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    good evening good afternoon wherever you in the world welcome welcome to the cycling Dane well the main one and of course uh thanks for joining for another stage of the tour to France this one of course starting in po we saw the tour finishing in po yesterday and now they have well they’ve left that they’re far away now from po right now we’re seeing a battle happening in terms of that green jersey there is a green jersey Sprint up for grabs here and uh yeah it’s looking very very good here so great to have so many people here and uh yeah are we going to see a real classic here in terms of how the teams are going to pursue this today are we going to see the mountains Jersey change hands I think yes because Janis abrahamson is not in that break or any of the breaks right now but it’s a very Dynamic situation on the road right now a lot of teams thinking that they could do something here um yeah um but right now as the situation stands on the road we have got a situation with two Breakaway groups up the road and uh yeah the front group has Macho vanderpol Anor Dee his teammate as well Brian Kar Oya losano Kevin VLAN is there as well uh rul Garcia from arbnb so his teammate there Magnus C Nelson as we saw in the Breakaway yesterday and then we have our pursuing group not quite sure why m vapo is working so hard here because his teammate Jasper philippins exposed in that second group on the road but nevertheless uh welcome welcome it’s a great great stage this well three Mountain stages two HC climbs uh coming up what does HC mean it stands for all category it’s outside of cat classification for the climbs of course we got cat fours we got cat 3es and Cat ones and then hc’s are the big lumpy climbs but we are going to get that big big climb coming next the colder tul climb that’s been on the total front so many times it was even here last year where we saw y tobas Han johanneson taking the top point there after just uh having a bit of an altercation with uh Rubio I think Rubio not Rubio Ruben gerero the Portuguese Rider but the interesting Dynamic here is that in that second group we’ve got uh bam gayers up here we’ve got Jasper philipsson as well so the green Jersey Boys are looking to get involved in the action here so yeah bam is in that group he’s got Lou M his uh well African teammate uh both of course the pride of Africa those two uh one has one stages in the Tour of France the other one has finished basically top 10 in almost every single Grand Tour if I’m not mistaken but in that second group as well a former teammate as well R Costa is in there with Ben Healey Shan Quinn the American national champion David G do is probably the one thinking about a later later play in terms of that Manson’s Jersey but Lou man as well at let lenko yeah the man of course who indirectly caused the abandonment of uh yeah unfortunately Prim much roog glitch after that crash but Neils pollet he’s doing the duties at the front of the P now they’ve got a 3 minute and 34 second Gap now obviously there’s no GC Danger Man in here so uh yeah but I don’t y certainly did just throw the cat amongst the pigeons yesterday that was incredibly uh good to see what are we saying here as well lame lameth uh Ryan Gibbons also the pride of Africa right Scott yes he’s currently the South African National Champion great to have so many people here great to have Aman here great to have the other Scott here as well music wavy great to have you back in the comments Mike as well fellow Dane and what was that I just saw uh this before we came on as well uh something about a Car Bomb Squad um being called in that’s not good to see what are we saying uh I’m trying to skim the news here what you guys have been saying of course it’s not just a oneway this is a two-way so much information being transferred on this channel and uh welcome uh everyone here plenty of things that can happen uh wait are we saying that I started the stream late today okay I think it was roughly at the same time that we normally do maybe 15 minutes late 83 km to go here 83 km we’re getting close to that intermediate Sprint there’s still 24 seconds between this green jersey group and the second group and this front group where Anor Dee finds himself so I mean yeah yasper philipsson and alerson this is a bit strange tactic here that they’ve got a man up in that first group and then they’re not let’s be honest he is not winning this stage match of ano look at the lumpy climbs I don’t think it’s going to be a match of anapo stage win today I’m sorry you know I’m a big fan of him but um I just don’t see it on this occasion so why not drum back and do a huge effort to pull back this Gap and get the 20 points for yasper philipson potentially and then uh yeah get more this well get clor a few points back in that green jersey but they’ve decided not to go for this and of course Anor Dee he does up there towards the front so um yeah it’s a strange Dynamic at the front here of the race I’m not quite sure what Alon are doing we’ve questioned their tactics a number of times to be honest but uh what can we say they they are one of the best sprinting teams in the world if not the best on their day so yeah um we will wait and see if uh they can close the gap 27 seconds I think they might have just given up the chase here and that top prizes are going to be fought out by the teams out in front I think uh but Anna Dee certainly is looking to get that 20 points added to his account here um so far so good and here we go intermediate Sprint Brian Kar and Anor Dee they’re fighting it out here it looks like it is going to be Brian Kar potentially taking it Brian Kar who saw that coming Brian Kar taking the 20 points there so yeah Mission failed um to some extent for them but yasper philipson and B gay certainly going to be sprinting it out for the mining positions here as well Brian K car still looking for that stage win that he hasn’t got but yeah yasper philipson opening it long I’m not sure that that was the right move cuz now he’s just going to give a perfect slip stream to Bam gay yasper just fights it to the corner or to the line I’m not sure if bny got that I think bny just did a bike throw toward the Finish there so uh yeah that was a pretty close one so yasper Phillipson for whatever reason opened it up uh first and bie just yeah staying in on him incredibly tight and I think Benny just got it I think Benny just got that huh that was interesting we’ll get confirmation of the points of course but that was our first little dramatic battle here at the front Neils po at the front of the Pelton as we’ve become so used to of course uat memor they are working still for the services of uh Tyra pater sadal quick stop and inos GIS and Israel Premier Tech are the teams that are lining up behind Neils poet so his own team is quite far away so maybe he said something in on the bus that the others didn’t like no I’m I’m joking of course uh but yeah just committing to that one man pretty good to be honest and uh yeah you don’t really need to commit more than one man when the break doesn’t really have any GC threats and uh now it’s the tormay that we’re coming up now 19 km long 7.4% tbop Pino has the record of 51 minutes and 14 seconds so I suspect that was the 200 19 toino who was absolutely electric that year and I think if he had had uh just managed to keep out of trouble maybe he would have been the one who would have won that Year’s tot of France but um yeah unfortunately that’s a a win that never came and if but and maybe he’s there unfortunately it would have been great though to have seen him win toward of France the French of course haven’t won it since on Bernardo back in 20 well 1985 was it the last time he won a stage so yeah bit of a shame for the French but they need to try hard I guess great to have 674 people in the chat let us know where you’re watching from as well we’ll get a new poll going as well um yeah the Sprint there strange scenario there with match vano being in that front group and not helping his teammate but if we’re going to cast our eyes towards that called now there is not really anyone in that front group that I would be scared of Kevin WLAN could he do it could he do something okay they’re not going to be doing anything um and we’ve just confirmation there as well bam gay on a Dee and yasper philipson have all been dropped by the break so uh yeah Macho vanap here um Oya losano in there Kevan mlan all of these guys looking to do something here potentially Brian Kar I’m not sure why he’s still up there or losano of course climbing pretty well in the Doan but he hasn’t had a great tour you would say I mean he’s been up there in a few of the breaks but yeah um now U memor there coming through the Sprint now it’s gone up to 4 minutes and 3 seconds for the break so there’s a bit of a sizable Gap here uh great to have plenty of uh you across the pond as well Philippines uh very prominent as well uh let’s get you the update as well in that green jersey points what was the points there so yeah yasper philipson did get less points than Binum there so Binum takes seven points and yasper philipsson only took six points Brian Kar moves up into third place still yeah um if you doubled yeah Brian Kar has he you need to double Brian kar’s points in order for him to be in the green jersey um yeah that green jersey is a two horse race if it even is a two horse race there is yeah almost 80 points between yasper philipson and Bam gay bino gay certainly looked a bit more up for that Sprint than yasper philipsson he’ll be a bit annoyed about that for sure the Belgian but his teammates out in front so we have got five Riders out in front still matcho wool the king himself the World Champion and World Champion on the cycle cross discipline we got o loano as we said he was up there in the Criterium D finishing top 10 had a pretty good season you would say Kevin mlan of course stage win on stage two into bologna and San Luca very good there well it wasn’t on San LCA but uh yeah we’re getting uh yeah 19 km long 7.4% is the average gradient this is a long lumpy climb this is certainly going to be softening up the legs for some of these Riders and S Quick Step lining up behind of course with rcoo this is going to be a big test for him as well remember the c t featured in the Welter last year as well when yis Bingo took the win but the C to is not our focal point today we are going venturing on to a next catch rise or another HC climb um and that top comes in 79 km time of course that’s how much we’ve got left of the stage machole up there but VLAN and Garcia from AR BNB they’re going to be very happy with this monus Nelson is that the guy you would be sending up here if you Uno X I would be sending tobas halan but of course he was up there with Richard carop pass yesterday so maybe that bit of a Chase took some of his um yeah took some of his juices out of his legs and maybe he just wanted a day to rest up here but Manos C Nelson was in the break away as well so yeah we know that the squad isn’t that focused on the climbing to be as Johansson probably the only climber within the Uno X team but maipo here hasn’t won a stage since 2021 in the Tour of France of course we can explain that away to some extent 2022 um he was doing the jro and the tour and of course he was very animated in the jro had never ridden two grand Tours before but that was the first time and was just fatigued in the tour the 2023 of course we know that he was working very well as a leader man for yasper philipson so yeah he was very happy to be part of that winning team but now the two groups out in front they’re going to be joining up here so we’re going to get a quite big Breakaway here there’s a lot of danger men in terms of a stage win the mountains Jersey points of course going to be in play here as well Lou m’s on the rest day uh of course if you’ve seen the video of on cycling day action Channel You’ seen that but yeah I was talking to him and he’s very nice first thing uh Great South African accent but that aside I was saying to him Louie why do you not go for the pocketa jersey and he said well Scott if Chone is there I can’t drop him and I can’t outs Sprint him towards the front so um yeah that’s why I don’t really go for it but maybe now maybe maybe I’m not taking credit for him if he take if he wins this polka do Jersey I’m just saying this is a good move by him he’s no way in GC of course we know he’s a former top 10 for and gr TOS so he is a great Rider but this is a good move by him of course there’s also the news that um Tom poock is out I think tart said that in the chat yeah tart uh said Tom pockock is out with Co so uh yeah that’s a shame and also uh amurai uh cap capot is out as well the rer that was quite sad he dnfed into the stage so yeah but great to have so many people here we’re almost 1,000 people in the chat already 78 km still to go of the stage 15.9 km of this epic legendary climb 78 is out the back that’s Louis Vera the former Alon Rider now he rides for uh sudal quickstep part of the Remco inle project and yeah quite surprised that he’s already gone out at the back here U te M trying to do their best here mistar gavi out the back I think this is gin Tyson but of course these are two sprinters nothing too worrying there but Binum gay on a dele they’re also just sinking like stones right now uh bie is sitting 1 minute 38 39 seconds behind and um in terms of the Breakaway but of course B’s not bie is thinking about the green jersey bam does not care about the stage win today not like he would take it to be honest he does have the physique of a climber but he’s very much a sprinter um he was joking about that as well on the rest day in the interview available on the cycling day action extra Channel if you haven’t seen that already but um he was saying that many people are perplexed by his his type of Rider that he is because uh yeah that was um yeah that was it’s not it’s not Sprinter country in atrea it’s very mountainous but what are we getting here as well is Landa even working for Remco vort yeah who knows land is sitting great now in top 10 of course we losing juuzo and losing Remco no Primus rug yesterday and that meant that a lot of people moved up two places in the GC in the top 10 Marco Halla here going out the back the Austrian riding for now I guess the Austrian German team of Red Bull borans 77.7 km here to go 15.3 km we know of course that he is not really uh H climber so he’s more of a leader man Sprinter classic Sky uh someone was asking as well tmin is that where Andre schle had his mechanical no that was the called the ballet of course they had this epic Jewel up to to cono and Andre schle that was a great great uh one of my favorite moments in the tour those two just dropping everyone and then uh going toet to toe all the way up the mountain it seemed 15 km to go here of this C the Tay here hope you’re well and uh I’ve kitted out completely polka do Jersey cup polka do Jersey t-shirt and it’s all pocket up now let’s hope it’s a cracker of a race here unfortunately that pocko Jersey I think might be changing hands of course the two leaders 36 points each taracha and yonas abrahamson Jonas abrahamson getting involved in the break yesterday in the closing moments of the Sprint but right now we’re seeing Shan Quinn at the front here uh the American national champion riding for year education easy post Demar going out the back as well the man who was relegated a few stages ago and he’s still wanting that stage win that he hasn’t had since 2017 if I’m correct of course he’s been at the J higher number of times as well but 14.8 km is going a bit slower now as you know and um yeah we will wait to see what’s going to happen but to minutes 17 seconds Down Bam gay just taking it easy now he just needs to get through these stages um yeah on a dele as well there’s going to be a gretto forming it might even have formed and what do I mean by the gretto that is the big heavy man the sprinters in the group they’re just thinking about the time cut they’re going to take it quite easy up the climbs if you’ve ever been at a race you will have seen how easy they actually take it up um the climbs they’re just making sure doing the calculation of staying inside that uh time we’ve had some epic uh moments with Fabio Jacobson battling to be inside with M seconds in the past as well but 14.5 km we’re seeing inos granders towards the front end of the pelone as well but u m are in firm control we’ve had that inmediate Sprint Binum taking seven points and yasper Philip in St King six points Brian Kar the unlikely winner of that intermediate Sprint out Sprint printing honor Dee and honor dele yeah first first uh toal front for him and uh it’s going to be a tour of learning of course Binum gamar had his first tour last year got a top three Anor de got a top three as well so it’s just yeah have to learn have to learn the ropes of course mik aish didn’t even win a stage in his first Tour of France so it’s very rare to win a Tour stage and your first tour but some of them have already done that in this year’s tour France Kevin VLAN I think that was his first everever tourto France as well let’s just double check that so I’m not telling you lies I think this is his first tour it is so in his first ever Tour on the second stage he wins the tour front stage so yeah wow VLAN absolutely well he is the darling now of arbnb uh we’re seeing Neil po here towards the front still after doing a lot of work already Tim willins is lining up behind him his Belgian teammate J no not J Mark Sol of course they did lose Juan yuzo and that is a big loss for the team of course uh out with Co and I mean the woring part is if one of your teammates has Co that’s the guy you share the team bus with that’s the guy you share the morning meetings with that’s the guy you go to breakfast with so uh I’m not sure how how divided that they’ve got the Riders you never really know until well you need that in behind the scenes kind of footage I mean UAE are offering that with their own YouTube channel but 13.7 kmers to go 2 minutes and 55 seconds the break their lead is about 4 minutes and 2 seconds we’re seeing mar mundenar Just dispatching himself or uh dis detaching himself from the back end of the Pelton here so um yeah 13.6 km who’s going to be taking the points at the top here that could be a good little poll to get ourselves just ready with it’s a big stage this this could be where the yellow Jersey changes hands we don’t know this could be where the top 10 order certainly goes crazy um but uh who who will be first up the Talay I mean there’s no guarantees that it is the pelum but I mean from how the race situation is right now I would think it would be the Pelon um who who are we going to say um Macho I think not let’s say Kevin VLAN VLAN apologies for the spelling let’s say Lou minky as well because he’s in there and who else could potentially oil losano but he hasn’t looked great 13.3 kilm still to go here man CT I don’t think so lenko has not been looking great geska is up here as well Healey ah let’s put Healey in there and let’s oh David gou is there as well oh there’s too many options um go do and who was the other one Healey so there you go we can’t put more than four options we know we’ve been limited by the overloads of uh YouTube but uh here we are four options maybe none of them finish up at the top but the Pelon have just taken 8 seconds here 8 seconds out of the Breakaway so it’s down to 3 minutes 55 seconds Neils po the German doing a very good job here at the front and they’ve just brought back honor dele and his teammate Mission Su sucessful partially successful getting 17 points but ultimately nowhere in terms of that green jersey very far down and uh yeah it just shows you how much those wins actually count for 50 points 30 for second 24 third place and if you’re not in that top three you can very quickly bounce out of that green jersey competition I mean the whole point of the competition is it’s for the most uh um consistent Rider but we have much of to P out in front but his arch rival of wvar is going out the back here so out the back here for yeah wat vard so wat vard has to say goodbye to the cameras here