Les spécialités culinaires régionales en France sont très nombreuses, et en cette période de Tour de France, profitons-en pour faire un petit Tour de France des spécialités régionales. Lyon, Dijon, Orléans, Pau, Gruissan, Nice… Partout où passe le tour de France, il y a de quoi se régaler. Et à la fin, on vous prépare un menu spécial régions ! Bon c’est vrai, le cassoulet en été, c’est pas le mieux mais on ne pouvait pas passer à côté. Quenelles, Rosette de Lyon, Moutarde de Dijon, escargots de Bourgogne, tarte tatin, cassoulet, salade niçoise, bouillabaisse… On va se régaler.

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    Pour vous aider à naviguer dans la vidéo :
    0:00 Tour De France des spécialités régionales
    0:10 Visitez le site dr.jeanmichelcohen.fr
    0:21 Aubergne – Rhône-Alpes (Rosette de Lyon et Quenelles)
    1:02 Bourgogne – Franche-Comté (escargots de bourgogne, boeuf bourguignon et moutarde de dijon)
    2:46 Cente – Val de Loire (vinaigre d’Orléans, tarte Tatin : oui la tarte Tatin vient de Lamotte-Beuvron, pas d’Orléans)
    3:57 Auvergne – Rhône-Alpes (Saint Nectaire, Cantal
    4:16 Nouvelle Aquitaine (cassoulet)
    5:22 Languedoc Roussillon (Gruissan : tarte aux pignons)
    6:06 Provence – Alpes-Côte D’Azur (Bouillabaisse, salade Niçoise)
    7:27 Mon menu Tour de France 2024 des spécialités régionales.

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    #cuisineregionale #cuisinefrançaise

