How UK Failed To SMASH Immigration CRISIS Shocks EVERYONE

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    Discover the shocking truth behind how the UK failed to smash the immigration crisis in our latest eye-opening video. In this in-depth exploration, we unravel the complexities and challenges that have plagued the UK’s immigration policies, leaving citizens and policymakers alike in a state of disbelief. Our comprehensive analysis delves into the historical context, policy missteps, and political dynamics that have contributed to the current state of affairs, providing you with a clear understanding of why the crisis persists despite numerous attempts to address it.

    Throughout this captivating video, we highlight the key moments and decisions that have shaped the immigration landscape in the UK, shedding light on the factors that have hindered effective solutions. From inadequate border control measures to the controversial handling of asylum seekers, we examine the multifaceted issues that have led to widespread frustration and disappointment. Our investigative approach brings to light the voices of those directly affected by these policies, offering a human perspective on the crisis that often goes unheard.

    As we navigate through the complexities of the UK’s immigration system, we also explore potential pathways to a more sustainable and humane approach. By analyzing successful strategies from other nations and proposing innovative solutions, we aim to spark a constructive dialogue on how the UK can move forward. Our goal is to provide you with not only a thorough understanding of the current crisis but also hope and inspiration for a better future.

    Don’t miss out on this crucial discussion that impacts millions of lives and shapes the future of the nation. Subscribe to our channel for more in-depth analyses and updates on pressing issues, and join the conversation in the comments section below. Together, we can work towards a more informed and compassionate society.

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    TAGS: #immigration #ukvisa #rishisunak