and yeah there’s plenty of teams just losing Riders here and plenty of them of course being lead out men being sprinters for their teams so 75.1 km 12.8 km still left of the climb plenty is to come on this stage so it’s certainly one to sit tight for this is probably the more slower part of the stage everyone’s just getting into the Rhythm Christopher jansen’s up in front we haven’t really talked about the composition of the Breakaway out in front 18 Riders apparently Christoper ulansen the Dane from ja YULA mik kovski the man who was in the Breakaway yesterday as well um Bruno Amaray up here the former uh Malia rosaa in the past and of course uh I think double French national time trial champion Marco holler we saw him out the back so he’s not here anymore matcho vapo as well Rue Costa Ben Healey Sean Quinn those three all from EF education easy post Victor campat who was doing a lot of work yesterday to try and bring back the group for Honor Dee he’s up here Simon geska former almost winner of the polot Jersey back in 2022 um yeah can he get himself thrown up into the points well the Manchester Jersey competition here this certainly big points off of grab on the HC climb uh oos Caro he has some points on his Tali already Kevin VLAN equally Ben hey does as well Raul as well his teammate uh Lou mes friend of the channel we want him to try and get that polcaro Jersey not sure any South African has actually worn that H South African pooda jersey doesn’t really ring a bell when we think South African Riders we do think think Lou minky we think Robbie Hunter as well uh Daryl impy uh Stefan deod but Binum gay is out the back now bam gay out the back here in the tube cars but his day is just about relaxing in taking in the scenes and uh yeah 74.5 km to go here 4 minutes that is all that’s left here 4 minutes is all that’s left campat is out the back so he’s not part of that 18 Man Group either so that 18 Man Group is a lot smaller than that are actually putting in Pro cycling stats so no lot of Destiny Rider up there as well uh I think this is who is this Garcia is this Garcia 165 yeah rul Garcia’s out the back as well so uh yeah this is only Kevan VLAN up here so good that we didn’t put any of them as a choice for our poll there so that’s good uh 38% of you believe it’s going to be the Irish and Ben Healey potentially doing something what are we saying as well Arman is asking Scott Mike DB Cooper thoughts about Remco I think today is going to be a big stage and tomorrow as well Remco venol does have that shaky reputations in the mountains of course he has won the Welter his banion before but he also did crack in the Welter and not the most ideal um yeah not the most ideal preparation for him as well in the doof he said it was a great week so don’t take that away from him he’s been looking very good let’s be honest Rimco Veno certainly is one of the top riders in this year’s Edition and uh yeah we’re just seeing one of the Portuguese Riders I think just took a Portuguese flag so that was good to see vlan’s at the back so anyone who voted for VLAN apologies guys he’s not going to be taking it so 28% of you who said VLAN it’s not happening my friends uh rro ven pole let’s ask a question about rro because I think that poll is fairly dead now because a lot of them going out the back Ali lenko was he the man who came down in that crash yeah I think it was kovski is there as well David gou Ben Healey uh we got a Bruno amarai Simon geska best be in the Pelon Rue Costa is looking quite labored Lano there Magnus C Nelson and there with his countryman Christopher Julians but they’re looking quite labored right now uh Lou mes I am so high on this guy he’s such a nice guy in person very very quiet but like when you talk to him he’s so down to earth great to have a thousand people in the chat mael vandero here the world champion he’s up here in the break it’s currently being led by Shan Quinn the American national champion we’re seeing Christo laort the European Champion he’s going out the back now he’s just going to take you quite easy here he’s probably done his job for the day and it’s down to the mountains Riders here for the team uh great to have Eric Brown as well here what are we saying Scott can you say hi to my mom Linda she’s listening with me today hi Linda I hope you’re having a great Saturday 11 kilm still to go here and of the called the T so much tradition here so much Heritage Andy Andy contador that’s not a thing Andy shle Alberto contador having battles here we had bingol winning last year we’ve had plenty of seismic shifts in the tour let’s just bring up the C the touray and get you exactly the heritage of the tour it’s one of the I think it’s the most included mountain in the tour one of the tour organizers absolutely loved this climb and it’s very long of course we’ve still got 10.9 km to go it’s the Sha Quinn still pacing the Breakaway just grinding them down here he’s working for Ben Healey we would assume are they thinking of launching him into this uh competition the mountains Jersey 113 his teammates going out the back here 82 for Red Bull Bor hro going out the back as well so a number of riders getting dropped here and uh yeah this is quite interesting um the scenario at the front for the Breakaway are we going to get a stage win from the break we’ll have that Poll for sure but um yeah up until 2022 uh up until 2020 so four years ago the C the toay had featured 87 times in the tour 87 times in the tour that’s remarkable and it’s also featured in the wel b a number of times we’ve had a number of stage winners here um Andre schle it hasn’t actually finished up the C de Tay that many times only three times it’s finished the tour has finished up here we had uh in 1974 it finished up here and in 2010 it finished up here when Andre schle took the Victory and then tiop Pino winning the 2019 so despite it being in the tour so many times the tour rarely finishes up here Tobias Hal Johansson was of course the first Rider at the top here when he featured last year it was also here in 20121 on stage 18 and the first Rider across here was Pier lur we’ve also Julian Philipe the first Rider in 2018 to top over that and of course he was the man who won the poot Jersey that year we’ve also had Rafa Mah winning the Poo Jersey back in 2015 and it featured there as well so um yeah Danish fans look away because our man Christoper ulansen has of course got a connection to Ireland he is getting dropped now so ashame that for J Kula they didn’t listen to what we were talking about yesterday throw Simon Yates up here he’s nowhere in GC this is the time to put a guy like him up here that would be so much better getting him a stage win or get him in the mountains Jersey than finishing 15 14th that nobody cares about that like Alexander vinokurov says nobody cares about a lower top 10 even so yeah maybe he’s not feeling it he missed the taoris WIS the criter as well so Simon Yates I would have loved to seen him here but many of you saying we’re going to get an Irishman being at the top here and I can tell you there’s been a number of because on the Wikipedia page of the called tol great page absolutely remarkable there’s never been an Irishman finishing at the top of the C toay during the race so that’s a stat and a half an Irishman has never finished on top of the C toay during the race and yeah it didn’t feature 19 87 win Steven roach won the race so but Sean Kelly never Nicholas roach as well never Dan Martin never so that’s what I mean incredible that stat we’ve never had a Dane either so I yeah Norway have finished up here of course with last year’s um tobas Hal johanneson I think that is the only Scandinavian to have crossed the lion first on the cold DET Tom during the stage and uh yeah that gives you an indication of uh yeah 4 minutes and 2 seconds so it’s still it’s just stagnant at around that 4 minute Mark for the break away and the peleton right now they’ve got 9.8 km still to go here uat memor they’re pulling at the front here it’s Tim wellins taking up now I think Nils po he’s getting ready for his coffee break and maybe going into the gretto but he’s still up there towards the front here they’re just bringing the remins of the Breakaway back here slowly the man who won the intermediate Sprint is the next one uh Brian Kar lasting a bit longer than some of the other sprinters in that early Breakaway but they’re on 11% slopes here 11% slopes 4 minutes 4 minutes H Breakaway versus pelaton that seems like an ideal uh poll right now 200 of you voted well done and you guys are saying that uh yeah that there raise um it’s going to be Ben Healey uh Chris as well saying that there isise of course cash prize available for the top yeah it’s not the hre de grun prize it’s another prize I’ll try and get you that prize but Janes abrahamson the Poo Jersey he’s going out the back and uh yeah unfortunately looks like it’s not going to be his day for getting that Jersey outright of course sharing it right now with Tad Pacha 36 points each but are we going to see some a new weara of the Jersey i’ would love to see it nobody wants to see tach yis vingle or rco Veno having two jerseys I don’t want to see it I want to see see a single winner I don’t want to see a double Jersey winner I hate it the final Podium looks bad but rco Veno he’s with his Lieutenant of mikanda up towards the frontier and are we going to get a Victor from this group it looks like it could be who will win who will win the stage that is the question um Alexander as well saying that rcoo opened his jersey yeah that could be a sign of the warm weather who will win this stage pelaton or Breakaway that’s our next poll that we have so many times and it’s a very very common poll and I think today it’s an interesting one but the polka Jersey Rider of abrahamson he finds himself 36 seconds down already on the pelaton and right now it’s 8.8 km until we reach the top of the C detor that Majestic climb that’s been so many times in the toor France the most included climb but on three occasions like we said has it been used as the final point of the stage or the arrival 71 km in total but a lot of mountains all the climbing is happening now we got two HC climbs on the day and one cat 2 climb in the middle of that and of course this is the first of two mountain stages right now so uh 8.6 km to go here I’ll try and figure out how much money there is up for grabs for the teams up that prize uh but uh yeah last year we saw Tobias Hal johanneson being the first Rider to cross the line oh here we go it’s the suir Jac G not sure who G is but we’re going to find out together um it was 5,000 in 2003 in 2019 uh tiopo became the first repeat winner of the prize and uh this is a souvenir named in the honor of the historical second toor France director at the french sports journalist Shak G uh it is awarded to the writer to reach the summit of the 2,115 meter high climb of the C toay so this is a prize attached to uh primarily the C toay and there’s a 5,000 prize attached to it so we had the hre de gr prize we talked about that that was in honor of the first ever race director and this is in honor of the second ever race director so I’ll get you the name as well in the comments so you can see that but yeah just a bit of trivia there for us um you of course come here not just for bike racing also for Toral France uh trivia and this is one of them oh apparently I couldn’t post all of it cuz we’re only allowed 500 characters or something like that hm didn’t know that but uh yeah first awarded in 2021 and yeah that is a quite good little piece of trivia that you can impress your friends with I guess and me as well um let’s try and see I’m still trying okay maybe I have to do it in two here um yeah but great to have so many people here in the chat already and let’s tuck get ready get the popcorn and uh yeah there you go did I get this wrong I think yeah I got it right so it’s in the chat now if you just want to see that bit of extra history yeah and if you haven’t already make sure to hit the like button and subscribe to the channel here on the cycling Dane of course we’ve got two other channels as well the cycling Dane action our little brother channel it’s very close to a th000 subscribers and the cycling Dane extra as well so um um why what what are we getting here uh Scott why do you say Dane and not Danish you can’t really I mean grammatically it’s better yeah the cycling Danish you can’t really say that it has to be the cycling Daye and I mean that uh that name was created a few years ago so uh yeah didn’t think we were going to get to this point here where we are now and uh but it’s nice to have so many people here we’re sharing our love of cycling under 70 KMS to go here Shan Quinn still working quite hard at the front working for his teammate um yeah his teammate Ben Healey match of anol looking quite comfortable as well David gou trying to save his Tor France here uh not being having a great tour remember we’re judging him by his own high standards a former fourth place finisher of the tour Manos Court Nelson’s up here as well he’s not really who I would have thought would have been up here Lou Mink’s friend of the channel what can he do here he’s such a nice guy the South African have we ever had any South Africans winning the the prize here I don’t think so we had a Norwegian last year as well we have had plenty of French Italians as well Spanish swiss but no non-european so we’ve never had a non-european win the shock go day prize here of course the ones finishing at the top of the called the toay and sometimes some other CLS but since uh 2008 it’s only been the CED toay uh and it wasn’t awarded in 2022 strangely they didn’t go up the called the toet that year or in 2017 for that matter but Sean Quinn doing his best oh uh yeah that was bad lenko just getting hit by a fan sign there for Ireland so that was a bit bad just getting hit by a flag there so Ali lenko of course the manic part of the tour the climbs so many fans out here Shan Quinn still pushing on here maipo on his wheel and ALU lenu who’s not been having a great Tour of France he could become the first ever non-european to win this on uh jacqu Deo Shak go prize we’re seeing Riders going out the back here number 56 I think that’s Oliver narson for ag2r we also got Stephan Kung out the back as well not the best climbers those two more Classics Riders as we know they’re just going to be taking quite easy and slowly drifting back into the gretto which we assume has been for we don’t really see much of the gretto which is a shame uh you hear it a lot that the gretto they go so fast on their descent Garen Thomas as well here he’s not been having a great tour the 2008 18 to France champion of course being at the jro uh but so is tyacha and T is currently in the yellow Jersey Tim will is out the back as well one of the Marv star Riders out the back and uh yeah everyone just taking it a bit easy here rcoo oh they were talking in French uh say it’s going to be a tricky weekend I think he’s going to be quite nervous about this don’t forget Veno is a debutant of the tour France yes he’s been at the jro yes he’s been at the Welter but he’s a debutant of the tour they all say we’ve heard it in the interviews we’ve had on the channel they all say that this is a very different Beast a very different Beast to say the least uh bit of a rhyme there in Denmark we say if you rhyme you get a letter tomorrow but I don’t want a letter tomorrow so let’s hope it’s not true it’s Sunday anyway so there’s not going to be any letters and the catou the 14th of July in France so no no postm is going to be working that was a weird Sidetrack 6.4 km still to go here of the C to who’s going to be the man who etches their name into the history books of the Shar G prize that we’ve just been talking about for the last few minutes 68.7 km still to go here 68 km is all that separates the Riders from the Finishing Line who’s going to be able to take the stage win that remains to be seen right now in our poll 63% of you believe it is going to be coming for from the pelaton with the big GC Boys in there who’s going to be able to do something here Derek G of course moving up inside the top 10 that was a very good uh for him of course he wants um yeah it’s a unique situation here for Israel Prim Tech we know that they’re a fairly young team as well having their Roots going back to the cycling Academy when they were a continental team then becoming a pro Continental team then getting more and more traction becoming a proc Continental team then getting a world tour license then getting relegated but they’ve never been in this situation where they’ve had a guy in the top 10 on stage 14 of course they’ve had Chris room he’s been at the tour in the past but of course Chris room was a bit of a bust in terms of a signing unfortunately for them um Lou M’s towards the back here that’s not good to see Mika kovski up towards the front as well of this group lenko looking fairly good here M of vapo looking quite good as well Shan Quinn just trying to bury himself here to keep this uh Gap as wide as possible it’s 4 minutes and 2 seconds here so it’s not really come up or down at any point here so uh yeah we’ll wait and see what’s going to happen here in the stage sunlight as well talking Danish um yeah I don’t think uh bam is going to win today because I think bie yeah he’s seven minutes and 30 seconds down he was up there in the intermediate Sprint in that second group but today bie is just going to be taking it easy for sure but we wait and see what’s going to happen but 5.7 km until somebody adds 5,000 to their team’s prize putt who’s that going to be it looks right now that Ben Healey’s up for that but remember that five grand doesn’t go to the rider they it gets put into the team pot and they normally share that out between all the team Riders so a lot of money dished out in the Toral France in terms of Team prizes there’s prizes in a lot of different categories wearing the Jersey winning the jersey of course but even wearing a jersey has some attachment of prize money um I think it’s all the way down to 25 or 20 or 30 even on every single stage has prize money attached to it in the inter immediate Sprint there’s prize money attached to that as well so you can see there’s also a lot of fines as well which I think comes out of the prize money but uh yeah it’s a very lucrative race for the teams to gather priz money and get get that bit of a bonus of course we know that the winner of the total France doesn’t participate in taking any of that money because the unwritten rule is that winning the total France you’re going to get a lot of money uh directly indirectly so why are you going to take that away from your teammates which I think is fair I think that’s fair uh Carousel vertigo as well saying five grand uh pays for petrol for the team bus for a week yeah I think that is very true these buses travel crazy distances and if you see how many vehicles that are attached um with it we’ll wait and see but 4 minutes and 3 seconds here great to have Zara here as well um are we going to beat our total of 1,200 likes that’s our record for this year’s total France I think that’s our alltime record as well we beat the Olympic stream as well so uh well done guys that it’s down to you uh but we’re waiting to see what’s going to happen in this stage here that first categorized climb that first HC climb the legendary called D tomay of course yonis Bingo will have fond memories after winning last year in the wel span on this stage one of his two stages and uh yeah uh n pits as well going out the back I didn’t even know n pits was here former stage winner of the tour as well as we know but the ag2r rider going out the back of course they were quite happy with RIT and uh aayu going out the back because uh that meant that their guy Felix gal moved up into top 10 and we’ll had a chat about the top 10 a bit later on I’ll bring up the top 10 uh but all the Riders suffering here a bit as well and uh bam gay we were talking a bit about him before and of course we rode with him on the rest day of course many of you have subscribed to the cycling Dane action Channel and uh yeah if you haven’t already make sure to hit the like button on