Time for some for Amazon in cebtral london Chaos. not sure i will enjoy this…

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    [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning my fellow truckers out there and you beautiful people watching the video of course who are maybe not truckers I don’t know welcome back to a new video uh and welcome back to the channel if this is the first time you’ve been to my beautiful Channel give us a thumbs up or a thumbs down or if you like give to subscribe and be the first one to be notified when the video goes live of Trucking videos um if you if this is the first time you’ve been to this video of course um basically if you’ve not seen the channel and just come to the video for the first time um it’s all about Trucking videos what we do on the road the reality oh second move forward 2 seconds 2 seconds I’m in the way good start to the video isn’t it he’s just started taking the pallet off I’ve got like heavy granules on I’m moving what are you doing my goodness bunkers bunkers bers right [Music] um if you’re wondering what this video is all about or the channel um it is all about Trucking videos and my journey as a HGB driver a class one Arctic driver doing General H palletized huage you name it I pretty much do everything on the road anything and everything the office throw at me um so so welcome to the channel it’s a scorching day it is 25° already and it’s only 9:20 a.m. in the morning so um I just thought i’ say big welcome to the channel to the video for you guys who continuously watch my videos of course and if you’re new brilliant um but I just thought I’d say good morning um we’ve got an interesting day today it’s a very hot summer’s day um it’s been bit of a struggle I must say this week it’s only Tuesday and the heat is already getting to me I must say um I do prefer it to be a bit cooler I must say but we’ve got an interesting one today uh we could have an interesting week so I could be getting out at least two videos this week at least CU I think we might have a Scotland Run this week I’m hoping so if we do I will certainly certainly get that on camera also um today what we’re doing today give you a quick overview uh we’re off to Amazon we are doing a collection at West dayon in Amazon and we’re taking it to and Amazon further into London so it’s going to be an interesting job in London uh am I looking forward to it absolutely not especially with this High trailer and especially going into Central London what central so much not far off Central London so um yeah we’ve got an interesting day so I’ll come back to you very shortly I’ve opened one side of the curtains I’ve got well another driver loaded this with internals uh I wouldn’t load it strap it up with internals however um it is what it is um we had to be here at 8:00 this morning we got here just after 8:00 cuz the M1 was pretty bad and so was the M25 so um we’ll see how we get on but I’ll get this load off I’ll come back to you just as we’re leaving site going to West dayon uh we are 38 M away about an hour and 10 away there a bit of traffic going around the end 25 but we’ll get there eventually so I’ll get back to you shortly we’ll have a bit of a chat on camera of course and um you can come with me for our work with Amazon today in 25 to strike 30° heat today what an interesting dat it’s going to be for all of us I better make sure I’m drinking my water anyway I’ll get back to you shortly guys and uh yeah let’s get this load off and I’ll come back to you speak to you soon okay we are tipped now the front camera is on however just I’ve got the air really loudly here do apologize it’s a little bit loud um the um it’s 28° as we speak and it’s 9:52 in the morning um let me just pull over here just for a second actually in fact pull over here turn right Foster Avenue oh it’s hot guys it’s really really hot today 28° and it’s it’s not even 10:00 in the morning p over here very quickly there’s no one coming out DHL just there why star so I’ve got a little story to tell you as well but I’ll come that in a second um right sorted right we’re just over an hour away so steering all out let’s go um excuse me sorry I’ve turned the cameras on just lots of distractions the officer asking me for an ETA ETA ETA for Amazon Weston cross the roundout road just start 11:00 a.m. so yeah have to try and um keep ourselves hydrated today cuz I must say this is the hottest day I’ve experienced since last year it’s not easy working in this weather I must say it is not easy at all now someone would say stop your Mo and get on with it bil oh no not really I like a good Mo sometimes so um but yeah no honestly um I’ve not done a video for well over a week and I’ve had some really really nice comments on the previous videoos so thank you guys on the the previous comments that you gave me on the videos that was cool um um I’m doing well if you just in case you’re wondering I hope you’re doing well of course okay but we’re just leaving the mini Services if you [Applause] like just got put the window up so we basically give you an update of what’s going on excuse me um we’ve arrived at Amazon obviously my camera’s got they’ve got so overheated with this weather I’ve had to let them cool down so anyway we’ve sorted them out um we’re just heading back to Amazon now we’ve been told we’ve turned up a bad time there’s another driver of ours