1. Great job, fella. The viaduct is really beginning to look the part now. Might even see the A41 diversion in the next month or two.
      Interesting how all the ponds are calm with a still surface, and present a beautiful clear reflection of the sky. But the big one at around 6:00 has quite a choppy surface with lots of small waves. Quite a contrast to the others, and I can only speculate as to what unusual local conditions made it that way on the day.

    2. I would love if our Government over here across the sea in Ireland would embark apon a new age of rail building ! There are plans to cement many old cross border links but nothing on the scale of HS2 is being considered ! I do not think we require such as in the trains may only travel 40 miles at full whack before having to start to slow down again ! In Dublin though we are seriously lacking a Metro system & now we have both the population & requirement for such !!

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