Thanks so much for watching our channel. First a quick apology. It’s been a few months since we uploaded a video. The reason for this was that Beanie has had some health issues and recently had to have a proceedure to remove a cancerous growth from the tip of his nose. He’s all healed up now and keen to get back on the bikes and explore the back roads again.

    Today you join us in the village of Delph in Saddleworth ahead of our ‘long way around’ ride to Emley Moor Transmitting Station just outside of Holmfirth. We head out over Saddleworth Moor, past the infamous site of the police searches for the bodies of the victims of the Moors Murders. We’ll skirt around the town of Holmfirth and head south past Woodhead Reservoir to Glossup for our lunch.

    From there, we ride Snake Pass to Ladybower Reservoir and a stop at the popular biker’s cafe. There were a lot of bikers on the road and if you are one of those people who gets triggered when a biker crosses a solid white line to overtake, you may need to sit in a quiet place with your worry balls before watching this section. We witnessed some quite dangerous overtakes.

    From Ladybower we head north again, through Strines Moor which was VERY busy with traffic to Holmfirth and our destination at Emley Moor Transmitting Station. At a height of 1084 feet, the tower is the tallest, freestanding structure in the United Kingdom. In total we ride around 65 miles.

    Our bikes.
    Vet: Suzuki DL 650
    Beanie: Suzuki DL 1050

    Royalty Free Music:
    License code: PBKSL0AUOJ2N5ADT

    If you would like to ride this route or want to adapt it for yourself, you can access the routes from the Vet and Beanie MyRouteApp group here:

    If you have enjoyed this video, do please share the video, leave us a like or a comment and consider subscribing to our channel.
    Thank you for supporting our channel..