behind me we’re going to go and Kil Convoy to um back to Amazon in West dayon um not second myself out of here get a tight place we managed to speed ourselves in for an hour on break excuse me um yeah so we’ve had bit of a bit of a issue we turned up and you’ll see for yourself in a second we’ve turned up and there’s no space for artics um they’re currently loading uh loading all the van drivers for their evening shift I’m assuming so so there like it’s got be over 100 Vans 200 vans in there loading up all the flex drivers who the car drivers who do deliveries for Amazon or all loading up there’s no space for artics basically so we had to turn come out come and come back in an hour so we’re now going to try try try and get in now uh I’m leading away that driver is going to be behind me um so yeah that’s pretty much where we are with it um not ideal um where we going here we’re going to go right aren’t we um not ideal of course however um it’s delayed that’s I’ve informed the office the office are completely aware of what’s going on the only issue we’ve got is how long is it going to take us to get loaded out of here we’ve got three more drivers behind me and the other driver behind me coming in here today there five of us coming in for Amazon work so um yeah it’s bit of a p if you like um but what can you do so um let’s head back and see if we can actually get in and get ourselves loaded he doesn’t know where he’s going behind me that’s why I’m leading away I’ve put my sat back on but I know where I’m going anyway so um hopefully we get in here it’s not chaos still she said come back in about an hour we’ve done that on what Hour 2 hours she said but we’re going to go back just after an hour hopefully we can get ourselves in there y and get ourselves loaded but we might have our other drivers may be there already cuz they were in traffic on the M25 so they may already be in there I don’t know but the and take theit we shall see if you like um so hopefully we getting and get loaded now the issue we’ got now is we don’t know how long it’s going to take us to get loaded um we’re taking this to another Amazon in London so who knows who knows what’s going to happen next either way we need to get loaded either way it needs to be delivered um curb just curbed the trailer I was really bad of you Tob very bad of you um so yeah um it is what it is but let’s see what the security SA you may say the same thing oh you’ve comeing to early you tell me to come back in an hour hopefully their Vans have left and have been loaded let’s let’s hope that anyway so we’re going to go in there now and you’ll see for yourself how busy it is if it is still busy ENT hi buddy is it okay now yeah okay we can go straight in wonderful thank [Applause] you oh that’s good news you said we can go straight in wonderful marvelous so it looks like we can go straight in it looks like they’ve loaded their Vans Etc and we can go in so that’s a good sign it’s pretty tight around here I must say lond this London for you though isn’t it and you’ll see for yourself now tight is around here take it wide because you don’t want to take someone’s knocked this pole down here already that’s why there’s a conb there so that’s why there’s a conb there cuz someone has taken that pole down so Amazon have Marshals they have I’m not sure if you can see me well but Amazon have Marshalls on site and um they um they control the traffic coming in and out for deliveries protections Etc so let’s see if we can get straight in that me to m [Applause] straight up forward okay well there you go how we doing guys excuse me welcome back airon on full whack woo it’s too hot it’s 29° for goodness sake so on the first one out of Amazon um I couldn’t show you on site what we’re carrying but we’re going to a scrapyard metal scrapyard basically what we’ve collected there’s four other drivers of ours behind me or three there’s four of us in Total One driver is still not there yet but we are um we’re literally 36 minutes away we’re going down the M4 towards Central London this is where we’re going in the Great West Road of chisik um to Scrubs Lane a metal scrapyard basically is what the place is excuse me um yeah that’s where we’re going so heading there now we’ve got basically on board four long rails so you know Amazon’s Warehouse they have the long rails that the parcels go along I don’t know what they’re called you get them at airports when you check in your baggage or you’re picking up your baggage at after You’ got off the plane it’s old ones of those clearly they’ve updated their software and they updated all their equipment in there so they’re getting rid of the old stuff and we’re we’re basically transporting it to the recycling site to get rid of it where it’s going to be recycled so I’ve about to use the internal straps for this load um the place is chaotic I’ll be completely honest with you um health and safety very I mean they’ve got field marshals on the on site which is fine but the guy is there’s like 10 of them around my 10 of them around my Lorry and they’re opening my curtains and I told them to leave the curtains alone let me do it because you start losing me as the driver and that’s when I start thinking about my safety I’ve got forlift drivers two of them around me both sides of the trailer um I need to put the straps on so I’m saying just slow slow down a little bit slow down because