Khamzat Chimaev is being accused of crypto scamming his fans, Moicano vs Saint-Denis is main eventing Paris and Vakhitov calls out Pereira, this is my MMA news reaction, let me know what you guys think in the comments section down below.

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    today we’re going to be talking about the scam at chv situation where he has allegedly according to a lot of his fans scammed them of their money and we’re going to go through all of it in today’s video because there are some pretty legitimate claims with evidence to suggest that hamach chv did just pull off a rug pull for money in crypto on his fan base absolutely insane I’ll talk about that in this video we’re also going to be talking about the fact that her moano versus is benois St Den is the main event of UFC Fight Night Paris talking about that in a second and Pereira has his own Pereira this is the new narrative artam vov is now trying to be what Pereira was to Adisa to Perera so we’ll talk about that at the end of the video as well let’s start with the scam at chv situation which I think is the perfect way to describe this because hamach may have put up some kind of crypto thing on his Instagram or posted it on his social media pages and then people put money into that I’ll talk about those people in a second because I have some really strong opinions about them people put money into this and then all of a sudden rug pull the whole thing goes to nothing and a lot of people lose a lot of money on it and hamach chv takes down the posts and since has posted this on his uh Twitter page because he had a Instagram post here and I’m sure he’s noticed this over the past couple of days scamming is Haram as you can see up there in the corner um not surprised that he stole wait until the I mean I don’t know what that is um what of the comments call him a scammer I mean I mean there’s a lot going on here you know what I’m saying guys there’s a lot going on here and all of the comments are pretty much about this guy scamming them for money um so I guess hamat chv feeling pressure from this spoke to the guy who I guess set up the the scam I don’t know set up the cryptocurrency thing that you should really trust with your money online you idiots sorry I have no sympathy for the people that got scammed but Hamza is wrong for doing it like let’s just put it there Sean Strickland even commented on this and he was saying stuff like I’ve been offered a ton of money to do this exact same thing crazy you’re rich and still try and scam your fans uh um because ham that posted this let’s have a listen to what this guy’s got to say to give you some context on the situation here Community notes did him dirty that’s all I’m going to say hi guys uh I was a part of the team working on the smash token uh that we did as a fan Community token to pay homage to kamam shimay uh we just want to make it clear that we we remember guys they did it to pay homage to hamzat shv why can’t people just be like I’m trying to ask you know what I’m saying why don’t people be real with stuff I just did this to pay homage to chv guys why do people not say it how it is anymore I get hatred for saying it how it is but at least I say how it is you know what I mean I just did this to pay homage to chv this crypto scheme come on the [ __ ] whatever let it play were never in direct contact with hamzat and Hamad has no direct involvement with the token whatsoever we were merely in contact with his manager who we sent the video too of the smash token and we asked him to share them because it’s a fan token and it would be fun for the community and for his fans and that’s why his manager agreed and nothing else uh regarding the supply yes we sniped 80% of the supply uh and we that’s really interesting yes we sniped 80% of it yes we did snipe 80% of it okay but like there’s no that’s that even that just use of that is way out of this I mean yeah we sniped 80% of the supply here we still own almost 80% of the supply we did not sell we did not we were not the cause of the major downfall that happened in the token everything is public you can track all the wallets there is no scam that has been happening it’s simply people that bought early that sold very late and took profits and not us and neither is it K’s team nor us who caused that and um yeah that’s it uh I work with marketing in the team so I know who was involved and who wasn’t and I can clarify that Kad was not involved now there’s been a little bit extra for there’s been there’s been some investigations done on this okay um first of all I don’t like the whole thing you deserve your money taken if you put money into a crypto scheme called smash coin because hamach may have posted it online fact you deserve your money taken okay I I don’t agree with you know the tricking old women over the phone into giving you their information and you know literally like taking someone’s money from their account by hacking them like I don’t agree with any of that stuff and I even don’t agree with this but I have zero sympathy for any idiot in 2024 that is putting large amounts of their money that they need clearly seeing as they’re so upset about losing it large amounts of their own money into a smash coin because chv posted it on Instagram that that is financial natural selection you are too dumb to have money and it was proven by the fact that you gave smash coin money in the first place the scammer will use your money better than you you imil human being sorry Jesus Christ how do people still fall for this [ __ ] in 2024 he said there though that people that bought in early just sold as soon as hamzat promoted it pretty much so they so saw oh we’re going to get a bunch of CHA fans let’s just sell now it’d be interesting to know if he has any connections to these people um but they’re claiming no wrongdoing but Community notes have come out about this readers added context that they thought people might want to know investigations led by Zach xbt have shown that hamzat was involved in a dumping of a token by the team smash despite their denials okay and we’re going to go to that guy’s claims here underneath now this guy by the looks of things on his page is just literally a guy that figures out crypto scams and talks all things crypto he’s he’s like a which is why I guess it got added to the community notes is because this guy is the the guy that investigates these types of things so he said hi Hamza because CH have of course said I would like to get all the answers to