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    Curious about how French women stay slim? In this video, we reveal 10 weight loss secrets that will help you lose weight fast! Discover the diet secrets of French women and start your weight loss journey today.

    0:00 Introduction
    0:51 Secret n°1
    2:19 Sleep and glow
    4:00 Secret n°2
    7:03 Secret n°3
    8:44 Secret n°4
    10:07 Secret n°5
    11:25 Secret n°6
    12:29 Secret n°7
    13:34 Secret n°8
    15:59 Secret n°9
    17:20 Secret n°10

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    These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

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    bour a cliche you probably heard of French women don’t die and they eat everything they want to stay slim sorry to disappoint show but in this video I’m going to reveal you the shocking truth as a French woman I can assure you that yes French women do die to lose W they do share some W love Secrets they apply in their everyday routine that help them to lose we fast and for good if you don’t know me I’m Alis I’m French and I live in in Paris and invido I will share with you the best we lost Secrets I received from my mom my grandom as a French woman I also apply this we l secrets in my everyday routine that also helped me to lose more than 10 pounds in just a few months a year ago the first we l secret that French women don’t want you to know is about me holistic approach holistic W loss is an approach that considers many factors that can contribute to the wealth loss it is not only about diet and exercise but also about the emotional components and also your whole lifestyle it’s not just about losing some pounds or being skinnier or Slimmer it’s all about also finding you know a better balance in your life being more active being more confident being healthier French women we do not focus is only about the we loss only about the aesthetic approach about the we loss it’s not about being skinny it’s about being healthy taking the time to cook taking the time to cook with your children with your grand children for example going to The Fresh Market so really you know prioritize yourself prioritize you know food prioritize this quality time it’s all about you your D right and being healthy holistic W loss is just not about exercising and losing we it is also about taking care of yourself and also also sleeping well sleeping well is really the key when I sleep well I am less tired I also lose we much more easily and I don’t crave sugar and I do have a secret I want to share with you in this video My Little Secret to sleep well better and also to lose waste that’s I my secret to sleep better is the omia pillow this is the only pillow I use the omia pillow is a unique 3D designer pillow that helps to fight and prevent wrinkles and also it is designed by oropi so it is also made to sleep better and when you don’t sleep well you eat more sugar of course and you can also have what we call deformation or slip wrinkles you know this kind of deformation you have on your face when you are waking up this pillow is made in Italy with a unique design it has two side cradles that avoid any contact between your face and the pillow the omn pillow is the only pillow on the market that has clinically proven results and the results show that the wrinkles decrease in 87% of patients after 3 months if you’re interested to buy this below I have a great news for you so this month sleeping glow is offering 15% discount with my promo card so check below the video I put all the link and you can also use my promo code the next we l Secrets French from Wonder want you to know is of course to eat healthy food and War food this is the number one weal lost secrets from French women okay we do not smoke we do not starve ourselves to lose wave we love to eat healthy quality food this is the best first secret I can share with you and this is also the most effective one favoring single ingredient World Foods this mean eating mostly unprocessed food but are close to the Natural State food like fruits vegetabl Lin protein W grains are all great choices please no snack no refined grain no soda no sugar no snack no biscuit and what about my whole routine the things I do in real life first I love to go to The Fresh Market there’s always a Fresh Market in Paris it’s easy it’s very accessible it’s not that expensive so most of the time I go once or twice after work before work I always try to find and to manage time you know to buy freshh food in real life for breakfast usually I don’t eat most of the time I don’t have time to eat because I’m always late but I got a coffee a detox juice so a juice something very healthy at the same time if I have a lunch at work so usually I avoid any sandwiches please sandwiches are not healthy this is not an healthy option so most of the time as you can see I’m