxford a une chance de faire ses preuves et de gagner le cœur de la sœur de son antagoniste.

    the [Applause] WEA and every har on the of the together your together [Music] he [Music] in the bag Mr sh in the 440s Le best race you s sir my boy will win the quarter i’ bet my bank r on it if I had a bank R yeah we got to have that Banner line we’re holding up the paper we don’t go to press till we get the results from Top when Lee wins the 440 maybe those yal will know State College is on the map [Music] yeah he says we’ve got to wait until his boy wins that race hey what’s he think he’s running a racing form our conent readers aren’t going to be concerted much longer waiting until Monday for Saturday’s newspaper what’s got me worried is the advertisers they’ve threatened to cancel their Adge and the body the next time we miss Saturday’s train that means today our salary is a week behind now I’ll go in there again and see if you can’t make the old man listen to reason it ain’t the idea waiting for our money so much you know how he is stubborn as a three-legged mule but I’ll try that g we were delayed but we’re going to press any minute now no no no no you’re absolutely right but I guarantee it won’t happen again you’ll get your paper on time after this yeah goodbye Dan your adverti will leave you flat if this Edition don’t catch that 3:00 local I’ll let them leave now you can’t do that besides the boys are asking for last week’s wages now can’t fair to them I’ll tell the boys to go to no tell them I’ll get them their money on Monday and then and tell them I’m sorry they had to wait I know that’s better then now give me the headline we’ll go all right Lee Sheridan breaks reckon oh we’ve got that in stock all right all right use it then now we can cut the governor’s speech yeah know the farmers around here must know who your son is if they don’t know anything else Lee Sharon wins football game Lee Sharon wins crew race say I’ve always wondered what the other seven Fells were doing while Lee was rowing to Glory look here may be peeking now hello hello Lee yes Dad now we’re all ready to go we’re on the marks now waiting for me well the world’s record’s 464 I don’t like to say I’m going to break it but uh uh listen that Bill’s here now he’ll hold the phone up until I get back hey hold that for me will you I’ll be back in about uh 46 seconds hey Shan are you going to run this race or Not N keep your shirt on Coach why didn’t you start him off i’ have caught him anyway oh yeah how do you feel Lee think you’re going to win for us well I tell you my boy if there’s any competition in that crowd I’ll hang up a new record that’s the stuff let me have that stop Bo will you coach sharidan will you please hurry that’s just what I intend to do as soon as you fire that gun on your marks get set on second place Mr [Applause] [Music] sh come on get [Music] going y behind J well what’s the matter with Lee he must have broken his [Music] leg there goes Le now come on [Music] Le he got by fr too easy my friend too easy work hello Dad yeah sure I did uh 47 seconds flat 47 seconds why son what else you be oh you can’t break records with the competition you got from a bunch of mud turtles [Applause] [Music] what happened Mr Sheridan why didn’t he break the record oh you can’t break records with the competition you get from a bunch of mud [Applause] Turles all right Dean Williams Oh you sent for me yes sit down thanks sh I’m very likely the only man west of the Mississippi with the possible exception of your father who believes that Oxford University would tolerate you for more than a single term Oxford what’s that got to do with me I studied at Oxford spent three years there I loved it I love it still well that’s that’s fine that’s great but I’ve also allowed myself to acquire other affections and among them Sheridan is you oh thanks Dean Williams as far as I’m concerned there no flies on you either thank you Jan now to the point I’ve arranged for a scholarship for you at Cardinal College Cardinal College where’s that Cardinal is one of the many colleges that make up Oxford University you mean it you mean I’m going to Oxford yes well say that’s that’s great then you approve of the idea that’s how I do yeah that takes care of everything three more years of uh I no wait a minute they don’t play our kind of football over there do they I suppose it’s our fault that your idea of an educational institution is slightly distorted Sheran we’ve allowed the classroom to become a minor branch of the stadium all the same we put Lake Dale on the map haven’t we you won’t be faced with the same problem at Oxford I trust that in the interludes of your Devotion to these admirable Sports it will occur to you from time to time that Oxford is also a seat of learn now I’m not worrying about my studies remember I’m k l here well I’m in hopes that Oxford will let you stay long enough to acquaint itself with your Scholastic attains hey when they get a flash of me on the track or in a shell they’ll beg me to stay well if Oxford and you survived the first Collision it should be a very interesting experience for both of you I know your father will be pleased oh yeah I forgot all about that well it sounded great while it lasted but I’m afraid Cardinal College will have to struggle along without me oh why I got to help my father on the paper it’s been pretty tough on him putting me through college as it is I know your father too well he wouldn’t want you to miss an opportunity like this I’ll talk to him no oh no no I really you didn’t looks like my college days are over and it’ have been fun though to show those beef eaters watch what morning Dan morning well what’s on your mind oh nothing nothing much well then why’d you send for me I got a bank to run oh it’ll run itself you can wear the seat of your pants out just as well over here come on out with it now what’s worrying you well is matter matter of fact I’d like to get a little money yeah how little couple of thousand yeah 2,000 say Dan you haven’t been doing anything uh foolish have you at your age oh go on out B you got an evil mind you always did have no no I I want to get some money to send Lee over to Oxford what no sir re not one red scent for any such fool scheme you’re going to put that young pup to work that’s what right here so whose son is he he’s yours unfortunately for him so I’m going to R you have spoiled that brat to the brink of ruination you got him thinking he can run the college the whole town he’s got to have that conceit knocked out of him and if you any sort of a father you’re going to do it well you’re not going to tell me what to do well somebody’s got to tell you and if you’ve got a brain left in that iron skull of yours you’re going to make Lee earn his salt let him sell advertising for you on commission that’ll knock his ears back I don’t need to knock his ears back I know him and I know the blood he comes from uh what’s blood got to do with it what’s blood got to do with it just this the first Sheridan come over to this country in 1675 and he brought a printing press with him and since that time every consan sheridans worked at the press and died at it they die hard too round about 85 or better well Lees the Sheridan that gives him 62 more years to go that’s plenty of time to sit around and hand out Pap to you short Liv weakling things it can’t take anything stronger why that boy’s got blue blood in his veins you know what makes it blue prin his ink and it’ll come out in him when the time comes he’ll do his job just like all the other sheridans did oh he’ll do it even better cuz he’s going to get a real education and you want me to knock his ears back go on get out of here go on over to your bank and get behind those bars where you belong okay Dan I’m going you want that 2,000 in cash or a check [Music] hey fellas wait a minute wait a minute we’ve done a lot of cheering for good old Lee but this is the last year we’ll be able to give him so let’s give him one he’ll really remember us by l a k e b a l e l a k e d a l e l a e d a l e sh X f o r v o x f o r v i dear Colonials be no end Jolly visiting your odd Little Country studying your quaint Customs making friends with the natives and learning a rum language but now that I must pop all back to civilization hey wait a minute I forgot to say goodbye to dad let me do Dad I’m terribly sorry I didn’t notice elate I wanted to have a talk with you plenty of time for that when you get bad remember to ride off and I got a column put aside for you in the cff don’t you forget us Lee oh I couldn’t do that Mr dton After all you’ve done almost wish dad hadn’t Bor that money now don’t worry about that I’ll get it back from and poker goodbye Lee goodbye sir thanks for everything remember Ox has been there a long time don’t try to change it too much at first well that I guess is hold long son you’re going to miss uh don’t worry about me I’ll catch it go on we all be sure and get F this is one day you got your paper out on time [Music] I beg your pardon sir could you tell me how soon we get to Oxford just under the AR I believe