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    uh Israel Gaza conflict as well with those two leaders when it happens Andrew thank you very much Andrew Hopkins speaking to us live there from uh Andrew Air Force base in Washington let’s bring in our editor at large Yousef Edam now who joins us live from Istanbul Yousef just how important is this trip uh to Washington and the the NATO leaders Summit for not only president erdogan but also toia uh I think it’s important for everyone that is attending all 32 member states because NATO is really at a crossroads right now it’s at a turning point and it’s trying to decide how to stay relevant in a multi-polar world so there’s going to be a lot of discussions uh about the war in Ukraine uh there’s been talk that uh there’s going to be a new military command set up in Germany for training and equipping uh Ukrainian troops uh there’s also a senior representative that’s going to be appointed K have to deepen relations between the alliance and uh Ukraine as well and uh turkey will probably play an important role in both of these endeav but uh NATO is also looking to uh reinforce its Southern flank this is what sources are telling us and by its Southern flank we’re talking about the other side of the Mediterranean Africa so that’s probably going to be an area that’s going to be discussed behind closed doors and that’s something that turkey will probably be looking to participate in as well now tonight the Turkish president’s expected to meet with Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban I think that’s one of the more important meetings even though it’s more under the radar compared to the other bilaterals I think it’s important because these are really the two leaders that are pushing for diplomacy and peace in Ukraine aside from the other 30 leaders of the NATO member states so I think that they will be talking about how to engage diplomatically between Russia and Ukraine how to further peace we’ve already seen Orban meet with the leaders of Russia and Ukraine uh and he’s now taking over the rotating EU presidency as well so his clout in Brussels has increased ardogan continuing his diplomacy with both sides so that’s going to be a very interesting meeting and I think the big question on all 31 leaders Minds 31 being absent Biden is uh the health of US President Joe Biden you this is something that’s very openly discussed right now in the US media the other 31 leaders are not in a void they’re seeing these discussions so there’s probably some concerns concerns that former US president Donald Trump could be elected in November what would that mean for NATO’s support for Ukraine so it’s going to be a very very critical Summit not only for T but for the other 31 members as well Yousef thank you very much youf speaking just live that from Istanbul now back to the war on Gaza efforts to secure a ceasefire are accelerating with the Egyptian president and the head of the CIA the latest to meet to discuss a path forward president abdal fatel CCE met with William Burns in Cairo as part of an ongoing effort by Egyptian and Qatari mediators to pause the fighting there have been some hope there had been some hope of a breakthrough after Hamas relented on the need for a permanent ceasefire but recent fighting has threatened to set negotiations back well for on this Let’s cross live now to Muhammad sh kasum who joins us from occupied East Jerusalem Muhammad as the ceasefire talks resume what are the chances of a breakthrough this time round well according to the mediators that there’s a much better chance this time around then the previous times where there was High Hope but then that was you know disappeared and evaporated very quickly even though there is optimism maybe cautious optimism in the air but the last couple of days witnessed some changes that may impact negatively I should say rihan and these talks first a statement by prime minister Benyamin netanyahu’s office on Sunday night where he issued four red lines demands nonnegotiable where he said that Israel will reserve the the right to resume fighting in Gaza in the first or second phase of this three-phased uh proposal put together by President Joe Biden also talked about Israel restricting uh the movement of Palestinians from the south to the north when uh when the effect the uh proposal takes effect or an agreement takes effect that was harshly criticized by the Israeli opposition who called this uh this statement provocative but also from by the SEC security uh apparatus and many uh officials here in Israel who called uh this first of all they were surprised by the statement by Netanyahu but also say that this is another proof that Netanyahu wants to torpedo these talks on the other hand Hamas on Monday issued its own uh statements one by its leader Ismail hania who said that this will bring all these negotiations and talks to square one but also in another statement Hamas said that Netanyahu is trying to foil any attempt to reach a ceasefire they called on the mediators to exert pressure on Netanyahu uh in in to try to stop putting obstacles in the way of reaching uh of reaching an agreement so so far me the the the talks are still ongoing director of the CIA Bill Burns met in Cairo with us or the White House Middle East Envoy Brit mcer with Egyptian president Abdul fatahi all also a Qatari delegation is present in Cairo as well as an Israeli one it all eyes are on the Israeli delegation and what kind of mandate it has from the Prime Minister still many are doubtful that Netanyahu seriously genuinely wants a deal uh to uh to to sign a deal with Hamas to to get a ceasefire taking in place to get the release of the Israeli captives from the Gaza SHP but negotiations are still ongoing with expectations that another round this week will take place in Doha Qatar ranan Muhammad thank you very much Muhammad Al kasum live from occupied East Jerusalem there meanwhile in occupied West in the occupied West Bank explosions and gunfire have been heard across the city of tarim during a raid by Israeli forces soldiers accompanied by bulldozers stormed the city’s refugee camps mosques and hospitals several Palestinian were arrested before troops retreated raids were also carried out in other parts of the occupied territories where a 13-year-old was killed and 18 others detained Ukrainian forces have launched dozens of drone attacks towards Russia killing one person and damaging energy