Originally streamed on 09/28/2023.

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    0:00 TFT
    03:53:12 League of Legends
    05:57:21 TFT
    08:51:46 Picking A List of Scarra’s Favorite Games of All

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    yo you guys see me now we back we back okay guys um welcome to the stream uh today we’re going to play some TFT some League of Legends maybe some lost Arc gives me a little heie gbes to potentially play that game again some heebie GBS man L Arc oh God I try CS2 I have no desire to play CS2 the only thing I think about CS2 is that I think it’s a better investment it was a better investment than the stock market if I had known CS2 was coming out aside from that um no idea see I was told that Hy roll Hardy got accessory now you can’t quit oh oh that’s how they get you man you’re stuck actually what are the lost lost AR classes oh I heard this class is broken they read the beat patch it looks really good I’m surprised they patch so much I the beat patch looks great martial artist Striker Scrapper did they ever buff Scrapper I feel that that was a really fun class AR artill is so fun machinist oh okay oh there were no sorcs when I played I felt I felt so bad cuz there were no sords he’s a new legendary skin [Music] bow your head or lose [Music] it uh I want to play sorceress I you know the one thing that’s sucked is when they released a a like they never released the Sorceress class initially for Lost Art cuz that was the class I wanted to play Oh scroll down not the video this that like interesting what is what these oh my God it’s a chowing angle all right I’ll look at this later are you going the worlds this year there’s a high chance I’ll be at Worlds this year a very high chance your Fe the void they will feel pain they’ve never imagined didn’t CH get Nerf again it’s the B patch is not out yet right it’s out later is out now we’ll see how much Mana do he have he doesn’t have 100 Mana it’s it’s not out hell no it’s not out yet it’s out tomorrow you guys are literally trying to scare me will feed the void let’s go I don’t like that one okay that one looks like it sucks but it’s kind of interesting it’s kind of interesting guy has Bruiser spot but he leveled great wait do you think I could ever slam warmogs here think I have to right I have to slam here I think I win this automatically okay okay there is a Zan spat that is very interesting but then I have to play for Zan oh I did not win through what the hell I do with you I really need to make 10 here so like winning here means a lot I was so scared I [ __ ] didn’t slam your enem close and me close okay what what if I just slam what if I just slam War okay what what if I just slam it means I won’t have Redemption which is a really big deal but it means I I can just go for declaw of Carousel which is pretty good big [Music] deal f i shouldn’t have Slamm guys who told me to slam who told me to slam all right it’s fine it’s fine do I okay the problem right now is I feel like you really need ramble in the current meta cuz a lot of people are playing vanquishers and the difference between your unit your unit will not live if it does not have Bramble like it is crazy okay wait wait if I’m dude you know I I talked to Abe last night about lost Arc and he was like oh we’re still looking for a couple players you know we we still have a DPS spot open if you’re interested I was like [ __ ] man like that does sound like a good spot and there’s couple CL that are really good I mean I would play sorceress or suus cuz I think I think sulfus is so funny I I would like to request for like a a redo every time I miss my opener trer blader W back for 91 months thanks for subing a sorc fun cuz I know arist was the original thing right but it was not that fun if I remember correctly like I think it wasn’t that good right wait wait wa was arus the new one or the new one arus is a new one right wait so is wait wait what’s the other one am is it called AR am I crazy the darkness oh arcanist’s carts oh oh okay never mind I’m thinking something [Music] else wait wait what’s an aeromancer is that the is that a uh a it’s the the the wind one right you have the umbrella oh okay do I ever just put this in and just say [ __ ] sha oh it’s a support class oh I’m good just say less say I don’t really I say less that’s a DPS well I I care more about the fun factor I really enjoyed uh the class I play I enjoyed Soul fits but I had no gear for it so it was really bad but I really enjoyed it this guy has the the fari too we feed don’t this me runes oh no I miss the darkness of the Void all I know is uh I might be playing with shroud’s group and shroud’s group already has a Slayer shroud’s a Slayer and I’m like okay well I’m probably not playing it’s Slayer Slayer looks fun Slayer looks [Music] good so probably not that Oh I thought it was going to be a stat not that I needed one I really feel like I I can’t even use this spat here always the perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect I go Bramble next it’s so good uh okay that’s good keep your enemies okay I’m just really curious what is it oh I’m probably just play then okay nothing inspiring I think they will feel pain they’ve never imagined I will te the world keep your enemies close and me closer another roll of 30 at least I’m like kind of close now to the void more consumed by it are we talking about Blade and Soul no no one’s talking about blade L Soul no one ever will be talking about you know who actually unironically likes that game um Eugen she asked me to play and I was like I I had to ask her I was like first of all are you being serious right now like for real swear on your your mother’s life she like no I’m serious oh that’s that’s cool wait I have 40 gold this is the best show angle I’ve had hell yeah baby the Iron Man class okay I’m not going to play that just because Sean might play and he said he’s going to play that but is in the class literally just like you turn into [ __ ] Super Saiyan the scar Give In The Lost Arc no I’m not playing yeah guys level 750 gold is everyone going to lose the game off this guy like if I if I were going to play lost Arc and that’s a big if if it were to happen then I would probably just play for jump start and never touch it again does Cho suck now I I’m surprised I lost five what the [ __ ] DB rage blade of fos I still feel like I thought the filios SW wasn’t that good he had doesn’t not have anything this is the felos it’s fine I have my bis hopefully I’ll start getting some stuff now yeah I think brambo is the best defensive it in the game right now cuz uh yeah they’re this better not be a [ __ ] best man I wasn’t able to check it this game sucks this game [ __ ] blows dude [Music] pretty sure this goes in the Sunfire it’s fine how’s that on the meta I mean it’s just good on certain units wow he got a [ __ ] virtue wait that’s that’s pretty darn good fine I’m dedication my Bruiser here and now that I have a bramble I think I it’s like I I do so much better Val is good on jarvin and good on like units I want to cast early it’s just overall a above average item that you would slam early cuz it gives you a lot of good starting man good on stuff like sge good on stuff great on jarvin uh good on like uh that especially if you’re playing Lea [Music] um I guess I just what do I even go I think I’m supposed to play Soo for sure right with the I would I mean I don’t have to but it would be a waste on otherwise feed the void I care of everything PR V is Robo arm it’s not I check who’s the other Bruiser player this guy okay so he’s just playing vanquishers with a sge that’s that mean that’s interesting I kind of like that [Applause] I miss the darkness of the Void finest what was this oh uh do Rex side items I guess oh God I actually don’t know you don’t um oh I said oh do I want to Stack reai manes to the top the void or be consumed by it uh I need to go for tier tier here I’m going to sell this eventually the biggest question is me hitting a set here is be hard I’m still kind of a rexi hater I’m not going to lie I know a lot of people are big on rexi and I’m not big on rexi but I’ll probably roll e here and not go nine I couldn’t kill this unit are you [ __ ] kidding me they did buffer yes who needs a beat down maybe I roll at seven magic I need a lot of but magic P would be nice in this Lobby I mean I definitely want to go eight before I roll here well maybe rolling a seven the erex side 2 is really good wow I lost this guy no way maybe I need a roll out s holy [ __ ] the the losses I am incurring do not seem very legal it is a six briser death for sure but I thought I could just uh I guess I could just roll at 50 for a bit I’m going to sell like this definitely needs to go to soo I moved this uh to something else [ __ ] I kind of want to go at eight so I can I can go for uh something this does not have to be so I can Lally play it the void has breached this place fear the void sherea is where all paths converge I miss the darkness of the Void no way man oh my God I was not paying attention did not know that guy hit I’m going to B for this Lobby that seems so illegal thank [Music] God I mean I feel locket is one of the best ones I can get right the everyone here gets AR like armor in Mar is a great stat play I don’t really get that much on CH how many stacks is he on 960 it’s not bad I just need to get six I am going to go eight now I hit show three yeah I guess I really needed six Boozer this now but like oh do roll for Rex side 3 I want to but I feel like oh sh I mean I can I can just not go a feel like it’s bad like I should just go a I’m too far away I will rule the fror um I want to I would love to get managen on this character but I think I need shift more anything oh I’m I’m dead if I sound rude it’s because I’ve got a world to save about time I got my hands [Music] dirty I don’t know if this is actually even good it SK up resist right let the monster out wow I bought i e place this huh wow okay that is surprising CH feels a lot weaker troller blade W for 91 months uh jeny jar thanks oh wa hold on thanks for converting your sub har wome back for 34 months and kaido 15 thanks for sub the stream that was interesting that was so weird I I definitely have had worse boards playing Cho but I guess he’s just a lot worse worse without I didn’t Al also didn’t have um uh Redemption that felt really bad they we patch them yeah but not that game it that was BL thank you yeah I I’m just surprised I needed to roll that game it felt like I didn’t do any it’s just cuz my backline had no items I only had items for front line I should have just rolled for for [ __ ] rexa I guess just Noto n not go eight I think with my my items I needed to do it you patch out at two I mean it was not that game what I oh are terrible dude I every day I use Twitter I just see it slowly dying and I’m just like I feel so bad because I just like Twitter and I’m just like [ __ ] man like it’s like when you can see the inevitable train wreck but you can’t look away like I don’t even know what’s going to happen one day just like dies you know I don’t use IG no one uses thread it’s like um yeah battle time bch [Music] Darkness you be to tell when chat’s patched by the way or when the patch is live because you can look at uh uh you can look at show Mana if it’s not 100 then it’s notches exol I want to try exol every game the problem is not whether or not I want to try it the problem is that I can’t try it it’s just something that like you don’t get every game also there’s three invoker players every game for no [ __ ] reason I swear to God I am here to test Souls oh I feel I’m going get contested this is very exciting can’t really upgrade this by keeping me f so I actually need so do I need to play the Masia with this comp I I guess you get Radiance uh thing right and that’s really good so I guess I need to you cannot yeah radiant Redemption is pretty [ __ ] good will feel pain never imag where there is evil I shall go how do I which three do I put in um the easiest is always probably going to be poppy plus one it’s probably I don’t go Slayers right I don’t think so probably poppy [Music] jarvin or poppy whatever and then I just play the standard uh invoker board all right what am I supposed to put on Gallo here though he scals off is it just raw Health oh my God I just go warhog you always fight so poorly I’m down for double warm up but I feel like without like can you even play the game without Bramble right now I look around like H that doesn’t look [Music] right Ro stone plate yeah probably something like that oh what if I get radiant stone plate okay [ __ ] off man oh a support item a support item give you health oh but like it’s all all support items are pretty bad for me I think I think support’s bad cuz you’re not going to have a lot of oh maybe you will have a lot of fun this game give me the mystery box hey that’s me it’s the Box what’s in the box could be a radiant warmog it was items oh okay I mean like bro I didn’t get a Wars here he is is going ship here I carry my family with me uh I hope I I thought I would get more Gall Al there someone playing Rift block which is really good and someone rrolling Rogues which is really good good um at someone rolling Samira I think which is really good at someone rolling Ionia dude everyone is just playing exactly what I need them to play perfect perfect keep your enemies close and me closer this is definitely a love like uh yeah I am here to test [Music] Souls you know I’ve been thinking if RFC is overrated with Mor Kaiser I think RFC is only good if you have a lot of RFC if you don’t have it’s like I don’t know man I’m I’m like trying to figure out if oh hold on do I want any of these not this the Der is really bro what are these items I just [ __ ] what are these items man please I may be merciful but targon isn’t where there is evil I shall go yeah I feel like RFC is really hella overrated um and I think yeah I think it’s really interesting I was looking at some stats cuz this said I’m a stat apparently um and it just it looks very interesting build RFC at all I think RFC is only good if you build more than one like like the one extra range is not very relevant either build two or just none think he has better items I don’t know I’m not recing this board man uh this is I’m not reaching level nine uh okay real talk doesn’t healing orb suck ass I think I just go for branch out and pray to God oh oh oh guess we’re fighting oh we’re cooking that sucks n n it’s good you play a lot to be gargoyle okay well look at my items man you think I’m going to get the [ __ ] gargoyle in time hell no I’ll [ __ ] be dead by the time I hit gargoyle I don’t think I even play this right I don’t think I play this either I think you just you’re just happy with unfortunately and you can’t play better keep your enemies close and me closer B is only 90 yeah yeah but it’s like realistically are you going to be able to get better probably not and action can I comfort comfortably H for I carry my family with me and aall and Poppy where will they go from here please tell me there oh I guess there is yeah I’m pretty sure I can’t be it which kind of sucks cuz I feel like ex is pretty good if it’s Frontline middle for for Gallo but I mean what am I going to do okay off stream I know you guys are to say wow you play off stream yeah yeah shut the [ __ ] up off stream I played a game where I got the rise that does damage based on gold I won the game with one star front line turn and a 150 gold and it was the most broken thing I’ve ever played I was just like there’s no [ __ ] way this is balanced there is a cap no you just it just goes infinitely so I had rise 2 with death cap ldp it’s six invoker and I literally just killed everyone with I had like one star trick [ __ ] like one star Shen one star Cante did not even [ __ ] M you roll you be as strong no I was going to be weaker for sure dude I need to get stronger there’s no Gallo which is like my front light is terrible there we go I love Deasia number one thing about TF is as soon as you complain I skip the karma as soon as you complain um I [ __ ] me man this is supposed to be Karma um then you get the the unit pretty sure I’ve never put the in [Music] uh believe G yeah I had so much gold this game too right I feel like I had a lot of did it B oh I’m going to do it but there’s like this weird thing where if I hit a certain amount of items here then um I might not do it my so I decided just read a little [Music] bit what if I just don’t play theas that bad a New Journey radio Redemption is Op with targan though is very op super op anox always Rises to the top there’s no way I have like one front L item total man okay it’s fine I carry my family with me the ship is great keep your enemies close okay I’m not going I need ter 2 or not ter two um but like this two star the very least right [Music] um as I changes so I guys I [ __ ] need my units you want Out cast is f not this oh that actually makes fashion super good okay can I please please please thank God man oh I need a roll for I play ionion um why would I play I it only be at 8 get the re but I don’t think I can get [Music] the I think I’m supposed to level and not go for Gallia 3 but if I think if I do that it’s just really boring there’s a good chance I am not playing the Masia this game supposed to s the now that I think about it that’s just Shen I just play Four invoker yeah that’s F never I thought I was going to use these but I actually no I love Deasia it’s the only place this spot sucks by the way this gets replaced by Shen and then um I roll but I can’t roll like I if I can get one more Gall I’m down to zero it probably for the I’m telling you I can’t put in the M till 8 it’s not going to happen right or 7 I have to oh I’d have to replace this Nico oh I guess I can replace Nico I know nik’s just such a good unit [ __ ] placing with poppy kind of feels bad how much AP does he have now come back yeah I hope so go does not seem good I think I need rolls yeah the problem is God give Niko seems really that even for poppy feels kind of bad but getting Mor light with Branch out feels great it I I have to roll for gall 3 if I look at Gallia 3 this game suck as I changes so must I now we prove our courage I love Deasia it’s the only place I’ve been as I changes so I I love Deasia it’s the only place I bet am I going to be able to make it a Gallo 3 and then also go back to hit Level we’re F I don’t [ __ ] know man feel like a no rocket we’re fighting every step a New Journey I may be merciful but targon isn’t [Music] dude I had so much gold man I didn’t [ __ ] hit it’s such so illegal man I’m uncontested [ __ ] oh wait he I want this one though I say if I hit ter 3 G 3 I might be a decent spot a lot I hit ter 3 before I hit Gallo 3 at six [Music] man and oh there’s so many Shen every step a New Journey as I changes so I uh probably should have given this this place could use some reshaping not adap on Gallo no cuz I’m trying to get to level seven so I could [ __ ] play a radiant item on Gallo but it doesn’t look like that’s happening well the rift Walker went n and then now it’s just [ __ ] Doom I have a tilt over player in my pool I have a fewer two kais 2 jarin player in my pool I can’t even tell if this comp works when I get zero Frontline items I got like six seven backline items in a row oh I feels so bad man that Parma slow Ash roll It’s just ash roll bro don’t add oh I can’t get radiant until next round that is so it’s so [ __ ] man I don’t want to hit this guy give me I don’t want to hit that guy give me this me this guy oh the first place player not the 30 stack built over player cool 30 stack piltover player nice become what they fear lost 200 LP in the name of fun so far I played Earth today yesterday lost infinite LP play some ads Earth is only good when a lot of the verticals are fun or good it right now it does not seem like that’s the case one second guys h all right real quick while I’m trying to I’m trying to sort out I have a date for my Sushi stream is next month on the second I’m trying to sort out right now who’s going I’ve confirmed one person but it’ll be a group of people and you guys will get this H sushi for us um and we can’t eat anything else so um it’s confirmed it’s the second of the I’m trying to figure out who’s going right now what Sushi do you hate you you will have the option of I think half the menu because I didn’t want to put too much stuff but it’ll be like 20 things and some of them are like disgusting like things I do not want to eat second October second October anything spicy me Nat if there’s Nat I’m gonna puke try R horse I did twice was very eh you like people who eat it told me you had to drink while eating it and it’s good but like it’s is not that great wait what you mean ham is ham is not even the same city man for the ice B rules you know the comp I’ve been kind of enjoying is the Quin but like it’s very like sometimes it just sucks Darkness I guess it’s my best way of phrasing [Music] it your soul will feed the void I am here to test swords SS ice [Applause] okay [Music] gu we’re fighting and don’t come back okay I have the Masia slash I will always take branchy out always where where there is evil I shall go I should probably bashed in the [ __ ] show gath but it’s [Music] fine you box ever play t together not really right Glory oh [ __ ] okay how important is this T if I’m playing if I’m playing like it’s kind of important this is probably better than this already but T isn’t the I still don’t know what I’m playing like I look at my items I’m like oh okay I kind of want to rotate this into Quinn Slayers but then it’s really the front line becomes really awkward cuz you kind of want to play four then means it kind of I see this is very exciting what happened at doal TFT the the problem with do T is no one takes it seriously which makes it so that no one takes it seriously it’s kind of like Flex in League of Legends where no one takes it seriously and because no one takes it seriously no one takes it seriously out of my way you feel me Bast to the filios you I have a Redemption uh can you do it with only [Music] four str’s not bad don’t get five belts do not get five belts I’m pretty sure it’s the gallop par here I don’t know I kind of want to turn this into Slayers I’m not going to lie I’m kind of slay feel oh my God God maybe I don’t want to turn into Slayers man maybe I’m not that guy I may be merci but T isn’t for do I really keep okay it’s like a dream in my head that I’m going to play kale and get level 9ine and place get two Slayer spats and [ __ ] but realistically like you’re never [ __ ] restart and kill this you is [ __ ] impossible restart right okay I feel like a Bastion is like the dream like if I can get a Bastion like I can just play anything behind it if I get a Bastion I would just play AOS pretty sure but I would need Rage or anything else do I win this or do I lose this that is a good question I win this we win those is a Bastion plus like anything are anything hey at a Bastion you can run any back F there something that kills don’t come back wait a second is this not it is this not a perfect game for Quinn it’s a Quinn game ignore the fact that I have no Quinns okay it’s a Quinn game step I realistically it’s probably a I just level for S game this feels like a i play Bastion and anything back more and it’s not a Slayer quit even though I really desperately want it to be hey is it weird that I feel like you have my bow is pretty good for Slayers is it weird I’m still talking about Slayers when there’s a big chance I’m not going to play Slayers they will go no further this place Ed some reshaping um h uh is it weird that I feel like it’s kind of going to be kind of hard to yeah sler plus one is not playing is really good can I just get the Quinn so I can get rid of my [ __ ] I guess I don’t even want really want to get rid of my poppy I just want to Quin oh come here oh [ __ ] yeah really ding oh [ __ ] I got to only Char it okay I am just going to commit for it and this is a bad idea well then it’s a bad idea Carrie Saka woke right here for over allow cuz one of those things isn’t is a Bastion one of those things is not a playing Five Deasia for Slayer variant that’s what it looks like uh I could just [Music] go I took everything that I wanted to go this is good Frontline item and or more item good I more gallot than last game that is very sadly true Graves Kiana [Music] okay you always fight so poorly guys I I haven’t seen the Quinn yet my entire strategy revolves around the Quinn like if a Quinn does not exist I do not exist for w Okay I hold this is my home but I’ll never foret what’s the plan from here well if I drop a bow I could just go U Bastion plus six Bastion ailos but I really only wanted to go ailos Bastion if I hit Bastion or Morning Light here CU I didn’t hit it I kind of just want to go uh guilty Justice like realistically here right you would do something like oh let me do this in case I get some Slayer [ __ ] um you would do something like if let’s say I hit Bastion here I would then just immediately [ __ ] slam rage blade here and just play ailos cuz I think that’s the best out here um unfortunately I’m in a weird spot where I can’t really do that or I can but it’s awkward um and so I’m going to wait one round and see what happens also having two tiers here I think is illegal and I need to get rid of one I’m down to just reforge one here I think that is amazing a lot of it is going to depend on how uh my augment looks next round I don’t really have a preference oh I prefer to play Quinn but if I don’t see like a a good aug for I’m just going to switch I don’t feel like aios is that good but I mean [ __ ] it you know how bad can it be like a really wants gun blade over last whisper here but I can’t really do anything about that cargon means I should go AOS but golden ticket means I could probably still go go squin I going to go Quin Deasia is counting on us you have successfully found the Quinn by the way shall massive d coin is got uh obtained and now I need to find uh all right this needs to leave right wait how the [ __ ] do I fit in four Slayers oh I can’t oh I would have to sell something oh I see my problem I play I want to play five I forced to play uh I can’t do it I I guess I could just play down two no no problem I’ll never forget I I got a lot of gold take it rolls there every soul Shall Serve sure suck if I couldn’t hit Quin only at seven that would be unfortunate um okay I am going to just throw this [ __ ] here cuz for sure I’m going to not uh use this this has been the worst game ever I I should should have just win a filios man with tun my bad this game sucks I didn’t get anything that I wanted here Fu I’m going to try to play Mor Kiser without any RFC and see how it feels we Nerf too much oh uh no is op I command you to