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    2024 07 14 DAY 1 ICELAND : EXPLORING NATURE IN SOUTH ICELAND! [ Part 2 ] w/ Yuggie_tv & Wolfsbanee

    0:00:00 Exploring Sólheimajökull Glacier
    1:00:48 Hot coco break
    1:16:54 Trip to one more place
    1:42:22 Incredible landscape view from Dyrhólaey
    2:06:38 Off to see lava
    2:34:28 Live lava show
    3:45:24 Trip to local bar for dinner & football
    4:10:04 Bird view of black sand coastline
    4:39:54 Tasty cold lamb chop dinner

    #Twitch #Jinnytty #vod

    take your time take your time I’m showing my chat happening right now so we got this try it okay wait a second Yugi I’m going to change my uh thank [Music] you okay we’re back right okay good let me and erosion from the bini [Music] stuff I don’t know how the hell my interet is working no it’s because of uh it’s because this area is Nova I see then I some area some SIM cards is better right [Music] yeah so you guys going hiking and I will be stay sure I think so I don’t I yeah we might be I will going to it’s not going to take that long though by the way so we’re not going for like a CO I I think we need actual prople gear if you want to go up I not feel it working on the ice after that staircase right earlier we had a stair case I just not feel it on the working the eyes that just before when I was texting I just didn’t feel it okay yeah no worries I have a lot winter so allor right not working on the for winter Nova has a tower on the [Music] GRE before I remember I was suffering so much and I was like super weak at it extremely sorry and then only this time so this is that one good good that one is kind of expedition so this is like grow yep American buses looks kind of aband hey there’s like so many people there though looking at the American uh can you do something with the driver eg a prank no I’m fixing internet right now real quick so they are just going to the place yeah [ __ ] bro look at this guys damn try to okay thank you so much no no no [Music] you guys got you guys okay do you need help it’s okay thank you that’s it that’s it giant wall of ice this would be white I know it’s crazy if you think about C by eyes I I don’t know I have a I have another jacket winter jacket if somebody need it I think we’re good jackets are are fine yeah I don’t feel Co working though server jinny have you spotted the mountain Havens already your SRT on this one very uh comfortable right on IRL yours and then do it on this one yeah it’s really pretty right guys actually it’s it’s everywhere is this like huge crazy ass Mountain it’s like aesthetic everywhere canot imagine like living here but the poop is beautiful but fixing something real quick a good crew and you’re having fun this is super trick if honestly I if I will be drive around I will be just not exciting so much I will just visit okay are go forward but are you having fun I’m having a lot of fun that’s good I’m enjoying your happy that’s good if you’re happy I’m more happy we’re definitely happy happy happyy [Laughter] that was yeah imagine being an Uber Eats driver in Iceland is there isn’t even Uber Eats to be honest here right really is that not no there isn’t even Uber actually I don’t get it there’s no Uber here right taxi that’s what I heard uh there’s kind of a s kind of similar to Facebook or something or Facebook there are people texting there can’t take a people just drive like we drive it m but Uber it depends how we call it somebody who looking for the people to just drive it somewhere but if somebody call it Uber as an company I don’t know really but there are people who are looking for person per somebody to drive it somewhere to have a cheaper trip or just have a some cash from that M usually people driving to the airplane and they are texting like I take it I have a one place two Place three place to the airplane somebody wants to I going to take it usually it’s like that people driv to airine and take a Unown people see if it works because the money going with that then well the problem is I think okay I I never seen conne failure usually it’s normal taxi yeah or like own driving and for a welcome taxi already calling you 700 corer for for opening doors if you opening doors already you paid 700 or try to copy and paste it and give it it send to my email or something is the same for me 700 T is a good sandwich copy paste cop also it’s allowed to driving this car for 700 let me help you you fix internet real quick chat give me like five minutes make more payments sounds I’m all good I’m not complaining what I copy paste and send it to my email should work annoying to no it’s okay I mean it’s just more like they’re fixing the internet now so don’t worry about it uh people texting me from my community on Discord o yeah I don’t know why not working this me Community I see happy happy Happ happy happy happy happy [Music] happy why sers people patch this is really nice oh sorry my go what’s up okay the internet is [ __ ] now like it was okay and then suddenly it got worse I gu it’s like TW better okay it’s working but Chad Chad should be like you got to watch it from yours yeah Chad alert as your is it is’s ol’s also mine so temporarily just use it okay okay okay I’m yeah she’s using my phone real quick so let’s go thank you no problem okay let’s go you sure you don’t want to go he wants to rest a little bit okay I’ll see you later see you thank you later more energy yep yep sounds good okay so Glasser time gler rest right yeah you’ve been you’ve been driving a lot yeah you you just rest a little bit we’ll see you later Yi everything okay it’s working no not really because I’m reading gen’s chat oh yeah that’s my chat so you gotta you gotta read your chat you have your phone right yeah let’s go okay so like I’m streaming to my channel but like chat and alerted G oh re these nuts okay feels so weird chat like can you show Chad how it look like like this is you guys right now she’s streaming with my phone yeah it’s kind of feels weird okay so this is where the glass shirt is actually glass shirt read these nuts okay dude J I can’t see the alert for a while so whatever you want to do let’s do it l while we explore this area yeah this area is a all right let’s go see the amazing GL do it the up there GL huh did you carry the hot the it’s over here yeah you guys been to that clean what clean Teddy can you tell me if the SRT is fixed so that like the EU one so I can change it right now I’m using the rtmp one look so Mao is glassier I guess joku isal yeah I’ve seen a lot of places same just let me know let me know let me know [ __ ] bro okay Jole as Glasser uh-huh I must PE is it fixed by any [Music] chance huh do you not have your [Applause] chat oh [Applause] [ __ ] I don’t know I feel like other people they stare at us oh my God that’s it yeah so Co it’s pretty C I know it’s getting cold right feels like we’re going into refriger right oh my God oh my God I’m never die oh God view is insane guys look at this wow that’s insane look at that blanket of ice with to the Lord of the Ring glass sh I think you guys will have a better view if I changed to the SRT [Applause] beautiful view that’s a lot that’s actual Glasser that’s so cool it’s really cool yeah okay let me change back to SRT see if it works better [Applause] see if it works see if it [Applause] works it’s called glasses guys glur [Applause] [Applause] [ __ ] okay apparently Teddy cannot check if SRT is fixed or not so I’ll just try to change the SRT and see if it works works okay guys Lego [ __ ] thank you for gift thank thank thank [Music] you oh my God okay it’s fixed so we’re good Yugi so since this is fixed you could try watching your chat with my other phone here look at you using all my phone and you’re calling yourself not my wife this get CH type one everything okay yeah yeah we’re good we’re good we’re good okay now there we go wow [ __ ] dude it’s getting cold one one one one not one one one ice blocks on the river wa is there penguin no well I’m penguin yo is that Glasser that’s Glasser yeah it’s kind of like the rock they just melt and they sit there [ __ ] months ago penguin is over here I’m penguin 34 months how do you cancel my sub it used to say – 4.99 now it said – 5.99 what he heck Jimbo went up on your content s where huh huh where you’re what hey that’s not sealman actually I thought it was there I was just trying to on top of the mountain SS are not here the audacity I’m sorry that’s okay I I was I I thought it was a seal but it’s could be they could have been also it’s so fun fact all this used to be glacial man but yeah but now it’s melted because it’s summertime right just melting in general it’s not even it used to be even just there I think it’s of global warming everything just melts oh really so even during the summer they had it before I think so it used to be much colder maybe I think so melt [Applause] yeah look at that it’s just blocks yeah I see that look at that look at that the baby toes baby toe nails your also like it’s glasses so it’s not skim any more guys Iceland has ice it’s real like as chat was saying it was scam cuz there’s no ice there is ice yeah there is eyes see that there eyes for sure [Applause] dude GL Glasser and apparently you could do the Glasser hiking with the guide but we didn’t do it because it was like really far like 3 hours and also we weren’t sure the internet would work so we just figured we’re going to watch it like kind of by walking like this a little bit Yeah so I’ve done a glacial hike before not here somewhere else mhm you have to walk inside and the mountains like it’s like mountains and mountains in your left and right mountains and mountains of glaes is it yeah like a lot of mountains basically yeah glasses yes and then it’s maybe internet would not be good no signal last time I don’t last sure I want to P here not here what I want a p oh okay there’s a river it’s going to be so cold don’t here don’t here this one the pipe there’s no Bush or anything exactly you don’t you want to pee The Rock behind that big rock oh oh yeah I’m telling you there’s like a the tube that you can actually wear like as a woman you can just pee and inside right pee it yeah inventions are getting more crazy though check this out guys it’s crazy awesome isn’t it pom P everything good is working y do he yay do you guys also have two toenails two toenails on the baby toe no no is that normal I have onid two toenails like the the toenail is like divided into two parts no noting I one it’s Unique maybe it’s um I heard that it could be the gentic thing change your change your name to two toenail SL TV [Applause] wow Glasser that was glasher guys it’s cool [Music] H so fresh [Applause] that’s everyone says this looks like death red yeah they yeah they say that Debra that that’s deor deor yeah Deborah yeah yeah what’s up deor deor deor a roll over what’s up what’s up deborra Deborah Deborah what’s up look at us sniffer three Asian girls with three cameras just no we’re we’re actually making The Stereotype stronger Asians always always with the camera and selfie stick we’re making it stronger that’s actually true though oh when I was in Poland I was at this like place I don’t know where but then apparently like my polish viewer translated for me apparently someone was like someone saw me and then there was like for Asians always with the camera apparently set that in like polish oh my God yeah interes oh of course Asian’s always I mean if you think about it we’re in a country that we don’t get to see all you know actually it’s it’s it’s funny though because um when I was like when I’m in Asia whenever we see something really cool all the Tour all the people who are there Asians they’re always like with their phone out and then like filming like but then when I was in like I was in friends at this like really cool um night installation nobody was filming everyone was just like at the moment like watching yeah so I was like wow yeah that’s the thing brother capture the moment yeah they want to capture the moment and I want to watch it again you know do you yeah I’ll watch it again I don’t really check it back again really I watch it again like often I go down wow at that time I was here you know especially because I do a lot of stuff yeah so I tend to forget like what I’ve done Yeahs right no yeah cuz when I was doing glaci High I had to that is really cool look check this out guys look at this that’s the Glasser power of nature what’s that in the water glacier it’s ice bro it’s ice what else would it be your mom’s underwear no ice ice ice like glacia like a ice you know with dirt and everything yeah definitely not your mom’s underwear you blasher what would that be2 how the hell am I supposed to pronounce it that it’s it’s gler thank you so much wait wait me it’s my alerts are so dead Yugi Yugi Yugi you cannot go so far away from me you cannot go so far away from me the hosp it is huge like those are the people over there we tell told you It’s Kind like and right I think it’s off for me over here even with no there you go and off on and off yeah on and off back unstable yeah unable unable a little bit more and then if it doesn’t work and go back I guess wow what do you have recep here yeah yeah really we’re using Nova but we don’t have a reception oh we do but not that good I mean it’s it’s getting bad now I mean right yeah as you get closer damn it’s so cool though it is really cool just St the people who hike they go there oh yeah in order to hike you need a need a guide you want to get back let me see no I don’t fisting Feast feasting guys technically technically this is K one and two see this is Bikini stop I know stop wait why why do my food look big and there’s some massive P inside there anyway [Music] [Music] techically all right back okay so that area have no internet but we can watch the same we cannot we can only go over there so the view is the same Bo lla yeah retion but it’s the same view same view so cool it is really cool actual Glasser so you see these people they’re they climbed up a mountain they climbed up a glasher so usually Glasser hiking the car is a guide some of the stuff is 5 hours some of the stuff is 3 hours you see all these tool yeah pretty cool actually bler glasher is glasher guys I’m calling Glasser the Glasser I don’t know what else to call it do you want to go down yeah shoes and ice pick you do you want to go down yeah why not do you want to see that Iceberg a little can do that okay here no it’s okay yeah iborg let’s go see the iceberg a little closer you know what’s really cool is like there are glasses here like this and then like how are there glasses when there no grasses when there are rocks it’s mostly rocks actually oh I think they have a sand here too interesting um interesting Moss yeah Moss potato potata Prov us I mean look look look see there’s even flower see and the and then grass this is like the very part powerful flower if you think about it then cuz it grow it in a very very you know harsh environment just like you Yi flower that grows in a harsh environment but so beautiful and damn successful so cheesy but thanks look at this Yugi that’s you thank you this flower name is you you stop touch me this is this is yeah look at that stop touching I’m not touching you L RZ what do you think about my RZ guys I don’t think it’s working that was a good one yeah every time I play the RZ game I always don’t get girls that much guys I don’t think I have that much of Riz in general yeah yeah sure about that mhm very pathetic maybe you’re clueless clueless soy RZ guys I don’t need RZ I know right keep going down women don’t need RZ yeah women don’t need RZ that much huh careful that’s stranding yeah so cool this is death stranding oh my God I know right oh my gosh what happened this is what you’re supposed to do when you see some good scenery just yell no Korean say why you like you know when you go on top of the mountain you [Music] like you’re going to hear the sound back Echo yeah that’s the ice barg guys you see ice barg over there that’s the iceberg over there too this place is hella cold wow like what the hell is going on this is the summer in