still trying to find healthy option it could be a little bit of fish for example a salad I think salad are really a concept here in France every single French woman who want to lose wave we try to focus on salad salad really brings something very very healthy it’s all about the vegetable actually it really also can feel you you know feel your anger usually a big big salad is a great option a great healthy option what do I eat during the evening so us usually I stick to something that is super super light and another secret my grandma my mom used to tell me it is to eat very lightly the evening so usually a soup for example my best advice about the diet I really follow the mediteran diet I love this diet this is one of the best in the world it’s also anti-aging it’s also boosting w l so usually the traditional Mediterranean diet is all about fresh vegetables Fresh Foods no sugar but a lot of maybe Olive Oil so more fat olive oil fish the third wless Secrets French woman I want you to know is to drink more make sure to drink plenty of water if you want to lose wave water helps you to keep you hydrated and can help to boost your metabolism it is also a zero calorie drink so you can drink as much as you want without worrying about added calories and my secret and a lot of you have asked about it my little secret is to drink airball tea I love to drink airball tea this is my secret to lose weight most of my airel tea I met with rosemary dondon midle Sweet Cherry to these are the best herbs that are the most effective when it comes to we loss and detox it works so well on my body usually this little herbal tea reduce you know blood sugar reduce my Hunger for example I want to eat less so it really really helped me during my we loss process you should absolutely try this little tips this little secret it also comes from my grandma my mom also used to be a f a fond of herbal tea she used to fill her kitchen with herbal tea I really grow up you know with a kitchen full of herbs and elbow tea so drink elbow tea during the morning when you wake up after and before lunch so usually I also drink plenty of airbow tea before lunch and especially also during the evening I love love love AAL tea also during the evening it also helped me to really calm down and to sleep well the fourth W love Secrets French I want you to know is to take supplements well supplements are not magic pills but they may support healthy we l so forget oan PE go for something that is natural healthy and not dangerous I use natural airball supplements that increase fat burning or energy expenditure and reduce feeling of anger noal is well known to reduce appetite and also calorie intake I love this plant another airball supplement I love to take is also kjac kjac is a root vegetable full of fibers that help well to keep you Fuller longer so you’re less likely to ovat or snack between meals or snacking all day I love to take fibers so I really advise you also to take fibers supplement because fibers are really well known to fight sugar craving food craving and they help you to really feel Fuller longer so you don’t want to eat all day and usually I take what we call celium so one teaspoon in my juice one teaspoon in a glass of water for example between meal or after meal the next we love secret SP don’t want you to know is to exercise no magic here okay this is one of the best secret I can and give you I was able to lose 10 kilos in just one month a few years ago just by doing exercising so three times a week I go for a little run after work and the most effective one is usually you know during the evening I used to run after 8:00 p.m. so between 8 to 10 p.m. I go for a long run and it really helped me really helped me to lose weight another exercise I love to do is cycling I used to do also twice a week some cycling at VY and other tips from French women if you don’t like to work out go walking okay go for a walk French women we do walk a lot especially I live in Paris I don’t have a car here in Paris and in Paris in any big city is so easy because you have to work a lot another way is also bicycle so I love love love bicycle do have a bicycle here in Paris and I use also to Bicycle a lot in the US the next we secret French from I want you to know is to detox my mom used to start a detox every single inter season so most of the time during spring after the winter and also another detox during the fall this is the two time when I love to detox my body and it is very very also well known and common here in France I always start a detox when I want to lose some weight and it also helped me to boost my metabolism and to lose wave very easily so what do I do as a French woman to detox I go to the juice bar you know probably twice or three time a week I love to just drink some clean fresh juice made also with plenty of vegetables I love it so the good of a detox is is not to Star myself