this stream but also subscribe to our little brother Channel as well to help us get to a th000 we’re only 87 away now 87 away from a th000 plenty of cool things coming up on that channel as well a video featuring Roman by day is going to be dropping tomorrow if I can get my um behind in gear so uh yeah bit of incentive there but 4.8 km here that front group let’s just remind ourselves because we haven’t really talked about them as a whole Shan Quinn looks like he’s a bit spent here but he’s been doing a good job for his his um teammate there Ben Healey they don’t have ruk Costa anymore he dropped out the back Sima geska out the back as well C of Yul yansen out the back as well so 11 Riders remain in this group Alexi lenko up there Manus Court Nelson the D from bonm up there Lou M’s friend of the channel he’s up here the South African and probably is my bet to get this called de toay prize if he can get rid of Ben Healey Ben Healey Shan Quinn still up there for a year fication easy post lot caros up here rul Garcia is here I don’t I thought we Dro he got dropped earlier but apparently Pro second stats is saying he’s here m manapo still up here the world champion what can he do uh David gou bruman Mari as well and mik kakosi the former world champion uh two stage wins winning on of course the called the galier last year on the catou the 14th of July the national uh Independence Day national day of France anyway they go absolutely crazy a lot of energy on that day which is good to see but the Tor of France tries to have like a big stage and certainly we are up for a big stage tomorrow I hope you all join us for that as well that’s going to be very exciting but this day oh Neils poet is still working at the front here and he’s got a a face in a half of pain let’s see if I can try and capture that face that was pain pain pain pain pain pain from Nils po here but uh yeah anything can happen on the stage today who’s going to win that’s anyone’s bet here uh I’d love to see obviously I’d love to see yonis wingal win I’d love to see well actually i’ would love to see a nonf favorite win so they get a big day on the podium I’d love to see the poka Jersey changing hands as well to a non GC Contender but is that going to happen the MS doesn’t really support it at this time 36 point points to tat of course he took the hre de Grange prize up to C galib and that really hurt many other people’s aspirations of taking the pocket of Jersey because there was a whole huge lump of points there that he took but uh T sput at the back here we saw him up towards the front yesterday but he is out the back out the back there from him um yeah we’ll wait and see if he’s going to be able to play a pivotal role later on but Ju us or not being there that is a real big uh Advantage for them so uh yeah are we going to get to Stage Victory from Vis malis parik UAE or sudar quickstep the three big players in terms of their GC boys today anyone’s bet here anyone’s bet um but uh yeah I’d love to see uh a smaller and unknown well not unknown because they aren’t completely unknown if they’re at the total France but Alessa Ryder taking the win so not just vanishes away to the big guys but yeah we’ll wait and see what’s going to happen great to have some new people here and uh James saying it was James de Lara is saying it was the start of the French Revolution um Bas day of course that is the correct name apologies for any french friends in the comments uh but yeah right now great to have so many people here let us know where you’re watching from as well and yeah Nils PO is absolutely throwing a face or pain on the TV screens right now I’ll try and get that on the screens as well just so we can have a look at the yeah I mean these guys are Gladiators we’ve talked about this so much in the past these guys are absolute the Pinnacle of athletes I don’t care what sport you’re talking about cycling is the hardest sport in the world uh yes boxing UFC they say well we break bones blah blah blah yes but you break bones and then you stop these guys break bones some times and keep going uh but yeah Nils pollet you can see his absolutely pain face there on our screen and uh doing a super job of course his first season with the team changing for Bor hansra and absolutely earning his money here on the cay 3 minutes and 50 45 seconds 6 seconds gradient here B 9 minutes down the road compared to the Breakaway out in front but 65.7 km Shan Quinn getting to the front here so the American r cly just uh working overtime here in the break they want to try and get something out of this EF education easy post not really getting that stage Win Ben Healey of course his first year tyer last year he got a stage there this is his first over toal France so he’s hoping that he can continue that success of being a debutant that takes a stage win but right now 3.2 km to go that five grand still up for grabs 5,000 is going to go to one of these teams in terms of the team pot come on Louis mes come on you can do it LO CaRu as well Maro caught Nelson if he could get up there maybe he he would pack a punch to be able to be the first Dane to ever ever cross cross it um yeah the line over but yeah right now 65.4 km to go here Ben Healey looks like he’s struggling a bit here but his style is always a bit laed it looks like let lenko he looks more comfortable but he’s kind of the other way uh David go do as well he wants to get something for gram FJ of course gram FJ haven’t had a great um Tour by their standards Stephan Kung not doing anything really in the time trials having that mechanical but um yeah David godo Val M two guys who’s finished inside the top 10 between the two of them nothing’s really happening this year’s tour so a bit of a hangover from the tiop Pino period unfortunately Roman greguar in there as well Lenny Martinez I think is still in the race yeah you see that’s what I mean we don’t even know if Lenny Martinez is in the race because I think he was struggling quite a lot in terms of riers dropping out no he’s still here Lenny Martinez the youngster who of course did wear the the red jersey for um the Welter spia great to have 1,400 people in the chat let us all know where you’re watching from as well and uh yeah right now it’s looking quite interesting for that 5,000 up for grabs here 5,000 up for grabs at the the top of the C twl and who’s going to be taking that let us know in the comments uh many of you hoping David Gom May some of you thinking L minky I’m sure we have some South Africans being a bit nervous here are we going to get our first ever European to uh win that prize never having a non-european win that prize first Scandinavian was last year Tobias Hal Johansson but no dane has ever won that prize no Dutch Riders so much of unol could certainly throw his name in the mix here as well just put his name on another award here in the tour uh but yeah um tomorrow b day k c um and are we going to get a stage win today from a Frenchman are we going to get it tomorrow but Nils pollet is just dying a thousand deaths at the front here good ride here he’s really riding in uh out of his skin here the next man behind him is Mark Solair of course they lost juuzo here so that was a bit sad to see but um yeah philipsson is nowhere to be seen he’s in the gretto he’s up there trying to get some points in the intermediate Sprint they’re saying in UAE amazing Nils just with your pace just with your pace you need to pass this um I’m not sure quite what that meant but I mean they’re trying to do their best here great to have critical M as well joining us from Iceland let us know where in Iceland rovik I guess um one of the Prett prettiest churches as I’ve seen in my life is a rovik uh 2.3 km 64.6 km 3 minutes and 41 seconds 8 minutes is the P Jersey he’s sitting quite far down the man who won the interia Sprint was of course Brian Kar the man from cofes beating out onor dele and Yeah Joe we have a South African in the comments great to have you here how’s Lou MKE standings now no NG GC but that’s why he’s been allowed up in the break he could be on for a victory potentially if they get it right um if they’re allowed cuz there is not really any guys in the GC up here in this group uh of course winner of a Welter spia stage in the past but uh yeah we will wait and see what’s going to happen here uh 3 minutes and 40 seconds so it’s come down 20 seconds now so that’s a bit worrying for the guys out in front great to have Ronda back in the comments as well from Canada um and yeah we’ll wait and see what happens here so uh we’re going to see a stage Victory here today great to have Cora as well in the chat and if you haven’t already make sure to subscribe to this channel here and our little brother channel the cycling Dane action Channel which is a link in the comments down below of course we’ve got some interesting stuff coming up on that channel as well but uh yeah um it’s getting very exciting here for that prize five grand out for grabs but the teams out in front of quite Ki in terms of that Breakaway they’re not really showing the had now anyone really nobody’s really pushing hard uh 3 minutes and 38 seconds I think we still have Shan Quinn the American national champion doing his best for Ben Healey but are we going to get a stage from Ben Healey uh stage win from him there’s still a CAC two climb off of grabs as well so there’s uh mest Jersey points there in there as well but in terms of the standings we haven’t really talked about the mountains Jersey standings other than the top two so the top two of course we know that tach has 36 points so does yonas abrahamson but yonas abrahamson is dropped then we have yonas vingle uh in 28 points then we have rco Veno 18 points Val M who’s not even in the break 16 points Carlos Rodriguez another GC guy 10 points for Steven Williams but he’s nowhere really Ben Healey in that front group has five points so if Ben Healey is going to look to get inside this battle of the Poo Jersey this is a great move here bit late in the day in a way but uh yeah maybe we can get our first well have we had an Irish polka Jersey winner that is a good question where’s Petty don paty don you need to let us know um but Jakob Fang is coming to the front here as well so Israel Premier Tech getting involved in this Yak Fang of course one of my favorite writers he’s such a nice guy as well in person um and has actually featured on a video uh really really early in the cycling Daye where there was no subscribers on this channel really but uh yeah great to have Logan as well watching from South Africa and Quinton Herman should be in the race yeah that is a good point there’s plenty of riders who weren’t in this race uh Brandon mcnalty as well I think he should have been here SE cus of course unfortunately he was robbed away from us uh great to have Zara as well from Norway no North Norway for weeks but this is more important uh Rob saying Louie yeah let’s hope mes can take this Jim saying Steven roach took the pocka Jersey um did Sean Kelly take the pock Jersey I have to guys we’re trying to educate ourselves as well it’s not saying that anyone’s wrong but we’re just trying to make sure that we all love stats here as well uh of the tour but Irish winners of that Jersey um yeah we’re seeing little action in the Breakaway group out in front despite the pace or the Gap closing in here but Irish winners of the polot Jersey guys I have to disappoint you we’ve never had an Irishman win the polot Jersey never never never we had a Dane jonis vingo and Mikel rasmusen uh we’ve had no Irishman winning the polka do Jersey so Ben Healey could become the first ever Irishman to do so Chris F of course the only African to do so okay fine only Brit to do so um no actually Robert Miller now for formerly Robert Miller now pipa York has also won it back in 1984 so yeah uh principally this jerseyy has been won by the French the French have won it a bucko 23 times uh David gou is moving up the front now David godo is moving off the front now David gou in the Breakaway has just up the tempo here 700 met to go until the top he’s been followed by Los Caro no movement from Ben Healey no move really from Lou Mii so that five grand is going to be won by either a Frenchman or a Spanish man or Spaniard so um yeah let’s see David gdo versus o losano losano desperately wants to get it they were so close to getting it last year maista but denied by Norwegian David goodoo can he just attach his name to what his friend tiop Pino also has he’s won that prize twice but can David godu just get a small consolation prize here for having a disastrous GC by his standards here and are we’re gonna see David goodu and kram DJ taking this jersey or not this not Jersey prize the five grand the 5,000 EUR oh o loso is he going to be doing something are we going to see David gou come into this um yeah are we going to see Oya losano and Dav goo throw the Hat into the polcaro Jersey battle here um yeah come come on David goodu I would definitely oh Lano opening loano opening it now and I’m not sure David gdo has anything to respond there’s 20 points up for grabs here anyone who gets this is definitely going to throw themselves into the ring here and it’s ooso ooso is going to throw himself in the polka Jersey battle here and oos Caro he has four points so he’s going to sling himself up into 24 points here if he stays all the way it looks like the five grand is going to Lano and mistar so mistar has just added €5,000 to their account there so that’s a shame for grp fdj there a shame for any David godo fans H it’s just not the David godo that we’re used to here but oano is absolutely running ride with this prize here he looks like he’s going to take it so plenty of bask Flags well showing themselves as they’re just celebrating here where we saw tibo Pino win a historic Victory here and now it’s ooso he’s not going to take the stage win that is still in play but he’s certainly going to be very happy now taking that €5,000 is going the way of mistar here so mistar buses are going to be very happy about that is loano going to sit up here yeah David gou got dropped there completely but he still takes 15 points here so 15 points David gou starts his campaign I think I don’t think he has that many points the third group now on the road well the first chasing group uh what are we saying Scott comment in Danish for 30 seconds and Confused the hell out of us uh 30 seconds seems a long time uh but yeah right now Manos Court nson he’s dropping out the back we can say there you go you got a bit of Danish I’m not giving you 30 seconds that it’s going to confuse everyone but yeah great to see so many people in the chat and another abandon another abandonment has been added to the list here another abandonment has been added to the list and that is Louis varaka the sudal quickstep rider has left the race so sudal quickstep I think this might be their first Rider to leave the race we’ve had plenty abandonments because of disease going through oh no second abandonment they of course also lost Casper Pon um yeah which was a big shame as well on stage four after crashing on stage three but right now Neil poet is still at the front still at the front here he’s almost being at the front for the entire 19 km here so uh that man is certainly earning his beans here um 3 minutes and 40 seconds so it’s stagnated here and uh are we going to see Nils po here going to be able to do something here later on he’s just making sure to do the job of two men here because of course they lost juuzo and yeah right now it’s a interesting Dynamic on the road with a breakaway out in front uh but the Breakaway has scattered a bit here 3 minutes and 41 seconds but that chasing group 25 seconds down ois car where he is he thinking he’s going to finish this 60 km by himself uh thank you uh meno Vox as well for two Dan Corner um thank you for that uh very kind of you uh coffee money there I’ve got coffee here so poka out poka do and of course I appreciate every single one of you for tuning in as well listening to a random crazy Dan Danish cycling nerd whatever you want to call it uh talking about the great race that we are all here for but uh 59.8 km to go here 24 seconds between the third group on the road remember we have a third group we haven’t really talked about them for a while here o losano is on The Descent Part here are we going to see a m star win here haven’t seen that for a very long time I think 2019 is the last time we saw a stage win from mistar um we’re seeing Neils po here just doing his best at the front and uh yeah what can he do here what can he do great to have so many people in the chat let us know what you’re watching from as well plenty of Danes as well in the comments so make yourself known and of course we got a competition on the cycling Dane action channel for a hat and some other things uh signed by Alberto contador and Vincenzo nibble no actually not that this one was the Vincenzo nibbi cap I forgot the contador cap in uh at my mom’s house so that will have to be a prize for later on uh 58.5 km still to go but that prize is coming up at some point so uh yeah but uat memores out at front on the Pelon Free Riders in front of tacha Vis Malisa bike it’s narrowing as well the road here they’ve got four minutes now so they’ve lost a bit of time they coming towards the the pivotal part of the climb the top and uh yeah if you are Danish why not let us know by a Danish flag and say write something in Danish that you can’t just Google Translate to prove that you’re Danish 57.9 km still to go here and the pelaton have come over the were crested the top of the climb here and uh yeah sorry gar are we going to see a pitcock descending master class today or master piece I’m afraid not guys I’m afraid not uh Pitcock is out of the race and of course tart a channel member did inform of of that and thank you amond as well for that kind donation of $20 i’ really do appreciate that and uh yeah uh really do appreciate all our people coming backen of course being a very solid Trooper as well over the last few stages but we’re just seeing the pelaton coming down or actually the break away kovski and little no was that kovski I think that was pelson so an in granders Rider and a little Tre Rider almost came a CER there um and uh yeah great to have so many people in the chat great to have so many of you returning as well so it’s not you just thinking I’m talking a load of rubbish as well we’ got keali in the house as well with Ian and of course keali is the World Championships next year why am I stalling here because we’re not seeing the front end of the Pelon we want to see on the Pelon we want to see the front end of the race David g o losano of course writers that we’re thinking about the Pelon here Fabian G gir he’s of course doing his best to stay out in front and uh are we going to see a stage win from oos Caro that’s going to be our next one to say the least uh Derek G trying to be the first American not Americans apologies Canadians first um Canadian to finish inside the top 10 since any anyone when is the last one time we had a Canadian finishing inside the top 10 let us know uh what are we saying as well Mike a few weeks after Robbie Williams unfortunately passed away a child in my family asked me uh what would happen to mistar team in the total France he thought the team was sponsored by Hollywood and uh since Williams was yeah that’s kind of good A little anecdote there yeah of course Robbie Williams uh Robin Williams not the singer the actor flobber Etc uh he was a huge cycling fan he had like a huge collections of bikes as well uh but yeah passed away too soon to be honest but oos Koo that’s going to be our next question will losano win the stage uh rapid uh speeds for the Riders right now will Lano win the stage and it’s crazy to see that we had unfortunately the death of the young Norwegian a few weeks ago and that was on a descent we had ginoa but these guys are fearless they’re Fearless um and they just yeah they still do it and uh yeah but yeah over 100 kmers on this descent and it is just you’re in Lyra if you crash if anything happens that’s it uh quite bad harm can come your way unfortunately uh thank you Armond as well just have to reiterate $20 thankk you very much for that