pleas you say that’s not bad for these funny little English trains is it we find them quite satisfactory yeah yeah well I guess they got to be small at that it’s a small country we could darn here put the whole thing into the state of Nebraska doubtless but with what object oh no don’t don’t misunderstand me I’m not trying to pan your country I think it’s swell I’m over here to go to Oxford myself yes sir I’m Mighty glad to go to Oxford of course compared with where I come from it may seem kind of slow at first but I’ll soon get used to that b near gentleman this may be interesting you know it’s funny but the last thing that Dean of my old College said to me was don’t try to change Oxford too much at first so I’m not going to that’s very gratifying by the way how many colleges are there at Oxford I couldn’t say well do you know how many students there are there young man any information regarding the University of Oxford the ancient buildings of Oxford the climate in Topography of Oxford can be obtained from the official guide book of Oxford and I may add that I had the Good Fortune to be at Cambridge good day there you are it appears as if some college has drawn a perfectly beautiful prize better a cross your fingers it might be Cardinal oh perish the thought what about Cardinal this year Paul any good men coming up no we’ve got the poorest material of any college I wish we had somebody who could row or run or something oh I say must we embark on this exhausting subject about how many miles to the muscle of course you’re Superior to that sort of thing oh no I’m not at all as a matter of fact I’ve long been aware of the fact that one man can run faster than another it’s just the trouble our men can’t excuse me for horning in fellas but I’ve got some good news for you I beg your pardon oh that’s all right you see I happen to be somewhat of an athlete myself and I’m on my way out to Cardinal he’s going to Cardinal well well we might have guessed it is it lucky my running into you fellas like this positive F providential yeah certainly seems good to me to find somebody to talk with uh my name’s Sharon Lee Sharon of America heard you fellas worrying about this track business well you don’t need to because that’s where I can help out oh that’s marvelous what is it you do well just before I left around the 440 and 47 flat 47 I uh assume you mean seconds I certainly do mean seconds and I wasn’t being pressed either you don’t appear to need pressing that’s a pretty good one I don’t believe I got your name I’m so sorry that’s very remiss of me I’m Paul bman hi bman Mr Ramsey Mr wry hi Mr Lee Sheridan of America I’m sure you must thr other things besides run yeah yeah football tell me how you fix for football at Oxford now well we have two games rugger and soccer one of you happen to be an expert at either oh uh both no no you see I’ve only played American football but boy how I play that two touchdowns a game last season really you know you must be quite an athlete well I do fairly well a gift from the gods you could do with a man like you in the boat as well yes it’s too bad you don’t r i only stroke the lake Dale crew for 3 years that’s all we have made the Olympics too only I didn’t have much behind me one way another you must have moments of considerable fatigue you’ll be able to give some very useful tips to some of our rowing men from eaten no I don’t know how you can expect those eaten guys to row and plug hats and Buster Brown collars your college must have been very upset at losing you well no no they’re a great bunch of guys gave me a great send off too banned and everything everything B not Paul Whitman’s by any chance was it wait a minute what was the name again uh Sheridan Lee sherid Lee Sheridan what a fool I am you’re the Sheridan good Heavens one you say so he’s Sheridan you know the fellow Cardinal was getting up that reception for at the station Sheridan of course oh that Sheridan you mean they’re going to give me a reception yes you see the papers had all about your coming here well that must have been someone dad’s to all son of a gun yes mind you I only wish for your own sake you could avoid it avoid it why listen Shon I’ll tell you something whenever a big athlete gets a welcome like that it’s up to make him very unpopular you know with the other colleges looks as if we’re crowing over getting him doesn’t it well absolutely they resend like the very devil yes many a promising career has been completely blighted that way oh but if they’re waiting for me at the station I can’t duck it oh yes you can you take my advice get off at di di where is that it’s a station Justice side of ox the fellas at C will be sore my dear Sheridan have you ever heard of the multitude censoring a man for modesty no maybe you’re right all right you fell say so do very a the fairness of the bont hello hello Molly please to D I just came along oh Molly let me introduce Mr cheridan my sister well I’m certainly glad to meet you how do you do you’re an American aren’t you yeah how’d you guess I probably have Second Sight aren you thanks Mr San’s a famous athlete mly perhaps you’ve heard of him I’m sorry I don’t think I have she’s reading ancient history at Oxford she’s never heard of anybody who hasn’t been dead 300 years well things are looking up I didn’t know you had such good-looking co-eds thanks oh we can do much better than that rich or they’re just boys they don’t appreciate Wom well lady you found a guy who does tell me do you ever find time to fling woo fling woo yeah that’s short for date engagement you know strolling hand inand with a boyfriend I’m afraid up to date I haven’t plung a great deal of wo oh you ought to try a sample you might take a whole Carlo you’re in luck Molly you’ll find Mr Sheridan very entertaining yes indeed look out Sheran this is where you get off oh oh yes well I’m afraid I’ll have to leave you for a little while I thought you were going up to Oxford yeah I am through the back door I’m trying to conduct the demonstration demonstration yes Molly in his honor he’s avoiding it and quite right true you better hurry sh well I’m sorry I can’t go with you the rest of the way but I’ll be seeing you later if you want to be quite sure hadn’t you better come along with me now well well maybe I will at that you’re making mistakes sherid and I don’t say we didn’t warn you yes a moment of pleasure and a lifetime of regret you know yeah maybe you’re right see you all in the funny fa goodbye goodbye I’ll make it right with the cheerleaders well what’s this game you’re up to you young brutes never mind Molly you can always playing woo with me what’s the idea nothing wrong with him oh he’s just another loud mouth American that’s all someone strangers naturally tried to make an impression impression he made a dent be careful he doesn’t make one on you there’s something about that chin that tells me he could make a perfectly beautiful enemy there he is anybody how much walk is dark 10 miles in a bit 10 miles how far is a [Music] bed herey are L get you down y’s the Cardinal call ah so that’s Cardinal h i in a bunny place did too I hope you’re happy there and enjoy your new friend well I don’t understand the word of your lingo buddy but thanks for the left uhoh the reception committee here L that’s the Salvation [Music] Army hey uh I’m Lee Sheran I’d like to s to my room before anybody knows I’m here the archway on the left sir across the quad you’ll find the name on the door just leave your bag here sir okay [Music] thanks excuse me are you Sheridan Sheridan of America yeah that’s right ah my name is masteron I’m chairman of the reception committee oh the well looks like I’m caught after all doesn’t it you certainly are come along PE Mr Shan on behalf of cardinal College welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome [Applause] hi fell sorry Sher and I couldn’t hold them back we couldn’t disappoint them hey I’m tickle to death if the other colleges don’t mind oh you made that all right by trying to avoid it well okay Carry On then [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] see waiting for I guess Dad really wants to spread it on they certainly know who I am huh why of course didn’t I tell you don’t be modest gentlemen gentlemen order please the dean it’s waver tree he and bont met him on the train hey is he in on this too you bet and listen when you met him you have to say a few words you don’t mind oh no no I don’t mind boy this is something huh uh Dean Summers let me present Mr Lee Sheridan of America you are most welcome Mr Sheridan thank you sir kindly escort Mr Sheridan to the seat of Honor sadness H this way please amicorum an conf nost anos Mr Sheridan to you I resign the chair and [Applause] platform gentlemen for the first time I realize what is meant by Good Old English Hospitality you know I came over here expecting to be met with real English friendship and fair play I met Mr Paul Bowman his friend Mr wry now Gentlemen We Americans have a great tradition too forthrightness and I’m going to try to square a c with this forthright toe of mine a toe gentleman