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    estimates suggest that since 2004 more people have arrived in Britain each year than arrived in the entire period between 1066 and 1950 the transformation has been so off the scale that native Brits are now a minority in several major cities the UK is at a Tipping Point uncontrolled immigration is stretching resources to their Breaking Point transforming communities and causing a surge in crime with Native citizens struggling for housing and a new study showing 35% fear homelessness the question is can the UK survive the immigration crisis every day small boats cross Waters packed with people hoping to reach the UK Shores I I’ve argued with every immigration law I’ve ever been on with except for you because I think you see it and you’re honest and you’re open let’s just take what Rebecca just said because it’s true let’s put aside for one minute the absolutely true comment that you said that there are refugees uh who deserve Asylum we proved as a country that during Ukraine now once these folks arrive they’re often put up in hotels all paid for by taxpayers meanwhile many UK citizens are finding it tough to afford their own housing it’s a bit of a mess but let’s break it down more the government is planning to pay for rent for 16,000 homes specifically for migrants this decision comes at a time when local families are stuck on housing waiting lists for years imagine being on that list waiting and waiting and then finding out that 60,000 Asylum Seekers are going to be housed in these properties anyone will probably feel a bit frustrated right the Asylum figure is not particularly High um but because the majority of Asylum Seekers come from uh countries that we can’t return people to we have to grant them something called humanitarian protection the UK is welcoming thousands but this is causing a major strain on resources and communities many of those immigrants are being put up in hotels at the taxpayers expense and the cost is enormous the government is spending over 44.7 million per day just on hotel accommodations for Asylum Seekers that is a staggering amount so what’s the government doing about it well they’ve started renting homes for migrants to reduce the hotel bills but even then it’s still a significant expense each migrant placed in dispersed accommodation costs about £30 per day which is a fifth cheaper than the 00 per day it cost to keep them in hotels I think it’s about it’s about tackling the issues it’s about talking about it I think it’s welcome to hear from a labor politician to talk about immigration because there’s been fear in the party for many many years about talking about immigration at all because there wasn’t a clear Direction there wasn’t a an acknowledgement of this as an issue and a bit similar to brexit it was the kind of thing you wanted to bury your head in the sand about because if you don’t have a position to talk about or you don’t fully understand the issues because you’re in you know Multicultural hubs like London or or kind of City centers and you know people like Angela understand that there are people in the country because people in Angela’s family as there are in mine sounds like a good move but it’s still a hefty price tag now let’s talk about those hotels many are located in Seaside towns that used to thrive on tourism with these hotels now booked up by Asylum Seekers local businesses are feeling the pinch no tourists means less money flowing into these local economies but just why are so many people coming to the UK many are fleeing dire situations in their home countries seeking safety and a better life Wars persecution and economic hardship drive them to take these dangerous Journeys the UK known for its history of providing Refuge has become a destination for Hope for many but the country is now grappling with how to manage this influx without collapsing under the pressure the housing issue is just one part of a much bigger problem debt is massive housing is big issue it’s not just people on benefits is to work in families and saying sorry when they come in in despair families in despair which is flying the immigration surge is stretching the UK’s resources to the Limit schools hospitals and other public services are feeling the strain it’s like trying to fit too many people into a small room no matter how much you stretch it it’s just not going to work and this strain isn’t just about the numbers it’s about real people facing real challenges native citizens are struggling to find houses with many local families waiting years on housing lists the frustration is palpable meanwhile thousands of British citizens are struggling to afford rent or even find housing this situation is causing a rise in homelessness and social discontent across the country in rural England the number of homeless people has skyrocketed by over 21% since 2018 people who cross the channel make up a small proportion of net migration figures but it’s what they symbolize which can anger the public and that a lack of control stopping the boats is a key rishy sunak pledge and in DOA last week he said his plans are having an impact back then there were more than 177,000 people classified as homeless in rural areas but last year that number jumped to nearly 21,000 the East and the southwest of England are particularly hard hit with the highest numbers of homeless people in these regions homelessness in the UK is a big issue and immigration plays a major role in it the numbers show that immigrants even though they’re a smaller part of the population end up in prison more often than the people born here this tells us there’s more crime among immigrants compared to Brits it makes you think about how immigration affects things like public services and Community safety small boats this is just back last year we’re looking at the full year numbers for 2023 small boats you’re talking just under 30,000 num people coming in uh on small boats very high in historical uh kind of proportion but nonetheless some immigrants come for a a better life which makes sense but others might be here for economic reasons rather than just needing help balancing these things in Immigration policy is tricky but really important to get right it’s clear that the UK is grappling with some serious immigration crisis and folks things are heating up people have been waiting on promises for what feels like forever and patience is wearing thin among British citizens you cannot use that as an excuse to call for the eradication of a state or any kind of hatred or anti-Semitism prime minister Rishi sunak proposing some bold moves to shake things up like getting newcomers sorted out quickly his idea get them processed in days or weeks not dragging things out for months or years if Asylum isn’t granted then it’s a swift exit to somewhere else the hope is that this approach breaks the cycle of uncertainty and backlog that’s been bogging down the system but let’s keep it real many are asking what’s actually getting done it’s a big question and the clock is ticking for answers hate or protest or seek to intimidate people we will remove their right to be here islamist extremists and far-right groups are spreading a poison that poison is extremism it seems like a plan is finally taking shape with Rishi sunak insisting he’s delivering on his promises to the British citizens the UK government’s proposal to relocate Asylum Seekers to Rwanda was first introduced in April of 2022 during prime minister Boris Johnson’s tenure however the plan encountered significant legal obstacles and was ultimately deemed unlawful by the court of appeal in June of 2023 people were worried about how Rwanda treats Asylum Seekers and its human rights record now with Rishi sunak in charge they’re saying they’ll start deportations in July of 2024 but lots of folks still remain skeptical remembering how past promises to handle immigration issues never quite planned out the next few weeks will be about action but whilst I’m conscious people want Deeds not words I’m not going to outline now exactly what will happen when the situation is getting serious can the UK really sort this crisis out the government has revamped its approach with the safety of Rwanda act 2024 which kicked in from April of 2024 on paper this should push things forward but will it work in practice it’s still early days to make a definite call but there might still be some improvement on the horizon perhaps the UK will start taking cues from countries like Greece on managing immigration more effectively after the stop the boats legislation became law many migrants fearing deportation began fleeing to other destinations one Hotpot they chose is Ireland so what’s the government doing about all of these they’ve got some plans but whether their work is a big question there’s talk of tightening border controls and finding ways to reduce the number of people coming in illegally but these are tricky Waters to navigate on one hand there’s a need to be Humane and help those in desperate need on the other hand there’s the Practical reality of limited resources and the need to maintain order and safety for everyone yes you can March and protest with passion you can demand the protection of civilian life but no you cannot call for violent Jihad the main issue is still the cost of this crisis as we first mentioned in the video we’re talking millions of pounds spent on housing health care and other support for the immigrants and with the economy already stretched thin it’s a heavy burden taxpayers are feeling the pinch wondering where their money’s going and why their needs are not being met first let’s not forget about the cultural aspect either the UK has always been a Melting Pot of culpes but with the rapid influx of new people it’s changing communities in ways that some find unsettling it’s a balancing act between embracing diversity and maintaining a sense of national identity it’s not an easy balance to strike we are going to deliver this indispensable deterrent so that we finally break the business model of the criminal gangs and save lives so where do we go from here can the UK really survive this crisis it’s a tough question with no easy answers it’s going to take a lot of effort smart policies and perhaps a bit of luck the government needs to find a way to manage the influx support the immigrants and address the concerns of its citizens it’s a delicate dance and one misstep could lead to Serious consequences in the end it’s all about finding a way to coexist and Thrive together the UK has faced tough challenges before and has come through stronger this crisis is no different it’s a test of resilience compassion and practicality and while the road ahead is uncertain there’s hope that with the right approach the UK can cross these Dangerous Waters and find a way to ensure a better future for everyone about the future I believe you need to have a deterrent the only way to stop this problem is to say to people who come here illegally they cannot stay and they will be removed if I’m your prime minister the planes will go to Rwanda we will have a deterrent so stay tuned folks this story is far from over and how it unfolds will shape the UK for years to come whether it’s through policy changes Community efforts or just plain old British grid there is a way forward now what do you think do drop your thoughts in the comment section below if you found this video helpful then make sure to hit that like button share it with your friends and subscribe to our channel for more insightful content your support keeps us going so we’ll catch you in the next one