Iceland you [Music] losers are losers go in I have to do five jumping [Music] squats but I I don’t want to put the phone down because signal is kind of tricky here I can’t hold it for you okay and the glass are in the background thank you what do you want to do it jumping squat oh [ __ ] what is jumping squat the [ __ ] is that like what are you going to try to fly [ __ ] or what what you going to try to do no this is exercise squ that’s not jumping squat that is thanks stop she’s so come down here that one all the way over there you see that zoom in that one that’s like a true Glasser over there did you did you have you seen there’s like a big some kind of like r or something yeah mhm did you see that that’s just tip of the iceberg if you spin it that’s like a lot bigger wow so great a big boy can be a big boy big boy it V itty bitty V I have uh something that I want to show you guys for you guys chat really cool giant fallis shaped Iceberg floating in the Conception Bay surprises a resident of dildo Canada ice workg har of the coast of dildo you f found land in consumption Bay before collapsing this is real this is real news what is it about where did you even get that news I read news good news very cool news ice barg [Applause] I love it we’re stuttering a little bit because the internet is really unstable here but once you get out of here it should be okay it’s not that bad though it’s not that bad show the people on the Glasser there are no people I mean we can’t really see them something very inter actual Glasser what do you guys think about the Glasser I think it’s pretty cool yeah but I think we should go to Antarctica to see the more bigger one the bigger one yeah we should definitely go to see the bigger one Zoom there are people let me see what F shot the [ __ ] is going on bro I don’t see anyone up there right now at least oh holy [ __ ] oh well thanks God that oh what happened did that some on the right side over there that people any what skinning for a human existence scanning for human [Music] existence I saw some people walking on the GLA scan the waterfall I don’t really see anyone right now I saw someone walking on the glci yeah you see I took photo pretty interesting nobody in sight oh wow yeah we could have done that man yeah we could have done that but the internet was really bad there right when the moment we got there yeah it’s pretty bad internet oh I see people over there I see it Yep they’re walking look at them wow that Glasser is bigger than I thought the humans are so tiny tiny I could not even see that at all the glass is really big I didn’t know that was that big so a very interesting fact is that if you try to do this in Winter your feet will be up to the snow will be up here all the way really yeah damn that’s crazy it’s very deep guys that glass year is so much bigger than I thought but satch it’s melting it is melting s so that whole whole thing is Glasser actually Yep this is very dirty dirty it is dirty it is not dirty it’s a little dirty volcanic ash and everything maybe yeah but you can see there’s a little water I can lick the water let me prove it that it’s not dirty okay why you canot say Dirty To Nature it’s it’s pure I mean because of volcanic ash and everything well I think our jackets are dirty than my my jaet is definitely dirty my jaet I think our is way dirtier than the water my jet is in the in the form of nature right now look at that this is Mother Nature right Mother Nature jaet is Mother Nature Mother Nature oh I see yeah yeah I see them that’s so tiny Genie jacket yeah yeah if you can lick this this water you can lick a my jacket this is all the nature too to pay me like at least 100 bucks no nobody nobody nobody peed on here it looks a little dirty because of all the ash volcanic ash that has like you know that’s on it so it’s not pure like you know just ice it has Ash and dirt and stuff it looks a little dirty but um still looks really cool she like him B like him B yeah the neck area guys it’s okay I’m a nature Explorer right now oh got to get out of here though L is getting bad I think we got to go up right it’s cool too no I’m like part of nature right now see that’s the reason why I am I like nature I will eventually be part of the nature you know a dirty when I die eventually see when I die eventually I’ll become part of nature so what’s the point of laundry dirty are you asking do you have dirty mind to chat of course they do they have dirty M for like everything almost not everyone but a lot of people [Applause] do one grand thank for 11 months $6 sub I’m happy to be here though you thank you like for example Yugi if I say oh my God my pants my pants are wet what do you think from what maybe you went into the raver or yeah right but then CH always say like H why but I think that’s the English term that if you use the word wet it I didn’t really know it before but I started to realize that it can sound really weird yeah know that’s because everyone is dirty mind if they think like oh no I think it’s kind of like um it’s the way of how they use it mostly iy not to I Tred to use the water not water I tried to use the word soak instead of w soak yeah but like in Kore we use the word wet so like we don’t see the problem with it we use the word wet all the time yeah yeah in Korean that’s the right term in English it’s kind of like yeah I think in English also you can’t use like yeah my fence are wet that’s okay you your pants you can also say I wet my pants that means you know I peed my pants not really like sexual meaning don’t know New Zealand is similar to Iceland yeah this part in is really bad though it’s really sweaty so I’m trying to get out yep yep yep yep no [ __ ] bro yeah good thing that we didn’t make a reservation for the ice climbing fly M oh no try to Speed it out but like when you’re completely wet from waterfall or rain or whatever what are you supposed to use I get soaked by rain or something like that you okay I sped It Out ooh what happen fly the fly the B went inside my mouth I was breathing in but while I was breathing in I just breathed in the bug drenched I’m never drenched you can use the word drenched I get drenched but that means like really really wet oh my God [ __ ] bro saw the Glasser guys mission accomplished [ __ ] now saw the [Applause] Glasser what’ you think Chad it was great I love it yeah it was nice this was so dramatic really good really good it’s like green and boom glacial I know it very interesting I really liked itnet spy I kind of glad we didn’t yeah glad we didn’t like uh the tour yeah yeah it would have been bad would have been B would have been bad the internet is good now cuz we’re away from the glacier I guess it’s a Glasser yours [Music] big ice cube hidden jam now wait there’s going to be the final match at 700 p.m. right yeah yeah we have only two hours that way yeah we also have a booking at 700 p.m. no the the lava show we could go see lava show yeah we could go to Vic and then we can see the black sand beach Wait did we book the lava show today we did we did we did we so we got to go to the LA show we’re going to go to the Vic first lava sh lava sh eruption eruption dude I want to go here lava Soul let it explode 30 minutes Drive oh you’re so early then no we can’t we can’t go early maybe out do you guys want to go uh do you guys want to go D hole it’s a cool place huh it’s a cool place let’s [ __ ] go oh can we we might be able to see puffins oh oh let’s go we might be let’s [ __ ] go did you see a Yeti yet no we might be able to see Atlantic puffin if we’re lucky enough we’re going to see die [Applause] Harley okay the in is good now are so cute well chickens are cute too but we TW I eat it what I’m being real that’s true though you’re right why are you in middle of I know what is your favorite uh Adventure music wait what what is your favorite adventure music the sh a lot of the Rings music I like the How to Train Your Dragon that is my one of my favorite movies good right yeah guys it looks like we’re in a green screen right now this is not actually you know we’re in the land of the Norwegian so we have you know like see Vikings and [ __ ] we should play we should play Viking music in Norway this is not Norway no Iceland is also part of the Norwegian region really yeah because they have like history of like Vikings coming as well there’s like some like Viking ship and and all that in R really yeah just a little bit probably not as much as Norway but Norway will be fun a Viking helmet yeah they used to be what is it sailing outside doing a viking [ __ ] what’s the Viking [ __ ] though talk talk D dig icelanders are literally Vikings oh really maybe that’s why they settle in you oh what about Asian can were there Asian Vikings maybe y Iceland is my favorite country I’ve traveled to go to inti brewery and get wasted on $14 glasses of beer H I hate beer $14 glasses of beer worse I don’t want to I don’t want to drink beer beer is cool York [ __ ] yeah do you think there’s Asian biking maybe there is so we’re going to go to de [Applause] they really they really they really to defeat the hunt did they send the daughter when I asked for some but in this case if my family my brother was sent and then if I was sent like if my brother was s he’s going to be like what the [ __ ] like you know I would be stronger than my brother so like just because [Applause] exactly did they send the daughter when I asked your spest bunch I’ve ever met your pathetic Bunch oh pathetic bunch I ever met you what is it now pick up now pick up get the [ __ ] out Mr aisle make a man out of you how’s icel so far it’s fantastic man day one so good I love it yeah we’ve done so much in like what it what probably [Music] hours did you know Vikings would smash giant watermelons into their mouth in 5 seconds flat those bad boys would eat it like it was meat also Iceland and Norway are Viking Brothers we can almost understand each other’s language it’s just Viking to Viking communication [ __ ] I miss Korean barbecue s stay away from the bigger island Jimbo did you know that the Vikings would smash giant watermelons into their mouth and five seconds flat Vikings are humans okay just because they’re a viking doesn’t mean they can like [ __ ] hit the entire giant watermelon into with their mouth 5 Seconds the only thing they could do is the hippo or Vikings hippos no Vikings are not [Applause] hippos are they together also eat like a some me is and Norway are biking roads we can’t almost understand each other language wait so Iceland language and then Norway language is it seemed like it’s kind of similar like it’s Iceland language Norway language Sweden language and Denmark language kind of similar [Applause] then it sounds like it because they have like instead of a instead of J pronouncing it J they pronounce it why yeah so it’s like Ricky not JY javic Ricky javic Ricky [ __ ] bogs everywhere man beautiful dude this is actually nice look at this guys it’s actually good right p no it’s not because of shower stuff it’s just like it’s really really are like just flies and some other tiny bugs just flying all the time what inside my mouth too I showered you can see right through me be how to pronounce Genie here yiny is it yiny yiny it’s not jinny is a yinie here Yin hi my name is [Applause] yinie seriously though I’m going to attack all the bar ASAP this is terrible should I get some food I have some ice cream have you visited the Icelandic rain forest yet two do you want anything you want a hot chocolate I’m buying it I I bought it for you already I bought it I bought it I don’t like hot chocolate too bad you got to drink it cuz I bought it for you already I’ll drink both s look at all this considerate people they’re getting hot taco for me so I was talking about chocolate Chate but I like chocolate hot chocolate you what mean you like chocolate but you don’t like hot chocolate yes it’s different J you want the hot chocolate yeah I like hot chocolate bought two so thank you so much de no it’s okay nothing nothing it’s okay thank you so much I was going to get it for you but I didn’t know youate yourness it’s okay oh is think coar coffee coar coffee try icelanded Pizza I think this is the icelanded pizza over here yeah like Longos is a pizza right I was looking at it and I was like um what are these fries what’s the dinner menu for today dinner menu I have no clue I think we can’t eat anything at the Vic Vic is like a they have sports bar or restaurant thank you so much we’re going to have dinner at the Sports the final mat Spain versus England I bet on Spain I think Spain GNA win what do you think J and Netherland how dare you lost oh waiting waiting for well they lost from England it was closed though it was closed I saw the I saw the the fin thing that the England I want to watch both I want I I want to watch the final I’m actually interested I want to see who’s going to win I bet in Spain what about you how much how much are you betting you pay $50 I have to bet my money who who’s who’s going to bet with me though like who who’s going to who I got a B SP okay this a new car going to win sometimes I forgot my thing you no thanks 100 that’s a lot maybe $10 I should ask CH tea check conversion guys 31 31 or I should ask magic AAL magic a the final thank you D the hola is so yummy so warming me up yeah thank you thank you here supposed to be yours bro all right magic eightball do you think England versus Spain do you think Euro Cup England is going to win no waiting forain is going to win do you think Spain is going to win yep 31 oh as I see yes do you think England is going to win no no that’s do you think England is going to win the Euro Cup wow doesn’t want to answer does want to Heart feelings what about you Chad who do you think like is going to win for the final match thank you you want Spain Spain Spain a lot of people are saying Spain Spain that’s okay see it over here so sad that lost what you’re cheering for Netherland the most of course of course they should win why why why do you think they should win cuz I love Netherland simple reason I like Netherland too but I like all the other countries too but I like the most really yeah it’s coming home it’s coming home who are you rooting for enging home it’s coming home I still have the flag that I bought from the London I am rooting for Korea cuz I’m [Music] Korean where you know what I cannot really like choose a team like I’m I like both countries he doesn’t I mean you don’t have to yeah I mean you don’t have to just because you don’t like please yeah oh oh thank you thank you thanks for de beat sorry I don’t have a l for now what’s that I don’t beef gash soup could be good connection with the hot choc they say our Korean flag looks like Pepsi oh so they say team Pepsi oh so I kind of did a research which one was first mhm but simp apparently Pepsi logo was before the Korean thing really yeah like I was checking on the Google this is shocking yeah so we copied Pepsi no no it’s not like that it’s just like coincidence coincidence right yo we got to share this guys it’s really good yeah can I try of course so this is what story be g g g g beef potato carrot dumping paprika this is like it’s a Icelandic soup I don’t think so I’ve seen golage like Gage before Oh that’s a that’s a Poland I saw golage in Poland this looks like borrow it from kind of culture mhm mhm she likes it beef beef potato carrots dumpling paprika cona oh my can I try it thanks the pizza it’s not thank you right yes please without yeah what the hell is this spoon is flat flat spoon can I play with in the future just if you’re going to visit places buy a car just make sure you paid for the park because usually they have park for the pay okay when because tourist touristic place are having a cash from it and they are very how to say uh very thank you because the tourist you know tourist going to pay so the places are very sneaky about this thank you so much here I just park it and I nobody say me nothing and I just saw the sign M this place will be must be paid so I go ask and dude says me I supposed to have up for the pay oh really yeah mostly places for tourists need to have