that’s super kind 53.8 km 53.7 km left they are of course on The Descent of the um the T we’re getting every closer to Cat 2 now Cat 2 that’s the next climb in the middle and then we’ve got another uh HD climb coming up as well so uh yeah Will Lano win the stage today that is the question he’s going to get joined by the remainder of the GC guys he’s thrown himself somewhat into the polka do Jersey uh will just get you that as well when we get the virtual one I’ll stick that on the board as well but oos Caro he’s making his way down this descent I think he’s just content with not um not going too all out here but let’s get you h a top 10 is a top 10 sufficient here of the virtual Kom standings I’ll just get that on the screens here if I just can remember how to screenshot um yeah so the top 10 has changed a bit because of that HC climb plenty of HC climbs coming of course the Andre de grch price has already happened but remember five grand has gone the way of mistar here so mistar what are they going to use that five grand for who knows um 52.2 km to go and they’re drilling the pace here uh on the front the Pelon well they haven’t really brought it down here on The Descent in respect to the Breakaway but they certainly are maintaining at 3 minutes and 40 3 minutes and 42 seconds here 3 minutes and 42 seconds and thank you to every single one of you who has subscribed already or if you subscribed today welcome welcome get involved in the chat we’re a very friendly bunch of uh apparently people completely around the world uh that is not even me being funny there is a complete men around well this is a complete fan group around the world that we built us El up here so yeah I remember when we were doing streamings when we had like a thousand people and now we’re quite high up and we have a second Channel and almost 20,000 and a third Channel coming up to a th000 so uh yeah 3 minutes and 40 seconds here we are just going to talk through that provisional standings of the GC you can see that it is still on the shoulders of Ty patcha here virtually and also shared with yanis abrahamson but the Norwegian of course going backwards on the stage today so he’s not going to be taking that Jersey at the end of the stage um I think we might see that Jersey change hands hopefully Ben Healey it depends if the Breakaway are let off the leash here and if they are going to let them contest the stage win on that final climb uh because of course we got a m stage tomorrow as well and it was quite a hard stage to say the least yesterday a lot of uh break in terms of uh what we saw with the the back and we’re inside 50 km to go here Bruno Amaray here is the one leading them down the road now Bruno Amaray um critical as well we’re talking about gav of course gav has not being the same Rider and I mean plenty of our friends are saying Steven bow was the last top 10 finisher of the T of France over Canadian um but I have to disappoint you guys I think Ryder hastal where actually the last guy to finish inside the top 10 the former Jalia Champion back in 2012 broke my heart when he defeated my favorite Rider at the time Hakim Rodriguez and I believe yeah top 10 he finished top 10 or have I just told you a lie fifth in 2010 so you finished fifth in 2010 uh right at hazal that was your last Canadian to finish inside the top five actually but are we’re going to see the man for while Derek G get a top 10 that top 10 is looking very spicy at the moment of course rug and a USU going out the back that has really given an opportunity to some of the smaller names in terms of that um GC picture 3 minutes and 40 seconds here still for the break it’s a very long way still 48 km to go the best climbers of course being in that Pelon and if any of them just open up uh for the afterburners that lead can very quickly just disappear here are we going to see yonis vingo attack today are we going to see tacha attack today is it going to be a defensive performance from them who knows but match of anapo still finds himself up in this group out in front so they are all back together that front group 3 minutes and 4 seconds they really need to work together here if they’re going to maintain this Gap here uh we’ve got 10 Riders so it’s come down a bit since we had that earlier 18-man group we’ve got kovski still in there the former world champion Bruno amay two-time time trial Champion for France and also War the Malia Rosa was it last year David gdo as well former fourth place finisher of the tour former toal avaner winner as well Machel vano in there as well we don’t really need to say anything about that because he is the guard of cycling uh Ben Healey went over stage last year of course in the retire up there in in Amel gold and also in flesh well not flesh Le Baston Le Shan Quinn he’s the American national champion uh Las Caro we know him the 5,000 EUR Prize winner Lou mink is of course a former top 10 finisher in the tour and the Welter uh the jir as well former winner of the copy of Bartley stage race as well winner of a stage or Welter stage as well um former national champion for South back in 2014 so he was very young when he won that and of course a very nice guy as well but yeah also more one of the more better climbers there mnus Court still lasting there Ali lenko is out the back of man who has finished top 10 in the tour before and one a stage as well but just not having a great summer spring time he won the jod brutu earlier this year e in Le P Le but that St St for a St well the the Star Rider for Kazakhstan just not really having a great tour not a great jro either and unfortunately he’s dropped out of this Breakaway group as well but we wait to see what’s going to happen and yeah as Sara said in the comment as well Co is co is sadly still around and people are still getting ill from it um yeah and it’s affecting the pelaton quite a bit here 45.5 km I think that’s what they said ju user had as well so yeah great to have so many people here over 1,500 people in the chat and uh yeah why not help our third channel the cycling Daye action Channel and get me to shut up about this as we said uh the quicker we get to a th000 on that channel the quicker I will shut up about it it’s in the comment section right now so we only need 87 86 of you to hit that uh subscribe button and of course thank you to every single one of you who have already subscribed to that channel uh a ran DSM video is coming up uh probably tomorrow so check that out uh that will be quite interesting and a lot more interesting stuff as well with the pros but maipo the 101 for alinder kerik here uh he’s just taking a feed here what is he thinking is he thinking he’s going to take the stage here I’m not quite sure what Macho is doing or is he’s just treating this as a training camp he’s thinking of the Olympic road race of course not taking a gold medal denied that in 2021 after that ramp in the mountain bike race and uh committed so much to that but just didn’t manage to do it um are we’re going to take a stage uh is he going to take a stage win in this year’s toward France of course remember what we said hasn’t won a stage in the tour since 2021 only one stage to this amazing Rider betal has just abandoned so they Italian national champion has just abandoned the race they’re dropping like flies on this stage unfortunately the Riders and Beto is out Beto is out so another Rider unfortunately is out the race that’s a great shame there great great shame and the list just extends ever more how many riders have abandoned now I think we’re getting close to the 20 Mark now let’s just double check that but uh yeah Beto that’s a great shame I saw actually saw him on the rest day he passed me and I couldn’t recognize him because he believes you shouldn’t do rides on a rest day apparently um so yeah sometimes when you see the riders in their in normal clothes not in like right it’s quite strange but I think we might have more Riders drop out as well at the end of the stage here I think uh but yeah great shame for many of these riders that I’ve dropped out like we said as well Louis verak he’s dropped out uh as well for sudal Quick Step I on Rog was big losses as well but yeah let lenko he’s dropped out of that frontman group so now there are nine so nine men or 10 yeah nine Riders up the front or has lenko yeah Leno’s got back in the group here so Leno’s just managed to ride himself back into the group so uh that’s quite interesting you guys are saying 74% that uh we’re not going to get uh 74 in points here uh or 7% 74% of you believing it’s not going to be one for him or for him uh thank you as well nassi um for that kind donation let me know what currency that is myr thank you very much for that what are we saying Tor of France trivia what two climbs does Marco Pani hold the climbing record for two I’m going to say alues and the other one H have to think about that let us know well people should guess and then you in 20 minutes time you can let us know but thank you very much for that kind donation every single one of you have donated very I’m extremely humbled by that um yeah and a bit of coffee money of course got the coffee cup out so uh yeah um so thanks every single one of you luckily I’m not in Switzerland where a coffee is ridiculously expensive I found that out in 2021 uh ordered a coffee they wanted 8 for a coffee and or cappuccino so I ordered a cappuccino and what did I get a glorified espresso and it was 8 uh $10 but yeah 3 minutes and 48 seconds for the pelaton so they’ve just lost 9 seconds here about 9 seconds um yeah so what are we saying uh many people guessing as well getting involved in that question there the to France trivia I’m saying up the Wares of course we got on the video uh here on the channel where I tried to beat the record of our Marco pantani on an ebike um yeah I did beat it but let’s just put it in perspective I was going flat out on an ebike and just managed to beat him so uh yeah we’re seeing Nils pollet he’s still at the front he’s earning his beans here he’s really earning his beans the German Rider we’re up to 406 likes so I thank you to every single one of you getting involved as well DB Cooper saying the other one isn’t the Monon 2 is Monon 2 the one um yeah could be more to gbia H Simon geska here he’s just joining rejoining the the pelaton I think here so uh yeah a lot of the break just being uh well caught by the break here or the pelaton so anything can happen still in the the stage great to have so many people here in the chat let us know where you’re watching from and Neils poet is still working at the front here uh we’re seeing Bruno am maray towards the front here of the break Shan Quinn still in there the man who was working quite well from Ben Healey on the climb earlier Macho vandero just trying to up the pace air as well what is machure doing what is machure doing can anyone think of this does Macho think he’s going to weigh in the stage is he just riding into form of course um yeah I don’t know I don’t know I think I would think that he’s doing this to RI to some sort of and using this as a very elite form of training I would think because he didn’t yeah we’ll wait to see but right now he’s doing very well I let lenry in there as well so it is 10 Riders up there 3 minutes and 36 seconds so they’ve lost about 12 10 seconds is um but of course that’s within the margin of error between the timings of the the bikes but yeah right now it’s looking very interesting in terms of the break are they going to be holding this all the way to the Finish um yeah I’m not sure I’m not sure we’ll wait and see but it’s certainly a interesting picture here David gou didn’t look great on the torl that five grand disappeared very quickly away from him and ooso here uh Hosier as well thank you very much for the kind donation as well and we didn’t get what M myr uh listening from the US great to have so many American friends across the pond as well let us know where you’re watching from as well and who you think is going to uh win the stage but right now we’ve got 4.8 kmers until we get to the bottom of the second chat here uh chat not chat uh ciz climb of the day which is a cat 2 climb that’s coming up in 5 km time of course there are points up for grabs there this climb is a very different profile um I’ll remove the provisional uh polka dot Jersey standing so we can have a look at that but if you’re thinking oos Caro and the Poo Jersey that doesn’t seem like a too farfetched proposition I would say uh because he could potentially have quite a good uh climbing form after what we saw at the Doan the Spanish of course having won 18 of them so far 18 have gone the way of Spain 23 going to so that rivalry could thinn a bit or it could thinning no can’t really say that U they could get one back and shorten that advantage that France have right now but uh right now out in front we in terms of Pelon we still have Nils pollet here Nils pollet still at the front of this Bunch Pavo COV still in the race as well Adam Yates of course there as well Mark cair and Pala COV will have to do quite a lot of work Tim willin not sure where he is but UA have done all the work pretty much to keep this as tight as possible keeping the leash very tight to the Breakaway here so yeah we’ll wait and see what’s going to happen here and thank you to every single one of you who have given a donation that’s very kind here what are getting here Starbucks is going to be renamed to 10 bucks but aren’t the coffee sizes bigger in America I think so one time when I was in America uh yeah I got a liter worth of coffee that was quite a lot I think um but 3 minutes and 33 seconds this Gap is getting wind down by one man Nils poet the machine we need to get a nickname for n Nils poet I’m not sure if he has a Neil uh uh nickname many people have said a horse because he has very shiny teeth um and the way he grimaces as well um he’s definitely a Workhorse right now okay nickname the giraffe that is apparently his nickname the giraffe he’s 1 M 92 it’s not really the kind of stature you would associate with a bike rider and uh yeah we’ll wait and see what’s going to happen in this stage many of you going for Louie minky I would definitely want to see him take the stage win get him in that polka Jersey but um yeah I’m not sure that’s going to happen but in terms of the climb that we were talking about the next climb the catto climb it’s 6.7% in the last 2.8 kilm the first 3 km average about 7.2 7.3% and then there is a bit of a descent halfway as well halfway 2/3 of the way so it’s an interesting climb to say the least it’s a cat 2 so there is what’s that I think is that 10 points cat one is that 10 points so maybe this is Five Points cat three that’s three two points and then Cat four is one point so I think that might only be 10 10 points or five points up for grabs here but of course oos Caro Five Points that would be a good good uh bit of points hall for him and I think there’s double points off for grabs on the finishing line so the breakway really need to try and get the win here um and yeah we’ll wait and see if he can do it but great to have so many people in the chat let us know where you’re watching from as well we’ve got 39.9 km still to go here L mink is up here in the break we’ll remind ourselves who’s in the Breakaway as well and if you’re new why not subscribe to the channel here on the cycling Dane and of course subscribe to our little brother Channel as well the cycling Dane action channel uh which has already featured a number of professional writers such as M pills and matcho Vanderpool um to beas Lone andron for any Danish uh listeners and of course Prim rogl and Bam gay they’ve all been on that channel already 30 9.7 km we’re just seeing Bruno marai take over the front here at the front well of the Breakaway we’re also seeing Ben Healey still up here Shan Quinn still up here David gou looking fairly relaxed here mael Vanderpool looking quite good as well 39.5 km that’s all that they’ve got left until someone’s going to raise their arms and take stage 14 of this year’s race it’s not that long left here of this race to be honest um yeah we’ve got a descent coming up after the Cat 2 climb as well we’re getting very close to that Cat 2 as well um yeah Neils poet still driving the pace here the giraffe the German former National Champion the current uh was he not the current national champion in the no I’m not sure Tim Williams was the national champion in Belgium Yan tratnik and Miss Melissa bike there lining up behind the German and yeah the diesel engine uh the paner wagon of course was the nickname for uh none other than Tony Martin Tony Martin of course doing this kind of role in his later career for um for visma Lis bike that time y visma but uh Ben uh benut he’s back here we saw him drop off on the T but he’s managed to find himself up here towards the front once again uh Vis meisa bike full team full team from them they they didn’t lose any of the Riders despite a lot of crashes unfortunately so uh yeah really robust team they know that they’re lacking that sep cus they’re lacking that Primus rug card that they had as well and yis vingo they don’t even know if his form can hold up into this assault in the third week so it’s a dramatic battle here and it it would be great to see Yus Bingle and tat come to the line once again but we do want to see a new stage winner I want to see our losano win now I want to see a Lou M’s win uh it’ll be interesting to see how many bullets that um front group has kept as well um yeah if you haven’t already as well subscribe to the channel as well get involved in the psyching Dane extra Channel as well do the Recaps and Stage previews over there plenty of good stuff over there on the sister channel the little brother Channel as well like we said but Neils po here really turning him inside out here for his his uh teammates Anything Can Happen still on the stage who’s going to take it it’s anyone’s bet here oh we’re up to 921 on the action channel so thank you to every single one of you whove subscribed already we’re only what quick mental MTH 79 of you away 79 away from a th000 that’s a very very good Milestone there but 38 km still to go here 38 kilm uh Alti lenko towards the back here they’ve lost a bit more time here they’ve lost a bit more time now the Breakaway group the pure climbers will have to kind of get rid of them marus Court Nelson get rid of uh Shan Quinn get rid of um Bruno Amaray to some extent here if they’re going to be able to keep away until the next climb as well and even keep away all the way to the Finish because the pelaton are really starting to up the tempo now so yeah it’s going to look interesting here by the time we come to the finishing line here 3 minutes and 6 seconds now so you can see they’ve lost almost a minute since we were on the C the Tula here so interestingly that here on the flatter sections the pelaton have made more of an inroads in to the to the Riders here but we are on the climb the Cat 2 climb here they’ve got about 8 point or actually no we’re very close to the start of it so we aren’t quite on it we’re on a false flat section 8.3 km long 5% gr uh average gradient but of course there are those two sections that have the first four five km average about 7 point something something and then the last uh 2.8 km averaging 6.7% and then there’s that middle slight descent and then a flat section and then it kicks up again so it’s not completely flat but um yeah um oh it’s not completely uh uphill climb but it does have that bit of a plateau in the middle for a small while and a slight descent but the first four km are straight line up um and well straight line line in terms of the gradient and will be about 7% so that is definitely going to just grind the the juices up a bit here in the legs they’re going to feel the pain the aggregate fatigue that these Riders have been feeling day after day after day after day uh certainly is happening great to have music wavy here as well where is Yuan there is no Yuan anymore he’s gone over to cycling magazine so he’s a professional journalist now and Patrick as well he’s having a great holiday in uh in France watching the Tour of France and our other man Jack he’s unfortunately at work so uh yeah that hence