which can kick a phony Dean further than any toe in the world you mind coming up here to me oh no no no wait a minute sharid no then I’ll come down to you oh no no wait a minut [Music] [Applause] okay pal no hard feelings I hope where where are my glasses off catch that man oh who was guilty of that atrocity I didn’t see his face sir well he should be sent down if it’s the last thing I do the very house will you be good enough to give me your name sir no no no Mr werry may I know your reason for making this atavistic and unprovoked assault I I don’t know what came over me sir it was a sudden Rebellion against Authority I suppose I I saw your back yes proceed Mr wry proceed well sir it was an Impulse a a brutal primitive impulse brutal well I was told to see you sir about uh kicking you in the pants kicking me in the now what is this rivalry for the honor of attacking my person I I think there must be some mistake sir there’s a very great mistake very G inde indeed I assure you and who are you may I ask I’m Lee Sheran of America and you ready to confess that you and not Mr werry perpetrated this this outrage yes sir I am you are are you Mr wry I do not pretend to understand what induces you a timid and somewhat inoffensive individual to assume responsibility for Every Act of overt Defiance in this college well you see sir no I do not see and when I receive your letter of apology I will then decide whether your mental condition should be investigated by a medical Authority we go thank you sir come in come in come in now sir what have you to say for yourself well you see all rear ends look alike in those gowns you wear over here and I thought yours belong to someone else someone may I ask Mr Sheridan who is the gentleman who is to have been honored whose posterior bear such a striking resemblance to my own I’d rather not mention any names but he better keep out of my way from now any further outbreak Mr sh and you’ll be sent down that means kicked out doesn’t it yes tossed out with the scuff of the neck you may retire to your room sir and compose a letter of apology in English if possible all right get you I’m sorry Mr Sher I begin to sense that you are what is called in theology the occasion of evil a provocative person who might easily lead others into temptation in summing up and in the most kindly spirit I must say I don’t like you good day sir good day hello Sheran what are you doing in there trying to square Yourself by taking the r for me I don’t know I’m afraid my Motes were purely selfish you see I have a wealthy Uncle who was sent down from here in ’98 what’s that got to do with it well I’m the old Sinner’s only surviving relative and he’s desperate for me to follow in his footsteps a matter of family Pride HH yes if I end my days here disgracefully he’ll die a happy man and you collect and I collect yeah why don’t you try socking the dean in the jaw that ought to get you kicked out all right don’t think that’s a little too direct besides you see I don’t think to have the initiative myself to get into scrapes I use the backwash of more spirited character well you tag along with me for a while and you’ll get plenty of back voice that is if I decide to stay in this dump hello is this Mr Sheridan of America and uh didk listen if you asked me I’d say that didk gag was a pretty feeble joke oh Jo I thought it was delightful it amused us all the way to Oxford what did the dean do to you well you know he wasn’t in the mood for jokes either I know he’s notoriously lacking in humor one kicks him in the pants with the best of intentions and he resents it’s a wonder he didn’t send you down well would made me mad if he had then isn’t too bad he didn’t just think what an international alltime record that could have been AR docks for 3:00 p.m. amused the college till 3:30 boot of the dean 3:35 sent down 3:40 and off to America all inside of an hour you’ve given me an idea why don’t you try you might just make it if you hurry listen what are you trying to do get rid of me on the contrary it would have been fun to have you around flinging wol you know I tried to explain that term to my tutor but she locked herself in a room with a Chinese dictionary and won’t answer the door no when I first met you on a train I thought you were swell it was a moment where I was going to hold you by the coattail so you couldn’t get off of did well why didn’t you well poor would have been Furious oh yeah that have been too bad about Paul wouldn’t it yes I think so yeah well I’m keeping you if you want to break that record you better run listen my sweet little flutter but you don’t need to waste any more of that excruciating britty humor on me I’m running you’re running away with your tail between your legs no I’m walking and in case I never see you again which I hope here’s something to remember me by oh miss bman this is hardly the place for such a demonstration you shall be gated for a week if you happen to be watching this pcent you must have noticed I was more kissed against than kissing come in good afternoon sir yeah I’m scar to go your scout sir what is this another gag I big a pardon sir what are you scouting for Indians no sir there are no gentlemen from India at Cardinal not at the moment sir all right ski it what can I do for you oh no sir it’s my job to do for you yeah well I’ve been done for thank you Mr scatter good just call me scatter sir if you’re please it’s customary how much will you be wanting to take with you sir everything oh very good sir oh I’m afraid there’s all in one of your sus I’ll have that Meed for you as good as new by the time you get back you needn’t bother oh no bother at all sir I don’t suppose you’ve seen much of Oxford as yet sir I’ve seen everything I want to see thank you oh no sir that’s not possible not in a day it takes years really and each time you see it there’s always something new something you hadn’t noticed before it sort of grows on you yeah well it’ll have to grow Mighty fast as far as I’m concerned I’m afraid things don’t happen that way sir Oxford’s too old to do anything fast take the cathedral for example parts of that have been standing there for a thousand years that’s a long time sir and it over there no sir no that’s mlin Tower sir and rare beautiful it is too isn’t it sir not bad no sir do you know I think that’s my favorite spot of the allall there’s hardly a night that I don’t pass there and stop for a moment it’s like visiting an old friend and you be finding friends like that too sir before long I can sure do with a few of them right now H you hear those BS centuries old most of them and still as clear as the day they was cast do you know sir sometimes I like to think I can see s water Raleigh and many of them other great gentlemen what was here standing in this FY room looking out of this same window and hearing them Bells just like we’re hearing them now I suppose it does kind of get you after a while some of my gentlemen will come back say that they can hear them all to their Liv sir and I venture to say that you doo sir will carry the sound of them Bells with you whever you go that makes you think that I’ve served a great number of gentlemen in my day sir and I can generally tell which ones we take to Oxford and when that happens Oxford takes to them too sir I’m sorry sir you’re my chatting away and forgetting all about your pcking just a minute SC yes don’t P anymore I mean uh I quite understand sir I quite understand I man I believe you’re to be my tutor sir one moment mustn’t lose my place never find it again now sir I they told me to report to you for my study assignments oh yes yes sit down Mr um Mr Jenkins uh no sir Sheridan’s name Lee Sheridan good can’t be my memorandum distinctly say Jenkins well I’m sorry to insist but I’m still Sheran oh very well very well we won’t press the point no Mr Jenkins what are you reading reading yeah well I’m still reading Gone With the Wind but I’m only halfway through no no no no no I mean studying what you hope to make your major interest here way things have been going I think I’ll have to specialize in ing good that’s very good I should go out for the boat club too I’m an old blue myself I remember when I rode against Cambridge oh yes Mr Jenkins about your studies where will you begin well I’d like to take up journalism you see my dad owns a newspaper my dear sir Oxford does not recognize journalism as a subject for serious study oh well of course I’ll take a major in American history good Heavens there seems scarcely enough of that to keep you occupied for 3 years suppose we say American and English History all right I think that’s a very good suggestion an unfortunate choice to my mind nothing of significance has happened in the world since the fall of the Roman Empire I think you’re right tell me what’s your candid opinion of Cleopatra Cleopatra now there was a woman my boy not so sound politically perhaps but she had her points and we’ll discuss that another time you you come and see me again in a day or two and I’ll give you a list for your reading Goodbye Mr Jenkins uh Sheridan sir oh yes yes