it’s just to focus on more healthy food and incorporate more veggies and fruits into my everyday routine I do have a w loss skincare routine when I want to lose W it is part of my w loss journey and also part of my self-care routine this is also another tips I got from my mom she used to take care of their skin when she want to lose weight I do use anti cellulite skincare cream night and day I apply it every morning before also dressing I apply this skin care cream made to fight cellulite I do have another cream also for the night before going to bed I do also massage my skin with a brush an anti cellulite brush I always try to find this kind of time during the morning what I love about the skin brushing is the fact that it is so so easy to do you don’t need to buy too many different skincare cream you don’t need you know a lot also of money so it’s not a big investment I love the little tips you know they are affordable they’re not expensive and easy to do in your routine and the next we FL Secrets French don’t want you to know is to fight sugar craving so contrary or what you are thinking French women do not starve themselves and the best part of a French W loss is really to indulge yourself as a French woman sometimes I do indulge myself so that’s why I also love you know an healthy lifestyle because when I indulge myself it’s not with cheap snackies cheap I don’t know ships soda I do not indulge myself with low quality sugar I love to go for some French Bakery and it’s so so good so time to time I go to P for example my favorite patier for the maon they the best macaron I do go for Angelina also Patisserie and time to time I enjoy the best things in life a little tips when I indulge myself portion size is just key and as you can see in France you know we do have small small portion size I don’t go for the extra big you know Bakery I don’t go for the extra big big cake I go for small Patisserie and it’s another way also to eat in moderation eating in moderation is another Mantra of you know the French diet and sometimes you know when I really craft for sugar I go for what we call in France Cafe gourma Cafe gourma is French so this is a French paer cafe gouron is a small plate of small tiny little dessert what I love about Cafe gourma is the fact that they also present you a small extra tiny dessert with a coffee or a tea and it’s another way also to indulge yourself but the portion size of uh you know Bakery are so tiny it is so small that really you don’t eat a lot of calories and the last WL secret French I want you to know is the effortless WL ticks I’m going to give you my little secret that really help me to lose wave and the first one you know is very easy to implement is to plan your meal my best tips when you want to lose we is really to plan what you’re going to eat the whole week I’m an hresh subscriber so it’s very easy for me to plan my weekly menu I will say but if you’re not an El fresh subscriber you just have also to plan your weekly so what I do before is to cook I used to cook the weekend for the whole week or I used also to write all the things I wanted to eat the next week you’re not tempted to buy for example snacks at the groceries for example when everything get set up organized and write down it’s also easy to stick to what you are going to eat my best tip is also to home cooking home cooking is the best way also to fight sugar craving and to fight also food craving because usually when you prepare your meal when you cook for example you are taking really the time and when you take this time actually you don’t think to eat and usually I’m also more satisfied after cooking actually I’m really more satisfied I have less hunger you know what because my mind was really busy was really focusing on you know on cooking on how to cook and not on food and my best best best effortless we l tips is all about the portion you might not believe it but believe me you know portion size portion control is the best way to effortlessly lose wave smaller plates lead to smaller portion and less calories they also produce a powerful optical illusion that makes everything on your plate look larger in comparison for example a small portion of food on a small plate takes up more volume and appears larger than when placed on a big plate that’s it for today I hope you enjoy this video about the best tips the best we l secrets that French don’t want you to know I hope also these little tips and these little secrets will help you to lose weight no this is so so common here in France and I understand that it’s not so common when you go to the set for example so if you have any question please let me know don’t forget to follow me on Instagram I try also to post you know my daily life you know what I eat what I do in France in Paris don’t forget to subscribe don’t forget to follow me on Instagram and i’ see you very soon for number one bye