why I’m here on my own but I’m not alone I’m with you guys so Bruno amarai he’s just putting the pace up here at the front this is getting very interesting uh Bruno maray towards the front the French double Champion as we said 8.2 km now they have are on that cat 2 climb now the record holder this climb is 19 minutes and 10 seconds that is Valentine madw he has the quickest time here no Val madis in here but of course he has got his two teammates of David goodu actually no Bruno maray is not his teammate anymore uh they were teammates Bruno marai changing teams that kind of slipped Me by if I’m honest uh former teammate his former teammate of Bruno amarai there so uh great to have so many people in the chat let us know where you’re watching from as as well plenty of you around the world and how many flags can we get to flash up uh in the Stream and if you haven’t already make sure to hit the like button let’s try and beat our record of 1,200 likes so uh Anything Can Happen still on the stage three minutes now the Gap has gone down to for the Breakaway so the Breakaway will try and have to shed this weight um yeah they have to shed the weight I’m sorry guys they have to get rid of the non-climate is here get rid of that um are we going to see a stage victories from anyone in the Breakaway you guys are saying no to Lano are we going to get the stage win from The Break um yeah let’s let’s ask that who will win the stage who will win this stage um Pacha vingo break or other um so we’ll wait and see who is going to win the stage so you have four options there although of course being any others that aren’t in the break uh or some of the other GC favorites who could potentially do something here great to have Christoper Christoper from Dubai uh we’ve got Malaysia as well Indonesia America Canada as well um plenty of Danes as well South African in Portugal we got Malaysia again Philippines anyone know if Remco in the pelaton I think I think Remco is in the Pelon or we would definitely have had a teamy camera on him the white jersey Thailand as well in the comments great to have so many people here in the chat and right now out in front we’re seeing uh o loano and David goodoo the two men fighting for the position of that five grand they’re just lifting the tempo here 7.3 km to go are these the two best climbers in this group um yeah we’ll wait and see here Brazil in the house as well Denmark in the house Portugal great to have so many people here but right now David goodu and O losano they’re trying to do their best to just lift the tempo here see if they can get up the road um yeah Los Caro’s got some grimaces on his face here uh but Neils poet is still the man grimacing at the front end of the peleton here doing an absolutely heroic um service here great to have brunai in the house as well trying to trick me there with the flag no I’ve got it um northern C you have to say is it California or is it Cali as in Colombia Cali um yeah great to have so many people in the chat and we are just seeing the pelaton here are they going to be able to catch them before that final casiz climb of the day a HC climb so a lot of points of grabs there but uh yeah it’s starting to Splinter a bit Alexi lenko he’s going out the back apparently David goodu and losano trying to distance themselves from the other guys in the group now after the this climb a long Descent of course and then you got a bit of a flat road before we come into that next climb t b out the back here from the pelons so the visis Lisa bike he’s done his uh job for the day here and little Trek Rider here as well let’s hope that’s not Chone any Portuguese friends will be sad to see this but ruk Costa’s out the back as well Rue Costa out the back here so Joel of course the big man for Portugal right now and he’s sitting pretty in fourth place and of course is a friend of the channel we’ve had a numerous interviews with him we interviewed him a few weeks ago on the cycling D extra channel on the cycling D podcast same thing really um but yeah a number of riders going out the back but none of these Riders up there in the GC okay so the big climbers coming to the Forefront here Mach anipo at the back Shan Quinn out the back Manus Court nson out the back Bruno Al marai struggling to hang on here so match of anipo is out the b so peculiar there what was match of anipo doing that is the question I for all of you did we get a confirmation with that second climb that uh Marco pantani holds I’m not quite sure um yeah Shan Quinn out at the back as well now 11% section here so 11% section right now anything can happen right now Pacha is your favorite for the stage win now great to have Tanzania watching as well is it from Duda of course we’re playing that unofficial game of me trying to name the capitals Chris BL Drake as well from New Zealand is it from Oakland or Wellington um man with court neelson the best mustache in the Pelon he’s out the back here so the man from Bon hm in Denmark not Mainland Denmark one of our Islands uh he’s out the back here Bruno marai desperately trying to cling on here Lou mke’s looking very good here but they have lost time to the Pelon here 2 minutes and 48 seconds so we’re inside the 3 minute Mark now inside the 3em minute mark this is going to be worrying all of us who wants the Breakaway to stay out stay out in front great to have 18 thou 1,00 people in the chat let us know where you’re watching from as well plenty of you across the pond as well plenty of you on the other side of the world and who is at the earliest time right now let us know what time it is where you’re watching who’s staying up the latest who’s woken up the earliest 6.1 km to go and the man of the day Nils poet the giraffe has gone out the back there what an effort there that was an effort and a half that is certainly a rider you would want to sign and uh yeah what a effort by the German there uh just he yeah finally gets that okay gets a no there by Mark CER to just have the rest you’ve done enough and now we’ve got the to lavenir former Champion I think actually the last time we had a to Lair champion from Spain is this man Mark Solair a man who used to ride for moar but now finds himself in the UA Emirates project of course he wants to ride for himself but he’s just banned it into this super team that we’ve been talking about for so long and uh yeah it looks like it’s and Avengers Assemble almost o j hindley is struggling GI hindle is struggling here with the pace we said that earlier as well Red Bull Bor hker of course in no man’s land in terms of GC he was sitting 19th and I don’t think that it’s going to happen even being in the Breakaway that wasn’t a thing they had Mark Hala up there but yeah David goodu he’s just coming through the rotations here Ben Healey there as well they’re looking around seeing who’s in the group Magnus Sheffield Magnus C Nelson’s back in the group so you got rid of him and he’s back now so uh yeah David goodu the pace isn’t hard here the pace isn’t hard they’re not working well together and this is favoring the Pelon they’re coming now with Marx aair guys you need to get a move on this is not the time to be looking around you need to get a move on David goodu attacks now he’s not comfortable with the other guys not working together Ben Healey follows that with his quite strange uh climbing very bouncy style there Lou Mankey oh J hinley is he going to be finishing the tour is he going to leave the tour here J Henley of course a man who finished top 10 last year won a stage wore the yellow Jersey and it was his first tour to France but this one has absolutely been a dreadful Tor to France for him uh We’ve also got Oscar Onley out the back I think here another debutant well I debutant the Scottish pride of Scotland right now not having a great day either not having a great Tor France as well but he’s fairly young he’s going to have many more Tor Frances to come so wouldn’t be worried about that this is a year of learning for him you would say but one the will longa stage earlier this year David goodu Ben Healey and Lou mes these are your Free Riders trying to escape up the road now or losano not able to close the gap here but these free climbers are the sort of riders we need if they’re going to be have a hope of staying away here Manu caught Nelson the Dane from Bon Holm is out the back the man who’s won stages before in the tour the man who’s wonn the POA Jersey is out the back and is part of that yesu club as we call it winning a stage in every single Grand Tour he’s done that M P’s done that as well for the Denmark but the only the D that you probably would think could do it you want Bingle still hasn’t done it because he hasn’t been at the Jiran tire but I’m sure that’s going to be coming soon maybe next year who knows km to go here of the climb 2 minutes and 35 seconds so yeah they they haven’t increased the lead here of speaking of polka Jersey winners a former one from 2017 is out the back here r b as well another one from 2019 and 2017 ones of waran Bill and Roman bade are out the back here just waving there not sure what he’s thinking about how he’s going to approach the the remainder of the tour here ran B you would have thought that he would be have been maybe up in the Breakaway but just not feeling it here uh War B equally not just not a great Tour by those two by their very high standards let’s be honest but yeah yonis fingle he’s sitting about third second or third wheel tacha up there towards the front as well Rodriguez up there as well car Rodriguez of course moving up cesy of that Ro glitch withdrawal and great to have almost 2,000 people in the chat and why not head over to our M Dane action Channel where we have got videos with Primos RIT where me riding with them and uh bam gay we only need 79 of you to hit the Subscribe button so get involved with in the link in the chat and if you have no already subscribe to the channel here on the cycling Dane we’re very close to 50,000 and of course we’ve got the cycling Dane extra Channel as well for that bit more attention of the tour but right now enri mass is out the back here so number 515 the man who’s finished top five in the Tour of France before former second place finisher of the wel spaner just not having a great Tour of France by his account so yeah big big shame for enrik mus Jack heg as well a similar man with a lot of talent just not his tour and of course the talent pool this of the this current generation is very high and it just shows you that former top fives former second places in grand Tours are dropping out the back like flies so uh yeah yoris vingo and tar Pacho up towards the front here Enos granders trying to organize themselves as well we’ve got 2 minutes and 30 seconds that’s all that we have left here 2 minutes and 30 seconds 31 seconds as well um yeah I know plenty of you will want to know what’s happening with Binum gay Binum is probably in the gretto so don’t worry about him he’s just taking it easy he’s only thinking about the time cut but Mark cair at the front here former wel espia stage winner former top 10 finisher in that race as well former total laer winner is also there uh do I have a profile of the last climb the last climb will get you a profile DB Cooper asking for a profile and you ask and I shall deliver uh but marks out and remember they’ve got Jo MAA as well they’ve got Pavo COV still I think UA memor to deploy but today has been a very heavy day in terms of rers not starting gaman Bine from the Canadian from Israel he’s gone Tom Pitcock gone as well Alberto Beto gone within the race Louis verak gone as well amurai cap capot he’s gone as well but yeah I’ll get you the the profile of the final climb so we can have a bit of a talk about that as well it’s a tough climb 10.6 km long but uh this Melissa bike we’re getting a message uh where they’re saying that UAE are pulling a good pace and that is good for for us good for yness so uh taxi ride uh for the team at let look senko brought back to the pelaton here he was in that earlier break that we talked about but uh yeah let’s get that profile on the screens as well so you can all have a look at that as well great to have almost 2,000 people in the chat let us know where you’re watching from let us know who you think is going to win and right now in our poll I think it is still tacha who is your favorite for today’s stage win but yeah you got it the climb the P it uh very bad pronunciation and it’s really anyone’s this um Derek G’s not gone to win many people think bise it’s 8:35 in bise so yeah that’s quite early um 31.2 km to go here 2 minutes and 21 seconds they’ve just lost another 10 seconds here they’ve just lost another 10 seconds here unfortunately uh yeah uh what are we saying you called it the cycling day action not extra there’s two different channels guys there’s the cycling day action Channel and the cycling day extra channel so any newcomers there’s two extra channels the little brother one and little the little sister I guess this one of course being the main one uh but great to have so many people in the chat and so many people subscribing as well thank you for that and so many people donating your hard earned money as well I really am humbled by that so uh but right now it is is Mark Solair Mark Solair out in front of the peleton doing a good job here as well are we going to see him take uh tacha even closer to this group now 2 minutes and 16 and I think they’ve got Pavo COV in there as well maybe Pavo COV not quite sure um yeah it’s going to be interesting if we are going to get pav C cup in the mix match of anapo here the world champion it’s not really his terrain this I think he was just doing this right into some shape before the Olympics and yeah treating it as a very very strong training here 2 minutes and 16 seconds 2.1 km there’re now on this flatter part the slight descent and then it flattens out and then they kick up again the last 2.8 km of course 6.7% not the hardest kind of profile of course we always associate the hardest profiles with double digits double digits getting into the North te is all of course very hard 20% is even harder about 1.9 km left here of this climb two cat two climb here how much of a lead do they need to take into the base of the final climb if they’re going to be doing anything 2 minutes and 17 seconds here the green jersey anyone who’s looking out for bam gay and yasper philipson they’re 15 minutes and 20 seconds down on the stage so they’re taking it quite comfortably and they’re just going to be managing that Gap all the way to the Finish making sure to stay inside the time cut yeah so polka cop polka Jersey it’s all polka today cuz we got many ciz climbs three ciz climbs we already we’re almost over the second categorized climb and then we got that third categorized climb as well um yeah are we going to see a stage Victory from the big boys here Pacha 48% of you believing he’s going to take the stage win today uh Plenty of Fish jokes going around with ynis being got and do you yeah I mean the whole thing there’s been a lot of talk about him being a fish worker and then being discovered being this incredible talent I mean that’s not the case he he was he was on the on the trajectory to being a pro cyclist anyway part of a continental setup and then just was working in a fish factory as a way of structuring his day keeping him in check but uh yeah it’s funny story though anyway uh giving him that nickname but inside the last 30 kmers here 2 minutes and 11 seconds now it’s just dripping away now the advantage David godo up here still Lou minky as well mik kovski Ben Healey and oos Caro has battled back here into this group here so oos Caro he’s looking at that potential poka do Jersey um yeah are we going to see a stage Victory great to have almost 2,000 people in the chat if you’re new here don’t be a stranger subscribe to the channel hit the like like button as well and get involved in the chat we are a very friendly Bunch that’s for sure uh plenty of you worried about the green jersey for bam gay I don’t it’s not safe now even Binum said that in the interview as well so uh yeah plenty of things still to happen we’re only 77 subscribers away from hitting a th000 on the little brother channel the cycling Dane action where there is of course Clips with bam gay and Primos RIT where I was with both of them so check that out and help us and of course if you do help us get to a th000 you’ll never hear me again talk about that channel and this we just need to get to a th000 2 minutes and 2 seconds here they’re inside the last kilometer of this cat 2 climb now the pacing is looking very labored here um and uh yeah it’s very labored here kovski up towards the front here uh they’re hemorrhaging time to the group behind so yeah hemorrhaging time now it’s almost inside under two minutes now so Mark s is absolutely dragging this back with some Pace yeah it’s inside 2 minutes now so it’s quite worrying now for anyone who voted for the Breakaway to win this it doesn’t look like it’s going to be a breakaway Victory only 6% as well Valentin madas he’s out the back here former top 10 finisher former uh first place uh well was it he he had passed over called a for in the past great to have so many people here and uh again thank you to every single one of you who um donated as well that was really kind of you uh Sean Quinn the American national champion he’s been brought back here by Mark cir it’s in he’s already taken out 8 seconds here the pacing at the front is so slow here so slow now oos Caro reluctantly coming to the front are they all spent here come on Lou M just increase the tempo don’t give up don’t let the yellow Jersey take the stage ah well who knows if we’re going to get a counter move here by any Plucky climber who’s managed to stay up here um yeah we wait and see we wait and see but great to have so many people in the chat let us know where you’re watching from as well it’s an interesting stage still we’ve got 29 km to go anything can still happen here the GC boys are looking like they’re dragging this back and it’s going to be a GC Showdown on that final climb that you can see on your screen here but yeah great to have some new people here of course we are going to be streaming every single stream of the remainder of the total France and we got the previews of every single stage on the cycling Dan extra Channel our other channel and there’s the cycling Dane action channel so quite confusing but there’s five points up for grabs here at the top of the climb inside the last 400 MERS here Five Points so not that many points considering the amount of climbing that they’ve done here only Five Points Los Caro is he going to be allowed to take this I mean they’re inside almost 1 minute and 30 now so this is dangerous Los Caro coming towards the front here he’s thinking about that Jersey is he going to be able to uh commit to an assault in the mountains here he’s looking quite labored here of course there is another Mountain Jersey up for grabs to well a Mountain Stage up for grabs here uh in terms of mountain Jersey points but lot cono here moving to the back so I’m not even sure he’s going to take these five points now this is very interesting oh we’ve got Adam from The Finishing Line welcome welcome um David goodu O Lanos they are moving they are just attacking each other here for that Five Points these two are going to be juking it out for the Poo Jersey points now davidi goodu I think’s got the best of the Spaniard here so David guo takes the five points and right now three points go to uh o losano and Ben Healey taking the two points I guess up for grabs here but uh yeah that was a good little uh just for position there uh yeah a bit of a Max ven move by David goodoo there just forcing him his uh rival there into the corners but I think it’s fine I think it’s fine um yeah are we going to see a stage Victory by David gdo or o losano at this point is looking very very Grim uh the final classification or the final climb has a lot of points up for ground so that will absolutely nullify whatever points these guys have and that’s why we really needed to have uh yeah we really needed to have uh Breakaway day winning the stage but UAE and Vis Malisa bike are not allowing that oh my