A very warm welcome once again to our channel. Thankyou to our new and existing subscribers and we’re off again in Spring 2024.

    Episode 3 takes us from Eguisheim on a short hop to Colmar, which is only about 10km to the North East of Eguisheim and the third biggest city of this Alsace Region of France. We had heard about the old town of Colmar and it didn’t disappoint !! A really nice stopover if you’re passing this way for some city camping and sightseeing. It is also on the Alsace wine route and is famous for it’s Riesling wines both in the city and in the villages that surround it.

    Once again our thanks to you all for travelling with us and for contributing to our motorhome community with your comments, likes, subscriptions to our channel (it’s still FREE ! ) and general all round awesomeness – thank you so much 🙂

    This series of films follows our Spring 2024 6 week trip to France in our A Class 2021 Mobilvetta K-Yacht 79 Teknoline

    The campsite at Colmar is here:

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    The shop is here:

    I [Music] well while we wait for the gray water to drop we are going to move on into colar wasn’t that a pretty little town though we just went stroll through what did you think of that guys being there uh if not nice little stop off and obviously if you like a tiple or two of wine then it’s uh probably heaven on Earth every other place was a wine tasting uh home of rling the alsas region of France very nice too yes right but but I have to report something oh well oh I know what yes what else would it be it’s got to be ice cream related there weren’t any ice cream shops that I saw saw no like proper proper ones I mean there’s the odd bit of ice cream but you know in a but not that lovely lovely F ice cream so so you know but apart from that it was lovely it’s a great stop yeah excuse us chewing fans f sweets we call them rhubarb and custard I think today yeah I’ve got these mixed fruit drops and they’re sugarfree oh so if I if I do have an ice cream I can have one of these as well yeah I was going to say makes up for it with the ice cream yeah um right well stay with us we’re off into colar now and uh going to go and see if we can find somewhere to park up there a couple of campsites in the town itself a couple of free day park ups but um we might look for somewhere to stay overnight um so stick with us and we’re off into colar see you [Music] soon wild was your entire world until I stood alone in a store you took the sunshine the Flames are gone now and I watched you walk straight out of that door promises got lost in the dust your boots by the door you’re not coming home love like wild fire I was your entire world until I wasn’t anymore oh heart hey you left me behind that’s not a man only a coward B now you’re chasing the win no longer my man you’re just you’re just a [Music] c you’re just a cow [Music] oh this place is a ghost town dressed in Moonlight I whisper your name can’t get in sleep smoking cigarette after cigarette I’ll watch him burn until I forget we’re through baby tell me what to do promises got lost in the dust your boot by the door you’re not coming home no stuck in a ghost still dressed in Moonlight where I still keep the porch light on well there we go guys on pitch in colmart and let’s see if I can find a lay out to the St so get a feel of where we’re at there we go so we came in at that reception on the driveway there that you saw um follow the pink Route Around the oneway system and we are back here on Pitch number 53 so just below us here you’ve got the uh the l l apostrophe I River and unsurprisingly there you go it’s one of the hopia sites in fact I remember we stayed on one I think it was down araa way hopia so miraculously as soon as I gave my phone number they uh they found me in their system from a previous stay in France somewhere still not quite sure where but um so we are um so we’re all on Pitch it’s pretty level I’ve um just pushed the uh the rear off side up a bit on the suspension cuz we’re on a very slight tilt just had a rain shower come through so it’s uh a little bit buggy and just drying out it’s not too bad grv and um and we’re now um just settling in there a bit of gravel on the side there so not absolutely um so not niham got some toilets and Sh block that in they’ve got some toilets and shower block that end and a swimming pool as well somewhere down there so we’re going to have a look at that as well right let’s go explore about 25 minutes we’re here into um into colar Oldtown which is what we’ve what we want to have a look at so we’re going to go for a stroll down the river and the um price-wise €28 that’s two adults uh the van uh with electricity which you see look at that talk about perfect measurement exactly 10 m away was it so I didn’t have to get out the 20 M job so we managed to uh to get away with that one there € 28 with an option to stay another night if we uh if we’ve still got a bit of looking to do all right got your Broly just in case yes oh that’s a very colorful one it is it’s an odd balls Broly isn’t it is that the odd oh yes nothing like a bit of odd ball oh yes look temperature of the water 27° wo that looks um yeah 27° that’s that’s like in the 80s isn’t it what time um there was the time she told me there we go opening times July August outside July August 9:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and then from July and August 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. yeah get an extra hour or so might come back see there we go yeah might be worth testing out the water on the way back Co swimming eh who would have thought that’s the toilet block there one of two that were sort of in between very clean in there they actually do Supply toilet roil no toilet seats but they do have to it at well what a bonus what what a bonus no eyes All Med indicated either little cafe there as well when you um if you’re