facilities it follows several Russian strikes on Ukraine on Monday including at a children’s hospital in ke which Moscow denies Ukrainian forces hit an oil refinery in vrad as well as an electricity substation in the rosov region all that is Indian Prime Minister nendra Modi has completed his two-day visit to Russia after a series of meetings with its President Vladimir Putin peace in Ukraine dominated The Talk during which Modi expressed his Devastation at the deaths of many innocent children his visit concludes as the NATO Summit in Washington begins it’s also expected to be dominated by the war in Ukraine the when there is a War battles or even militant attacks every person who believes in humanity feels pain when they see death especially when innocent children are killed the sight of innocent children dying shatters your heart and that pain is extremely horrific I had a detailed discussion on this issue with you Ethiopian Prime Minister AB Ahmed has met with Sudan’s Army Chief General Abdul fatah alboran in Port Sudan ABI has becomes the first foreign leader to visit him in his War Capital since the start of the conflict between the Army and the rapid support forces Ethiopian Prime Minister had previously been seen as closer to the rsf as he hosted its leader Muhammad back in December Abby’s office says the visit comes as part of a push to bring stability back to Sudan once a week displaced children in the focus Congo camp in the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo gathered to play chess the chess in the city initiative is trying to break the cycle of violence in the DRC by keeping children busy as Grace ker kja now reports Emmanuel lasar the longest running chess champion in the world said when you see a good move look for a better one the children here have become experts at moving their pawns displaced by the DRC conflict that has lasted over three decades they crave something other than War get the I myself was born into war and violence so for us adults it’s somewhat possible to cope but for young people we want to break this infernal cycle of violence because when a young person grows up and lives in a state of displacement they will soon spend more than two years in these camps their intelligence will focus more directly on the war like a break moving chess which breaks up an opponent’s Pawn chess in the city aims to disrupt that cycle firstly by occupying their minds because chess eliminates stress it manages stress it gives people the opportunity to find peaceful solutions to problems so that’s why we are much more interested in them so that chess can bring peace say the children says close to 4 million children are currently displaced in the DRC say these children were scattered they were playing dangerous games but since we started this activity here you can see for yourself how very very concentrated they are and we say to ourselves that if we had the means to look after them every week we wouldn’t have children roaming around Focus Congo Village begging here they’re so interested so concentrated we tell ourselves it was worth it the goal is to train them to compete in major tournaments and even represent Congo internationally and allow them to discover the world and the peace that exists outside the violence GRE K world the manslaughter trial of us actor Alec Baldwin has started over his role in the death of cinematographer whilst filming the movie rust back in 2021 prosecutors say the actor wasn’t taking proper care with a prop weapon which went off killing helina Hutchin bwin said says he had followed instructions and he didn’t know there was a live round in the gun the movie’s armorer Hannah Gutierrez Reed was sentenced to 18 months in prison earlier this year for involuntary manslaughter archaeologists in Peru have discovered a cold case which dates back 800 years 11 bodies believed to be from the chimu civilization were discovered on the country’s West Coast showing some signs of violent deaths they were wearing jewelry leading the team to believe they were from the governing class the excavations part of a project to restore an ancient Palace complex and a small town here in the UK has held its annual Championship race for a slower slimier sort snails unra has the story ready set slow this year’s competitors at the world snail racing Championship 150 of them have gathered to Slug It Out for a chance at the World Cup it’s fantastic it always is every year the competitors get really excited about the racing the snails it’s very good conditions for snail racing this year a little bit damp just a few minutes ago but generally these damp conditions not too warm is fantastic for snail racing Speedy as with any sport the finest of these gastropod a athletes have undergone strict conditioning in preparation for the big slick each of them ready to make their opponents eat their sludge these snails here they’ve been um you know they’ve been sort of thriving in the Hamilton stable you know for the past year entirely or entirely organic food uh you know so no there’s no artificial um you know no no artificial enhancement in you know in the food products that they have folks in Kum have been holding the tournament since the 1960s bringing together Racers and Spectators eager to enjoy the snail’s pace it’s nuts right it’s just it’s just such a such a I like the pace of the race more than you know more than anything else so uh you know the race can start you can run off for a cup of tea and a cake come back you know and if you’re lucky it’s kind of finished regardless of the weather it always works because if it’s sunny it’s great to be out in it if it’s rainy the snils love to be out in it so everyone’s a winner yeah they say slow and slimy wins the race and Jeff’s slow out certainly left his opponent’s shell shot we have a world champion finishing with an impressive time of 4 minutes and 3 seconds not enough to break the world record of 2 minutes and 20 seconds but Jeff’s Victory his trainer says was not just down to his sheer speed and athleticism but to his tactical slime management I know he he paced himself in the heat he was a little bit slower in the heat but then he went for it in the final and I think um it just yeah it just blasted out there it was great this year’s race is over and the exhausted competitors have gone home to bed but not before proving that there’s nothing sluggish about these snail Blazers snail racing trt world to the first