In 2021, the British police went to arrest an unassuming 65-year-old man who they suspected of being the Bedsit Killer. However, the police were in for a shock because Fuller’s ordinary appearance was concealing the sinister reality of the terrifying monster he really was. Not only was David Fuller a murderer, but he was a paedophile and a necrophile. He was a Morgue Monster.

    This is the case of David Fuller and one of the most shocking cases Britain has ever seen.


    0:00 Introduction
    03:06 Past Crimes
    07:22 Bedsit Murders
    32:53 Morgue Monster
    50:27 Sentencing
    54:17 Aftermath

    To read about this case in full and view the sources, please visit:

    The information for my videos is compiled from several resources including documentaries, newspaper articles, and various articles online. I aim to be as accurate as possible and verify the information where I can. However, mistakes and misinformation can happen, and if you believe any of the information provided is incorrect, please let me know (politely!) below.

    Thank you 😀

    David Fuller was an unassuming man with an unassuming life and unassuming hobbies he was married three times and his hobbies included bird watching cycling photography all very mundane right but David Fuller’s mundane appearance was hiding the sinister reality of the monster that he really was in 2021 David Fuller was arrested in a case that absolutely stunned the British criminal justice system this is a case that involved murder rape pedophilia necrophilia this is the case of David Fuller and one of the most shocking cases that Britain has ever seen and a case that made me feel physically sick researching it [Music] hello welcome to my True Criminelle abode as ever it is lovely to see you here so today’s case is about David Fuller and I’m just going to get straight in to saying that there are trigger warnings with this one as the intro says we’re talking about pedophilia necrophilia rape murder it involves women of all ages girls children there are a couple of explicit descriptions in the case and as you know your mental health is my priority and if any of that is just not your thing to say please look after yourselves I’ve triggered myself researching the case I’ve had to walk away from it a couple of times because it’s just so upsetting that I’ve triggered myself so trigger warning trigger warning trigger warning look after yourselves okay so I’m not going to give a big introduction because there’s not much to say about this horrible man he really is vile in fact he was nicknamed the morgue monster he is he is a monster he literally is a monster there are no better words for him and this is the case about a man who he committed murder in the 80s it took 30 years over 30 years for the police to capture him and the police thought when they went to arrest him that they were capturing him for literally these murders but what they found was horrific they found so much more so today’s case is about David Fuller and I’m just going to get on with it so David Fuller was born in 1954 and he worked as an electrician slash maintenance worker at the Navy shipyards down in Portsmouth which is sort of on the south coast of England and basically from an early age he was offending and like most offenders they start off with relatively small crimes if there is such a thing because a crime is a crime and it’s horrendous for whoever is at the other end of a crime but you know what I mean it’s relatively small we’re talking things like burglary and arson now weirdly with pyromania a lot of killers serial they start with pyromania and I’ve never really understood why that is but they do so David Fuller was no exception he had arson under his his criminal belt criminal damage things like that now these crimes obviously escalated his burglary in particular developed into what is called creeper burglaries so in other words what these were were he would go and rob someone but his victims would be in the house whilst he was robbing them because he liked to creep on people he liked to watch people he was a bit of a voyeur he liked stalking people and that’s absolutely terrifying I mean it’s bad enough being burgled but being burgled whilst you’re in the house knowing well you don’t even know but knowing afterwards that somebody was watching you it’s it’s just it it just makes you kind of shiver doesn’t it it’s just really really creepy this gives you a good sense of the kind of man that he was he liked the power and the control over other people now he was arrested in 1973 he was charged at um Portsmouth Crown Court for three domestic burglaries now 23 of charges 23 of the charges were taken into consideration but written off the same thing happened in 1977 he pled guilty to a charge with three other charges being taken into consideration written off or written off this man did not face any consequences for his actions he was not jailed now we see this we saw this with Alton Coleman Alton Coleman he committed a string of offenses before he went on to do a massive killing spree none of the original offenses before he went on his spree were ever properly punished he did not face any consequences for his actions now David Fuller he obviously he doesn’t go on a massive killing spree but it’s the same principle it’s the same idea of somebody becoming emboldened thinking that they can get away with things they think they’re Invincible if he had 23 freaking charges being taken under consideration and to not go to jail or be punished for one of them what exactly is that telling you that it’s okay to keep doing it and what’s more what’s really really annoying is that he’s practicing it the more he’s doing it he’s getting better and better he’s honing his skill his craft and so by 1987 which is when he commits two horrific murders upon two beautiful women he hasn’t been punished and he’s been practicing and he’s a cocky ass who thinks he can do whatever he likes in 1987 Wendy Knell was was a 25-year-old manageress of a shop called SupaSnaps and SupaSnaps is a shop where if you remember the olden days back in the 80s when we used to take