die it was hard holy [ __ ] I did not realize holy moly [Music] um um I’ve only heard this song on Tik Tok what the [ __ ] this is a real song fasia is counting on us yes we’re fighting sasia is counting on us where there is evil I shall go out of my way okay I think I should Masterwork upgrade a Quin I’m assuming it’s it’s Quinn or jarvin I’m trying to feel like which one isn’t how much damage is radiant I the [ __ ] little the damage right now every soul Shall Serve okay okay you can’t tell tell me I don’t have enough damage items on quit 125 65 and [ __ ] billion crit I have so much CR goes over the 100 we’re saying seven twice restart something Eternal servitude I think I need it finality approaches okay I mean my my units and my items are okay I feel pretty good Quinn okay qu I’m going to need you to to work a little bit harder buddy oh my God that’s what I’m talking about Quinn servitude no difference in raw stats okay yeah but the between the two really yeah radio IA sounds cooler agreed is it have I did I low roll this game I think I just rolled this game I didn’t even low roll this game so it’s like 40 Armory [Music] Mr oh my God wait I almost one shot this guy’s ass bro I no man where’s my Quinn 3 I don’t get it this oh man Quinn oh there we go okay counting on are is rolling the zero every [ __ ] round now I don’t really want this I’m literally going to sell this I can’t even hit that right Glory [ __ ] man I don’t oh the problem is Rogues just GA your [ __ ] one shot man that’s not fair oh oh but I need to go up the level on the level to actually hit thisas counting on us I never hold back sail please please please please please now oh my go okay 412 ad when she ultis here we go watch this uh oh that okay but see crit for 3K that was kind of cool right that was kind of pagers right oh my God I’m play some I at like oh oh only one shots backline no it’s cuz she there’s four on the front line she hit front line first one person had Bramble so it lived and then instead of splitting this way on backline it split like this on just ash oh [ __ ] it’s okay in 43 wel back for 20 months it’s weird because it feels like if my front line doesn’t have Bramble I cannot play the game right now cuz the ionian uh like the first hit of like the vanquisher uh nuke just instant kills my front line H I don’t know TB Mustang W back for 48 months thank you for always having amazing gameplay here’s to year fourth year here’s the year four thank you so much for the support do star 3 went back for 11 months this game will go better yeah yeah no for sure for sure the void will drown you she for sure could have hit more I think it it snap shots on the on that so it did not work but I know what you mean also is build good am I stupid for wanting to play build I feel like I’m stupid for the darkness but I really think you only play build is one of those things where like you really want the plus one you really want the like okay so ideally if I wanted to build I’d put something like this in right this and then you would have a chance of getting Gunner multicast or Gunner sorc Village Water pilt over one of the five and whatever happens those are all really great ones to get I am here to test swords so strange scream cuz you can’t get multic Caster so if I Earth here and I click and don’t want SW that’s a q one and I click build [ __ ] Bastion what the [ __ ] exall this round [ __ ] I hate it but maybe I I’ll try baset again but this time not like griefing for this is very exciting is kind of interesting but nope I’m three van I’m not playing vanishers this set unless it’s hard of build just cuz it’s too boring to many people are playing it not interested um do I play Four Gunner for Bastion or is it tar gun Bastion that is a good question which I will figure out later I guess I feel like if I’m playing Bastion I really need gun blade like the value of gun blade increases with Bastion by a lot but they think maybe I just need damage cuz it’s like I only have one damage for kind of also I need music that’s what I really need give me a second sec [Music] dude I’m okay so I’m getting people to do this the sushi stuff right but like and everyone starts with I’m down and then I take I say the Twist and they’re like it’s like a h why aren’t they responding anymore hello hello oh hell yeah you already know I got to take this was a Twist you guys could to choose the sushi we will have no choice of the sushi we eat um except for maybe at the very very end I might be like a sure but um yeah we I have a list of 20 Sushi which I think is a pretty good amount I don’t want to give you guys too many options it’s kind of weird um 20 Sushi which is a pretty good amount of sushi is very exciting uh I think I have to hold on to this right Fu do I really do I have to the reason I took this is cuz I don’t really have another like the weird part about this C is you really don’t have many things you want it’s like front light items like I want a Sunfire I want like a bramble or some [ __ ] but that’s it like realistically like all I care about is like eventually there’s an even shroud somewhere I guess you a mackerel oh macur I think I tried it in Japan and it was [ __ ] amazing but outside of Japan I would not consider it like it’s it’s really I don’t go to stores I’m like damn I want the mackerel but in Japan there was like this store where a bunch of like uh salary men were eating at and everyone was eating the mackerel and like fish and stuff I’m like I got to have some though and I did it feel was great oh man did you see that it gave me nothing I got scammed man the [ __ ] I place was so damn quiet before I yeah I got fish right there literally relevant it’s okay um the goal here is to get a fwn because I don’t know what else this could be like I don’t really have a desire for this to be anything else maybe I could go into like pilt over I could do build water actually and but if it’s Village Water that be weird oh my [ __ ] God I don’t get a oh I don’t have enough honestly I’m not even kidding oh lucky gloves is really interesting cuz I I don’t really need any more items I’m done with my items already we just be F my items let’s do this this looks more interesting gu we’re fighting oh I made a mistake mistakes have been made uh it is attack speed and armor Mr Shin is gold but silver still pretty awesome it’s sucks cuz you can’t really move it that much and your car’s Force this position here to get [ __ ] jarin oh I’m not a huge fan of it and you have to have stuff around it so you’re forced to get jarvin it’s like uh that is quality pay-per-view I will rest when our homelands are restored okay I this sucks how did I end up a I really wish I got Bastion plus one like that’s what I’m hoping for Bastion plus one would have been sick here I’m hoping cuz double Bastion allows you to do like really [ __ ] cool things where you don’t need much front line whatever man [ __ ] it is B patch out hold up let me go double check Goa Mana nope not out in my game yet what really oh this going been so good I think Redemption is great you’re like super great I would say even maybe necessary and I would also say uh it’s either redemption or Sunfire I think I go Redemption first and then cuz if there’s an odd chance I hit himer here it like I can cover for it oh hell yeah baby water to me I think full damage okay I got another one wait I’m High rolling as Ionia changes so must I you cannot hide defy nothing and taste your own blood I don’t know if I really want this one um Fear The oce W um okay what else do I would I want I need to reforge something this guy hit Cho 3 Casio 3 Bruiser spat velas 2 50 gold level six oh okay that uh guy may be a little strong I may be merciful but targon isn’t Justice will be served gu we’re fighting Justice will be sered um so they pressed by there to Double Trouble bro Double Trouble is so broken the only fun part about Double Trouble Is you’re able to play uh multic casters you’re to play some fun comps I will admit this guy all right hold on I need to to get rid of this I think I’m that top TF multic cast oh my God you’re a TF player you’re oh that is not good okay I’m pretty sure I keep go a that was a crazy wow that’s a crazy hit uh okay I’m I’m going to do this and I’m going to go for even sh off do I not do enough damage this also I need to get NCO to uh whatever too so I just need to roll down more I think as long as I get that and I get GP it should be fine I feel like I would never do this com out plus two Bastion though this is the comp where I usually am like all I go eight Bastion and I all my units are just Bastion and I level eight which seems a lot better cuz then you’re getting 280 armor Mr Right the Mia now and forever theia now and forever a shadow um I even get anything here Shall Serve ni I don’t think I can hit your bul value yep he jumps to that really I think I is such a bad item man I would need four to have it but it just slammed it cuz it was the only I had uh bro I wish I didn’t get these I wish I got like locket or something man Zephyr is so hard to put on this wait why did I oh my God he’s got iall in what the [ __ ] I was just like how the [ __ ] did I not kill this unit what happened okay well I did not die on stage four that’s a dub honestly that’s a big dub like what do I even put in here next level it was going to be uh Ari but if I had BL that would be the best so work puppy it does which is why I took it cuz it’s free uh thing for this I think I just supposed to put jugernaut honestly to make a life of death you do what you have to brother IIA DN quiet I about time I got my hands dirty is not of this time I bring death for pilt [Music] over become what they fear survive fight and don’t come back oh my God I got a [ __ ] spawn it’s actually a a dub I’m actually pretty sure it’s I play here we are to fight now let’s go can I play eight Bastion no I can’t oh I can’t [ __ ] actually eight bash is this not the biggest bait ever I’m at three goal yeah but what if o no I’m not I need a save gold for a bash think if I eight bash to this it becomes really good about time I got my hands dirty I am d you’re Gods fear me Sha is not of this time what give sucks this game sucks what did we learn this game you know what we learned I [ __ ] blows and never buy that ad the moner six Gunner and I don’t know man this game sucks jum should for 88 months thank you so much for resub Hope play some ads man [Music] oh I’m down 200 LP from in two days I swear to God Earth is Earth is just how is Earth not fun how’s Earth not giving me the fun I was imagining i’ play Earth and the fun would just be I’d just be spiked with fun but I’m not getting the fun you know like I’m trying to play clean don’t play I’m not getting 10 gold uh I’m I’m uh I don’t know I’m not loose streaking to play Challengers at 7 uh I’m trying to play some random stuff but it’s just like I get getting [ __ ] owned man you the only first I got in this patch was a noxus first and I did not feel I felt so dirty playing that game like I did not feel clean I felt like I need to take a shower after that one damn I had fun back bash bad I think think you you can only play with double bash now that is what I want to see let’s start the show oh this does not look good I do not really want to play this but I might have to uh I’m willing to sell the ash here for double build fun [Music] I am here to test all right found villge what’s xall okay it’s not the health stacking one so I’m not as in DED but okay cool I put in some build uh Village Gunner okay and so this pilt over there’s some random stuff like maybe if it’s this I’ll put invoker and I hope I just don’t get Rogue right Rogue is the only one where I’m like eh Gunner’s okay to over is great [Music] this I carry my family with me okay here we go oh that was good I literally all right guys we’re going for the Giga cash out the the ginormous Giga cash out okay I really hope someone isn’t open here cuz that would be very dis depressing if you’re going to go if you’re going to be open on a five item opener I would be very sad I would be exceptionally sad if someone opened here idealism with two Dodges and he has Aon M wait is this guy not going to go crazy this game okay so I P over plus one what’s sucks here is I can no longer get pilt over heart next stage so I have to hope for like I don’t [ __ ] know uh ancient archives the Prismatic one for me to do it but that would be sick cuz they they just buffed six pilt over right oh this guy had six ches what the [ __ ] a rejuvenating FL do you know what this reads this just reads allies gain uh 8% their Max Health every 5 Seconds he’s not even going to play an exall this game I don’t think he’s just going to use it just for the [Music] buff for the darkness so what are we looking for we’re looking for a nice little this is very exciting I do this I’m very scared of this player I feel like I’m just going to get grief he’s going to sell his board and that happens I going to be very sad oh that is definitely happening oh yeah may get dedication next augment oh I can actually that is true I can go dedication okay so here’s the problem I have oh my God man this guy is going to make it so hard for me oh no man why is this guy even protet I can’t even sell I just have to hope I don’t hit the guy that guy sold in a way where like I cannot win even oh my God I ped over it no I got I I got it I have an idea I don’t have it I don’t have [ __ ] by the way there’s not really a like the darkness damn he got his item his free item [Music] did not hit him hell yeah guys hell yeah except for I I now now no longer have a Graves or uh a jinx which is kind of a problem I would say a pretty big problem actually uh yeah teamwork oh okay do I win or actually do not know I would I would say I lose this right oh it’s looking good it is looking good this is not happening uh fear the trust me guys it’ll be fine [Music] yeah oh this does not look good I wanted to cash on a 302 I might be dead at that 30 I like oh I need the cash out at 30 like for sure [ __ ] watch this over’s finest if I kill you [Music] will how do you about how do you feel about W uh they’re cool game does SU I’m 26 life but I don’t want to cash out h like movies by Gladiators I I don’t think them having Gladiators matters as much as everything else I liking the point5 set um my first opinion is no about time I got my hands I never hold back what the [ __ ] watch this man I’m pretty sure I’m selling this and give giving all the items to feel it not all the items um most of the items what if I don’t sell oh I got no time for games if I don’t cash here there’s something wrong with this game I’m so [ __ ] strong i c wait weed I hope I don’t cash here cuz honestly that’ be sick is that be 40 I think oh it’s so good you’re going to talk about this comeback until you can tell your children about this who needs a beat down I’m pretty sure I die instantly to that player 40 how’s the gold value of 40 85 gold that’s a lot of Gold Guys their history last no theia now and forever I got no time for games no way this guy’s board is better than M oh it is that’s unfortunate I’m go play some m i my now I out for three times a row play pilt over it’s too hard to cash out with these gunters I it’s I thought I was I was too strong and then I realized I was too weak I lost to T one what [Music] interesting my B I could stream yeah seea Vegas yeah I’ll see you in Vegas twice this year I think oh this is it this is my time my time theum and then I have um uh Earth it’s literally This was meant for me I was put on this planet the highroll on this SP with those items on jce those are literally some of his best items what I’m going to show the what I like literally his best [ __ ] item unless it’s except for like I think at four S6 Gunner you and ie who in the Vegas I mean yeah twitchcon is around the corner oh my God wait uh [ __ ] I can’t get can I get six p over it’s not possible right I got no time for games what if I get six x tall six tall I carry my family with [Music] me you going to check the foam pit oh you already know bro if I fall in the foam pit this year I’m coming out with seven figures you’re are you kidding me I’m a griefer I’m selling it [ __ ] til over try not to slow me down all right I want the back could someone get it back for me this place could use some reshaping okay how do I actually play iall It’s Like Only possible on a board with I really want to play Rogues not really that’s where you belong in the dirt let’s go and it’s the most boring cringe one on the game okay let’s uh roll some there’s no way there’s no way oh I tried to play for fun and it just tells me to [ __ ] off bro I am here to test SWS oh what do I even what do I even build here hold on I’ve literally never played this comp uh the normal way if I you don’t you don’t roll right you just go straight to six Z Nyla hold on I need to figure out which version is which [Music] bro there will be peace in the fril I will Forge it like I need last whisper I need BT I guess I really need [Music] BT you get the level 9 you go six vanquisher six Ionia yeah but you probably never play that like it’s probably not worth it unless you get two cuz you’re playing two really terrible there also I think you can hit that at eight feel like I’ve hit that at eight what it happens I’m pretty sure I always slam slam this gun blade and I go for uh bow for last whisper rapid fire Vanquish your karma carry wait are you cooking Mi M Mickey M wait so if I play this I only play i’ only play 6 three ionian right uh probably and you just play what juggernauts like is it juggernauts I guess it’s just juggernauts okay I got it I got it I figured it out I’m a [ __ ] genius I don’t really know where this vanquisher spe goes but uh yeah I’ll figure it out let’s start the show is making sure I only you really contested yeah it’s the best comp in the game a mystery box well [ __ ] I mean surpris last time I got a mystery box you know what it was it was just anvils it was just items it was it didn’t feel like I I got a [Music] mystery what is it wait what did we get sh what what did we get what was it it wasn’t wow those were some items some interesting ones over Darkness um okay last whisper with this right I guess I can even play sge front line if I hit you know it just really depends honestly L I’m flexible I’m so flexible the I only play top three so no chance of me losing they change honor roll it’s only two times per turn interesting oh you can do a lot less skill expression with this but it’s probably better that they C it cuz I’m Lev here I’m pretty level here there’s no way I’m not yeah I’m still hitting I have but one life to give for I but I must make it count really that good um for this comp yeah that’s pretty good I mean what else am I going to do with Rod though I can go rageblade but I think rageblade is a little bit mad the biggest problem is I just don’t have uh not sure exactly what to build for some things but it’s fine like I the bigest problem is nla items are kind of awkward I don’t know exactly how to build that unit so I will build on the fly your soul feed the void knus will rise okay that that’s is pretty good make sure teach really well they nerfed it it used to give 40% crit and now it gives and it lost 20% and it gave some health but in theory yeah uh TG bisher should be able to use TG pretty well I do not mind slamming this but I definitely think last whisper is the best item in the game for this comp so I probably want to wait a little bit to see if I can get last whisper especially because I don’t really have a I don’t really have a yet I don’t even know who I vanquisher SP [Music] uh noxus will rise RC gun blade de blade I mean yeah RFC anything is going to work on Nyla the thing Nyla can use a lot of items I’m just having her hold you probably and then some random [ __ ] here like for her her best item is like I don’t know probably like bgs maybe in said BT you play and kns I’m kind of chilling right now though I have a lot of gold and I don’t really have a replacement for Cho cuz I feel like it’s a pretty good replace uh unit to hold these items weirdly enough that’s scar wait what’s up was not medl this is my first vuer game I reforged branching out into vanquisher bro so unlucky I was trying to play xile this game or something else but they got silver cuz it’s cringe bro I’m down 200 LP already man 200 I’m back to zero there will be in the frail I will Forge it trust me I’ve been trying to cook and I uh I with a kilt over last game I uh tried bash to the filios I tried Quinn roll what wait what was a prediction oh I definitely win a that game I have not top four the game today so I promise the prediction canot be at milk all I’m saying is the TFT players have I’m I’m I’mma put it I’m going be frank with you guys okay they have the worst titles ever but you guys need to take notes from cutipie I’mma kpie has the best titles did you read his title today I read his title I instantly was like this guy’s a [ __ ] freak let me go go read it for you actually hold on let me go who will win the fight gear five Luffy or perfected Ultra Instinct Goku or 100% Uki boruto versus three star choat he’s so [ __ ] funny dude [Music] need to practice my Japanese bro I literally read it like he wrote it you need to practice your [ __ ] glasses got you defy n and taste your own blood oh wait I just realized I’m nine lost at 29 Health what have I been doing what the [ __ ] there’s a saying never fight ionians on their home soil R too get tilt over lost stre for sure oh this guy is playing the FY role what the heck okay are we talk I really want to win this oh I don’t think I’m winning this oh [ __ ] Perfect 10 loss streak now that’s like four lives I just win win streak out easy you’re a heavy lost streak this patch yeah keep watching don’t worry let me show you how to really lose to me oh she is missing resist [ __ ] all right real talk if I can just get a spat it would be sick the river of Fate drowns the UN F [ __ ] is this [ __ ] it’s actually not even that bad but it’s like let’s die [Music] know I never hold back my room Tera will be the river swells Fe the ocean we feed I’m away now that is what I want to see I need hit Z plus a juggernaut please I will AR rest when our homelands are rested Fe I get a let’s start the show I will rest when our homelands are restored let the monster out my play set yeah where is my [ __ ] set Bro the Unworthy Ionia place was so damn quiet before I came along yeah okay do I uh I need to get last of spirit like whatever happens I [ __ ] need last is a need not at once I need to move the ash here as well okay this guy’s egg no way he’s [ __ ] strong this guy took egg this guy is going to get flattened for sure all right this is the first time I played this comp and I don’t I don’t know how good it is but I’m hoping it’s good enough to save me from getting eighth place I have essentially capped my comp uh and it’s a pretty good cap as long as he last whisper here all you should take Health if you’re the last place player by the way just I’m just going to say that before I take Mystery Box okay just we want to be very clear wait he didn’t stay the health okay Mystery Box could be anything I just need a bow ideally oh no I don’t want such a maybe I should take it here honestly [ __ ] problem is you’re not having more than three you’re not having that many backliners I think having front line in this comp is kind of nice because I think going up I’m going to have another unit here and this is just I don’t [ __ ] know Redemption some random item for nases I think nases I mean this is supposed to be a Hey cuz I have like [ __ ] Ed I really wish I didn’t build Edge and then went juggernauts back that feels like such a [ __ ] waste it’s much better for her to have rage blade or something is what it is I got zeph but you’re fine you zeph my can’t I don’t even care the river of Fate drowns the Unworthy is is there even a way I could uh if I get another Juggernaut spat this comp would be sick I actually don’t know how to play this I think resists um and uh work super well with juger do cuz juger do is flat damage reduction but you don’t get resists really which is really kind of bad but that plus unified it it gives you a lot of resist your effective taking this is a lot better look out there’s a new boss around here bro saire Redemption with what yeah it’s bad think it’s I’ll put another Juggernaut here still have to lock it the thing is you cannot use the Bel on any of those things you know but you want to use a belt on is [ __ ] impossible cuz Sunfire and Redemption value are so high here especially especially Sunfire this CH get get stuck on uh the unit NASA did that what the [ __ ] sh is not this time the Mia now and forever I should have left home years I was not going to play this I will rule the but I guess I’m playing it okay IIA place so damn quiet before I came along wow okay guess I have an R2 now I was rolling to hit Z 2 man and nasis 2 and now I guess I lost oh visher Ari oh [ __ ] what’s the visher SP on right now nasis oh holy [ __ ] okay yeah no I’m down the is we making but I mean it’s it’s F there’s nothing you do about it’s actually 21% crit crit now that is what I want to see yeah she just need the AP she has so much crit but she has like no AP oh I mean it just means I can get rid of Ash right or I can get you get rid of Jin here I think it’s the best we get rid of the Jin then I only have these two the Shadows I want to play fig for sure H bro for great science I will rule the I guess I’ll play even it’s not great but it’s for AR really the river of Fate drowns the Unworthy oh DP is kind of interesting don’t think V [Music] PL I need some of these has to die like who is playing vanquisher this guy I need this [ __ ] to die boo he’s probably like how the [ __ ] does this guy have re2 thank God okay I can actually hit my unit that guy had so much random stuff on the bench yeah like that guy had seven Zas I think a ton of Z also I really want another front line un remember locket gives you resist for stuff so it is very nice um is it are we Hall of night we or not uh I do want to keep running for Juggernauts and I think I cannot play any of these it’s a s I’m not going look the lobby is 1612 or 12 and 76 I’m only only next round it’s like uh nine is like not a victory for the build waterer your King has returned he I for some reason I’m on track to hit something that I didn’t your King has returned I’ll hack my way back to buw waterer okay is that kaisa 3 man kaisa three oh no guy Cash Out egg and [ __ ] hit kaisa 3 for wa hit third wait yeah I hit third guys do you think I can in 45 minutes you think I can make it I can make it I can make it I’m GNA play some ads there’s no way I’m not going to be late I will never be late me I’m on time please queue up man the client’s broken all right I confirmed the four people