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    Show @BicycleDutch some love!

    #Bicycle #dutch #reaction


    1. Haha cycling in all possible ways with as much stuff or people on one bike.

      I have sadly to admit that when you get older… you're getting more cautious,scared so no I don't cycle anymore while doing something else with both hands in stead of stearing and I definitely don't go standing up straight at the back of the bicycle…but yeah it's common especially when you're in your teens to do all the crazy stuff on and with the bike.

      It's a rarity if you don't have a bike or are not able to cycle. You learn to cycle as soon as you've got your balance. It starts with a walking bicycle or a tricycle. 🙈😇🇳🇱

    2. I cycled on my own bike to school and stuff by the time I was old on enough to stand up on the rear rack, but looking at you parent's back gets boring if you have to every day. What we haven't seen in this video is the techniques when there is no usable rear rack, sidesaddle seating on the top tube which works with a smaller girl or sitting face forward on the handlebar with your toes on the wheelnuts. These days many bikes, especially the leased ones, have only a up to 15 kg (officially) front rack and many sit on that. Especially girls like to sit on that facing the rider, leaning on the handlebars.

    3. One bit feel good video! Love it! I cycle to work, family, friends, leisure and for groceries. And I probably forgot a few. I think I owned a dozen bikes in my life, and I still own two. A regular bike & a racing bicycle(road bike). I use the racing bike mostly for long distance leisure cycling. I’d love to cycle to far away destinations. I once cycled from my home in Haarlem, to the island of Texel. And eventually back again. A distance of about 200 kilometers in total.

    4. I used to have. end of the 80's. Also a surfboard, but so is my twin brother. And it went on a self-made trailer. Behind the bike. 2 planks with a box underneath for sails and such.

    5. With that, we also went on holiday to Putten (Gelderland). Also with my father, 3 bicycles and 2 trailers. From Spakenburg to Putten over the dike via Nijkerk, and the castle……
      Putten (Gelderland) is between Spakenburg and Harderwijk.

    6. I never would alouth my kid to sit on the front like I saw in this video. Or stand behind me nooow. Its so dangerous I remember when I was young I was standing behind my dad on hes bicycle suddenly I fel and my whole foot got in the wheel and twisted and was open on the side of my enkel. 🤦🏻‍♀️ 👩‍🦽

    7. There was one flat tyre, the girl sitting on the rack holding the bike on her side, she had a flat tyre. I think most Dutch did this one day or the other, lol. We just do.

    8. I once rode a bicycle with four people. One on the handlebars, one on the bar, one on the saddle and one on the luggage rack. If you really want to go somewhere and you only have one bike at that moment, you have to improvise. Of course we couldn't go fast but we had fun.

    9. I once transported a large ladder of 5 meters long together with a friend with 2 bicycles, my friend in the front and me in the back, even for Dutch standards, that was really crazy.

    10. And yet another video about Dutch culture. I’m a bit ashamed of my fellow Dutchies, for being so self-obsessed that they only want to see the same kind of videos about themselves over and over again…

    11. This is a hilarious video 🙂 We are trained to ride bicycles like this here in The Netherlands. Most children learn how to ride a bike without pedals first (you just scoot along and keep balance) from just 2 years old, right after learning how to walk. The rest of the skill to ride a bike will follow automatically.

    12. Back then I cycled with one kid besides me on his own little bike, one at the back of the bike, one in front of me, two bags filled with groceries on the handlebar and two panniers also full. It’s a balance thing… 😂

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