Things escalate quickly when Chinese tourists approach this pianist live streaming his performance on YouTube 🎹

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    [Music] can the Chinese chff ever go oh yeah of course of course we got the Chinese here see because for Chinese TV as well oh yeah yeah did you think as all of us in your camera are we are uh I don’t know are we allowed we’re not allowed we’re not allowed you’re not allow because because we are for Chinese TV this is nonis we have our own agreement with other people that we cannot be shown online okay you’re so sorry about this so who who’s allowed to record you then just just making sure you’re not recording us yeah because if you are recording us that when we are saying this you’re still recording and then we will will put a legal action into it oh okay yeah we will put a legal action into it we will I’m sorry this is the end of the conversation this is our right we are protecting and that’s it but what right I don’t understand image Right image right yeah we’re not sharing this image are you from China I I that’s not a question we the only thing we are arguing is that we are protecting our own image right you’re not sharing but this we’re in public yeah exactly no no sharing so we’re not allow no sharing yes no sharing us sharing yourself that’s fine no sharing us right not in public in China but we’re we’re not in China no I have my Cho I don’t want we are in Britain Great Britain we’re not in China I’m also Brit I’m also British okay I’m also British I’m also British but I don’t want to use my IM got a Chinese flag it doesn’t matter show me the Chinese flag why you touching her stop touching her don’t touch her please do not touch her please you are not the same age please do not touch her don’t touch her please don’t touch her please don’t Shou her don’t touch her what’s don’t don’t shoot please don’t touch her please don’t touch her please don’t touch her no we love your art we love your music but we are trying to have because you’re touching my friend are you allowing her to touch you I touch the flag I touch the flag it doesn’t matter you’re approaching her with her hand you’re getting a bit aggressive you are I think we better leave this bet can’t touch her please don’t touch her please don’t touch her please don’t touch her please don’t reach your hand please say sorry to her well I want you to say please say sorry to her no we’re not ening M that’s fine we’re not talking about two race this is not a racist issue please don’t call us we’re not in China this is the moment that you’re trying to reach your hand touch her without her permission I don’t want to touch him at all that’s good stay away don’t touch her don’t touch her you go we’re in a free country now mate stay away democrac do not touch her do not touch her I’m not touching any her do not touch her do not touch her do not touch her do not touch her do not touch her are you miming me are you miming me I am you’re miming me am you’re miming me you’re miming me I am you what are you going to do about it so we got the police over got we got the Chinese Communist Party who told us not to film and that’s basically what it is they came over they came over Jim they came over and said you’re not allowed to film us we’re in a public space in a public piano and they said you’re not allowed to film and they were waving Communist Party flags and I said oh that’s the Communist flag and they said oh that’s racist why I’m asking you not to kill me is because I know that you are putting this on your YouTube doesn’t matter where it goes we’re in a free country sorry we’re in a democracy we’re not in China and that’s not racist that’s the truth that’s what our exactly but you can’t say things like that either you can’t just say things like that that we’re in a free country no that we’re not in China we chines people well they came listen krie if I was over in China and I started laying the law down to Chinese people at the piano telling them know what they cannot cannot do do you think that’s appropriate they came over here the guy started shouting at me and he said you’re not allowed to film you’re not allow and I said sorry we’re in Britain unallowed to play and I said you’re waving a communist flag and then he said you’re racist so if I’ve done anything wrong tell me perh I should do the Pink Panther I think I think the Chinese have gone I think we’ve won the war that’s it I think we’ve won the war the Chinese have beat a retreat and uh we basically won so there we go uh Free Speech prevails the police have gone the Chinese have gone free speech prevails yes well that was a bit of a drama wasn’t it oh my goodness


    1. Don’t come here and tell me us how to live, you are the visitors abide by our ways and rules or don’t come here, don’t tell us what to do in our country!!!

    2. They started realising that the law is different so they started to resort to faking assault. I especially appreciate how he suddenly said "You're an older guy touching her" as if it would be any better if he was younger. He confused himself with what allegations to make. All they had to do is apologise for being in the wrong and step away from the camera.

    3. Even the Bible (Matthew 6:24) describes the increasingly clear problem of dual citizenship of the Chinese Lady: "No one can serve two masters: either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other." Citizenship is based on LOYALTY (loyalty of the citizen to the state). Chinese law stipulates that Chinese citizens living abroad are entitled to this loyalty to China (See the Chinese Flags) and NOT Great Britain! This means that second citizenship can even be used by other states to undermine democratic structures in host countries if many dual passport holders use their rights as citizens (e.g. democratic right of choice) ILLOYALLY, e.g. to undermine the state. This is part of hybrid warfare (subsection Subversion).
      Political Islam, as practiced by some Muslim migrants, has similar corrosive effects when it places Muslim Sharia law above the national (humanistic) legal system of the host country and thereby declares the traditional legal system of the host country to be illegitimate. This is also subversive.

      Almost all modern democracies, including Great Britain, currently seem to be affected by this problem (threat from WITHIN) of subversive behavior by immigrants, but (rarely) also by native citizens.

    4. Inappropriate, arrogant, and deceptive. They weren’t simply asking for their faces to not be shown, they were trying to fill a void and to manipulate a situation to appear different than reality

    5. It seems they think their rules travel with them….. the law doesn’t work that way and dictatorship/self grandiose elitism should be confronted whenever it crawls out into the light.

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