paid for the parking or something should we pay them and and no no it’s fine I just say about it’s very easy to miss it and later they are going to watching about number of the car and will be kind of email or something okay okay okay you’re traveling around the world that’s okay you’re traveling around the world so yeah thank you thank you thank you mostly touristic places want to be paid for their visit no thank you is he Hungarian he’s not Hungarian he’s um you’re uh Poland right wait uh I’m origin in Poland mhm speaks uh how to say low low level English uh but I live in Iceland since 2016 2016 so what’s your first language then Polish Polish you Miss Poland not specially huh not specially I I always have my chapter there okay I like Poland Poland was very nice is beautiful place but good for visit and but if you want to live there you must have plan for yourself plan for myself yes thank you if you don’t have plan for yourself you’re just going to have Line work you going to complain for that oh sorry dropping my phone how about okay do you know what what does triple mean triple like tripi triple the song yeah what’s that mean I don’t I always aame that’s a surname sounds like a surname I don’t know you don’t know I’m not enjoying that that ones oh really no what is that oh I was curious too it’s kind of funny song or something like a Polish cow oh it’s Russ it’s Russian three stripes for Adas CH knows better chat knows better CH knows better yeah they know what what’s happening with M or fun things it’s a banger it’s a quite Banger actually kind of I hope it’s more like official Keo song oh yeah but I think it’s CU Iceland right so people they try to I’m I’m boring seriously person so I don’t know many things you’re boring with I’m boring no you’re not boring how about so how many language can you speak English and uh English Polish not not Advanced polish because there also exist Advanced polish M and then can speak a little two languages that’s all wait you live in Iceland so you can speak like Nordic too a little bit no only know simple words like goodbye hello have a good day goodbye hello how do I say hello good D good and D it’s a good day good day good and D similar to German good and Tagan is thank you t f is thank you very much mhm see you see you next day or see you in the morning CH yeah yeah bless bless is like goodbye H bless bless is like goodbye BL BL T Dog what’s T do again I don’t know no they fly like us today flies everywhere I know flies everywhere right it’s crazy fly lies be yourself wow what seems to be a problem not only around me it’s around everywhere like yeah you see there’s they everywhere the place are suiciding on the on the face see over there too it’s just everywhere it’s around you get around W I washed guys I washed it’s not about the CER it’s about um it’s just they they’re here is there a lake close by well yeah there’s a there’s a lake over there Glasser Lake very how are you man you good you want some soup soup yeah I got a drink it so good [ __ ] amazing man GRE M Gage pretty good almost done you good thank you Sia just lost it guys reactivate drink some soup so we go see the the maybe we might be able to see Puffin let’s go and then afterwards catch one hm I’m going to catch one you canot catch it why not they’re endangered huh they’re endangered animal I mean I’ll catch and let it go okay you’re not supposed to touch endangered anymore really yeah is it not pet no one thank you but what if they walk toward me and then still not allowed let me pet no still still that’s the reason why like if you go to Antarctica or like that kind of place where penguins and seals come up to you and then literally like you know lay right next to you and then they’re touching you they can touch you but you’re not supposed to pet them or touch them at all that’s so unfair well it is what it is we cannot do that even menate teas you cannot do like I can let them touch me but I cannot touch them yeah exactly that’s so unfair it is what it is jie how many s cards can your cell phone hold don’t feed the animals BTW Green Peace and Peter will come after you have a good day well my S can hold only one I mean my phone only hold c yeah only one okay let’s go to the next place we saw the Glasser actual Ice come to Romania you can pet Bears ohuh I don’t want to put bears oh no but I want to go to Romania I was going to just to like how they say like just like fight you apart yeah just rip your head yes arm leg scratch your face and then play till you die enjoy watching supper thank you for attempting to closely approach or touch Wildlife doesn’t just potentially disrupt the animals normal feeding breeding and Sheltering behaviors it could be illegal and punishable by law if these nuts are harassed or harmed exactly well technically attempting to closely approach the wildlife okay the next place is be yet uh I think we’re going somewhere else first before lava show was next other Maybe yeah it’s a little it’s a nearby Vic it’s um the black Beach and then the thing can I type it on your phone can you give me your phone to me real quick I can type it on your phone yep yep thank you yeah it’s at 700 p.m. that’s why we have some time we have some time yeah we near we’re going to be near the village the place how many steps I don’t think we walked that much maybe oh sorry never mind 15,000 I was like casually 15,000 steps there you go thank you thank youu [Music] Valu 50k no 15,000 15,000 any nude beach here who wants to be nude in this weather bro trowing like C oh sky is so nice though you’ve seen also the Sun or just came after yeah like when we were leaving let’s go to the next place guys I has been so far so awesome I was open m I like it I feel the wind I’m eating the potato chips potato chips oh yeah but that’s why I didn’t want to open it like all the way yeah just in case it was it was after strong wind was guys I’m constantly burning calorie I should be constantly eating food you know this is a hard and [Music] hello huh yeah I’m trying to uh go outside yes yeah is it this way or but you welcome no problem I hear some uh voice is not you you asking no oh I hear somebody screaming oh yeah you yeah yeah yeah I’m not trying to figure out that’s all I need to do see I see I see car roads you were on a paved Road just now why you trolling by going off road again because you guys said [ __ ] change the car Road [ __ ] so I changed the [ __ ] car Road and it’s taking it to go this way this is a fu we are wait a second guys I don’t think we’re back yet that’s how they eat it yeah I think so we’re back okay I guess we’re slowly coming back we’re coming back coming back where’s the M we literally just saw like asking where’s the all right next place oh [ __ ] I have some situation like I see somebody I want to watch and stream already going finish already finished I I watch I start that’s on the road though might be kind of spot um yeah we’re going to go see lava show at 700 p.m. but before then we’re going to go to this like Cliff that we might be able to find puffins which is endangered bird oh that you can only see in Iceland maybe not in like other places so it’s going to be pretty cool is Puffin only in Iceland you can’t see the but too but I’m like most of the time here I think okay okay no then where I I don’t think I’ve ever seen pupp before CH I’ve been to a lot of places so saw them in Maine oh really puppet is in main oh my God I really want to go to Maine Maine in the US main m m a i n e you ate Puffin a few months ago in Iceland you can’t you cannot eat Puffin it’s endangered guys one alerts oh wait are 45 thank you thank you thank you thank you only people from Iceland by law look the sky has cleared up a little which is good do you think we’ll be able to see whale if you go on a whale watching chat after Puffin tour we’re thinking we could go like if there’s a short whale watching we could do whale watching too oh there we go that would be badass I know right people said there’s a high chance that we could be able to see the whales in like IC yeah so sounds cool I know right smells what whales whales yeah to see the whale it’s Iceland so it’s better chance another Salva song Thank you for f thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you I turn off the alerts right now because of uh the internet is a little unstable on the road no so yeah thank you Sala for f thank you thank you thank you thank you jingle balls thank you for 9 month sub thank you thank you jingle balls jingle balls jingle balls jingle balls jingle all the way I mean okay the whale tour that we did in San Francisco we couldn’t see whales there but Iceland is all the way up in the north and then I think there’s a high chance that we might be able to actually see it yeah for sure for sure for sure man’ the hell man look at that guys look at that wow that’s beautiful the sun is so much different is this volcano no I don’t actually it’s quite obvious it has that oh yeah this is not volcano it’s like ched is saying it is volcano really vcan volcano no one it was once was oh it could be yeah it looks like it could have been D dormant oh look like lava rock yeah Iceland is just like a volcano volcano volcano everywhere where’re the dragon ATO dragon in [Music] [Music] Wales is today Sunday today Sunday Street [Music] road trip sh sh [Music] Shing Jack [Music] [Music] [ __ ] dude look at this gu never the whole Iceland is just so beautiful beautiful nature you guys remember [Music] yeah it’s like something else dude it feels like something out of this world really good song for this you have a good song for us yep but you don’t you don’t really see a tree that much do you’s there’s one tree one over there [Music] wow if there’s only one tree that’s probably hisory tree yeah I don’t really see trees that’s interesting is that the reason why everything is so expensive because you guys don’t like you guys import a lot of stuff yeah probably yeah I know we’re out of the main city we kind of going the let me check the map real quick ooh horses hes wait can we check and see can we horses no we can just stop for a little bit and Che can I touch nose I love horses I want touch nose can we hey guys can we touch the nose can we stop by you want to stop I need to find the P to parking okay because I’m blocking the way and this is not okay okay we could still we could just go because we have horse riding on another day too and then if we we have to catch a lava show soon if you want to jump quick I have no no no no no we can go it’s okay let’s do it yeah let’s go because or we can stop like 5 minutes yeah no place of parking right she was piss it off I in the mirror the hor are least we saw the horses horses are everywhere here nose yeah feels so good SM soft right feels like marshmallow I like touching uh raccoon’s hands yeah they’re so soft it’s crazy not to get beat the hor really yeah yeah you’re going to be able to uh pet horse later like another day maybe it’s it’s a good day you know window Window XP Rel know I if we don’t have how do you guys but you can only go maximum 48 Aver 48 km hour Window XP to be all right yeah if we didn’t have ride we probably would have gone on that tour bus that we just saw you know whoa look at that yeah every little thing is going to be all right [Music] I wonder if I can fly drone there that’ be awesome you’re by the black Beach right guys yeah 5.6 million look at this this road trip almost there oh can we hear can we hear the volcano song the two volcano saying thing volcano song what’s that JY volcano ah oh lava song lava [Music] I which one uh do you know the name no I know I know it’s like it’s just lava song lava song Disney lava song Disney Disney lava song L VA song Disney bro but that’s more like Hawaii vibe a [Music] long my by the way got to go all the [Music] way [Music] carar up you’re here with me and I’m here with you [Music] Earth check in first then I’ll bring my bike oh bad in window it’s probably not going to work uh during the winter time oops wow check this out out y’all oh my God insane what a view know you’re here with me and I’m [Music] here there’s one there over here you got you got to illegally this is against tra on the way is going to be a littley oh wait there’s no there’s no yeah yeah we got you got to turn I must R because this is one way okay [Music] I like this song so much actually such a great [Music] song I [Music] think damn so many cars there’s no place to park if I could par I was just going to release you I’m just going to driving around okay thank you so much maybe there will be soon take okay we’ll come back soon though we’ll come back soon okay I Sak some okay thank you so much we’ll see you soon I have a train oh my God guys look at this the M can we findly drone here dude this is perfect place to fly drone there a beach over there I wish would come true that you’re here with me we might be able to see uh puff in if we’re really lucky you see over there that’s a that’s a beach wow wow that insane wow come this way I have a dream I wish would come [ __ ] dude you’re here with [ __ ] keep tripping man black Beach oh my God oh my god oh my god wow this is crazy dude I canot even express I know I have a dream I wish come true can I fly a drone here D ding ding ding honey if there been all places no drone that why they even why I even have a permit for a drone make me pay for $40 and made me do the test and all that literally every place I went to was like nope nope nope nope NOP NOP no nope bro holy [ __ ] dude minus 40 sagge you know what though if you can fly a drone it around like volcano climbing area and then if I show lava with my uh drone then uh you know I I think that’s wind oh my God this is so Majestic guys how am I ever going to be satisfied with all the other nature after this I mean any other nature is beautiful but um this definitely increases my you know standard this is just any other I mean there every nature is beautiful the nature I love nature and then wherever you go if you see nature it’s like really really beautiful but this makes my this is breathtaking seriously every location has unique beauty exactly but this definitely increases my like standard for you know not standard but what is it called guys how would you say it like it increases the [ __ ] dude it’s so pretty I’m taking a picture expectations exactly expectations High bar yeah yeah that’s what I’m talking about this is crazy so good I can turn on the alerts now by the way you can play them can play all the stuff that I missed I have a dream so [ __ ] man this is not Samsung AI guys this is real okay to I’m maybe that’s oh stop doing this so millenial for the puffy at what do you think guys isn’t this just just crazy Chris sleeves thank you for $10 come to thank you Iceland landscape is probably my favorite so far know alien landscape with stunning views wow and then keep going that way there’s a lighthouse that’s a lighthouse over there it’s a lighthouse I am dude this is like this is crazy right [Music] unreal [Music] CC CC NE thank you for 37 months home this is the beauty of IRL streaming this is definitely guys check this out that part oh my God [Music] is that like a lake or something lassroom I hope you enjoy Greenland as much as I do ours this is not Greenland IC we saw the Glasser I think guys puff Puffin Puffin Puffin puffin no way dude you’re so cute so cute where over there over there over there oh there see it see it right [ __ ] dude so this is zoomed right now guys it’s this far can’t even see it there are two over there see that oh there’s fly so cute I saw them fly wow can’t really get closer amazing actually right are we in the Game of Thrones dude this every part that we saw so far it’s amazing like actually has been insane Adventure trck insane run I [Applause] think see I’ll go to the lava show soon check real quick absolutely yeah this is just speechless and um so glad man so glad that I I made it I almost couldn’t so hidden Jam the this is the how many hidden gems would you give to this place coal 300 wow what of you thanks Yale right how many hidden Jam score would you give here 10 out of 10 I think 20 out