semi-final Clash of Euro 2024 Now France a take on Spain for a comforted place in the final and the two giants of European football will they enter the show down in contrasting form as L Santos now reports Spain’s journey through euro 2024 has been nothing short of mesmerizing as the tournament’s top scorers they’ve delivered electrifying football and are now within touching distance of the final under the masterful guidance of Ls deaf Fuente lar Roa May lack the star power of their opponents France but the Spaniards have shown that they are a formidable Force who boasts threats in every corner of the pitch sometimes it’s much more valuable to have a great team to be better as a whole than to have stars and I think we’re proving that maybe we don’t have those standout names or Superstars but as a team we’re very good we play good football and so far things are going very well for us going well is an understatement Spain sensationally knocked out host Germany in the quarterfinals and brushed aside to defending Champions Italy on route to the final four Spain are the only side at Euro 24 to have won all five of their matches no side in history has ever gone six in a row if leis DEA Fuentes side are to go one more they’ll not only be rewriting the history books but they’ll also be back here in Berlin for The Ultimate Showdown the tournament’s great entertainers will be without the suspended Danny Carvajal and the injured pedri but with niiko Williams and lamin yal leading the charge Spain boasts a lethal attacking Duo ready to shine tasked with halting the spanian double threat are the formidable two-time world champions France in stark contrast to their opponents the French have stumbled their way to the semi-finals lebl are yet to score a goal in open play and are facing heavy criticism for their dull performances so far was that was that are you Swedish are you sure you are not French disguised as a swed if you’re Bor watch another game it’s fine you don’t have to it’s a special Euro where it’s difficult for everyone with goals much lower than it has been in the past we can share emotions to make French people happy especially in the complicated period in our country on form alone Spain should head to mun’s strong favorites but if lebl can finally find their Rhythm few teams can match their Firepower the stage is set in Munich Spain’s Brilliance meets a French Squad desperate to wake up before it’s too late L Santos toot World Germany and don’t forget you can visit our website for details on all of our top stories you’ll find them at or you can follow us on X at trt World Straight Talk is coming up next we’ll be back at the top of the hour with newsour see you then hello and welcome to this special edition of Straight Talk from the capital of kazakistan Asana join me as I break down turkey’s growing role in Central Asia and the Partnerships is forging with the strategically vital region a region steeped in history covering nearly 6 million square kilom Central Asia is one of the fastest growing regions in the world blessed with vast energy resources and minerals needed in in today’s high-tech global economy the countries of Central Asia have also been cursed by their geography the most landlock region in the world it has long relied on outside powers for trade and access to the Sea lying on the crucial middle Corridor path connecting Europe and the Asia Pacific these Turkish speaking countries have seen their strategic value Skyrocket over the past three decades turkey was the first country to recognize the independence of Central Asian States in 1991 as the Soviet Union was collapsing sharing close historical cultural and linguistic ties made building a strategic partnership that much easier especially when it came to showing solidarity during difficult times turkey States leaders gathered in the shusa district of the kabak region an area liberated by aeran during its war with Armenia back in 2020 they participated in an informal Summit of the organization of Turkish states where members signed the caraban Declaration it’s theme was building a sustainable future through transport connectivity and climate action Turkish vice president J deas underlined why the ongoing peace talks between aan and Armenia are so crucial establishing permanent peace and stability in the South Caucasus is of great importance not only for the countries of the region but also for Global Security and connectivity as Regional Transportation lines will finally be opened Baku and yavan have been working to normalize their relations ever since aaban regained full control of kabak in 2023 OTS countries have been showing their full support to Baku along the way the organization of Turkish States initially was a small inter governmental institution then in 2021 it was transformed or renamed into the organization of turkey state the world didn’t know about this institution before but in the last three or four years it is transformed into an influential International Organization especially when it comes to the kabak war in aeran historically this place was like a center of the great game and it is very important for the turkey Nations and states to be between the West and East not taking the site so what does shusa symbolize for aeran and how has baku’s liberations of lands that were under the Armenian occupation impacted the uh Turkish speaking states in Central Asia and The Wider region you think I think shusa is a symbol of the the victory not only aeran but the turkey itself and the turkey world as a whole because at the end of the day the Turks can unite can say a word in current geopolitically different situation and it gives us hope that somehow we the Central Asian turkey states with turkey can be a part of this can be an independent influential or maybe organic part of this bigger Eurasian or maybe the bigger world so is there a unified approach among the uh member states towards geopolitical tensions or conflicts or are there diverging economic and political interests them of course there are some Divergence between the turkey States in terms of the security perception and national interests narrow national interests but at the end of the day they all recognize and realize that we should unite in terms of saving this place in peace and increasing the cooperation between uh these states and be a uniting point between the east and west south and the north that unifying identity traces its roots thousands