    [Music] [Music] [Music] right you ready hello everybody and welcome back to our Channel you join us today in saddleworth ahead of our ride to Emily Moore we start our ride in the village of Del heading Southeast across saddleworth Moore to the viewing point at H Moss from there we ride South past Woodhead and torside reservoirs to the town of glossup where we’ll ride snake pass to the popular biker Cafe at lady Bower Reservoir we continue our ride heading north through strines Mo to hurth and onto our destination for today elely Mo transmitting station in total we’ll ride around 65 miles right Del let’s go yep used to working that building there oh yeah that was in that TV show wasn’t it that we watched it was after the flood After the flood after yeah yeah yeah it was a bit weird that wasn’t it that M supposed to happened in that building yeah when I first came from midlesboro the uh the company used to be best here yeah and this m sh yeah in the tin sheds yeah DW diggle in Del DW diggle and Del DW diggle dub cross and Del yeah that’s it yeah upper Mill yeah good all those happy cyclists out today I know God is love having fun sh sh ing the road with other Road users oh here we go no no I’m not going to say anything be kind or we might lose another sub there’s a local rambling Club yeah I where they’re rumbling too it’s always nice here but always busy yeah it’s bit of a that’s it attracts a few tourists don’t it with a fancy shot shops and eies that’s that’s all it’s see eateries and uh scented candle shops yeah bit like Eon Bridge it reminds me of right up into homef for sorry to saddleworth saddleworth M past do stones Reservoir which I expect will be absolutely rammed today it will today yeah yeah but it is a nice place to see go always very busy even in winter but the views are always outstanding up here aren’t they yeah oh he’s a idiot oh there’s my I’m not I’m not going to swear in this video or thing gone already yeah but it was that was that was silly yeah so being around this corner here when you see all the images of the police searching for the the mor murderers bodies it’s always on here this is where iten These Bricks here yeah all the cracks yeah where they used to sit and lighter take photographs of each other just up there and when they were searching all the police vehicles were parked along here and sad to say one body still hasn’t been found I don’t think it ever a will now no that was a little B and his his his mom died didn’t he what something called Bennett surname Bennett Bennett anyway his mother passed away without knowing where he was buried it’s a nice ride over here but the road’s really bumpy so I remember we used to come over on the Z we launched into this sometimes that view is pretty amazing isn’t it over there sounded fruity yeah right is this turn off is it yeah the one with a really uh yeah it’s got an awful cber really wicked cber on it I not so much when you’re going down but when you’re going up when you’re coming the other way yeah bloody awful oh is she going that way yeah I’m going tole this yeah I’m just going to they go past that Reservoir down here don’t we yeah kind onward go oh there we go [Music] oh pretty impressive views of the reservoir yeah we going oh I’m a boogery they’ll all be gone before I get to see [Music] them all Classic Bikes aren’t they yeah oh look at that one dro the Scotty one that one big long on yeah look at that oh cute very tasty too I’m guessing oh sweet right Road up to whole Moss whole Moss yeah it’s always really windy up there isn’t it yep blow your wig off look at that bend up there yeah oh I know I’m going to leave a bit of distance between us while we do those esses they’re not that bad going up not that bad coming down to be honest second gear the um the road surface isn’t as bad as on some of them uh I think this one’s the worst one just seems to go around forever go on forever survived are you pulling in at the top [Music] yeah all righty then here we are I’m going to go around and park over there cuz there’s a disabled P there it only be a minute yeah uh yeah I’ll go over to that [Music] welcome to darbishire [Music] [Music] there a lovely road this it is bit bumpy nice [Music] views Shepherd’s hoods they’re like little cabins yeah on [Music] Wheels all righty then [Music] yeah little bike is on oh I want to go oh yeah well are you good y see if we can get out of here so that you can catch up what the’s happening there just think he knows his boat’s open all right football fell out of his boot oh oh give it a kick give it a wellie snake Pass open to vehicles under 7.5 ton I think I think that I think that even includes me and my bike [Laughter] together could do 50 on a fella he’s fting about with something yeah he’s doing Sumer well it’s been a while since we’re on snake pass it has been a while in we’ll be a while on snake we can’t get past this yeah I’m going I can see you oh that’s a nice Bend he’s having a condom woman yeah it’s very undulating this isn’t it undulating that’s why lots of bikes come on it and that’s why they put a overt in and 50 mph speed limit yeah yeah some of them are coming through be careful like that lad there these are all doing their 50 mes hour I see dead people at this one here you’re just going to have to wait for me [Music] they overtook me on the entrance to the to the single Lane but honestly yeah they’re all on the spot and street bikes out that didn’t let him in he was dead I mean listen all all bikers take a chance every now and then but that’s just nuts H there we go chances again we could make a compilation out of this deser Barre looks nice oh yeah don’t usually see it this time of year really early spring yeah we pulling it yeah I’ll pull him a bit further down yeah I can see a spot just for us right I’m here righty let’s go [Music] m [Music] [Music] oh in kir again oh yeah but what a view look at that oh look at that hosses hosses AES yeah I like a nice O So this provides all the TV services for uh terrestrial TV and radio and I think the probably other communication things as well right well when we first came to live in Clan last November wasn’t it or whenever it was yeah um there was actually two towers here there was the concrete one and there was um I don’t know if you ever noticed there was another one right next to it you know like um like a fra metal framework tower for some reason being up for a couple of years and now it’s been dismantled I don’t really know anything much about it well it smells of the countryside around here doesn’t it oh as we like do it there m spreading there we go that’s that’s what you can smell that freaking tractor oh ripe oh there we are there look ladies and gentlemen El uh I think there might be a pulling somewhere oh I’m sounding very canadi there Canadian there aren’t I pulling eh High Tower falling ice High Tower falling ice I’ll go down there turn it around a [Music] goodbye


    1. Much better view with that deflector removed from your wind screen. Thanks for that. I enjoy your videos even more.
      Rode out in the South East to Goodwood and spent a lot of time in the Cotswolds and then up to Derbyshire in May.
      I'll be back in September and then I''m in Thirsk and I'll strike out for some of your recommended rides over toward the West Riding.

      Keep up the good work. That way I don't have to buy my own GoPro to show my children why I keep motorcycles in the UK. 🙂

    2. Emley Moor mast fell down in the 1970s, apparently due to the weight of ice.
      The second tower now removed was a maintenance tower while the main tower had work done to it, we don’t want a concrete tower going over !
      From memory, the old tower was metal and couldn’t take the ice plus high winds.

    3. We did more or less this route in the car yesterday (15.07.24), only the other way around. I've done this route several times on my bike in the past as we live in Slawit in Huddersfield.
      The reason there were two towers at Emley Moor was because the main concrete tower was being upgraded and the metal one was temporary until the old one was done. Hope that helps………

    4. Are you into radio I wonder….seeing your visiting the an antenna mast…..its the sort of thing I would do being a radio geek.

      Radio Ham if the truth be known.

      Nick from Cheshire.

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