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    What is ROBLOX? ROBLOX is an online virtual playground and workshop, where kids of all ages can safely interact, create, have fun, and learn. It’s unique in that practically everything on ROBLOX is designed and constructed by members of the community. ROBLOX is designed for 8 to 18 year olds, but it is open to people of all ages.

    #Roblox #JixxyJax #GrimoireEra

    in this video I spent 24 hours grinding so that way I can become the wizard King inside of grim roar’s era now this is a brand new game came out just a few days ago so I decided to spend a bunch of time just grinding up the release and I must say there isn’t a whole lot of this game yet but the sub that is in the game I do see a lot of potential in and I’m not going to lie we also got insanely lucky this video the luck in the intro is the main reason why I just rushed grinding through the entire game and they Lu it really to continue throughout the entire video so if you haven’t already and you do enjoy this video please drop a quick like And subscribe it is free and it does help out the channel but let’s go ahead and get started all right let’s do this so the first thing I want to do just like any good game on Roblox I want enter some codes real quick and of course I have a really good one right here 2 million visits that just gave me 30 spins of auras and races we also have a few others I don’t know how many of these work that one’s failed this one one also failed what about this one that work we got some Grim War spins and I think that might be all I need I think this one worked yeah there we go okay that one gave oh that one gave me a lot gave me spins of each one but it also gave me an hour of luck and experience we’re going to have to use that soon then not want to waste experience boost but now that we’ve done that let’s rejoin the game again I have a good reason oh actuallyit one more thing Let me actually head over here and collect the daily reward just get that which gave us orus spins okay we we’ll use those later oh it actually rolls how many we get okay we get four that’s on the higher end we can get to six not too bad okay rejoin okay let’s go ahead and do race rerolls we have 45 races let’s see if we can get devil actually don’t even know if we’re going to get it or not there we go easy devil oh that’s a good one too that’s 05% chance uh plus five damage plus plus five life steal now uh quick quick thing before we actually truly get started though playing I will note that I have not watched a lot of Black Clover I have watched a little bit but not most of it oh we got like horns we got like a devil Aura too so we actually get like visuals for doing that we really really cool but let’s see so because we haven’t leveled up yet but we have stat points I’m going to go ahead and put my stats into melee I’m not sure what the best stat order is but I do have one reset stat for later but we can also we can also spin our Aura you know what let’s see if we get ourselves the cursed Aura too let’s just go the full way and oh we just saan okay it’s 1.9 what does this look like yeah look at that okay that’s actually kind of cool you know we’re going to keep that for now I don’t know what devil looks or cursed Aura it would be fitting cuz we’re as her right now okay interesting way to start the first thing we to do is track our Quest and let’s start leveling up we need to get level 15 I think it’s level 15 if we want to get our Grim Roar which we also have a bunch of spins for that and knowing my luck so far we might get lucky and get ourselves a super rare one I’m not even sure which ones are good let’s see our first Quest is to defeat eight Bandits which are these guys and we can literally only defeat them by punching that’s all we have access to right now I’m just going to group them all up at the same time this should be effective there you go well we got most of the kills there probably shouldn’t group them up just yet I I don’t have the health to do that but guys our main goal right now is from the little bit I’ve played is get level 15 in order to get access to our gri Roar and luckily we have a time to experience so that should be pretty fast actually we leveled up there we go oh yeah because we have life steal whenever I deal damage I heal tiny bits that’s making this a little easier okay just one more no that’s a lot of levels hey we’re level 15 now we’re level 17 okay that’s good that I think we also unlock another Quest but I’m just going to rush all the way this direction because if I follow this path for like an for like an hour we’ll make our way all the way to the magic Tower and once we get in here the grimore tower we can go ahead and talk to the dealer and we have 16 spins to try to get a grim regen reinforcement bronze fire water dark wind and anti- magic and of course