some you know get someone will get hurt and I’m not putting my my health at risk so can you just slow ask your guys to slow down leave my curtains alone I do the curtains myself my goodness they’re just like it’s like a pack of walles in there they’re all around your trailer where’s the health and safety one at a time you don’t need 10 guys around my Lorry open opening my curtains I said I’m the driver let me do the curtains myself so anyway they did they started I spoke to the supervisor and I said can you just have a well your guys and ask them to slow down a little bit because I’ve not been here before no none of our other drivers just let you know what there’s no rush get it on we get it on you know safety is Paramount anyway got it loaded I’m the first driver out so I’m the first one to get to this site the other guys just behind me well they’re being loaded currently um so yeah um just realized 40 mph speed limit um yeah so i’ had to have a little chat with a supervisor saying you need your guys to stop surrounding the truck when I’m working on the trailer because you know they’ve got these big metal bars they’re bringing them out on the forklift it’s above my head I haven’t got hard hat on you know come on like anyway we’re out we’re out anyway forget forget about that job let’s get the delivery done so we’re headed into Central London now um and you’re going to follow me in uh I’ve got a phone call I’ll call you back I’ll come back to you in a second guys once we close to the back left so we’re in Hammer Smith Broadway now um huh when I say we’re in central London we’re in central London now um right so yeah this is the best way and we’re 2.7 M away from where we need to be sorry about that earlier I had a phone call from the office um yeah so we need to just take our time now as you can see it is busy uh a lot of this oneway systems around here but this is the best way in for me to get to where I need to get to I’m literally 2.7 Mi away not far at all I think once we get to the other side of Hammersmith here we’ll be okay um excuse me I’ve got a Mercedes on the on the undertak me now that was a bit silly wasn’t it after 90 y right a219 Smith Broadway then keep left keep left a219 excuse me look at all them line bikes B bikes left I think so we’re in the centeral Hammersmith now it is the only it’s the best way into where I need to get to um well according to the stav anyway and we’ll soon find out if it’s not but this is where we’re going um we are literally in the middle of Hammersmith I could have went went around hounds low but my S did say this was the quickest route so hopefully it stays that way so yeah the front camera if it keeps going off guys I apologize it’s just the heat but um I’ve got the airon on maximum to see if that helps Amazon driver on his double yellows doing his deliveries get around that um 20 M speed limit obviously so yeah this is we are literally in the heart of London now um I’m looking forward to getting this job done oh I do hate so the office just rang me and they said how you getting on with your wonderful London job today I said I said it’s chaos I said it’s chaos it’s chaos up here oh it is what it is at least I’ve got a bit of shade between the buildings which is actually helping keep me cool um yeah so we’re going straight on it’s just one straight road by looks bit we should be going left onto scrubs Lane at the top um that is what it looks like on the S we just need to take our time because they’re very busy roads around here obviously uh there’s no there’s a lot of 7 and 1/2 ton limit restrictions um but no low bridges so far excuse me so we’re looking okay for that this is a busy High Street um yeah so we’ll see how we do see how we do just got to take our time you know that comes down to it yeah I had a bit of a to-do not Tod do it wasn’t nothing bad but I just had to speak to the supervisor in that place because I was happy I felt like I felt like it was so unsafe them loading them loading me up I really do and uh them things are a nightmare scooters and I just said to him you need to I need a few of your guys away from me can you just load one at a time because you know come on you know I need give me a bit of space to sort the curtains out literally I didn’t even open the other side of my curtain and they were onto me like packs it was like going to a boot Fair on a Sunday morning with my mother-in-law and you get you got all your stuff in the back of the car you get there and they’re lit on you like packs they’re like oh have you got any watches have you got any PlayStations have you got any this that’s what it was like this is Amazon we’re talking about you know I thought they were professional health and safety was terrible there I’m sorry but I’ve got to say it really bad health and safety and that’s why I brought it to the attention of the supervisor in charge because you know as drivers we’ve not been there before we don’t know the ins and outs and what we should be doing we know our safety safety we should be applying but when you go to someone’s site they should explain the safety rules to you health and safety rules and policies if that is the case because it don’t take much for a driver to get injured I mean I spoke to a guy the other day it was an older driver I’ve been driving many years two of his friends were killed by Fork Clift drivers his friend was 67 