The Engwe M20 is up for grabs at just £1.49!! Visit: to secure your tickets!
    WHEN – 12/07/2024 at 8:00PM
    WHERE – Instagram – @Londoneats10

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    yes peeps welcome back to a brand new episode you wouldn’t think it’s July would you today is July the 9th the day after my 30th birthday and I am back out delivering and this time around I’m going to be delivering on this bike here which is the engu M20 now most of you know that I’ve reviewed this bike in the past and if you haven’t seen that video skip back a couple of months because I got my hands on one of these bikes and I done a review video on it but this time around I’m going to be delivering on this m220 until it dies it’s got a 13 amp battery which is 48 Vols and yeah it’s fully charged I’ve just got my first order in on deliveroo so let’s head over to pick up the first order the time has just gone 8:00 p.m. so let’s see how long a 13 a battery lasts and I think in this instance it’s not how long it lasts but it’s how many miles I can do and how much money I can make 6.3 mil 6.3 mil starting off let’s get straight into it and go and get the first order I can’t believe I’m dressed like this in July it’s meant to be boiling hot I’ve got two layers on and a BAL clava because it’s freezing and it’s literally just stopped raining 5 minutes ago it stopped raining that’s what I was waiting for it’s uh Spain versus France tonight so I’m actually missing the football to do this video but I’d rather work tonight than tomorrow because tomorrow England are going to be beating Netherlands I know it hasn’t happened yet but I’m very confident that we’re going to win the fingers and toes crossed oh it is starting to rain now though just as I said that I think it is starting to rain again I don’t mind working in the rain but I have to keep doing this I have to keep wiping the lens to make sure it’s nice and clear for you guys very frustrating whoa whoa whoo any space I’m going to lock it over here now I wasn’t able to mount my lock on this bike that’s the only thing I wasn’t able to do so I’ve kept it inside my bag so yeah this bike is currently up for grabs on my website and by the time you’re seeing this video you’re going to have less than 24 hours to buy tickets to win this bike like I said I done a review video on this bike before not this exact one the one that I had before this was green it is a solid bike and I believe that they’ve just bought out a new and improved version which is the M20 Pro so it’ll be quite cool to get my hands on that and see what the upgrades are and how how much has [Music] changed yeah all right finally got that order that that system in there is stupid okay I understand queuing up and waiting your turn to be like seen but my order just sitting right there you could just you could just pass it to me doing this whole nonsense like of oh can you wait behind that guy and this guy and just give me the flipping order man that’s that’s what I hate when restaurants when they’re not busy and they just do petty stuff like that it’s just it’s just long just let me get my order and leave man God damn go up the stairs on the first floor and turn right the flat is the last on the corridor oh yeah God damn I got to put my lock in my bag and I keep forgetting I don’t realize how much I miss my uh mount for for the lock until I don’t have it so yeah I’m going to be riding this bike in the highest assist mode I’m not going to be uh not going to be trying to preserve the battery in any way shape or form I just want to see how much how many deliveries I can do how much money I can make I mean I didn’t expect it to be doing it in the rain but like does that affect the the battery on the bike maybe it does I don’t know we’re going to find out thank you to everyone that wished me a happy birthday yesterday I’m literally still getting back to people on Instagram it’s there’s hundreds of you yeah thank you so much you’re absolute Legends you’d think I would take my 30th birthday off of work nope I was working where else am I going to be but yeah it was good it was good I just can’t believe man I’m out of my 20s now oh getting old C it’s downhill from here eh all right let’s get some tunes on and get up to this first customer of the [Music] [Music] [Music] evening all right then here we are oh thank you can I get your delivery call please perfect thank you all right and that is the first one done lovely Joly this is so slippery this surface honestly nearly just ate no chance wait I don’t know actually wait let’s have a butchers no I’m not going to hide Park deliver what do you think I’m riding a spaceship I mean I am kind of gutted that I’m missing the uh the game actually let’s get the scores up maybe I can pin them to the screen oh my God it’s one0 to France already oh it’s 111 it’s 1-1 they literally just scored I think I want Spain to win do I want Spain to win Nando Nando Nando we’ll go to Nando for £560 all right one1 I mean I don’t know why I’m telling you to score like you haven’t like you wouldn’t already know who’s won by the time this video comes out but it’s going to be a long night I don’t know I think I’m going to be finishing Maybe by 8 9 10 11 12 I reckon 4 hours I’ll be done I don’t think I don’t think 1 ows is is a lot lot for a delivery shift to be completely honest all right let’s head over to this restaurant four mini toes away I’m going the wrong way yeah this bike’s also got some really bright front LED lights which I’ll show you once it gets dark but it’s also got horn as well it’s pretty loud oh ice cream van coming [Music] down I mean whoever’s eating ice cream in this type of weather you are either really craving ice cream or you’re absolutely Bonkers because it’s freezing they must be hating it the most