of years back to the nomadic pastoral lands of inner Asia bands of nomadic Turk tribes would unite and go on to found canet or Empires one of the first being the gurk in the 5ifth century by the 11th century the CC Empire would reach Anatolia and go on to control large swats of Asia just a few centuries later the Ottomans rose from a corner in Western Anatolia to become one of the largest Empires stretching from Southeastern Europe and North Africa to the gulf starting in the 19th century vast parts of the turkic world would come under Russian and then Soviet domination after the fall of the USSR new countries gained independent across Central Asia and were Longing To ReDiscover an identity suppressed for more than a century that Journey hasn’t been easy especially after the collapse of the Soviet Union back in 1991 which left a cultural power vacuum over the region in its aftermath groups and institutions were formed to revitalize an identity that had been kept dormant for so long some organizations were established after the collapse of the Soviet Union to preserve the common language and common history among the Turkish States for example in 2009 the organization of Turk States and in 2010 the international Turk Academy and international organization of Turk culture or turoy are among these organizations they try to keep Turkish states connected and preserve Turkish culture and history their efforts have paid off tikas and turo investments in Turk heritage are visible all around Turkish States so this Museum when opened in 2014 was Central Asia’s biggest one and we know that a Turkish uh firm also took part in its construction so the question is why do you think turkey is interested in fostering closer ties uh with turky States not only this Museum in Kazakhstan but also all around Turkish States tur participated in constructing many Heritage sites including the orhan museum the tonyukuk museum in Mongolia the Ahmed yvi University in Kazakhstan and the kgas Turkish Manas University in Kyan how can close our ties between Turkish States based on shared history and uh culture translate into a real strategic power in today’s world how influential could they become forming a turkic union has always been a dream for Turkish States as we know Turkish States fell apart as they were led by different political blocks we need to talk about this idea again the latest example of this kind of Union can be seen between Tura and aeran throughout our history since we were under different political blocks our language was influenced by other languages so now we have a language barrier among Turkish States additionally the distance between Turkish States is a challenge we grapple in countries that won their independence later on Russia’s economic effect is huge China’s growing economic influence in the region is also a challenge wary of its much larger neighbors the Turkish states of Central Asia naturally sought out turkey not just for political and cultural support but also worked closely when it came to trade especially in the sharing of critical defense Hardware Turkish Aerospace Industries is set to start producing uavs at a joint production facility in kazakistan later this year the crucial part of this deal will be the transfer of Turkish technology directly to kazak defense companies which will manufacture the drones so we’re just right in front of the uh defense Ministry it’s a great place to talk about the defense ties between tur and kazakistan so my question is like what types of Defense deals has t forged with kazakistan so far T Tash has been in kazak Pakistan since 2023 after a long negotiation process the kazak Army decided to buy Anka uavs to test their capabilities we delivered those uavs to them last year now those uavs are going through the military testing process which will be completed by the end of this month based on the test results we think more purchases will be made kak has become the first production base of Anka uh drones outside tur why do you think what’s the reason behind this kazakistan has large sweats of land three and a half times bigger than turkey so to control this big expense of land uavs are needed the country makes purchase plans based on its needs so it had to choose a strategic partner in this area after some research kazakistan saw that turkey was the best fit as a strategic partner in defense no country would share what it has as a technology item turkey is kazakhstan’s most iable Ally friend and brother it is only natural that kazakistan chose turkey as to such for its defense needs tury is the only country that would support repair and educate our staff about the product so we know Turkey shares know how and also shares uh technology and information on drones but what are your future projects our aim is to build a base here for Tash in partnership with a kazak firm we are intensively working on it we are in contact with both state and private companies we think the structure will take form by the end of this year it’s that sharing of technology knowhow and expertise that makes anaras defense Partnerships so crucial and lucrative for countries looking for military hardware and Turkish Aerospace Industries isn’t the only company looking to take that approach in Kazakhstan one of turkey’s top weapons makers assassin setup shop in the Central Asian country more than a decade ago this production facility is one of the examples of how cloth defense ties are between turkey and kazakistan opened in 2013 Engineers here are tasked with designing assembling and testing everything from night vision goles to electronic warfare devices but the key is the sharing of Technology through joint ventures so that crucial milary Hardware can be produced at home free from the threat of embargos sassa’s joint venture with kazakistan engineering has won big contracts with the kazak military its police and other Ministries I sat down with itun keskin the COO of that venture to discuss its production activities and the technology shared over the past decade Kazakhstan assass and Engineering here established in 2013 and since then we are uh doing our production activities here started with bringing some technologies here uh especially for electrooptic iCal instruments for example night vision Goos thermal cameras and this kind of systems weapon sites and these are very critical Technologies we brought here and we made here localization produced here these systems and it’s very