What an adventure it has been. Xesus and I did our first over nighter in a tent together. Its an experience we love to take you with us!

    [Music] yay you filming no come on to the band Hof you’re going to wear it oh Christ sakes come on can you help me with that yeah you don’t look like you’re ready you have one only one hand how many hands do I need for this baby more than one what in your head wait wait look I cannot LIF my it’s [Music] really right yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah finally we reach mag the book woo and now we are out of the [Music] book and here the journey look look ahead [Music] baby hey so another tund adventure begins uh we’re going to take you with us on our journey plan is maor Berlin it’s 127 km like roughly about 70 Mi I think um alongside the river Ela yeah we’re going to have an adventure I can tell you that so just watch the video and see what happens to us the sun is not out it’s kind of chitty actually yeah that’s what the jackets [Music] but to be honest if during the night and in the morning is going to be like today yeah it was cold you will see his hor you will see me being like mad at myself like I forgot the coffee no you didn’t did you I did forget the coffee yeah baby I thought you were kidding me actually no I forgot the fu a copy let’s let’s uh knock on some doors here at the rich people houses they have copy okay now we are on a Mission Coffee find coffee bridge and peace spot nothing in that order man it’s actually hilarious that I forgot the coffee because you know we have this little stove um that really only serves to make coffee CFE and I told hisus all about how nice it’s going to be to have a to wake up in the morning all stiff and cold and then have a nice freshly brewed cup of coffee um and I packed everything everything we need I packed the stove I packed the fuel I packed the cups I uh pack that little thing you make the coffee in the coffee maker I just forgot the coffee isn’t that awesome yeah so here’s the bridge that we founded and we’re leaving mbor it’s actually quite busy on the bike Road there’s a lot of people driving around because the weather is so nice and we’re going to follow it always going along the elbow [Music] yeah not big on [Music] [Music] and you see it’s a lot of open spaces and lots of fields isus did all the filming and I’m pretty much speeding up the footage because it’s just so much of it doing it doing it so ex first a few kilom baby yeah we are doing it we’re doing I don’t want to like oh hey mtiv [Music] and of course like pretty much on any of our Journeys we kind of get lost from time to time I don’t even know what this little town is called we got a bit turned around but eventually we found our way um yeah there you go houses [Music] yay all right on the left side you see the ELA and we’re now actually on our way to the um Mand canal and what’s so special about it um the Midland channel is pretty much the longest channel in Germany it’s over 325 km long and it’s an artificial um channel right so it’s manb built it actually it got built in 1906 they started it and um after the reunification of Germany they continued building on it and in 2003 they um further constructed the channel over the ELO so you’re going to see it in a little bit in the footage it’s actually quite amazing so you have the the River on the bottom and over the river it looks like a huge bridge but it really is uh the Channel with water flowing over the river I don’t know it’s hard to explain you’ll see it in a second [Music] yeah now you see the bridge coming up so it looks from far away like a normal Bridge actually but um I bet if you would see a ship on the bridge that would not look normal anymore unfortunately we weren’t lucky enough but yeah this is a bridge for ships so it’s a river Crossroad so to [Music] speak yeah so we climbed up there you can actually go there there’s a bunch of people visiting it this is the channel River bed say and down there is the elbow flowing under that River yeah I mean maybe it’s just me who’s so fascinated by this but I mean this is a amazing feet of human engineering really crazy really crazy [ __ ] man like how much weight this bridge is holding all this water tons and tons like shift I will Google that for you guys and put it oh my God yeah I did I keep my promises can we please make a selfie and my D now took a picture of you no but can take a picture of us no us never been stop filming around we took a selfie anyways because I always get what I want so after we were done checking out the Midland Canal we continued our Journeys Mid after afternoon now um or I think late afternoon already and we still had quite a ways to go our aim was to find a really nice Camp spot on the river directly and to get there we still had I think like 20 km ahead of us so yeah his who filmed the treats I don’t know why look nice and this is cool [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you guys know why this was important right we bought coffee in the lotto shop that was the perfect timing I mean the bells were ringing it was 18 it was like 2 minutes before closing time and I redeemed myself and could buy some coffee [Music] [Music] yeah it was getting late as you see the light is fading and we finally found a good camp spot record I’m recording it right now is the river and the sunlight in the river and the sunlight the SK look at all the nice little [Music] sheepies yay our campsite isn’t it beautiful it was a bit muddy I was concerned that’s why I’m making this little dance there but we decided to put our tent up anyways because it was such a nice spot so we did and yeah then we enjoyed the beautiful beautiful sunset and hisus kind of ruined my shot a little bit but hey both are the same who cares are you there I am filming okay quo tell me are they the same it’s one is meat and one is cheese there was another one cheese right no it was one meat and one cheese okay so where is your knife here’s my knife oh my God don’t step on the stove I’m trying not to I am cooking dinner it’s it’s actually smoking now it’s nice yeah that’s too much for me so we lay down at night and um this is raw emotion from hisus in the [Laughter] [Music] tent so guys this is hisus in our tent crying like a little baby you’re not filming right no of course I want to go home everything is so small and tight it’s not comfortable I’ll show you how spaces look look how much space we have here what space look at it what space my mom space is a world of fair look at the fog at 6:00 in the morning on the how pretty and it is Fu cold how you oh man so not comfortable was so nice so nice it’s going to know you yeah but you know what even though it was it was quite the night um it was a very beautiful morning little did we know that our journey would take a unexpected turn let’s see but isn’t it nice to wake up to something like this [Music] so Cy home [Music] Cy wait for me [Music] now baby how’s it going [Music] what is this you ask why is she pushing the tandem towards a train station you might ask well you’ll find out in a second that gets our plans to go to the whole different perspective huh perspective yeah definitely like maybe we shouldn’t go to the maybe we should take some spoons with those next time maybe we should some maybe we should learn how to fix a tire even if it’s really complex complicated work yeah want go to Portugal I prefer yeah and we can rent a tandem [Music] there yeah you might have guessed it so we had a flat tire but it wasn’t just a simple flat tire like a puncture and a broken inner tube no it was the the rubber part there was a piece just breaking it was bad material even though we spent quite a bit of money on those unbreakable uh tires but well broken it’s broken make it you know the whole thing here we are sitting on the train station sad I am sad we’re so sad we to go back home 10: in the morning it’s such nice weather we still have like three days of weekend it’s 10 in the morning but it’s hand tag [Music] I say Dam it h it a really long train wa to ruin the video so we’re going back home now enjoying the day at home in our garden since we cannot fix the back tire of the tund so easily yeah it was supposed to be like one of those tires that will never break you know like this feeling of of being safe on the road evaporate like as soon as I heard [Music] the man that was devastating it is so annoying but at least we find some help to go back here to the train station shout out to Robert Robert I par some little small town he uh he he opened his his door and was about to um he he wanted to go to his grandma to visit her yeah and he was he was pulling out this how do you call it in in English like a it’s this like a vagon that you can hang on your uh car a vagon you’re speaking dlish no it’s a v wagon like what you say in English right wagon no no no trust me it’s like a um so it’s like a big box with wheels that you can hang on your car like a big box with wheels that you can hang on the car and you can transport things exactly and transporter called that I think transporter no also not not anyway so he just happened to be there I just looked at him I was like where are you going with us and he’s like to my grandma and I’m like can you take us to gzen first it’s like 6 kilm and we have a flat tire and he immediately said yes and emptied out his car and put the bike on his thing transporter vagon thing yeah and drove us to the next train station that was very very need to look this up in the dictionary all right there you have it guys we didn’t quite make it to Berlin but we had a really nice one night and one day um yeah I feel like videos I know they’re you know really amateur but you can still like And subscribe to our channel uh yeah leave a comment do whatever bye

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