our photographs on cameras we didn’t have mobile phones digital none of that so we would take our roll of films into these photoshops to be developed oh this was back in the day I looked forward to having my photo developed because of course when you were taking your photos you had no idea how they were going to turn out it’s not like now where you know it’s there instantly and you can see it and then decide if you want to keep it or not you know literally you’d have a roll of film of 20 odd prints and you were lucky if like two of them turned out okay you know they were always overdeveloped underdeveloped red eyes whatever but anyway those were the days so that’s what Wendy Knell did she was happy she was independent she was hard working she was trustworthy she was successful she was the manager and she’d actually been married before and that didn’t work out she was either divorced or in the process of getting a divorce so she was moving on with her life she had a new long-term boyfriend Ian Plass um and their relationship was going well and she really wanted children you know she she just had her life ahead of her however Wendy Knell was being what watched somebody was watching was stalking Wendy now Wendy lived in Tunbridge Wells she lived in a ground floor bedset on the Guilford Road now she lived alone and being in this ground floor bedset it made her vulnerable in fact her room it kind of backed on to the alley at the back of the house and one of her windows the latch didn’t close properly it had been painted over so it just didn’t close properly and on June the 22nd 1987 an intruder we know who it was David Fuller but an intruder broke into Wendy’s home probably through the unlocked window and he bludgeoned her and strangled her and sexually assaulted her the next day Ian plus Wendy’s boyfriend he found her lying in bed there was blood on the floor there was blood on the duvet there was blood spatter up the walls there was notably a lack of defensive injuries and when the police were investigating nobody heard anything nobody heard Wendy scream so the probability is that David broke in um whilst she was asleep and she didn’t stand a chance he hit her and yeah she didn’t defend herself she couldn’t defend herself didn’t stand a chance now David Fuller did sexually assault Wendy there was semen in her mouth in her vagina on the duvet there was signs of anal penetration but police believed that she was assaulted postmortem in other words after she had died because she was hit in the head the blood analysis that was carried out it showed that because of where the blood was that her body had been moved and placed you know he’ basically put her into positions he wanted to put her dead body in he posed her and this is the prelude to the monster he was obviously the police didn’t know this back at the time they have no idea that this man is into necrophilia but this this is the beginning and it tells a lot about David Fuller because he doesn’t want a relationship with anybody he wants to manipulate he wants to control he wants to have power the dead can’t answer back Wendy was sleeping she couldn’t defend herself she’s dead and he has sex with her he controls her it’s all about him and his gratification now the police did find obviously quite a lot of evidence that you know we’ve got the blood everywhere there was semen um on the duvet there was a a Milletts carrier bag that had blood on it and on Wendy’s blouse there was a blood stain and it had a shoe print in it and we need to remember the time this is 1987 so this is before the police had the technology to really do anything with DNA now the police did know it was coming they knew you know the technology was around the corner so they still collected everything they were meticulous in their collection of the evidence but they still did what they could do with what technology they had so the shoe print you know again what are they going to do with a shoe print so they went around Tunbridge Wells to all the shoe shops and they were able to identify the shoe is coming from a Clark’s Shoe Shop so you know they knew what shoe it was but what are they going to do who are you going to match it against so all the police could really do was just wait and hope that somebody would come forward with some information now David he did take Wendy’s um journal and her keys not sure why could be a kind of trinket thing but as we find out later he is obsessive about record keeping he keeps a record of everything he has a slight I would say personally I think he’s a bit OCD I mean I don’t know if that’s an official diagnosis he was given but he certainly looks a tad OCD but he is meticulous in his recordkeeping which is handy for the police 30 years later when they catch up with him but right now it’s not so handy but he takes her journal and what we discover later is that it’s all part of this recordkeeping and him wanting to know more about his victims and I think this is more about the power and the control because even after he’s carried out his deed after he’s done the act he can still look back he knows even more about her he’s got her journal he knows her intimately and he still has power over her for years it’s creepy but he really really was very very meticulous everything was thought out planned premeditated I mean even down to watching his victims stalking his victims he’d obviously been watching her in fact there were reports at the time of prowlers in the area now this wasn’t known this hadn’t quite come to light yet but there were reports of prowlers and what’s really creepy is that later 30 years later the police found in his possession Supasnaps sleeves like the envelopes that you put the the the photographs in the police found them at his house so he had actually gone into her shop he had probably spoken to her how terrifying I mean she has no idea that this man that she is speaking to who she thinks is a customer is going to murder her and when you’re a shop assistant you have to be nice to everybody even if she was like oh he’s a bit creepy he’s creeping me out she can’t do anything she has to be nice to him