years old he was dragged across by a forklift and um he didn’t he didn’t make it he was killed the other week and his funeral was on the back of a fifth wheel you know and it’s stories like that as a driver myself when I hear it my health and safety mindset the health and safety side of things on my from my side goes up because you hear about the horror stories that does happen to drivers you don’t hear hear it on the news when H class when driver has been Mur murdered killed should I say you know because of a forklift driver not being safe on site and giving the driver space to sort his trailer out prepare his truck prepare his trailer um before loading and drivers are being killed all the time because of it so anyway I just thought I’d say that anyway guys it’s not that it’s um right straight on or or right we should go right here I’m going to go right straight on it looks like it’s quicker going right going straight on there’s a bridge down there so I’m glad I’ve avoided that bus driver waited which is nice of him thank you driver on a219 shepher bushen this way does look like it’s a little bit quicker now this is when you’ve got loads of cyclists around you now so you’ve got be have your wits about your Billy cuz there’s full of cyclist around here there’s a cycle Lane there so we need to be aware of that honestly guys if you are coming into class one work on artics and you get work in central London you literally have to have your eyes about you everywhere and you can see me right now my wits are about me big time Big Time hoping this is the right way I’ve taken anyway um is that a bus lane or just a bus stop well no one’s using it so I’m not going to risk it it’s very busy around here though isn’t it he’s on one he looks high as a kite he does right we’re going up here in left going left down Holland Park roundabout um bus driver’s flashing me cuz I’m in in his way well I can’t do nothing cuz I’ve got cyclist next to me um should I be in that lane or not I don’t know it says bus and cyclists only he’s flashing me because I’m slightly in his Lane but there’s not much I can do right um we’re going left these lights now not we’re going straight across the lights and we’re going left at the roundabout so got the camera still on which is nice look how busy this is so what station is this this is Shepherd’s bush train uh Tube Station that is after 100 yard go left on the roundabout and take the first exit a 3220 West Cross a driver there bus give me a dirty lo I don’t know why what I’ve done wrong I can’t use the bus lane so whatever go left on the roundabout and take the first exit okay so we are here we are here took we’re here so that’s all good um we’re just waiting to be tipped and I’ll just show you where I am so we got two artics who have just left they have just left and they’re coming out and we’ve got one in front of me with scrap metal and then we we should we should be getting on soon as well um this is where we are scrap B site nothing special but we made it we made it um first one here out of our lot which is good I’m just waiting for my reload to come through and know what I’m doing then just realized I I do need to have a bit of a shave don’t I really scruffy anyway so just thought give you an update on what’s going on uh once this is off we can focus on what we’re doing next and as you can see he’s moving forward if he’s moving forward so am I so we’re just going to wait here now uh he’s reversing back of course um doing his thing as you can see the sign there stop all Lor’s must stop here and wait for instructions from a banksman but well there you go wait for instructions right I think we’re going to go in I’ll speak to you soon guys oh hello welcome back guys well it’s been crazy today it has been chaotic and I’ve just filled up some diesel at South Mims truck uh service station um because I was running very low on diesel so I thought I’ll fill up nowz I do need it I like 96 miles on the clock so I thought so I’ve just put 250 lers in um but yeah the traffic’s been chaos it’s taken me over 2 hours to get out of Central London that has been a nightmare on it well probably an hour and 40 should I say 2 hours is probably exaggerating a bit but yeah an hour and 40 definitely um yeah just everywhere I went the SAT have was taking me down one rush I headed towards edgew the A5 got on the 406 M1 come out of London M1 Watford side and back around the 25 and that’s where we are now um to get reloaded for tomorrow but we’re not going to get reloaded tonight it’ll be C to 700 by the time we get back to Tilbury for our reload so I’m going to have to reload in the morning uh cuz the traffic is absolutely chaos we’ve got a 40 minute delay of traffic to get back um yeah I could have went round with 25 the other side but Dartford is absolutely grid locked as well apparently it’s going all the way back to the M20 Junction past swanley so it would have made no difference either way whichever way I went um so yeah we’re in the traffic we just have to be patient and uh leave the airon on but nevertheless it has been um a crazy day I mean you saw saw the Amazon job we went into uh you saw the job we Del you saw the place we was delivering to uh and it’s just been just yeah it’s been just one of those days it’s been crazy you know you do any I mean if you’re obviously any any sort of drivers themselves out there if you’ve done work