the questions clear up all the misunderstandings this guy said hi Hamza in the video above it is stated we did not sell we were not the cause of the major downfall everything is public you can track the wallets there is no scam not us now they’re basically just trying to clear themselves of any wrongdoing here um so he’s taken these quotes and he’s investigated to see if those those things are true these three statements well I did indeed track the wallets and this video is a liar because of the because the team sold $250,000 of Smash token tokens purchased through hundreds of wallets these two wallets initially funded most of the smash transactions conducted by the team and then there’s all of these links I guess that he’s got up and uh all of these uh wallet things I guess here’s the here the smash team sent 1979 1,979 so which is $260,000 received from dumping smash tokens to change now you have no idea how [ __ ] frustrating it is trying to read this [ __ ] in amongst all of these [ __ ] hieroglyphs sorry here’s the here the smash team sent and these I guess all of the wallets I guess online that are public that you can check I don’t know about this [ __ ] because it’s [ __ ] I never understood the hype behind crypto since the get-go all of my friends told me put your money in crypto I said [ __ ] off never never never in my life will I do some [ __ ] like that receive from dumping smash tokens to change now and he showed all of the I guess links and online wallets to show that’s where the money went using timing analysis I can see the smash team received 81 eth $270,000 um from change now and transfers usdt to exchanges and these are all the links to that as well this is just to cover this just covers the major majority of the smash profits the rest of the profits were also sent to change now while I understand to snipe 80% of the supply there was an initial investment but the amount this guy is [ __ ] so badly worded this sorry I hate reading dumb dumbly worded things I appreciate his hard work investigating all of this I hate dumbly worded things while I understand to snipe 80% of the supply there was an initial investment but the amount profited by the team was significantly more than this and I did indeed cause and did indeed cause the price crash you know when one thing’s wrong and now it’s never making sense none of it while I understand to snipe 80% of the supply there was an initial investment the amount the amount profited by the team was significantly more than this and did indeed CS the price crash I suspect my estimate numbers are understated due to the amount of data to analyze these numbers also do not include remaining smash which could be sold by the team at any moment I was happy to clear up all misunderstandings and what he’s doing is he’s got this like really intricate diagram almost where he’s tracing the wallets that the money is Shifting between online so I don’t know if you can see all of this on the screen right now now transfers profits from [ __ ] it Lions money come in here these are all the people getting scammed look at them all the little [ __ ] dots die die take the money put the money in die die I’m [ __ ] I I put my money into a crypto that Chim may have told me to um so they did that and then the money went there there went all the way over here and then come out this other end and they can track it back to where the wallets go to and they can track it back to people that worked on it basically is what they’re saying and that’s the evidence I guess and this was chv posting about it in the first place um so that’s that Sean Strickland had a little bit to say about this as well it’s not looking good for Hamza I’ll be honest with you guys it’s not looking good um I’ve been offered a ton of money to do this exact same thing crazy man you’re rich and still try to scam your fans been on x2 much I’ll leave you all with this that was 100% to scamers fans how do I know this I was just approached to do the same thing Integrity you either have it or you don’t y’all shouldn’t let this vanish in a news cycle absolutely wrong goodbye I don’t get people I can make a scram cryptocurrency and tell you guys to buy it and people would but when I tell you to invest in solids whatever and now he’s just talking regular [ __ ] um so Strickland’s been offered stuff like this and I know how the world Works cuz I have a channel now guys I don’t know if you noticed but we at 200k Subs recently and uh I get a lot of I get a lot of offers for really dodgy [ __ ] like this and I think did hamzat chv um did hamach chv knowingly go into a deal with these people saying yes but I good to scam my friend brother this is going to be very funny watch how poor they become no I don’t think hamach may have did that but when you’re in a position where you are influencing people with a social media presence you H it is on you to have the due diligence to know what you’re getting into and I’d rather just make no money off sponsors whatsoever because I don’t believe in a lot of products anyway um a lot of the sponsor stuff um and I don’t like cheap looking sponsors on my channel no matter how much they’re paying me to do it which is why I’ve never had a sponsor on a channel ever despite a lot of offers um but also you get a lot of offers like these which is just some guys saying we’re going to set up this thing and it’s going to be this token system and as soon as I see some [ __ ] like that I’m like ah [ __ ] this you know what I mean [ __ ] it there’s no point but uh chv just didn’t do his due diligence basically got used as a vessel to scam people in my opinion I don’t think chv woke up and chose to scam his fan base he’s not dumb he’s also Muslim so I don’t think he would doing this I don’t think he would do this knowingly I’m in my opinion crypto is gambling anyway so maybe maybe uh he’s not been on his Dean recently let’s just say um but even still hamach may have in some hot [ __ ] with his fans Shan Strickland claims that he did scam them just shut the [ __ ] up on social media and get in the gym and fight Paulo Coster at the end of the year or in October for the love of God what are we doing like let’s just see this guy fight because right now he’s making every headline but a headline about a fight so uh that’s pretty good um other than that though we got Han moano versus benois St denir what is going on with siral gum what is going on with serial gum I love this for moano by the way I’ve messaged moano about this and I’m actually going to have moano