I’m going to do my Sushi stream with uh oh I got it sorry sorry for being so distracted during today’s stream I’m good I got it Le I think we’re officially going to announce it tomorrow just wait man wait have some patience some patiance so why not just announce it now all right man I’ll announce I get first in this game you guys better hope I get first quick Aladin down dumbness back for 23 month thanks for your subing we need us to back seat here first no I’m good for the void oh wait I hit I hit Exodia 1 Exodia 2 holy [ __ ] hold up a sec wait a sec wait a sec wait a sec where there is evil I shall go [ __ ] Gunners yes we’re fighting to the void did these are these not strong enough to kill this unit I guess not wow especially not with a Healer I guess um guess we’re fighting I’m feeling good feeling [Music] good oh you’re definitely supposed a suicide unit but holy moly what are these items man are gwiin [ __ ] you do I want any other items here uh probably Amo oh man where there is evil maybe it’s maybe it’s okay maybe there’s like a lot of fun I can have with this yeah maybe I’m not [ __ ] maybe it’s all right [Music] [Music] um guys just just watch watch me cook this [ __ ] okay let me think let me think okay so I need to play six Z okay what are the Z unit there’s the Warick dude a jinx girl a Soo dude the echo dude right poor uh okay and of course we add jarvin to explode he’s going to be exploding dude and then we might as well add Swain because he’s Swain dude for strategist okay kind of like it as IIA changes so I and I probably want a front line cuz front Line’s always great um still need plus one’s on which would be really hard I mean I’m thinking what I add to this it’s probably like TP I should every step New Journey some Juggernaut it’s going to be nzis there we go level seven board completed look at that isn’t that look a little juicy kind of good okay all right and then I get I get top in uh some [ __ ] dude I I’m going to pop off here you’re going to be so jealous when I pop off here um I I just need to make sure to prioritize two tiers and two belts got it and drop a zom if you have spat bro I I need six Z hello you think I’m going for for two zon that’s lame four on I’m going for six he keep spats all yep that’s what I’ve been planning for two all right two belts two tiers two belts two tiers two belts two tiers two belts two tiers two belts two tiers two belts two tiers two belts two tiers uh two belts two TI two Bel this out of my should I just slam uh Sunfire here I mean I’m down to do Sunfire and M2 belt [ __ ] you kind of need want do both I guess oh I might lose this all right so we are to fight now let’s go we need two belts two tiers thank God I slam I definitely needed it you always fight so poorly yeah I beat one 100 streak here there still one left watch this [Music] m it’s perfect honestly it’s so bad it’s so bad to go four but the problem is if I could have done just or six I could have done just four but I got the worst mod I went violent plus EXO or violent plus explode I did not get either of those I got Robo a robo is really good for Jinx but not not great for the rest of this is why a skinwalker took over scar start wi triy bro a first is on the line guys as long as I hit Z plus one here it’s no man no not a no oh it’s fine honestly byebye oh no man no oh it’s fine I’ll just slam this a it’s boring I I need exoskeleton then I think the Mia now and forever hey jarvin I might have to exess something else I think I need to slam this right now unfortunately oh I need to Swain I world may fall to Darkness but noxus will remain maybe not oh wait gives you warmog oh that’s perfect wait I knock get to theas so I’m [ __ ] what do you oh okay one two three this is probably okay petricite shackle the world for Darkness but noxus will [Music] remain all okay keep my streak here if it the m yeah but then it’s like problem is the uh the masas I been in are just not going to be D I’m pretty sure this has to be a forz on game and that’s just going to suck ass uh maybe it’s okay foron I do forz on then I can just drop a lot of this garbage guess no just that is it possible to get a to off of thresh sanctum thresh sanctum TFT any noers outcomes oh wow this guy has uh pretty Big E you always fight so poorly the [ __ ] like what can I do here that’s fun I can’t even make a z spat wait I tried so hard man okay okay let me let me think well first of all I need a here but I don’t think I’m getting that pretty sure I just I play against at least two invoker players bro go spark level for streak put three strategist in no problem F my back BL get absolutely murdered jug plus one different streak really I’m not my sport is so [ __ ] strong man what this jarvin has the most illegal items I guess it’s more like I’m scared that my kill does no damage the fights just take a take too long man like no one’s bored to do that much that’s the other streer and then there’s another Streaker here I’m a little worried that I don’t do enough damage actually the world may fall to Darkness oh those are pretty good remain that’s pretty good I will two of those plus one of these yeah I could just go and play two Bruiser why Rockets a two star unit actually the best two star unit or one of the best two star un for early game this is hard for me to beat I don’t do enough damage but the Sunfire should be able to beat it I say should boom yeah he has one oh this is a two star unit P the patch um the B patch will be better I mean it’s just it’s exactly what people fear Samira is still strong uh Ionia is the best comp in the game and yeah the fun begins I have four strategist what if I just play strategist what if I just don’t play my spat oh but that would have to play Air I think air sucks ass air Soo oh you’re right I don’t really want to play that witness the strength of noxus got a [ __ ] rage blade bro you got buffed not yet is it 100 Mana yet nope still not yet F have to go Zer this game I’m a Zer oh that but I’ll probably play it this game just take my top four and get out wait I re Forge the Z backat [ __ ] it guys [ __ ] it don’t even say anything I got you guys Shadows oh hello for great science if refractor being bad guys there’s no way right oh that’s a plus one refractor was the AP instead of as yeah and do I have AP options no so I’m just I’m just got to take what you can get bro there’s no there’s no as option I’ll be be honest with you restart Eric right on the my round it 340 that’s not even that I still I think I still give him um rage blade to be honest I just don’t give him the other stuff uh probably just BT more here and I don’t know well I’m doing three Deasia so sell this sell this two Slayer sell this sell this okay I see where my comp is it’s just really weird to get there oh there’s a refractor there’s a refractor my third refractor uh this is dead [ __ ] this all right I have three refractors it can’t be that I spent look at how much gold I spent on this guy 24 gold let’s let’s go himer woo is that a lot of damage oh that that seems a little weak [ __ ] front line bro it barely lived the Z burst man this guy’s last stands need some AP he needs a lot of things okay build waterer your King has returned um yeah this seems fine did I play for Slayer and just random front line like this unit is not to this time I don’t play this unit I’m pretty sure everyone well that’s a good hit that’s a good hit I think you’re supposed to Corner this now I think I can do it I think I can do it I think I can do it okay I need find a Mor Kiser to replace some of this garbage and I’m good I don’t think you run six Slayer I think you only run four cuz you need more front line right if you’re playing Slayer himer okay what can I sell here the thing is I think if you’re playing this you need invoker in like the best version of himer refractor is probably going to be invoker himer do you think do you can you imagine how that how many bullets your [ __ ] turret is going to shoot with with invoker himer with refractor isn’t that [ __ ] crazy this is Mercy and FTW waterer theia now and forever actually oh actually there’s a different way B this like go [Music] morer no one’s here here for sure but in the meantime it’s probably this and then I TG something whether thewi TG D boom okay that didn’t seem that good two star is s and kill yeah okay I’m working on it I’m working on it if the game gave me more two stars I wouldn’t have an issue perfect this oh my God that turret blast wait boom why does it look like it don’t do any damage uh no I’m sure it’ll be fine Every Soul shall I need more GL dude I need a kale so I can [ __ ] sell this [ __ ] man okay look at that double ulti that’s great does this refractor no the refractor I just need rage blade he’s doing 3K like the the turret that could two more rounds I might be dead in two rounds but y uh exall I kind of need Mor items and there’s really just I think this is a Mor item I can make this a the strategist was kind of interesting it’s more like it’s also the most expensive unit I can hopefully do this find a c K find a kill where there is evil I shall go uh is it DFG it’s got to be gives you so much I got zeper this guy has blue buff Ari that you got the carousel that works perfectly with his comp don’t worry baby pop off pop off exactly hat is it this is the last St like I’m just dead finality approaches oh it’s a ghost board that’s a dub a ghost boarded I could maybe do this I could maybe oh those lasers went to Narnia okay well maybe these next lasers might be some good okay oh that’s a great stuff that’s a great St I did it I did it I cashed wait wait these are unkillable oh uh I’ll be back I’m going get some water again I got a random permanent warant skin W are you guys not excited oh God okay let me log on I log on a Smurf for this these League games I’m about to play league oh Mello Jello 100 welome back for 104 months thank you so much yeah I have such some of the oldest Subs they’re the best but I have um I have a league crew that I’m about to play with I kind of want more of a challenge but I’m playing with people who I don’t know if they’re he the crew did I get first or what oh wait hold on wait I bought something what do you guys think of hey it’s a dress Rosa shirt man D I asked my house to guess where anime was from Roden said samurai shamp and I was like wait that’s a really good answer and then Apes had bleach and then I think someone said Naruto and I’m like we [ __ ] lost yeah s is actually a really good one yeah that’s this is the I I like this shirt where’s it from I just got somewhere from Amazon this is um Luffy shirt oh I got Prime caps un ironically guys don’t forget to redeem your Prime stuff every month I like forget all the time and so I just at the very end I just redeem all my [ __ ] I got Brier what w skin is that there is a what is this Championship hot dog Ward oh [ __ ] was this for one of the Chinese teams um for was it like IG or something it was like a meme [ __ ] it was a it was for it was a meme right what coach I brought I brought down a a scramble or a hash so sorry you’re going listen to me e for a couple minutes I always use coma Skin So my favorite skin is this one coma the one you got for winning worlds you want a lot of worlds unfortunately my my Scramble does not have that much flavor so I threw a [ __ ] of hot sauce on it and now I love it you the keyboard yep I’m I lit type on every day my hot sauce is so good wait I was making my have you guys made topsters I was trying to make my video game topsters my top 25 video games that have like influenced me or I like I enjoyed a lot what do you guys think of this list so far get the asan games icon emote oh [ __ ] I should do that you play Tails I played one Tails it was really good I don’t know what to add though I really enjoyed all of these games every single one I was I was maybe going to add um Left 4 Dead oh I I supposed to add Warcraft 3 oh [ __ ] that’s what I was supposed to add Warcraft that is actually amazing game it’s that the G that’s a good one um what else maybe Diablo 2 honestly these games aren’t old enough really you you you know what this game is you’ve played this game you’re telling me this game isn’t old enough five advance I hate Tactic Games I’m not even kidding Dragon Warrior monsters is a very separate thing it was like the Pokemon of Dragon Warrior um or Dragon Quest and it only got like three games I think just goon yeah but I don’t really remember it that much I mean I’d probably add I probably ask add add uh melee because I played it a lot where the [ __ ] is melee um do I have to type it I do have to type it’s this and probably add Tekken is it six oh one of these tekens I really liked maybe tag I forgot seven is definitely the best one but I feel like I played the most of four I think Marvel never played it that much much I think it was T tag so I would say never mind I didn’t play enough that to really what else like the other stuff I just don’t know if I like that much I there’s a lot of Rogue likes out there that I really enjoy H other mobas o I don’t know about that not sh oh you know what I’m down I’m down Fu it it was a huge part of my life actually it was a huge part part of my life I love the soundtrack more than I love the game unfortunately oh FPS games oh my God I have the best one hold up oh my God tell me this I didn’t get the best one I got the best one actually you know what I’m down I’m not to play original Halo Combat Evolved [ __ ] classic in I didn’t even own the Xbox but I played so much Halo at my friend’s place um never played any of GTA’s never liked them um lot I didn’t own anything to be able to play like Mario Sunshine B all the Platformers I didn’t really play Maybe Prince of Persia I played a lot of the series actually I did play you guys should see oh my God if you’ve looked at the games I’ve streamed over the years you should see what games I played here let me go open my channel I go to this one website to figure out okay the games I played in the last 365 days okay um but really what’s in 2015 which is the earliest this goes back this is all the games I ever streamed okay 98.5% League of Legends 1,500 hours and then it goes Halo mxm Dead game by the way Gayo uh this crazy there like a blast in the past I go I go oh this is 20 this was 2016 my bad in 1243 hours of Hots I got sponsored for one month I play this shitload but I think it was all the hours 2,000 hours a leave uh 6 hours to leave World of Warcraft in IRL okay okay end in 2019 started streaming TFT League of Legends Auto chess Poe um sakiro was actually my game of the year when it came out I actually used these lists to figure out what games I played the year because I played most of my games on stream so I was able to go back and be like did I like some of these the answer is probably no for some most of these did more TFT uh than League bow gen genit oh the the freeto playay month I play genit holy [ __ ] that that’s a throwback right there there was a this is Among Us right I played 30 hours of Among Us holy [ __ ] about Fury Fury was good not Game of the Year good or like top game’s good it was just fun and then this is where 233 hours of return return oh no way 180 hours in Apex I played more Apex than League this year I played 160 hours of ff4 oh my God fortnite split gate it takes to nraa OverWatch I actually feel like OverWatch should go on my list because for the first year it was really good I’m not even kidding when OverWatch came out it was like a [ __ ] Global phenomenon it was so good like actually so good I don’t know if you guys remember if you went to ax the year of or uh the year that OverWatch came out it was entirely Divas oh that was it did only saw like it wasn’t even anime it was just OverWatch it’s like one of the years where like a game overtook like anime in popularity for cosplays okay okay so what what are we at we’re 2021 what about 2022 uh 2022 last last year I played 340 hours of lost Arc oh time I can’t get back I lost 15% of my year if you actually notice Poe is like always on my list every year pretty much it’s been a game I play here and there all the time tarov oh I am done with tarov I’ve played a little bit of it I really enjoy with people but no I swear this would be my G this would be on my top list I just have to play it which I’m waiting for I’m waiting for the expansion to come out isn’t that your job oh no I can choose what I play for my job and I chose the wrong game it’s completely different okay that’s like you you get to choose whether to to work from home or not and you chose to work in the office 15% of the time more and you’re like at the end of year like [ __ ] I should have worked at home more by your quality life probably would have been better oh hello sup SU oh okay hold on guys let me get Fugi running real quick before anyone says anything do not say anything okay hello hello hello all right that’s Albert that’s Annie do you guys all have a robot in mind that you want to BU yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay cuz I’m playing blitzcrank what what wait no you can’t wa that was my wait that was [Laughter] my wait that was car’s CL oh God wait wait hold up wait what do you mean we all want to play Blitz CR I’m playing Blitz CR uh okay wait how many other robots are there there’s a lot there’s a lot if you include skins all right I’m looking okay wait they turned Oriana into a woman oh how much they remove the bits BL that sucks I really like Mecca Mecca skin line Paragon Mouse for 9 months oh yes there’s project and Mecca and program yeah you know oh my God I’m going to play the boss all right I’ll play the boss all right give me give me this Top Lane okay okay okay I will play all right uh we’re missing one person in the lobby yes I do you want me on my main account or another one uh anything maybe a Smurf cuz we’re all going to be playing really troll Champions so we’re probably going to get owned if you play on your main account huh all right I’m switching I’m trying to make my top 25 video games of all time list that people have been sending on Twitter and I I got stuck I’m like at like 21 and I’m like oh I’m good I think too much of my life has been dominated by riot games and World of Warcraft like a good like 20 years like 15 years okay I’m I’m on um my ALT account it has to be her neon now guys I actually like NE what’s your alt account’s name her Harbor her Harbor her Harbor it’s like in valerant it’s like her Sage or his Sage oh wait are you oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s okay okay okay great let’s do this wait Annie are you jungling what no I’m support oh okay okay okay we have two bot laners and a support wait I only have robot skins for for the for for the support Champions oh it’s fine it’s fine I can go mid oh okay cool cool just so you guys know know the rules we all have to play a robot and we all have to play a different Champion every game okay okay okay okay got it and you have to do 10 push-ups for every death okay okay like in the game or like settle later yeah yeah 10 real push-ups I can’t I can’t I can’t do a single one that’s not true there’s no way okay guys yeah there’s no way someone wouldn’t be able to no right Emerald I just found a guide for set it says Emerald plus that’s the rank below diamond and above flat oh wait Diamond is now like a different r or is this like ascendant in valerant yes they added but instead of after Diamond it’s before diamond hey does anyone know who counter is set rang Champion guys I need the mecca mea mea skin line I’ll B Ken for you I anything guys I need a meca skin I’m only allowed to play robots this time they banned Blitz oh God know what do we do yeah it’s okay I have a backup I have a backup oh there right yeah yeah I oh there’s Mecca Mal fight and Mecca ASO there a mecha asol yeah I know I know cuz it was in TFT oh right right right okay probably neury mid okay I heard this character doesn’t do anything for 20 minutes so I’ll see you guys in 20 minutes they nefu I I’ve never seen nefu in League they banned Blitz cig they’re on to me oh we show you have a backup ready right yeah but but but let CR wait does San have a robot skin yeah he’s got project a Johnny [Music] O he they’re playing Project stylus I’ve never played this character before but it do you not need Gathering storm because your late game is already so good that it does not it doesn’t matter uh okay oh actually I want to play project Luan I like this a lot better oh it’s probably the fury right guys I’ve never played this character before my life okay uh the game I will switch to League yes I yeah technically have built-in Gathering storm wait oh support Zar okay okay I got I got it wait I have the skin right uh oh I do I do look I’m a robot okay all right all right guys yo we look so cool in the loading screen though oh yeah look at us wait none of us have robotic none of us have a rank wait that makes it more scary true we kind of look like we’re five Smurfs I just kid are robots so cute there cyber he was close enough okay beep boop okay how do I play this this character okay what is my skill order e q I heard I just um the only thing I know about really soul is on my Tik Tok there’s like a Korean girl who plays aant soul and every time she breathes at them she just goes ah and that’s what she does I’m like what the [ __ ] and I think the breath gets better right that’s that’s literally all I know about this character man okay wait so I have to clear with I think we get Stardust that’s my passive right yeah we’re against two dark oh God they automatically exec no it’s okay they didn’t they don’t have a Fiora or a kaisa like they missed all the carries no no no no right now they need the Zia that’s what they need please don’t wait I hope we’re not fighting I need to figure out what my e does okay I figured it out have you never played set before nope I’ve only played against him wait okay so he got this this is so weird he makes a te he makes a te with his arms guys guys I proed my Mana man did I win or did I just waste 100 Mana before right before my Lane starts let’s walk in this bush well I got one Stardust I won wait so Stardust is on enemy kill or if I kill okay okay you’re so strong wait I didn’t last hit with the other one let’s get the C oh I got five start never let’s get this he too close the plans changed Dan change fur oh he’s really low I missed every CS though okay I have to not get hit with the other is the first two Auto attacks fast or is it like the first Auto is fast no the first Auto is slow then the second and third are fast the second one is fast than the yes the third fourth one the third one’s delayed the fourth one will be fast it’s like one two punch okay first okay um you got ignite okay Sy on my way okay Caitlyn oh okay the I think he’s still in there you can get him maybe okay oh you’re way this F yeah I do this okay cool nice nice robot kill it’s too easy perfect I killed with three right syus is going to top side one go go go ready ready I got flash yeah I think so no that burn we got a low though nice did that do good guys guys that to good how do I play this [ __ ] character man wait you’re so tanky what do you mean I have a tier right here I think we just yeah di really quickly check for silus for me waiting waiting wait I will tank okay you tank you tank yeah oh wow nice oh my God we’re so coordinated oh ah I’m trying to burn this dog alive but it’s it’s hard I bet that champion is actually pretty good into a so because um he just runs at you his little doggies block your que oh oh interesting they do actually there you go cap hard this and back for my L chapter oops uh why does this character feel like this what you call a classic overstay into get Dove no you’re not going to get Dove the jungler is literally right here he’s here he’s here oh we’re okay we’re okay is this guy killable he little sick he is here he is here no we’re okay I’m try try want to do a combo on him and you follow up all right all right I’m going wait is my bot Lane overstay and die I stopped tanking wait what nice okay it worked [ __ ] wait did did the over iy have their jungler is just better than ours there’s nothing we can do hey these dogs are so annoying they keep blocking my I can’t stand still seen the fury oh sh I you get yet I I’m coming to help you run a little bit longer why okay running a he flashed oh [ __ ] he has no flash I stay here with you yeah we I think we just chill we could Clear Vision maybe like oh I saw this once on a League of Legends stream let’s freeze the wave holy [ __ ] that’s a professional is right there and I’m running the other way look I’m going to give you guys Wards uhuh oh my in turn I need this blast PL oh [ __ ] I need help again on the red oh the Red’s beating you up man yeah the Red’s getting them good I should have died there guys but you know what I’m coming ah wait careful bot careful bot the dog went out here um I let’s go e second should be okay oh wow I am just eating it huh wow this build seems very um this guy’s going to C then we’re going to get him oh I I’m going to come top oh I think he ran oh I’m here I’m here okay wow nice okay over stay and die okay I just want to let you guys warn you guys my mid laner is missing I do not know where my mid laner went if the mid laner is randomly top Lan here I’m so sorry you’re fine any you might have to dodge z uh wait no you distracted that that that guy could have been top so that’s true that’s true that’s true I found a fury though someone wait I feel like this character just breathes that’s it [Music] ah is this possible wa can I kill I’m going to yeah okay okay I’ll walk with you but I’m kind of zoned by the K that’s okay walking over to pinch okay P I don’t have anything Dragon oh my God the wave is like pulling me I can’t go help I’m getting magnet a it did 600 it’s like it looks like laser wait nice you guys distracted Annie so I could get full gold for the plate the coming by hey the nefri coming by I can count wait here I’ll Stand in no no he left he left was just the silus BR okay face check this should be no flash nice died to this right n there no [Music] the road build kind of seems a little nice dog can we kill dog yeah let’s kill dog dog dog Target wait what did you just call Vincent dog has my oh defeat oh nice like nice laser breath m hey wait I don’t actually know what can do just he just like walked away from me he can he like dashes and then his W targets someone and runs it oh he targeted me I flashed and we just there’s Aus here what oh just letting you know okay I’m dead he has your S I did not watch wait oh God Vincent you gave him a s they’re all play top like four four top I four top yeah but if you’re a set man you turn this wait we could actually just win this right yeah I’m oh they’re doing r Wait they just okay they left they’re like scared I guess yeah oh wait I wanted this