it pulled it back and over the last 20 kilometres or so it’s been locked in at two and a half minutes because today theoretically should be a great day for the spritzer today and so there is what the sprinters are all about and they’ve had to take a back seat for the last couple of days especially three very difficult days through the Pyrenees and what pretty beautiful days they were


    1. That's ridiculous. One of the most disturbing things I ever saw on t.v. was when a guy running a marathon took a shit in his hand while still running threw it to the side of the road and carried on. Scarred me for a long time.

    2. When you got to go you got to go, I've seen a number of times where two teammates were teamed up pushing along protected leader who had to make it nature break and keep the the pace moving the one Rider pushed on the leader's shoulder or back and then the other Rider came up and pushed on that riders back and together the three of them went until nature was done and then back to racing.

    3. Hey I just had a thought could this be the reason one of the reasons that women's races are so much shorter because you know some of these are 115 km what are we talking 60 some miles I'm pretty sure most of these girls can hold it for a couple hours but huh I hadn't thought of that because I don't know what what kind of outfits they have that would allow them to do their business, I would love some insight from any gals in the peloton

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