whichever one we’ll get I’ll do my best to match to the character if it’s on Roblox okay let’s see spin regen I think okay that one literally just gives me heal okay we do not want reged come on give me like darker wind that’s bronze n that’s kind of cool not really I want to get like a really cool one there’s water oh we got dark awesome oh and with it we get a sword does that mean we have sword damage you know I have a way to test this I put my stats in the magic what what does cut do ooh it throws a cut okay let’s see so if I punch with my fist right now we deal 11 damage if I swing with my sword 26 ooh that’s way better 98 that is actually really good and we use the Ability on them all right yeah we can’t hit all of them oh that’s good we just regenerate then do it again I just took zero damage okay I’m going to I’m going to like this one we’re probably going to use this one but I just want to see what it scales off of there we go so 26 and 98 I go ahead and put one stat into magic 27 okay that skills off of magic what about this 101 okay now let’s see if this now let’s see if sword affects it 27 okay I don’t think the sword affected that and I don’t think I just go ahead and use this again okay no so this entirely scales off of magic everything I have here this one’s actually really good then so I don’t need to have any strength okay that should be good I just I’m just a little deified not going to lie I wish it didn’t change his skin color I wish it was just the aura and the horn so I can’t look at the part as well is that the boss oh yeah let’s fight the boss the evil old man 5,000 experience Duke let’s do it hold Z and throw it 138 damage that o that did a lot of damage to me yeah no I’m not getting close to you at all have fun standing over over there it’s going to sit here regenerate my mana and just keep throwing blades at you you know what I like this I like this grimore this is a good one unless it just doesn’t want to hit you dead yet die I miss I have to be like right on you’re just not willing to hit well you are the evil old man so makes sense that’s a lot of levels there we go that’s five levels awesome 15 more points let’s dump it all into magic cuz I don’t need more Mana yet and I don’t he has to have away from the respawns let’s see do we can we go somewhere else now we can 2,000 M this way okay then let’s go this way then let see I’m guessing evil noble man first it is we have to defeat eight of them is that who you are yeah you are cool I do a lot of damage to you because of the really good roll I got and you know what actually because now we’re actually point we’re leveling let me enter more codes I have a few more what about you has luck what about you experience and you Yen ooh I I like double Yen that sounds good yes more evil L men let’s do it and there we go okay level 42 that’s more than enough uh let’s dump magic yeah that should be fine I don’t need more Mana yet cuz my skill only uses 50 and I have 150 total let’s see desert wizard we have to defeat eight of them they give 5,000 experience per Quest 10,000 cuz of the Boost guess it’s you guys you guys I got do most of your health with one ability that’s good well there’s more people grinding here so I won’t group them all up they get two more levels now we can go ahead and put more in the magic more damage one in doubt one shot your enemy you can’t take damage if there’s no enemy to give it and there we go level 52 we overshot it that’s good okay one more bity in there now we have dark slash how much Mana do you require 150 okay let’s put the rest of those points into Mana that should be that that should give me enough to do both my abilities and back off let’s see what it does hold it nothing let go to dash forward so I can Dash through my enemy that’s kind of cool okay let’s go ahead and accept the Quest for the fire Wizard and it tells me where he’s at okay good I was about to say I haven’t seen a fire wizard go hunt him down I also bet that does a lot of damage considering I need 100 for it if I keep this one I don’t roll a new one I’ll probably reset my strength my stats and dump my strength and like my defense and Mana but I’m going to wait to do that till I understand truly what I want to do I might want to dump it into a sword instead you the fire wizard okay that’s a player is his name you don’t have a name okay let’s try it 300 damage on that not too bad and 300 damage on that too so cool now that I did that I can just back off for a second regenerate and then do it again look at that that’s nice that one missed and the dark cut hit for once thank you oh he’s almost dead let’s just punch him there we go bunch of levels look at that 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 we’re at 59 after one kill I love that it gives a lot of experience because I can’t fight him for a while I have to wait for him to spawn in