    1. i live in the usa and i am 40lbs overweight and for the last week i have been counting calories and walking at least 30 min everyday. no sugars or diet sodas and i have lost 6lbs so far. thank you for your videos 🥹

    2. Ma cherie, je t'en prie, try to pronounce "DIET" the right way. The way you pronounce it, it sounds like "DIE" 🥹 Other than that, your accent is supercute, the content is great and I love it!

    3. I was a teen here in America in the 1970's. There were very few overweight people. I was not overweight. I had to ask why. Quick answer… less processed foods and more whole foods. Eating together as a family and not on the phone. Mindful Eating. More exercise. Now one thing that did take place and still takes place in France. Fat shaming. I have seen videos where there is alot of fat shaming especially in France. I don't think that is good either. There is not alot in America. Americans I do feel do not hold themselves accountable for the rampant obesity but, we are at fault. Dieticians now are saying just love and accept yourself. Yes, love and accept yourself but, never accept being obese. No one has to stay in that position. Love yourself enough to seek help in getting your body and mind healthy. Let's be kind always to each other and be willing to share and help anyone who is struggling.

    4. Alice I love these lifestyle videos. Do you think that bread in France is so different from bakery bread in the US? There seems to be something different. Also, do older French women find it difficult to stay slim? TIA!

    5. Constant snacking, junk food, little exercise, huge portions, little fresh food, animal-laden regimen, the wrong oils, high fructose corn syrup, hardly walking anywhere … it is no mystery.

    6. Your salads depicted here are a bit different than typical salads I see. I would be interested if you considered showing some of your favorite recipes for them and your vinagrettes.

      Edit: Perplexed query I missed asking. What are your daily protein goals? From the food you showed I would find it difficult to eat more than 50 grams of protein daily. Perhaps I missed something?

    7. Thank you for this video, can I ask, if you have time if you could make a ~what I eat in a day or week~ or maybe even a meal plan that you do? I know you go daily to the fresh markets so maybe you do not meal plan haha. <3

    8. The food/salads in your videos always look so amazing and delicious! I eat a salad everyday, but they look so boring in comparison lol, just spinach with some dressing!

    9. I couldn’t read the labels on the herbal tea. I couldn’t understand what type of tea or the name brand of the pillow. I would be interested in knowing.

    10. I love your videos so much ❤ I would be so excited to see an updated skincare routine..your skin is so gorgeous 😍 I don’t know what to use to tighten mine like yours!

    11. Drinking juice is not the best option, you omit fibre and then add it as supplements. There are some contradictions in your diet. Otherwise, French diet is no different from general guidelines for a healthy lifestyle. No secrets.

    12. Sorry Alice but I disagree a lot with the content of this video, as I don't think it will benefit your average viewer.
      1) You don't need to ingest supplements (apart from Vitamin B12 if you're vegan) if you eat a variety of healthy foods. You don't need to take fibre supplements – you drink juices which have most of the fibre removed. Instead of juices, just eat the fruit and veggies! Also, you will probably find that if fruit and veggies are juiced, you will eat more; if you had the same fruit and veggies in their natural state, you will probably find it hard to eat the whole lot, and you'll end up eating less (and ingesting fewer calories).
      2) You lost 10 kgs in a month, that's way too fast, most people would not be able to maintain such weight loss, achieved by starving yourself no doubt, and overexercising. It is not "effortless" to eat smaller portions. By restricting too much, you normally end up bingeing later. You are the exception if you were able to lose those 10kg once and for all, without getting into a vicious yo-yo dieting circle.
      3) Eating in moderation. If we could do it, we wouldn't be fat in the first place. Eating sugary/fatty/salty foods in moderation requires superhuman willpower, which is a very limited resource. These are processed trigger foods that do not exist in nature; they are designed to hook us and are really like drugs, that's why we talk of food addiction. If you are trying to lose weight and have these foods around you, you will eat them as they will call your name. So it is best not to buy them or bring them into the house, just like an alcoholic would not bring home a bottle of spirits and plan to drink it "in moderation."
      4) Exercise is great for fitness, but you can't outrun your calories. It has been proved not to be all that useful for weight loss. It's the food!
      5) Oils are a processed food and the most fattening food on the planet. Each tablespoon is 120 calories. You can cook and dress your salad in other ways, for example lemon juice or vinegar on salads, and you can sautee with water or broth.
      6) Nuts and seeds are also extremely calorific. So just have a bigger portion that will keep hunger at bay without starving yourself, but reduce or eliminate oils, seeds and nuts (including tahini, peanut butter, etc).
      7) All these beauty products – crazy! They will not help you lose weight and they must cost you a fortune. It is very misleading of you to promote them as slimming products or anti-cellulite. If you have cellulite, just eat fewer fats (oils and nuts and cakes).
      8) a Whole food plant-based way of eating is the healthiest way to lose weight gradually, especially if you don't add extra sugar and oils or reduce them to a minimum. Look up Chef AJ's calorie density chart (no need to count calories for individual foods and become obsessive with weighing and measuring). For simple, effective advice for weight loss that does not involve small portions (quite the opposite!) see Dr John McDougall's starch solution (google the free online version) or Chef AJ or the non-profit Physicians Committee. You don't have to become vegan, just include as many fruit, veggies, wholegrains, legumes, mushrooms, winter squashes, (sweet) potatoes as possible into your diet – but don't drown them in oil or butter or seed/nut butters.

