Lanterne Rouge presents highlights of Tour de France 2024 Stage 16.

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    Footage | Amaury Sport Organisation
    Photos | Cor Vos (unless stated otherwise)

    the last Sprint stage opportunity in this year’s Tour of France it looked like the green jersey battle was over with bam gai having a big lead but everything can change in this final week of the tour to France from Grant to neem sometimes this is a crosswind stage but the wind today was merely a light Breeze it was intermediate Sprint after a 7K 3 and a half% hill which someone like yasper philipson should survive no problem with the help of his alberon toik teammates but it was the stage for bam G they weren’t chase the break away where he just needs to collect the points behind philipson and not have any major issues and once again on these flat Sprint stages with no real wind no breakway went the kathon cidus fdj tried to get in the break but they got controlled and so nobody just wanted to spend a fruitless day ahead J and uh alberon were controlling for their respective sprinters hotter weather though Beach weather now over 30° today and for the rest of the week heated up a little bit at the intermediate Sprint you can see alerson and Inter really throwing everything at it and they get jumbled up together actually and in the end B and philipson both don’t really start this Sprint in good position at all in fact the lean Gia wash over them and card and turis on the right side get the better lead out from Matthew Vanderpool kar’s going for third in the competition who knows if someone crashes out you can end up second or even first crashes do happen and you see he takes maximum points beanie is just just behind philipson actually maybe T beat him that was the opportunity for gashin to get in the Breakaway win the combativity prize for the stage after you know a couple hours in the break instead of the whole stage in the break he’s controlled pretty easily so really a bit of a snoozer nothing too much of not happened we see with about an hour left the GC team start to come to the front to quote unquote stay safe there’s a lot of roundabouts particularly in the last 10 km and customarily the road furniture and we saw virus gold coming back from a mechanical nearly crashes with coet in that corner who’s also had a mechanical for Uno X he waits for the car they give him his bike and I don’t know he just gets his feet all wrong nearly goes in front of the fdj car and to make matters worse for unox when he’s driving the car back they go left at this roundabout when they should go straight and the other car goes straight and there’s nearly a massive collision at like 60k an hour that could have ended terribly so thankfully it didn’t but really really scary stuff 25ks to go gash’s brought back fdj and Kum Tred to put it in the gutter to split it in the light Breeze but it doesn’t happen and so we see basically everyone set up Alon dck on the left hand side with philipson vismer on the front and inos for their GC leaders and actually T Pacha sitting a little bit deeper he decided he and knew a weren’t going to sit on the front involved in the hustle and bustle through all the roundabouts and to just stay at the back don’t get involved have a couple of teammates around and leave plenty of breaking distance and basically chill out which is what pagat did now on narrow roads if there’s a crash in front of you it’s a bit risky but you can see how wide these roads are that even if there is a crash then most likely the whole race is not going to get blocked up behind although he does get back in the mix with sixks to go and it does get a bit hectic you can see the Sprinter teams unox got the left hand side of the road they had the strongest overall train and there’s so many roundabouts and chicanes in the last 3ks it’s really difficult for any other train to move up you see Court moves over trying to close the alpus to kic train they’re trying to move up with VES with two k to go and he stops them moving up that right hand side and so they get the first line through all these bends and roundabouts as they’re coming into NE you got Rasmus tiller on his will then abrahamson stven in the mix with VAR go leading out the final man for Kristoff you got VES Robbie mat Vanderpool and yes for philson of course for Alon Tock and disaster for biniam gay we hadn’t seen Anto marhe amongst those two teams he crashes in this sort of chican or around the roundabout and not only is he losing the the opportunity to score points and put the green jersey to bed how badly is he hurt is he able to continue we didn’t know the footage continues on obviously with the Sprint and Rasmus till is about to pull off and abrahamson starts to headbut Robbie for Rasmus till his wheel even though rasma still is trying to pull off abrahamson should have just gone to the front and pulled he actually lost more momentum by doing that he then start sprinting anyway to the right hand side the problem is now he’s left varish gold and Kristoff behind 1K to go basically he provides the perfect lead out to alerson who’ve got their train nestled in his wheel and because the pace is so high varish gold cannot move Kristoff up so Alon perfectly positioned CH pulls off after doing a short pull for vandol and when you’re looking at the meters Ticker on the top left and you see basically Vanderpool for the first time hitting clean air with about 430 M to go that means that most likely yaser Phillipson sitting cozy in second wheel and again no one can move up through these bends through these chicanes and no one else even has a lead up man except varus who tries to move Kristoff up but when he’s moving Kristoff up he was doing it when mvdp was dropping probably 1200 watts for 20 seconds and so when philipson launches clean Sprint wins easily his third Twitter France stage win this year of course it started poorly for him there was disappointment frustration but then the the lead out train clicked and today was probably the most clinical of them all where basically there was no one challenging him whatsoever especially with bam gay crashing heavily he did roll over the line but we’ll see tomorrow how much of an impact that has on him and the green jersey competition Phillipson winning the stage ahead of bous and Kristoff Bennett Aman card V SC Gibbons and Van po running at the top 10 here’s what philipson had to say after the stage yeah really happy uh definitely offer such a team effort uh it’s always nice when you can win together and I think uh that’s what we did definitely today first of all did you see the crash on that roundabout or oh I haven’t seen anything uh we were all always together with uh our team and we’re trying to position oursel and focusing on our own lead out and I uh didn’t see any Gres hope everybody is okay and then it was all for you you were pretty impressive there beating Phil Bas to the line yeah I was feeling good um had a good rest day and was feeling that my shape improved during the stter round so I was confident if we could line it up good today um we could go for the win three stage wins is a good to of France or it’s a very good toour of France yeah every statement is really hard to get definitely in this level so to take three is a a really good job and I think we can be proud talking about that Crash BAM unfortunately was caught in the crash he’s back on his bike and and riding uh but that means you get a lot of points for the green jersey classification now the Gap is 36 I believe is it uh still possible yeah everything is possible but it’s really hard uh he’s climbing really well I just hope he’s okay after the crash um yeah because he doesn’t doesn’t deserve uh yeah to uh to lose like this whatever but uh yeah I just try whatever we can because but the hard stages are yet to come um so yeah we we go day by day but we also enjoy uh mostly this win no changes in terms of GC still pagat with about a 3 minute lead on bagard and 520 on Remco even Paul then another 5 and a half minutes to fourth so the Gap from the podium or the Gap in the top four are huge maybe there’ll be some changes to tomorrow even if there’s a breakaway with Derek G possibly going in it’s good stage of him we’ll see I’ll see you with the recap tomorrow ciao