oh oh wait careful they’re coming from behind is 100 Stacks good okay I actually know the answer that question don’t even it’s [ __ ] ter wait did the game just say turret pling will fall soon yeah yeah I have to kill the turret wait wait the dog is coming top the dog is coming top there’s a dog on the way I have no Mana okay I’m leaving yeah leave leave [Music] [Laughter] oh okay I see the pp okay let’s yeah the idea is good I like the idea okay yeah okay I’m on my way like okay okay okay okay wa okay someone send help laser breath laser laser breath FY feet what the heck wait who is this as I’m coming yeah I have perfectly calculated movement these guys stand no chance a oh it’s just like Top Lane oh my God it’s a little too much like top blade okay oh the W I canceled an auto attack that so free wait he’s chasing me you think he can do that okay yeah he can do that you’re going to let him do that to you oh okay oh my God is that God yeah wait guys I have 100 Stacks is that a lot I got to look at my guide Lucian Pro [Laughter] builds a I’m going to do are both level 11 and I’m level eight they know I’m doing the dragon yeah help you darkness is my only true enemy ow oh he’s helping us what the [ __ ] I’m oh holy [ __ ] kind of ver that fast I have a lot of items okay how much damage wait what if we 75 turns it into this it absorbs five for every’s net no net wait she’s dead you take it yeah wait I took it what the [ __ ] I thought my execute what happened to my execute I think I I think I after shocked him I think they executed on your e yeah yeah it was oh I missed my I missed my Dash too yeah let’s die this guy here I I’ll get you the kill back I’m coming again wait what am I supposed to do against seven dogs wait I’m dead you you just pet them right yeah you just pet them oh [ __ ] a wait watch out the stus is on his way let’s get him yeah yeah we we’ll meet you in the middle it’s time for us to do what they do in the third Act of the Creator oh what’s that what do they do in the third Act of the Creator I’m not actually sure I haven’t seen the movie but I’m going to use my Herald how does he know we’re in here we got to get out of here they’re going to collapse on us oh okay yeah let’s let’s let’s meet in the mid lane oh my God look at this Vision our our vision score is perfect this game I’m about the TP on this red B yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m on my way oh my God perfect per oh this is perfect uh this is perfect guys oh the boss wait it’s perfect wait look at our ASO perfect wait she can do it please I got breathe on him breathe on him ah okay okay let’s get this guy I wanted to take the herald oh okay okay I I can’t tell him I’m running protect Shelly Shelly is the red still up yeah can you get it for me yeah I keep pressing Q thinking it speeds me up it does if you run it people yeah you run it wait who took it wait they did what right after you of set jungle kind of sadly yeah slow you can but like you can it looks like they’re kind of moving up here do we kill ourselves for the turret I’m on my way R he Ro is over here I’m on my way yeah it’s okay we’ve got we’ve got three pronged pressure right now this is crazy we have two pronged pressure right now lost this definitely warded where am I breathing we could bar maybe yeah is don’t wor I got it oh oh the drift wait where oh it still hits it still hits it doesn’t are you sure [Laughter] it’s oh let’s get this let’s get this Fury this guy is the source of all their power oh no oh good stun ow nice I I definitely Ed that on purpose okay and now we just gracefully transition into I’m going yeah both of them probably okay this is fair no you no she has a chance she might she might get out God average 80 carry SC yeah ID car sucks oh it doesn’t reach get him oh wait someone wants to fight me oh okay who is it oh it’s the dog oh wait I can just hold it grab die wait I’m on my way okay okay guys there’s a dog I’m do here wait just pet him him save him from the dog I’m petting the dog pet the dog you’re not petting the dog I’m trying dud it kind of trying to hug him he was trying to hug him oh my God we the dog so I have the E first and then hopefully the E executes and then I get stacked walk down mid alone and die oh I got St yes sir wait wait this looks perfect wait this looks this looks promising Bree bre free free someone took our red wait what yeah who could that have your team destroyed I think I found the culprit I’m a little bit of a detective wait who it it I don’t know for sure it’s one of these guys wait why does this have red uh if I TP can we just win or we have to kill them all no I don’t have my ulti oh I died oh I got peeled thank you oh wait I’m coming inot if only our top ler was here to clean up all of these kills for three wow wow there’s just so many free kills I’m sure the top will hit someone oh my God you want this kill want this kill I can bring it to you I want it I want it got it thank [Laughter] you wait life of a tank is so boring I run at them and they run away you get a single Auto I didn’t do anything they just she just flashed away from me real life that’s why they started taking ghosts okay wait we can get this set oh I’m the set we can get this uh other guy yeah oh he’s a stay yeah oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I’m out of here wait don’t worry I’ll end the game guys I’m not going to say anything but I think ASO [Music] players are they’re very aso’s very boring all right I think you’re just supposed to farm like maybe you could you could like harass them but like maybe it’s like a really specific match up that you play yeah robots are 10 so far yeah I find a new Champion I pretty much need play my character chesse Grill W M for four months thanks for your subing I’m going play some ads you run pretty well that’s true take W second wait I thought you supposed to take e second oh W second I really want to play blitzcrank go go for it you and everyone else it’s all you okay you can play V but I don’t have anything else so I have to go orid wait jungle melan I like that okay I like that that’s huge let me let me think about the pcks I’m like in my do you have a list of the wait I had the list somewhere hold on it’s right guys I need put it at the bottom okay oh okay wait what do I hate playing against sh I think the top ones are project and then Mecca and then meca Kingdom oh oh my God I have wow why are these all not mid lane oh there are some there are some there are some oh I wanted to start playing oh my God it’s the return guys violence solves everything it’s the return uh wait Albert you’re going jungle right all right I’m Gonna Fill with Ash okay okay oh I like that like I can go support top ad anywhere okay he’s jungling foot crink all this one’s going to be really awesome because I’m playing heart steel cat okay cool cool wait program Saka actually looks kind of scary not going to lie NGL yeah like wait wait till everyone locks it you you can see it it looks actually super creepy we have jungle Blitz crank yeah perfect didn’t get Nerf oh my maybe for some people it’s Nerf but oh not for us we have the master on our team that’s true lethality C no why would I play an inferior build oh my God these guys are going to know what hit though oh God it’s or dude look look at this Saka doesn’t it look kind of creepy yes it looks super creepy s rocket that will kidnap [Laughter] you should ignite or heal you should did cleanse oh yeah yeah yeah yeah and then ghost actually if you take ghost it’s sick yeah you actually go really fast I think I’m good oh wow guys you’re not going to believe might build this game in fact it’s going to make you be very upset at me if if this works this is going to be a very upsetting build does heart steel Catarina hits every single character proc heart steal on every single character if I ought in the middle of them oh my god oh oh my God oh my God it’s actually a dove and she’s considered a Melee character yeah I’m going hard Titanic know I realize the name of this character like means I’m forced to Forever Play Harbor on Val is there is there like a matching matching person not yet okay it’s a sensitive subject okay not yet to R it in okay you don’t ask okay I get yeah yeah preemptive matching IG hello hello hello um I figured last game went a bit too easy so I’m go blitzcrank okay you should level up your W first I’m going full tank After Shock nice didn’t they remove wait yeah did they remove that yeah cuz he used to be able to do extra damage to the jungle and they took away wait in the last which of course you knew because that would of course you knew otherwise you wouldn’t have locked it in like wait wait read your e read your e does it read correctly oh in your W yeah charge up their fist it just deals extra damage he what did your W do just moving speed and attack speed oh wait if you press shift on it does it say like you do extra damage to minions or no no oh no oh no guys he’s going to need a gigal someone just worded here ing I don’t understand why everyone’s going oh no it can’t be that bad right yeah yeah yeah yeah fine you’re good you’re chilling you just you just might want to rush like a Sunfire first or like a Titanic wait you think it’s better than rushing like a a legendary item I think you could just get the cinder item first and legary you do not do damage man like don’t don’t like complete this ire oh wait what’s the admin oh my God why admin yeah what if we have a what if we have a team gains attack speed oh it’s wait do you know what admin is it’s gold per five it was a trait and set seven or eight one of those I think it set eight is that and it would let you um program in your own Trade It was kind of sick I miss ad oh by the I think you’re supposed to Smite the first Camp cuz I don’t have any abilities that’s fine I got this I took three Autos this ain’t so bad I’m like mostly dead on the first camp but I I think Blitz can be a jungler oh this is fightable nice good poke oh I don’t have q oh oh okay nice dub out guys project Ash goes crazy skin does extra damage watch me find their jungler dude guys he’s tops side he’s tops side we did it oh you found him you found him nice I seem to have taking 9 billion damage jumping in there guys don’t worry guys she got a call yeah how disrespectful is that I’m going to buy a call dodged part of it but I didn’t get the I didn’t 10 gold for your call yeah going back guys you said Blitz crank jungle was bad but like I I can almost clear red buff nice good job ow scar can you bait I yeah this G will work for sure this G will work he is 100% baited like I actually think he’s he’s gig Theon could be bid also I’m going in now all right I’m dead you might be dead as well I’m fine what oh oh oh that was almost the POG man there okay uh this game might be kind of hard now oh it’s fine it’s fine yeah trust me I wasn’t going to be a character before 20 minuts anyways I don’t know what I’m doing okay don’t worry my level six spike is insane oh who said I was worried I’m not worried yeah I’m not worried okay can we kill top if I walk in oh probably oh I I’m actually om W yeah I think oh he’s think he’s the Le here oh he’s building I’m just going to walk in fist him and die okay all right I’m down I want to go me too but I built a c I did it you didn’t even have to die we’re chilling oh that oh what do I build hey what do you guys think I should Max on Jungle Blitz love you all right what do wait does your W do anything anywhere what happens when you why didn’t I I didn’t dodge it it was very wait don’t worry scar I’m sending an Eid okay he’s going to get spooked okay you can see you raan is missing oh just I’m coming top okay’s in here bro oh enough damage okay that’s [Music] good o I’m getting creep blocked oh thank you wait we can kill this Le in Yeah we actually can I’m on my way wow I didn’t drop that oh care care bot uh yeah yeah he missed his oh he hit any I think it’s good I’m hitting the least H he’s getting kind of low oh my God I’m on my way leave it to me wait she didn’t do enough damage she’s dead I have fist I have fist fist just dodge the next que oh don’t worry guys I’m Shing I’m walking up okay oh she didn’t flinch with the mid laner live yeah she flashed she flashed oh I didn’t [ __ ] auto attack God damn it scared I think it’s fine honestly oh at least in bot oh he might go over the wall cat has enough base damage I’m damage if I only bait H I would go ahead and say no oh I’m ready I’m ready I’m hitting him okay they walked away dang I hit it when they do that oh my God my damage was insane I’m just slowly tickling him you’re done for push push push push she doesn’t know I’m she’s going to hit six on this wave I think got to go fast before this creep dies I’m fisting she hit six I yeah uh I have I you didn’t want to ult for him ult was UN I swear wait like it was it was all cool out like it just came up oh y you did Ping that it’s ready well like it like just like the cool down like just finished mhm you know mhm okay okay you understand yeah know it happens wait I’m so fast I have no stats whatsoever but like I can walk around and grab every now and then I’ve I can see cases where that would be useful I’m throwing my Eid again useless mid laner came and fall up on my ganks you stole my my your fire wait can you still uh Smite minions I heard they were moving that you can they put it back oh nice okay guys my map awareness isn’t the best so you have to scream if you need a srao ult um okay okay that’s what I want to hear I got the Kia but not the gold what the heck so what what do you need for me oh wait do we have Ash Arrow yeah I do I do tell me where you want it I’m aling right here right here yeah I got her I got her she’s dead oh oh oh my God heal for assist oh she has no flash she has no flash orang good H wait I don’t do damage Ed please help me I’m dead I’m I hope you D WR guys I don’t keep damage yet I always have my heart steal we picked the lowest damage team comp in the game well I I don’t know about that oh wow this is I can’t P I can’t ping your items anymore and it’s a oh no you can’t ping anymore it’s too toxic to ping someone else’s Stu Le’s de I’m coming Scara oh thank God you didn’t heal that or you didn’t hit that are you dead I cannot help you there uh I think I’m fine oh you dodged his Q nice yeah I skillfully DOD that okay I have like 5 400 till I’m good and then like another eight thousand till I’m good come kill bot Z ghosted I’m taking damage for no reason mid’s going bot right now I’m checking it’s okay cuz I’m also going never mind oh I’m here I’m here I’ve seen this movie before Oh [ __ ] said here oh I’m going to leave I’m out of here perfect wait I might be back in depending on what you guys want to do wait wait careful careful she’s still there and I’m out of yeah the Vex the Vex is going oh [ __ ] I wonder if I’m okay oh good old good okay he takes it oh what a heal oh my God God this gu oh he’s we have some more heals right wait just kill her she’s free go Edie head down yes super free wait I’m on my way back we we can to wait like is this bush warded like there’s no way oh it is but imagine if it wasn’t did they stay they didn’t stay they’re going to leave for sure oh they stayed oh my God wait wait I got to get down there I got to get down there uh all right we got spiked guys I spiked guys guys guys I’ve spiked I Spike oh my God you’re strong you got a lot of HP oh yeah they’ll never kill me oh my wait a sec okay wait does Z get moonish really you know it’s whatever you want bu whatever you want yeah be the change you want to see oh right I’m supposed to build Trinity Force that’s the item is more fun and that’s what matters I hit me what okay this guy has this okay oh wait damage no I do no damage uhoh oh we’re coming we’re coming it’s it’s 43 I think we can win oh oh we can definitely win we can definitely win got trolled this guy trolled I got pull I got pull I got pull I heart steal him heart steal him I heart steal oh what a pull oh my God no I think the Ping removal sucks actually because you can’t ping like coold Downs for your teammates or any of that really kind of like I think I wish he did it differently he has no words yeah me and any will get the dragon a heart Ste this guy doesn’t know he doesn’t know I’m [ __ ] farming I’m coming you can stuff teammates ities Downs hello I did it uh oh I did not do it we Dragon oh good job job we got [Laughter] dragon but it’s whatever I just feel like the lead changes like those don’t do anything in IMO oh he’s dancing oh oh he’s freaking dancing oh I’m teing oh I’m flanking I’m flanking wait I just want to hard to prox and get out wait I’m here I’m here this I’m sending my oh z z Oh She oh no z Oh Flash okay I’m coming coming I’m hitting the back oh I’m dead oh no don’t worry here wait you’re not dead I just left you oh perfect hiding I’m going to see this in like a Glide Montage later oh no I got hit oh no yeah you’re fine wait I pull I pull I pulled him in melee range oh [ __ ] oh no no you guys are dead you guys are dead I’m on way I’m on way I’m on way not okay I’m on way okay okay wait none of us did damage our only damage dealer is dead wait hey wait wait wait Dage yeah I’m here I’m here I’m here I’m I’m shooting over here wait I got three parts to oh wait damage no flash no flash wait I did it I got three procs I got three procs dude when I get my item I would so much want aelas or a locket um I already have a you can’t copy me okay lock it would be good alternatively gaale force is kind of sick on blitzcrank G Force okay like you do a dash and then you knock them up like how’s that not guys okay just I’m almost there at least ran the Vex went back mid okay never mind all right I need to be in the sideline for another 10 minutes all good the Vex might match you oh I don’t know if he knows he’s in for it I [ __ ] miss e there whoops okay oh [ __ ] I almost died here I’m not doing doing anything but here oh oh oh oh okay but see this back he’s back yeah yeah I got hit I got to back up God I’m bad at this game um awkward positioning everybody Panic can me jump thank you hook in seven okay soon soon oh my you almost blocked me into it sorry sorry wait I’m so tanky I’m so tanky I’m so T I’m so tanky right here right here right here oh uh uh-oh oh wait I feel like we can win the 4 I can TP you think so yeah yeah V has TP too let me grab this really quick wait where I’m going I’m taking oh this might be the worst time for me to okay I’m teing let’s go all right fine I’m dead oh oh I am dead we’re here oh oh no oh wait this is look not good for me I my best flash he’s Flash oh I got the rec okay okay I’ll defend I’ll I’m defending Dude any you’re full health you should have gotten in there more oh yeah yeah my bad wait I don’t feel like Gil force synergizes with blitz crank’s kit okay yeah maybe don’t go Gil Force you could go you can go Frozen fist you could build another heart steel to mat wait they [ __ ] no we actually we’re actually fine we’re fine like the Vex just trolled yeah yeah don’t worry don’t worry I distracted them there’s no way they can end there’s no way they can end oh I got flash kicked but they’re they’re dead right door he’s he on my stream yes yes I did it okay wait what if we win y wait I’m not even kidding as soon as I get this item we win we’re we’re actually scaling up Giga yeah don’t worry guys I’ll protect the tower there’s like four minut yeah that’s four that would gone to the tower that’s true holy [ __ ] they almost got it don’t worry man also I think should we keep this Dragon doesn’t matter right it doesn’t really we might need to stop the baron though yeah don’t worry I’ll have TP for that okay I say we just go five mid and we win a fight oh what if I’m coming is her ulti up yet the Vex is oh oh she’s oh she’s no T no t no T no no TB okay I’m I’m Ming right here I missed oh she flashed okay oh my god oh what a hook okay can Baron yeah let’s Baron maybe TR let me I think we can let me give it a check wait they might they might just push them they’re going to try to end the game yeah we should probably just Bas I guess don’t die Scara we’re coming wait die we’re coming oh wait V ‘s I’m let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go all right nice good teamwork wait wait no back no no back can we do dragon really quick we might run at the dragon that might be our play yeah all I’m visioning oh I like that run at the Dragon no vual uh we’re going to fight here all right yeah I’m down to fight no Z right no she has she has she has it now can we finish this he’s going to go in no oh God I got flash knocked up you guys got this you guys got this though distracting l oh that was so close my heart steel proc wa I almost have it I you’re so close you have 300 heart steel Stacks like that’s crazy wait you also have Doran shield and boots to sell like you have it oh wait dude I pulled the Z right away from your third Cube that’s okay well that was perfect coordination what oh guys I it’s a close it’s a close game I I got this TR guys I think that was a really good try yeah you think I being sarcastic I said nice try yeah I think it was a nice try too let me just Mark that off of Champions I’m ever going to [Laughter] play um okay now it’s time to find the ultimate robot champion ultimate robot Champion that that wasn’t Blitz crank I’m me go play some ads yeah wait Blitz crank seemed a little weak in the jungle okay I’m find the ultimate jungler give me one second I’m I’m looking at different options okay I could play VI vain Zed okay Zed seems too easy Silas too easy pike mid holy [ __ ] wait a second guys wait a second I’m I I think I see it wait isn’t there a new new Champion like not the dog it’s like a beautiful woman yeah Brier Brier my restriction is robot skins she got nerfed oh my God wait isn’t Nunu a robot yeah he has a Rob beepop oh wait hang on I need to I need to get her B she using Titanic first no you don’t understand the point is your team 4V fs and you farm the side Lanes um and you only run in at the very very end to get ass cist gold and then you run away wait is there a a robotic Riven pulse fire Riven is probably the closest one she’s pretty roboty in that one honestly I would say battle buddy oh yeah that one she’s pretty robot like a robot yeah like if robots were to take over the world and clone someone it would be maybe you know battle bunny rivet yeah and in Detroit human the robots look just like real people anyways yeah all right I’m down I’ll play cyborg Riven m in the jungle oh oh just left oh I can accept the que on an’s computer never mind she just came back uh okay wait wait how did Senna work it does not okay cool got good talk guys um landre is kind of boring unless you get a full AP build M fight’s kind of funny Scion’s kind of funny I feel like Scion my build that I was doing last game would work a lot better if I was playing it on Scion CH doesn’t have a skin yeah yeah I can play top Orbot or mid now because I have Rumble I just remembered oh not does he have a robot skin battle what are oh battle cast is a skin line that’s a robot battlecast is is a robot skin line I think oh like Urgot yeah yeah show scarner okay okay okay I’m still [Music] looking wait does Riven have a have a robot skin yeah battle buddy what yeah isn’t battle bunny like she’s like a Playboy bunny yeah that’s what’s the that’s what when robots take over the world they’re going to just clone that skin that’s but like yeah that makes sense okay I see is there C no uh kog oh no I don’t like seeing Kane oh I’m not a cane lover either but I can get a skin and ch right yeah I’m not sure if how reliable that that does not seem very good okay I’m okay what about Blitz versus all right this is going to be a stretch guys we CH okay okay hear me out mhm everyone gets three people start laughing wait why did three people start everyone get their turn yeah here wait are you playing Blitz crank mid or Blitz crank support oh I was going to do mid no no no you go support and he can cover mid or top is there ribon build Ora I would just rush Hydra uh no me like masteries oh uh oh actually you could innovate with that like electrocute or something I’m good I don’t not care about M at all you could try it like in you also try rush I’m be assassin you got this you got this no worries I haven’t done this in like eight years okay perfect then now to do my the best what’s the best damage Rune is it electrocute is got be oh no they’re doing K they’re doing the K oh no they have the scripter T this guy’s going to do the F3 oh no wait what does that mean oh he like holds his camera on the cane while the cane ults someone and then just puts his Mouse in the middle of his screen and spams the button and it like Auto locks on the cane person oh wait what do I yo I haven’t played Orana I think in like literally years and honestly more power youel you level W first I do yeah not Q the W does a lot they buffed it twice it does a lot of damage it does so teleport I don’t know how to use teleport yeah yeah yeah okay okay but honestly you probably Max first no wait what they buffed qw twice it’s w first no way it’s a it’s Q first it is wait you’re right it’s Q first it’s first H wow even after all I know is she don’t start tear anymore because she does so much damage now that you can actually pressure people you could win you could start start corrupting pot and just win oh wait wait wait wait wait wait I I haven’t played Oriana in actually years like what do I what do I build wait why do you have wait you’re Oriana we can do the the classic boxbox move from 2015 where you just jump into them and then I ulti and then we’re like PA wo combo PA oh why do you have electri wait that’s literally the build that’s the build hey my Blitz C has electric what else would you play on this character which one wait do I start D ring am I supposed to go red yes I don’t understand the difference between the colors the red does damage dude go the blue one it gives you go corrupting if you think you’re going to hit a lot like when you walk in bushes it makes you go fast I hit a lot I can’t Dodge okay you go corrup really yeah you have TP it’s good yeah not bad okay and then I Max Q or W uh q and then w and then W they’re playing s Zion and they’re playing Kane Zer I forgot to buy pots no problem no problem I’ll skill W first so get back to L in time no my leash no don’t worry guys your fourth shot is like I leashed for you yeah wait it’s Quinn mid is it zerath bot oh it’s zerath top oh yeah of course what the [ __ ] Z oh it just makes sense do you think what the oh they’re doing senion yeah I feel like this actually does well into a BL yeah kind of okay that kind of looked good if I was quiet ow 8 seconds wait can we flip can we flip I want to be the bush I want to be the busher hey Quinn’s missing never mind she went top side but she’s missing I think they’re’s going to swap the