out of everyone ice cream Vans this is when they they’re making most of their money well they was expecting to make most of their money we’ve had like 3 days of a heat wave and now it’s gone back to this this what is this it’s so bad all right let’s get down to Nando all right and here we are Nando there was a guy just walking down there just found a Fiverr on the floor if I was 1 second earlier I would have found I would have got it go old man I was literally 5 seconds away from being there before him o I hear a nice bike what is that oh that’s lovely absolutely lovely oh the Spain are scored again no [Music] way hello I’m waiting I think I’m waiting for 274 one of them’s ready already yeah oh got some delivery notes okay I know exactly where this is It’s 3 minutes I was really hoping that there was somewhere that I could mount my lock cuz there isn’t really anywhere on here where I could lock it and it could stay this might work actually no but then it’s in the way of the suspension and I don’t want to scratch up the frame going to keep this bike fresh I’m uh meeting Phil who’s from rugby and he was the uh winner of the Syra of tracks if you remember the last just eat shift that I done on that bright orange bike he won it with five tickets um but yeah he lives all the way in rugby so I’ve paid for his train down to London and he’s going to be collecting his bike on Saturday yeah looking forward to meeting him going to be sad to see the S rusher tracks go because that bike is so so much fun to ride oh God I’ve actually just dropped a bar of battery already I’m only two deliveries in oh my God no way no way I was not expecting that oh this looks like I’m going to be done by Bloody 10:00 at this rate I don’t want to just ride around and drain the battery I want to spend like 95% of the time actually on orders I don’t want to be just riding around pointlessly all right let’s see where this custom is all deliver rout please yeah no problem let’s go let’s go let’s go I cannot I still can’t believe I’m dressed like this in July this is October where or November December January all of those winter months global warming I don’t know I don’t know if I believe in it but there’s something wrong there’s definitely something wrongo mate can I get your delivery code please nice one thank you cheers man he totally heard me talking to myself oh okay I know where this customer is around the corner oh wrong button here come the police it’s kicking off mate kicking off as always right I need to get over to that passage over there here we are at least I can lock to these Gates here [Music] I just wanted to I just saw a comment on YouTube regarding my last upload when I was talking about people using their phone while driving I don’t condone it I’m not saying it’s a good thing I’m just saying my personal opinion I don’t care like I’ll explain more in one sec H yeah 95 thank you yeah back to what I was saying I’m not condoning it I’m not saying oh everyone go out and use their phones like it’s not a problem it is is dangerous and it is irresponsible and all of the above but I’m saying my personal opinion how can I put it it’s just my opinion I don’t care if people are using their phones obviously I understand it’s dangerous and I should care and maybe it just come across wrong in the last upload because it I listened back to it and I wasn’t going to put it in the video to be honest and now I did just bit me in the ass but you know what I mean like it isn’t a good thing don’t use your phone whilst driving it’s dangerous you end up killing someone but so many people took it out of context like I’m almost like advertising people to use their phones whilst driving no it’s just my opinion on people that use their phones when they’re driving and then when I give them a flash or a horn they get angry at me that’s all I was trying to say but two more orders going to take that £640 all right let’s go and get the next two oh I keep doing that let’s go and get the next two orders [Music] all right got both of those orders now first one is 1.3 M 7 minutes [Music] yeah I I don’t know how long I’m going to be working for tonight it’s just approaching the hour mark the battery’s just gone up to full again but I don’t know how long it’s going to be cuz sometimes I noticed with these ebikes it takes a long time for the first bar to go down but once that first bar goes down they just go like they’re all gone like in an instant so it’ll be interesting to see how this battery performs [Music] H thank you 33 thank you have a good one okay the next customer is 0.5 mil yeah I have gone down one bar of battery now I think that’s official cuz it hasn’t gone back up yet it’s telling me to go through the park I’ll go through the park no problem take a little detour I mean I don’t know why I just wouldn’t join the road cycling routes on Google Maps is absolutely wild it sometimes takes you on a on an an adventure it’s an adventure with uh Google Maps then why why why is it taking me this way oh I think because that Junction might be difficult I don’t know [Music] hello mate 38 38 yeah jeez Spain’s got this is they I think they have man yeah yeah thank you that is that one done I’m going to pull over oo and have a drink got some Whiskey In My Bag always got to stay hydrated on some booze I’m playing peeps I’ve got my ice cold oh look there’s still ice little icicles in there of holy I can’t remember what flavor this is this was raspberry something I don’t know what it is but it’s bloody beautiful oh and when it’s cold like this so crazy cuz it’s it’s got the sweetness but it’s got no sugar time has just gone 9 we’ve dropped down one bar so if it’s one bar per hour that means I’ve got another 1 2 3 4 hours to go who knows I’ll bring you back when the next order’s in I’m currently