    13. I agree that a huge key is cooking your own meals, from whole ingredients. The fewer simple starches and packaged foods in my diet the better I sleep, the more energy I have and the less likely I am to have unhealthy sugar cravings. I don't claim to be a saint, and I"m often busy and wishing I could just magic my meal onto my plate. Batch cooking, batch washing/prepping veggies, and making good use of my freezer space have all been game changers. No excuse to buy cafeteria food if there's a healthy meal in the freezer to take to work; no excuse to grab takeout when I have every single ingredient for a healthy bowl ready to go in the fridge when I get home.

    14. Great informative and helpful video. I'm 46 years old, slim and I've been following many of these tips and they work, maintaining a healthy weight for my height and age. Since I stopped consumming ultra processed, junk foods, sugars and snacks, anxiety and food cravings have decreased while health and skin are improved. Going to fresh markets and cooking whole foods at home, eating healthy without starving myself have made a difference for good. You look amazing, Alice! Merci beaucoup for sharing 💖

    15. I am beginning to feel patronized and overwhelmed by the message that French women don't get fat. Is it not arrogant to post a picture of someone with belly fat and label it "the world" and then the slim person is French? French women don't diet Really ??? I bet you do diet because by being aware of what and when you eat and portion sizes puts French women firmly in the dieting spectrum but in a positive way. A diet is any food/drink one consumes daily whether it be low fat,high fat low sugar etc. French people have a healthy diet but so do lots of other nations. It hardly warrants permission to dictate to others.

    16. I am from the US, 47 years old and working to lose about 25-30lb. Thanks for your tips. Your salads look amazing and have inspired me to include a lot more healthy, nutrient dense foods in my salads. Another thing that has helped me is intermittent fasting. I fast for a 14-15 hour window and that has helped me stop my late night snacking habits and makes me feel better/lighter and more motivated each morning. I’m going to incorporate more of your tips as well! Merci!

    17. I lost 50 lbs. by daily walking, on steep hilly terrain, up to 90minutes per day, and eliminating grains and root vegetables, especially potatoes. I had already given up all forms of sugar, except what occurs naturally in fresh fruit and non-starchy vegetables, and alcohol, except as a party treat a few times per year (one or two glasses of champagne). I had really given up on weight loss after eating only 800 Kcal/day for 22 years just to maintain my weight. I no longer believe in the very crude, unproven model, I eat at least twice as many calories now (I’m also a scientist, and can tell you that applying the calorie model to human metabolism has no basis in science). I never count or measure anything and will occasionally have potatoes or a beer or a dessert, which I love, but it’s the everyday diet and activity that count most. More exercise, fewer carbs did the trick for me. Funnily, I began my walks only to cure lingering chest pain from pneumonia, not only did it work, it showed me the way to a fit, slender body. You can do it!

    18. Just because it’s a “supplement” it doesn’t mean it’s efficacious or even safe. We omnivores get all the nutrients we need from a variety healthy, natural non-processed foods. Vegans probably need vitamin supplements, ask a doctor.

    19. Fresh blueberries fulfill my sugar cravings, I eat at least a pint basket of them every day. They get expensive, but that’s ok. A pint is four servings, but berries are low in sugar, especially compared to other fruits like grapes and bananas, which I hate.

    20. I just ordered one of the pillows and a few pillow cases. I prefer to sleep on my side but I’ve been trying to train myself to sleep on my back to avoid getting wrinkles. Thank you for the suggestion and most of all the discount! Love your videos!!

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