cuz the zerth got really low okay wow oh he took two he like wait wait oh okay okay I’m going I’m still going okay I have nothing I got nothing it’s all you okay uh okay he yall are doing it yeah you already know holy [ __ ] the electric dud I should have went don’t worry I got it thank you thank you oh what the [ __ ] he is TP got oh wait can you stay in this bush for a little bit longer yeah I’m not sure if she warded or not actually I’m not sure if she flashed either what are the odds that she uses her W and finds US IM we just look like idiots zero does she have flash uh I think it’s up but I mean he’s pretty dead why didn’t she use it I did it all right nice I’m going to recall right here and steal exp yeah sounds good so if I want to be like a cool assassin is it just still eclipse is there a new item you can build dusk blade dusk blade yeah it turns you invisible which one gives you the dash none it got removed that got removed cuz Lon was too Op with it so many things were so Op with it it was crazy yo I don’t know hit this you go let them W I’m not teleport how did I use this thing no I’m sorry press your button and then you click the turret I had to do it yeah do they have flash bot no they had nothing that both no flashes oh I’m just going to walk in who do you want to go on oh you know I’ll go on this one and I’ll hit this one W he still proed manad go lud wait I don’t have a split oh no oh no okay they think I’m in the back but actually I’m just going to go mid here oh wait I have oh my God I have a Teleport user holy dang okay and now they’re not going to know when they walk up here yo uh Mr Jim j poggers i get can I get a left side gank right here can I request left side what a left side uh a gank right as he walks up here I’m a bit confused he wait never mind never mind he walked out where is this guy an enemy has been slain oh you have right okay I’m going to watch I’m watch [Music] I’m hey thank you yeah I go back [Music] far o o for me a for you H he might just here oh there’s not much I can there’s not much I he can see you oh he can see me there oh that’s awkward let’s leave he’s a genius oh my God I’m almost dead he’s almost dead oh oh oh [ __ ] you’re almost dead wait you’re almost dead any I Ed doesn’t have Flash all right sure he knows I’m here but I feel like I can just walk in any I’m just going to walk in oh God I hope to die oh okay okay I’m walking in Annie okay an enemy has been slain an Al I I’ll remember this sacrifice uhoh we won too hard wa oh no wait okay I do so much damage oh I see a potential kill this guy is up too far SL an enemy thank you oh her Harbor her Harbor best Blitz crank ever wa Alber just played Blitz crank I want him to die to the dragon but he’s not dying to the dragon I said what I a you can kill her I I tried to leave her at 1 HP let the dragon kill her but the dragon sucks oh man oh I’m curious if I can kill this cane and the Quinn at the same time maybe wait I didn’t get an assist for that oh you okay I’m coming for 10 seconds I’m dead oh you won yeah I got I got the K I got the Kel you got the canal okay I think I heard it go off it might have reset oh my God and now you go now you get yeah he doesn’t expect the Gin Ro surely it’s down I heard the I heard the animation for it all right I’m going this was done sometimes they make the ability just like come back holy [ __ ] not man that was epic like snip wait he’s coming for me I’m on way I’m on way withit the Quin like I saw the Quin here holy the Quin is right here Quinn’s pogging out I mean that was kind of cinematic like JY and Zar both sto [Laughter] moving oh all right uh we need to we start we we get more kills more oh you have no way you feel the these guys probably not walking up but don’t worry I will walk up I will walk up nice oh I can split the cannon it’s perfect and I go back by how do you have 13 Pages already I’m I should have bought a book what the heck it’s like the the the first thing you buy okay wait how do I how do I get this the is like one my work here is done thank you all right oh oh [ __ ] I’m dipping what what about me good luck brother good luck let’s do what your rank has still got it why dust blay over eclips you can like go in and one shot someone and then you’re untargetable your spells can come up and you kill the guy again should I like stack every single lethality item yeah okay what should I get though all right I’m downo wait what’s happening they’re twoo I don’t know what’s happen mid mid uh Ting top okay cool is also Ting top guys control your lane sorry okay honestly I’m down to throw a little bit wait what do you mean you’re you been doing oh Canon Canon me yeah oh right here oh my God the night core holy wait wait wait you never left dies to the dragon oh he’s too good I don’t know let’s [Laughter] see Benny don’t Shield them don’t Shield them right I got minions to go get minions minions [Music] minions wait so how many times can I go Invincible cuz it didn’t happen every time once every 30 seconds oh once every didn’t it used to be like every kill yeah it was too op it was so op oh still good though oh [ __ ] there’s three there’s three okay well that what does that mean me it means scary it means we get three kills it’s that’s six Stacks right here actually that that’s four per right wait a second wait wait there’s three traps here oh kind of tanky are you serious yeah he’s kind of tanky um I I should have went St ju what the heck shut this guy’s a genius oh [ __ ] they’re going to get this oh oh oh oh I’m coming bot TB oh yeah any can TP flank go get him Annie what right here free kills okay oh my God this is it how does this work do I just go in there we did it great TP nice oh oh I I okay I’m here oh what a Dodge two seconds two seconds boom boom boom boom boom Oh [ __ ] there’s three Squad pulled up oh oh honestly I I thought thought you do more damage oh I I was trying to BM and I just like failed really miserably don’t wor don’t worry oh oh what a Dodge oh what a shield oh what a Dodge wait how is he alive uhoh slap slap God that’s not a [Laughter] teammate thought I was a sty red and black like you 15 all right follow me follow me I’m going to do the thing okay nightore Nightcore yes all you do is you just press e on me and then R and then W okay okay like like press e now or like press e well no when you see me going in I’m just going to like sniff it out oh I’m watching I’m watching this is going to be great yeah whenever I can see a clump I’ll go for it oh wait yeah that got hurt ready oh okay uh he’s getting kind of close okay okay okay nightops all right I need I need 15 seconds now now okay this character anyone know we’ll try it again in a couple minutes okay okay okay scar I just got to say like love that you saw us die and then decided I’m going join them wait I tried the oh [ __ ] I tried the AR Flash and I don’t think it run oh oh oh God dang oh oh I didn’t see the map but you flashed right wa you’re so lucky I am wait wait wait I’m ready to try again soon uh I’m not did this give me oh it gives me move speed okay I’m going to go in and Ward up controls uh jungler I have perfectly secured our Dragon area and we are on the right side to do it wait oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] just got rolled by the two and my God oh my God got the tap he killed you in F he killed me and poed you got they got the last laugh I’m Seth W back for 56 month to sub actually you guys have time for one more that was a lot faster than I thought it would be yeah yeah yeah all right let’s finish off on one sick game okay so who turn is it to play Blitz CR yeah he’s going Blitz this time oh I got okay ah I did 6K damage I just got placed yeah I’m gold same okay I got to find a new robot one second how come I did anyone play Gallo anymore is Gallo like I don’t think I’ve seen a Gallo they buffed him last patch right I swear I haven’t seen this character in such a long time ever since his rework he kind of lost his identity right you only play Gall if you’re playing with Gallia Camille so that you could be like Giga cringe and womo one target cool robotic junglers that aren’t Noo-noo No Hands Baker was the best Gallia player I’ve ever seen yeah don’t say that oh no no that unit is too hard to play on for a first time wait isn’t there a sad robot aumu skin oh yeah is there yeah there is oh yeah sad AMU that’s me baby that’s me I’m going to be sad robar skin his face looks actually so sad though yeah he kind of looks like the D colon all right oh me gar oh me Garen Garen is a character for no hands oh wow that’s a no hander right there okay okay I will play pop if that’s okay that way you don’t have to be put in that lane anymore no I like top Lan top Lane’s fun wait really oh okay okay that want to take you away from but you can you can you can go over oh wow that was a real quick turn around so which one is it that was a super quick turn around okay yeah yeah yeah yeah um I’m down the only thing holding me back from Top Lane is um I only had enough money to buy three project skins and the only Champion I have left is Varys okay hold on let me what do I BR up here okay maybe this character wait okay so do you guys think I should play okay let me get I I have option of Garen or mal fight or uh atrox you guys have never seen my atrox before my a atrox you me doesn’t have a robot skin really Advanced Skin super Advanced okay okay hold I’m going to show you the most advanced pop winner oh yeah everyone loves Garen I should have played atrox wait how do you play atrox is it ghost I don’t do you take like this I can play mid or ad carry I just heard you go a lot of Zeals I’m pretty sure I have the mea Soul skin you going to breathe on them yeah okay you think they the same people maybe I think they banned like oh maybe like phase Rush o phase Rush okay uhoh you really not go you not go attack speed you go adaptive on Garen wait I thought he converts attack speed uh oh oh no I don’t know I can play is really supposed to go conquer yes but it’s more fun to go electrocute just go all it’s so much more fun yeah just go electrocute it’s op actually yeah just no it’s it’s the troll build but you can do it wait wait I go f they they took S I wanted to play s oh you play a different Champion an that’s all I got crank the default skin wa so not dark Harvest just electrocute yeah you literally W second and you can do Baron at 20 [Music] minutes back wait this guy they took Jace wait I’m starting to think this guy’s I get but then what’s the secondary oh I don’t I don’t remember oh God wait all good enough oh I play I feel like nobody builds tank anymore grasp jce what the heck grasp Jace all right can I go B yo yo do you want to go mid I can go top no I’m good this guy it’s fine I just have to go D Shield you Aug wait is that me supposed to go Imperial mandate first instead of a Mythic thought that was no I think I think you’re supposed to go ludin oh that sounds right our must never why does their Ash have flash ignite and conqueror wait that bu actually kind of sounds lit he has to hit you a long time though it looks like both their Ballers have ignite great name is mad [Laughter] fapper uh guys what exactly do I skill first okay wait so okay I get it wait is it boring just always one no no no he’s super not the AP one he’s actually so fun you’re like Spider-Man you got two bandages oh you you can start here with e By the way you don’t need a leash okay start with yeah it’s like you don’t even take damage really yeah I play I play too much of boooo man yeah how do you know so much about I used to be like a like one the top of Mumu players I played but I haven’t touched them in Forever aumu genus what’s the full APM Mumu build oh I go LeAndre so I can do 20 minute Baron cheese but I think you’re supposed to go Proto belt yeah I couldn’t hear you very well did you say bans yeah think you’re supposed to go leandri so you could do andri okay yeah wait this guy shoved way too fast right actually it depends many should take yep hits two I’m good oh he’s against Ash actually a ash is so sick you do like almost oh I I mean to press that [ __ ] oh you got to say that oh God oh sex top side cool oh God I cannot assist you without losing the tower I’m not even going to look you got it right I’m not even going to look wait wait you’re fine oh holy [ __ ] how did you oh wait you’re a beast are you going to die to the camp no ah wait how did you full kill what the heck wait you’re actually a beast I’m I’m kind of the best IM player on the planet I think they Ash is going to base we could probably dive this guy is it normal for this guy to go unless the Zach gets here in time grasp Jace he probably got here like what am I playing against man Zack Zack Zack an enemy keep running he has no flash keep running keep running nice heal keep running I’m almost here all mind I’m out of here it’s hard still for sure dude my heal almost came up in time many I swear like oh dude you too you too it’s like really close I I know that feel don’t worry am I maxing e yeah I think I am you Max Q if you’re going the a oh Max Q okay you actually don’t even you don’t put points in the E until later you put one point oh I think I think I’m going to make it oh oh [ __ ] oh wait I’m here I’m here a yeah check us out okay oh holy [ __ ] close close wait that went kind of crazy like best Mo in the world my work here is done wait this like like two charges of Q is insane yeah it’s two stuns why does this guy have grasp that’s what I’m saying man he’s got the G counter it’s just annoying for I don’t even know it he hasn’t hdden EQ but it’s annoying wait times use 17 dang he’s kind of crazy with it you suck now hard yeah you can eat yourself an auto and then use the slow to get the thing what the that’s a crazy combo I missed that would require you not eating me oh sh no way I’m coming no oh almost there keep running keep running oh oh yeah yeah uh swag oh oh I feel like I’m fine right an En okay an ally not swag UNS swag’s forwards maybe we could proxy kill this guy walk in this bush I don’t fine and then go surprise oh nice bubble oh I casually walk away like nothing happened okay okay oh my god it worked guy clears way faster than Jungle um blitzcrank no really where’s my face I think op oh no she’s here do I need to hit with two Autos is it three separate attacks I [ __ ] I need to hill him with another Auto oh that’s so different than what I expected aack Q oh I missed that sucks I thought just something SP how are you level a six and I’m not level a six this too try hard to freeze this is I’m coming I’m almost there B’s missing we again hey come backoo he has that okay our Deeds sh the future if goes come up before flash any knowers I need I need a knower I need a knower dude I’m like the slowest attacker in the world it does the first of many oh no I’m dead okay okay I gave him a kill to make the game closer I can toally just kill that guy yeah yeah don’t worry he has no flag I’ll get bubble whip oh does it pH four five six ah [ __ ] he’s gone n no he’s right here I took too long yeah I saw you guys were winning Lane so far I just died for fun you’re welcome oh thank you look at how how bad you’re dominating this Lane that’s true Orana a master maybe the Champs is broken I think the Champs is broken is just so broken trick shot wait when’s your next I don’t think know oh oh come over here trick shot okay I’m on way I’m on way trick shot who whoop is Mo balanced I walk like you don’t see them that’s what I’m saying okay they know somehow oh wait y it’s warded what the [Laughter] heck wait I’m coming for a trick shot bot I have like literally nothing up but I’m coming trick shot oh I’m oh God it’s too good so be dodg a q like a trick trick shot the uh the C’s going top if I die to it’s a mid mid Gap what what’s up oh oh wait oh oh oh wow oh wow okay wait I I can make it up to you I’m going to do something sick in [Laughter] yourself can I can I whip while I’m eting cuz I I wasn’t sure if it can cancel my e I’m I’m going to do something sick it’s going to make you go holy [ __ ] oh like last time yeah wa no better you whip anytime he’s going all the way okay K her kill her she might have left kill her oh she’s so far oh my God God no way how did that happen holy [ __ ] oh my God no oh my God no come Albert I’ll tank for you [Laughter] run Arrow Arrow oh [ __ ] I got spotted wait that was sick right that did definitely did make me go holy [ __ ] oh no guys I come by it’s going to make you go holy [ __ ] why is CH broken okay yeah perfect perfect I’m baiting them so hard right now look look I wasted my bubble and they’re like oh my God yeah cry on her cry on her oh oh oh the cry holy [ __ ] wait I love that you can just like cry on them oh yeah like imagine how socially awkward that would be like at your friend tell they start crying on you like that’s that it’s the emotional damage wait how low is this guy he’s like half wait wait okay I’m waiting for you no no I go for thank you I’m oning him I’m only him oh my God right right to you right to you right to you boom Oh I get this Tower first oh I I I I I this wait the spin I can’t it the spin wait wait this guy he walked Too Close she’s walked too close to the Sun ash oh my God God yeah not anymore wait oh perfect you shut got shut down and then I oh you’re telling me I could have waited 1 and a half seconds for the wave no no no no we couldn’t do that wait I’m so fast thought he was going to go in on you he didn’t take it when am I supposed to am I supped why does it say hole breaker am I supposed to be is this is this right okay nice not bad zeal Z is z z better than double than a PD can she be killed what do you mean I smell her right there coming the it’s free oh oh wow you you cry harder than my spin an enem has been SL there Jay has so much HP I actually like this Champion I thought he was boring but I kind of feel Prett fun he this is a fun Champion he’s just a little little baby dude Vincent missed no he just died he’s so good waa wa w w wait you you want to try doing a a you can’t see this P you Albert you want to try doing a 20 minute Baron oh 20 minute Baron wait did you let’s do it let’s do it right now for the world record did you do W second uh hang on I’m about I’m about to do a trick shot okay wow trick shot trick shot a Jordan you came back so I could get the assist right and not for the minions oh no hey there’s A’s running some get him let’s get him uh did hear oh founded you found don’t let any get an assist wa wait I got it no oh did not smell oh oh he’s coming for this blue wait holy [ __ ] my senses are tingling my senses are tingling oh wait oh wait right here what we do is Right trick shot wait I thought the gar were all super skillful and they had the stri breaker before or after their e you’re telling me the entire time well Vance distracted the mine no no how did I die wait I thought I would do more damage wait was I supposed to Max W second that’s for the 20 minute honestly Q is probably better oh wait he said second wait yeah I think oh wait you don’t Max E first wait I Max I was still to Max Q for like the assassin Oh I thought I think Q is way more fun oh yeah true true true Q is op get yeah good good job all right well deep okay I think you might what I what I’m doing so much work on this Dragon where did my you’re doing so good to the dragon nice wait look I almost killed it oh my God wait wow good job I’m I’m going to leave you got it okay your turn oh you’re so you’re so lucky that I burned this flash v no no no Z’s coming Dr what I’ve been working on that for like 10 years oh you oh my God my oh wait you soloed the dragon yeah yeah yeah I yeah she she soloed it it was kind of crazy no no no she soloed for 10 minutes and Zach almost walked in as I was finishing wa wait wait check this out I there’s a really sick amum trick shot I’m about to do here what’s up everybody my name is dude perfect and this is a Mumu bandage toss trick shots okay here I’ll speed you up I’ll speed you up go go go I almost didn’t get it I almost didn’t get it oh my God holy [ __ ] Dude Perfect Dude Perfect oh oh oh for him for him D you didn’t tank for that’s just wait does flashing like move my vantage toss or did I just miss it moves it watch I’m going to cancel I’m going to cancel the Zach jump everyone stand okay dude he’s not jumping okay nobody help me with this Baron I need to try to solo I want to see if can no oh you needo T for you I think but it’s actually you also need demonic I think no he does so much what is demonic oh is that what LeAndre used to do holy [ __ ] so lucky we we’re just getting so lucky this game so okay Albert you solo it we’re going to go kill the syndra okay I’ll Z out anyone from coming where is the syndra going I’m cutting her off wait he’s going to take this plant guy Faker this guy Faker oh it doesn’t feel close it doesn’t it’s not close oh they forfeit don’t worry we’re on our way before yeah wait surrender back surrender back okay oh wait oh oh silly waffler than for I wasn’t close at all I like didn’t beat the baron at all like I I don’t think I would have done 20% of its Health oh you just need a tank with with you and you do like infinite damage it’s too bad we didn’t have a tank on our team [Laughter] yeah what I’m green wow wow oh you’re Emerald oh oh okay wait so why is it that green is worse than diamond in league but then in valerant it is better um and why does an emerald exist in TFT that’s a lot of questions you’re asking asking too many questions yeah like they should at least like have like a consistent system across the elite client no no that’s un nah no do you mean no it’s just not allowed no it’s going to break reason for like all the right games to have different ranking systems like they’re like so similar but then there’s like a random Small Change like oh and now leagal Legends has green no no okay right well thank you all for helping me uh do my promotion for the Creator we played robots and we killed a lot of people just like how in the movie The Creator robots kill people W yeah spoilers for anyone who hasn’t seen it yet but yes thank you four for joining me the game [ __ ] you yes your gifts will be in the mail in 24 to 48 business years okay all right I’m excited nice okay right g g yes I wish you all good rest of your stream and or day have a good night everybody thank you for helping night all right guys [ __ ] it I’ll just tell you guys I can’t keep a secret I suck at that anyways um the current plan is to have a hair cutting stream dying and cutting stream on the first week of September oh it’s like the second week really second week of SE fine second week of September and on the first first week October 2nd I will be going to a sushi place where you guys can order sushi the current four people who are going to be with me because I wanted to keep it rather small are is going to be uh me Sean Lily Seline uh the idea is that we’re kind of banned from eating anything that you guys don’t order us so uh we’ll have a way for chat to order uh and it’ll be very interesting uh I think you have 20 options of sushi and they’re not some of them are not good options yeah is our chat ordering service I will be begging you guys to order me the Toro um and I’m a big F I probably shouldn’t tell you guys what I like wait for these streams no they’re the sushi was locked in for the 2 of October uh barring a [ __ ] miracle and they call us back and they said no you can’t do it and then like a meteor strikes my house I probably going to do it October okay let me go play some ads what am I doing now TFT is it l ar time ah it’s TFT time the new patches out right let me go let me go look take a little Gander hold up real quick what was the H fix stuff azir got his damage increased it’s actually a [ __ ] dub AOS got his Chums increased by one oh thank thank God toath got nerfed theora Samira got nerfed wow what a great gifs got nerfed ldp got nerfed double trouble got nerfed oh my God it’s actually it’s a dub it’s a dub across the board and I’m on my wrong account okay whoops I’ll be right back the thing lost Arc man lost Arc lost Arc do I really want to play lost Arc I feel like I don’t like I do though a little bit okay but this is the more important thing guys let’s focus on the important stuff okay 25 games that I like my top 25 um huh I feel like I need something from the PlayStation era I guess I I have a couple things but I don’t know I have the ff7 what did I really enjoy from there I did not super like crash man the cute I’m not going to lie it was okay I like drag it’s like Legend draon I did really enjoy some of the Mega Man’s when I was growing [Music] up I can de Russ and clink yeah bahuma Lagoon God of War didn’t play God of War I didn’t have a PlayStation 2 I the PlayStation one and my parents said we can only have one system and I got I chose the GameCube and I didn’t I don’t like Zelda games or Mario games why the [ __ ] did I choose the GameCube I should have chose the PS2 the PS2 was so much better I actually scammed myself man that again yeah that’s good but I don’t really remember the game what M territory well it’s already on here bro look at this you already know this is the best shooter of all time I the best shooter but it was really fun it’s one of my favorite Shooters of all time Play Turn Darkness I’ve heard about the game I never played it you know what game was sick oh my God oh my God Power Stone is on here from the Dreamcast that’s a [ __ ] that’s a crazy one that is a crazy one no getting through me a bandal yes we have bandal we are we are bandalin okay but I need an early Nico or early Nautilus for me to really enjoy this uh okay that’s not what I said but what’s the X oh we did it yeah bro this is such a a chose that in game man know we order haachi I feel like that’s a very default thing to order yeah it should be no problem CH is so good here but I want Gallia wins a war here that’s what I really want um I don’t really want build over sorcs with a Swain is actually okay also kind of bow to the void or be consumed by [Music] it oh it’s the zir Hat holy oh I mean this ex blow your soul will Fe the void okay endurance training chap Early Education holy moly F what do I got this place could use some reshaping I got no time for games this is very exciting [Music] six tall sex tall this guy put this emblem on the wrong unit give us a Le oh my bad we changing we changing we we changing keep your enemies close and me closer wait this these hexes suck but maybe it’s possible to play Rogues from here I feel like it’s pretty [Music] interesting has be ball boo PR be good yeah webcam mic stream tomorrow what does that mean what does that mean I got no time for games tomorrow I stream it means you use your webc oh no I’m not doing anything I’m not streaming tomorrow oh I should probably have I I didn’t want to tell you guys it should have been a [Music] surprise