critical for to locally producing this and it’s also important for after sales supports for the kazakhistan Army the instruments they need we can we are here and we can directly cooperate with them work with them after Sal support and we are everywhere of Kazakhstan so a sharing drone technology is one area where uh turkey and kazakistan are already working together on what other areas are they cooperating uh the critical Technologies we bring here besides electrooptical devices the main recent years main technology communication devices so communication is very important for all the armies to secure communication for example we have now producing here locally paramilitary radios and we are working on Military radios with all own crypto algorithm so they can talk without anyone can listen them they can talk securely these are critical Technologies also we are we manufactures and delivered uh remote controlled weapon stations uh security device for their own military vehicles we integrated on their own Vehicles this weapons also uh we are doing some big modernization projects year Kazakhstan Army inventory they have a lot of tongs artilleries helicopters but they are old now we modernize these systems with new technology Fire Control Systems and flight Control Systems so kazakistan is one of asan’s uh main export markets in uh Central Asia so what other countries in the region does it uh hope to forge more Ties You’ve mentioned uh turkistan usbekistan yes this Turkish countries actually doing good things recent years but kazakhistan is different of other countries so they develop more they care for uh education they have good universities here we also have some projects together with universities some going on projects and also usbekistan turkistan we also have some close relations with this and Kazakhstan has a very good relations with all the neighbor countries uh so when kazakhistan Army uses some things modern some systems other countries also have similar systems kazakistan now a good market Main Ally for us but other countries also we are in close relationship with them military hardware isn’t the only industry where turkey is willing to share its expertise building and outfitting hospitals creating entire manufacturing plants from scratch takes a lot of human knowhow Power and Equipment one Turkish company the yda group is looking to recreate its success in manufacturing and construction across Central Asia I spoke with the yda group’s chairman Hussein Aran about how Turkish companies are looking to be key players in kazakistan manufacturing sector the first time an investor a construction company is having a direct investment in kazakhistan second as we may realize on the information board that factory was built by the 100% of equity which means a direct FDI foreign direct investment for Kazakhstan next it’s an integrated facility we have five factories except for the first Hall the four Halls now we will visit it is the new technology for kazakistan it supports kazakhstan’s economy because before this Factory Kazakhstan was importing all of these products all of these materials now we are 100% Manufacturing in Kazakhstan Hussein took me on a tour of his Factory and told me how the yda group is looking to become a major supplier of manufactured goods across kazakistan and Central Asia this is the metal production for instance on the right side and now we will go for the wooden production for the school Furnitures Hospital Furnitures where did this idea come come from uh to produce furnitures in 2022 as you know 2022 the January events has happened in kazakistan and there was a attemp and after that Mr President KAS J has really manage the country so well and there was a forum in March Turkish kazak business for during that panel I was one of the speaker and they requested me to encourage the Turkish investors and the idea came to me I thought okay I’m here doing business more than 20 years and don’t get scared about kakistan what happened after two months in January event I thought did we trust in Kazakhstan to show our trust I will invest $50 million in f f wow IDE was just to support the new kazakistan one of the yda group’s most popular products are pre-fabricated homes these all-in-one units can be built and mass and trans reported to remote areas creating new towns in a short time this is a new technology for Kazakhstan you see some nice pictures the first one is the albani hospital in 68 days 68 days can you imagine 50,000 square m of that hospital was delivered as a turnkey project Less Than 3 months wow this one definely unfortunately after the earthquake in our we delivered in the 3 days such fabricated buildings they why they important because for the fast delivery for any kind of the emergency there is a flood happened as you know just few months before came mon before right now in Kazakhstan and we donated the fabricated houses to the kazak society how are kazak people viewing these new prefabricated houses because it’s new to them right it’s new but there so happy with this because the first thing they concern was about the insulation because of the cold weather and that’s why we built up such a mockup so that they would come and see all the progress of the mo prefabricated buildings and this insulation we are using the rock pool is resistant until the minus 60° which is also very good for this kind of the geography and the logistics and the climate also they use it in the military camps we built for them in the military camps but it’s not just heavy manufacturing that the yda group is involved in the company is also moving into the medical space apart from building hospitals it also installs Advanced oxygenated pipelines to ensure rooms are being supplied with clean air now we are investing in three hospitals turkistan 700 bets Petr Pablos the north part of kazakistan it is around 6 600 bets but in aana 1,200 bets how about these medical equipment instead of importing from somewhere now we are producing here and we can produce we can manufacture all the non medical equipments by means of such having such an ability capability as kazakistan we are directly supporting the national economy because all the costs are now decreasing second we are optimizing our cost and also we are increasing our efficiency I spoke with turkey as ambassador to kazakistan Mustafa kabuo about the two countries long running ties their shared geopolitical interests and their roles in the