#cycling #lecol #ridefasterridefurther

    The Le Col Cycling Club recently celebrated reaching 200,000 members so Chris and a few of our ambassadors thought it would be a great idea to celebrate by riding 200,000 meters. We also share a few of your incredible achievements from the past 12 months and offer you the challenge of celebrating 200,000 members by riding 200,000 meters and sharing your story with us on the Ride Stories page.

    Find more members achievements here https://lecol.cc/blogs/ride-stories/200-000-members-biggest-achievements

    Music: bensound.com
    License code: DVFLXDZ4C0Y6ABT3

    Want to conquer that climb? Or ride your first century? We’ve created a new series of LC__CC videos and downloadable training plans with pro-level advice from the best in the world of cycling.

    Visit http://www.lecol.cc and head to the LC__CC section for more information.

    here at the laly club we recently celebrated a major achievement 200,000 members and sometimes a great celebration requires great effort so with this in mind I set off to ride 200,000 M to celebrate each and every single member a challenge for you later but first we want to celebrate some of your incredible achievements over the last 12 months a little history about the loal Cycling Club since its Inception in 20121 collectively we have ridden 649 million kilm and logged over 21 1.3 million bike rides that’s an average distance of just over 30 km per ride the local Cycling Club is all about you the members without you the club doesn’t exist and we want to celebrate some of your major achievements so when we knew we were going to hit the 200,000 member Mark we reached out to you to ask you to share some of your most memorable moments from the last 12 months to ensure that I don’t misquote any of your amazing achievements I’m going to read them off my phone because some of these are so detailed and really special I think it would be doing a disservice to you if I was to read them incorrectly Brooks Bank in the UK lost his brother in March last year age 44 to pancreatic cancer so this year he rode the ride London for p pancreatic cancer UK to help others 100 Mil wasn’t enough for Le if he was going to be asking for sponsorship so he rode to and back from the event and raised over £ 4,236 Chris his brother would have approved congratulations Lee it’s a really special achievement especially when you consider the distance she had to ride to get there and back Chris broad Drake in the UK being able to go to newor for a weekl long cycle training Camp whilst coping with terminal prostate cancer and enjoying it whilst being supported by a great group of clubmates what an amazing group of people you have around your Chris and we wish you the absolute best and hope that you can continue to ride on two wheels for as long as it’s possible Philip janart in France rode the Normand Cat 400 his longest ride ever with a full night on the bike he says it was a great memory but the biggest surprise was that he actually found the event Too Short cathina systemic in Germany her biggest cycling achievement over the last 12 months was the Parry breest perie ride in August 2023 with 1,230 KM longest ride ever and while I was riding it was torture but nevertheless it created beautiful memories it’s an atmosphere that’s unbelievable 8,000 Riders the people in The Villages who decorated the streets who give you water coffee creps it’s really cute she says so I think it’s my biggest achievement and the most beautiful and hurtful memories I can imagine that there’s something really special about going on an ultra endurance adventure and just discovering your passion for cycling the environment that you’re in and just seeing how far you can really push yourself so huge congratulations to you too Helen Chapman in France at age 58 and only starting Road cycling in her late 40s trained and completed the trans Pyrenees over 800 km with nearly 16,000 M of climbing an amazing adventure I’d love to spend time in the Pyrenees again a full week of cycling through terrain like that is just absolutely unbelievable and a huge congratulations to you Helen Britany flowers from the USA I was diagnosed with lupus at 15 in 2020 I had a bilateral thyroidectomy exercise Fitness and St stamina and energy have always been a huge issue for me over the past year I’ve worked hard on losing almost 100 and building my stamina yesterday I completed my first 3 and 1 half mile ride I used to be able to make it only one city block I’m so proud of myself and cannot wait to keep going a massive congratulations and the best of luck from us Britany after reaching out to you and asking you to share your stories with us we received thousands of messages and we’ve made a selection of a few of them up on the website I’ll leave a link in the description down below if to re through at your leisure so I thought a huge milestone deserved a huge effort to celebrate it so I decided riding 200,000 M for 200,000 members was a great way to do this recently I set off for what became quite a tough day out on the bike including one of the best bikes of cramp I have ever experienced find out how my day went [Music] now I’m one full lap in and it is busy on the roads kind of forgotten that 52.7 km an hour 52 minutes average 18° and it’s getting warmer and warm up all the time it’s so beautiful outside it’s a really nice still day we’ve got three more laps to complete let’s go [Applause] [Music] 121 km which makes us about a third of the way is into lap three and um if I’m really honest it’s starting to get hard now it’s 4 hours and 8 minutes of riding I rarely ride more than 2 hours at a time and I’m noticing that now but that makes it a nice challenge but the really nice thing is that every every single time that I cross a section of road now or a climb or whatever it is I know that only have to do it one more time and we’ll be at the end so that’s quite a nice feeling that’s one of the main things that’s keeping me going actually I need to stretch and drink and eat I have never eaten so much on a bike in my life but I think that’s the secret for today [Music] [Music] [Applause] he [Music] final lap I’ve just had the most epic B of cramp that I’ve ever had in my entire life but I guess that’s what happens when you all of a sudden ride already now three times longer than my average B ride 5 hours and 10 minutes 151.50 kmers so I don’t actually need to complete the final LP which is great news cuz that’s how I feel right now it’s hard 4,200 calories 4,274 just 48k to go5 200,000 for 200,000 members congratulations to the L Cycling Club despite what it looks like it was a great day out on the bike but it wasn’t just me I had some help with a few of our ambassadors as well well done to everyone at the C cycl Club all the ride leaders every member every zift Rider 200,000 members what a milestone I’ll see you down the road hi Crest Dawson here out here for the Bol XI World Cup just a massive congratulations to the the call Cycling Club for hitting 200,000 members 200,000 M for 200,000 members congratulations l call Cycling Club well done but what we would really like is to hear from you we would like you to ride 200,000 meters to help us celebrate 200,000 members you don’t need to do it all in one ride but we would love to hear a ride story either via a text submission on the ride stories feature or via video good luck with your ride and help us celebrate the major master Stone achievement of the laal Cycling Club


    1. Congrats to the club & members for such a prestigious milestone. I wanted to leave a message of support & encouragement for Brittny on her path to more health & freedom in the near future. You are an inspiration for me.

    2. Congrats to the club. I'm likely gonna be doing 200k at some point this or next week, as I'm doing the Stairway to Hell challenge. It's crazy how you get good or bad at the things you train or don't train. I remember three or so years ago, when Chris was doing Audax and things like that, 200k would probably have been relatively chill. But when all your training rides are much shorter, that's what the body adapts to. It really is an incredible machine.

    3. Thanks for your training input for my recent outdoor 100 miler completed successfully apart from 1 little incident near the start but refused to give up and pursued on with completing.
      Next April definitely the Mallorca 312 event’s 225km challenge

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