    It’s not just cyclists who do the Tour de France. Nutritionists do too, you’re going to do it with me. Welcome to the the Jean-Michel Cohen channel, the channel where you don’t only about nutrition, and never about salad. salad. Masterclass personalized menu individualized dietetic follow-up, visit dr.jeanmichelcohen.fr. Okay, guys, where do we go after Italy? We arrive in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. This is the salaisons de Auvergne and then it’s quenelles in Lyon. Well, the rosette de Lyon, nice to eat from from time to time. Let me remind you: 380 calories, 24 g of protein, not bad, but 30 g fat, very salty with bad fatty acids. fatty acids. Interesting, however, for cyclists of the Tour de France because, as it’s salty, it will retain they won’t get dehydrated. The quenelles on the other hand, great product. Good, it’s really a French tradition, it’s flour, butter, milk, eggs in a bisque bisque, etc. Not that rich, 130 calories per 100 g. Not very rich in protein, but that’s okay but that’s okay, I mean, it’s just something to keep you pleasure. Anyway, it’s really typical of Lyon. I’m talking about Bourgogne-Franche-Comté. So, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, the snails de Bourgogne. So, Burgundy snails, what does it mean? It’s a bit like whelks, like mollusks. These are products that are relatively high in protein, up to up to 16 g of protein per 100 g, quite simply, they are generally leaded by garlic butter, marbled butter. Well, that’s the one we like, isn’t it? we eat the little piece of snail, well we love to sauce. But it’s still typical of our French diet, a product high-protein product. And after a kiff, it’s beef bourguignon. Why do I like these products? Because this meat, I mean, these ready-made meals, everyone says it’s rotten, it’s not good, they’re afraid because it’s too fatty, etc. It’s not true, the bœuf Bourguignon, okay, it’s a meat that’s often than lean meats, but it’s going to cook in its own juices. it’s going to cook in its own juices, it’s going to release a little fat. Wine is often added but during cooking, the wine evaporates, so there’s less calories inside, there’s no more ethanol. ethanol. Carrots are usually added, lardons; it’s a very tasty, typical dish. and potatoes. It’s the satiating dish par excellence and when you when you look at the caloric values, well you’re why don’t we do that? Roughly speaking, we’re around 120 calories, 120-130 calories per 100 g including sauce. So that means that when you take 300 g, is equivalent to 400-450 calories. It’s a very good and interesting product. Take a look at blends, there’s a bit of polyphenol thanks to the wine thanks to the wine, there’s the carrots, vitamin A, it’s there’s the meat that provides the protein, well that’s isn’t it? If I go to Dijon, well, I’ll buy a little mustard. These are mustard seeds crushed with a little vinegar, water and salt were added. In fact, the mustard, the seed, we never talk about it, but people love to eat flax seeds, chia seeds chia seeds and you wonder why. they wouldn’t eat mustard seeds. That has pretty much the same advantage except it’s not easy to find. Direction guys, Centre-Val de Loire now. What do we find down there? Well, we’re going to find the famous vinegar d’Orléans vinegar. It’s best known for its quality, it’s rounder, less aggressive. Well, of course, it contains acetic acid, that’s the same thing. You’re fascinated by cider vinegar, really, guys, Orleans vinegar is even better quality. Don’t take a spoon! supposedly because it reduces insulin peaks. It’s not worth it. Just use put it in salads. And you know what you can find over there? There’s the pie Tatin. Do you know where Tarte Tatin comes from? It’s because there used to be an inn that was run by sisters, and one of the sisters forgot the apples in the pan with the butter, they started to cook, and to rectify her mistake, click-clack, what did she do? did? She let it cook with the butter and sugar and covered with a paste. We called it tarte Tatin because it was the Tatin sisters who ran this inn. It’s a fatty product no need to look for it. We count 10 g of fat per 100 g and rarely take 100 g. There are also around 37 g of carbohydrates, sugars per 100 g, unless you’ve flooded it with sugar when you prepared the apples. So it’s still a very rich product, so be careful. The maximum portion is 200 g. I’ll never forget that if I go to Aurillac, to buy some cheese. Well, the cheese typical cheese there, what’s left? Cantal or Saint-Nectaire. So, do they have have more advantages than the others? No, but they taste different and they have the same same advantages, so you’re good to go. You the Tour de France riders, it’s a bit salty, it’s very high in protein, it works. Come on, I’m going for a ride in the South-West. I I’m going to go to Nouvelle-Aquitaine and I’m going to eat what? Cassoulet, another fine product. Why do you condemn products like that? like cassoulet? They’re beans, so they’re cooked legumes in general. So, you have to be a bit careful, you can’t put just any sausage on it, any kind of meat. But if you put knuckle for example, in cassoulet, if you put sausages, if you’re moderate in your consumption, the fact of having a dish that has been simmered with legumes inside, it’s interesting. So, it’s a bit more caloric than what we have said earlier about the Boeuf Bourguignon, but on condition that it’s moderated by the next meal, or the quantity you take, it works very, very very well. If you have a portion of cassoulet, including sausage and meat, you need to take at most 300 g if you want to be careful. If you’re not careful, or if you don’t have food control problems, go ahead, 400 g and even 500 g if you want. And there you have have a product that’s relatively interesting. It’s with this type of meal that we with melon. First, there’s the melon de Charente and then melon. Don’t forget melon is rich in vitamin A, so as we’re in the middle of the Tour de France and the sun is shining, it’ll improve your tan. In the Languedoc-Roussillon region, there’s a tart called tarte aux pignons. It’s best found in a town a town called Roussillon. And there, well, we make you a pine nut tart, puff pastry, almond pastry cream, meringue, powdered sugar and pine nuts. Well, it’s not the dessert to lose weight, frankly, but it’s worth mentioning. This is an extremely product. From the moment you take puff pastry, which is a super buttered product you add almond purée, which is a very fatty product, and you add which are also oil seeds, considered oleaginous and fatty. Even if you put the meringue, it’s not enough, it’s a high-calorie product. It requires to have eaten a little cooked fish beforehand. without fat. After that, I’m getting into because I’m going to Provence and Alpes-Côte d’Azur. And there I found two very nice products: bouillabaisse. Bouillabaisse is a fish broth which contains all the nutrients of fish, with fish that have been cooked inside different different varieties. You know how I am attached to the variety of food that makes you you to have better health, because you have consumed all the foods, all the nutrients that are contained in every food. Plus, it’s a product that requires no fat. fat. Of course, the rouille is served on the side, but you’re free to eat it or not. or not. But above all, it’s a product extremely rich in vitamins, minerals and even even, thanks to fish, from time to time, in protein. For salad lovers, everyone wants to eat salads at this time of year. Salade niçoise is an example of good nutrition. Why is this so? Because plants, salad, are plants. Most of the time, we add hard-boiled eggs. You get the protein vitamin A and a little bit of protein. vitamin D thanks to the egg yolk. We add anchovies for a little omega-3, and we often add olives inside, which will, in fact the olive extract, i.e. olive oil, which will good fatty acids. Afterwards, everything depends on the seasoning and everything depends on the context in which you eat it. So, we say that, roughly speaking, a salade niçoise is 120 calories per 100 g. So there you have it a quiet salad bowl. If I had to compose the smartest menu for this Tour de France, I’d start with the salade niçoise I’ve just I’ve just told you about. If I’m a bit greedy, I’d go for the Burgundy snails, because they’d be there’d be protein. But then, I prefer salade niçoise. Next, I’m going to have quenelles. It’s good, it’s tasty. Or, really, if I’d had the escargot, I’ll have the bouillabaisse, to balance it out. not greasy greasy. And then, to finish, there’ll be a little bit of cheese. Ah, of course, I the Cantal or the Saint-Nectaire with what I told you. For dessert, either a small melon des Charentes if I’ve gone off the rails a bit, or then I’ll go ahead and have the cake. Come on, the pine nut cake. Ah no, no, go on, the tarte Tatin. Here, if you liked this video, it was just for a bit of fun today. a bit of fun today, then let’s go round the dishes typical of France. But I’ll do it again another one where I’ll really put all the dishes to detail the nutritional nutritional benefits. You like, you share, you comment, you criticize, and I’ll see you soon, Zamis.