okay what’s the I tall 100% when they cast their ulti but I have such a good air like situation like it’s like I have to play two with a z spat me spat me spat me spat me spat me oh this game is so it’s over I okay what what do I want to play maybe I don’t want to play Rogues cuz Rogues is kind of mad or maybe I do on the play Ro re exol Roes four ex St roges oh [ __ ] all right pretty good loss I carry my family with me remember September’s Ed it’s time to press six month sub button it’s true my losses are kind of lit [Music] C bantom car you already know I I play Earth B’s cafeteria must be like a plus like the easiest LP ever for me yo that’s where you belong in the dirt like they are very disgusting for I got no time I might switch here actually start stacking Graves um the reason is is cuz I want to even shroud here oh [ __ ] if I even shroud though I can’t three x power okay you’re you’re you’re playing Ro yeah I stacked 200 Health on the wrong roog I think but it’s cuz my items were really [ __ ] weird I command you to die okay so the ex talk got buffed 100% for 5 seconds you want to lower Mana units which is why I’m switching the health over to gra this place could use some reshaping watch this this place could use some reshaping I really dislike a lot of these items like how the [ __ ] am I supposed to use these items man you keep ni I think um probably did it three swords yeah I mean yeah pretty much oh man okay maybe maybe we swap back cuz no I yeah the hex already actually just I’m pretty sure you can’t even you can’t even get the buff twice can you does anyone know any knowers I actually do not know at all cuz you can’t get double Nash too normally not the same effect I think n tooth is only good on Eko really Eko is the one who who has a perfect time with on Rogues the other Rogues kind of their uptime is like not not the best wow there’s no oh that is not good it’s okay not bad D Graves no problem this place could use some reshaping reason I’m okay to do this is cuz uh there’s a noxious player there’s no way I hait C this game but usually you don’t want to back your [ __ ] roges cuz it’s kind of weird that get her Jinx oh I mean I could stack jinx as well I don’t know how many Gunner players there are none I might go JX three as well do I want this we to fight now let’s go the B you already know I’m surprised I lost SP count for two it counts for two it’s it’s every spack counts so I have 60 Health per round two graes I got no time for game I got no time for games oh that’s cool level put in Slayer and then roll for K 3 uh Graves is currently at 2768 Health that’ll probably end somewhere around 3.5k this game 3.4 oh night night this place could use some reshaping almost want to say I should just roll it down Foria is counting on us Shara is not of this time Z is the future’s future I do have this but I was hoping to roll for it and save this for Echo but yeah probably I have no gold every time I try to roll down not it does not end well uh there’s no way I this right what that uh if I hit four Gunner it’s actually pretty good uh also if I hit Slayer it’s actually not bad too slayer’s actually really good out for me here uh I command you to die okay I go I go uh whatchacallit uh level seven four Gunners really good out let me try of position this so I doesn’t Fe feeds into Graves as well that would be cool they emblems count for ble no they make anything count pretty sure I played this a lot I pretty sure they get anything count yep B into the wrong unit no it says that but it’s always fed into it’s always fed this way always I think I rather do it this way CU it makes myana positioning so bad otherwi this uh and then this is Echo items right oh no it’s actually but what can you even make with this like reasonably it’s like nothing right it’s like CR guard AP items man lend 757 W back for 31 months welcome back to last L Arc dude am I actually playing lost Arc I feel like I don’t want to but I kind of want to no chores H I feel like I’ve talked about L AR too much to not do it okay that’s not how it work that’s definitely not how it works by the way what do you guys think I play this game like like literally look at my position I have this weird board State what do you guys think I play I it’s a second I have a lot of life too dude I’m not going to lie is this is this XTO broken 100 like I’m watching Graves attack I’m like damn this guy shoots fast man this guy shoots quite quite fast and he’s got 20 like so much HP right better yeah he’s got 3100 HP I just level 32 look at my synergies this game exol R Gunner triple gold baby wait this guy has double noxis and his Total Domination H oh this Graves is a beast 30 it’s it’s 80 around guys 80 Health around I don’t know how much like usually the game end around around stage six so 1 2 3 4 four five six seven oh he’s going to be a big boy like [Music] 3600 night night watch this I need rage PL for I mean ailos has got to be good from this position right or do I stack the fourth Road it’s actually probably this right because um it’s Robo Jinx if it wasn’t Robo Jinx I would not also Jinx casts more than the filios I think at 70 Mana not anite cat uh you just can’t there’s another noxus player in the in the game that’s owning and then you’re never going to get cat three so like cat’s like useless watch this CTO and call it think leg just feels better oh I mean I feel just got buffed today like literally like an hour ago so wow Sentinel stolen Vitality holy [ __ ] this guy’s combat a out the wazoo I mean they just Nerfs by Graves Miss wait did you see that my graveston ulti he would he should have straight killed Ash here with smoke screen but I lost this fight for I don’t even know what reason that was really weird he got canceled by uh so Graves wasted both smoke screens that sucks for buil over 4300 Health Swain that middle team no he died right after I think but it’s hard to say on thing isn’t he giving the egg Health maybe not survive fight byebye it’s top four already top three almost I’m rolling all in after this on this specific round oh God I don’t want to oh God all the Jinx items here [ __ ] terrible I mean I guess cuz it’s also a Slayer and I can I can replace it uh with quit with this so it’s just like a great unit and a really shitty item but it’s fine is the future Fort over we are to fight now let’s go build oh my God your King has returned’s Future Okay will up the wrong here this is Mercy and buw waterer I said this was a second and I still kind of Stand by that bu water oh my God your this is a bait right this no way I can is that domination guy died he did not there’s no human way I can get three GPS at seven right I’m wored how need to Front Line this this Reaver honestly everyone pays oh GP or grapes and not waste his stuff nice have you first 4700 Health 3500 every time he meets my Graves it’s just like a it’s a different Beast this your first cast he does get the benefit of getting 50 armor yeah probably the 50 armor 50 armor mrr I think so uh for is the fure is the future I don’t really want Pat that’s so [ __ ] easy this gun blade is is with the assumption that make it to the next I do not make it to that Carousel is not good wow this guy has noxus krox 2 for we are to fight now only for this SP seem kind of crazy I’m not going to [Music] lie G are I mean there’s no way I’m supposed to get be able to get yeah I can’t move my Rogues I should I should have just moved my Rogues man even if I lost a buff I think I need to G right side to kill this guy it was a third Fair there we p uh it was interesting I think oh I think kind of I think differently I would play a zir or something we complet the chart oh where did I put the chart huh wait oh there it is oh almost lost almost lost the chart I’m thinking about okay it’ be like old wa is there anything decent that I really enjoyed uh it’ be like I say kind of like vampire survivors I wouldn’t I wouldn’t consider a game I’m like not eternal return cross code I didn’t I mean I didn’t play that a you think to recogniz sh oh absolutely he’s not a fake [Music] [Applause] fan for the void remember when you told to Nowhere say turn pop off I don’t think he ever said that I think that was me dming him and he makes fun of me for that oh a toasty oh will not oh yeah yeah you’re right he did do that he definitely did that that was that was the thing that he did yes oh it’s a burn oh wait the burn is actually kind of interesting okay hold on I’m going to I’m going to I’m going do some [ __ ] hold up car my family with this it’s six and I’m happy with any of the six right build multier you you can’t even get a multier so it’s five I’m happy with invoker Exel uh build pilt over I guess and I guess Sor but like not really I guess Sor I’m be upset oh nope we’re getting this oh wait I got Sor Taron stra holy [ __ ] bow to the vo be consumed by it um I love Deasia it’s the only place I’ve been damn this one’s kind of kind of interesting what the [ __ ] easiest game in my life I have never first place with this short game I will M every time I play STS it feels very bad I just hit the level one cruel pack player [ __ ] me man what is the most important item to get here is it is it spark or tears like I I I need two rods to eat these and I need maybe to really to eat this too yeah the world may fall to Darkness but noxus will remain two cruel pactor one person’s level this is going to be a sad game spark I mean I just play classic swore board right cuz I don’t think anything changes you’re still only playing two sh gun but you just have a free strategist and a free huh okay me I probably need will be Ser two cruel pcts uh it’s really scary cuz the cruel pack players hit each other then they’re kind of bone but this guy got F already huh that’s an interesting unit okay this guy got NY already huh I see this Lobby is going to take 50 every round I hit the other Cru pactor oh that’s so oh my [ __ ] god man dude I oh God man was here it’s fine sucks man I got cacked twice in one round I’m 81 bro I’m not 81 like almost ever uh I want to take tier here actually like it that I don’t even have it here for SW I’m good oh what do I have tomorrow oh I have something tomorrow tomorrow I have a collab with saou and kesan a vtuber collab I need to get my my uh thing charged up hold on let me go charge this [ __ ] now I’m going I already know hold on I need I’ll I don’t think yeah I somehow got to the collab with Kon that’s really just SI said everything that’s cool the subon wake up at 2: a.m. s oh yeah no the the time at my collab time is is [ __ ] you would not believe it it is like 11:00 p.m. let me go double check 10 p.m. my time is the thing I’m going to try to get my uh YouTuber up cuz I would like to personally but yeah we’ll be playing um I play a game that I recommended actually uh Texas Chainsaw Massacre I told her I think it’s fun to play with three people at the killers and so we’ll be oh God I don’t know how that’s going to work out witness the strength of noxus all right how you bu for this game easy watch me 31 you are a two oh no man I’m just hitting cool I’m coel packed bro these guys are packed me like [ __ ] crazy uh do I want a Sor plus one or do I want overcharge oh I actually don’t know which one’s better I think S Plus One allows me to play eight S at 7 which is kind of nice yeah one plus one the world Darkness will remain so what do I put Sor I just Sor the Shen and the jarvin there’s probably be zero jarin left this game bro Nyla 2 oh God man I’m going to hit that guy in two rounds oh God God ched’s already a a thing now let two scope weapons just bro man I’m just going to I’m going to BU four this game you guys are all saying how can you possibly bu four just watch just [ __ ] watch guarantee you I’m going to get rolled this game man these guys are so strong yes I am a weapon Justice will be served oh surely I won’t rotate into you know I’ll hit this guy right I’m surely like to hit rotate into the other cruel pack player on cool down right cuz that would really suck I would not enjoy that that’s not the Cool C thank God EXs fire next stage we level up for at least Works cuz without at least six you’re not getting enough damage I bleed out too much but more than that I’m leveling up for eight honestly if I can hit it ah guys guys there’s there’s no tear what the [ __ ] we are to fight now let’s go what it’s padium oh my God will be consumed by it is not of this time I want eight at seven like I think I can just get it normally I don’t think I need like I have I just need to get T right so it’s better for me to get strategist I think or it might be better for me to get ionium I think strategist might be better I hate the gr pack player by the way sick bu waterer your King has returned let see no need of okay extraordinary or M no I can’t bro I’m playing eight Oh you mean if I want to do this no I’m not going to do that pretty sure well let me think if I do I do GP do I don’t think I need to plus one I think I can go strategy but I don’t know if it’s good maybe I should just plus one no please give me a tier if you care about me at all thank Sil oh that’s that’s that’s a you care about me a little too much oh [ __ ] the Shadows this I feel like I think how they Shen do 2. what the heck is getting sport tgun even good like I can get Target 40 but like is it good oh oh this disgusting just disgusting uh I think I need a roll I hit uh I may be merciful without my front line is pretty e sorry Mia now now and forever uh I still don’t know what I want to put in just strates right become your day it just honestly that it would probably even better it’s I for Ari you think I car I think I’m going to get Ari in with there’s two people with cruel pack with this [ __ ] board their bench is [ __ ] 70 gold no I’m rolling the zero every round cuz I need to [ __ ] Spike My Board BR I’m not going to be alive long enough to [ __ ] play the G out survive fight no way I lost this man if i t two over the one I’m saying oh do I want ter or Ari I one AR uh [ __ ] I don’t know if Ari does more damage so usually Ari doesn’t do enough damage at one star to kill the board but this is an exception CU she definitely does with with ldp like she definitely does think I [Music] usually I wouldn’t put it on this unit but it has my spark so ideally I want my spark to live you know you feel me you know the worst part is now I actually need the ionian spat more than I need the strategy SP um and next round if I get can make it there I need to put in karma but I don’t know if I I don’t know if I’m making it there look the more stats oh the sh yeah like I don’t even know I probably Vela is better here this a made a mage yeah it would have been easier to fit everything in honestly I mean now I can’t roll so I’m just forced to other CR pack player cool become what they fear yep of course I top four from this Bo yep of course of course going to go play some ads blue b 623 welome back for 38 buts had to update my card will be back welcome back no way I bought the four absolutely not yeah I think the indecision I should have just SWS back to jaran it’s just so much of a better unit than the units that it left behind and I could have made my front line a lot better did the cruel pack players not play each other it felt like they did it I don’t know man I I I felt weird that there was two and there one was able to streak and the other one was pretty healthy real talk though what I should have done was should have taken overcharge manifa and then plus one off pum but I didn’t realize that it was paidia even though I chose it so that was a really bad play I feel like I got hit pretty much on cool down by both the players and they both went different builds and they both hit and they hit really early they hit 3-1 kind of early and I’m just like okay whatever man you guys [ __ ] get to have your fun [ __ ] [ __ ] it [ __ ] it you know I think when they play University uh I usually always care about when they go wandering trainer here it’s the most fun void uh I’m also down to double spats for not the theas is okay but I’m not a double spat for built over for fun or build water bu water is something I haven’t played yet so I’m super down hold some the we’re fighting name Sam try not to slow me down you University so I’m going ancient archives unless there’s wandering trainer if there’s crew pack I might be tempted to play something or if there’s double trouble I might be tempted to play something but I think Double Trouble is the one that’s like the most uh looks apish yeah I am here more build I don’t have a multier so I can’t wait this correctly let’s just say I put in this I put in this do I put in Deasia I don’t care about Slayer really one I guess I put this in just to have two options I guess probably should have put this in over the Rogue cuz I don’t really want to play Gunner or Rogue but I guess I’m looking for double pilt over here or I’m looking for double oh I should have played double for this for Bastion was for double Bastion as well okay I only have the chance of hitting these plus randoms I’m looking for build or tilt over tilt over Gunner well I kind of hits but it’s kind of weird this world is braid and in need of mending build here he [Music] um I think I have to level here right I need to hit the uh til over un [ __ ] yeah you always uh then you probably to slam Val to eat this and you go gun blade SLR I don’t know if you’re able to get ailia 2 at seven more than likely it’s a wash or not watch this this is very exciting Wonder trainer got the Masia pulled over Aran oh the Masia is nice though way a roll for by uh ra just wait rather wait two rounds and throw away a roll for it right now I mean I don’t know if rolling to zero is even that bad by the imine it’s pretty [ __ ] especially with Gunners being a little bit weaker now I probably need a lot of gold so I can’t roll cuz like I had a period when I rolled and I couldn’t cash out and it was like kind of embarrassing I was like oh that’s awkward [Music] for level five I really wish I knew I guess I was just get bow and not slam for now which is fine it’s oh it’s perfect it’s on it feels weird to roll before the stage cuz there’s a high chance that there is a um unit here for you A lot of times I find that is very common everyone else is still 90 yep I got own a lot um okay viralin okay that changes some things I think uh it means everyone’s trying to win so I don’t have to actually care about [Music] oh these guys are going to pble my ass oh yeah oh yeah five the MV I’m 60 wow this is crazy actually the this stage that’s so bad if I don’t sack G over so [Music] he didn’t even he’s 84 I’m going to end this round 50 59 holy [ __ ] I’m going be 59 here oh god oh 60 right you take one less damage oh you know perfect could be worse honestly I’m looking for pilt over plus one here I think the only way I win this game is if I get six pilt over and pray to [ __ ] God cuz surely any other way is not going to work pretty sure prayer is my only answer here six over is my that’s okay I really don’t want to give this to him cuz he actually has no scaling with it I was just oh so strange they scream I may be merciful but targon isn’t [Music] there’s another person going gunning uh okay yeah that’s cool it’s fine p over plus one here and I’m going good to go I plus one I roll I level I roll to zero and I’m all good there isn’t a built over possible oh no oh this game is not good this game I would say is very bad wow jug plus one has going too fast tell you’re a cool person thank you I am [ __ ] this game I’m pretty sure I really need six to buil me here I should be gra but I don’t want to I don’t want to wait this so made this actually if you’re curious why I kept this I wanted to keep it for even troud think about the most important things my comp is like this I think the Sunfire is very important but there’s just nothing I can do here I don’t think oh yep and there’s two streakers so you know I’m going to take 50 from these guys uh typically you all at seven watch this about time I got my hands dirty oh man wonder if this h there is another person playing gun oh this game is actually [ __ ] do by the way at least he’s zero gold level six he’s actually zero gold and gold I killed two pretty good I don’t like this position it’s kind of suicidal you have no way to support uh this on anyways and you have a gun to Crown so it’s kind of like a I’m good that sucks because I don’t I wish there’s ailos here I would actually have an out if there was ailos but no ailos no out all right it’s no problem I am 26 HP which is 25 more than I need to win the game Let’s Go Crazy is the future over finest sha is not of this time for built over all in I will rule the fard Tim is true I I would I don’t think I would have play six over if it was who needs a beat down sherea is where all paths converge um well it’s something it’s not something that I think is great but I ended at a position where I cashed with 12 which more than likely means I S I sell these un sell I think I sell um all of these units oh [ __ ] we usually play like tur Soo here tell yeah I’m a CutiePie CH today yeah you know I get around I Meander I do that dude it’s actually so weird cuz like I don’t technically have to drop if I get p plus one I’m down to play six bu they buff the rewards right so by 20% maybe I can get enough item Le that way yeah I would have to play like timer but I think just adding himr I feel the D Soul Shall Serve about time I got my hands dirty AOS what do I got to I don’t think so all right just give me PT Plus one and then I can I’ll make it work I will [ __ ] make it work okay that’s not what I wanted uh I’m down this oh Gunner is kind of interesting that means I just play this and then I double Gunner right I’m kind of forced to keep pilt over but it’s okay I replace with Sil layer I mean this has to be good I can’t really even roll for upgrades unless I want the zero out here so I’m kind of just not going to roll uh yeah everyone in the front line got bulk as well which is great this was very close thank God that be hist brother3 starting JS oh I’m I might sell for gold I don’t have to oh I also feel like you can’t be Nerf is fine you probably just now have five cuz I’m going to go eight and I’m not I’m not going to have anything to do I go eight and I play like Zion over this uh and that’s it I mean I play like random nasis random frontliner random Shen obviously I play GP but like that’s unlikely you know GP over this possible this guy’s board looks really bad probably because he’s a n with zero items and the two gen no way I two star yeah but I mean that’s not possible it’s not without a lot of gold I’m only talking about my plus one like obviously I’m supposed to two star my DPS unit with all of my items and my tank with all of my items rolling down here I probably two star sge but there’s no guarantee a two star and I don’t think I want to be hard stck here that do not sound good oh this is kind of ju actually I’m oh now if you had asked me if I’m supposed to roll down at seven I think you’re supposed to [ __ ] it’s one of those weird situations where you wouldn’t do it with what with unless you had ailos pair but now that I have ailos pair I’m streaking I think I probably do it think I do it for oh ion Bei oh okay well now I feel H huge roll down yeah I do I and I’m not R more you down fine I to keep at 40 I think rolling down 100% right but now that you hit one of them I don’t know if you roll down to hit the other one not unless like I’m really low life though so I feel like most people would do that but I feel like these these boards are weaker than the boards I played last game which also was a pris opener it’s just everyone hit so hard last game that like got rolled the last gamees had the most disgusting oh I killed this guy oh my God you need three star Jays uh good question no I cannot this guy is holding two uh well I’m going the hold two so he doesn’t get get to three star though battle yes there Jinx oh I mean problem is there is this guy who’s playing Jinx Jace there’s this guy who’s playing Jinx Jace dueling Gunners so it’s kind of awkward also I’m surprised he decided to pick Jinx Jace with those augments this is probably the worst comp to take with social distancing like social distancing wants to play Ionia because they get crit and they need raw ad but like for some reason like you chose Gunners which already get that kind of ad I get that ad in One auto like there they’re a thing that gets a lot of it weird what’s the easiest com to play after bat the easiest comp has never change it’s the Samir or Joe onear roll is super easy the best comp is I have no idea sorer IIA probably I don’t know the Zer Buffs were kind of good I’m down to give it a shot like he got a lot of of Base damage base damage matters a [ __ ] low cuz he he gets a lot of free AP from strategist avoid place I may be merciful but ton is the Mia now and forever I mean I don’t even think I can put this bu over here maybe I remove viret put this in for great science this well this guy hit ailia 2 GP uh gp2 at eight really jera is where all paths converge for that Jas sell the other ones I don’t feel bad about this P okay you I just need front line right like I have uh Sunfire I have a pen so it feels kind of a waste to push for um Alternatives like I’d rather just repairo there’s a new himer upgrade which is actually bad for for me because it means it’s harder to hit Triple repo which is what I want also I’m pretty sure triple reparo sucks by the way unless you get two star himer so I’m hoping at some point I can get to nine this he’s dead I killed the guy he’s losing to no never mind he’s still alive Laser’s pretty beef I think the laser sucks well no no no sorry there’s an exception it’s uh ah oh the thing is do can I Frontline this I feel like oh I feel I need to Front Line This I’m not going to lie I feel like HR Str is not good if I’m not going any of the damage ones feels kind of like a waste know everyone pays yeah it’s just their GP he he just hit gp2 man at eight and that’s cool at all but I did not so it’s like really [ __ ] problematic this guy he went Gunner Juggernaut re a crowd but he only has two three CS what the [ __ ] so much from failure back a quick out there was a GU who brought a 12 pack of beers I for when he told me no he was going to drink them all that’s kind of weird to go to one of those and not do that might is it bring your own beer then maybe it’s that but out don’t worry you can learn so much from failure as I changes so I I should have put this in [ __ ] a New Journey I’m going to get char here oh no I [ __ ] up my tur my turret myx placement here well I’m still fourth but getting three-way place play for the comp but definely think I could have beat that guy this guy hit GP Scion 2 at eight know sometimes Li fair that is unfair man let me go play some ad is there is