again I wonder if they drop anything cuz they have luck I bet that’s for drop well awesome okay let’s go ahead and put those stat man I I I’m guessing let’s put more defense cuz we’re going to need it soon let’s get let’s get 1,000 Health there you go 1,000 health and let’s put the rest of those stats let’s even up to 250 like even numbers and then let’s go ahead and put the rest in the man in the magic okay that should be good for now I am liking this game this game’s actually I’m I’m having a lot of fun with this here you go finally our next Quest so the levels are are 75 I level 100 for the next one and then 125 so now it’s every 25 level and here we go I join a basically empty server to guarantee no lag and it is so much better if you’re running into combat issues just rejoy it makes it so much smoother my ability is actually hit oh it’s so nice they’re faster too everything about it I love it that would have been nice earlier really would have been and okay there we go level 100 we’re also now up to 200 magic 50 more to go then we have our next ability now but now level 100 we now have access to the corrupt dark Wizards which hopefully won’t be too much more difficult luckily because of the much better server yeah figure these guys out this is actually really easy Once you understand the combo but there we go now we have enough points for the third skill dark tip let’s see what does this do what did that do is that a Teleport it’s a Teleport that eats up like all of my Mana look at that it takes 300 Mana man I want another attack I can’t use that okay and okay there we go now we’re level 126 which okay we also have 2,000 Health now which means we can now fight the corrupt wizard who I think is still alive but he’s all the way over here let’s see if we can defeat him before my experience runs out cuz I only have 3 minutes left of my Boost and then I’m grinding really slow oh he uses he uses my skills okay basically just fighting myself a lot of Health be nicer if I had you know more than two attacks slow and steady he’s almost dead oh so am I cuz I hit once there we go okay four levels for that awesome we got 12 more points well shoot okay I’m guessing let’s just upgrade our magic stats I’m going to guess considering our current top Quest 125 I’m going to guess I need to get level 150 hopefully just 150 for me to unlock the next um Quest also you know what cuz I want to see what accessories actually do and I want more um experience I mean this is basically just paying the price for an hour each boost at the same time but I also get two accessories I think I’m going to go ahead and buy the starter pack I’m not buying anything else for now but that that that should be enough let’s see what we get for that we get a Mars coat which gives me health and Mana and then a necklace this is Yo’s necklace which also gives health and Mana can I equip both of them I can that actually on my avatar it is that’s actually kind of cool yeah I like that let’s see is that enough it is enough okay level 150 was the next Quest that’s good before we head over to the next Quest though corrupt wizard boss just spawn let’s kill him there we go three levels for that awesome okay let’s head to the next Quest now ah it’s the quest over by the Grim War Tower got to defeat banded commoners these guys shouldn’t be too bad they a th000 experience per kill too which is really nice so we should get a lot of experience for this yeah look at that bunch of levels so according to the NPC I’m going to be doing this until level 175 honestly even though this skill set only has two abilities that I could use at least until like super high level it is not that bad for grinding especially if you do it right but let’s go we now have enough to do Bandit nobleman I also have no idea where they are they’re all the way over there that is like very far well I’m going to go kill them once how do you even get up there I need to fly okay how do I get a fly one second let me check the Discord if I could fly I could kill those guys easier but I do not have one right now apparently it’s all the way over here yeah I literally can’t get up there if I even I wanted to which I do and you got to be kidding me well I can fly now let me show how I did it my darn recording crash okay so cool so if I just head all the way over here this is the map I’m following I’m going to the red circle right now and all you have to do is you have to get get the white line that plays it’s a mini game you talk to this guy I learn how to fly but if you talk to him the broom guy and play as mini game which is basically just a get the line inside the box and it’s moving really fast back and forth if you do it successfully like three chances to fail then you get yourself the mount dang it I’m so mad at crash cuz Min games a one time use man tiny bit annoying but look at this I figured I how to fight