it’s just horrible but this premeditation and this this planning it’s all signs of his own arrogance as well because when he kills Wendy the way that he has posed her body moved her around to satisfy himself it shows that he had no fear of being caught he knew her routine he knew where she worked he knew her routine and that’s terrifying and arrogant but you know this man really does think he can get away with anything and why is that because he literally has before got away with anything it makes me really really angry so obviously the police are doing everything they can to appeal to the public and catch Wendy’s a killer but in November of that year David Fuller strikes again Caroline Pierce she’s a 20-year-old beautiful bubbly vibrant young woman she works actually on the same road as Wendy a quarter of a mile away from where Wendy worked she works in a place called Buster Browns which was was an American style um restaurant and like Wendy Caroline lived in a ground floor bedset now obviously after the murder of Wendy the whole of Tunbridge Wells the community were in fear women were being warned that there was a prowler on the loose so women they knew they were in a heightened sense of fear so Caroline knew about Wendy’s murder and bless her this is horrendous because Caroline took precautions she had her window of her flat she she kind of got it repaired to make sure it was fine she took precautions but it wasn’t enough it was not enough this man he wanted her he had been watching her in fact when the police find evidence 30 years later he had written in one of his diary entries Buster Browns he had gone to Buster Browns he had gone to Caroline’s workplace and again we don’t know for certain that he spoke to her but I mean he must have done he must have been watching her it’s prolonging that fantasy that he has in his head of how it’s going to go in fact there’s one night that Caroline even called her exboyfriend and she said to him that she thought she saw somebody outside died she thought she saw a prowler she probably had she probably had seen David freaking Fuller watching her she was that scared she asked her ex-boyfriend to come and stay the night you know society is crap when women have to feel this way why should women have to feel in fear of their lives just because they are female it’s really not fair anyway anyway on November the 24th Caroline spent the day with friends she went out she took a taxi home she didn’t even walk home she took a taxi she really was being careful just before midnight she gets home the taxi drops her off and then she vanishes nobody knows what happened to her for 3 weeks she disappeared for 3 weeks nobody could find her we don’t even know if she made it inside her bedset don’t think so we think that she was ambushed outside now her bedset was in a house which was was right at the end of a cul de sac so it would have been very easy for somebody to have been stood at the end in the dark and ambushed her it was near a graveyard as well but unlike Wendy this time people did hear Caroline scream in fact nine people heard Caroline scream nine people heard her scream not one of them did anything now look I’m sitting here and I’m judging these nine people and I really shouldn’t because could happen to any of us in fact it’s happened to me I’ve heard a woman screaming outside and I’ve gone outside but I didn’t call anybody and of course it depends on what kind of area you live in as well you know if you live in a city center or near a bar or anything like that you know it could just be women being noisy and drunk or or whatever you just don’t know if you called the police every single instant of a woman screaming there would be a lot of call outs but this is the problem this is the problem kind of society has this sense that we can’t call the police every single time and you know the police are underfunded the police have got other things to do and that’s what people think police have got better things to do what other things to do the police are busy there’s also an element of kind of embarrassment what if it is just somebody that’s a little bit tipsy then I’ve made all a fuss for nothing you know there’s all these sort of societal ideas and it makes sense I was thinking that when I heard this woman screaming now embarrassingly the woman screaming was actually my neighbor having sex yeah that that’s that’s that’s that’s what it was I had no idea that somebody could be that loud anyway I digress so I was the same you know I heard the screaming and I I went outside and I tried to listen to where it was coming from but what bloody good’s that anyway but again these things were going through my head of like well you know is it just somebody walking home and had a bit too much to drink I don’t know anything but as a society perhaps need to be reframing the way we think and the way we think the police are going to perceive us and it needs to come from the police the police need to reframe it in a way that it doesn’t matter if it’s a waste of time because nine people heard her screaming nine people could have saved her life and they didn’t but it’s hindsight isn’t it it’s hindsight because at the time like I say all this stuff goes through your head you think it’s just kids messing around people drunk whatever so it’s easy to do so I’m trying not to be too judgmental in the sense that I know it’s easy but this is a societal issue this is a police issue somewhere this mindset needs to shift so that when a woman screams and screams and screams and nine people can hear a woman screaming somebody does something so for 3 weeks nobody knew what happened to Caroline and 3 weeks later a farm worker actually finds her she’s 40 miles away from where she lives she’s in the Romney Marshes she’s in a drainage ditch she’s naked apart from a pair of tights she’s been sexually assaulted they determine because there is cement on the tights but they can’t determine anything there’s she’s decomposed badly decomposed she’s been out in the elements for three weeks in a water filled ditch they can’t really determine anything they don’t have the technology