Anthony chats with cycling legend Greg LeMond.
    Did Chris Froome use a motor during his tour victory?

    You can check out the full conversation with Greg LeMond here

    Part 1

    Part 2

    I’m a skeptic on everything and really I am I I I sometimes can’t follow cycling because I sometimes don’t believe it I truly believe Motors were used to you went a lot of big races until very recently it was a real deal and I I look at it now they’re doing 65 bikes deal you don’t see bike changes like you did five years ago how could it be that either the equipment was so bad Shimano was making really bad equipment but I would see five when I was doing Europe sport i’ would be see five bike changes by Riders and it pissed me off I I would see it and I knew I know what I’ve ridden the motor I’ve seen what’s happened with it and I know Insight I I I know who I believe was using it I’m not going to say that out loud because I the motor the crazy one is that I look at is the kepel mure in Torah Flanders where we have boan and canelera and boan is literally sprinting full gas and canelar goes away from them seases on the kep up to Cathedral the camera pans out and then it goes back and you see the Gap inside 300 meters is gone to 20 seconds 30 seconds an unnatural size Gap in that amount of period of time unless boan had got off the bike and stopped but he was still sprinting full gas that for me was a moment and I’ve talked to some friends who are you know racing at the time in Flanders that year and you know there was a lot of people felt there was a motor use there yeah I’ve talked to Pros on a team that knows they were used in this the same team um it’s hard to say it outright because until you have the motor and the bike you know it’s here say I don’t want to get sued but another another guess it again gu it again you need to add the word again onto that but if I if I I’m gonna say this it’s not going to be popular but if you look at Chris F’s Mount V 2 they released the file I could I believe I could show you it’s there’s so many unnatural things there now if you go back today and watch some of the performances that period the RPMs are insan insane and remember there is no efficient nobody’s efficient at 110 RPMs up a climb ever and the acceleration that was taking place on V two you could watch it the one where they match the file to the his wattage output to vom 2 you could see him accelerating and the wattage is coming down dramatically uh that should be going up or maintain at a very high level and so it really bothered bothered me and I I we we talked with the police and I I’m really they got a new president David laran and he took the motors very seriously and I look at it today there is no evidence of that um there are no high RPMs there not these massive bike changes and the bike changes were it’s Insanity because I said either Shimano and these component manufacturer were producing such crap which we know is not the case there’s no reason to have five bike changes in or six bike changes in in a in a in a stage it was it’s I’ve watched these races I’m you know I was working with Eurosport at the time I just wanted to scream just like this is this is crazy so I’ve got a question for you on this one Greg why do you care why is it why have you taken these bottles on from the Armstrong one to speaking publicly about Motors to analyzing cadences you know we have Sean Kelly in this part of the world and he just goes quiet when the conversation gets controversial about dopen I’ve never heard him Express an opinion on anything controversial and that has maybe in some quarters the criticism could be leveled at him that it’s compromised his Integrity but it has allowed him to maintain a very driving and profitable media career you’ve decided not to take that approach yeah but I understand it’s like this is the problem when you’re uh he’s a commentator he’s not a journalist let’s say he’s a commentator so that’s his livelihood you know he’s looking at David Walsh all the others are going to take that on um and he would not have a job probably if he did it um and so that’s the the difficult thing and somebody’s going to do commentating so I can’t judge junk Kelly at all but for me and I had this idealistic I uh version of cycling when I raced and um but and I’m not an idiot I I I feel bad for any professional that turned Pro in the 90s when EPO came in I mean I I am so grateful that I loved cycline so much I was so passion about the tour that I didn’t have to turn pro because I don’t know what I would have done I really I’m not going to say I would have been better than everybody else and would have just qu cycling cuz I don’t know this was an extract from my podcast with Mr Greg leemon if you want to check out the full conversation you can click here and also don’t forget to subscribe to the channel


    1. Just curious why he didn't report it. Sure someone could go and get every bike off the top of the car at the end of the race and weigh every bike. You would know instantly. Why have you never heard from the Mechanics that work on the bikes that arn't getting anything from cheating. If Sky are so bad through and though, they would also need Pinarello to make a bike with the motor in built with the right carbon lay up at source, if sky or now ineos tried to put a motor in a frame retrospectively they would have to cut it in pieces to make it happen. So now you're talking about many layers of people across a team and a bike manufacturer that would need to be involved and paid very well not to say anything for ever. Not saying it's never happened at some level but at elite level you would have to hope that at least 20 -30 people kept their mouth shut. Very unlikely

    2. These are stupid commentaries, Cancellara has also always maintained the same cadence, even on time trials, only neat pickers complain.
      High cadence is better than gear grinding, bike changes don't matter if all the bikes are inspected size of motors and the battery to run them would be noticeable. The bike won the race right, it could have been easily seen Haters will hate, cancellara was and is a great rider. Greg is just jealous

    3. are the officials no longer verifying gear ratio's? A bike for the flats, another for the climbs? 39/49 fronts is a thing of the past.

    4. 2024 tour de France. one of the stages before stage 7. I remember a bike change where they pulled the bike off the roof of the car and it had a water bottle already on the bike. They did not add water. So if was on roof of car for hours wouldn't the water been hot. OR it was a battery ? Go watch a let me know if the see it.

    5. Has there ever been a more desperate person than LeMond? The narcissist who can’t stand the success of others.
      There were no tests for drugs in his day, me thinks he protests too much.

    6. I get lance did you dirty but not everyone that wins is cheating. And if they were then fuck em for doing so but you can’t call every fast rider a cheater

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