The Track in Cornwall is a dirt jump paradise! There are so many lines and different size jumps, so whether you are a total beginner or training for Crankworx there is something you can ride here!

    I took my new Haibike ALLMTN 10 and started off riding the small table line but I quickly realised that I could really try and push myself here. So I then decided to ride the bigger lines and even managed to get a trick perfected!

    I hope you enjoyed this video!
    Kara 🙂

    Welcome to my channel! I am beginner Mountain Bike rider documenting my progression, struggles and sucesses on my channel! I hope that whether you are a beginner rider yourself or an advanced or even pro rider you can take something from my channel and enjoy the journey with me!

    INSTAGRAM and Tik Tok: @karabealmtb

    hello everyone and welcome back to my channel so we are still in Sunny Cornwall and we have come to the track which I’ve been to only once before and I’m so excited to be back here because look at this view it’s dirt jumps paradise and I have got my High bike all Mountain 10 my brand new bike and I think this is going to be perfect for the job because I’m most comfortable jumping this so I feel like we can get some big sends on the go today so we should drop straight in to one of the track just behind me right let’s drop in then table just go show us what you got on the ebike here these jumps are perfect the place is legendary but the jumps are actually perfect as car is demonstrating on all the bikes so like I’m on the jump bike the hard tail she’s on the E both smashing the lines and that breeze is so nice because it’s absolutely roasted yo nice yoj that was sick hold on that was so good yeah that wind’s quite strong as you as you come around the corner is a little bit yeah right we’re back up at the top now and next to me here is a slightly bigger table the one that I’m sat on now is the one that we’ve just ridden and I think I can probably do these tables they look quite good so let’s go through them see what we’ve got and then hopefully we can clear them right here we go then dropping in this tables sick oh my God that is insane I can’t believe I just we them right let’s go to the bottom these BS are so nice right we got to slow right up here one two three four yeah oh my goodness that feels insane right Tom’s up here with me now and he is going to film some of those big table jumps from the side using my phone so I’m going to insert those clips right now that was so sick I actually I’m feeling pretty good on the bike today and Tom is now going to follow me the whole way down the line so let’s hope we can get some big clears right you ready for the follow cam show us this bigger table line there a long line of jumps as well isn’t it which is actually so sick here we go then yo she’s steaming away yo nice yes KJ that was so sick oh my God yes we’re done I think it’s now time to head over to there’s like a rubber mulch over there which is looking so so good and I really want to try and get my one handers back so let’s go and check that out right I’ve literally just spent the last half an hour of sessioning this mulch jump behind me here it’s actually so perfect if you’re wanting to practice jumping or practice tricks and things and I’ve not done a trick on my new bike yet and I’ve literally done about 30 one Handles in a row and I’m getting it so good now I’m so pleased with myself because again I was a little bit off with them like the last few months actually I haven’t had the confidence to take my hands off and things but now I’m absolutely sending it it’s something to do with the Cornish air I think um but I’m going to clip you guys onto the chesty and show you what I’ve been up to and then we’ll get Tom to film it from the side and we’ll get a nice big extended one hander here we go seven pedals 1 2 3 4 5 oh my God that’s been a while hasn’t it sick let’s get it from the side now that jump is so good I’ve been watching Cara do one handed and she’s got them so dialed so I’ve come over so I’m going to film it get it KJ yo wow she’s flying down there that was sick I’m so happy with that I can’t believe I’m just doing it you’re flying off that yeah I’m stayed should we do that in slow motion maybe yes do it right we have ventured on now from the mulch to this step up here which Tom is just testing out on my bike now oh easy it’s actually such a perfect jump the rolling is the scary thing though that reminds me of the to pound which if you’ve been watching my videos before you’ll know the ordal that I had with that but we’re going to give it a go I’m pretty sure it’s okay I’ll probably just feel like the M right yeah exactly cool okay well with that in mind let’s send it yo okay is it a bit soft for the ebike yeah bit so my my engine case on the way in because I need to stiffen it up maybe yeah and I need to Pedal a bit more to clear it yeah give it another go it’s quite a tight setup for jump bikes yeah I’m getting serious flashbacks on that rolling though cuz it’s like you’re here push and then almost as soon as you get your back your which is a scary thing like I like a lot of room but that’s not steep no near steep no no exactly oh and that people is how it’s done was Landing oh goodness sake right let me try and actually jump it first right this is the roll in there probably doesn’t look nowhere near as steep in the video big clear then coming my way hopefully anyway yes did I clear that yo nice well on that’s actually really fun that was very good I saw that as we came into the bike park and and I was like o that looks quite scary because those ramps like the transition’s quite skate Parky it’s quite tight isn’t it and steep but that was sick I’m glad I done that rolling as well because that was scary right we have made our way down to the bottom section of jumps and I’ve discovered that there’s Gap jumps next to the tables that I’m doing so I want to try that actually although I know that I’ve been able to clear the tables obviously when you take the middle out it’s a whole another story and they feel so different but I think I’ve got it so let’s give it a [Music] go yo that was sick nice one KJ I don’t know why that was so scary even though like the table was are appeared easily next to it and the gap’s the same size just the fact of the matter you put a gap in it it makes it so hard we’ve actually just started filming Tom’s video now and just as a bonus clip we’re trying to time it so that he flies over me whilst I’m going around a burm cuz there’s a couple of lines that merge like that and this is a failed clip but he went flying in front of me so I’m going to insert it now ready let’s go not ta your head no let’s go know I me oh oh my God that that was so scary that was so scary even though we messed that one up we’re going to get it good now though so you guys can see in Tom’s Video still but unfortunately that’s all we’ve got time to do we’re going to film Tom a video now my turn next it is Tom’s turn next and he is going to hit the bigger jumps that you can see behind us there’s so much here at the track honestly it’s like if we had a full week we’d be here every day and I’m sure you’d get to be such an insane Rider there’s so many different size jumps Progressive jumps and I feel like I’ve really progressed today here in the few hours that I’ve been riding I’m stoked I’ve got the one-hander back but not not only got the one hander back I’ve got it back and I’m extending and I’m hitting the lip comfortably at a fast speed and that has been a long time coming I’ve lost that for a while but it’s back and I’m so excited to session more I’ve got big plans that I want to do there’s a few jump lines kicker lines Gap lines that I want to hit on my new bike which you’ll see very soon but I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did please give it a thumbs up put your comments down below and we will see you guys very soon bye yeah I’m about to fade away cuz every time I wake up I feel like it’s Monday something’s going wrong with all the chemicals up in my brain all a sudden I don’t look at anything the same way got to build up on my thoughts sitting in an astray I’m sorry that I’m so it Canen okay just let me be me and I’ll stay out of your way


    1. Sick progression Kara your doing really well🔥. Quick question, I’ve been wondering, why does Tom call you KJ? I was just wondering as I haven’t figured it out yet. But, keep up the good work your doing amazing on the jumps👍

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