with this thing it’s actually really cool I I learned how to fly trust me that that that was on purpose okay so if we go ahead and now they’re like all lined up so if I go ahead and just do this attack hits all of them and if I get them lined up like this then I hit him all with that then I can hit with this again and they all die that is actually really smooth it really helps too that I can basically dump all of my stats in Magic because all my melee damage and everything Stacks onto it I bet anti-magic does the same anti magic might actually be different though because AA doesn’t have magic at least I don’t know if he gets it later considering the cool Transformations he gets like I said in the beginning of the video I I haven’t watched all of Black Clover I’m still very early into it I just know he doesn’t have magic and there we go level 200 so with that we can now kill the Bandit Royal who’s also up there 40,000 experience okay this is going to level me up a lot my Lord you LW damage with dur ability I need to make sure to dodge that okay this should kill him now there we go oh we got a drop finally we got something we got a silver sword at 30% interesting well there you go a new weapon also plenty of levels I don’t think that would do much damage though it has skills but just checking it only does 11 damage okay that’s not worth using okay finally okay look at this I finally have 500 magic and I can’t get anymore it maxes out at 500 interesting I’m curious now okay so if they max out at 500 a lot of games have their level max out at this if Max level’s 500 which means about like halfway almost halfway done and I get about three points per level that means I can max out three stats so I’m guessing what you want to do for your stat setup is you Max out your health and Mana not your Mana your magic then you have like a decent amount of Mana depending on how much this ult does the dark ultimate and then you have like your rest in like sord or melee but let’s see if I go ahead and use the V it’s an ultimate it killed me though okay noted be farther away I figured it would either make me Invincible or it would just not do that okay let’s try that again let’s get myself right here and press V oh not too bad well killed a few of them it didn’t hit all of them though I use it here like how much range does this have oh that’s not too bad oh it’s a giant slash it goes forward that isn’t too bad I mean it’s kind of hard to use and not going to lie I could use a little bit more like s warmup noises but it’s not too bad okay I’m guessing now that I have my like I literally can’t get any more magic stat I’m going to dump all into health I guess man so I basically have two attacks I mean I’ll stick with this for a while but my goodness I might need to get myself a new ability well the right side I can use it to start fights with bosses Bo have 4,000 damage it’s not too bad that is worth starting fights with and oh I didn’t even notice I can actually go to the next Quest now okay let’s head over all right here we go next Quest area these guys shouldn’t be too difficult me they’re already pretty grouped up it would also help if I fought the right enemies apparently these are the blacksmith yeah these are the right guys and there we go level 250 if I’m right about max level being 500 right now that means that we are now halfway done now we can kill the corpt commoners which is a bit more experience I also think I’m going to go with head and this is the last Robux we’re going to spend on this video I’m going to buy the times to experience so that way my end of the video speeds up because I don’t show most of the grinding I skipped through that in my videos where I’ll show like the beginning and anything cool I figure out like how to actually fight so just to speed this up for myself I’m going to go ahead and buy 6 hours of Double XP I’m not going to buy any Yen or luck to not increase that if anything I’m actually getting myself less money and less that gave me 12 hours let me make sure I didn’t buy the 12h hour one once second transactions purchases no yeah I bought this one and it just gave me 12 hours even better cool I have 12 hours of experience for the price of six unless the timer is also broken yeah I don’t show most of the grinding like I just did like probably like 15 rounds of killing and I didn’t show a single one of them nor record it and ah we’re just below 300 dang it okay here we go and there we go level 300 first try Okay corrupt nobleman now this guy gives 60,000 fren experience okay let’s definitely kill this wad let’s do it there we go okay five levels for that not too bad ooh I just got the Sigh from the corrupt Noble boss there we go another weapon look at that I’m stabbing myself in the eye brilliant oh well I found where you buy Grim Wars at the spins it’s 50,000 yen for 10 I have 16 my goodness that’s