goodness guys we’re into the last 70 on the cycling D action Channel we’re 70 subscribers away from a th000 so if you haven’t already smash that uh subscribe button on in the link in the chat um and enjoy some of the content but right now we’ve got the Pelon coming up to that second Cat 2 climb and the penala one of the day the last one is coming up as well we can have a bit of a chat about the final climb we can see it on our screens now but we only need 70 of you remember it’s free guys it’s completely free to subscribe and there’s some really good content if you’re joining here that channel is certainly not going to be something you’re not going to enjoy but we’re seeing in your scen days with kovski just trying to guide them as quickly down this uh climb here uh doing their best and uh yeah great to have 2,000 people in the chat and let yourself make yourself known in in the chat box as well let us know who you think is going to win subscribe to the channel as well and uh let’s try and beat our total of 1,200 likes as well if you haven’t already thank you Derek as well for subscribing um yeah loano towards the back here as well 26 km to go 1 minute and 17 seconds ah it’s looking very worrying here very worrying right now not good guys not good but in terms of binam gay he’s 17 seconds 17 minutes down on the front group because he’s in that um no he’s actually 17 minutes down on I think the Pelon here so 17 minutes down but I mean doesn’t matter he doesn’t care about the stage win today he just wants to get through the manest stents to the second rest day as well and uh are we going to see him take another stage win in this year’s to France who knows he could definitely be winning that green jersey but 1 minute and 17 seconds Now 1 minute and 17 seconds and it’s all still to play for here they’re coming under the 25 km to go Banner but that 25 km to go Banner may not seem that much but of course we have got 10 km worth of climbing on that HC climb all the way up to the Finish it’s uh yeah it’s quite interesting what we’re seeing here just confirmation there five points for David guo Los Caro taking um yeah three points Ben Healey oh my goodness guys you keep subscribing to the action Channel we’re almost inside the last 60 here so thank you guys and thank you to every single one of you who have subscribed we’re so close to a th000 final push here 60 friends in the chat that’s all that needs to happen 24 km to go go here get your mom to subscribe Eric Brown I got my mom to subscribe And my partner’s mom as well 24 km that’s all 24 kilm 1 minute and 19 seconds it’s just increased a smidget of a few points there um yeah let me know as well if you want to get a recap race analysis on the cycling day action extra Channel um and I’ll do one for you um do you want and recap race uh recap episode on the extra Channel today because I haven’t got any of my co-hosts so it would be an alone job unfortunately 23.4 km 1 minute and 17 seconds um it’s being led on by um yeah uat M here uat mered still pushing on here um yeah Mark s doing his best at the front uh are we’re going to see a stage Victory here 1 minute and 20 seconds anything can happen on today’s stage uh actually that’s a silly poll isn’t it we’ll just stop the poll we don’t really care about that we can focus about that later uh will Pacha will uh will pagat who will be in yellow who will be in yellow who will be in yellow today paga it could be ryro who knows uh vingo or rco Veno it could be other there as well we could get our M down there but 22.5 KET to go they are in The Descent of this cat 2 climb and they’ve got a 1 minute and 21 second Advantage here are they going to be bringing that to the foot of that next categorize climb the final categorize climb as well um I don’t think that is enough I certainly don’t think that’s enough let’s be honest anything can happen to say the least on this stage oh we going to see a stage win from tacha are we going to see a stage win um from either any of these guys um one of them has to win but who’s it going to be T gatcha yoris Bingle it’s anyone’s guess at this moment it would be great to see rcoo take the stage win as well because that would just throw some of his doubters into a bit of a uh yeah yeah oh my goodness hero tahala in trouble here Colombian we are on 946 subscribers on the cycling day action Channel thank you to every single one of you who has subscrib 54 subscribers as well away we’ve got a video with Roman B coming up so uh that’s there to uh behold but yeah real people power here we have 54 subscribers away 54 that’s it 54 54 they can f 54 people on a bus you can f hit 54 people in a s seeder car no that’s not true but at 21.1 km still to go here 1 minute and 22 seconds uh so they’ve stagnated that they’ve kind of stopped the hemorrhaging here they’ve stopped the hemorrhaging that front Breakaway group they’re doing their best here to just keep away uh great to have so many people here as well um what are we saying are we going to get a stage win from uat memores is it going to be yonis wiing or 76% of you saying it’s going to be tacha in the yellow Jersey of course he does still he does still have a bit of a lead in that GC but right now the racing position is quite stagnant we’ve got 1 minute and 21 seconds to the um pelaton which is being led by uh none other than uat merid doing their best here towards the front 20 km now so it’s coming down quickly these kilometers on The Descent so anything can happen right now anything can happen and are we going to get a stage win from any of these Breakaway Riders it’s looking very yeah it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen we’re 50 away 50 away now 950 of you have subscribed to the cycling day in action channel so so close now if there’s 50 of you haven’t subscribed and you are getting annoyed by me being like this the quickest way to shut me up is to subscribe it doesn’t cost you anything and there’s plenty of interesting content DSM feric are going to be on a video tomorrow yes in person DSM fic so it’s a great little video to look out for but 19 kilm still to go they’re coming down this climb now still we still have a bit to go on The Descent and we waiting and see what’s going to happen great to have so many people in the chat and thank you again to every single one of you who have donated I am truly humbled and I mean that with every single word there but uh yeah great to have so many people here and uh many of you thinking taba fingo um who’s going to take the win o losano desperately wants to get his clutches on that PO Jersey but he’s not going to be able to do that this moar Rider if uh if he can uh do it yeah well if he can’t win the stage Point Blank he needs to win the stage and he needs to hope that tarag and yonas vingo are nowhere near him because if not then it’s not going to happen H 1 minute and 23 seconds so there there so just increasing their their advantage here a bit but of course they had a 4minute gap when we came here at the beginning of the stage but yeah as music wavy says as well uat MERS despite losing ju USA they still have so Pavo COV uh almea Yates and then bang tacha to finish off the job here the man looking to do their impossible it hasn’t been achieved since 1998 winning the tour and the J Tire in the same year oh is it going to be this year are the history books going to be Rewritten is Tat’s name going to be ET closer to Eddie ms’s once again Eddie MKS is he even going to go for that triple crown and add his name to Eddie MKS and Steven roach who last did it in 1987 this is going to be interesting 17.7 colet still to go here 1 minute and 26 seconds so the Breakaway are just starting to increase their lead here mark don’t think he’s the best descender I might be wrong um but anything can happen here Anything Can Happen still on the stage today are we going to see a stage win um that remains to be seen and uh unfortunately I can’t read a Tran so you’ll need to spell it out in uh in well in not the air train out a letters so but thank you as well to giving everyone a reminder to smash that subscribe button if you haven’t already great to have so many people here United by the joy of cycling 7 14.1 km still to go here 1 minute and 30 seconds it’s just come up slightly more they’ve just increased the Gap a bit they they need probably I would say three minutes three minutes if if I’m honest to stay away if that’s even enough that final um climb as well we were talking about it earlier 10.6 km average uh no 10.6 km is the distance the first 7 km very hard here 11% um gradients 12% gradients yeah it’s it’s diabolical the first 7 km of this climb so I don’t think the Breakaway are going to stay away Mark cair still putting the pressure on doing his best to try and keep this as close as possible this leash but the Breakaway out in front working very well Mark of course former marar Rider trying to break the hearts of his former teammates uh yeah former Tom laer winner former top 10 finisher at the welp former stage winner at the welp as well and then behind him I think it’s Pavo COV a former top 10 finisher in the Jalia former baby jro winner former yeah winner of the to the Alps I mean so many things so many accolades to U these guys but uh yeah we’re getting we we’ve got a remembrance to Raymond pulidor as well Raymond pulidor a statue unveiled here at the top of the climb I think as well Raymond pulo of course the grandfather of Macho Vanderpool former second place finisher a number of times in the tour France and wi know Paris nie as well great great man to say the least anything can happen right now but uh right now uat mer is just losing a bit of momentum here and uh who’s going to win the stage bit of a mechanical going on from one of the one one of the totali Riders here this is not advisable if your chain is stuck stop don’t try and unchain it uh while you’re on the bike but yeah yeah uh y ping call here we can see him will kman looking very strong of course the man who crashed on the first stage vingle looking very good here Adam Yates up there as well tacha what can he do here vingal very very strong of course but Mark just drilling the pace here 1 minute and 26 seconds they really need to be uh motivated here that second group they need to work well together they have a common goal here to stay away from the peleton right now they’re not enemies they’re Frenemies they’re United by their common goal to get to the foot of the climb and then they can try and keep away from that front of the Pelon for as long as possible but with the likes of Adam Yates in there I think it’s going to be numbered not a lot of uh it’s borrow time here it’s borrow time when they reach that final climb 14.6 km we’re nearing 4 km to go here so they need just need to try and increase the Gap here if they can I don’t think they can CU they’ve lost 10 seconds here 10 seconds have disappeared already and I think this is going to come down to a g Showdown that all of us kind of want to see um and who’s going to be on the top of the podium by the end of the day H the total the total energies whatever uh Steph CR that is the man he’s just switching his bike now he’s sitting in 15th NG GC uh we are on 960 likes or not likes subscribers on the new channel on the cycling day in action channel it’s a very very new channel so we’re only 40 away 40 away from um getting to a th so that’s a goal to do a community goal here I’m sure we can find 40 people or you can find your mom your grandom your cousin your brother if they hav’t already to subscribe they’re definitely got to not going to regret it we got plenty of famous cyclist coming up in that Channel that I haven’t even finished the edit on um but yeah great to have so new people in the chat and so many donating today as well I really am humbled by that thank you very much don’t think I’m taking anything for granted I’m not even taking for granted that we have 2,000 people here in the chat uh so yeah let us know where you’re watching from as well it’s always great to see where we’re all from really United by a passion of cycling but 1 minute and 25 seconds 1 minute and 25 seconds this group out in front working really well together they’re down to five Riders here five Riders is all that we got left at the front Ben Healey David gou uh L mes kovski o losano but right now at the front of the pelaton we’ve got Jor up towards the front tach up towards the front rcoo towards the front as well and I will certainly be commentating for you people as well in the Olympics so that should be very fun um yeah are we going to see a stage Victory from any of these guys dor K great to have you here as well Denmark thanks you y Ving go very very good job you perform yeah yis vingle has really put Denmark even more on the map here um but yeah 12.9 kilm to go here 12.9 kilm go we are getting very interesting Bob mob as well great name has made his mom’s boyfriend subscribe there you go if we can get to 1,000 that’s the levels we have to go to I will try and get someone else to subscribe as well some of my friends I’ll pest through them but great to have Tom here as well Pikachu will be in yellow today tomorrow who knows um yeah this is getting very enticing 1 minute and 25 seconds so the Gap has enticed well not enticed it stagnated a bit we saw the Gap being at 1 minute 35 seconds we’ve had it up at 4 minutes as well but now it’s at 1 minute 25 seconds seconds to this front fan group we had 18 riders in the group we had five well 10 11 and now we’re down to five so the cream has risen to the top but will this cream take the stage that is the question Louis mes I would love to see a stage win from him but has he got enough here they are going to have a 1 minute and 25 second Head Start if they’re going to be able to do it here and uh yeah we are going to wait to see what’s going to happen on the stage Jus wing or wearing the number one but will he be wearing that number one next year that is what is going to be decided here today or not today in the next few weeks great to have so many people here around the world make sure to hit the like button we’ve got a stagnant situation right now we’re getting ever closer to that final climb of the day remember it’s a HC climb and we have already tackled one HC climb already that was the cord called the Tay climb that had a 5,000 or 5,000 prize attached to it and that went to O losano So the moar Riders will be very happy about that or the marar team but right now we’re getting very close to the final climb of the day the second HT climb of um I believe this is the only third HC climb that we’ve had of this year toward France am I mistaken we had the c g of course the the hre the gr pra the highest point of the race then the qu the T the uh prize that we said the Shak the paying homage to the second ever race director of the total France obviously the onri de gr prize paying respect to the first ever race director of the Toral France but right now 11 km to go here and the riders in the break are just throwing all excess weight out the back here this is going to come down to an exciting uh challenge here 1 minute and 22 seconds is what they’re going to be taking in as uh yeah as a um yeah what are we saying a finale here we’ll wait and see what’s going to happen are they going to get caught by the yellow Jersey group anything can happen to say the least we want to see a stage win from one of these guys maybe but most of you think it’s not going to be coming from this one so uh anything can happen here Anything Can Happen 10.6 km long 7.9% here and this first 4 kilm or even more that is the real real hard part of this climb we go up into double digits this is going to be favoring the likes of Lou mes David goodu if he was on form here this would have been great for him but he’s just struggling a bit Ben hey as well this is unknown territory for the debutant of the tour France Anything Can Happen of the stage are we going to see anything happening on this climb from the Breakaway Riders are we going to get a stage win from them it would be great for any of these Riders as well and who’s going to get the stage win that remains to be seen tacha and yoris vingo led by uat MERS are coming towards this time as well remember they are 1 minute and 20 seconds down on this front group so it’s coming into the interesting part here so that Quick Step still have three Riders around Remco Veno I think one of them is janur one of them of course is mikanda but Pavo COV here is the second man on the wheel of Mark cair Mark cair doing a good job taking over from Nils pollet here can they get something here they are trying to get that man tacha further stage win of course his batting average is almost three stage wins taking two stage wins last year being the record holder of that um white jersey but kakos is gone kovski is gone Ben Healey upping the pace now Ben Healey upping the tempo here David gou is the only one who can stay on the irishman’s uh wheel here who thought that was the pairing that was going to be slipping up the road here but these two getting rid of L mes getting rid of atlet lenko before getting rid of uh all the other Riders here so now it’s it’s whittled down to just two Riders out in front o losano losing out here kovski losing out and now it’s a battle for the minor positions here if they’re going to be staying away now they know that they have to hurry up now 1 minute and 7 seconds is the margin these guys are carrying into the climb now anything can happen now anything can happen happen who’s going to take the stage win that remains to be seen David G either of these Riders would love a victory here but I don’t think that this is going to be happening because that Pelon is very very close here we’ve got plenty of cannons still to fire off Adam Yates hasn’t been fired off yet and now it’s Pavo COV Pavo COV the former top 10 finisher of the jayre he’s coming up to the front here Mark cair he’s just dropping out the back here so Mark cair finishing his turn really riding inside uh riding outside well riding as far into his his reserves as he could here and now it’s his uh French counterpart who’s doing the effort at the front and that is Pavo COV of course he used to be Russian but now he is a French writer and uh yeah anything can happen here pav COV is doing the best now this was what he was brought in for uh from inos graders of all people they let this man go let Mar go Adam Yates was let go by inos granders and UAE said Thank you guys we’ll just sweep up this Talent uh Ben Healey here he’s just trying to initiate a more inject a bit more Pace here in front here and anything can happen here great to have almost 2,500 people in the chat let us know where you’re watching from as well now we’re seeing Ben Healey distancing David godo here so if we’re going to get a stage win from the Breakaway it’s G to come down to EF education easy post here well really well done here from Ben Healey Ben Healey come on Ali Ali Ali he yeah is he going to be taking the stage win we have to wait and see EF education easy post doing their best here to throw while Ben hey into a winning position here he was up there in the break a few stages ago but was brought back by the force of tach and yonis vingo here Egan beral is out the back here so any Colombians will not like the two well the two time J GR toour winner winner in 2019 of course that incredible comeback as well from Egan beral um believe he is from the Batar region um about 1 minute and TW 13 seconds here so Pavo COV is putting a hurt on here a real Pace here David godo has been distanced by Ben Healey 6 seconds between the two of them mikanda we can see him up towards the front he’s sitting pretty in inside the top 10 here as well looking to do a good role for Remco Veno when he needs to but right now this is a very very dramatic scenes here Ben Healey he is trying to do his best to get a stage win for his team in his first ever toour the France the Irishman who used to ride for the zappis racing team he used to be not onf education easy post he’s has such a talent he showed himself in the the odns classics as well earlier last year and right now it’s coming down to the wire if he’s going to be able to take the stage win oano he’s trying to do his