    1. Same in u.s who benefits when a country collapses, this happened thru our history, why you think thes no nation standig dating back to millions of years bc, they bring diwn a nation n move to the next to destroy, man sure know how to build n destroy, history says it all, ist it wrong for a leader to protect their people at all cost, to avoid collapse, hunger, civil fights, in my view big no, thats their job, and i ment protect


    3. The gangs running the illegal transport of these people are the French and British governments, so no channce of stopping them. Traitors.

    4. No we can't survive. There is nothing in this country for the British people but we have nowhere to go. Everything is given to those coming in to the country. Even those who came here legally seem to want to bring their own culture with them. For multiculturalism to work, there need to be a foundation culture that everyone can congregate around, even if they add theirs to it. As it stands, no one can agree on anything. Britain is an island with an area almost half the size of France yet the population of both countries are almost the same.
      We should not be letting them in just to give them a better life. The indigenous people and those who came through the legal channels deserve a better life but they are not getting it because politicians are incompetent and don't give a dam about the British people. The lot of them are traitors.
      By the way, who are the ones calling for jihad, the imposition of sharia and blasphemy laws? It ain't the Christians, the Jews, the Buddhists, the Hindus, the Sikhs, the atheists or the agnostics. It is the one group of people who sems to be causing the most trouble. Now don't get me wrong (although you will), religion is a personal relationship between you and your "god", it should not affect anyone else. However, their calls for sharia and blasphemy laws are causing friction between groups. Praying in the streets and parks should not be done but they have done it. The reason why they do it is to get a reaction and then claim they are being persecuted and need laws to protect them. They also want to show they can do anything they like without fear of opposition or punishment. If a group of Christian started praying in the street, I'm sure the police would either move them on or arrest them for causing a public disturbance. I'm not even going to mention the s*x scandals.

    5. Keir Starmer has just made it a whole lot WORSE!
      100.000 illegal migrants are allowed to remain in the UK.
      Grooming gangs are being released by Labour

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