looking to come down to this region when you look on the map for colar there is um there are very few places campsites actually right in the town so I think this is a bit of a corner market for this place hence they’ve got the usual Chalet and they take tents here they take motor homes you name it you can get it here let’s just show you Over the Hedge here you see what I mean about being next to the river which is very nice there we go there are some pitches down there as well along the river um on both sides you can see there but that shower you can see evidence of that shower coming through and that path we came in that way and then had to loop around the oneway system but a nice River there a little bit of moisture there at the moment right let’s go find the town shall we yeah there’s the little uh Reception Area popped into there to book in very nice too door um gate access to get the uh they give you the code when you’re book in for the barrier system there are in fact when you look on park for night and search for sites there are a couple of places that you can certainly day park in colar if you were just coming here coming through for the day and or perhaps carrying on down to where GRE Shine for that air that was really nice last night um so there are day stops as well for Vans of all sizes by the looks of it if you fancy that well we’re out of the site driveway onto the bridge and heading off for stroll into town and walking Lake stretch it’s quite fast flowing as well that’s one looking very Regal there underneath her some little signets can’t quite see them at the moment the urban swan look at that oh look at that king fisher see the blue yeah wow oh and look down there Heron as well B talk about Urban Wildlife so king fisher just flew by you might have just seen the flash of blue but got Swan there Heron there good grief beautiful and a little Molly malard down [Music] there what an urban scene so we’re 1 1.3 mil it was campsite we’re just coming into the edge of uh old Cola so nice little Str in for a leg stretch lovely building Corners there the SP [Music] [Music] few electric bses here as well good you see what shops buildings the bom of the restaurants [Music] [Music] love all the detail and the tiling and everything a lot of attention to detail isn’t it look at that that’s got some interest the F of that per they brought in changing rooms what you think and they’re due back at the weekend to see how they’ve changed the front of their shop [Music] there you go a few sweeter homets look at that a homage to pick a mix eh there’s a lot of pick NS now purely of course in the interest of checking out these shops for you guys um that’s marshmallow Marshmallow with chocolate around it in there and I have let me get you into the bag here a load of mix of fruits do you think it would pass as father a day well I’m going to give it a go anyway [Music] that lovely sound isn’t it with [Music] water well we had a coffee stop which was very nice watch the world go by as you do went to a chocolate shop of which there are a lots look there’s even a chocolate Museum something called so Nikki is in chocolate Haven as well as ice cream doesn’t she doesn’t know which way to turn well that was a very pleasant stroll into uh town about 1.3 or 1.4 miles depending on which way you go and a very easy running looks a bit dump down there for some of those pitches right on the river bank but uh there been a steady stream coming in all day so it obviously is quite a popular uh as I was touched on earlier about it being probably the um the only place in the center of the village where in center of the town I should say or city even um where uh where there was a sort of camp site as opposed to just a day parking area so uh so hence the studdy stream of people coming in but it is a nice spot there down on here these look a bit um still a bit damp after that rain they had before we got here but um not quite as damp as the road down there but it’ll dry out pretty quick so as soon as the sun comes out it’s been uh in the mid 20s and uh it’s certainly not cold at the moment that’s for sure it’s about 18ish very nice too as you can see by all the pegs in the ground still a lot of pitches vacant can certainly squish a few more in here that’s for sure which out expect by July August time we get pretty busy there there’s a stalk over there hiding over on the [Music] bank These are nice as well all these pegs along here more spaces as well there’s a van in one of out down there in there solry there only a couple of vans in these pictures perhaps wait till later on when it gets really dry before they uh fill these and of course just over the other side of the river um you’ve got a sort of Motorway which you can probably just hear The Bu of the shpet there’s a Motorway or sort of inner city road going parallel with the river so probably with a bit more more traffic noise down at this end of the site and those sort of Posh Posh tents as I call them now going with the current of course I saw them going by earlier they were against the current but certainly a lot quicker going with the current yeah that’s a lot less hard work there was a little um there was a little kayak and canoe rental place as well just down by the bridge I saw ass signed for it so if you fancy that looks like you can uh hire yourself one for Potter up the river one way a bit more challenging than the other direction it’s coming out towards the top end of the site where we turned around here to go back the other way in the oneway system this is the other r sanitation block there is free Wi-Fi as well on the site as well just including the price way back down this road now there a bit more info as well you for the washing got a laundry here 450 and then for the dryer the c c Char then 450 as well and you can buy your fishing permit yeah a fair bit indeed High fridge if you needed it good grief got everything everything