Hi guys!
    Our fourth day in Albania begins at the fabulous Kulla Hupi guest house, from where we continue to discover the hidden beauties of Albania, together with the Explore Albania group.
    Our trip continues on SH 6, winding through incredibly beautiful valleys with amazing sceneries. We arrived to the Holta Canyon in the late afternoon. The canyon was carved by a branch of the Devoll river, between the Bardhaj and Kabash villages. It is 3 km long, 10-15 m wide and the height of the rock walls reaches 350 m. The sulfur thermal springs in the area also feed the canyon’s water. It is worth taking a bath in the warm thermal water. There are several caves in the walls of the gorge, here the fauna is beautiful and very rich. It was one of the most beautiful place we saw in our trip to Albania.
    If you liked our adventure, please give us a like, leave us comment and don’t forget to subscribe to our channel if you haven’t already.
    You can also watch the video with subtitles by clicking the cc button and selecting the desired language.

    Music from #InAudio: https://inaudio.org/
    Infraction-New Hero
    Infraction-The Victorious
    [Horizons] by Scott Buckley – released under CC-BY 4.0. www.scottbuckley.com.au
    [Chasing Daylight] by Scott Buckley – released under CC-BY 4.0. www.scottbuckley.com.au


    1. So well done Atti, beautiful!
      And i see there´s finally an Austrian guy with you;-)
      Cheers Christian🤙

    2. It was another great day, with wonderful people, amazing places and a lot of joy!!! I'm grateful that we was in that incredible, breathtaking canion. You remember? Because of the thermal water all my jewellerys changed into a yellow color for a few days… 😅😅. Albania has many hidden amazing places. ❤

    3. Milyen erősek vagytok!! 😂Gyönyörű, szép, ámitó helyen jártatok újból. Jó pofák vagytok😂! Énekelni is tudtok?😂 Ügyesek vagytok, így tovább. 😉🤗👌✌️Biztos sok szép hely van Albániában amit még nem láttatok, menjetek még, hogy láthassuk általatok a gyönyörű helyeket. ❤

    4. Wow questo posto in Albania è veramente stupendo soprattutto per la grande presenza di montagne e di mari e laghi.
      Tutto bellissimo da fare sia in moto sia a piedi e poi diteci come era fare un biglietto nell' acqua gelata 😅😅.
      Bellissima esperienza da fare soprattutto in estate 🌞🌴🏄🎇 continuate così alla prossima

    5. Wow questo è bellissimo tutto pieno di paesaggi incantevoli ma ho una domanda per riscadarvi dopo le nuotate cantate? 😅😉😉👍 Bellissima esperienza dentro i canion assolutamente sa provare soprattutto in estate. Continuate così, alla prossima avventura 👍👍

    6. Bună dragii noștri prieteni! Wow si de acestă dată ne-ați surprins, e nemaipomenit de frumos! Cazarea cu istoria ei, totul în jurul vostru vegetazia și lacurile sunt superbe, iar distracția cu înotul cred că e unica, fără cuvinte, complimenti sunteți un mare ghid ptr cei ce vor să se arunce în aventuri de genul acesta! Mă bucur mult pentr-u voi că a-ți fost în companie și timpul a fost de partea voastră ☺️! Vă mulțumim pentr-u că a-ți împărtășit si de acestă dată clipe atât de minunate cu noi! Vă îmbrățișez si vă doresc să aveți parte numai de drumuri bune și aventuri frumoase! Vă pupam 🥰🤗

    7. Am 20.06. beginn ich meine Tour nach Albanien (dort werde ich die meiste zeit von insgesamt 3 wochen verbringen), ….zuerst geht es nach Venedig-Igouenitsa-Albanien-Montenegro-Bosnien/Herzegowina-Kroatien-Slowenien-Österreich ……BAYERN 😎 Gruß GSDee

    8. Hát, ezt nem hiszem el!!! Mi is szeptember végén voltunk a Holta Kanyonnál, pár nappal utánatok!🙂Csak ketten voltunk bent a kanyonban… Fantasztikus élmény volt ! Nekünk nem volt neoprén ruhánk, úgyhogy csak csípőig mentünk bele a hideg vízbe ( jó volt látni a videón, hogy milyen volt utána a kanyon ). A drónos képektől még mindig el vagyok ájulva, annyira gyönyörűek. Köszönöm az élményt!

    9. Úgy látom megváltozott a véleményed az országról,az első Albán túrád óta😄De cseppet sem csodálkozok … Ebben az esetben qrva sokat számít,egy jó helyismerettel rendelkező túravezető,aki még magyar is (👍) és ahogyan a hozzászólásban is írtad, Görögországban is találkoztál olyan emberkével,aki hasznos tippeket tudott adni nektek.Ezek itthonról "tervezve",lehet,ha kimaradnának,de a spontán ide oda motorozgattok,tetszés szerint is nagyon szép és látványos szokott lenni 🙂Ez a rész is nagyon ütősre sikerült ,gratulálok nektek 🙂

    10. Super useful information! Thank you so much! I will look into your car rental recommendation. For pickup in Sarande, even with a 200 euro surcharge is less than other companies 👍🏼🚙

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