best here to if this is going to stay away he can just salvage some points here in that polka out jersey so yeah we’re very very close here to the Finish Line 8.8 km to go here 8.8 km to go here what is going to happen in the stage here anything’s can still happen here but Ben Healey he’s reaching out for Glory here is he going to be able to win in here on stage 14 of this year’s Tour of France it’s looking very close here very close 13 seconds to O loano who has joined David godo it seems 1 minute and 12 seconds 1 minute and 11 seconds so he still has a bit of a gap here to the Pelon needs to do everything in his in his um yeah absolutely ride himself into this how much has he got left in the tank here we’re very close to th000 subscribers as well on the second day in action Channel 28 of you that’s we’re missing we’re 2,500 people we only need 28 subscribers so smash that link in the chat if you hav not already but right now it is Pavo COV he’s really looking his hurting here he’s riding inside The Hurt Locker as well Remco V is looking very good Adam Yates is looking very good as well Adam Yates what can he do G matan’s out the back here the cof of this Rider he’s going out the back here not had a great Tor of France by his standards former top 10 finisher of the tour but right now he’s struggling equally is Chris Harper he’s struggling Pavo COV just trying to grind down this yellow Jersey group they got one minute and 9 seconds 1 minute and 9 seconds so not making too much inroads into Ben hey but they’ve still got Jah Elida sitting fourth they’ve still got Adam yat who was used as a tactical porn yesterday and right now he might be used to bring back this Gap as well Lander is he going to be used here Mato Jorgenson is looking very good here as well the new boy at this molisa bike brought in from um mistar here he’s looking very good Yan hurt as well is he going to make it hurt on the other Riders oh that was such a bad joke but right now 8.3 km to go remember the first 8 kilm are really hard here the first8 kilometers are really hard so uh yeah almeida’s now coming up to do a turn now Almeida he’s the man who’s putting on the hurt now so Portuguese friend of the channel here he is of course putting on the H he’s been on the channel a couple of times now already super nice guy but right now it’s Ireland versus Portugal Ireland versus Portugal who’s going to come out stronger here David godo and ool loano in that second group 30 seconds down they’re just losing time here but Ben Healey has playing a Blinder that is absolutely a stroke of Genius by the Irishman can he finish it off here David godo just feeling the pressure here this is absolutely remarkable writing that we go do an OAS cono just put to the sword by Ben Healey here but Joel maer trying to extend the well trying to put the other GC teams Under Pressure here this is the man sitting in fourth place the man in fourth place is trying to get rid of the climing mes of Remco Veno and yoris vingle in Services of T Pacha the yellow Jersey wearer are they worried about Maro joranson are they worried about mikanda and that is who they’re trying to get rid of we still got Derek G up here we’ve got Felix gal as well mik kovski is being bought brought back here as well is he just going to give a turn to his teammate Carlos Rodriguez here but the yellow Jersey group is coming up to say hi to mik kovski here so kovski is looking for Carlos Rodriguez I think Rodriguez is by himself after Bernal was dropped here so can the pole potentially just give a turn or something to Carlos Rodriguez here he did of course set up and potentially he will be able to do something here but monster turn here by Almeida 1 minute and 2 seconds still 7.8 km still to go here so Ben Healey is doing one heck of a turn here absolutely formidable writing if he’s not going to get the stage win he’s certainly going to get the combativity award what a beast of a ride oh oh damage has been put on the this Melisa bike Team here oh this is a big loss here will Co kelderman out the back the former podium finisher of the Jalia former top five finisher of the Toral France and one of the guys that jonis vingo was going to lean on after sep cous didn’t start the race he’s at the back here so Almeida has put some hurt into this Melisa bike Team here as well and uh yeah Ben Healey at the front one minute is his Advantage now one minute oh this is looking very good here for Ben Healey 7.4 km come on Irishman you can do it he just needs to get into the last 3.4 km or 3.6 km that’s when it gets a bit easier Lou MKE is here in the second group with David godo these two absolute Hurt Locker here right now David godo is feeling the burn oh Almeida almea is looking very poised he’s got this poker face when he’s riding on the climbs ois CaRu looks behind he’s seeing the rembling of the yellow Jersey group coming up here we still got chor in there we still got uh EF guy in there who was that we’ve got taga talking to Adam yat here we’ve got Felix G here we’ got number 64 as well Santiago Bago riding very well for bin victorus we can see mov oh Adam Yates has just attacked we wondered if this move was going to happen we saw Adam Yates being used as a pawn uh yesterday and he’s being used as a porn once again the number seven in the GC has just attacked away this is a brilliant move by uat memores I salute you uat memorit this is what we want to see Adam Yates has just attacked the yellow Jersey group and could be on for a stage win here wow wow wow wow wow wow this is remarkable stuff by uat members Adam Yates has attacked Adam Yates has attacked let’s just make that sink in Adam Yates has ATT attacked of this yly jersey group that is a great move Al made was pacing Here and Now UAE can say we’re just going to sit up here he’s 7 minutes down on GC we’re not going to chase back our man here the man who finished third in the GC last year uh is just going to be catching Louie mes unfortunately so any St African friends including myself as well I’m not South African but definitely a fan of Lou Mankey it looks like it’s not going to be the South African stage win that we were pondering over it at the beginning of the race and a great move there by uat moments I love seeing this you really rocking it up it’s not just the inos granders sky riding 400 watts for 2 hours they are really trying to throw this in and this puts the onus on this Malisa bike Mato jensson just coming to the front here just pacing the move and it’s going to be bringing Adam Yates into contention here I would try and make some of the lower top 10 guys do the work here um but this is kind of playing ah no not really it’s not good news for it’s not good news for Ben Healey at the front here Ben Healey will hear this maybe on the radio that Adam Yates is attacking not the guy you want to hear coming up the road he’s a bit fresher than you as well um and we are 24 subscribers away from hitting a th on that uh cycling Dane action Channel and if you want to hear me shut up about that uh that is the big best way to shut me up is get us to a th000 and I promise you you will never hear me mention that channel on this channel on the streams but 65 or 6.5 km still to go here Adam y sits around 10 seconds ahead of the pelaton right now so 10 seconds that’s not that much so he’s not doing the big damage I think this is a good move here that you’re just keeping him at an arms length don’t bring him back into the game I would say because then he becomes an engine for uh UA MERS just keeping up there just let him burn in the sunshine as you would say let him burn 6.3 km to go uh Matel jensson is the man just about bringing Lou minky back here so Lou minkes is very close at being brought back here Adam Yates the Brit the man who has a twin as well Simon Yates who’s also in this race the two of them have this incredible record of both winning they’re both winning the white jersey so uh bobm Mo as as well I’m going to have to start and pester my mom my parents my siblings if I had some unfortunately I’m my only child so I can’t Prest to my uh my siblings to hit the Subscribe button but uh yeah right now Adam yat he’s still 12 seconds I think that’s that’s fine like if you keeping keep him at an arms length don’t bring him back into play here don’t bring him back into play because then he is a weapon for T Pacha just keep him where he is but maybe he’s going to be used as a pawn for tacha who could be attacking up the road here as well so uh yeah 6 km still to go here of the climb 6 kilm to go that is all that remains 6 kilm are we going to see him uh catch Ben Healey Ben Healey’s got 50 seconds on the yellow Jersey he’s got 33 seconds to Adam Yates who’s the second right on on the road now second Rider on the road here so anything can happen still we’re almost 3,000 people in the chat great to have so many people here around the world let us know who you think’s going to win is Adam Yates going to be winning the stage that could happen here uh who will win the stage who will win the stage who will win the stage now we’ve got four possible outcomes here Yates Healey vingo Pacha but Healey still got a 40 second 40 seconds Gap here to the yellow Jersey group 27 second Gap to uh uh the man who won the first stage of last year’s toural France and wore the yellow Jersey Adam yat the best signing of last year’s season Adam Yates is absolutely throwing his all into this 5.7 km still to go remember look at the profile it does get easier it does get easier but this was the hardest part adam8 looks so cool so cool and climbing Style just absolutely incredible here for him and Adam y’s doing his best to bring back real back um his fellow not Brit because they aren’t well Irish men aren’t British but he was raised in Britain uh Ben Healey in Birmingham so uh yeah these two it’s it’s getting very interesting now 20 seconds now B Adam Yates his his climbing style is so smooth here so smooth he’s just upping the tempo here a bit as well 22 seconds now he’s still got a 45 second Gap here to the yellow Jersey group but no one really attacking here Yus should probably be on the wheel of tach if I was him but great to have 3,000 people or over 3,000 people as well 5.3 km still to go here 5.3 km to go we’re only 20 likes away from hitting a th000 on the action Channel if you want to hear me shut up about that quickest way to do that is getting your mom your n your your grandma I said that already brother best friend to smash the Subscribe button and that is completely free not a lot of things are free in life but this is RIT is on that channel bam kamay in person as well 5.2 km to go here 5.2 KMS to go here 14 seconds Remco is looking very cool C collect so is Lander can they do something here can rcoo attack the yellow Jersey and the man who’s sing third place the two-time defending champion of Yus wio here Ben heal is coming inside the last 5 kilm 5 kilomet of the CL time that’s all that remains here oh my goodness smash that like button as well let’s try and get to 1,000 likes here on the channel uh on the stream but yeah great to have so many people in the chat so many people around the world and who do you think is going to wait 39% of you think it’s going to be Adam Yates who’s sitting 12 seconds now behind Ben Healey 11 seconds 4.8 colums still to go here oh this is getting interesting are we going to see anyone take the stage win that isn’t UAE that isn’t yonis Wingo is it going to be a stage victory for Ben Healey anything can happen it’s full beans ahead now for Ben Healey Anything Can Happen thank you as well Jeff Jansen as well and 4.7 kilm still to go here 7 Seconds 7 Seconds between Ben Hil and Adam Yates that is absolutely torturous for Ben Healey Ben Healey this is sad times for him but it could be one for oh tacha attacks tacha attacks here who can respond for tacha yones vingo trying to ride inside himself Rodriguez responds as well Remco VI responds as well taga has just opened after buron as he knows he has a teammate up the road and this could be absolutely tactical dominance here but Yas mingal cannot uh yeah he cannot respond to this move so TI of gatcha is getting at distance distancing rco Veno and jonis vingo who will have to form Alliance if they’re going to bring back he’s got a better kick of these three and he’s just made use of it he’s got about 30 seconds now 30 seconds of a gap here oh tacha he’s going to try and take the stage himself we were thinking adam8 is he going to be winning the stage but no it is tacha joining up Adam yat oh oh my goodness brilliance by UAE brilliance by UAE here they make use of that teammate and Ben Healey has just been distanced and as well and now Adam Yates is Just catapulting Tab gacha up the road and this is alarm Bells alarm Bells textbook stuff by UAE well played We Salute You UAE that was a brilliant little tactic we’ve seen it used in the past by team Sky by moar sometimes it doesn’t work out but right now that was a stroke of Genius here by them absolutely Shao guys and now Ben hey is being ped by vingo and rco Veno rco Veno looks around to see can we get a bit of help B Landa but yeah this was remarkable stuff grinding down the VIS Malisa bike uh domestics grinding down the sodal quickstep domestics as well and just bringing out the leaders the heads of state of every team that is remarkable in the hardest part of the climb Shao UAE that was brilliant but 4 km still to go here you can see the profile on your your on the graphic here and that is remarkable stuff here that was brilliant writing by them 11 SEC 11% here Adam Yates just bows out but yeah what a effort there the man is really earning his paycheck here in the last two stages being used as a pawn in the last one and here being used as a porn again the third place finish of last year tactical Master stroke there by Adam Yates and he just sits on the wheel Remco v and y Wingo here as well just to add that bit of insult as well they’ve got about an 8C Gap here 8sec gap for tyam gater and uh yeah t got 3.8 km to go it’s the easier part of the climb here as well and who’s going to take the stage win if you haven’t already make sure to subscribe to the channel here on the cycling Dane and of course everyone who has thank you of course but uh tyacha it looks like rcoo is losing touch here to vingo and Adam Yates is losing touch as well and we’re so close to the Finish now 3.6 km to go this is what we want to see as cycling fans the three biggest names in the sports are the three big well the three names on the road right now so are we going to see a stage Victory from TY Pacho or can yores just bring him back like he did on the stage 11 here these two very close as we know the biggest rivalry in the sport right now I’m sorry wal vard I’m sorry Mao but these two are the biggest rivalry we have in the sport tacha opens it up to 13 seconds here to Remco vapol so it looks like tagashi is just going to increase his lead ever so slightly here he’s got about a one minute Gap here a one minute Gap but where is yonis bingo he’s sitting 10 seconds down here 10 seconds down Yus F goal so anything can still happen here 11 seconds down here oh the Gap is opening up to jonus we all seeing that the pendulant was swinging towards jonis vingle but it looks like tyat has just had an incredible recovery day taking it easy here but can yonis vingo bring back the two time other toal France champion of him but yeah where does Carlos Rodriguez said he wants to try and get up to fourth place now that’s looking very likely as well this is getting very interesting guys yis V 9 seconds now 9 seconds but rco Veno is 15 seconds down on Ty Pacha it’s not over until the fat lady sings as they say I don’t know who the fat lady is but it’s not over yet she surely hav sung right now yonas vingo is coming through the Roaring fans right now and tach is trying to do his best to just eek out any bit of difference he can anyone can still win the stage it’s not over it’s not a side is MC Gap like we saw in the in this year’s jedia but T of Gater just trying to keep him out of Harm’s Way here T of Gat at the yellow Jersey really trying to keep yones as far away as he can but yeah we thought tacha lost it we thought he was too tired but he’s just proving his critics wrong once again here this is absolutely scintillating stuff here 16 seconds here his team did incredible work here and yeah many of you as well saying where iscool telling tach or yingo to get some balls and where are those balls right now from the Belgian but let’s just remind ourselves Remco Veno this is his first ever Tau of France white jersey but he’s still sitting 8 seconds away from yonas vingo but vingo is losing distance vingo is losing distance this is oh this is going to be interesting now y SP go is moving up in the virtual classification here 2.2 km still to go he’s missing a sep cus figure here 2.1 km to go TB Gat is increasing his margins now and there are of course also bonus seconds coming up bonus seconds are in play so there is no Breakaway up in front courtesy of U mer riding so hard here tacha looking around this is the easier part 19 seconds 10 6 and four I believe that is our bonus seconds at the front here so what is going to happen on the stage here yoris vingle trying to do his best here are we going to see a stage Victory from either of them yes we are but who is it going to be yis Ming got tacha tacha looks like he’s going to be winning his second stage win a fan trying to get a selfie on the side of the road but this isn’t the time mure this is the yellow Jersey being decided on the road 1.7 kilm here 1.7 km and now taga rcoo he’s sitting about 300 M down on Carlos Rodriguez looks like he might just reel in rcoo and these two are both classied for that white jersey and Carlos Rodriguez Danos grandez man riding very well here oh guys this is a classic this is an absolutely incredible one and remember we are of course going to do the stage tomorrow as well so subscribe hit the like button and of course 1.5 km to go here D Pacha Pacha the man that many people are hoping is going to win the Tour because then he will rewrite history once again being the first man in this Century to win the Jalia and the Tour of France in the same year 1.4 km 23 seconds the man has just done an absolutely ride and a half with his team this is incredible he’s increasing him margin two Yus fingle 25 seconds 25 seconds now oh this is getting increasingly bigger of a gap and Yus fingle and this Malisa bike it’s back to the drawing board here because being going is getting duped here that was a tactic and a half by U mermaid’s brilliant bit of tactic uh and now we’re inside the last kilometer it’s a bit easier here but tacha looks like he is going to be a stage winner of today but now it’s more about is this going to be one uh well how much is he going to be taking out now you want F go trying to do his best now 890 m is what’s left of the stage 25 seconds here 25 seconds is the gap here 800 M until tacha adds another stage to his impressive palz this man might not be able to qualify for the white jersey but he’s already won four of them that is a record in itself he’s only 25 years old he Heralds from Slovenia at very small cycling Nation a very small nation but he’s put Slovenia on the map this is going to be his 13th stage of this year’s or of his Tour of France career the man’s won the poka Jersey twice he’s won the white jersey on four occasions and this yellow Jersey that he’s holding right now twice he won the jro for the first time of his participating at that year’s race ever in his career six-stage wins along the way as well a mountains Jersey just to add to that and he’s inside the the last 500 M of his 13th stage race we said they had the incredible team and they’ve really really shown themselves as that Avengers team here today Neils poet riding out of his skin Marx aair riding out of his skin almea riding out of his skin and then Al Adam Y is being used as a tactical porn Here tach is inside the last 300 M here this lead is going to be huge in side the last 200 M he’s coming into his 13th stage with Victory here one day before the bastilla day M stage and T of gcha the yellow Jersey the man who’s put Slovenia on the map the man who really rejuvenated the uat