of 20 sh I can’t believe we saw puffing we’re going to go puffing tour uh one more time and then get a little closer with the boat there’s a place that you could do that in Rick evic rise a bar to 100 to 100 you look cool you got to you got to see the cliff over here this Cliff is insane check this out speee spee damn mag magical magical magical with a capital m is it did Iceland make it to your bucket list [ __ ] I think it should have can be you should dude amazing Antarctica is Antarctica is also on my bucket list it’s so nice uh I can’t remember but um I don’t know how I can go to Antarctica to be honest not streamable so maybe like by myself Vlog it I don’t know go with Elon maybe if I go with Elon and tortica might be streamable but then how do I get even sponsored by El I’m not Mr Beast I think if you’re like Mr Beast then you can be like collab with Aon we St puffing y’all Mr Beast ask him hey I’m a twitch AR maybe maybe I could ask I could like hi I don’t know Beast isn’t the friend of anon but I think maybe if Starling gets like better then maybe we might be able to actually stream in Antarctica I do want to stream in Antarctica stream in antar Antarctica could be could be in my bucket list cuz that’s like really cool isn’t it let’s go see the lav show let’s go see lava show now yep yep we’re going to the Vic so this is uh this is plan so there are two rounds right half time and then like rest of the other halftime in the football so like we’re going to have dinner andun the half time yeah so we’re going to see the last last part of the halftime to see the whole thing sounds great so you’re going to lot for England I don’t know man you should do it cuz I’m going to go for Spain I mean okay wolf is voting for I mean rooting for England oh really you’re rooting for Spain okay what about you I’m rooting for you know what I actually really don’t care who wins but I’m just curious who’s going to win I don’t care who’s going to win either but I want to for SP I’ll have to bed something on someone or on some team in order to be rooting you feel like Spain is going to win bamos espa or bamos espa or let’s [ __ ] go M they probably have their own CH I [Music] think each sports team has some kind of CH or whatever take offy Tails take [ __ ] dude this is amazing [Music] imagine AAL say Spain is going to win running you all hear where is uh wolf and puev oh really oh wow look at all this D I love this place so much this is how he used to look like crazy view I know right I think for [ __ ] nuts I know I want to fly a drone here I you know what like it’s so Majestic I don’t even want to talk you know I just want to walk quietly because my voice is going to ruin the The View it’s so Majestic it’s like it’s it’s insane I can just sit down here and like get my pencil and painting and then sort of drawing this sit down here for hours and hours then don’t talk but I’m a streamer I’m a Yer kind of have to man [Music] [Music] [Music] Black Sea Chad [Music] okay we got to go lava Show Now show love a show love a show love a show love a show love a show beautiful so beautiful oh [Music] amazing where do I pee [Music] in a tree there’s no tree dude no Iceland has like no tree it’s crazy and no bushes no tree there’s a little bit of grass that’s it okay it’s a volcanic desert where uh where are they do you know by chance what time is it we got to get going we got to go now H What is love baby don’t love baby don’t tell me what’s the lyrics JY baby what what is love don’t hurt me no more I I just saw saw them you saw them yeah but then they disappeared hey yep that was amazing wasn’t it I know that was so good I went crazy I I know it’s just surreal so many videos and photos surreal dude you take photos I did I did was amazing do you want me drive here no we can go with you yeah yeah behind it was surreal What is love baby don’t hurt me don’t hurt me that bu huh red and yellow so painted surreal all right guys that was amazing this is like I think one of my favorite my God that was crazy man what now it’s a lava show time actual lava 30 minutes are we going to see I think the Lava place it’s very close it’s like 17 minutes yeah but we should go now cuz it’s yeah we got to go now: or is that right way thank you um yeah that’s it that’s it on the way might be a little laggy guys by the way it’s a little spotty I’m going to go back to the hotel and then when I go back I’m going to eat cereal oh what this place it says it closes a seven but our reservation is a seven so I guess like that’s the last so I guess we got to go and ask if they are scam by that reservation because we booked it from their website yeah we paid for the ticket already paid for the closing in front of our nose CH you guys need to see this look it’s freaking Windows XP dude I took so many pictures on video the Windows XP wallpaper I know it’s crazy oh my God people tell me that this fake man yeah they’re going to be like this is green screen right I’m like no dude real yeah you know you don’t actually dare it’s fake this place was d d c thank you for thank you thank you this one is really special hope you have a great time looks cool so far so cool you took that of course what what do you mean I I took that I took everything someone sit Bel oh sorry it’s always me hi Jimbo up dude thank you for home lava sure I was feel like GRE or something I don’t know what like in gree ree like sorini oh yeah I think Santorini is so good really yeah it’s got sexy dance I never been I saw the photos but I was k s is so pretty but it’s so crowded so many people okay I do 6 once I get off the Lev after the show this is a steak Knife add more oil canol oh [Music] no I did it again why am I keep doing these [Music] waving hand jinny M thank you for 12 months thank you thank you thank you welcome back guys I guess I don’t know I don’t think we’re completely out of the leg Zone yet chat so I might have to wait a little bit longer do a B for the game open the Y coin chat England versus Spain chat do the bat do the bad mods bingel thank you for one more a good thank you thank you thank you thank you so much you guys see it yeah I took that betting all in Spain to the bad guys through the bat it’s going to start soon well we won’t we’re only seeing the the second half the second half you like football I love football I mean I don’t really watch that much but this one I like watching was interesting no you don’t yes I do explain what is an offside offside is the when the football player kicked the ball a little off the field what a timing offside aaction are amazing very very uh good point you know Windows Windows Windows oh my God look at yeah window that’s a window view window ding ding ding Zang thank you for 18 months thank you thank you thank you hi hores no incorrect where is the tactically guy tactically the offside is thank you for 300 [Music] fet one good night good night thank you for the beat [Music] I every under good night [Music] thank you [Music] 11 one one one taian one CLE of life [Music] [Music] [Music] is in the C CLE of I love it dude [Music] we Zoom you oh [ __ ] do you see it say hi say hi I’m not going to fly on you [Music] [Music] damn that usually that thing means like there used to be like a volcano because that’s where the lava fell all L yeah that line yeah mhm beautiful stop hold and TI I will protect you from all around you I will be look at that guy horsey hi horsey you beat my [Music] heart Disney I love Disney you look busy yes everything everyone look busy no matter what of yeah old version is better but I haven’t se I haven’t seen inside out though I got to see inside out yeah I [Music] like thank you JY it is so pretty there I know right thank you for watching guys you be my heart my heart St on now and forever [Music] [Music] don’t have it this is actually so nice Iceland look at the look at this oh [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hi guys my name is wolves B with two e and this is my first time hanging out with Yi my name is [Music] I’m kind of curious about 24-hour daylight I don’t think it’s completely 24-hour day daylight I think it’s Sun I think sun sets and then Sun comes back up in like 2 hours was in the beginning of the July look at that now it’s getting darker it does get dark right at nightow get July June July is 24 hours isn’t it July right now La Land is 24 hours stay like really [Music] I mean I wasn’t sleeping at 12:00 a.m. and then it was still bright iel is so greed right you need a drive I think you need a car [Music] I don’t think there’s trees yeah I don’t think there’s trees I haven’t seen like one single trees here [Music] [Music] oh I see the city yeah I think that’s big that’s a big city is that big I mean considering it’s Iceland it’s big right [Music] chocolate yeah you can probably get chocolate tast more chocolate I don’t know you love chocolate so much no I don’t know I’m just obsessed with her today you know if you cannot really have that you’re kind of getting obsessed with I think I’m in the situation like that yes if you can have want to have it yeah you want it like you’re becoming more desperate this everything’s happening in the head all right CH welcome to Vic yeah welcome to Vic in another city called um Vic there a the the person whoever oh trees trees trees finally there’s trees yeah let’s see guys the people the person who was naming the cities were really really really lazy so it’s was like Ricky Vic Vic the city is Vic a lot of a lot of something a lot of cities name is like something Ricky or something or something Vic or whatever dude you guys are not you guys are going to laugh at there’s only uh seven wait no wait what’s the population there it is there it is there it is lava sh do you guys in vic there’s only 2,551 people staying here I just Googled yeah I mean when I was doing the cycleon I stopped by multiple like small towns and then a lot of towns were like what 2,000 3,000 or something big is and then when I was in China I went to this like one town that’s like not that big 10 million people like bro Asian for the Bel okay that’s all right see you later thank you so much thank you thank you thank you see you later La show love show love show what would we do without p man huh like he’s been really it must be very tiring to drive I know it’s so nice I can you [Music] me but they have scooter here electric scooter damn this a lava place mhm yeah there’s chocolate Icelander chocolate you can finally get it yeah that one is so pretty IC but it has raisins I hate raisins oh this one dark this one is good it’s all the same this one is dark salted caramel salted caramel I’ve never seen rice chocolate but it has puppets a that one’s cute actually if you if you get that one you can keep the casing ch I know the picture that we took hell like it’s [Music] crazy waterfalls dude I know I want I I was looking at the picture it looks amazing yeah they’re going to send you all your photos videos M I took a photo for yi scared how much will it be maybe like 10 I’m thinking 10 slow more waterfall CH like 1,000 2,000 uh 1,000 12,000 Chrono Maybe you were so close in a waterfall no 10 Crona what are you guys doing I’m just get chocolate let me stop by camera so good righty so starts at 700 p.m. right I we booked a ticket do we show it to uh it’s here you you B yeah okay just uh ask the people like okay okay thank [Music] you hi dude my English is so American okay awesome thank you you got to you got to start like because I whenever I’m studying I studed in the us too but I like all the TV show and everything that I watch is All American so got a TI yeah exactly what was the name under uh y o o n j i n just like manually with um and then I just that’s where it says 92% all right okay awesome and then you want to um you got to show your ticket too we still puffing from a bar guys but check this out check this babies out look at them they’re how this is how they look like well we’re going to go a puffet puffin tour um another time and then we’re going to be able to see closer view like this aren’t they so cute I they were in love they broke up they were in love again they broke up I think it later on like comes painting [Music] okay do we I think we enter we enter we sit here yeah it’s going to start soon there’s a glasses for individuals we there s all together it’s up to [Music] you well technically yeah sure if you want science [Music] scientist actually um actually the platonic platonic plates platonic what platonic plates what platonic platonic what plates plates yeah plates they’re [Music] moving tectonic platonic it’s tectonic yeah that’s why I’m PL what platonic plates it’s a platonic love you know actually what we have is platonic love you guys want to take a photo two seconds cute like it one more one more okay all right up is dark nice I like this one yeah you know what the love is no actually I know what we have is platonic love PL love platonic Love Is Love Without physical love you know just love each other emotionally emotionally no we don’t emotionally did a couple of times even you kiss my ass no it was there was there wasn’t anything you did though there were kids there were kids oh it’s okay anyone can kiss their ass no very uh very light kiss did that’s a she actually did I’m not the last yeah and she liked it no I didn’t like it she loved it so why did I do it though I think I think we did it for some reason no you just did because you wanted too no no no CH was keep CH was keep telling us no you were no there was a reason I remember there was a reason right there reason right guys there was a reason you’re so obsessed with my ass so I just oh yeah yeah see Chad is saying for five GI to up see I think it was no it was you it was you actually asked Chad to do five gift to S and they did so they were like okay then you can kiss my ass so I I was actually forced to kiss his I was actually forced to kiss her ass for her five gift St liting no seriously there’s a there’s a there’s a a v okay stop lying mods pull out the vs attitude attitude mods pull out the V please stoping no no seriously right guys yeah I like no I didn’t get five gift St she got five gifty St and then she asked me to kiss her ass because because she was like okay she can kiss my ass if she gets 5 to so so I sacrificed my lips for her five gift to St and then she’s acting like a he likes to trigger me I just like set the fire and she start wow so you you you want you want you like to see me triggered yeah you like to see me triggered fun though yeah yeah I just do you want me to actually do you want me to actually trigger you do you want me to [ __ ] actually get mad at [Music] you all you need to do is a little C that’s so funny little she burns like I think I think that’s what makes you you like to make me mad no it’s your charm like I don’t do this like everywhere just your reaction is so fun no you just made me mad in front of this oldest kids I hope they didn’t hear us know I’m trying to be brand friendly okay how was Iceland it’s good I’m having a lot fun they they didn’t hear us I was molding quietly Bolding quietly ooh it’s going to happen after lava show we’re going to go see the second half [Music] there actual lava [Music] guys how Iceland magnificent amazing excellent Exquisite breathtaking theing [Music] Glens I hope it doesn’t to my eyes oh yeah we’re the closest to the you’re going to wear the glass I don’t think that’s going to do something let just plastic we’ll see all right hello everyone hello can you all hear me okay yes amazing so how are you doing today good very good sounds great Okay so welcome to the lava show this is the only live show in the world where you can see real moldon lava flowing inside of a building and it’s going to do that right here in front of you at 1,100 de c 2, f my name is an Sophie and I will be your host today hi so this show consists of three parts in the first part I’m going to give you a quick introduction into the concept of the lava show in the second part we’re going to watch a quick movie on these screens over here that are going to give you some information about volcanism in Iceland in general but especially about the