organization of turky States actually turkey is the first country to recognize kazakhistan in uh on 16th of December in 1991 it only took 2 hours uh for turkey to recognize after the decision of the parliament of kazakhistan to declare their independence and our diplomatic relations after a few months in the second of uh March uh we established full diplomatic relations with kazakistan of course as you said that in the last uh uh 30 years we developed very complex and uh deep relationship with kazakhistan so what areas of cooperation are the two uh countries focusing the most uh of course no need to say that our uh political relations uh has been uh at Prime at this moment uh trade and investment is uh first uh to say our investments actually uh reached around $5 billion since the independence but the actual accumulation of Turkish Capital uh in uh total uh in kazakhistan over 100 million billion dollars uh so this when you compare it with the gdps of these countries that makes a quite uh significant amount that Turkish entrepreneurs came and invested in kazakistan so kazakistan as you’ve mentioned has evolved or from a stable investment partner to a strategic partner for uh turkey in Central Asia can you talk about this Clos politic and diplomatic ties that both countries have when it comes to the region and of course broader Global issues as you have just mentioned like the Ukraine war the Gaza War the first of all the economic PowerPoint is Shifting uh to Asia MH uh that is when you look at the statistics that is very obvious that the economic activity is growing in uh Asia uh from from from uh West so kazakistan and turkey is both between on the pathway uh to to producing countries and consumer countries so we have opportunities not just for a traditional uh uh uh trade like uh Goods trading Goods but also Services Logistics and these kind of issues uh are becoming more more important uh for example I mean trans Caspian uh Gateway uh Chinese ban Road initiative makes our relations with Kazakhstan more valuable so Mr Ambassador what do you make of uh several Western countries uh growing interest in Central Asia especially kazakistan I mean when you look at the geography of kazakistan between uh two major Powers I mean China Russia uh and uh the ongoing uh geopolitical situation I think one of the reasons why West is interested in here is just to gain more political influence uh over uh kazakhistan decision making uh process uh plus of course as I said that trade and investment issue uh becoming more important energy issue is is really uh becoming U vital for for West and Kazakhstan is a big energy country I mean their GDP 80% almost 80% of GDP are coming from uh energy exports so therefore it makes an important country for for the West uh for their needs under the current geopolitical and economic situation um the OTS has also risen uh to prominence thanks largely to close cooperation as we all know between turkey and kazakistan can you talk about how both countries helped uh to make the OTS a regional force and is this a really effective Regional Force now it’s becoming more effective uh I can say this through my observations uh I mean in the public it’s mostly people concentrate on presidential visits ministerial visits and such uh kind of high level uh meetings but when you look at what’s underneath it is actually hundreds of events I mean we have got organizations for journalist we have got organizations of doctors we have got Engineers there is a very strong Pace to improve OTC and to become a more effective uh full-fledged International Organization although the turkey ID entity is Thousands of years old it has undergone a dramatic renewal over the last decade bringing together hundreds of millions of people that bond is also happening at the state level groups like the organization of turkey States wants to use the strength of the past to forge a more United Future and it couldn’t come at a more pressing time given the multiple conflicts and challenges facing not only Central Asia but the entire world that’s all for this special edition of Straight Talk from Asana I’m Aisha subash I’ll see you next time bye for now hello and welcome to trt world this is the NewsHour live with me Rihanna Jones coming up in the next 60 Minutes the Palestinian red crescent says all of its facilities in Gaza City are now out of service due to forced Israeli evacuation orders the CIA Chief meets with the Egyptian president as part of ceasefire efforts as Hamas warn truce talks could collapse if Israel’s Relentless bombing of Gaza continues Moscow says drone strikes on energy facilities in vrad have killed at least one person a day after a deadly Russian missile attack on keev leader have started arriving in Washington for the NATO Summit the biggest test yet for US President Joe Biden amid growing scrutiny over his election campaign and it’s heating up at the Euros heavyweights France and Spain are playing in the first semifinal with both teams heading into the game in contrasting form we begin in G where Israel pushes on with a major military offensive in war ravaged Gaza City causing dozens of fatalities including children who’ been playing in the street aid supplies are running scarce and medical facilities increasingly out of service due to Israeli forceable evacuation measures as the humanitarian crisis in Gaza deepens and the death toll surpasses 38,000 the United Nations relief agency highlights the tragedy of children bearing the brunt as shadia Edwards dashy now reports wounded children fighting for their lives are rushed to hospital in di Al Bala in central Gaza following another Israeli strike doctors administer treatment on the floor as facilities are completely overwhelmed outside a funeral is held for another child killed in strikes while families search among the rubble for survivors we are still trying to pull out Marts this area needs more equipment and more crew to assist in extracting these Marts from under the rubble of the house according to the Palestinian authorities more than 38,000 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed in the 9-month long Israeli assault mostly women and children as the majority of Gaza Now lies in ruin disease is rif amid the crippling blockade of food and clean water and with medical clinics taken out of service many families search in vain for lifelines as their children succumb to malnutrition it’s distressing to see my child in