to test anything to do anything again like Wendy it’s a case of waiting for the public to come forward there’s not much they can do you know they do do what they can do they interview everybody they can but they don’t even have the technology at this point to determine that Caroline and Wendy were linked they don’t have the DNA testing to even link the two crime scenes now they suspect it’s linked and they were right to suspect it was linked but they can’t prove it they can’t confirm it forensically there’s not much they can do and the case becomes infamously known as the bedsit murders and people were terrified because there’s a killer on the loose the police haven’t got a clue there’s no answers nobody knows who this person is are they going to strike again it’s absolutely terrifying for the public knowing there’s a killer out there who could strike again it’s frustrating for the police so by 1999 the DNA technology had kind of caught up to a degree and they were able to analyze the semen stain found on Wendy’s duvet and for the first time they were able to to get a profile so they had a profile of the killer they put the profile into the DNA database which had now come about but there was no match as far as the police were concerned whoever the killer was was squeaky clean there was no match on the DNA database there was no record of David Fuller having committed offenses and why is that because he never went to prison the first time he wasn’t on the freaking database so they had a profile but David Fuller had got away with his crimes in the 70s and he wasn’t on the database so they still had no idea who the killer was because if he’s not on the database what are you going to do you can’t test everybody in the country so the police were still at a loss the public was still terrified the bedsit killer was out there somewhere he could strike again had he struck again had he murdered somebody the families they just wanted justice for their beautiful daughter they wanted to see the man responsible for taking away their precious daughters lives brought to Justice they wanted to see that monster off the streets for over 30 years David Fuller walked the freaking streets when he shouldn’t have so in 2019 they actually were able to analyze the semen on Caroline’s tights and pull a partial match from these tights and for the first time from this match they could then link Caroline’s murder to Wendy’s murder so it was a huge breakthrough because for 30 years they couldn’t even link the two crimes obviously again there’s no matches on the DNA database I mean during this time during the last 20 years he still hasn’t offended or I’ll rephrase that because he has offended we’ll get to that in a moment but he hasn’t been caught offending so he’s still not on the DNA database okay so they’ve got the profile they’ve got the link between the crime scenes now what they go to familial DNA it’s like things like um you know My Heritage and that kind of thing where people kind of put in their DNA and it comes back with who their family is well this is basically what the police do they go to familial DNA they’ve got the profile they can’t find a match to David Fuller but maybe they could find a match to one of the perpetrator family members so the police used this familial DNA technique and this was a a huge task they actually whittled it down to a thousand possible matches they had a thousand possible matches of who could be linked to the bedsit murderer and from those thousands they then whittle it down to 90 it was a huge huge task because even from these 90 they still had to interview everybody and get voluntary samples from everybody and investigate everybody so so it it was a big undertaking it still wasn’t easy but they did it they got a match from familial DNA they managed to whittle it all the way down to David’s brother and you know they had David’s brother they looked into the relations of David’s brother and they came up with David Fuller they looked at David Fuller and he matched the profile he matched the age he matched the fact that he was living in the area at the time in Tunbridge Wells and they had the bedsit killer so in the early hours of December the 3rd 2020 the police actually go around to David Fuller’s semi-detached three bedroom property in Heathfield where he lived with his then third wife and his teenage son and they arrested David Fuller he was 65 years old by the time they got to him he was in his 30s when he committed the crimes and he was 65 by the time he was arrested he was a very unassuming quiet timid man seemed to be anyway appearances oh those appearances butter wouldn’t melt so Fuller was arrested DNA sample was taken it was a match it was it was a billion to one chance that it was David Fuller so they had their man they had the bedsit murderer and despite the evidence despite them having blinking forensic evidence that he had committed the crimes he still tried to deny having anything to do with Wendy and Caroline’s murders he even said that he didn’t know anything about Tunbridge Welles he didn’t know the area well number one where he lived was the next town along so yeah you knew the area and the police obviously they came back with everything to say look you’re a lying son of a [ __ ] you knew the area number one you lived on the same street as Wendy you lived on the Guilford Road you knew the area we have evidence here we have diary entries if you going into Buster Browns in Tunbridge Wells funny that in 1987 so the same year that he murdered Caroline and Wendy he married his first wife he married his first wife the same year he commits murder but his wife was living in a school house she worked in a school that was in Tunbridge Wells and it was the same area that there were reports of a creepy stalkery person roaming around the police were able to prove that he’ worked in the area he was doing his electrical work there was evidence of him carrying out electrical work in the area you know one of his hobbies was cycling well his cycling club one of the roots was the same area in Romney Marshes that he dumped Caroline’s body some of his