volcano that we have closest to us here in week and then in the third part that you’re probably the most excited for we’re going to pour the lava down the slide here so let me start introducing you to the idea of the lava show so we have two Founders a married couple actually called raaka and Julius and they came up with that idea because of an eruption in 2010 maybe some of you remember that eruption mainly because no one outside of Iceland was able to pronounce it it was called which is not the easiest thing to say that is for sure um but it caused a lot of trouble you see this volcano sits beneath a glacier and when the lava tried coming to the surface it first had to go through a very thick sheet of ice so that meeting between Fire and Ice was an explosive one and the lava exploded into tiny pieces forming a big ash cloud so that big ash cloud got taken over to Europe with the wind and closed all the airports there there was one single airport that remained open during all this time and where was that yes this is how you deal with problems you just take them somewhere else and those people deal with it but yeah however this um the most entertaining part about this eruption were actually the news reporters all over the world trying to pronounce a which usually ended in a disaster so quickly they had to come up with a solution for it and they gave it a code name the code name was E15 e for the first letter 15 for the other letters they could not pretty clever solution I must ad me so yeah but uh because this eruption was so famous many people didn’t even realize there was another eruption just one month prior to this one actually right next to it on a mountain called Thim so that particular part of the mountain is not covered by a glacier so there were no explosions or ash clouds forming or something it was a rather friendly and nice eruption we nickname those porous eruptions because we can open them to the public and people can actually get quite close to the lava and have a look at them so in 2010 when that happened thousands of people here in hiked up to F to see the molten lava including our Founders raaka and julus and what they encountered up there was the highest ever recorded lava fall on the planet so imagine a waterfall just out of lava and to give you an estimation of how tall it actually was maybe some of you have visited uh reik already and you’ve seen the big church so that is 70 m so imagine a lava fall almost three times as high as that that was so mindblowing and spectacular that they said we got to make it possible somehow for everybody that visits Iceland to see molten lava because that can actually be a little bit tricky you see here in Iceland we have a lot of volcanic activity however we only get Interruption every 3 to 5 years on average so you would already have to be there in exactly this time frame and then many of those eruptions are no tourist eruptions so you can’t even get close to them and see the lava so yeah it took them some researching and experimenting and um they also had some rather interesting conversations with the fire department here in vek before they could open this concept but in 2018 they finally had their first show right here in vek so this is the original location of the lava show we have another one in Ric now so yeah I’m very excited to show you this special concept today what I can guarantee you at least is that this is going to be the hottest experience that you’re going to have here in this for sure so on the screens we’re going to see a movie about the volcano that we basically have in the backyard here in V so does anybody maybe know the name of that yes good job so catla one of the rather short and friendly names here Iceland sits just 20 km north of eek so we’re actually very close to it and it’s also covered by a glacier this Glacier is called m y and it’s the fourth largest glacier here in Iceland up to 700 M thick 2,000 ft and it covers twice the size of R so it’s a massive amount of ice the last KLA eruption was in 1918 and as the Volcan do that you know with a glacier on top the only way for the lava to come out is to explode into the ash particles so this also formed a big ash cloud and that’s also what we predict for it to happen if katla is to erupt again but maybe we’re going to be lucky with the wind direction again so we don’t have to take care of that problem so our main concern here in week at this close proximity to catla are actually glacial flash floods so so when the lava tries coming to the surface it will melt part of the glacier and the Melt water will get like to a massive amount and the glacier can’t hold it anymore so it’s going to break open and the water will be released down the mountain in a big flood so first of all that is an insane amount of water second of all we have icebergs and Volcanic sentiments in those floods as well so they will just erase everything that is in their path however here in V we are in a pretty beneficial location for that because we have the mountains shielding us from this so the floods will either come down on the Eastern side or on the western side another thing that helps me sleep a little bit better here in week is um that katla is very well monitored so katla gives us many early warning signs before it is to erupt and in general the Icelandic volcanoes are the most monor and well understood volcanoes on the planet so before katla erupts we will probably know about it weeks in advance and we can Evacuate the whole area so no one’s going to be in danger however back in the days 1918 we didn’t have all this knowledge and this fancy technology to measure all these things so people got zero warning that this was going to happen [ __ ] so in 1918 the flood came down on the Eastern side Maybe some of you have traveled to the glacia Lagoon already so when you leave V to the East and you drive like 10 15 minutes out of town you’re going to drive through a huge black sand desert it’s called Mirad s so this is what the flood left behind so in this area actually our Founder’s great-grandfather had a farm and lived there with his family so they were surprised by this flood and in the movie you’re going to see their escape story and how they survived Against All Odds let me give you some more technical information about the slide before we start so behind this wall we have a very powerful furnace that can heat up the lava for us for 1, 100° C 2,000 F and that is also around the temperature that we will find molten lava in case of a lava eruption so that is very similar to what we see in nature then we pour the lava in here and the first thing it’s going to meet is some ice so you can see that meeting between Fire and Ice a little bit closer today of course this is just on a small scale so we’re not going to have some big Ash explosions or something in here that could lead to some bad reviews so we’re not that real then from here on no more ice and the lava is going to spread out here like a nice lava pancake the material that we have in the slide here looks a lot like some sand from one of our beaches here in Iceland why is that [Music] black exactly so the sand in Iceland is made out of lava as easy as it is so most of our beaches here in Iceland are black because we have so many volcanoes that are situated beneath glaciers the only way for the lava to come out is to explode and the air and the floods will take it down to the coast and this is how the black beaches are formed this is not only the material that we have in the slide here this is also what we’re melting for you today so when we started operating these shows we went to the flood planes of 1918 from the last cutla eruption and we only took the upper layer from the sand there so we could make sure that what you’re going to see here today is the remolon lava of the last cut light motion okay so I’m pretty sure you did not come here just to listen to me talk all day so should we get started with the movie y all right so after the movie screens are going to go dark and the lava is going to enter the room that is when I will remind you to please put on your protective glasses if you already wear your own glasses that will do just fine as well you can just choose between either of them other than that after the movie you can also take off some additional layers if you want to it’s going to get very hot in here so I’m certainly taking this off before we start working with the lava here and then one more thing you can take as many pictures and videos as you’d like please just make sure that your flash is turned off you sit opposite of each other so it could really bother the other people in the room if you use the flash so check on your phones that the flash is off and you’re not using automatic mod because then the flash will still turn on as soon as the light is off okay so are you ready to see this yes amazing okay I’m just going to go check on the lava in the back and in the meanwhile please enjoy the video [Music] Iceland is the largest and most active wanic island in the world with a significant eruption every 3 to 5 years on average there are more active volcanoes concentrated in Iceland than anywhere else on the planet Iceland has over 30 active volcanoes of which 13 have erupted in the last 1,000 years it’s also responsible for 1/3 of all the lava on Earth there are two reasons for Iceland’s intense volcanic activity firstly the island is located on top of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge split by two tectonic plates that are steadily moving away from each other about 2 cm per year it’s the only place on Earth where this is exposed and visible above sea level Iceland is located over a so-called Hot Spot meaning that underneath Iceland is a powerful mantle Ploom that continuously pushes magma towards the surface as you probably know this lovely town is called week and is located in the heart of katla G Park the first official UNESCO G Park in Iceland katla G Park consists of four volcano systems and holds the two most active volcano systems in [Music] [Music] Iceland I don’t know now oh my God yeah that’s a m all four volcanoes are mostly covered by glaciers and whenever glaciers and volcano eruptions us result in massive flots that destroy everything in their [Music] paths tin fat is the oldest and most mature volcanic system in katla geop park it’s located 55 km from weak and has not erupted since the settlement of Iceland gmw is the most active volcano in iand and is believed to have erupted at least 60 times since the settlement it is located below the Northwestern part of B the largest glacier in Europe it last erupted in 2011 which was the biggest eruption in 140 years GM is also the mother to the L eruption in 1783 to 84 the deadliest volcanic eruption in historic time killing over 2 million people worldwide the lcky eruption which is 25 km long Fisher with 130 craters lasted for 8 months and poured out an estimated 42 billion tons of lava that is equal to the weight of 50,000 Golden Gate bridges the lava field covers an area of 565 Square km which is almost seven times the size of Manhattan damn the lck eruption caused a global drop in temperatures of 23° C in Iceland the consequences were catastrophic 25% of Iceland’s human population died and over 75% of Iceland’s livestock Iceland wasn’t the only country affected and many believe that the fundamental reason for the fren Revolution was because of the L eruption really aat Y is located 40 km away from V it has erupted four times since the settlement of Iceland it famously erupted in 2010 BR air traffic around the world to a despite being the most famous volcano inland is considered to be one of the more innocent ones really that did not look innocent katla located 25 km north of week it has erupted 20 times since the settlement roughly two times every Century it last erupted in 1918 100 years ago and is well overdue KLA is is the volcano the geop park takes its name from and is one of the world’s most powerful volcanoes katla volcano is roughly twice the size of R and is covered by Mir Glacier a 700 M thick ice cap the volcano may look innocent from afar but every time katla erupts she needs to penetrate all that ice this means that immense amounts of ice melts in a very short amount of time leading to catastrophic fing if katla were to erupt right now we would have to evacuate immediately as it could take 30 minutes or less for the flash flood to wipe this place out in the last eruption of C in 19 the devastating flash FL discharg as much water as the four largest rivers in the world combined down to give you a better understanding of just how dangerous an eruption cat can be we have a dramatic story to tell you about one of the survivors from the 1918 katla eruption this person happens to be the great grandfather of one of the founders of Icelandic L his name was y g in the fall of 1918 the 21-year-old farmer was recently married and had taken over his father’s Farm East of Greek the future seemed bright for the young couple she was already pregnant with the first child and their Farm was prospering the disaster was about to happen as was customary in the fall the farmers went North to gather the SE to spent the summer roaming free and eating in the highs yonas was man and before he left he gave his pregnant wife a tender goodbye DN after three successful days most of the sheep had been found and it was time to head back but this was the day it would all change October 12th 1918 it was a beautiful day the Sun was shining and during the afternoon stop y gas decided to stretch his a and run up the nearest Hill when he reached the top he heard a distant sound a strange rumbling that he didn’t recognize he looked to the north and what he saw made his blood freeze in his wavs C was erupting and a flash FL filled with massive iceb was coming threatening to crush them alive for a moment he stood there fro Ro in place absolutely terrified then the adrenaline kicked in and the only thing he managed to do before sprinting down the hill was to scream a single word to his fellow Travelers at the top of his lungs K they had no time to spare without as much as a second thought they jumped onto their horses eared them on as fast as they could go leaving the Sheep behind the aim was set South towards their homes when they came to a river which usually was calm and easy to cross it was clear that the flood was already filling it up making it impossible to pass uhoh they changed Direction in a hurry and headed towards a nearby Hill a few kilometers away y gon took a look back and he’ never been so afraid in his life he could see the flood come pressing forward so violently that it was clear that if they wouldn’t make it to the hill in time none of them would live to tell the tale it was going to be a close call and the man Ed the exhausted horse’s arm at long last they made it to the hill just in time the flock came crushing by only a few meters after the last Rider ripping up everything in its pth the day the initial relief the man had felt was shortlived the flood was now headed straight to their homes where the women children and the elderly were waiting and there was no way to warn them they feared the wor the whole night they sat there cold and hungry as fall pouring down like black rain and brought with it a terrifying lightning storm [Music] at long last day broke and the asphal slowed down a bit they now saw that the whole area which had been green and Lush Before the Flood was now nothing but a Black Desert covered in mud and icebergs as far as they could see with worried minds they set out on the difficult Journey back home as they got closer they saw nothing but destruction oh no Farm after Farm was covered in mud and it was clear that the flood had been devastating to the whole area y g was desperate to get home but at the same time he feared the worst he finally reached home and was ecstatic to find his pregnant wife and everyone else safe and sound oh [ __ ] that’s good shortly after his wife gave birth to to the first child wow if it wasn’t for that great escape we wouldn’t be sitting here now listening to this remarkable tale