front of my eyes lying there dying from malnutrition because I cannot provide him with anything due to the war the closing of Crossings and the contaminated water with medical supplies shut off doctors are left with no other choice but to set up makeshift medical tent to offer services to displace people in di alal we do not have any more clinics left for us to get treatment and this is in light of all the pain diseases and epidemics we are facing as the war on Gaza continues Palestinians are forced into Mass displacement the United Nations relief agency says there is nowhere safe left to go since the beginning of the war almost every gazin have been displaced more than once twice three times four times five times showing how basically there is absolutely no safe space in the Gaza strep scenes of doctors carrying the dead bodies of children they have been unable to save an all too familiar sight mourners gather outside to say goodbye as they come to terms with yet another child’s life lost in Israel’s continuing attack on G Shi Edward dashy trt World well for more from Gaza Let’s cross live now to Ashraf Shannon who joins us live from Han Unice Ashraf in these latest attacks yet again it’s children who are bearing the brunt of this war yes ran and uh it’s worth mentioning that out of the 2.4 million people in the Gaza St nearly 60% are people under the age of 18 their children uh and this is why we have uh thousands of children were uh killed and wounded uh over the last uh nine months during Israeli H attacks uh over just over the last 24 hours uh at least uh 15 children uh were killed during Israeli air strikes the latest air strike on Easter Khan unit claimed the lives of 29 people another another uh air strike on uh on killed three more people and many wounded uh since yesterday this as uh Israel presses ahead with the its attacks on the people in Gaza City uh uh people there uh are describing the situation in Gaza City similar to the first days of the War uh since October 7th the intense Israeli attacks the evacuation uh orders Under Fire under ter fire under tank fire under Israel uh uh drone and uh war plane warplane attacks uh people uh are hungry people are thirsty people are super exhausted people have nowhere to go and the evacuation orders uh came as I said Under Fire and people are literally sleeping on the streets throughout Gaza City right now and asra have the red crescent the Palestinian red crescent saying that all of its facilities including Healthcare facilities in Gaza City have now stopped functioning they’re out of service what does this mean for those injured where do they go now what’s the state of the other hospitals in Gaza well uh this only means that those who are wounded will die eventually because most most people died during attacks during injuries because of bleeding loss of blood and if he can’t provide them with quick uh uh Emergency Services they will die and this is the reason why a lot of people died during this war because Israel has attacked ambulances attacked hospitals the attacks on on hospitals were systematic since day one of the war the red Christan Society is is the is the Premier provider of am Ambulance Service throughout uh the Gaza Strip and when they say that all their uh medical points have stopped this also means uh their uh Emergency Services have stopped this also means Ambulance Service uh is likely has stopped as well uh not only the uh the red Chris Society uh medical points have also stopped uh working also the uh the AL Arabi Hospital also known as the Baptist Hospital in Gaza yesterday was out of service because it was also under evacuation order so the only Hospital literally lift in Gaza City shifa hospital and shifa hospital is in really bad shape have has no fuel uh hardly any medical supplies or surgical uh supplies as well rihan and Ashraf the UN is warning that famine has now spread to all parts of Gaza we knew that they were concerned that it had already reached Northern parts of Gaza but it’s no longer concentrated to one area it’s it’s spreading are you seeing this where you are well for months now Rihanna and the the diet that people have the people’s diet here or throughout the gas St are extremely poor people are are literally living on falafal as fried chickpeas and canned foods and some of them some of those scanned food have expired because for 60 days now they haven’t received any Aid because because of Israeli uh the Israeli attack on the Rafa crossing the OCC the occupation of Rafa Crossing also the destruction of Rafa Crossing so there’s hardly any Aid coming in and un and other uh Aid agencies are not Distributing food so people for example Northern Gaza are eating tree leaves and animal feed this is what the people in Gaza in Northern Gaza are living on situation is a little bit better in in the central and southern Gaza but still it’s it’s very very bad I mean you see people like the beginning of the war they’ve lost nearly half of their weight because they’re not having any proper meal for 9 months now Ashraf as thank you very much Ashraf Shannon speaking to us live there from hanun in Gaza un experts say recent deaths of more gazan children from malnutrition as we were discussing there show that famin famine is spreading they accuse Israel of carrying out a targeted starvation campaign against Palestinians the group of Rights experts listed three children who’ recently died from malnutrition and due to a lack of access to adequate Health Care the children were aged 139 and 6 months Health authorities in Gaza say at least 33 children have died due to malnutrition mostly in northern areas since early May Israel’s war war on Gaza has spread to Southern areas with the invasion of RFA which has impacted the flow of a after almost 10 months of bombardments vast parts of the Enclave lie in Ruins and the passage of food clean water and Medicine into the strip has all but stopped omad Gilbert is a professor at the University Hospital of North Norway and he says the famine caused by Israel is in Gaza is a war crime it’s important to uh repeat that the use of starvation is Criminal you are not allowed to use starvation lack of food lack of water as a war uh tool and in particular in Gaza this also constitutes a form of collective punishment so this is completely legal and constitutes of War crime the situation in Gaza has been reported repeatedly by the international organs who look after the nutritional