of course I I I I’ll make a note of it let me see um oh yes Mr Jenkins I say sure just a minute well if it isn’t the r boys the man remembers us positive elephant unlike most elephants however he’s not afraid of mice sh and I seem to recall vaguely that you run a bit yes that’s right you named the time in the place and I’ll provide the demonstration spend it we’re holding freshman track trials in half an hour at the University grounds I’ll put you down for the 44 if you care to join us well so good of you to ask me it’s so good of you to come The Field’s about a mile from here of course you’ll need your bike oh no no you’re wrong again it’s the other guys who need their bikes well we’ll be looking forward frightfully to seeing you well it’s too sweet of you you’re frightfully frightfully kind and you’ve made me frightfully frightfully happy oh the Yanks are coming the Yanks are coming [Music] side side what you doing where [Music] going you again I’m sorry sir this rugged individualism of yours must cease Mr Sher it should be obvious even to you that we keep to the left Oh you mean the wrong side’s the right side over here any side that you are on is the wrong side Mr Sheron and I trust that here after you’ll make a superhuman effort to keep out of my sight yes sir yes sir I’ll try yes but do yes sir do you all right sir yeah yeah yeah I’m all right where where can I get this thing fixed oh they make that right way over there sir and I’d keep out of the old gentleman’s way if I you sir yeah I Wish You Were Me nice morning sir yeah something gone wrong with the bicycle sir uh no no no I had it fixed that way so I can go around in circles beg pardon sir never mind skiet can you fix it for me oh yes we’ll have a popet that for you sir how long’s it going to take o I’ll have to ask my mate about that sir well I hope she can fix it fast tell her I’m in a rush will you boy Jim I beg your pardon well hello you haven’t taken over the shop by any CH no but I might if you’re going to be a steady customer you make it sound very tempting do you know anything about chap ties well I should I’ve met enough of them in the last few days oh that’s good well I’ll be darn the woman understands English I bet you know what it means to fling woo don’t you what uh oh I think I do oh I love you Americans oh really well on behalf of myself and my fellow Americans let’s have a look at that tire speaking for Great Britain I’d be most grateful I um I’m afraid I didn’t catch your name well I don’t believe I threw it Lee Sheridan oh mind elatic Mrs ktic what holy smoke you married I don’t want you’re surprised aren’t you most people are my husband and I keep a Bookshop they don’t look like you belong in a Bookshop why sometimes managed to steal away and forget it but then of course my husband’s much older than I am I I mean that I’m much younger than he is oh bet he doesn’t understand you does he oh well I wouldn’t say that he just forgets every so often that well that I’m young and that I need excitement you want to try running into the dean sometime oh good Heavens he’s even older than my husband oh well what I mean is my husband doesn’t understand how sympathetic I am you see I love to help the undergraduates especially the new ones no doubt the mother in you oh now I believe you’re pulling my legs well I’m restraining myself as best I can you Wicked boy I he where was I H you’re still very young oh yes but you must misunderstand glorus that’s my husband is really a dear and he’s so clever why he sometimes sits up and reads all night long if you ask me I think the guy’s crazy morning Mrs credit we can fix your bite for you sir all right thanks hurry up will you oh yes sir it won’t be long you can have it in a fortnite a fortnite oh that’s fine that’ll make me just two weeks and 10 minutes late for the Freshman trials oh dear oh do please take my bicycle no no thanks I’ll right one over here oh but I’d much rather you took mine why then you’ll have to return it you know well you got something there all right thanks I’ll see you later trtic book shop any of the students can direct you I’ll bet they can hey him Cowboy all right chaps good on your Ms hurry please how are you fellas sorry to ke you’re waiting around I’m surprised you turn up a tall well all the more kind of you to wait wait if you want to run the 440 Sheridan you better get ready now ready why My Dear Mr bont I’m always ready how are you boys are you supposed to be funny you’ll pardon us for not laughing we British have so little sense of humor that’s all I don’t apologize about it you do the running and I’ll do the Laughing then me a fool Sheridan you can’t run like that what oh oh oh I must have forgotten how stupid of me do you mind holding holding that for me it might stunt my growth you know PA you’ve got to stop this blighter I’ll pay no attention to him he knows he can’t run so he’s trying to cover it up by clowning on your box get [Applause] set he’s just making a fool himself hasn’t the first idea how to run I wonder [Applause] ye guard the man’s a freak well I still can’t believe it it’s nothing to love I’m sorry old boy that’s the first race I’ve ever enjoyed why this English clim of your gets me down next time I’m going to run in my Overcoat I’ll Che youo thanks wer tree you can keep the cigar for a [Music] souvenir well it’s got to be faced he is a runner yes I’m afraid he as good as he says he is last time I tried to bring a little sunshine into your life you did everything but advertised in the newspaper oh else that’s very unjust all I did was to bask in your reflected Glory oh no no no it wasn’t that at all everyone knows you’re trying to get sent down and I don’t intend to be the correspondent in your div voice from Oxford that’s Unworthy of you such a thought never enter my mind look here Elsa if not today how about tomorrow no oh well uh supposing you ask my husband see what he thinks about it something you wanted uh no no no thank you I I don’t think I’ll bother excuse me hello oh darling where have you been you naughty boy I’ve been longing to see you have you well how about coming to lond with me on Thursday Thursday I’d love to oh but I seem I couldn’t get away but can’t you think of some excuse well no I don’t good afternoon good afternoon Mr G Mr KCK there’s an auction at soues on Thursday and I’ve marked one or two books I’d like to buy I wonder if you could go and bid for me Mr Burmont why will you continually ask me to go to London you know I can’t leave the shop oh I could go claudus dear if that would help you last time you went you went very successful my dear you bought nothing oh it was hardly my fault a person can’t help getting lost in the fog can they Claudius you remember that was why I missed the early train besides I won’t any fog this time of the year fog no no very well my wife will go Mr bman thank you that’s very good of you Mrs grck not at all Mr bont it’ll be a pleasure I’ll catch the 10:00 darling hello Molly well for a man who can hardly read you bought a remarkable number of books lately look who is talking what about you kissing your Yankee friend in public he doesn’t happen to be married oh Paul aren’t you running into an awful mess now don’t you worry your little head about that I’m quite capable of looking off my own Affairs sorry oh good afternoon Miss belmart we haven’t seen you around here lately I’m sure my brother more than makes up for my absence oh yes he is a dear isn’t he sometimes I think he’s is a fool would you get me a Plato’s Republic please if you can’t look up in the top shelf you might find one thank you you’re very helpful aren’t you I try to be here’s your kitty car lady thanks for the ride I thought you said you oh yes oh thank you look I I don’t think oh glorus I I don’t think you know my husband how are you I thought you said you lent your bicycle to a lady who had to get to the hospital yes I did Tois I it was this gentleman’s sister oh no no it wasn’t my sister but you told no it was my Aunt oh yes his aunt aunt Abby yes no relation of course to the Westminster abies do you have Burton’s 15th century by any chance certainly in which addition well I’d like a a thin one with big type a thin one with any well oh that was clever of you and I do so admire clever men well anytime you want any fast thinking done just let me know I would think we’d know each other all our lives but then you know sometimes I’m drawn like this to strangers you’d make it natural for The Travelers son you better hustle along now the bookworm’s about to turn hello surprised to see me I should say indifferent when did you decide not to run home well after you kissed me everything seemed different sir oh after I kissed you certainly you don’t tell me you forgotten not much I haven’t that slight incident Mr Sheran resulted in my being gated for one week you mean that little kiss that you gave I gave we gave each other precisely well it was worth it anyway wasn’t it no as a public exhibition it was cheap and as a private performance it was most amateurish hey what do you mean amateurish yes what the was of it seemed