okay please have your safety glasses on and the Flash of your device guys actual lava we are now going to experience the heat the brightness and the sounds of the LA [Music] no [Music] flashlight wow [Music] [Music] Jesus the first La AFF formation I’m going to show you today are H’s hairs whoa holy [ __ ] hel is the Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes and this is her hair so in nature this C can be created when lava gets stretched and falls over edges [Music] wow you can see that the upper part of the lava flow already looks like it doesn’t move anymore but we still have more lava accumulating down there in the slide that is due to the fact that we have a very thin upper layer that has already solidified but the core is still liquid transporting more lava down the slide that’s a real lava guys the real lava real lava molding yeah that’s how hot I get whenever I do [Music] Jing feels like I know it’s really hot very nice [Music] realva every but 24 hours here comes a large chunk of [Music] ice you could see how the lava solidifies and turns black into instantly the water is running off the lava flow and we even have some bubbles inflated so that is due to the fact that we have the steam inflating the lava flow a little bit and the lava flow has the exact right texture to track the SE [Music] [Music] [Music] oh this is pretty cool you guys are overheating the entire llama floor has now solidified enough for me to lift it [Music] w and the liquid core is going to escape wow wow very hot that lady should turn off the flight can’t see [Music] wow this is [Music] [Music] so so here we have some viscus lava we nickname this lava mozzarella cheesy lava [Music] W me oh oh my God it’s so hot it’s crazy I don’t really feel that it’s that hot but like my is dying it turns into a volcanic glass called Tech okay I changed my phone because this phone overheating and glass and you can hear all the sounds that the lava makes as well that is because it shrinks at the same time so it turns into glass and shrinks this is why we have so many pieces breaking on my phone melted melted so how very fragile it is with this bubble over here that is really fragile o wait what is it made of what it like like [Music] glass I know this and it’s going to set on fire immediately here we have a lava lamp wow look at that guys like the lava is like turn into some sort of like rock soil lava lamp the texture looks like more glass [Music] [Music] we can also take a peek under the lava floor in the front oh my God that’s crazy actual lava oh and you can see how the sand is sticking to the bottom of the lava Flor looks I come to the looks delicious kind of right whoa look at [Music] that probably super hot man yeah is it edible look yummy or maybe I’m just hungry man hungry that’s so cool it’s like 1,100 Celsius right and then it become like a glass that’s so cool [Music] oh I like that how hot it is it’s really warm feels like we’re in yeah so we can see many remarkable things on this slide but let me point out one really cool thing for you we still have that chunk of ice and it survived all this time right next to the lava flow I’m sure some people in this room feel like they’re melting faster than the ice at this point wow so let me explain to you why we still have it here even though it was so close to the Llama the whole time so our sand is non-conductive of heat I can show that to you I’m going to put my hand right next to the lava Flor and I can touch the sand without burning myself so basal lava in general is non-conductive of heat that’s why we can make whiskey stones out of it for instance and the sand of course also helps with these tiny particles we have air pockets traveling between the pieces that help cooling it down as well of course on the lava this ice has no [Music] chance so lava versus Ice I saw it on the YouTube like sometimes people say lava versus Ice ice UND do it so lava wins kind of I guess ice is going to die first [Music] imag yeah that’s going to be crazy I tell with a little bit more accuracy how hot the lava still is when this adds theice a heat car heat car okay so I’m going to start with the part where we P the ice on top so that should be the coldest [Music] so that is 319 C 6 F that’s crazy so here we can see we still have a lot of glowing orange M let’s see if we can break that open a little bit more definitely not edible guys too [Music] hot oh I see it I see see oh oh wow so here we can still see that orange glow very [Music] [Music] well that is 644 C 1,192 fad so hot so still very very hot yeah this is like right now the room temperature is like Singapore weather right I will turn on to show you something closer remember the first lava formations that we made together today the P hairs where I put the rod in and lifted a little bit so those lava formations have now solidified and cooled down in the sand so I can actually pick them up [Music] she’s touching them the helmet okay so you’re welcome to take many pictures of those just please don’t touch them [Music] it’s dark but this is still like 300 to 600 in nature they do not survive for a very long time they get pied up by the wind EAS we cannot touch we can only look and then they get pulverized into sand over [Music] time this place would be heaven for like kids who love [Music] science it’s a very nice way to dry my shoe feel very nice no I’m sorry no it’s not or anything but I just don’t want you to touch it because they have sharp edges so it’s pretty easy to cut yourself [Music] by the way what’s the score guys England versus uh Spain what’s the score very cool very cool very cool show right guys 0 okay yeah [Music] oh that’s how it looks like look at that did oh [Music] wow looks like my hair when I dry my ha oh that’s why is called P’s hair oh yeah wait which hair huh which hair which hair when like I’m drying my hair get tangled that’s what it is oh [Music] okay all right [Music] so you might wonder it kind of looks like P how do we even remove this in nature lava flows can take years if not decades to cool down completely here this is of course on a very small scale but it still takes 3 days for this lava to cool down completely we know that because we were pretty bored during CO as you can imagine so we had a lot of time for some experiments here and there so after the show our lava milter comes in here and he can pick up the pieces with some steel shovel and put them into steel buckets and after that we can REM them again so we recycla here at the lava show this is very experienced lava it has done this trick multiple times before so to make it easier for him we start tapping the lava and can see how easy that actually is for me right now to break it into pieces wow so we can allow some air to travel in between and you can see how very well lava insulates as well this is why the lava takes years decades to cool down in nature interesting interesting so here we have our medium rare cooked steak guess yum [Music] who still 600 CI that’s pretty easy to break right so you might wonder why we only use steel tools steel is also non-conductive of heat means the heat doesn’t travel as high I can still put my hand here without burning myself so the heat doesn’t even come up here here it’s complet completely cold I mean as cold as it gets in this room of course and other than that steel also has a higher melting temperature than [Music] lava I want to try I want to break it I want to break the real lava so you can see even where we have the guys guys I’m applying a jop [Music] herea oh sh wow that actually looks like candy yummy try [Music] no Lava KT wine [Music] Dam still [Music] rad so hot though yeah’s like at the same time it feels so nice I’m using another phone to yeah me too so how are you guys feeling hot very hot hot yeah what is this St let me try shutting this on it’s F I’m missing this is how you saw problems here again all right so uh do you have any questions left yes [Music] pleas always hated people ask a question class is about to be dismissed uh how we measure the volume so this is 65 K of lava and we measured that of course when we had it like in a cool place so we did not measure that when it was melted yeah [Music] yes uh if there’s something that goes missing any question that you want me to ask uh no not really I cannot smart shame iart the opposite of that smart shaming will be shaming myself you can see how the sand sticks to the lava flow and it doesn’t look like much but it is actually quite a lot so if we just pour the same amount that’s fart question she’s going to say oh very good [Music] question going to ask if she single weirdos uh it is Fault lava yeah so it is like real lava that came out of the the Sal lava is the most common type that we have here in iand more than 90% of the lava in Iceland Isa yeah so it looks different than it looks in nature is because so lava can look differently depending on how quickly it cools down Down When lava cools quickly it will turn into a glass so here we have so little lava it has no other chance than cooling down relatively quickly um in nature that can only happen when it needs some ice or water but when you have these big lava flows in nature you get this relatively porous rock that is what lava looks like when it cools slowly time so if it cool Fest it becomes glass guys that’s so interesting I can any other questions yes [Music] please um what is the type of uh yeah okay so we use a furnace that is retired from the metal industry in the US so our furnace originally was designed to meld iron and we have adjusted it so much that we can now M lava it how long and it’s a gas how long does it take to clean it up all right so I have one more favor to ask please continue to protect your eyes while you’re in the room you can here we still have some crackling sounds there could still be pieces jumping out please be careful with that so when you leave the room on the right side there is a bucket where you can put your used glasses so we can make sure to clean them for the next customers tomorrow morning okay other than that I’m going to say which means thanks for coming in Icelandic enjoy your evening guys thank you thank you that was awesome that’s outside it’s so hot here so hot you want really hot so hot damn give her back that the um holy [ __ ] finally School finished oh my God no assignments today that was cool wasn’t it that’s dismissed y dismissed was so crazy how like I’m I’m going to change my phone back to uh s24 real quick wait a second can you hold my phone real quick I’m going to go to the bathroom yeah okay I’ve been holding it for a while oh my was like like a one guy again everyone see like how do you enjoy watching this fake lava show and I’m like damn tell him to suck your [ __ ] suck my dick suck suck my dick suck my dick Mr David shut [ __ ] up let’s go outside I think I’m going to go to the bathroom and then I think phone’s got to cool down a little yeah no over there dude it was so crazy like as soon as the lava can you just wait for the [ __ ] end of the you want to use toilet yeah I want to cool your phone up I’ll for a bit yeah thank you can you like sure uh um should be okay okay I’ll just leave my here chat you guys enjoyed that H dude classic classic what is this dude this jacket is so filthy like huh she leave it on Theo what huh now that she’s gone what what huh is this the hobo life is this how it’s supposed to be what burn it can you wash for D we have a we have some laundry I think we can do laundry tonight finally after stream you know we can just go do some laundry this who jacket it’s Jenny’s jacket she’s becoming one with the Earth you know so everyone is staring at us oh my God Yugi classic hobo hobo TTY what is this she went to the bathroom but like why like this I mean you know her better than I do so isn’t this normal for you I’ve never this all right dinner time yay you going to get your chocolate dinner we going to have some dinner guys dinner dinner hble TT so tired okay chat have some view look at that look at that view ladies and gentlemen look at that the sunlight is coming out at like 7 800 p.m. and look at thisbe from lava M from laa this is like 7 8:00 p.m. sun no she got a hold bathroom too oh so we we uh yeah okay yeah I’ll be back okay dinner dinner dinner is this still zero Z guys so me too I’m so TI it has been uh only 11 hours I’m just kidding um it has been it has been only wait has it been I’m not really sure I think we started at around like 8 something so almost 12 is it still 0 oh [ __ ] half time see I knew this was going to happen that’s why I didn’t plan on watching the whole thing I plan on only watching the half at the restaurant where we can eat and chill and drink and then in the back we can have the you know the game dude it was so crazy like as soon as we start the thing no no no as as soon as we started the lava it was it was like this h no as soon as this lava started it became really really hot and the s24 died first like uh the boras one died first and then mine died soon after and then yours died later right so I guess s23 is stronger with the hit than the s24 s22 yeah but still like [ __ ] yeah s20 I I I feel like s23 is better than the uh s24 when it comes to the heat like overheating is better 23 so it’s getting worse no actually 24 is way better than 22 and 23 though camera wise because it’s a a60 FPS and then the stabilization but then when it comes to heating yeah I was talking about overheating oh overheating overheating no I felt like over 22 overheating was bad 23 was good 24 was 24 is okay but um not as good as 23 when it comes to me when I stream 23 died pretty quickly oh really long this one is2 I guess it really depends yeah it depends I am I’m hungry me too me too go have some dinner you don’t have to you don’t have to go to the bathroom yep okay for the show you want me to hold one for you it’s okay it’s hot okay you’re back let’s go right let’s go okay let me RAR my stuff so let’s go let’s go what’s I was try the charging car but the charger is broken oh so what are we going to do we of 218 kilm 28 118 18 28 yeah the Chargers here are broken I think on the way I think on the way back is around like 200 we I saw go back the same like we was charging last one to the maximum oh yeah yeah that was a good place but um uh there’s a restaurant here that we could go to and then I’m pretty sure there are like Charing I was there I was there oh you were and then it was broken I was there yikes okay but we can say after like 50 minutes maybe charging just to calculating kilometers to home yes yeah I mean it’s not like Sun’s going to set anyway so we have plenty of time are you ready Yi 16 hour stream no no no actually the Drone huh okay you was using drone that I was using drone yes and we was charging the car over there there with drone you know that two house the small like where you use your drone that area M little bit it was the place I was charging ah yeah we could CH it from there yeah yeah okay stress no no no I think we just like we just eat dinner and then we want have dinner that’s din you guys hey you do want to get your chocolate why didn’t you get chocolate how much it okay okay okay let’s go let’s go let’s go is it it’s closed right it’s closed by no no the the no the restaurant the restaurant the big okay let me check I don’t know about restaurant I want you wanted to go to the P right M where’s my phone was in here I that’s my phone hey it’s on my phone horo t i I got you girl no I’m actually sleepy though I haven’t been able to sleep that well past like few days yeah because you didn’t sleep well yesterday yeah and day before yesterday and past 10 days so it’s okay though okay let me check this looks like islandic Switzerland M the big here is the kind of houses so what was I going to say there you go stroden stroden and we’re going to be able to see the half time smelling my hair Li I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding you’re lying I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m kid I just I’m just entertaining your chat okay there’s only two minutes only two minutes away and the 8 minute walk okay should