    1. 👉 Faites votre Analyse Minceur gratuite en répondant à ces quelques questions : https://y.fitclic.fr/testerlamethodeCohen

      Pour vous aider à naviguer dans la vidéo :

      0:00 Tour De France des spécialités régionales

      0:10 Visitez le site dr.jeanmichelcohen.fr

      0:21 Aubergne – Rhône-Alpes (Rosette de Lyon et Quenelles)

      1:02 Bourgogne – Franche-Comté (escargots de bourgogne, boeuf bourguignon et moutarde de dijon)

      2:46 Cente – Val de Loire (vinaigre d'Orléans, tarte Tatin : oui la tarte Tatin vient de Lamotte-Beuvron, pas d'Orléans)

      3:57 Auvergne – Rhône-Alpes (Saint Nectaire, Cantal

      4:16 Nouvelle Aquitaine (cassoulet)

      5:22 Languedoc Roussillon (Gruissan : tarte aux pignons)

      6:06 Provence – Alpes-Côte D'Azur (Bouillabaisse, salade Niçoise)

      7:27 Mon menu Tour de France 2024 des spécialités régionales.

    2. Bonsoir 🌅Docteur Cohen ainsi qu'à vous tous ‼️Présentation au diapason, vive nos belles Régions même si tant de spécialités extraordinaires pourraient être citées, suis de Franche-Comté mais adore goûter voire dévorer tout sauf le Cassoulet …Super menu proposé par vos soins…
      Vive les maladroites demoiselles Tatin dont on peut décliner leur tarte, l alléger un peu…
      Bon week-end ❣️🌞

    3. Bonsoir dr Cohen, merci de tous ces plats gourmands, mais que notre france 🇫🇷 est 👍👏 merveilleuse. Bon week-end , bon 14 juillet à vous dr, vos proches et toutes et tous c’est que ca me donne faim, de mes hauts de France , ya la tarte au maroilles pour l’automne 😊. Lapin aux pruneaux.. bouchées à la reine dit vole au vent . Ou son riz sauce béchamel etc. J’ai vraiment faim du coup . Comme quoi de votre chouette video , mon cerveau s’est mis en mode gourmandise 🤫😊 . Mais je tiendrais . 🖐 bonne soirée tous .

    4. Original comme Tour de France. Bonjour du Pays Basque et de notre Poulet basquaise. De la belle volaille, plein de légumes, poivrons, piments, bouillon et pommes de terre… et le plaisir de finir avec un fromage de brebis Ossau iraty longuement affiné. Bon appétit

    5. Bonjour. La France est Belle. Quel beau pays. Et la cuisine francaise, wow, la meilleure…de Lorie au Québec💙💙💙amitiés et Bonne Fete le 14 juillet 🇨🇦❤🇨🇵

    6. Genial cette vidéo , beau voyage, perso j adore me regaler des produits locaux lorsque je voyage, le voyage des papilles en plus de celui des pupilles…😃⛱️🥂💯…Merci !

    7. j'ai adoré !c'est intéressant et original en plus de nous servir pour le quotidien. le montage est dynamique c'est super ! vivement la prochaine

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