that the camper caravana motor helmet can possibly want so let’s a look at uh a look at the site for you flavor 24 quid I think if I hadn’t mentioned the GBP rate 24 quid for that for the WiFi for the electric edition 7.5 M um so pretty good really thly pleased with that probably stay a second night there’s quite a bit to see in um colar as you saw there it’s got quite a big Center so we only see just scratch the surface really so going to have a little look online tonight see if there’s anything that we fancy taking in tomorrow during a trip round might even be a train the one we never got to do in uish shine well we’re off again we’re off again day two here lovely quiet night in col wasn’t it did you like that uh quiet last night it was nice yeah yeah and we had there we discovered there’s few parts of coma that we haven’t seen yet so not seen Little Venice yet we haven’t seen it with Venice and there apparently there’s a nice big indoor market which we want to explore yeah um but the shops yesterday they were fun wandering around weren’t they and this the architecture was amazing it’s yeah very it’s uh it’s very well worth it come visit yeah lovely Place indeed well stay with us let’s show you a bit more of CA we’ve come to the sort of Southern edge of the of the old town and we’re following a line in where they’ve towards what we think is what they call Little Venice pretty Venice which we didn’t see yesterday so it’s a Lov the sort of Boardwalk into into this next part of Cora very nice oh there’s a spot to is not col now this is just the start of I think this little b this area got their craze of uh craze of padlocks on the fences again seem to see them [Music] everywhere just s trees there got brand new sort of Sports Complex contrast of that to then the old in the church Cathedral Spar in the background and this lovely little part all this lovely contrast here very nicely done as well the walkways linking it all Pavements and this amazing old building which reminds me if you know it of the um cover Market in Oxford cuz it’s an old indoor market area [Music] lots of be yummy smells in here aren oh yes go not least from that counter look at that one cheese heaven next door to it the bread you wouldn’t need to go much further would you to beare cheese and crunch bread some pretty stands aren’t we lots of homages to the STS and the rooftop birs that we’ve been [Music] seeing make everything look so yummy don’t they beautifully presented and look at this Nikki’s in heaven we’re getting some bits and pieces for tea cuz it’s all and free well we weren’t empty-handed we’ve got the goodies for later yummy yum look at that take a little boat ride down the canal reminds me of that amazing trip we did well stop off we did it Venice [Music] not quite the Gonda lavishness of Venice but I expect you probably got a bit more money left in your pocket as well when you have one here have a ride here on a [Music] boat and they’ve definitely gone a bit crazy on the on their mind your head now if you’re not watching what you’re doing then it could end [Music] [Music] [Music] lovely scene isn’t it eh a lovely [Music] scene well it had to be done we’re on a little train at last having a look around colar with a translation of [Music] [Applause] course the smallest house in colar that little red one there well Kar that’s time to time to depart couple of nights here what what do we think a colmart yeah it was an interesting town there’s a lot of history there the architecture is fantastic um the little sort of area where they call it um Little Venice very pretty that was pretty and uh we did take a train ride we did that was good actually cuz it was a bit like a bus tour um where you you know you put your headphones on and you learn about the history of the area um and it was uh well worth it actually cuz we were on there for quite some time really weren we yeah yeah at least 40 minutes I yeah at least 40 minutes around the table it was only five or six quid I think ahead so um yeah good value good value indeed and it was covered just in case cuz we’ve had a bit of rain um bit of rain in the last two days some showery stuff it’s not particularly cold but it’s just uh it’s just a bit persistent each day so uh hopefully you never know the last two or three days cuz we’re wending our way back to DF we are the last two or three days we may uh perhaps see a bit more sun um so that’s all for this episode guys uh we will most certainly see you next week for our next episode we’re off uh in that episode up into the vog mountains um not sure where we’re staying yet so tag along see us next week see you soon guys see you guys bye now [Music] oh [Music]


    1. Nice one. I stayed at the same site in Colmar two years ago. It wasn’t as busy then but I was there in April. Very helpful people in the office. Lovely old town. I need to go back soon 👍

    2. Hi. We had our VB Semi air fitted at A & E Leisure on Wednesday. They were superb. Apparently we turned up a day early having travelled up from Ipswich Tuesday evening and stayed at Belmont Hall. Hames was great and fitted us in. All work completed by 4pm and a super job! Thank you for your film – and, of course, massive thank you to A & E Leisure.

    3. Thanks for the vlog guy's, I always look forward to them, Im glad you mentioned the Mic, In all honesty it was poor regards the sound, But now you know and can fix it 👍

    4. Hi Bob & Nicki, Really informative vlog as always, Colmar is a must on the list for future travels, need to save some Schengen days first as am writing in week 8 of our 10 week Spain/France trip. I have to admit & mention that I tuned out at 27 minutes as the sound quality was quite poor – offered in the spirit of constructive feedback, but I note you are aware. I wondered if it was your Mic as Nicki could be heard okay? Anyway, thanks as always. Peter

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