friends in the cycling club they described him was very helpful and very friendly you know had nothing but nice words for David Fuller well we see that so much with serial killers they just slot in to society they become invisible which is terrifying because they literally just fit in you know they need flashing signs on their forehead don’t they saying serial killer that would help so yeah so you know the police obviously carried out the investigation on David Fuller they you know they found the SupaSnaps sleeves like I said they found the journal entry saying he got gone to Buster Browns they were able to match things forensically there was sort of a fingerprint left in the blood on um the Millett bag so they could forensically match that to David then they had the shoe print they got an archivist in now the police had already done a lot of the work in the 80s and they so they knew it was a Clark’s shoe but you know together with the archivist and the fact that they had their man now they were able to prove that it was him because they even found a photograph of him wearing these shoes they were able to find the shoes and find photographs of David wearing the shoes there was even a photo of the souls so you could actually see the print and how it matched the shoe print that was in the blood on Wendy’s blouse overall the evidence was totally overwhelming absolutely overwhelming that David Fuller was the murderer so why he was trying to deny it it’s just arrogance absolute arrogance but when the police did a search of David Fuller’s home now obviously they were looking for the evidence related to the bedsit murders which they found they found all that evidence they found the SupaSnaps sleeves and the diary entry and all that stuff photographs whatever but they found a little more oh yeah they were in for a surprise because hidden in David Fuller’s office in a wardrobe was a chest of drawers behind the chest of drawers attached to the back of the chest of drawers was a box and inside the box were hard drives on the hard drives were some of the most horrific scenes of depravity that the police have ever seen so they found photographs and evidence of David Fuller abusing sexually assaulting the dead bodies of women and children the oldest woman was 100 the youngest child was nine this was huge and there wasn’t just one there was over a hundred 102 bodies David Fuller assaulted and this evidence it showed exactly where he had been for the last 30 years it showed why after Caroline and Wendy’s murders why he disappeared because he was getting his gratification elsewhere he was sick twisted the absolute depravity of what he did so where exactly had David Fuller been for the last 30 years well in 1988 that’s when he secured a job as an electrician in the maintenance department of Kent and Sussex hospital he actually managed to dodge the criminal records checks at the time because the onus was on the employee to admit to a criminal history a criminal past and obviously he didn’t admit to that so he got a job in a hospital a place of sanctuary and security and safety and yeah anyway he was a trusted member of staff he was made a supervisor and then in 2011 he got a job as an Estates manager at Pembury Hospital in Tunbridge Wells and this was Tunbridge Wells where he had no knowledge of having been okay as the estate’s manager he was a trusted employee he had a swipe card he could go wherever he wanted he had to go wherever he wanted you imagine how much electrical equipment there is in a hospital which has to be running it has to be working he could go anywhere unchecked he had a swipe card to the entire hospital so people trusted him and one of the locations he went to frequently very frequently was the morgue now obviously with the morgue there was CCTV in the sort of corridors surrounding the morgue but the actual morgue itself did not have CCTV and this is to protect the the dignity of the deceased patients so it makes complete sense that there was no CCTV now what David Fuller would do was that the morgue staff they finished their shift at a certain time and David Fuller’s shift would run for a certain time so there was a three-hour window between the end of the morgue staff’s shifts and where David Fuller’s shift ended so there’s a three hour hour window in between where the morgue staff had gone home but David Fuller still had this three hours of his shift to work and it was during this three hours that he would go into the morgue pretty much undetected and he would commit absolutely heinous acts on innocent women who could not defend themselves now for people who are thinking they’re dead what does it matter they could not defend themselves they could not give consent doesn’t matter if you’re alive if you’re dead if you can’t give consent it is your body your body alone what he did to those women and children was rape was sexual assault end of so by the time the police discovered these hard drives they discovered 800,000 images over 500 videos of David assaulting these were women and children in that morgue where he was now working and this is why he had disappeared seemingly disappeared for 30 years because he was basically in plain sight he could do what he did before but he didn’t actually have to murder anybody because for Wendy he abused her after death that was his thing this man was seriously seriously twisted so what were on these images on these videos that they found well I’ll tell you what they found I will tell you how sick how twisted how depraved this man was so David Fuller he penetrated corpses with his penis with his fingers with his tongue he did not care whether a postmortem had been carried out some of them he did before the postmortem some of them he did after the postmortem some of his victims had died from suicide they still had marks on their bodies from having just killed themselves maybe somebody had killed themselves because they’d been sexually abused because they can’t live with the horror of what they have endured in their life and then this man comes along and abuses them even more I don’t know why the people that had killed themselves