we park here and walk because if there what if there’s I’m pretty sure there are a parking lot right I can driveing normal I just saying we have 200 kilm to all right all right no problem I just you know I could smell this and then wake up yeah you could yeah it’s good it’s mental uh smelling I I I didn’t bring mine I mean I have it but I didn’t bring it out so I should bring it out only going to ask after way to just stay for a moment and just yep yep yep what you want to eat I don’t know I don’t know what’s available there you want to smell it I know it’s good do you want to smell it the Bora yeah of course I know it’s like a TI do you want to smell it too smell it yeah pretty nice yeah pretty good it’s like a menol smell men you guys want to smell it andig says this fish is good too he doesn’t like it cuz he’s like a noob he’s soy he do smell p is a noob he do like it but well I thought he liked it didn’t he make a short about it no he was capping I think it that’s a way to calm girls down y or something men no menal guys not mental men just don’t they’re always making fun of my accents whatever I say okay I said glasher gler gler yeah it’s Glasser gler like I said it right guys always making fun of my accent menol dang it gosh you know this bie was like such a great bought this at the hair in Ireland so [ __ ] cold I bought it okay you know what what I want to turn I want to go to Google hey even the Google always it is Google which one is it what is that one a Str in strin yeah this one strin this red box is the charger this all broken I don’t know this D charging I’m going to check I was put the cover in this one I Glacier it’s Glacier huh there’s a pop here it’s a viking pop look at the look at the helmet string Str these nuts I’m going to around somewhere here so you can just okay thank you what do you want to eat We’ll order food for you for me yeah you’re hungry I don’t think so I’m going to eat something I have my stomach issues better dude you got to eat better better for me it must be empty because when I eat something I’m going to be dying really yes I have something like that you want like water or something to drink I have I have when my stomach is not working it’s better to be empty because when I eat something I’m going to be dying okay I mean work better leave it empty okay just let us know we need anything I have find the coffee drink or energy drink it’s fine do you want we can’t I can get you like coffee or energy drink or something I I have I have all I’m just going to go inside to just okay we’ll see you inside we’ll see you inside then we can see the menu yeah no you should buy it yeah it’s are you not hungry though hungry man yes I’m going to turn around somewhere find the place and inside okay see you inside thank you oh W the so pretty driving like almost 200 England is choking wait Spain W oh Spain is winning right now [ __ ] oh [Music] [ __ ] it’s coming okay what’s the percentage of uh all of a y coin bed who B what what like which which uh what’s the what’s Chad percentage did Spain like what have a higher chance or like no percentage for the BET 70% Spain and 30% England damn really wow oh someone play tic tac toe here I like play Tic Tac Toe that tic TCT toe what is that e but you don’t want to touch it right do you want to touch it I don’t just I mean we could watch well can we touch it though maybe let’s not do that it’s not nice yeah why would you touch like random person you know what you can play TI Tac on my forehead let’s go yeah do like at oo this is a viking pop oh see see they’re doing it oh wow oh my God that’s so nice that is nice is wait there they English F I don’t know like they’re not really like you know because Iceland is Iceland is closer to England so I’m pretty sure there were more England people that’s I think it is relevant no hi do we order here or sorry do we order here if they want to order something or is there any you have a table no we don’t you want to take Qui um can we just like stand at a bar is it okay for like drinks and food uh drinks yeah but food like you cannot eat it here oh okay food okay so there’s no table right now right it’s schol you have to be to name on The Waiting L okay and Spain one and then England zero oo let’s let’s blend in let’s mingle meanwhile you can wait on please write your name okay I think this is the only that they anyone has 10 really okay I’m goingon to I’m going to write Jimbo j i m we can order drinks you want to order drinks I don’t know I order I I I wrote down the I wrote down the name for fish LM chops I like Lem chops I want to watch I [Music] want that’s like uh 32 $32 $322 yeah $32 oh God sake $32 for double cheeseburger really almost oh yeah that’s really expensive look at this double cheeseburger 3,790 y worse I would get LM chop I mean instead of double Che how chicken wings where where’s chicken wing 2,400 it’s like 16 something dollars 16 yeah 1620 but like how small it is is it like starter Spain is serious opponent in this tournament was German let’s see how much no [ __ ] way sticky tofy ping 16 16 like the best we could take away you guys we could take away what what do you guys to get [ __ ] oh my God guys this football is so interesting I am so immersed am so immersed right now is the is red Spain and the white England maybe I think so what you’re going to get that was just so bright there at 101 12 dude this is Iceland they don’t Sunset the sunset is at like 113 I mean compared I think is like big May hi excuse me can we do the takeaway food yes yes okay just look over and when you’re ready okay um no way have sea pasta right now there’s still time what time is it 8:13 how many what 30 minutes left what it’s takeway traditional I traditional Iceland St I’m very I’m very enthusiastic about the game right now I think yeah this place is full of people there are way too many people right now cuz it’s a big um last tournament I know F his house it’s not even course it’s like it’s not super bright it’s not just a little bright it’s super bright the sun is like it feels like it’s a noon Sun you know noon you something or not yet not yet you guys order first what’s up I just wanted to see the sun we just sit yeah yeah yeah that’s why you can we can do the uh takeaway take away what do you want I’m gonna order I’m gonna order it’s like a noon sun right so bright so bright whoa whoa what happened oh come on what happened what happened guys you need we got to take it at yeah take away take away no I am I don’t pretend oh oh that’s that’s how they blocked it damn that’s a good skill though almost my almost what is the offside so what’s the definition of offside no it’s not two Z it’s one Zer still I can I get a lamb chops [Music] thank you I get a secret passw why eating cute lamb cuz I’m hungry Eng is struggling so much take thank you Diva ESP versus Oates need to take this guy out from the table who this little guy out from the table wow what’s that spider you know actually I don’t really I I hate bugs but I think spiders are kind of cute though kick him out careful don’t hurt him but like is it is it poisonous don’t touch it it’s really big I have no idea E I think I think it could be poisonous let let him go let him go oh it’s going it’s going oh [ __ ] let him sit down on the chair and then we will slowly ah [ __ ] we missed the CH guys how do you know if it’s not poisonous or not we’re in a like completely new country right now Mr spider would you give us a space we want to help dude should I let him bite me hi spider would you get off from the table I’m going to do it we just want to have some dinner just excuse them more oh good good good good good yay damn how’s the Sun so bright hi little guy I’m usually scared of insects but splatters are cute maybe maybe maybe it got tissue so not so bad I wonder if I can fly drone here what maybe maybe over there yeah right yeah you want to try maybe it’s so so bright I can’t see [ __ ] Giga chat dude I’m usually super scared of insects like that that that is not like what I jeez I would run all my life I can run how many sters does it take to get rid of one spider five I know so sunny spider and and we don’t kill it which is okay survive oh yeah I had a conquer fly in my face guys do you think we can fly drone here that’s a that’s the spider we uh left there it looks very scary though hello but it’s very tame like it doesn’t like run or like it’s not jumpy which is fine by the way $5 Pepsi by the way nice let me see M so thirsty man drink some stop no I mean it does actually look a little bit shame on you what do you mean shame I mean it’s this sh the you know the shape is the same this is like a Korea flag how much we struggled it’s the price of a pine yeah but you want to know something a pine here is twice the price has nothing to do with that it’s it’s like yeah Corda yeah that’s nothing to do with that why so serious I am serious that serious Korea via K yeah I have to what happened to your phone it’s okay they’re all like protected Watkins is in yeah I’m always serious come on England Oh serious you’re rooting for England and she’s rooting for Spain I mean it’s so obvious going to win and then say this because a lot of people why Kane always out 70% of the people in ched is rooting for Spain he’s always out for me I am choose iand as a destination why not and I’m rooting for my LM chop I felt that iand I’m very hungry easy to travel by myself so thought it would be nice to I roote for Korea I seriously wonder if we can fly drone here or not but I think it would be really pretty if we could but also also I paid like $40 to get a and then I took a test to get like a the thing the permit and all mods actually I don’t think I can because I think if we go all the way maybe to the nature we could but not around here nearby the restaurant what test there’s like this test that you have to take which I did not good like I want to fly around this wait a minute M we can actually walk towards the black Beach that’s so cool I’m thinking maybe black Beach would be really nice to fly drone it’s like okay like this Puffin follower I think we might actually be able to to see Puffin if we want it yeah because this is a private property so we leave a little bit and we might be able to fly a little bit I am not sure though if you see any drone no drone sign then you can’t but if if I mean if they if we see no drone sign then we cannot fly but if we see the Drone sign then we can no if there’s no sign then we can’t fly [Applause] it looks like there’s a path we can go to is there anyone you seen there fly drone um not Iceland well Iceland you can fly a drone okay you can if you if you pay for it and also if you like have a if you do the test like A1 test where you can get like a permit or license or something then uh you can do it so I I have it so no sign you can do it but yes sign then you cannot fly it because I think a lot of people do fly drone in Iceland so I think they have this kind of a sign everywhere you go where you know specifically say like oh you cannot fly drone here you something like that you know what I’m saying it’s unrestricted just people put off sign no drone essentially not give permission in their property exactly the sun is so bright that’s the reason why if there’s no sign then we can fly but then what is the America is bending drone too really I flew drone in America I have drone thing in America too I don’t know if it still lasts I think the Iceland one uh is 5 years was it 5 years or 3 years or something this is so pretty by the [Applause] way I think oh oh my God it’s so nice four months later happy travels wiggle wiggle than you [Applause] yeah I think if we go all the way uh to the black Bach we definitely can dude I charged my drone and then I got the thing I want to fly a little bit I haven’t been flying for a while I think it would be nice Definitely why ni [Applause] guessing oh because I said black Beach it’s it’s literally called black Beach black sand beach no way dude I want to see the beach wipe wipe wipe wipe I should throw should I oh I should really laer this so far today Iceland has been actually amazing the waterfalls that we seen the glass glassier that we saw and then the lava stuff and then The View with the cliff we even saw puffing I think it was really good day one inet was pretty good too except for like some spots but generally it’s good damn hangang what she’s what away clouds I want I think if we come back in Iceland during this during like winter time it’s going to be another world but it’s going to be too cold never mind it’s cold right now who am I kidding you see it’s black scent what am I kidding it’s cold right now okay I’m not going here oh I don’t know though I I said I’m going to go Finland for the Christmas maybe maybe will’ll freeze to death cannot be that bad though you know I got some confidence after going to quec during the winter time dinner is ready tell Mom that I’m going to go with dinner after flying drone yeah black bch will we see see there’s no no drone sign so we can fly [Music] here yeah awesome let’s do it oh my God it’s going to be so epic so pretty right this is a black Beach VC oh someone is flying drone I see it first time this is called um Vic Blacken Beach stop gasping whenever I say Beach you guys obviously know that it’s a it’s the beach that we’re talking about this one not the human [ __ ] it’s also pronounced different it’s not I’m not saying [ __ ] I’m saying Beach okay it’s a beach not [ __ ] I’ve been saying black Beach and then and even as a joke I was like yeah B but that’s still Beach you guys know this is Beach hey one one England all right can’t believe I have to explain this to [Music] you say sure sure [Music] one two [Music] one close coold [Music] huh one two one always Palmer who’s Palmer this is my second time flying drone today well the first time wasn’t that long I’m going to try to fly it this time and then I’m going to go eat fast cuz I’m hungry also so my Lum chop is getting cold English lad Palmer my name is Palmer dang you missed the first Dr show the first Dr show was really [Music] cool gon thank you for two months you know guys you guys may me super self-conscious about pronouncing stuff now I think I I started to pronounce like things that I used to pronounce correctly wrong because I’m starting to think wait is that right and then I’m questioning myself all the time [Music] [Music] [Music] Anda thank you for 33 months thank you thank [Music] you okay let me do the internet test real quick make sure if the internet is good for flying drone streaming [Music] H okay [Music] good enough I guess not super good though I think Jenny’s Food is going to get cold that’s fine I didn’t know the food was going to come out so fast terrible terrible internet wait a second uh [Music] so there is a chance with my y coin [Music] [Music] do it it’s taking so long dude here you [Music] go are you guys ready all right let’s fly let’s fly let’s fly DJI [Music] live do you [Music] see do you see the do you see the do you see it chat this is the Drone not yet yes how is it is there a stuttering or anything we good in is good check this out [Music] the landscape of [Music] Iceland I know so pretty and the black Beach black sand beach and big you see this is the town viig it’s super tiny it’s beautiful too bage it’s very pretty bage guys isn’t [Music] it wow so why do you think this is why do you think the sand is black is it because of the it’s a because of the volcanic activity right and then over there there is something over there [Music] too mhm [Music] mhm yeah volcanic island W in the morning actually on the way here uh like 1 hour and 30 minutes drive before starting stream it was like Silent Hill it was super super foggy we couldn’t really see [Music] anything look at this it’s actually [Music] amazing yeah look we are right now the current time is 839 p.m. and it’s still bright bright bright bright bright I mean of course it’s only 8 39 Iceland the sunset is like almost at noon [Music] so mhm it’s very nice [Music] right so good yo ter look at the look at the like look at the clouds in the back don’t we B this is actually insane