in London central London with an Arctic you know for well as much as I’m saying this you know as well as I know it’s absolutely chaos it’s chaos so um yeah it’s just one of those ones really there’s not really much you can do apart from get on with it as best you can um but we got the job off we got to as you saw we got to the uh I think it’s ERM uh metal recycling we got there uh we was the first driver in out of our lot uh got it off no dramas there was one behind me one behind him uh no idea where they are at the moment but I’m sure they’re in traffic somewhere like me but yeah we you know it’s just we we we managed to get there in the end is what I’m trying to say so um so um yeah it’s all good but yeah uh the office wanted me to get this loaded tonight it’s not going to be done tonight it just can’t be done but the front camera’s been going off and on obviously as you know during this video so apologies for that of course but I just thought I’d record today uh to show you the an insight to how difficult Central London is how much you’ve got to have your wits about you when you’re in central London because there cyclists everywhere speed limits speed cameras restrictions everywhere you literally as an artic driver you have to have your wits about you it’s plain and simple so yeah crazy day as they say but you know now it’s all done I look back at it and say it’s an experience uh like every day really in this job as an experience um I did mention a Scotland Run earlier on I’m not sure what’s going on with regards to the Scotland Run still I don’t know if that’s going to happen or not it’s going to happen or not no idea use the use that just clean the lenses um that’s a bit better isn’t it uh I’m not sure if the Scotland Run is actually still going to happen whether it’s going to happen or not I don’t know they I’m not going to Scotland tomorrow I know that for sure it’s Wednesday um I think I’m going somewhere past Cambridge I think um at the M11 a11 down to New Market I think it is that was sort of way uh yeah so um that’s happening tomorrow so it looks like I won’t be doing Scotland I don’t think I would be I thought if I was doing Scotland I’d Pro probably be doing it on a Wednesday I guess who knows I think I’m going to Wales on Thursday I think so who knows but yeah who knows who knows what the future holds in this game you what’s around the corner Billy boy I of us do um but we’ve got yeah 37 minutes of traffic so we’ve got we’ got this is the Enfield approach there’s traffic for 11 miles so pretty much all the way through to Enfield which is 10 m away we have traffic so yeah a late finish for me tonight and you’ve got the football on tonight Haven we we’ve got England at 8:00 I think it starts is it 8:00 or is it 5:00 Ah that’s a very good point Billy what time’s a football start tonight is 8:00 or is it I actually don’t know let’s have a look uh to 8:00 it is 8:00 but France nil nil Netherlands are losing to Austria 1 n wow England tonight 8:00 so I should be back to watch that tonight yeah I should be which is at least that’s a bonus isn’t it get to watch the football um but yeah we’ll see but I think I’ll end this video here really it’s only going to be a short one today just wanted to show you me doing my job to Amazon from Amazon to Amazon in 30° heat it’s 30° at the moment 30° heat so it’s been a hot day went we went past grul Tower didn’t we as well I didn’t get a chance to show you obviously cuz the camera wasn’t on the on the on the on the pole um didn’t really have time to show you gral Tower which as you probably know what happened there with the fire a few years back and many people lost their lives it’s a bit like the 911 wasn’t it obviously not on maybe I guess a lower scale I guess I don’t know um front camera’s off cuz battery’s low there you go so on that note the battery’s gone on the front camera again I’m not have much luck with that front camera I might change it around or maybe stick it to the dash might be a bit cooler rather than on the window um but yeah now it’s been it’s been an interesting day it’s sunny Tuesday so I’ll try and get a couple of videos videos out this week you should watch this video tomorrow Wednesday it’s trly today so Wednesday or Thursday you should be watching this video hopefully I hope You’ enjoyed it thank you for watching guys hopefully next time you see me I’ve had a shave cuz I need one look a bit scruffy um or should I grow a viking beard cuz I drive a Volvo don’t I um yeah thanks for watching uh if you’re not subscribed obviously give us a subscribe thumbs up thumbs down and maybe a couple of comments on what you thought uh any videos you want to see let me know but yeah it’s been interesting uh apart from that whatever you’re doing this week for the rest of the week enjoy the rest of your week and I’ll see you on the next one bye-bye for now


    1. Billy you need to sleep mate look at your eyes now and compare them to pictures last yea your in Hammersmith west London your 10 miles from central London
      And you should gone A40 into. Scrubs lane why o why you keep following your sat nav

    2. Hi Billy boy hope you are well and enjoying your trucking just a bit hot 🔥 for you.if you see a Ice 🍦 cream van it could be a good idea for you to treat yourself take care and try to keep enjoying life Phil.👍🤟👋

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