had killed themselves but perhaps whatever the reason somebody was in that much distress that they killed themselves they could not feel that this life was worth living anymore and this man still proves to them that this life is not worth living because in death he still abuses them people had died from all sorts of reasons there were cancer victims there were women that still had medical equipment attached to them David Fuller had no respect for their bodies he would remove them from the fridges he would remove them from the body bags he would put them on the floor he would do whatever he wanted to do to them to gratify himself he used a TENS machine to stimulate the genitals of the dead bodies a TENS machine to stimulate the genitals of a dead body there were at least 102 female victims the oldest was 100 the youngest was nine Fuller would take the morgue log book and he would identify his victims now we’ve seen this with Wendy he took her diary he wanted to identify them he wanted to maintain that relationship with them he stalked these victims after death he went on their social media accounts so that he could still abuse them he took photographs and videos of himself abusing them so that for years he still had power and control over them he kept notebooks of his experiences some were called Best Yet some were called Deadliest some were called Deadliest Yet whatever he kept notebooks he was perfecting his crime each experience was him trying to achieve the best results for himself and so he kept log books so that he could record how each experience went so that he could create this ideal fantasy for himself with total disregard for any of the women he was abusing he did not care what ages they were two of his victims were sisters they were sisters they had just died they weren’t even from this country they were from France the two girls the mother and the father had come over from France they were driving and they got in a car crash the two girls died the father died the mother lost her entire family and then she is told what David Fuller does to her beautiful daughters Mary she was 16 years old and her sister Helen she was 22 years old young beautiful girls with their lives ahead of them and her mother finds out what this monster has done to to them she is suffering from survivor guilt she is the only survivor in this crash she is grieving for her children for her husband and this monster violates her two beautiful daughters another young girl was 9 years old 9 years old her mother had left her with toys David Fuller had to remove her clothes had to remove her toys they had to he had to remove the items that this little girl’s mother had lovingly placed with her daughter when she was saying goodbye to her daughter this mother faced David Fuller in court later and she said that what he did to her was rape that she would never have consented but she would have said no to the dirty old man if she could another victim was 24y old Azra Kemal now she bless her she also had her life ahead of her she died in a road traffic accident it was late at night and she was on a bridge when her car caught fire she went into the central reservation to get to a place of safety and it was dark she couldn’t see anything and she climbed over the barrier to go into the central reservation not realizing there was a gap in the central reservation and she fell straight through to the ground below and it’s just horrendous just horrendous her poor mother found out that she had literally just said her goodbyes to her daughter when David Fuller did what he did to her I had spent two wonderful hours in the mortuary um sleeping with her little did I know that my daughter had been violated prior to that day and in the evening of that day and there’s me kissing and cuddling and saying my last goodbyes and that’s quite awful quite awful she actually went into the police station with a knife now look we can’t condone anybody walking around with knives we just can’t but I get it I totally get it I get why this mother did it now obviously the police jumped on her she was put in a cell for over 30 hours for her own protection but they did take sympathy on her when they found out who she was and why she had done it but I get it you know it was wrong but I get it she said that she was 99.9% certain that if she had caught up with him she would have put that knife through his heart in the same way that he put a knife through her heart it totally makes sense these poor families when they were told they were already grieving and they had to grieve all over again they had to grieve again for their loved ones so anyway the police had evidence of all of this all of this in photographs on the hard drives whatever they had it all you imagine those poor officers having to sift through this harrowing depravity they had to identify the victim they used the swipe card evidence you know there was CCTV around the morgue that they could match against looking at the bodies they had to do close-ups on these bodies to look at the you know the scarring and and you know whatever they just it’s just horrendous for the poor police that had to look at this it was absolutely massive investigation there were nine officers it took them 5 months to go through to scour this horrendous evidence that they had there was something like 100 hard drives 1300 CDs 2200 floppy discs 30 mobile phones you know there was photographs and negatives and just just there was so so much and David Fuller he documented everything every thing I think as well as it just being a sort of I don’t know some kind of OCD thing there’s a control thing I mean there is control with OCD anyway but it’s this control and this power and this manipulation and he wanted it still in these his victim’s death he wanted to still be controlling them and having power over them and for 30 years basically he did he still had a piece of them which he could keep with him the man’s just horrendously vile I want to admit the I am admitting the offenses but I don’t really want to go into detail yeah okay we appreciate that and what offenses are you admitting David as