there anything I have to oh God I have oh God hello I want to add from huh what if I do this got to be more PC games to add feel like I have not I looked at my steam list and I couldn’t find it I’m doing a list for top 25 games and I did not find a personal I mean I’m down to go diaa too it’s honestly it’s honestly the goat I’m down um Minecraft I don’t like Minecraft it’s probably one of my least favorite games of all time I ssx3 yeah it was sick that’s my game keep like gold on yeah but it’s it’s been a while like that’s an old ass game um I just think the games I spent a long time on like minimum like 50 hours and those I remember had a lot of fun on those games Apex I I play Apex a lot but I don’t think I it’s going to sound really bad I don’t know if I enjoy Apex a lot let’s get this party started SX tricky was that the one from GameCube maybe that’s the one I was thinking about was GameCube X or three or tricky I think it was tricky they both were oh I remember like It’s Tricky rocker is that the I think that’s I think that’s might be the other one the one that blw the series really it’s probably tricky um what this is keep your enemies close and me closer guys at some point in this world I’m going to hit Village Water plus one and it’s going to be the greatest moment of your life my life not yours sorry but until that moment I don’t know do I do maybe I do maybe I do xall here actually always to the I cannot believe I didn’t hit [ __ ] 10 here what I hit 10 on the first skle puddle that is crazy fck it we’re full RNG in this SK I’m pretty sure [Music] we’re go hell no I didn’t hit 10 on the last one I’m definitely not hitting 10 on this one oh I am down oh I [ __ ] down three exall it’s ice exall it got just got buffed did you nearby enemies take percentage of Health that’s true damage that must be that’s got to be sick you be a twitch after your Friday panel uh when is my Friday panel I have a panel on Friday wait wait wait explain could you uh could you let me know K is Vegas twitch c yeah okay bro yeah I play DT n but do I level here this such a a me two double troubl pretty high cuz I feel like people play double trouble a lot okay I don’t know how to actually build Double Trouble Nico but I do know it’s got to be sick I just know it’s saraka two Trix two Nikos maybe two rock is honestly Ro here yeah you play a last rocket here but like okay these items are so bad man what am I supposed to do oh what do I do what do I do [Music] like there Double Trouble Rogues I think I think I win this oh yeah kills aren’t realit kills are fake units one star kill not a real un always Rises to the top there will be peace in the tril I will guy leveled up do I win God I don’t win if I level up it’s cuz I have nothing no double trouble you put I don’t think I should level probably [Music] pre-level he double leveled luy gloves I’m a little pre level just cuz I believe in myself and really faith is all that you need I lost oh why do I believe myself really any level I think kill’s actually an interesting com I think there’s a there’s worlds Where kill is actually pretty good I think playing kill is kind of difficult which is weird it’s it’s like a onear roll but I’m telling you I think Hill is a little difficult to handle I think I was going to take this there a chance I play karma karma over sraa here well I have to play sraa so that I just never play Karma oh it’s fine how do I do this how do I do this uh what if I just don’t play a unit here and L that is that stupid of me [Music] I tell you what my com okay usually you offs ter with support items so you put uh Sunfire and that other stupid item on him uh uh Redemption and then you stack Meo with like kind of damage I won but I won with um with gold so it’s like I I did even better than I [Music] expected Cara is bad oh it’s not about not about not being bad oh wow he he went CH stack and he took Titan I’m I’m surprised there’s so many good items in show I’m surprised he Sello for Titans which I would say is not a fantastic item what we doubling with um doubling Nico doubling trick doubling sraa honestly it really just depends on how good this stupid exall is I might just give up this I feel like you’re supposed to if it’s not if it’s not health exall I feels kind of like a waste because you only play Double Trouble the health exall life this is best though it’s definitely help like the ice the ice might be good here cuz I’m double troubling it ah it’s fine it’s not even that b this is very exciting he show three at 27 with no reroll augments and he’s rrolling oh oh this guy is oh this guy is not playing show I don’t think I think he’s just going to play Fiora interesting go stream of multicast you know I should have taken multier soul I feel like that’s got to be good it’s so hard to get rid of the multi casters cuz usually they’re just terrible always Rises to the top no joke I feel like without ramble you really can’t even play units right now uh I wouldn’t take level up if it was given to me even with 70 gold I oh I still playable oh yeah I spe I specifically told this took this cuz it’s just like it just feels like you’re supposed to he just s cuz eating swords is super hard in this C you’re only really given the option of eating for spear for gun blade for GS and spear is not great when you’re playing Focus but oh is infusion better okay this is a I’m going to go look at some stats real quick they’re both not good that’s probably this Deasia is my home but I’ll never forget I um oh I should to test Souls actually it doesn’t even matter I wouldn’t even want to put in a b here the only question is how do I was so curious how I eat some of these maybe I have to just play Morell here and I eat this with GS and then this I then I have this which is really [ __ ] hard to eat as well uh this is like a it’s like I kind of want to eat it with with Jo Gauntlet cuz I have magic wand in Double Trouble every step A New Journey nah trust trust trust me this just looks like I’m creepy but I promise I am not well well that’s a bety uh I don’t know I would say the difference is so minuscule that I don’t think it matters but I don’t think it’s a second class I don’t think I’m playing this xall which I think is good I just need to level next round and play two Nikos two Tri two sakas one one X I guess I guess I just play it whatever happens I can’t play more right I guess unless I guess unless I find a Shen cuz I have Shier units to take here I think I think I’m going to go shun cuz I think it’s kind of bad when you have more than two invokers but I’m pretty sure I’m not playing more than two invokers this game the very good chance I’m playing only two you play hob for Gallo that’s how I know you never played this com uh only thing I need to [Music] do is I love Deasia another the only place I’ve been the void has breached this place I may be merciful but targon isn’t I Shadows uh I don’t want to over roll so I guess we’re just like like this for a little bit that’s fine it’s impossible to eat the eat the the rod anyways he the combat Caster on CH wow interesting what if I went double GP and just ski this [ __ ] I have a Nico I would need four GPS though uh I would need oh I would need another one and Nico and I need another one I think getting that seven is kind of impossible but it’s cute it’s a cute idea I I really wish I didn’t make this actually I know this game kind of sucked because think I need to roll more six here like Nico one does nothing it’s the my most important unit I found one of them which at the very beginning as I only so must I um I mean more than likely what’s going to happen is I cut these two pretty sure so with these get cut I’m left with this second Nico second saraka here or even second NCO second uh Shen here but I think even finding a little bit of shen is going to be impossible we play two invoker last time I played this comp it was so much easier now it’s like [ __ ] painful man even with infinite items is a little painful we are to fight now let’s go for Shadows they will go no further I may be merciful but targon isn’t now I should haveck made this what the [ __ ] oh the one time I don’t have [ __ ] I need Sunfire this lob so there’s two Cho gath [Music] players I mean this guy looks weak as hell I mean he settled for a really bad R item and he hit he hasn’t hit yet this guy is like up yet oh oh this looks kind of nice I don’t know if it is nice but it looks kind of nice oh my God wait which one is this oh no it’s the worst one man if I got like oh if I got any of the other ones man the problem is I also need Redemption I need Redemption and I need help it’s like impossible to BU my fing team we see n one hell no it’s not it’s literally n the NCO one is the most important unit on my board that’s not the NCO two the void has bre this place I may be merciful but targon isn’t I think I need to play double Saka over Shen here actually I think the Shen’s G the Shen doesn’t go until eth I I just realized the Shen is definitely G I need to play double s rocket here for sure oh this this definitely game looks like I’m going man that’s fine we’ll see this this last roll down here matters a [ __ ] I carry my family with me I may be merciful but turn it up every step a New Journey I the N didn’t go in oh God well I can safely say this game do do this game terrible I should I’m not as I Chang I haven’t played this comp enough to realize I wasted a [ __ ] it’s fine this is usually the level 7 if you were able to inut a new champ in the TFT what would it be uh I don’t have I don’t really care about Champions that way like I don’t have a preference if that makes sense Double Trouble waste of Trades yeah that’s why I know you don’t play the game Double Trouble is one of the best argents in the game it’s so good they have to get hot picks today unfortunate I me they play some ads like is a disgustingly good augment it’s one of the best augments ever made it’s only ever been nerfed I think storn is pretty bad for my position actually I need items I guess I can fill this out surely there something Pokemon maybe am I feeling Pokemon I did really enjoy the early Pokemon but it’s like I play Pokemon Red um oh I should take this out hold on because it is actually it’s actually this one Advance guy I hate I everything like thece as well P this type games uh are probably my least favorite J I kind of want to round out my list with OverWatch Hearthstone but I feel like o I don’t feel that much about those types of games but there were periods of time where they were so good early he early OverWatch that’s cap there’re some of the best games ever made for the period of the first I don’t know the first year both those games were insane I see lotar on there yeah you don’t see that for a [ __ ] reason man there is a good reason and don’t come back oh I what up play what did we get EXO EXO name [Music] Sam I felt like with the new patch I could do different things in terms of stuff but I don’t know if that’s I win keep your enemies close and me oh selling Jace there feels feels really your enemies close and me close this looks like a two item opener or maybe a one item opener if it’s one I’m making [Music] 20 I think I was supposed to put uh iall oh no it’s it’s the health one keep your enemies close so I have it’s complete RNG for my for my Earth and I’m okay RNG is better than anything else how do we get sha and try out ex Slayer Justice will be served I am here to test [Music] Souls what invoker what rise is this exact is this the RNG rise where you don’t know until you see the rise what it is I just hope it’s not I think so I just hope it’s not one of the bad ones man I want the DPS I want the portal one or I want the the treasure chest oh the tank oh that is also weird we are to fight now let’s go um I guess I just make spark here on my [Music] opener all voids are random oh the void ones two two item opener but Al but like none of the oh I guess there a keep your enemies close and me closer I carry my family with okay um is this not like a double level foret kind of deal oh wow what board did I just see this board oh he hasn’t even oh he did use it Stars Are Born the [ __ ] wow [Music] I mean is this spark or is it Sunfire here I think they’re both very good it’s probably smark cuz I need so many rods in this comp I need like an inch the amount in okay oh wait there’s no there’s nothing this builds into that I want right the ionian SP late game I want but from that okay feeling good three cost Rod I’m sitting up there’s no way we lose the game I’m I’m literally I’m so D love you sh thank you [Music] um uh I have done eight in voker before and it’s awesome but it does feel weird though I don’t know what unit you want to generate insane amounts of man that’s not I feel like it’s got to be himer with the new I was thinking about this you you guys think hro with the new refract beam would be op right I think if himer generates an infinite amount of AP then like he’s got to be able to just kill the board right there’s no [ __ ] way and the turret gets extra Mana regen right because it gets separate one so it’s like it crazy it’s got to be [ __ ] crazy it’s the only place I just curious where is it this place could use some double front you sound like the zero you’re playing the invoker that’s not true literally just if if you had another spat you invoker your Tri and your you have Shen already and I have rid I exto rid he’s the front line I’ll take a bath if if you greet me nah stay smelly bro yeah Exel rise is my front line I just need a backline damage healer so it’s going to be ar usually but I want to try himer I’m telling you if himer dier is not OP with triple refractor with uh evoker spat then there’s nothing in the game that would make it good and I know a lot of people already wrote it off but like I am not convinced I had a onear one that was doing okay every step A New Journey the problem with exto rise is it kind of sucks it requires resist to do well and it feels like you don’t get enough Health without two star or you don’t get enough resit like it’s just like something where I’m like oh okay this is kind of weird woo really I guess I can do guard breaker plus G blade TR two refractor invoker H cast a lot yeah that’s what I’m thinking I’m turn it’s got to be the [Music] goat I just okay with this for sure right ohow he killed two right there nice okay invoker spot me please so I can play this oh oh 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 78 there will be peace in the FR yord I will Forge it I will rule the fr okay I have to do a lot of thinking here okay so whenever I I thought about how endless hord it can be good you lose damage right but you gain extra bodies extra bodies do really well in my opinion with invokers as well as do really well with strategist cuz the EXT bodies even if they take G less Health the strategist thing is flat The Shield they get so if I was going to play I was going to do that so endless hordes is essentially plus three which seems kind of crazy and it is but it’s got a couple special limitations it’s also something where it’s weird cuz I need to go eight but it feels really [ __ ] impossible to go eight so it’s kind of like a free replay what’s up you’re about to see me cook here not really I think this is going to be [ __ ] but next round I’m going to level roll down and hopefully hit everything and hope I don’t hit this guy for one round I think I hit him for one oh my [ __ ] God yeah that should be fine oh at least need gra three right it’s actually [ __ ] doable with two um two ice blocks should be okay ice SP it was not okay it was not [ __ ] close [ __ ] in C lucky gloves oh yeah I think I think uh TG is the best item you can put on in so I’m looking for himer or arri invoker emblem but I kind of want plus two invoker so I can get invoker plus Ari and Heimer I think would be my top end and I would play Turks T Swain jarvin maybe I mean we’ll see oh is that a plus two or is that like a plus one one what what else do I want though I’m last pick I’m not going to get this but I hopefully want this uh so ideally you’re never going e with endless wordss you need to you have so much gold man like how the [ __ ] do you ever hit this but I’m kind of down just to see uh just T this for now I think like lucky gloves endless Sports is for sure the best thing to do yeah that sounds like the Giga High Roll uh do I want to roll I should roll but I kind of want to go eight cuz I think the only fun part of playing this comp is with himer r so yeah we’re going in oh my whole board got annihilated oh my God oh God I’m bleeding out oh I’m [ __ ] dying guys oh [ __ ] I’m [ __ ] dying oh God it’s okay the r something it’s okay trust trust trust I got this perfect perfect perfect now and forever now we do this pretty sure might hold on to this just in case set sail trust guys trust trust I’m going to actually go crazy in this game okay I oh think I hit this guy now he’s going to aat us round right trti oh sick sexy awesome excellent F this there’s no once I get okay I’m down to sack one and go eight maybe sack four is it even possible to sack without getting completely annihilated um I can do the three [Music] Deasia I mean you’re you could just do Fiora and do this that’s kind of boring so am I going to do that I I think I think I got it look I just need this to not hit strategist I mean if it hit Strat it’s not even that bad I’m super awesome awesome as I changes so must I uh okay what the [ __ ] do I have man uh okay what what is this oh my [ __ ] god about time I got my hands to so go here uh okay so let’s just do first things first I don’t think this is bad don’t think this is bad okay I’m kind of seeing the magic you guys see the magic I’m I’m I’m my way till 4 five hold up uh okay I think this should be good but it’s not my board do not make this good is this not OP the fun begin okay I see a ter [ __ ] it I’m going to just sack four rounds here there no problem time oh no oh no we’re [ __ ] sacking it’s sacking time uh going another PG leaving with this I think if I I take two terrible losses here I’m okay with that but you know honestly it’s not looking that bad can I play eight invokers here is it 40 Mana per five to everyone is that what it is or Mana per three so it’s like 60 60 Mana per all with eight is that how it works uh I need to put this on Rise eventually but I don’t like the thing is I my cap is [ __ ] three two star legendary which is why I’m not rolling yet I don’t care if I lost 20 of both these rounds I’m like all right [ __ ] it cuz the only way I’m having fun this game is if I like super cap with legendary not to mention I have tactical superiority so I want to be playing pretty much everything I think I okay at the very end I’ll probably end up be being playing only two strategist it’s probably going to be a zero oh no it’s on this unit right bro wait wait I have such a crazy board about to [ __ ] hit rise as I 57 gold s hear my name and know my friend the Mia now and forever I will rule the FR sherea is where all paths converge wait I think put like Assante actually that’s pretty bad uh I’m don’t think I’m playing this this is a possibility I think cant is my in-game board it’s fine I can luckily with with uh this I can just pop off so really easily how much do I have now guys for uh tactical superiority I am at oh it’s for each of their traits individually who’s now sh cuz a big bro I know trust me I [ __ ] know um this is kind of sexy actually guys you’re crazy I’m dropping this for sure on TD round I’m probably not playing this here given that I oh it’s actually so [ __ ] hard man what the [ __ ] do I do I might have actually played in here um stop typing I’m not going to do that you want me to drop Gallo [ __ ] no I it said you should ask me to roll for for shed come here I hit holy [ __ ] I hit okay this is what I’ve been waiting for the entire [ __ ] game oh there it is Shadows actually okay the Mia now and forever uh this I don’t know what I put actually need strates in or else my back BL gets exploded one as IIA changes so must I there’s two hear my name and know my strength the Shadows now oh ex is [ __ ] useless actually any way I can I do this any way I can do anything else okay okay okay oh my god look how how many things is shooting it’s every other Auto holy [ __ ] wait I need h 2 bro oh how do I hit HR two at eight though you know how is that possible the himer here there’s a rice here I might as well oh there’s another TG I’m actually kind of running out of TG users so I’m down to even though the Z is kind of terrible um okay so I just roll the zero every round and I go for Arma 3 timer 2 rise 2 I think these are all hear my name and know my strength maybe I just honestly okay I have Giga himer Dinger Giga Godly himer Dinger there’s no way I lose right like like okay if you look at my board isn’t it just crack it’s just [ __ ] jacked out of its mind boom one laser be give me another laser be boom Another laser beam give me another laser beam boom Another laser beam wait I actually won holy [ __ ] wait hold up a sec well bro is cooking wait no okay Mr John Bagels chill bro chill bro okay I mean I have I have a board one of the craziest boards I’ve made I honestly think I should be selling I need to sell this if I ever see [Music] Ari and I play TGI but I don’t know man this [ __ ] rise at some point it’s got to be it’s got to own right maybe I second row rise I feel first R rise is a little crazy my himer shot his bolt at [ __ ] nothing okay but isn’t this hilarious with my HR is literally doing so much every round use two Dres up T yeah but think about what I gain um I gain uh Ionia so I I lose one trait right I lose Target Bastion twerk I three oh this each of their active trait though what this two would be first yeah I think so too what the [ __ ] is this what am I even going to do with this oh like R blue buff is kind of wild here don’t really know if I should take it take it that for the odds the random out for AR but uh [ __ ] it I’m down course I see every every five Cs with the ones I want [Music] okay okay you can go on this for now and you can go here PR health for you and I’ll just remover this when I find H no wait he killed my thing how did he even kill it that’s [ __ ] but how return died they try to go the nine I have zero gold it’s 61 and there’s I was a 20 hp M did the most damage yeah that’s why he’s a goat yeah Z law thank you so much welome back for 44 dude this sucks you’re telling me I couldn’t for sure I could have had something better man think with extra range we’ll see his range is plus is plus one I think rise should probably be look watch the himr turret watch the himr turret as long as it’s still alive I have a chance does it do eight [ __ ] is it 6 plus 2 it’s it does eight I think [ __ ] it does way more than no [Music] man what more repairs need now by the time it repairs the rounds already over the third refractor adds two beams there’s no way I think maybe it’s one refractor oh but like the problem is like it doesn’t oh no it’s just triple refractor Bro [ __ ] it I try this is a I tried for the for the crazy game Ari is just better but like man unless I get himer too himer is really the you know Ro hard actually it’s pretty with endless HS is actually kind of interesting I feel like is possible to do well I I sh there’s it’s hard to get better items because you’re with endless H you’re like unless you TG every unit it’s [Music] like andal UHS ref is gold I think the extra two beams is way better there’s no way I’m getting one gold there that’s the B patch oh um I mean I think it’s better for the game but the a chest no it was fun but it didn’t have any stain power I think it’s like I don’t look back on it fondly that fondly I guess Sims hate Sims sorry I’m just not yeah this is not a game for me Bashi I mean it’s a great game but it’s just not something that I feel like is what something that goes on this list for me this is R Escape I didn’t play that much when I was younger what T SK I it was fun for a bit didn’t play that much 3 even though I didn’t finish the game I think it deserves it’s place on the list I have never been I’ve not been wild like that for a while never played Ragnarok never played undertale oh gunbound kind of fire holy well the thing is oh gun Bal [ __ ] if I’m putting G I’m playing OverWatch okay Pokemon the problem is the Pokemons I played were I don’t feel good about the brand I don’t feel like I’m a pokemoner right now does that make sense I don’t when I look back to myself I feel like I wasn’t these are games that kind of shape my childhood I spent a lot of time in I guess I spent a decent amount in Pokemon but it just it’s weird I have Dragon Warrior monsters on there I felt like that game I [ __ ] know what I’m putting on here holy [ __ ] oh my God oh my God it literally came to me in a [ __ ] vision now that is what I want to see is it list for fun I think it’s like my top 25 games pretty much Monster Rancher just [ __ ] o um incredible game I remember literally asking my friends for all their their [ __ ] discs to be like oh my God what if it’s a sec a monster you know I remember going to Barnes & Nobles and wanting to buy magazines where oh holy [ __ ] 1 two [Music] three wait I get three gold minimum I need to keep one of those units I need to keep the two pairs whatever is fine play the steam re-releases I have not I’m I’m happy to leave it in my childhood not everything needs needs uh a remake I’m very happy with my memories of the game we K Mar never played it God this unit let’s start the show oh I need to keep teric Bro [ __ ] okay no joke I’m just not interested in playing I’m going to 20 this I’m going the [ __ ] 20 this [ __ ] this I’ll find something else we’re going the full r g r uh R thing I really want to play sherea uh nine Shara now that uh they buff air a lot not just like a small amount like air is kind of [ __ ] beefy now so I’m really interested the soundtrack you love near um it was a great game I like I like the soundtrack more than the game though if if that’s embarrassing to say but it’s just not interested ooh why would I settle for one tilt over soul I can just do two dream pilt over invoker we run it back or we can do eight back this game sucks C is the best 20 gold unit I disagree the 20 gold in terms of most like in terms of the best for the current game you probably want what’s the best one cost that synergizes that you don’t need a two star up I guess maybe it is Casio cuz you’re probably not two star in the unit maybe it’s Oriana let’s see name Samir try not to slow me down I got no time Samir sucks at at one star though and I you’re not guaranteed a challenger either so B to the void or be consumed by it I mean [ __ ] invoke your pilt over no man no this guy is just [ __ ] playing invokers no this guy went billage you if I went it should have just been bu and I ignore the as opposed