to be all teeth and whiskers all right all right you win the preliminary B but wait till we get to the main event thank you I’ve had quite enough um why don’t you practice on Mrs kraic I’m sure you’d find her most Cooperative I wouldn’t take her home if I want her in a raffle these college widows are about as safe to play with as a stick of dynamite but once we agree is about time well uh now that we’re practically soulmates how do you feel about dinner I’m looking forward to it alone hey hey wait wait a minute wait a minute it’s very bad boy to eat alone almost worse than drinking alone you know my ant AB used to eat alone I told her not to eat alone but she would eat alone at one time I’m annoyed with myself having so much fun but if I get sent down to this then I’ll buy the college I still don’t know why I’m here ah you English always have been a cinch for us sheridans why Bunker Hill my great great grandpy captured so many red coats we’ve been using them for winter underwear ever since thank you you ready yeah yeah yeah I guess so don’t tell me you aren’t the world’s champion skater I don’t know I never tried before this should be good oh well here it goes hey hey how am I doing huh fine I couldn’t have done better myself well I’ll give you two chances You’re a grand one to go skating with here take my arm no NOS I’ll crack my skull before I let any woman help [Music] me let’s sit this one out shall we all the B now sh the box was [Applause] [Music] leading marvelous R isn’t the sh glorious stupendous is the word how’d you do I’m his uncle Captain werry won’t you join us oh I’d love to but I’m afraid I can’t now it’s sweet of you to ask me byebye can’t you know she’s the dead spit of the little baggage I sent down for in ’98 who is she Elsa Mrs well there’s your opportunity my boy I’ve been waiting for you to cut a dash you know well don’t you worry Uncle I’ll soon be kicked out I’ve been seeing quite a lot of her lately as a matter of fact oh then you do inherit something from me after all well I’m hoping to I get she’s a stunner [Music] you ran beautifully foral no I just happen to get the jump on him that’s all what’s the matter don’t you feel well sure like a million dollars why why are you suddenly so modest I expected you to say oh I could beat those guys with my legs tied behind my back matter of fact I could that’s my old Sheridan for a moment I was afraid you were losing your grip oh can I help it if I happen to be good there you go again just as I was beginning to be quite fond of you oh only fond of me I thought by now you’d be running a temperature of 104 it has been agreed and an order to save time the high hurdles which was to have been the next event will be held last the mile relay will be held made that switch all competitors on the track please but you haven’t had enough rest just you keep those big blue eyes on me both of them I’d like one for the other men ah pay no attention to that then you give me this glove for luck and I’ll beat the world where I meet you after the race right here think you remember me sure I’ll know you you’re the girl with one glove bont you better get ready you’ll have to run instead of Sheridan but he’s miles faster than I am he’ll be all right I didn’t take the risk you’re fresh you better tell him as you go all right he won’t like it oh Sheridan yeah sorry but you’re not running what do you mean I’m not running you heard what he said they put the race forward to save time all right what’s that got to do with me you just run the half mile and it stands the reason they can’t take a chance with him listen I can beat any man on this track right now and you know it well you need fly up of me like that I had nothing to do with it no you’re not running in my place by any chance are you as a matter of fact I am I get it well the American boys win makes Oxford level with Cambridge three wins each but I think the mile relay is going to be the decider and what a Hummer that ought to be they’re getting into their holes now on your mark get [Applause] it ladies and gentlemen B will substitute pett in as Anchor Man for Oxford the Oxford man’s making all the running Ran’s off him but I don’t think daily of Oxford’s going to be caught come on Oxford now you’re [Applause] going come on boys that’s the way to go get going all right and go box away with a four yard lead over Bell of Cambridge stay with him now you’re going always behind this long leggy Cambridge boy looks dangerous to me come on ham what’s holding your back go did you break the leg come on H what’s the matter when you come on boy run will [Applause] you oh darn it there go our chances come on bman get ready will you dord boy is giving all he’s got he’s making up the last ground very fast come on fer come on come on better keep after him come oner come on [Applause] [Music] this is remarkable the crowd are taking it in absolute silence H you all right I sheron’s pulling out an electrifying burst of speed it’s taking him right up onto Lamb’s heels she’s going faster he’s at Lamb’s elbow yeah I regret to say Sir that Miss Bowmont refuses to come to the phone sir oh well that makes it unanimous doesn’t it 100% hey what’s that it sounds like a funeral master [Music] the I am it’s a funny way to celebrate a victory over Cambridge I’m afraid they don’t consider it a victory sir the CLS were the wind blew High the moon sh they’re coming up here please take it easy when they come said you will be so when you are where is is [Music] BR the you will be when you are the B to [Applause] the well what do you want we’ve called reward you for your brilliant exhibition this afternoon I don’t get you I won didn’t I the point is Sheridan there are different ways of winning we don’t care for your particular way oh so you brought your gang with you to tell me that you certainly play safe don’t you Bowmont this is’s gone beyond a personal R between you and Bowmont now we’re all going to have a hand in it come on you guys comes near me I’ll knock his head off Come onys Those are his every [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ah The beging Splendid you must be careful not to interrupt naturally I’m afraid it’s Sheridan I hope Sheridan yes whom you persist in calling Jenkins oh yes yes fine fellow Jenkins I must continue to oppose you my his and so inde and all here you are so here’s another pair will that be also not on your life for few guys I have in mind this day is just beginning oh don’t take it to arer there’s no disgrace in being Deb begged why I can recall a prime minister in this very quad and he was a gentleman who didn’t wear no undergarments well they might do that to a prime minister but they can’t do it to an American and get away with it [Music] good evening sir you a member of this University I am are you aware sir that undergraduates are not permitted to frequent public houses yes sir your name in college Morgan Cardinal give me another pine letters I want to bring out the beast in me you better be careful Mr wry you know the pro on these bullet are just outside I shall welcome them with open arms I’ve told you about my uncle haven’t I oh you with your uncle Hey where’s bman he sh what about a drink I bet you could do with one listen TOS have you seen Paul bman around here tonight he’s in the private bar I believe and I’ll thank you not to call me names that I wish you hadn’t told him that oh so you’re wearing your trouser how moded come on bman I want to see you outside what if I prefer to stay here I’m sure you do now you’re having your gang with you evidently our yank is looking for further punishment excuse me daring come on oh Paul please don’t oh that’s all right there don’t you worry are you coming or aren’t you well settle it here I’d rather not be seen in public with you okay oh you Beast go Grand Paul go on pul go on go the bullet the bullers the bullers I the bullers get out here I’ll see you later B Paul clear out hurry get out of here Paul clear out Paul Paul I’m definitely a member of the university and I’m roaring drun I say senator come on come on get me out of here I’m sorry old chap are you all right excuse me sir are you a member of this University what I do not understand this Mr Burmont you persist in saying you did not strike Simmons I do sir and you you will not telling me who did sorry sir you are certain it was Mr Bowman who struck you yes sir thank you that will be all I am much upset Mr Bowman striking a bull is serious enough but denying it is unforgivable I assure you I did not hit him the facts indicate that you did and I am sorry to say that other things have come to my ear concerning a young matron I understand she was with you last night your family is distinguished your record is excellent we have all felt that you might have had a brilliant career at the foreign office I hesitate to send you down and blast that career I will sign you 20 but one more violation of the rules by you Mr bont and you will be sent down at once do you understand quite so good morning Mr B Paul ducked behind the door and as the Bullock came through he let him have it