a lot of money in fact there’s something I want to do right now because I have a bunch of money and I have a bunch of experience boost I’m not too worried about rushing in it cuz I’m I’m level 331 I have I think 170 more levels to go if my Max level’s correct cuz there’s only one group of enemies for me to kill that I haven’t gone to yet I want to go ahead and buy all the upgrades I can Master the art dashing I can teach you as well but it comes at a price 10,000 Yen that is expensive but dashing I do like dashing you let’s buy that one why not use Dash 100 times oh I probably shouldn’t have bought that oh I thought it just give it to me okay one second I can’t cancel it either otherwise I have to pay the money well it looks like I’m going to dash 100 times real quick give me a minute and there okay I’ve awakened my Dash what is it now oh it’s faster look at that I was pressing at full speed earlier it’s way faster yes oh I didn’t even realize I was just I’ve been running through killing all the bosses in a loop cuz they have a lot of experience and this is like not as repetitive as doing the same enemies over and over again and I got the mace weapon from the first boss the old man awesome that’s three swords I’m never going to use brilliant if I go ahead and fly over here there should be something pretty cool Co the one area I haven’t been yet yeah look at this it’s the giant demon skull from the main character’s Village no staty though on top well I want to come over here because I want to fight the boss well I guess not because someone else was already killing it well that’s the final area I’ll be there pretty soon I’m nine levels away okay let’s do this now let me go ahead and do this 5,000 oh it’s a it’s a rhythm game I hate these well not rhythm game but it’s a clicker click the circles at a specific amount of time I’m getting hang of it and we got this this is this isn’t too bad there you go I just I just get a hang of it real quick there I wasn’t expecting that that was cool awesome so now I have Mana sense how do I use Mana sense you didn’t exactly teach me how to use it spamming Keys now oh okay it’s l oh it’s taking up my Mana I don’t know what that is but I have it okay that must be like a player sensing that’s why I can’t see anything cuz there’s no one in my server quite peculiar but I have it now perfect oh and there I again from killing bosses are now level 350 and that was right cool that’s the next Quest I am entirely guessing by the way I do not know what I’m talking about at all times yeah there he is exiled magic Knight Captain this is the guy to kill and the one I was trying to kill earlier before the other guy killed him they don’t take long to respawn especially if you’re just cycling bosses so let’s let’s try to kill them I’m not I can’t get a quest for it cuz I need like level I think 450 so for now let’s just do that what is your what is your attack yep okay you’re okay you’re basically just the water boss got it ow you do a lot of damage though and there we go I got 12,000 experience just for killing them so I leveled up but no drops okay time to do the quest so that one is 400 this one is 450 yeah I bet 500 is Max this point 500 is definitely Max ah I was right I yeah when the people with magic have a lot more effects around them look at that that’s cool and there we go okay this should be enough levels it is there we go I now have Max defense and as you can see I can’t put any more points oh wait the wizard had that’s actually really good drop for me it’s a 10% chance rare 500 health let’s see do I actually have a wizard hat on now let me see I do I have a wizard hat that’s awesome oh I’m having I’m having so much fun okay back to grinding and oh here we go I just I didn’t even notice it dang it I was talking to someone I was telling someone Tower was I got the scarf let’s go that replaces the necklace so wait is that even better that was not even better okay cool I’ll keep using necklace then well still I got the scar if there’s another item that I now have that I don’t need to get anymore not too bad we’re doing good we only have a few more drops left I think there literally just like two more and then we have everything in the game I have 10,000 cash I have over 10,000 let me go ahead and talk to this NPC I want to do this master of jumping thing let’s see what this is use double jump 100 times why I had a feeling it was going to be that but I’m guessing let’s do it I shall jump my way back to level 400 area and there we go so now oh yeah look at that 1 2 3 4 four five five jumps midair 1 2 3 4 five yep okay cool so now I that’s that’s actually a pretty big upgrade I go from a double jump to a five jump yep all right you know what we’re just going to do it now I want to change Grim Wars I’ve been using this one for a few hours let’s get a new one so we only have seven Rolls how much