you’ve just described to me okay in terms of the sexual penetration of corpses okay and do do you know how many occasions David no no have you been recording yourself doing those things recording yourself sexually penetrating the corpses I admit that offenses yeah okay what did you retain the recordings for I don’t know either okay was it for the sexual pleasure David in the same way as somebody would keep pornography or things like that was it for further sexual pleasure no but ultimately you know the police hats off to the police they did a cracking job we’re talking back in the 80s when they collected all the evidence to present day 30 years later they were tireless in what they did and that harrowing stuff that they had to look at together over 30 years of police work came together you know we had police who didn’t have the resources 30 years kept everything anyway kept everything so well that 30 years on the police could still use it and do something with it and you know altogether it they did a cracking job but you know the investigation was massive and ultimately it was one of the most disturbing cases of necrophilia the police Britain has ever encountered it was massive but it doesn’t end there they going through all this evidence of the morgue monster that’s what he became known as and they’re going through this evidence and it gets worse there’s more there’s more as if there could be any more there’s more because he’s not just a murderer and a rapist and a necrophile he’s a pedophile the police recovered thousands thousands of images of children and we’re talking across all the categories of abuse we’re talking category a category B category C he had it all he had videos depicting the oral rape of a three-year-old the vaginal rape of a six-year-old another child being masturbated over by an adult you imagine being his wife not only was she dealing with her husband being this disgusting depraved monster murderer whatever but she is told that he has a camera pen you know like a pen but it’s got a camera and he has this pen in the bathroom and he has been recording his wife’s relative showering going to the toilet doing all the intimate things that you do in a bathroom and he’s been recording this woman he even superimposes her head he takes a picture and superimposes her head onto some of the victims from the mor you imagine his poor wife finding out that you imagine the poor relative the poor victim finding out that absolute violation he is a creep he’s an absolute creep right absolute dirty filthy creep and you know what when he’s questioned he even tries to deny that he got any sexual gratification seriously we there is evidence of you freaking ejaculating over in whatever people therefore you came therefore you got sexual gratification are you stupid as well probably probably because a lot of them are in fact I think in every case I’ve said criminals are a bit stupid because they are a bit stupid but it’s like you’re trying to underplay it but why what’s the point now it’s a bit late to underplay what you have done you have been caught there is no denying it your meticulous recordkeeping has bitten you in the butt because you cannot get out of this you cannot get out of being a sick and twisted depraved monster so anyway he he didn’t ultimately he pled guilty to abusing the bodies and the corpses what he did keep denying however was Wendy and Caroline he still after all this time kept denying it now I’m guessing because the evidence wasn’t as strong for them I mean there was videos of him abusing the corpses but there were no videos or photographs of him murdering Wendy and Caroline so in that sense the evidence wasn’t as strong wrong but they had the forensic evidence for God’s sake and I mean you’re going down no matter so just why why put the families through this hell for even longer the families have been through 30 years of absolute torture not knowing who murdered their loved ones and you’re still putting them through hell that’s the kind of person that you are you only give a crap about yourself he showed absolutely no compassion no empathy no remorse nothing for any of his victims any of his victim’s family all David Fuller had was self-pity for himself and that was it self-pity so the court case commenced on November 1st 2021 at Maidstone Crown Court now like I say initially he did deny having anything to do with Wendy and Caroline but for days later he confessed he he plead guilty and he’d already plead guilty to abusing the the woman in the morgue so when it came to sentencing judge Justice Cheema Grub she actually said something I think is a really good quote she says having killed two young women who were full of the promise of life you became a vulture picking your victims from among the dead within the hidden world of hospital mortuaries which you were left free to inhabit simply because you had a swipe card I think that sums it up a vulture he’s committed two murders and then he’s this vulture picking from the dead that’s that’s some imagery right there right so on December the 15 2021 he is sentenced to two whole life terms without the possibility of parole for the murders of Wendy and Caroline for abusing corpses he is sentenced to um in total 16 years for cos originally I think it was 12 years and then they added some more they identified some more bodies and it ended up being ultimately 16 years um and they included in that sentencing the abuse of the children the pedophilia people get a bit annoyed by that sentencing of just 16 years and I get get that um ultimately though you know with the two life terms for the murder ultimately he ain’t getting out he is going to die in prison he is going to die in prison this is one of those cases where obviously we’re in Britain and we don’t have the death penalty I don’t agree with the death penalty at least in practice I don’t in principle I totally agree with it in principle yeah people should die for what they’ve done but in practice you know too many mistakes I don’t agree with it in practice but this is one of those instances where you kind of wish that Britain had the death penalty I