it was the come in helloo this is an unexpected pleasure where’s Paul still with the dean the culprit even now is trembling before the bar of Justice what really happened last night you were there weren’t you wellever there’s a mess as a wry if possible well then supposing you tell me what Paul did oh he just hit a b likely knocked him out cold no you know I’ll never understand why I didn’t think of it first that’s bad enough but uh what’s this I here about about elstic well she practically wasn’t in it at all well then she was there oh oh yes well you see Paul and Sheridan were heading a ra the Buller came in hello Paul well here you are is it all right well splend it I’m F20 and warn that one more infraction of rules will send me down well that’s pretty cheap for hitting a bullet I didn’t hit him it was Sheridan Paul well but I thought you said you saw him do well I I who gave you that idea I appear to have been mistaken I I think I’ll do a spot of work goodbye I’m to do some work too well I hope everything will be all right I’ve got to go and see old Snodgrass so that’s how it is I’ll go along too H this isn’t like you you mean you believe him why you trying to Shield that craic person everyone knows she was with you that has nothing to do with that I’ll tell you your friend sherid and hit that bullet you’ve been beastly to leave from the first but this is really too much far too much to have your own sister think you’re a liar but Paul you were seen oh I realized he played a rotten trick on you at the track yesterday but he’s had his punishment it hasn’t even started and if you have any loyalty at told you I’ll stop being seen with him you reminded me once that you were quite capable of taking care of your own Affairs well so am I all right make yourself cheat by going about them I can’t stop you no you can’t I cut him yesterday because of you now I wish I hadn’t I think I shall ask him to tea good now I know where we stand remember me look here Sheron you going through with this why not I’ve always known you a bragger now I know you’re a cardinal eyes well coming from you those are practically compliments I’m glad I hit that bullet because you’re going to take the r for it I’m only sorry they’re not going to kick you out there’s only one way to deal with you get your coat off well now we’re getting somewhere I’ve been looking forward to this well what are you waiting for after what happened if I get caught in a around with you I get sent down so what you wouldn’t understand this Sheridan but a degree from Oxford means more to me than the extreme pleasure of knocking you flat get up yeah I had a hunch one of those fine Old English principles that come your rescue get out Charmed I’m [Music] sure the battling britisher hello San what are you doing in there I thought you belonged upstairs I’ve just went in to see poor old Bowmont to Tender my condolences you have I say that’s very decent of you it certainly was now wait a minute you know I’m beginning to suspect that we’ve taken the bags off the wrong man oh shut up wry Paul’s just upset he’ll come out of it all right he’s a fine fellow really my rooms are just here Sheran come down and have a drink sometime yeah thanks oh goodbye I’ve been seeing you here nice of him to do that especially after the time we gave him we did lay down a bit thick Bo he can’t be such a bad CH after all I simply can’t understand the right up over your head r c come onor P your way I’ve been pulling you guys up down it’s for now it’s your turn hey wait a minute hold it hold it fellas come on come on give us a hand here Senor wants us ex do me fellas you go ahead and carry the boat [Music] [Music] am I moving over Ry oh not at door but I’m going to scon you of course for fitting your personal quarrel with Sharon on the training table scatters scon to Mr bman here very good sir the big scun of course sir I deore the waste of food even this food but the training table must be pelted for the disgustingly hearty robustness come on Champs all together I think that came from Mr waver Tre come on fellas ready [Applause] fire agent rank have certain drawbacks I’m quite sure that in my day I should been able to toss that little belet neatly into jenkin’s ear I assume you refer to Sheridan as usual yes yes to be sure the scun Mr Bowman sir is it your intention to drink it sir no it is not you can serve Bear all around instead very good s oh well I’ll drink it longer you Two Fellas keep R the better for all of us there more blood more beer after you Peter what about making up a Batel the boat tomorrow morning four May morning singing from W town oh yes of course yes I’ll come what about you Ken what go out on the river at 4:00 in the morning to listen to a choir not me you coming late no thanks I’m taking a bottm mile I bet that won’t be a bachelor boat passenger’s name please yes who is she don’t you mention it Le or they SC you I wasn’t going to no need to we all know that very Charming too and if I’m not mistaken a member of this University sir well I must say bont needn’t have acted like that however Sor felt about it lay off bourmont will you all right Lee what’s the matter Lee want to fight your own battles [Music] [Applause] [Music] careful good morning glad to see your board such a good morning I’m glad to be your board oh listen isn’t that lovely I suppose you know you’re beautiful oh I’ve hardly got the sleep out of my eyes well if that sleep don’t rub it out it’s beautiful sleep it’s a lovely sleep I’ve ever seen you’re an idiot I hope you always stay that way oh you better sit down for it’s too late hey if I don’t want to go overboard I better get rid of this B thing was that me I say I’m getting more British every minute oh if my dad could hear that he snaap an aard drum I’m sure he’s wonderful even if he is an American yeah he’s great he thinks you’re kind of all right too me what do you mean he doesn’t even know me yes he does old man Griffith the post man left you under the door twice a week then my dad picks you up turns you over and slits your wrapper oh then he should know me pretty well I wish you could see my hometown would you like to I’d love to all right then here we are again in Lakedale now this right along here is McKinley Street and over there is the Yankee Clipper all right you Dad how are you boy you like it oh it’s a lovely little town I’m afraid they think I’m very strange they’re all staring at me they don’t it’s a friendly little bird really the nicest people in the world do you ever hear the story of a Young Man who came to the gates of the city and being timid he asked an old man what kind of people live there no I don’t think I have and the old man said what kind of people did you leave the young man said the greatest people in the world the bravest and the kindest the old man said come in it’s the kind of people you’ll find here that City wasn’t Oxford by any chance was it it could have been or lake Dale I guess you meant the moral of that story for me didn’t you well not only for you there’s Paul also I wish you two could be friends well maybe that’s not as easy as it sounds well I know poor behav disgustingly over that r at the Queen’s head oh no no if but that isn’t really poor won’t you see him and try and put things right no I can’t why not well you Marly I think it’s time I told you something I should have told you a long time ago yes you don’t know the truth about what happened that night look I had to get out in the Hur so I’ve only got pajamas on under my coat it’s getting your back that’s going to be the risk I can’t afford to get caught that’s Paul and you know who’s with him well don’t worry about it I can’t help worrying you know he’ll be sent down if he’s caught again with with her he just care about himself he might at least think of his family take me home Lee I I don’t want to stay anymore Molly will you let me finish what I was saying forget about it Lee I don’t think Paul’s worth the trouble after all let’s go but it’s about Paul well then I don’t want to hear it now take me home oh Molly please all right if you won’t I will I’ve been selected as stroke in the Cardinal boat for the bump races and I think we have a good chance to go to the head of the river this year lovely but wonder what they mean by bump RAC now the first principle in bump racing is this suppose we say this is the river 10 but Lee says the row on the river Isis at Oxford the TS is called the Isis why don’t they make up their mind and these are the votes from all the colleges starting off in single file one after the other why don’t they start off a breast oh that’s a fool question I don’t know though why don’t they the river’s too narrow docks for the row bricks a now the the object of the race is for each boat to bump the boat ahead of it yeah that’s why they call it a bump race yeah I figured that one out for myself now let’s say this is Lee in Cardinal College hell and the boat just ahead of him which we’ll say is that don’t make any difference it won’t be there long well we’ll say this is new College if Lee’s boat bumps it then he moves up one