on the channel uh closer to the fight because it’s his big Main Event it’s the it’s the time Now’s the Time you know what I mean Now’s the Time to Rally behind moano as he takes out benois St Den in the main event and then get his title elimination bout in the lightweight division um but it does leave the question and a lot of people are asking this where is Sir G because it was suggested that this was the reason he didn’t fight Aspen now in Manchester oh he turned down aspan now in Manchester because he’s working on a movie I guess he’ll fight in Paris then and now Paris has come around and this is the main event now I don’t mind this is the main event if it’s got a good good undercard underneath it this is going to be a solid card and moano I think has earned the main event and B St although I don’t think has earned Main Event status yet in terms of his wins and his like time served in the promotion he’s still a huge name on social media especially in franch in France and they’re going to need a french guy in the main event to represent them although it is in Paris so did they really need a french guy to represent them either way um her moano I reckon he gets it done this is his big moment but again siral G what a waste of a career and that’s really what the talking point is about this being made Main Event great main event but we all were basically thinking all right who’s sirel Gan going to fight in Paris that’s all we’ve been thinking over the past few months and everyone was saying oh watch him fight tyur or some [ __ ] and I was like yeah he probably would actually fight tyur or I don’t know what matchup he’s going to go for but serial G’s the type of guy to fight toura in France beat him and starts sitting out and waiting for a title shot again so sir’s wasting his career he’s in his prime he’s not locked in he’s not focused we got guys like Tom aspel working harder than ever Curtis blades working harder than ever volov making stagger staggering improvements and then we got siral G sitting on his ass not taking these opportunities and not even like I don’t get that man surely being in the main event in Paris is like a huge deal and he just let that slip so it my opinion sir is going to have to do a lot of work when he comes back because his inactivity is not going to help him in this division because right now heavyweights are scrapping they’re getting in there and they’re laying down the LW while siral gan’s sitting on his ass doing nothing so pretty much uh an alha Gan but moano and b s will be a great fight great main event and I’m pulling for moano to get it done so he can get that title elimination bout and get his title shot at lightweight finally a title shot for herat moano has been too long pereira’s got a Pereira I thought I’d just cover this a little bit a lot of people have been talking about this because uh you know it’s very reminiscent of when Pereira first started talking about Adisa you know Adisa talked about perea Pereira first but Pereira was posting stuff on his Instagram before Adisa mentioned him like whenever Adisa would win he would post himself koing Adisa in kickboxing pretty much every time um and now vov is doing it to him there’s some there’s some context that’s needed here though because we’re playing this game of I beat you therefore I’m better and we need to prove it and we need to find out what are the [ __ ] sorry what the [ __ ] have you been doing since Pereira since your fight with Pereira since your fight with Pereira Pereira has become a two Division champion defended both belts not successfully but defended one lost it defended the second one he’s now defended it twice what have you done vov just saying just saying um but Alex Pereira did lose to vov I actually believe and I said it in this comment here as well maybe I’ll just read out this comment that I put that actually has quite a bit of likes Alex Pereira got robbed in the second fight with vov because he was leaving to the UFC and they knew it but to be fair I thought that vov won the first fight regardless you don’t just jump straight to Pereira based on the split decision winning kickboxing because that’s seeming to be what vov wants he wants to just Fast Track himself straight to Pereira but the fact is you weren’t Pereira you went one andone with Pereira fair play I thought you got robbed in the first fight I thought you robbed Pereira in the second fight so I think the scoring is one one regardless between them but they should flip the results around um you don’t just get to jump to Pereira bro you don’t get to do that Alex Pereira didn’t get to jump straight to his r desna although he was calling him out and saying you know I’m signing into the UFC and he would post a highlight of him KO in his rout of s and they would go back and forth he’s still out to win a regional fight against a guy put him out cold with a left hook uh win again in the UFC Andreas madus Bruno uh Silva after that one then Shan Strickland which is a fast track but still it’s not just jumping straight to the top is it you got to beat a few guys first then he goes out there and beats his R desna and then since then he’s had a great career after losing to Adisa in the rematch which is my most hated fight result of all time they’ve been yapping and Pereira basically warned him so maybe there’s some kind of manager out there that’s promising vov he can get the Pereira fight done if he signs with him and uh pereira’s just given him a little bit of a word of advice and this is what vov said he’s a superstar now and I’m happy for him but when I hear people saying he’s the best striker in the world well I think it’s time for MMA fans to learn about me I’ve beaten him before in pure striking competition and I’m sure I’ll do it again if we can get our Trilogy match in the UFC you got to earn it simple as that you got to earn it you got to put the hustle in um now I know aov’s name ends in a V and he’s Russian so naturally the entitlement is going to be [ __ ] through the roof okay next thing he’ll be asking for it in Moscow wouldn’t even be surprised so the entitlement is already through the [ __ ] roof because his surname is vov but you got to earn it I don’t give a [ __ ] if you won a majority [ __ ] decision against Pereira and edged out a split decision the first time that went the other way I don’t care get in the fight get in the cage hustle up like Pereira did and earn your legacy like Pereira did [ __ ] ass Russian [ __ ] sorry like And subscribe see you later goodbye