mean if anybody deserved to die it’s David Fuller but at least he’s going to rot rot away and I don’t know what kind of time he’s having in prison I hope it’s a bad one I mean they don’t take kindly to pedophiles so let’s hope he’s having a really [ __ ] time so yes so that was the case of David Fuller let me know what you think now if if you’re like me you probably don’t think very nice things right now you probably have a lot of very bad thoughts about David Fuller well let me know them so obviously the impact on the families has been absolutely horrendous we have Wendy’s family her mom and her dad their relationship never got back on track you know that often happens after a child is murdered or a child dies the relationships break down now Wendy’s father he sadly died before he saw his daughter’s killer bought to justice so so sad he never got to see David Fuller pay the price um for what he did which is just tragic Ian plus Wendy’s boyfriend he felt tremendous guilt for not having been with her that night Caroline’s mother she describes a living nightmare for 30 odd years you know these poor families it’s the ripple effects of not just the victims it’s the victims’ families they suffer trauma and depression and their mental health suffers and all these things they ripple on and they ripple down generations so it’s not just this generation the next generation will feel the effects of that trauma and his own family David’s own family his poor children he’s got three children he’s got three wives they’ve obviously disowned him they don’t want anything to do with him I think his third wife um sold up the house and stuff I don’t blame her but those poor children I mean imagine the shame when somebody asks about your father what the hell do you say like I say it’s just the ripple it’s the ripple effect for generations these crimes are massive it’s not just the victims it’s a massive rippley circle of all the people around it and like I say it’s for generations as well because people suffer mentally and mental health does get carried down people will continue to suffer it’s just horrendous and there are so many so many victims in this case it’s not just Wendy and Caroline now Wendy and Caroline they sometimes get overshadowed because David Fuller went from the bedsit murderer to the morgue monster and suddenly everything was all about the morgue monster everything was horrendous we can’t overshadow what happened to Wendy and Caroline and their poor families you know the killer might be brought to justice but their nightmare is still continuing it’s still continuing and there’s literally hundreds and hundreds of victims here we’ve got the murders we’ve got 102 victims in the morgue that is a lot of victims and a lot of ripple effects you know this is huge and the police still have to look into David Fuller because okay we think he was getting all his gratification from 1988 when he took the job in the hospital but did he kill again did he kill after Caroline did he kill before Wendy had he killed already before then you know they still need to look into him the investigations are still ongoing and then you’ve got the investigations into the public inquiry as to why the hell this man could get away with so long roaming around the hospital you know hospitals are a place of sanctuary of safety you take your loved ones there and you don’t expect these monsters to be roaming around the corridors people’s perceptions of hospitals all of that been shattered all of that has been shattered because of this man I believe inquiries are still going on I believe they are still you know looking into it and basically trying to make sure it doesn’t happen again and securing people for the future that you know nothing like this happens again there definitely needs to be better checks somebody should have been like why is that man going in and out so many times not with the CCTV in the morgue we need to protect people’s dignity people have suffered enough we you know we don’t want to go down that road but there could be better checks on people using their swipe cards willy-nilly and going into the same place dime after dime after dime he had entered the morgue and autopsy area thousands of times not hundreds but thousands of times and no one ever stopped him or asked what’s this guy doing in here they thought that the perpetrator was a great guy and and basically he groomed them there could have been something because people need to feel reassured they need to feel that comfort that they will be safe when they go into a hospital and something like this isn’t going to happen again something like this probably will happen again because there are monsters everywhere there are they lurk everywhere they fit into society David Fuller he was just a normal mundane person but he fitted in he was invisible he didn’t stand out nobody noticed him because they don’t stand out they don’t have flashing signs on their heads so all we can do as a society is be vigilant to these people stay vigilant and that’s kind of where the hospital system went wrong being more vigilant as to what the staff are doing and it’s really sad it’s really really sad that evil literally could be lurking absolutely anywhere even in places of safety it literally could be lurking and you know what’s really sad we go out of our way to protect the people we love but in death in death people still aren’t safe in life people aren’t safe and in death people aren’t safe and that is something that this case that David Fuller has really brought home to a lot of people in life we’re not safe in death we not say and it’s so sad it’s so sad so let me know what you think and if you liked my telling of the case I would appreciate a like or a subscribe please yeah let me know what you think and thank you so much for staying with me to the end you look after yourselves you look after the world you love I’m sorry it’s such a negative case I hope I haven’t traumatized you too much you take care and I will see you back here again for another True Crime case at my True Criminelle abode bye

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