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    This is just the very beginning of my exciting motorbike journey in Serbia, a dream I have always wanted to do. The journey started from Belgrade, the capital city of Serbia, heading to the Eastern part of the country. Along the way, I made several stops in small cities such as Pancevo, Pozarevac, Salakovac with a final destination of Kučevo.

    Hello there, welcome to this channel!
    I am an Indonesian female solo traveler, who started solo traveling in 2013. After working for the government till 2016, I left Indonesia to pursue full-time traveling and to document myself as I explore different cultures as a solo female.

    Having initially traveled for 5 months throughout Asia, I moved to China in January 2017 for an English teaching job, which was my first experience living abroad.

    Since leaving China in 2018, I have taken the move to become a full-time YouTube creator and traveler. I strive to create unique, culture-driven content and capture authentic interactions as I travel.


    1. Dear everyone, I hope that you have had a great week so far! I am very excited to share this video with you and I hope you can feel the emotions I try to transcend through this video. I recommend turning on the CC (subtitles options) as the microphone struggling to capture my sound due to excessive wind. Let me know what you think down in the comment section below. Loads of love to you and thank you for your kind support.

    2. I really like and appreciate your video’s. Editing is so good, sound quality is very clear photography is excellent and your smile 😊 keep it up 👍

    3. O'zbekistondan salom hammaga, zo'r juda go'zal, men videolargizni ko'rib ingliz tilini o'rganaman deb o'ylayman hozir 0 umuman bilmayman , lekin harakat qilyapman

    4. Hallo Syifa, ich finde gut was du tust! Serbien ist ein Land voller freundlicher Menschen und eignet sich daher hervorragend dafür, bereist zu werden. Ich selbst stamme aus einer Deutsch/ Serbischen Ehe, bin männlich und 52 Jahre alt. Ich fahre jedes Jahr , meist im Mai von Deutschland nach Serbien, habe dort Verwandschaft. Mütterlicherseits existiert in Kačarevo eine Schwester meiner Mutter, dort übernachte ich dann, um von dort weitere 650 Km nach Nordmazedonien zu reisen. Vielleicht treffen wir uns ja, wer weiß. Dann trinken wir gerne einen Kaffee zusammen. Habe deinen Kanal abonniert und habe dir ein Daumen nach oben dagelassen.

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