to what I did that right there is anyone going pilt over witht your demise pretty sure it’s just a spark slam here um I mean God I’m trying to play I want to play invoker so bad but it’s such a bad build like it’s a build where it’s like you’re actively trying to hurt yourself playing unless you have a really good opener it’s like a good opener would be something like a Saka Gallia opener like uh I mean maybe if I can keep my life up it’s fine I’m going to hope for remover and I’m going to try to remove the uh remove the Bruiser ammo I should have played this by the way whoops there are some just first on um invok drag is Cur I mean the sping trainer is supposed to give you just three random ones sometimes you get lucky and it’s like all three that you want and sometimes it’s just ass it’s just ass [Music] oh this guy got so lucky he did so [ __ ] l name Samir try not to slow me down I [ __ ] up I wasn’t supposed to buy this off around I’m [ __ ] dumb ass we’re both going to full boards right so I have to sell this and this I could have had this this this which would have been amazing for next stage but instead I did full cell he’s a full cell I mean let’s let’s not you got one the world may fall Viper time one back for two month thanks for subing I’m glad that they don’t have Synergy so that you can make fun comps with them like technically I should make a fun comp with Bruiser plus this but I’m probably just have some garbage here let’s start the show I mean Bruiser emblem is really not bad you almost every comp you get you get plus one Bruiser and it’s fine invokers probably means you’re playing six or four six actually has a lot of upside so I probably play six reforger okay wait a second hold hold the phone hold wait up hold up are you guys ready are you going Play Lost Arc H I don’t know man R reate these I think I’m kind of good honestly maybe the B yeah keep your enemies close oh man okay we wait for another one to reinfor it by the way for C what I’m waiting for I’m waiting for level up to save my ass they permission to ban lend yeah you can ban him zany Incubus thanks so much for the donation cheers I appreciate it I missed you ooh wait oh I mean we can’t can’t say no to this even though I’m at uh and like my life may be in danger a little bit has double trouble [Music] ticket items are really [ __ ] bad like I don’t want to stress like wow like how do I [ __ ] use these it’s okay um I think I have to go gun Blade with with this item and I will figure out what to do with the rest like the rest of will just come to me think is is NASA 2 it looked like a NASA 2 it was not I mean I’m level seven with 50 gold I’m pretty sure I’m just rolling until I stabilize a little bit here and then going up I love Deasia it’s the only place I’ve been they will go no F about time I got my hands dirty I positioned correctly for this I think uh it’s kind of bad but love the Rogue should never be able to hit here right yeah perfect oh everything is dead so now they’re at Theo but oh I didn’t kill a single [ __ ] unit oh it’s so [ __ ] Doom man it’s actually so [ __ ] doomed there’s no sh for me there what’s SC breaker say for oh I should just slam breaker you’re right uh this is going to D the karma so what is my rise here oh it’s bandal rise oh it’s the [ __ ] awful one man I’ll still play it but it’s the [ __ ] awful one this sucks we are to fight now let’s go the Shadows am I good to go oh God can I go nine from here or eight from here no shot we’ll see we’ll see whoa don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t knock me out out man I got this you already know I’m greeding for it let the monster out oh this is such a good loss is it six or eight only five at least it’s five okay that’s great I may be merciful but targon isn’t Meo Karma e level eth yeah no it’s fine what I’m not going to have any [Music] problem I think I sell Nico eventually you Soo oh it yeah but like I’m going to get rid of all oh wait this guy’s playing Karma become what they what the [ __ ] is this guy’s board please one unit lost one unit lost no I won man my gold I’m pretty sure I’m not playing for rock I’m literally going don’t think I’m playing for this either you cash him was he was he getting oh he has 20 oh I guess it’s [ __ ] fight can I wait one round to get get my augments or is that too green uh that does seem kind of greedy I carry my family with me Milli for eight okay recount in the invokers I have and then say that again oh yeah yeah but we will hold out to this until we find it you’re you are right we I hopefully do I want invoker plus one not really I want level up oh this was kind of good three unit loss okay okay no it’s fine it’s no problem next round I just get level up level to nine rise to re2 don’t think I need more Mana when it comes to this gu think this is really good I will rule the as IIA changes so must I as IIA changes so I may be merciful but tgon isn’t ladies and gentlemen welcome to [ __ ] Heimerdinger I don’t really want to do H here can I get can I get this is just for one round I’m throwing this [ __ ] out I’m throwing this [ __ ] at garbage next round always fight so poorly oh nah [ __ ] this I’m just playing I am dark your Gods Fe me shadow wa I’m may be merciful but targon isn’t why did he move up there oh why did I try this again man I hit the AR I hit the RIS is right here holy [ __ ] man you only need the emblem on GP yes but it gives him 30 Mana per free so it’s kind of good see and is it also no it’s not also stuff yeah maybe it’s not worth the the other thing it’s l ar time play some ad let me think his man all also gives Mana spe specifically to invokers more they give 30 Mana because invoker read it gives stuff to Mana he has Mana to invokers like that’s what the trait reads unless it’s is it just that okay wait actually maybe I’m is the does the trait work differently than I think where it doesn’t stack the buff it just ends up giving 40 to all GB OverWatch I was thinking about gum down man oh then maybe that is oh I guess it would make sense that it doesn’t give everyone 70 Mana per five 40 is a lot 4 all okay my bad I definely thought it stacked I need two more things I don’t know I don’t think it’s Pokemon though I don’t did I play a Digimon game that I really liked I think like Pokemon is such an easy out though I could just I just put Pokemon and call call my list done it’s not definitely not fimon world that’s not [Music] um so already on the list I care more about finishing this than I do about queing up again I think I’ve been I’ve been doing this over the last couple days like like last two days and I would like to finish it oh what is actually can I do math blaster it’s actually odd D that’s so funny wait I just realized I definitely griefed my himr game then because I could have put TG on himer it would have been a lot better I just assume that that’s okay now I know got it I okay i’ I’ve been thinking of invoker wrong completely then it’s only the the four and six when they get extra mana and at eight is the whole team up put goes to Museum yeah I don’t know about that um this got to be like an indie game or something that I really en I looked at my entire steam Library man I did not have anything I I saw that I liked Among Us um boob is kind of good actually I never finished the game though but that didn’t stop me from putting only one of these games I put did I not finish the game I think everything else I finished the game well technically I didn’t finish M Hunter world but I finished everything most of every game they surprised I was thinking about that it was fun but I would not put it on this list I should put a math claster it’ be so funny people would look at that be like what the hell Thief never played yeah the official game that’s true bers 3 is definitely on that list for me Hades I Tech technically didn’t do more than 10 Heats transform okay no oh [ __ ] I kind of like Dragon Age Origins oh that’s an interesting one before it got weird with like the sequels I feel like Dragon Age was when was actually kind of good you feel me go lost never played that one so I can’t put that on Dragon Dragon Age or was that also by larion anyone know no interesting I Dragon Age or is really good like super good oh it’s BioWare before they turned their game the games turned to [ __ ] and I don’t really know why I did really like Dark Souls [ __ ] Dark Souls 3 was a good game but I never finished the original Dark Souls I never finished the base game and I never did Dark Souls 2 I never did bloodborne but secir is my game of the year huh that’s an interesting that’s a weird the Elder R I feel like should be here but I just never played it that much which I’m sure would change uh Final Fantasy 14 nope I don’t cry when the with the when songs come on so I know I don’t like the game enough bble never played watch people play never played bi Bioshock was [ __ ] good actually I I didn’t finish this game but it was so good I don’t even know why I didn’t finish this game this game was a am I stupid what is the first one the very original Bioshock did a amazing job like an amazing job I don’t know how did sometimes you just don’t finish stuff honestly it just happen and like I try not to I used to be really uh mad at myself for not finishing things but I feel like I’m at the point where like I I don’t want to push myself to finish though if if it gets to the point where I don’t like it I just drop it it’s how I do stuff with reading it’s how I do stuff with games I never try to force myself to like something I’ll put in a decent amount of time but if I don’t but if I just drop it because I don’t feel like it or something else came up something else came up you know that’s just it hey ch I’ve never played the game before did you know that I’ve never played pubg before in my life Hite doesn’t make the list ikaruga I that is a old school game I’m looking at my steam list by the way that’s an interesting one I never played it on the uh original GameCube so let’s never played it Tony Hawk okay if any Tony Hawks to go on here it’s Tony Hawk Pro scar too just straight up it was an amazing game I don’t remember playing it that much I my memory is really bad but like I feel like I watched people play and it was an influential game for others but it was not that for me I don’t like Grant I don’t like racing games butth esda games I hate I hate almost every Bethesda game let me let me double check if that sorry hate is a strong word let me double check so here’s here’s the Bethesda games right that that that so I would say let’s say let’s go all games never played turtle’s good uh never played any of these I’ll play this way you know never played Skyrim for longer than 30 minutes in my life I I played Elder schools for like an hour uh never played Fallout uh didn’t play this her dishonor was [ __ ] uh never played any of these game Quake I’ve played Quake quck live uh one of the earliest Dooms I’ve played uh I never really finished it yeah man no he not make the list look at the list again man I heard this Aon was amazing like really [ __ ] good okay I have one last game I’m going to get this don’t worry the Monster Rancher 2 just came into me like out of nowhere I think actually I dropped Dragon Warrior monsters or Golden Sun I dropped one of those I just don’t know which I feel like my I definitely really love those games when I was a kid and they influenced like at least a half year of one of my childhoods but most of these games are things that I would like play again and be like this game was Game of the Year like every single one of these games was like at the very least game of the year for the year it came out for me every single one [ __ ] it I even put Monster Rancher to there so you’re saying it’s OverWatch bro I actually think it’s the thing is I didn’t play much OverWatch when it came out so I feel like it was more of a cultural phenomenon than a gaming phenomenon for me so I wouldn’t want to put it in but if what’s this list this is the top this is my personal top 25 games um or like the most influential top 25 games really it’s like it’s like kind of a mix of the list uh games that I really [ __ ] enjoyed and influenced a large part of my life um in some way way shap or form um every game that I’ve put invested a lot of time into has made the list uh the top these three games alone are probably 15 years TFT League World of Warcraft 15 years of my life maybe 20 actually only Halo one only Halo one I think Halo 1 was the most iconic Halo 1 was like the soundtrack was perfect the gate you like was was the flood in the first game God fighting the flood playing with your with your couch Coop with your homie that was that was the the [ __ ] game bro yeah Halo one was just so good Kingdom Hearts soundtrack awesome never play Kingdom Hearts I love I didn’t have a PS2 it’s when my mom when I was really young she said you can have one console and I asked for the GameCube and then all my favorite games were on the PlayStation 2 and I realized I’m a [ __ ] dumbass and my other favorite games were on the Xbox the GameCube had like oh God man why did I take GameCube over PS PS2 was the goat any really Pokemon I mean Pokemon Red would probably go in there but I don’t really I actually I’m deba if Pokemon Red goes I’m taking out Dragon Warrior monsters this one is this one is the thing on the list that I am most willing to take out Shen Mami I played a little bit of shami then didn’t really get yo [ __ ] your aim okay a knock so loud uh yo your scream open and I was like What if I knock on the wall do you think you hear I thought it was the outside I was just like huh who’s getting delivery right now I don’t think I play right now because I have something tomorrow so I probably don’t want to rush stuff are you playing this week oh I wanted to I wanted to do the first time I never oh so I gonna do it with you right now I could probably be ready for that clown clown I heard BR shazza this [ __ ] really good I did I did gate one and and I did isn’t there seven Gates or how many gates there’s like four a lot of [ __ ] I heard one of them is like a she turns into a pyramid like a ball a cube yeah I I did the cube like one run before the server went down for uh and it was it was fun it was actually fun okay okay ready to my chat right now man God you guys every lost arker is all like part of a cult I swear just I know that’s why it’s so freaky okay hold on a sec BR e be six wait they lowered the gates oh I been a disc oh I see what about Final Fantasy 14 I didn’t it’s not I really enjoyed the okay my opinion on Final Fantasy 14 is is the best current MMO on the market if you don’t like classic wow um I could say and I have a lot of reasons for that but for me personally it does not it’s not it I did not play it when it was coming out and I do not I’m not invested enough in the lore to really appreciate it think play last brother try bar every healer is valuable man if you’re a Healer you’re going to get infinite parties you’re going to be the the hot girl in the in in at school man TR you’re trust me you will have no problem so’s story is better than Heaven sword I say it’s better than shadowbringers as well that Hill I didn’t play it uh I I’m missing one or two and I wanton the finish’s list tonight you put say Max cup Brom zero LP I did not qualify the scar you’re looking for is in Another Universe Rambo Six Vegas oh oh my God I remember I’m not even I SP between these two Shooters these two Shooters I spent most of my these are the shooters of my childhood I’m not even [ __ ] kidding this was the weirdest game ever for people that know it was like a game that was made by the army or some [ __ ] like that and it was like super realistic um except for there was a lot of [ __ ] you could do in the like super high amounts of [ __ ] you could do in the game but like between the the really realistic one and the Wolfenstein [ __ ] clown thing I I this was my entire childhood for FPS it is a recruiting it was really fun like super fun and I think they discontinued after some time like literally you could submit like I don’t know if it was like you could submit your America’s Army account when you when you join the if you went to join the Army it it was very weird like the the training was like a you had to do training before you played online and the training was so stupid man GTA think said never played a GTA game just going to go ahead and say that I want to put a Call of Duty here and take out Dragon Warrior monsters I’m trying to think which Call of Duty I thought was the best I’m thinking it’s Call of Duty 4 I’m not even kidding I there was one time where I thought Call of Duty was great like actually great like I’m not a big call of duer I guess is the best way to say it but there has got to be like was it Modern Warfare 2 I think it was there there was one that I just felt was such a [ __ ] good game like it was just so amazing I maple story gumb gunbound would make this list if it had longer longevity the thing about gunbound is not that only were there cheaters in the game but also just like for me it didn’t last very long I think I’m taking this off and I think it is is it’s Modern Warfare 2 what was Modern Warfare 3 is that more re that’s more what year is that oh command and Conquer whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa CNC Red Alert oh that was oh this was a nostalgic oh my God this is a re this is the remastered CNC it still kind of looks awful oh Red Alert was [ __ ] crazy I think I played Tiberian son PR pressure was great I think I have it though realistically I think these oh actually maybe I don’t want I really like Golden Sun actually I really love that this is here I think they did a great job with this game I barely remember playing it but I remember how much fun I had when I was a kid I really love Tales of zonia and ff7 are my two favorite jrpgs ever uh Portal 2 just no doubts League wow TFT no there’s literally no reason to even explain why I think the the top lists here are all of the most hours I put in the games um yes I think slay Spire actually more than Monster Hunter World these six are by ours um everything this is like look these games are stupid Left 4 Dead was great but for me I didn’t play that much returnal was more recent these are very recent game of the years for me like super good this is definitely old old school in terms of games I loved growing up these this is more new uh I’m down to label this his uh in terms of stuff a little bit more logically cuz this is a little uh little rough here actually I kind of I kind of like this kind of down and I’m down for my middle one to be golden sun i’mm down how do I I I think this is great so good all right this is going on the Tweeter real quick uh hold up wait okay I need to open the file hold up a sec guys see what I I’ve downloaded recently firmware firmware tournament realm close captioning and a picture of yoru damn I can’t even leak anything on this there’s nothing that [ __ ] done people going be shock with the oh yeah he dropped a link um it’s called I think it’s topsters decom let me click this before you guys oh oh it is not that hold up a sec hold up a second wait do not click that it’s to.org sorry com sent you somewhere weird okay hold on let me I delete this comment I got I’m so sorry guys I apologize you have amazing taste I just have I think the thing is I have weird taste cuz if you ask the average gamer they I have never played star do I’ve never played Skyrim I’ve never played like uh any Bethesda game uh like moral winds Elder Scrolls I play maybe an hour um I have there’s just so many things I have never played um and it’s just like it’s crazy the games I do end up finding really fun never played oh I played link to the past but all I remember about Link to the Past was me being really pissed off because like I couldn’t solve it when I was a kid and I kept that one part where you spam a on with the owl and it it and then the repeat is at the top and then you spam it so much it repeats I remember that was like a core memory from what that that [ __ ] actually was the worst Pokemon Stadium was great really good game no OG Capcom games I mean what are OG Capcom games like like I’m down to look look for some um ghosts and goblins Captain Commando I guess it’s like the Resident Evil Silent Hill Street Fighter games uh I probably played final fight and that’s it Mega Man no I did play it some Mega Man if I yeah Mega Man was actually a decent part of my handheld childhood a Sega I I was a Sonic fan so yes but it’s weird CU it feels like to me they never captured the spirit of the Sonic games they peeed too early with Sonic it was such an incredible type of game so early like a sid scrolling you’re a hedgehog you you jump on people and like you you hate Dr Wy it’s just so weird his b gave me from recency biased even if it is is that a big deal it’s my personal list and definitely like I haven’t even finished the game but playing it there hasn’t been a single game recently that’s wowed me real talk it’s probably in my top 10 games of all time oh Eggman with Sonic [ __ ] man they’re like the same person the same [ __ ] person bro Exile I mean p the Exile was let me pull up my list real quick I mean path Exile is just the goat it’s essentially everything that Diablo 2 meant for me in the Modern Age I’m not saying there’s no problems with it there is I’m not saying I’m not sponsored by it a lot I am but it’s different being sponsored by a game and then playing it a thousand hours right like I got sponsored by OverWatch 2 I’ve been sponsored by Diablo 4 I’ve been sponsored by a lot of different games but there’s games that I play regardless of the sponsorship if that makes sense fantasy [ __ ] I missed one it was going to be Fantasy Star Line [ __ ] I knew I missed something oh my God I that was the reason why you got a GameCube that was literally it be I was so jealous of people could go online because fany St online was the [ __ ] it was the tits so good F was it Dreamcast oh it a dream C [ __ ] no there was a there was a version for GameCube that you could go online as well the original one was was Dreamcast though yes I’m pretty sure uh it was like um it was face start online episode one and two it was like a uh Rec combo package and there was an add-on that you can go on for like but the thing is you have to I think pay for the internet for a GameCube like no one [ __ ] had it I’m no one had it it was not a thing but I when people who did I was like you’re so [ __ ] jealous bro drop han han meant a lot to me Han was the game that was after wow I played so much WoW in my life and finally I quit wow when I was going to um like at the end of my high school years going to college cuz all my friends quit wow I couldn’t play anymore so I was looking for games to play and and I played Han um and Han is where I I first met the Kiwi kid in them like it was uh the mobile that made me care about playing it’s a mobile I hit like top 100 playing Heroes of new worth um and I there were some things I [ __ ] loved about the game they had such a cool spin on DOTA they just sucked ass at marketing it were just [ __ ] awful Al never heard of anyone talking about America’s Army other than make fun of it really America’s Army was incredible when it first like when it was really popular I used to play a lot of my friends Han I just remember like Han used to have like who is that person Miss pudding and they and they had that other guy who was like a Dev and like they were [ __ ] that Dev was like incredible uh and then like she was doing like she was essentially the the oh my God this there’s a girl nikasaur oh my God nikasaur holy [ __ ] that’s a throwback oh my God yeah nikore used to be the the Caster he’s still around oh I yeah she was ex Riot he did all the community spotlights you were sponsored to play America’s Army first wow you were sponsored really early that was an old ass game I twitch doing music oh [ __ ] R the children’s book that’s cool but yeah it I think Miss pudding was that for Han kind of she has her own announcer pack she did all the champ I think she did all the like she was the community lead essentially then she moved to Riot I don’t know what happened actually that’s not true I I know what happened I just can’t tell you guys something happened and then and then and then like a lot of people who came from Han the leag it didn’t work out um uh but they were they were amazing and I really wish the Han did a free-to-play Model first and it would have it would have been so good people God the fact that there was no turn speed in the game was so good it felt so good to play I would play chipper oh okay okay I wasn’t a chipper player that’s that was cringe I play like wretched hag I played tiny I played Zeus um I play engineer so [ __ ] cool engineer was very cringe though I’ll be honest like if you’re an engineer player you probably should St be you should probably step on Legos every morning because I think that character has only ever been op but oh God they play the scroll guy chipper was so op chipper not only had the best audio animation ever but he had like he had Rumble like on command and he had like these rockets that he would shoot and each rocket would do like a billion damage em Warden I don’t I quit the game before she came out or as she came out I never played her uh what else was op in h oh my God they had they shut the servers out for people don’t know Heroes new is no longer you can no longer play before they shut the servers down I went back to play a couple games um the the the last day Deadwood was so fun Deadwood was so that’s a character that was just like Peak fun like if you’ve ever wanted to play a one shot character it was just Deadwood a melee one shot character is awesome yeah it did playing tales in PSO PSO was so I didn’t get very far in PSO but it was so good oh there’s a character Nam Midas oh I only knew hand the Midas okay guys it’s 10 it’s 11:40 man I’m done tomorrow I have a collab with a vtuber collab tomorrow I’m currently charging my vtuber phone I found my stand so what I’m gonna try to do is I’m G to try to get it ready for the collab the collab I I think at 1 p.m. I have to double check 10 p.m. tomorrow it’s late but I’m collaborating with um people who stay up late it’ll be what it was saou and um keson uh both people well one I’ve collabed with in the past and one I’m not collabed with we’ll be playing Texas Chainsaw Massacre uh yeah kon’s the goat actually um but I’m out guys so I hope you guys enjoy I am G to go find someone to raid but what if I just open up lost Arc no no no I should I should I’m going go ahead and send you Nia I think she’s also doing a subathon um so I I played val with her recently I was part of her vtuber Apex tournament give her some love guys I’m out huh

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