place D I got to have that cut of a governor let it alone we’ll let you have it when we finish the race now his next problem is bumping this boat you mean all he’s got to do to win the race is to keep on bumping boat well that’s the general idea you see Le boat tries to hit this boat and this boat without being caught by the boat in back of the if he succeeds in bumping the boat ahead of it then next day next day holy smoke what is this six day bicycle race no six day bump race how did now a whole win well if Lee bumps all the boats ahead of him then Cardinal College moves to the head of the river but on the other hand if the boat in back of him succeeds in catching up with Lee and he’s growing up and him he’s [Applause] [Music] [Applause] go come give him a d to yesterday’s medicine put it up put it up [Music] [Applause] it’s a bup it’s a [Applause] bu two more that cinal go head of the river two more days is far display my nervous [Applause] organism hello hello if we make this bump Cardinal goes head of the river I could sleep a wink last night could you I slumbered fit flip happily roaring my little cot into first place Les and mugs same tactics as yesterday short and sweet only shorter I’m putting her up to 40 why stop at that why not put it up to 42 thanks I will catching them already come on there just do it noep Mr Jin I make a Cardinal put together Cardinal all of you I’m putting her up to 42 2 3 it was glorious Gentlemen The King and gentlemen on an occasion like this is only appropriate to call upon the man who first stroke Cardinal head of the river our friend and Coach Mr snown [Applause] [Applause] gentlemen I give you the boot [Applause] Club you and you sir and gentlemen as the oldest rowing blue here present it is my privilege to address this assemblage when I look back tonight I am conscious that the proudest moment of my life was when Cardinal boat which I had the honor to beoke went head of the river and the saddest moment occurred when I saw the stern of the Cambridge boat creep past my or but next time gentlemen I believe that Oxford will show Cambridge HST and if she does it will be because two of our men who I’m sure will be elected to the V boot I should like to hear from these gentlemen I will first call upon our Splendid stroke my young friend Mr Jenkins Mr [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sh I uh I hope you’ll forgive me gentlemen if I seem a little shy at speeches when I’ve been in Oxford about 15 minutes I made my first and if you don’t mind my last public address thank [Music] you I know call upon H Captain Mr Paul [Applause] bman thank you I hope our coach’s prophecy comes true now I think we should celebrate according to Cardinal tradition and burn the boat the honor of lighting the fire I nominate the man to whom undoubtedly we owe our Victory Mr Sheridan so come on to the Boma [Applause] [Music] [Music] please that is pretty swell what you said tonight made me feel kind of kind of ashamed I hope now on we can be friends I’m sorry but I choose my friends very carefully [Applause] we but I’m leaving Oxford on Thursday for the tide wave with the rest of the crew for the training and we shall be there until the race you’re coming back after yes I know dear but it’s got to end sometime and it might as well be now now come on Elsa now don’t be silly smile come on I’m trying it isn’t very easy after glorious day like this to know there won’t be anymore ever we must be sensible El I know you your career to think of there’s nothing for me nothing I’ve never loved anyone but you I never love anyone again no no don’t say that it’s true PA I should always be faithful to the memory of our love always oh Bo we’re almost to the shop we stop oh driver stop will you please no don’t don’t get up PA goodbye no no don’t bother oh I I beg your pardon were you looking for something special no I wasn’t but I seem to have found it oh you mustn’t say things like that I only meant books did you yes you see I’m Elsa CR Mrs CR Mrs CR well you’re surprised to hear I’m married aren’t you most people are but then of course my husband’s much older than I I mean that I’m much younger than you Ela oh oh certainly we should be delighted to bid for you any of the auctions I’ll try personally to get you what you want in London next Thursday thank you good evening darling I’ve been waiting for you suppose you tell me where you’ve been all day where glorious darling shall I tell you oh good evening Mr CL where are Mr bman from on the first landing sir yeah number 10 sir on the right PA Paul Paul Mr Vermont let me in open this door I’ll break it down yes sir yes sir what’s all this my wife’s in that room this our impossible open this door open this door I’ll smash it in Mr CL please you why are you trying to break into Mr Bowman’s room to get my wife that’s why what open this door here let me take charge of this Mr Bomont will you please open this door this is terrible get me away from here where’s Paul I don’t know he’s in here consequ will beard my ERS yeah it’s all right I can get you on the cing W Tre room come I wouldn’t dare you’ll come if I have to carry you this is no time for pleading Kick It In I leave the matter to me you won’t let me fall will you I’d like to push you over for getting Paul in this Jam well it’s obvious there’s no one in there well I know there is and I insist on getting in I’m sure he’s wrong sir but I could get in along the coping from Mr waver tre’s rooms by all means do so and then Mr kic may be cured of his delusion what are we do now wait a minute what happened to Paul I don’t know I didn’t see him I came to warn him what about well my husband’s got suspicious and he said he’d see Paul tomorrow morning so I wanted to warn him so that we could agree on what to I offer you my apologies sir so it was the American eh I I don’t know what all the excitements about Mr CTIC only came to deliver some books she often does you expect me to believe this fairy story well this is outrageous I won’t hear another word when we reach home you’ll hear a number of words from now on I the talking nobody would be more delighted than myself Mr Sheridan if you could offer some explanation of this pink incident there’s nothing more to say sir it’s a great pity that your career at Oxford would have to end like this you mean that I I’ll be sent down there appears to be no alternative I’m indeed sorry Sheldon I’m sorry too sir well you better make your Arrangements accordingly [Music] remember the first time I heard those bells scatters I do indeed sir you told me I’d hear them all my life the gentleman old was say that the bells have a special sound on the day they leave Oxford City I wish Dad could have heard him like this but why can’t he sit the rule allows you to stay for 3 days I’ve already sent a wire to the boat at Southampton I’m meeting him in London today but couldn’t you father no no scatters I can’t let him come to Oxford now it’s much easier to explain things somewhere else but you be staying in London for the boat race sir I don’t know that’s what Dad came over here for but he expected to see me in the boat uh scatters will you call Miss Bowman for me very good sir uh tell her that I’m leaving for London today and want to see her before I go yes I will Mr bman sorry Sheran but I’ve just heard what happened last night well suppose you tell me the real story say there’s nothing more to tell that’s all there is to it it’s hard to believe that Elsa came to see you yeah I can understand that balmont but it’s a little late to talk about it now isn’t it no it isn’t Sheridan there’s something behind all this and I want to know the truth all right you asked for it now you’re going to get it Elsa and I have been giving you the runaround for a couple of months she’s broken several dates with you hasn’t she said she had to be home with claudus every time she’s been out with me did we laugh I suppose you had a good laugh over Molly too better leave her out of this it’s a little late for that I told her once what an outsider you were but unfortunately she believed in you I’m glad we both found you out in time I’m Sorry Miss Bowman does not wish to see Mr Sheridan I’m sorry sir but miss Bowman doesn’t wish to see you sir what did you talk with her no sir she wouldn’t come to the phone sir what’s that what is this another debagging oh no sir they’re your friends this time sir I heard they were coming for you do you know sir I’ve been here almost 50 years and this is only the second time I can recall a celebration for a man being sent down the first gentleman became a governor general sir hello Le there he is no we gave you a rotten reception when you came up but the whole college is waiting outside the main gate to give you a real send off and express not too delicately the disapprove of the dean’s action well thanks fellas but I’m taking the 11:00 for London right then we’ll all see you to the train come on public wa without wait a minute wait a minute scatters yes goodbye scatters goodbye take his bag someone note please his bags not his trousers come on out with