is it for spins okay wow that’s a lot 2,499 for 100 that that’s the best price too satell well either way it’s a 0.9 for wind well let’s let go ahead and try to spin I guess see what we get bronze reinforcement let’s see what this does oh we need strength stat for that one okay we can’t use reinforcement dark again oh we only have three left it’s so risky ah whatever let’s do it bronze okay any what let’s roll let’s see reinforcement okay I’m paying for rolls I don’t care we’re doing it that gave me 200 actually wait so 2499 divid by 20000 yeah it’s like 12 Robux per reroll that’s actually much better than what it was I basically paid half prize man all their stuff’s broken all their stuff’s double to what it actually is wind awesome yeah you know what we’re going to keep that I’m going to keep my rolls cuz apparently anti-magic is worse from what I’ve read I was reading through Grim Roars cuz I was like mine’s kind of lackluster but still pretty good for grinding which is why I kept dark apparently wind is amazing right now let’s see we have wind spear which does 1,500 then we have hurricane that that one would be really good for collecting I think that’s the good one for collecting and then we have this one that dealt 2,000 really good okay let’s now go ahead and press V which gives o black bars that are not straight awesome oh and because of that I have a melee look I have a sword and it’s not draining Mana so that’s permanent awesome well with that we have three new abilities we’re also faster wind blast basically the same thing but it’s longer for 2,300 damage then we have wind race [Music] oh that’s really cool me like and then my fly is now different my fly is just me hovering okay do you know what we need a Uno outfit now we’re youo okay there we go now we look at the parts so if I go ahead and transform we temporarily take off all the Clutter yeah look at that we look way better we look good is now Uno time we even have his necklace oh yeah oh yes we’re perfect there’s should also be even better for grinding cuzz like all these abilities are just better oh look at that yeah that’s good and yes we get the glasses oh that perfect time to get them too that is a 10% chance drop I can also equip those and a let’s go just got necklace too okay there we go we’re now level 452 which is more than enough to do the last quest to kill the exiled magic Knight Captain 880,000 experience for that actually really good I’m going to get myself like four levels for this and look at that one little combo did so much of his health there you go look at that five levels actually really really good there we go finally we got the bracelet there we go that take a slot that’s his own slot too there we go so those are the five best accessories bracelets glasses wizard hat neck yeah Yo’s necklace and Mars’s cloak really good we have a lot of Mana from those and health and there we go level 499 if I’m correct killing the final boss in the game should give us more than enough experience to get the last level but this fight’s going pretty well I’m not going to lie I’m liking wind much better than I am than I was dark and there we go and I was right look at that level 500 it doesn’t say Max anywhere but if you look at the experience amount only 180 but yeah there we go with all of those stats I’m guessing I’m going to put all 30 of these in the Mana we now have have maxed out our game we have all the items we have the technically best Grim Tech anti is rare but this one’s better all the accessories and I could spin for the cursed AA but yet again I don’t know what it looks like and and I do kind of like the idea of having a Super Saiyan Aura it is actually pretty cool so overall we did really really good look at us we’re awesome we look amazing and so chaotic so yes hope you enjoyed this video this took me about I’m going to say like 8 hours I’ll definitely say we are one of the the strongest players in the game right now we’re amongst all the people that got max level so technically amongst the best if you do want to see more of this game let me know they’ll have more stuff for me to do pretty soon hopefully and overall I’ll say that this was a lot of fun can’t wait to see more from this game


    1. The truly rare thing in this game is mythic, and magic below mythic is basically one for each person,But mythuc magic is not powerful. I have the sword magic, and I can say that dark and wind are stronger than sword

    2. Bro after 39 spins I got nothing but commens and uncommens and now I’m stuck with regen and I put all my stats in to magic so it makes it impossible to lvl up

    3. I love this game soo much i wished all the grimoires were fair i personally have a mythic grimoire but i wish there was more potential to all grimoires so there is a variety when it comes to combat smh

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