    1. And just when Patrick predicted a win, Bauhaus gets his best result yet. So crazy, he was so good so many times, yet never had any chance of winning.

    2. It’s so sad to see what happened today to Bini, But you already have unbroken record the first black African to win stages and I’m pretty sure you are the first green jersey winner in tour De-France. May ALLAH be with you Bini ❤

    3. So confused by organizer's choice in putting a sprint finish for a flat stage right before a chicane through 2 roundabouts. It just absolutely strings out the peloton and kills much of the strategy and opportunity for teams, not to mention the increased chance of a crash.

    4. 2:11— it's actually the rider's stupid, brain-dead, clueless soigneur SHOVES his hip forward as he's still swinging his leg over the bike, jumping the gun like the guy's already on his bike and rolling, and THAT'S what forces him off-balance. Soigneur needs a 1-way trip to a job at McDonald's where he can handle the job responsibilities a bit more easily.

    5. I know it's a pain but it'd be amazing if the video had more frequent notations, like when you're talking about a team making a move just circling the area and drawing a rough arrow – rough & messy is OK, I know it takes a lot of time to do any annotating. Thanks for the videos!

    6. It’s a rigged sport they purposely crush in to bini after he fall then they let his opponent win with out even trying it’s a joke 😂😂😂😂

    7. Stop with the raysyst “hero warship” of a below par professional rider!! This guy is in 100+ place, with 2.5+ hrs loss on the leader, hardly a good performance.
      Does it make you feel better about your bigotry?

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