    1. people are forgetting the dictator who has influence over chimaev. khamzat is probably living off borrowed time, and that a dictator owns him, and that he hasnt fought in forever he probably isn't rich like strickland said

    2. Aspinal has the same amount of fights as Gane since 2021. So stop your biased bullshit you Mugwort. Also Gane has more submissions than Tom the chin.

    3. I can’t believe it’s taken this long for people to start talking about Artem. Because everyone allegedly was all over glory and K1 history when it came to peira, but no one once ever mentioned artem.

    4. If u endorse something, through video (your face, your lips, your voice) & people get scammed, u can't be absolved from fault bc u claim that u weren't directly involved in the technical stuff. MF if u hadn't endorsed it, many of your scammed fans (dumb dumbs) would have never heard of it & their money will be safe.

    5. Gane is just dumb. Wasn't he shooting a movie? I'm sure he got the role bc of his fame from fighting & what better way to get more eyes on your film than being the main event of a UFC Paris card, especially if he's a BMF in the movie? What's better than showing the movie buffs that u actually kick a** in real life, while at the same time drawing the attention of mma fans to your movie?

    6. Bro I’ve been talking about Artem Vakhidov for so long but if you watch their glory fight I think the second one, Vakhitov getting a nod was similar to Poatan getting his hand raised against Izzy in their first kick-boxing bout… also like Perreira, Artem just recently lost his first MMA fight even if it was due to injury… but I’ve followed dude’s career and he is legit and brutal 😂

    7. Can you imagine if khamzat becomes champ. The 185 division would cease to exist unless the strip him bc he’s not going to defend often enough. He’s like that guy at work that wants to be a supervisor but calls in once a week. Like how would it even be possible??

    8. Why you so sour about vahkit over vahkitov trying to come to the ufc? If anything it's awesome as we will get to watch two of the world's best go toe to toe.. yes he has to earn in but Christmas this is awesome and massive

    9. We have a good thing going with crypto and I really hope people don’t fuck it up for everyone with this kind of stupid shit. It’s only a matter of time before the BDG steps in and Big Daddy Government tries to soothe the “govern me harder, daddy” crowd with legislation

    10. Artum doesn't have the right frame to convert his kickboxing talent into MMA talent. Izzy and Pereira have success because they are EXTREMELY effective at range. This matters because MMA's range is significantly longer than kickboxing range. Being big isnt enough either, its also how you fight.

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