him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he what’s going on sounds like a parade son I always did have a weakness for parade take those things inside think I’ll take a look at it [Applause] hey Lee hey [Music] son that’s my Bo my uncle certainly would have approved of you and then send off too yeah I wish we could change place look so do I hey look at him matter boy Le okay are you this University no sir lake taale is my College Lake yeah over in America hey you want to know something that’s my boy I’m sorry sir sorry are you sorry but let me help you sir hi Lee hi Lee here’s your father here and Lee hello Lee Dad hey Dad just where I expected to find you right on top of the world hey hold it fellas what you got to get down from here what nothing young getting seasi a don’t get down me I don’t want to spoil your part I said hold it [Music] [Applause] fell well well hello Dad how are you listen didn’t you get my wire no say I’ve never seen you looking better say Oxford certainly been good to you just just a minute dad go on get back there I’ll wait no no no wait a minute listen fellas this is my father how are you boy come all the way from America to see me row against Cambridge yes and you better win too I’ve come 5,000 miles to see this I got the headlines all set up though Lee sh and stro fellas listen you don’t you don’t mind if I pass up this little Joy Ride do you I’d like to visit with my dad for a little while oh no I don’t want to break this all up I want to talk with you somewhere away from here well what’s the Rush Le all right if insist but I got a room over here at the hotel if but what’s the what’s the rush leave and that’s all there is to it huh yeah that’s all well it isn’t enough for me it doesn’t make sense do you mean to tell me you’ve been running around with this craic woman all the time you’ve been writing home about Molly yes oh that doesn’t sound like you Lee but what does Molly think about all this I don’t know I telephone her and she wouldn’t even see me she wouldn’t huh well that doesn’t sound like her either well it isn’t like her oh listen Dad I’ve got to see her but I can’t figure out any way of doing it oh wait a minute now I got an idea why don’t you write her a letter tell her you got some special thing to tell her that nobody else knows anything about you know just before you say goodbye to her forever if I know anything about women that’ll fetch her I couldn’t lose anything by trying could I of course you couldn’t now come on now sit down there and WR write that letter you don’t mind if I leave you for a few minutes do you that’s all right then doc Williams had never forgive me if I didn’t give his old College the once over so you’re Molly and you are his father say you know I thought Lee was spreading done pretty thick but you’re Lovel even than I thought a sweet of you I’ve been so say tell me what do you think about this mess Lee’s got himself into Lee hasn’t got himself into any mess I don’t believe a word of it do we sheridans pick our women where is Lee over at the hotel he told me he phoned you and you wouldn’t talk to him oh I never got the message I’ve been waiting and waiting for some word you know Mr Sheridan Lee is no more guilty than I am he’s protected someone I might have known it you know that’s the first time that boy ever told me a lie there must be something pretty big behind it yes there is and I think I know the story you do yes well say can we go and sit down somewhere and talk about that we got to put our heads together Excuse Me Miss oh good day I’m looking for a book something sort of like f for train reading I see will you come this way please this is all light fiction own all to Discount we’re selling out and moving away is that so say I’ll bet the boys around here will hate to see a pretty girl like you go well isn’t that sweet of you to say so it’s just simple truth that’s all send it round to Dan Sheridan at the Mida will you Sheran mhm I got a boy here Lee Sheridan know him yes yes I do he nice kid isn’t he your son Mr Sheridan is a very great gentleman well now I’m Mighty glad to hear you say that you know I really ought to be sorry him he’s getting kicked out of college for being caught with the girl oh did he did he tell you who it was mhm he did mention the name it’s kind of slipped my mind let me see now well I think I’ll get your change so you know Le yes well isn’t that nice now uh would you mind telling me your name oh it’s Mrs uh CR but that was the name did you could you be Elsa credic yes I am well now don’t that beat the Dutch now I certainly don’t blame Lee I didn’t know you were such a good picker oh but I assure you Mr Sheran there was nothing wrong of course not a girl like you I’m Mighty happy that Lee made such a nice friend oh it’s it’s very good of you to understand sure I understand you know come to think of it it’s pretty tough that Lee should be fired just because he falls for the prettiest girl in town it’s kind of hard on me too coming all this way just to see Lee win that race of course it is you must feel Dreadful yes I do I do I counted pretty heavily on the board making good over here I wish there was something I could do I wish there were too you know I was thinking to myself just a minute ago here’s a clever woman if there was any way out of this she’d know the way well I’ve thought and thought Oh that’s very kind of you very kind of you you know if we were to put our heads together we might get somewhere well well there is one way ah you see it worked oh but I could I’d be afraid afraid a girl with your spirit I would like to help you though well then with that kind heart of yours you will won’t you I I’ll try oh thank you thank you a thousand times you’ve made an old man very happy did it work you know the little lady has a good points impossible what are they wouldn’t surprise me if we found she had a heart of gold no tell me oh I’m afraid I’ve been rather emotional but but it has been such an ordeal to come and tell me the truth yes it was but you made it easy you’ve been so so wonderful so ready to understand and sympathize oh but it was very brave of you to come to me I I know what it must have meant to you to nevertheless the whole thing’s incredible to me it’s absolutely incredible oh please don’t be angry with it isn’t that I cannot understand what in use young sh to accept the blame you know what you men are never give each other away but I’m sure none of your friends ever gave you away thank you I never required shielding from such a charge as this come in you sent for me sir I did how you doing Mr K how do you do mad duuk Mr wry if I’m to believe my ears you have been guilty of a very grave offense oh several iair are the of entertaining a lady in your rooms at night who sir me sir oh no sir that’s one thing I’ve never done sir it never really occurred to me how would maduk how can you we were foolish but it was only a flation I’m awfully sorry sir I’m afraid this is all rather Beyond me don’t lie to me so Mrs K has freely confessed everything everything everything everything oh oh she has oh oh what a relief sir well now I need lie no more ah then you admit it yes rather sir every time I’d have told you in the first place sir but we wave it all always protect the lady in the case he has a natural power over women try to use it for good mad just so I won’t detain you any further Mrs CR thank you you’ve made a man of me at last oh Mrs K I can only suggest that it might be advantageous if you were to part company with Oxford oh we’re leaving my husband and I are selling the Bookshop and we’re moving to Aldershot he thinks there’d be a good opening there near the Officer’s Club oh uh yes uh quite well goodbye goodbye I take it so that Sheridan will be reinstated certainly and I’ll be sent down Mrs CL is a very attractive woman yes sir a woman who might well unbalance a person of feeble intellect such as yourself yes oh but I assure you sir I’m taking into consideration your record for sban industry and the fact that your term at Oxford is almost finished H do you think you should sir in the circumstances you will be gated for a week and find one you may go oh oh but sir kindly spend me your thanks good day I said good day good day get up I’ve been thinking things over and I’m not going to left you off quite so easily oh listen bman can’t so you won’t fight eh I’d rather not there’s just one thing I’d like to ask you will you shake hands with me yank what do you mean I’ve Just Seen Elsa she went to the dean and confessed that that means you’ll be sent down no it doesn’t she said it was w betr wa can you imagine that boy what we’re going to do to give wa BR You bloing Yank you L me land L I’ll pull your arms [Applause] [Music] [Applause] off all right all right I’ll make a note of it [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right you beers I’m putting it up to 44 R them cowboy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sh pull the in all I you [Music] you well you can’t take it I ain’t in [Music] la

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