memores team has just managed to get another stage Victory here to add to his palarz 13 stage victories and he just Roars a sire relief there the clock has started yis V guys inside the last 300 M here 10 seconds gone by 13 seconds gone by 15 seconds gone by 17 seconds gone by 20 seconds gone by of course we’ll get the recap rate well we’ll get the top 10 standings we’ll get you the uh the GC the top 10 of the yeah the race as well but yonis vingo coming in he’s going to stop the Gap at 39 seconds here 1 9 seconds that is a big big gap that to lose in the GC battle here big big gap here that is a momentous Gap here great to have almost 4,000 people in the chat that’s a new channel record here in terms of the channel streams of course we had 5,000 people for the hour record of the damn B big one rco V the white jersey here yeah good ride by him you can’t say he’s not done a good ride here he’s he’s a debutant of the Tour of France he’s wearing the white jersey and he’s pole position to be a Belgian on the podium position here and he stopped the clock of around 1 minute and 10 seconds uh Rodriguez coming here he’s going to be on yeah very close to Ram as well we’re getting Santiago Bago Chone AR apologies for that uh Felix G as well coming up here as well uh mat jensson Derek G very strong ride by him I think Mark salair uh was that Simon Yates not quite sure we’ll get you the top 15 let’s say um and yeah great to have so many people around the world I’ll got you the top 10 as well we’ll talk about about what happened in that stage cuz that was a absolutely stroke of Genius there by uh by them we’ll get you the exact point where they attacked as well but we’ll get through all the classifications for us cuz there’s been a number of things to talk about there but I also think that means that we have oh we’re over a th000 likes thank you thank you every single one of you of course this is a community effort and uh yeah what an effort there by UA M tatcha thanking every single one of his teammates kater pass is the next R to come over the line the man who has of course finished third in the Tour of France before former jro Tire winner former Podium finisher at the Welter espania but just not the same cater pass that we’re used to um Ronda as well asking how are we’re doing for for the top well getting over a common goal of the cycling Dane action Channel we’ll check in with that as well but let’s just get ourselves the top 10 as well for the stage today he adds Ty gatcha the war of the yellow Jersey bidding to get his third tour of France title um yeah what a victory that was for him absolute monster 13th stage win that was an incredible stage win from him you have to say a real Collective effort between Pascal well not Pascal I he’s not on his team used to be but not anymore but uh yeah a good good effort by the team we saw Neils pollet riding out of his skin we saw Tim willins up there as well we saw uh the likes of um uh well we’ll get you a top 11 top 11 cuz we haven’t got any more Riders um confirmations there so we’ll get you the top 11 there and yeah what an incredible stage that was and yeah what were we talking talking about the UAE uh the UAE I’m just stalling for time until we can get the top 10 on the board uh so yeah the top 10 coming up but yeah UAE absolutely Master shoke there from all the Riders but yeah top 10 as it stands in terms of the stage of the 14 stage of the toural France this year what a victory that was from tyat as we saw it already 13th stage for the yellow Jersey warer uh yeah wow wow wow just incredible stuff there by him and then we had uh 9 seconds down is yanes vingo the two-time defending Champion as we know wearing the number one the pride of is meis B couldn’t quite do anything to uh get rid of his arrival or get closer to his rival then Remco Veno came uh 4 seconds down a bit further down I think the the timing is a bit wrong there Pro second stats they’re working very hard to keep the stats up there um but then we had Carlos Rodriguez finishing one minute 19 seconds down a very good ride from him let’s just think that inos GRE is this is that pride and joy and uh almea uh what is he saying at the finish here let’s just hear from the broadcasters yeah time to Ving a guard who executed a plan perfectly so yeah I think congrats to the whole team we did a perfect teamwork and yeah we did uh we accomplished the goal so let’s go for it was it the plan that Adam has to to yeah perfect goal perfect teamart and uh yeah Al made we’ve talked about we talked with him on the cycling day in extra channel the podcast uh where we interviewed him about exactly that and he was saying it was all in for the tacha goal that was it that is nobody’s caring about GC Ambitions but yeah absolutely remarkable there by uh by them we were saying that Neils PA did a incredible turn mark um pav COV then throwing it into Almeida Almeida doing incredible Pace at the front that broke down many of the other man Jersey teams and then we had uh of course we also had Adam Yates doing that attack well we’ll we’ll talk about that a bit later uh let’s just get through the top 10 of the stage and then we’ll go to the GC as well and then we’ll talk about some of the key moments of the stage as well um yeah where were we Carlos Rodriguez we know they have such a Rich history inos granders team sky with the sport with the race winning it with Chris F Garen Thomas pting him a number of times as well gar well Egan beral as well and uh we’re seeing here he’s doing a good job there under 25 year old uh in the 23 I think as well but chor as well battling to fifth place remember there their team that’s really had to ReDiscover themselves after losing mes pillis and of course Chone was the goal he won the pokera Jersey last year and he’s a very solid ride we’ll see how that puts him inside the top 10 as well of course losing rogich losing a yuzo as well then we got Santiago Bago the best of the Colombians this year at the tour former 12th Place finisher I’ve think in the Jalia this first year I think in this year’s toural France or in the tour France then we got Adam Yates the man who is once again used as porn he finds himself in seventh place then fix gal big project for ag2 of course uh had him last year he won the C stage he won the HRI de Grange prize as well on the Coss and then M jurgenson the best of the rest the best American on the day um best North American as well beating Derek G they sit 1 minute and 29 seconds down landz well crucially finishing in 11th place but what does that do to GC let’s just hope Pro cycling stats have made the calculations here we have a top 14 so we have a top 14 to play with so this is quite eye opening number 14 is sitting 50 minutes down already number 14 in the general classification is 50 minutes down and that is Richard gapas the Olympic champion former third place finisher as we said 50 minutes down we’re only on stage 14 we still have big mountains to come as well but uh yeah I’m just stalling for time again to try and get us the GC rotations here let’s just get that top 14 here so Ty Pacha extends his lead to 1 minute and 57 seconds we have a new second place finisher of jores bingo jores bingo is our new second place finisher in this year’s Tour of France and uh yeah that’s going to be a very good result from yonis vingo here Remco Veno drops down one place here as we said losing a bit of time on yis vingo there 2 minutes and 22 seconds and rcoo he has quite a margin down TOA who’s the best fourth place finisher here so uh yeah Remco Veno is our best is the best fourth place finisher Remco Veno is setting a third place and he’s got a best distance to his former teammate of Jo Al MAA who six six minutes and 1 second down on the yellow Jersey where he still got a lead of eight seconds despite losing time on Carlos Rodriguez of course RIT was our fourth third place finish oh actually fourth place H at the beginning of yesterday’s stage but as we know he crashed out which was a big uh shame to the race uh mik Landa here as well he’s in sixth place Rodriguez he’s going to be quite happy with where he’s sitting he was fifth place last year and he’s sitting in fifth place right he’s got a bit of a buffer to his countryman M alander here of course M Alanda is he going to be riding in the services of rco venol we haven’t quite seen him sacrificing his GC yet but that could still happen on some of the other stages when ROM potentially gets into some bother adam8 like we said used brilliantly today as a porn and really did just show himself at the front once again uh thank you to every single one of you who has subscribe to the channel and the kind donations as well and uh I’ll just as I promised you let’s just get that moment where we saw the Breakaway of course I can’t not mention the lower top 10 as well cuz they’re there on the screen Jor and eth place he’s going to love this Chon he wants to get inside the top 10 sitting in 9 minutes and 9 seconds could he potentially get a bit higher if Adam Yates is used a bit more as a weapon Derek G as well great position he’s riding so well the Canadian plenty of K agans in the chat ronda’s going to be very happy about that and uh yeah we also have Mato Jorgenson sitting inside top 10 he was of course top 10 last year was he of course wiing par this year um Felix gal he sits just outside top 10 of course the big project is to get him inside top 10 if they can 10 minutes and 54 seconds it’s not out of the question to be honest and if Matel jensson is really having to put his own GC to the sword that can still happen that top 10 looks like it could be on the cards for a to um finishing inside ton last year but yeah great great effort there by um by them but let who else have we got we’ve got Simon Yates sitting in 13th Place of course I was very critical of him being not sent up in the break he’s of course fourth place last year but 24 minutes down like that is a big ask to get inside the top 10 I don’t think we’re going to see him Santiago Bago another Rider sitting on the fringes of top 10 he loves sitting on 12th Place the Colombian he has been 12th Place so many times before in the jro so uh yeah maybe he’s going to finish inside that Santiago uh Bago place there but uh yeah thank you to every single one of you who have subscribed to the donations as well we’ll get you that moment as well that that stroke of Genius uh where we had we had Almeida grinding down the the other GC teams after we had Pavo COV we had Ben Healey up the road there but that Ben Adam Yates move was absolutely incredible I’m so happy that they did that that was a great uh attack there but if we see the move uh we’ll just get the move here uh on our screens the the initial frame of when that happened but Lou mes was caught almost instantly when Adam Yates just attacked up the road uat mermit did such a good job to position themselves in that Gap made sure that the Breakaway throughout the day didn’t get too much of a of a gap there and then they when it was time they just United their their Mountain strong team they losing atuan yuzo certainly hasn’t uh put them into uh that bother that maybe someone were thinking that they could be a bit weakened losing Juana USA but it’s absolutely not the case they’ve showed the depth of their squad the depth of their climbing Squad and I’m just waiting to see to get get that slowmo shot of the of the Gap here but yeah tar Gat is saying this was Instinct I don’t really believe that if I’m honest I think this was definitely planned I think this move was planned from the team meeting I think they just knew that they could upset the apple cart here um yeah let’s just get you that frame this just shows you it was a master stroke and of course tacha doing the counter move that was the next part of the master stroke as well having tach do the attack later on let’s get you both frames if I can um yeah we had uh they know that Vis Malisa bik are probably not as strong as they would have wanted to if they had uh fully fit yonis vingo if they had a fully fit uh well if they had yeah fully fit um a fully fit uh sep cus then that would have changed a lot but yeah let’s just get you that that frame so you can see it there that was the moment that uh Adam Yates became suddenly the plan the it the moment you can see Almeida he was finishing his turn there at the front you’ve got sudal they had two Riders alongside Remco Veno so this put them in a spot of bother as well tatcha sitting on the wheel of yonis Bingle so hiding away there but Adam Yates just m making sure that he was up towards the front there that was stroke of Genius to be honest and we’ll just get the frame as well to see when tacha did his attack that was with how long was that uh we had Mato Jorgenson working at the front of course doing his best to try and limit the losses but he he wasn’t really a danger man um um yeah um he wasn’t really the danger man uh Adam Yates there so I was a bit perplexed why they didn’t just let him go cuz they didn’t really think that this was going to be the scenario where they had uh tacha attack and bridge the gap and that bridging of the Gap was absolutely yeah that made that really did make the race and maybe tat or wouldn’t have won the stage that was a absolutely incredible race old school racing here we’ve seen Sky do this tactic in the past we’ve seen marvar do this tactic in the past and you can just see the different frames there that uh yeah almea finishes his turn and then TB gacha just absolutely increases his lead by that attack an incredible turn of pace to just put them under pressure here yeah this is the they said the momentum shifted I saw Lance Armstrong saying that but uh I was a bit hesitant I didn’t think you could write out TI of gatcha just yet and he’s proven that as well his 13th stage victory in his young career not even 26 years old we’ve also got the Mantis Jersey we haven’t really talked about that as well plenty of you waiting for the green jersey as well so yeah yoris vingo just couldn’t closed the gap before tab gacha made his way up up to Adam Yates really stringing the the the gaps here and that was an incredible move there by tacha to see what he was going to do can yonis vingo make up that Gap that uh in the tomorrow stage the stages are KS coming thick and fast we’re coming into that final week as well so all we going to see ryers changing positions in that top GC uh but yeah uh it’s certainly is incredible to see so many riders on their limit doing their best here and tagat and U members can be very chuffed with that that was Picture Perfect here and uh yeah we’re only missing 17 subscribers as well on the cycling Dane action channel so if you haven’t already uh make sure to subscribe to that channel let’s try and get to that thousand uh I’ll try and get my friends after the stage as well but let’s get the maners Jersey as well cuz that’s changed a bit as well unfortunately it is going to be T Gater wearing that Jersey well not outright but he is going to be wearing that jersey in the competition and jonis vingo is going to be wearing the Poo Jersey on his behalf tomorrow so a former winner of that Jersey is going to be carrying that on his shoulders tomorrow and uh yeah um incredible to see it will be incredible to see the the Poo Jersey fighting it out with the yellow Jersey like how often do we see that happening not that often Cu uh when tacha he’s normally been wiring the white jersey but anyways the Poo Jersey here you can see that 56 points here has gone to tatcha now so 56 points abrahamson thir falls into third place and aingle has 43 points here so he’s 13 second 13 points behind Los caral moved up nine places 27 points to his um yeah after winning the winning the T 5,000 Euro points but that didn’t really help uh in the end cuz tacha just took a massive chunk out of the lead but there are of course points off for grabs as well on tomorrow stage we have got this Stage Preview coming up after this stream as well on the cycling Dane extra Channel but yeah um that visible change there in that competition and firmly is on the shoulders of TB gatcha is he going to do another yellow Jersey POA Jersey double of course when he did it it was a treble so uh I yeah we might see that yet again uh we’ll get you the green jersey as well that’s changed slightly with that into Sprint that we saw earli in the day uh but yeah Richard kopas we didn’t talk about that in the top 10 he’s sitting in four 15 50 seconds down on taracha 50 seconds down uh Rich kopas of course had been in the yellow Jersey and now he finds himself 50 seconds down in that yellow Jersey but let’s get your green jersey as well so many changes in these jerseys uh the white jersey hasn’t changed that much because uh Remco Veno he still finds himself in that Jersey so uh but here’s the green jersey bam gay 353 points he takes well gains one point on um yeah on yasper philipsson so yasper philipson that tactical move that he was trying to do just didn’t work unfortunately and Brian Kar moves into second place courtesy of winning the intermediate Sprint 1 minute 147 points to him of course they get € 1,500 as well added to the cof’s bank balance um and Anor D taking the second points there so uh but what we have to focus on before we go away is that GC look at that top 10 or top 14 look at the top 14 um yeah this is getting interesting what’s happening oh my goodness T of gacha almost got some crisps in his face that was a stupid moment to say the least um yeah that was a stupid moment there um someone just got in the face of Ty gacha and yonis Bingle that is not great one of the fans on the slopes here got in the face of T gach you green go you hate to see that you hate to see that but uh yeah what we talking about as well tacha he’s got a lead of yeah one minute and and yeah tacha has an incredible lead as we said um of one minute almost 2 minutes now he’s increased his buffer Remco Veno losing that second place virtually on the road but he’s he’s increased his Gap to his white jersey viales remember he’s still a debutant Jo MAA can we potentially get three uh uat memor riders in that top 10 that would be quite a feat as well I think that um that what are we saying that uh Team classifications looking almost sewn up here by uat m here anything can happen anything can happen on the stage sis come still come we got Stage 15 on bastia day to come we got the Stage Preview coming up shortly as well but focusing on that lower half there’s many of these Riders who want to get inside the top 10 and look how fragile it is from I would say arguably mikanda all the way down to Santiago Bago there’s only 4 minutes or 5 minutes that can swing on any stage anyone can lose five stages in these low ends of the top 10 so yeah it’s certainly an exciting toural France they’ve really produced a number here for us and we’re going to watch this all the way to the finish here on the cycling Dane on the cycling Dane extra and if we do have 17 of you head over to the cycling Dan action channel of course we have got REM well we haven’t got Remo on that channel but we have got uh not y v yet but we have got Primus RL on there bam gay and several other writers as well Tob uh tobas L as well I tried to add Sprint a world tour Sprinter on the channel so I think that’s a great uh advert for the channel as well we only need 17 of you 17 of you that’s all so if you haven’t already make sure to subscribe to that channel subscribe to the channel here and of course we are going to do the chat here tomorrow as well as well so be sure to join me tomorrow as well we’ll do it all again tomorrow see what happens on btia day it’s certainly a great race I’m very excited I hope you’re excited as well and I’ll head over and get the Stage Preview of the channel on the second day extra channel for tomorrow stage so with that thank you very much for every single one of you for subscribing it’s been a pleasure and every single one of you who donated I’m truly humbled as I said and anyone who has hit the like button and subscribe to cycling day in action Channel and maybe by the time we finish tomorrow it will be on 1,000 subscribers but for now thank you for watching have a good day


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