on6 lb 51 it’s kicking off Oh I thought i’ bring you back peeps I’ve just dropped down another battery and it’s fluctuating between the two and it’s 17 minutes past 9 okay there we go there’s another order £321 I’ll take that picking up from Wang wangf a 2minute cycle yeah it’s just behind me literally where I just came from like I said I wasn’t expecting in Crazy amounts of miles from this battery but 13 amp hours I I was expecting at least to get I don’t know 3 hours of delivering I mean maybe if I wasn’t on the highest assist mode and I didn’t have all this kit on because I am carrying quite a lot of weight I mean I only weigh 11 stone but in terms of like equipment and stuff i’ say there’s a good 3 4 kilos added on so maybe I i’ definitely get a lot more range and then again like this bike isn’t designed to be a delivery bike delivery bikes nowadays I think it needs to have two main features one minimum of 20 amp hours in terms of battery capacity and two a rear rack so you can mount your bag because I’m still getting used to wearing this backpack it’s been such a long time since I’ve had to uh rely on using a backpack I mean I am still using my himiway zebra that is my main delivery ebike and I am going to be back out on that really really soon it’s just uh I’m only going to have this bike until or probably the weekend cuz like I said the draw is going to take place this Friday at 8:00 p.m. and normally the winners are very very eager to get their bike which I can fully understand so uh yeah I rather just get a shift on it yeah get a shift on on the bike while I can pretty much all right we’re picking up from a restaurant somewhere here on the left there it is Wanga you know when when Chinese takeaways look like this you know they are absolutely beautiful I think the worse they look inside the more nice they food is 7689 yeah thank you yeah you know the food in here is 1010 here I’ll give you a little walk around oh I can show you the lights now actually let me show you how bright these lights are so you can turn them off wait that’s off wait is that off I’m confused that’s on oh W that’s [Music] me yeah and it’s got one at the rear as well and then when you break it also illuminates okay this one is is 0.9 M away it’s a weird seating position on this bike but it’s comfortable it is comfortable when you first look at it you think nah surely not but it is [Music] nice they’re mechanical brakes no hydraulics on there which I’m not a big fan of to be honest I think that’s the third thing actually on a delivery bike you need to have hydraulic brakes I’m surprised they’re still making bikes with cable brakes nowadays you know this batter is all over the shop it’s gone up now to see it’s just gone down I can’t keep up with it doesn’t know what it wants to [Music] do Hello thank you very much have a good evening nice quick delivery all right 70th minute Spain versus France Spain are still winning 2-1 I reckon Spain got it you never know there was three goals in the first half Anything Could Happen look look at the England game against Switzerland oh my god when that sack of go went in the pub that I was in went absolutely Bonkers I’m sure like every other Pub around the country what an atmosphere it was Jesus Christ look how many bikes there are my God there’s so many bikes at this place that’s so cool that was crazy though there was at least like 60 bikes there time now is 9:30 can have a look at the battery there it’s uh down to two bars but it keeps fluctuating between two bars and three bars and four I don’t think it knows what it’s doing oh there we go Co-op we’ll take that £3 something one mile away for pickup thank you all right this car customer 0.8 M away there a nice quick pickup from Co-op they’re normally quite quick in there [Music] anyway yeah I hope you’re enjoying the episode so far people if you are then please leave a like on the video and uh don’t forget to subscribe to the channel if you’re new around here hoping to uh travel to a lot more destinations and do deliveries [Music] thank you do you know what the code is 64 perfect thank you damn so Spain are in the final I was just sitting outside the pub watching the rest of the game crazy crazy crazy yeah no more orders have come in yet but I am waiting I’m hoping now some more orders will come out in actually because it is uh going to be that time where people are going to be heading home and ordering some takeaway cuz I’m sure people don’t want to go home right now and cook so yeah we’ll see how the next hour is I reckon it’s going to be busy all right peeps a little update the time is 10 p.m. and I’m down to one bar of battery I’m literally just changing areas to see if I can get another order because the area that I was in is just so quiet I just want to change up the area but this might be a bad idea because I’m quite far from home I don’t know if I’m going to make it home or not I need to make sure I’ve got enough battery to get home but should be all right the time is 20 10 and this little battery indicator just started flashing so I am not going to risk it I’m going to start making my way home now I don’t want to risk it I’m quite far from home at the moment and the last thing I want to do is get stuck pedaling an ebike that is uh completely dead because that happened last time and it was horrible I’m basically going to say that it’s dead because it is flashing it’s is going to die any moment now seven deliveries since 8:00 p.m. 2 hours and 20 minutes and I finished on 22.7 Mi like I said this bike isn’t designed to be a delivery ebike but yeah if you want to be in in with a chance of winning this ebike you can find the link in the description box of this video it’s been a good one I know it isn’t like a super long episode I’ll see you on the next one [Music]