Majestic Love play do we need some epic music looks unreal I know I know I know I know okay [Music] [Music] this is actually so [Music] cool w don’t my [Music] fall the [Music] hell oh man why did the music stop come on [Music] dude I love it wait a second I think I’m going to video [Music] [Music] I think there might be some puffins but I’m not really sure right now is this cloud [Music] [Music] there the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what you think guys I think it’s awesome yeah yeah it’s amazing view right just focusing on driving definitely place to visit ah 10 out of 10 Yay good drone good drone fly I think I’m going to go eat my Lamb Chop before it gets too cold though [Music] okay wait Spain too gold oh [Music] [ __ ] [Music] uhoh okay well well well my drone uh controlling phone is dead no FY so I can’t really see where my drone [Music] is I can do the automatic home return and I’ll catch it when it [Music] comes did die yeah it’s automatically coming rth return to home [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I see [Music] it [ __ ] [Music] do it do it [Music] professional pilot all right let’s go e leemon [Music] chop okay so we do the [Music] [Music] time ooh do you think Spain is going to win we only have 2 [Music] minutes time for cold dinner I I don’t think it’s going to be that cold just a little cold hey where is my uh still stuff [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay that was a good drone [Music] [Music] fly eating [Music] time damn sand is really black here like really woo let’s go back Iceland is so amazingly beautiful oh no did UK lose what’s on the menu order Lem chop dinner time or is there still some time four more minutes ooh wait I did I’m didn’t I’m not leaving anything am I just check real quick I think yeah okay I’m not leaving anything oh England England do you think England will win or not England which part of uh yeah I think is is I think isand is not real guys it’s too pretty it’s too pretty to be real I think this is a fake place it’s like a fairy tale right mhm mhm did you ask magic ail legic a say Spain is going to win I mean I’m here so it is real but it feels like it’s air AI generated I always suspected your stream is AI the mountain bromo Iceland all this places they’re all lie no just kidding they’re real they’re real they’re really beautiful there’s a one church over there up up there look at that that is so cool it’s only just a dream okay W was prettier Mountain both are incredibly pretty but then the scenery that we saw in Mountain bromo versus the scery that we saw in Iceland o hard hard to choose I don’t think we can choose both are both were incredible it’s and spay onean famos congratulations Spain good game England GG good game good game huh wonder what would be happening right now if I was in Spain everyone would be like whoa Spanish people already love partying right now they would be like going crazy drunk via espa ESP thank you for 300 thank you thank you thank you good game good game UK streets will be trashed why would they trash the UK Street if just because they lost really why [Applause] [Music] so I can’t wait to eat my food people burn couches in college over Sports damn that’s crazy I would never be so mad about something like that except for when I was playing Dark Souls hey I’m back my food my food want to say hi want to go to the field J finished sorry no you don’t have to be it’s just too cold you want to heat it up no it’s so cold though you sure you okay with this yeah oh God M yummers yeah how’s lip try it also England lost I know that was so obvious damn hello heyo we’re good you got a electric car charger yes I find a lot of charger oh my God what do you find the last one this one here was uh ancient broken garbage uh later I was Drive behind find normal one behind the buildings it was close to Camping field yeah later I take a walk to just smell some flowers take a breath and I find over there fast Chargers oh so you found a charger place there was looks like washing machine but there was charger okay that’s good guys check this out the food cool Lamb Chop it’s whole L chops no longer no but then the view was worth with the Drone view I know that’s why we were like uh thinking oh yeah you probably screenshot um in your Discord or something I do but then the the the battery died okay I’ll show you later friends from Discord I was join I was very happy from the streaming I was watching yeah thank you so much again for you know helping us I was let them know I’m going to be in the Stream and interested yeah how was it yeah I was very uh how to say excited there was very positive about was enjoy I’m glad you enjoyed today did you have fun too fun that’s good that’s what matths everyone is away my body issues it was really nice are you feeling better now or I was feeling good all day now I’m just little bit tired okay okay yeah because of the driving man I feel same like in the night when I was sleeping my head is heavy and but it’s all good I can normal D sleep well L is so good right the food is actually really SE so good tomorrow morning go Sunset is Magic it’s crazy it’s not even like really setting yet this is still there becoming FY now it’s going to be silent hill tonight again over there is happening [ __ ] I’m going to try eing the salad dud this restaurant is so good yeah car is fully charged we can later go straight home okay good I already set up navigation dude this is crazy how the Sun is hours 3 hours yeah silent h is coming guys buy some water okay we’ll buy water for you huh oh maybe he’s talking about tap water oh tap water maybe not going to buy what’s that he said mind there was a there’s got to be like some kind of convenience convenience are on the way I’m not buying a beer cuz England lost German but GG Spain but England lost but G Spain look look at look look at this girl damn it I bet all my Dodge Coin on England just kidding actually I didn’t bet anything I should have B oh God why n i I don’t see you drinking water wait me yeah yo I had an IC land like bottle I’ve been I drank like two bottles of water already this is amazing how much energy you have for streaming how much energy do we have for streaming all day and still hyped this is amazing I’m so [ __ ] hyped right now with this Lem chop this country other country another country look at this no they’re all hyped too you guys are all hyped I’m a very like sensory but person so when I hear music I will I I will like so I I’m always like crazy high mode when I’m in Like Music Festival even if I don’t drink I’m like so L music makes me like it’s really something I can I can be very yeah for me the LI chop is so good worm chops this is like enjoy as much come I know I’m sorry guys but I look imagine if we didn’t come to Iceland look what happened we would missed all of this you know Miss what like this the scenery yeah like everyone was like cuz like I was watching the match when everyone was like oh my God lucky CH yeah you you’re in London that’s stay to Sunday so that we can win okay I’m like goodbye I’m going to Iceland to meet Yugi and uh jny and everyone was like damn it now you’re not here that’s why you blame her just blame your team we didn’t come home guys am I wrong I don’t think so this is butter and like this lemon CH is super super soft people Riot people RI people Riot you guys eat lemon CH with hand or am I supposed to eat with fork and knife no no no you can’t you you ate a fish and chips with hand at this point it doesn’t matter right anyway watching about previous streams do you have in iand person who was negative about streaming kind ofand in negative no everyone’s so nice usually after one day it was kind of person was negative nobody was negative not at all but usually on other countries one day it was enough to meet somebody negative sometimes really I I haven’t really met tox people for a while I except that lady that was sometimes sometimes yeah but not that often I it’s not that often yeah I think it’s a big tolerance about yourself just only young young people just looking for attention that’s why they are making weird noises when you have camera mhm I think there’s no problem for to in my home place I saw children when they just take out WR sign just to report me or something that’s fine but I just want them to be more like kid point a middle me the children don’t exactly recognize what they’re doing they’re just doing you know humiliate they could just ask like oh I don’t want TOA please don’t Rec or like you I was I was standing in the tree the car was driving and I something tell me hit on the take a rock and hit on the car and I I just did doesn’t matter why I don’t know I just do it a guy was come out was yelling at me I I don’t know what he yelling I completely don’t know what I’m doing but I did he was angry and I don’t know what I just was what I was chid I was children kid yes kid no the children I just do did stupid things because I [ __ ] age edgy man I always get like finished the conversation always so edgy I don’t understand who’s edgy children kids yeah I’m scared I’m scared of having them on stream sometimes they were like they going to be angry to the kids they are just want to see they just see angriness this teenagers right it will be not when when I was in Netherlands when you just I was like streaming then they’re like oh can we be on your stream and and then they came then they do some racist stuff and then they like and then they think it’s funny laugh I was like damn I saw and then they stole my hat too huh stole my hat one of my the other time when I was in Belgium yeah but what’s scary was they actually first grabed my phone I think they were going to run away with my phone but my phone was like very strongly attached to my selfie stick so they gave up my phone and then they just took my hat I was like thieves hello I think they were but um I don’t know how’s it and my day one score of Iceland today okay I understand nobody’s perfect nobody’s perfect no like food including food sceneries like content like um fries just everything in general internet everything in general I think is n out of 10 minus one because it’s way too expensive I guess in general but other than that yeah yeah yeah yeah I finish it we finish it look at that we finish it we killed it we’re finish it that was how hungry we were yeah we’re finish oh it’s only day one and then I’m so excited for the rest of the four days yeah I wonder how thean oh Volcan clinging makes I was very impressive about the I got to eat the greens should I I don’t you must be very yeah you from vitamins fi I drink like apple no I’m just saying like driving in general is tiring just eat the [ __ ] driving is tiring just eat you’re so you’re kind of used to it but this is longer distance though this this don’t drive this was the longest I have right exactly so not not real [ __ ] I’m talking about salad this was the longest I have but you don’t like Sal I drive because I must and refreshing I drive because I like I like fruit when I like it makes me tired be yourself it’s not biting be yourself I can I can eat B I’m sorry this a lot of insects have been like hovering around me recently always no I think they want to make here Lally kind of like they really com to us yeah no when was in London at me eating vegetables like a [ __ ] lamb I run you know I think that happened when I was in right it just s like the bug tried to steal something like a rabbit be yourself acting like je is I’m just cares about I [Music] don’t you better eat your green I like Lambs I think they’re cute I eating but okay but I don’t like eating this paprikas that’s I don’t like paprikas that’s the cherry on top though really good pizza too kind of imagine that you’re having Pizza Yum maybe maybe try with fries they’re good good I know I like it too imaginary Pizza I pepper is kind of like like a pepper yeah I don’t like pepper yeah you know but like okay what’s this if you don’t want you have to you don’t have to what nutrition does this have I think it was vitamin What vitamin for a a what is a vitamin A good for your eyes I’m 4 mon having really what I I eat like carrots and everything yeah it’s good for your eyes oh this is so good for eyes okay I got to eat done okay I’m going to double check but carrots are good at eyes oh say she vitamin C A and K well I need to eat some that good for my eyes because you know I’m always looking at my phone and all then you have to eat carrots and then there’s actually like I know I like I like actually like carrots carrots are good yeah it does help with your eyes actually paprika contains several nutrients that boost Eye Health vitamin E just eat everything but you don’t have to worry about it no just eat everything I think I did eat everything good job are you cool yeah I think that was very good food but does it worth 40 bucks was it 40 I don’t know I 40 is 47 I I think yeah I mean it was good it was really good fourth worth it’s like a it’s like it’s like Switzerland that’s good that was so nice such a good day all right let’s go let’s go back it’s time for us to off that was so nice thanks for all the things thanks for all the what thank you thanks for what what did I do I don’t know everything all n GL you together fine most of the organized organizing was organizing all day mm yeah organiz most I was really good so nice thanks my brother did you guys have fun today fun also we nice it was really good vibes today yeah very good vibes great Vibes all day was really the weather was it was really good it was really good thank you everyone for watching today as well thank you so much for all the support thank you thank you have a great rest have a great rest of your days guys I will see you guys on the next stream yeah wolf Spain with 2 e Yugi TV who helped us with the ride thank you so much it Applause for the driver thank you so much it would have been so hard without seriously who’s that Pokemon what’s that thank thank you thank you thank you seriously yeah like ain’t no way we’re going to be able to like follow up with the plan without you yeah yeah so thank you so much yeah like I think all the the everything went so well today cuz we had like the time to do everything exactly exactly like a tour where we go like like tour yeah there yeah I looked for yeah yeah yeah I I checked the tour stuff it’s just like very very rushed and they we cannot stay long as well so I was like and then I’m glad you uh offered help and then it was like so smooth thanks to you like a big Applause thank you thank you so much well I think we’ll we’ll see you again before we leave right yeah I mean I I how much I can how much I can I will be into this hello and thank you P vots say hello and thank you yeah yeah anytime like the week I’m going to work but in the free time we going to we can no well it doesn’t have to be just drive like we want to you know buy dinner or something or all the hard work good food I’m eating bab so or any way to compensate yeah compensate the best the best the best thing it was we all was having fun and the best right soome yes I know farting you’re not farting I know I’m farting or like guests you know we’ll play for I’ll play for the guest at everything yeah but anyway most important it was fun I do nothing special about this thank you so much fun the best one last part before I go to sleep anyway oh yeah won [Laughter] [Music] anyway thank you so much everyone I’ll see you guys on the next stream bye bye thank you thank you have a good day I’ll see you on the next stream byebye right bye by you guys bye everyone bye everyone bye everyone was nice to meet you see you or text you thank you bye guys by the way I’m parking right behind okay awesome top we in the top take a look over there congrats congrats [Music] keeping turn [Music] for spee [Music] foreign foree [Music] [Music] la n [Music] [Music] oh


    1. 차안에 있을때 유기님과 나란히 옆모습이 나오는데요, 둘이서 은근히 의식하고 코라인 비교하는 모습 hot합니다😃😃 누가더 섹시한 코를 가지고 있는지 은근히 비교하는 모습ㅇㅇ 헬스장에서 파트너 운동하면 탈의실에서 서로 가슴근육크기 비교하고 인증샷할때가 있는데, 마치 그런 장면 같아요 😃😃👀 지니티님은 콧날대결을 전혀 안 피하고, 오히려 적극적으로 대결하는 모습 😃😃

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