    1. Belated birthday wishes to you 🎉🎉🎉
      Again thanks for the excellent informative content keep it up bestest from Scotland 😀😀👏👏

    2. Do you ever have trouble with tyre punctures? I recently put solid tyres on my normal bicycle because I was sick of replacing inner tubes. It was like paying a subscription fee to my own bike having to replace 1-2 tubes a month.

    3. Happy Belated. But don’t worry bro. Your life begins at 30. They say:”Women’s life begins at 18, but Men’s life begins at 30.”

    4. This is my first time watching you and I immediately thought this was voiced over by TobiJZL. I'm not sure if you've been told this but yall sound so alike

    5. As a delivery driver, it's almost impossible not to use your phone when driving, these apps flash up orders when you are driving or riding and you have a very short time span to decide if you want to take the order. In that moment you have to look at all that info (fee, distance, how many deliveries, where the customer/restaurant is etc) and make a decision. All that time, your eyes are off the road. Ideally you would pull over to a side road to deal with it, but that's just not realistic in many situations.

    6. Global warming is a vague term – the point is that the average global temperature is warmer, and that doesn't mean every day is warmer. The day-to-day in individual countries still varies. On a small scale the effects are more obvious as a breakdown of the usual climate patterns, meaning we get more variable weather – e.g. more frequent storms, more rain, more wind, or even colder winters. This climate breakdown is not under question by anyone except individuals whose wealth depends on generating industrial pollution; the data is very clear.

    7. I'm just curious why you have the permission to decline your jobs even though you work for Just Eats in this video, at least according to the backpack you use. Also, it seems like you only get paid for each order you finish but not hourly?

      It's a bit confusing to me because I work for Just Eats in Germany and it's different here, we get paid hourly but can't choose our delivery requests.

      Oh and happy birthday to you 😉

    8. Happy belated birthday my friend! We July babies have to stick together! Mine is on the 26th so a bit to go yet… Anyway thanks for another good one, shame the battery went down as quickly as it did, I love your videos as you well know!

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