status the IPC and it has been documented again and again that the lack of food and the lack of uh uh drinkable water in Gaza constitutes a major threat to Public Health and to the lives of the people of Gaza in particular the most vulnerable who will be the children the lactating women the women who are pregnant the elderly and of course those people who are already sick like diabetic patients and the wounded so this is a a longterm warning that finally now comes with a new warning and uh it is all man-made it’s not the result of a famine or a drought or an earthquake or a landslide this is all meant to be I think it is abhorent that the state of Israel and the occupation Army is allowed to perpetrate this massive crime against the people of Gaza well we’re joined Now by janite Sultan who’s a consultant vascular surgeon who worked in gasa back in April he joins us live from Hull in uh here in the UK janite thank you very much for speaking to us here on trt world as I said there you’ve witnessed firsthand what it’s like working in these hospitals in Gaza in this war can you describe to us if you don’t mind uh absolutely thank you so much for having me and giving me a chance to raise this awareness um it’s I will describe it in one world as armagedon and what I saw was absolutely uh chaos hunger fear death suffering and a lot of Devastation and the healthcare infrastructure has been completely decimated and destroyed and it has been directly used as a weapon of warfare which is unfortunate and which is against the international humanitarian laws and it’s the number the sheer scale of of children the number of children that are dying and and suffering um as we were discussing with Ashraf Shannon who who’s in Unice they really are the ones that are bearing the brunt of this war they have from the beginning and they continue to do so we’ve seen from the latest attacks on Gaza City um so pretty much I like when I was there I witnessed myself two-third of my patients were uh children and women and every time they were like families coming and the whole family were being kind of you know attacked and killed uh or injured as part of that uh and most of the mission members I spoke to uh and not only just our but every other Mission member like uh many others they all witnessed the same thing so the experience has been Universal across all the humanarian missions um and that makes us question that is it truly a war because what we see is that like every day like two3 of the injuries or casualties which come are just of children and Israel have insisted that Hamas members have been inside some of these hospitals that they’ve been targeting did you ever see any any evidence of that whilst you were there not at all and there is absolutely no such evidence of that we never witness any uh Mass fighter or anyone in these hospitals I myself worked at the European uh General Hospital for um nearly two and a half weeks and during that uh no evidence of that at all and the humanitarian missions been going there for more than a year nearly now and nobody has ever witnessed any such thing and tonight the Palestinian red crescent saying now that in Gaza City in particular all of their services all their facilities ities are now out of service they’ve stopped functioning just how significant is that it is of very significant importance and like I mentioned before that it has been directly used as a weapon of warfare because the way the healthcare infrastructure has been decimated and dismantled it is having a direct and indirect impact on the casualties and number of injuries and deaths uh right now the main functional primary uh the main hospital European General Hospital has been evacuated and it’s out of order that was essentially the main hospital with the main or major uh facilities and that has been out of order right now plus the other uh Primary Care centers for uh paline red treent that five of them have been evacuated so this means then when patients are not able to go to a proper hospital or to the primary care setup where can they go for their casualties where they can go and get any sort of a treatment so as a result patients are having no uh medical care at all and that is kind of you know uh making them lose their lives limbs plus a lot of other problems at all the impact of closure of the P RCS Center is even significant in the way because you must have seen a report by wh in which they have shown that 150,000 or more patients are having skin diseases and other communicable diseases which includes the chest hepatitis A uh and many other communicable diseases and these Pat are having a huge significant impact on these patients because when they are not able to get any treatment it spreads and uh it results in further casualties so there is a huge impact due to that jide we really really appreciate you sharing your experience of what it was like as a surgeon out in Gaza and for sharing your thoughts here on trt World um janite Sultan speaking to us there from Hull here in the UK thank you efforts to secure a ceasefire meanwhile are accelerating with the Egyptian president and the head of the CIA the latest to meet to discuss a path forward president abdal fata LCC met with William Burns in Cairo as part of an ongoing effort by Egyptian and Qatari mediators to pause the fighting there had been some hope of a breakthrough after Hamas relented on the need for a permanent ceasefire but fighting has threatened to set negotiations back well for more on this Let’s cross live now to Muhammad Al carum who joins us from occupied East Jerusalem Muhammad as the ceasefire talks resume once again what are the chances this time of a breakthrough well they’re getting dimmer and dimmer by the day they started with a level of cautious op optimism when the mediators the US announced that Hamas has dropped one of its major demands where Hamas was demanding a complete uh end to the War uh before the uh deal takes effect now they said okay they’ll agree to it in this first or second phase that has uh you know was faced with a four redlines demands non-negotiable demands by the office of prime minister Benyamin Netanyahu who issued uh these demands on Sunday night saying that Israel will reserve the right to resume fighting in Gaza anytime it feels uh that it needs to with other demands another one is trying to block the smuggling of uh weapons from Egypt into Gaza that was criticized by the opposition leader y lapid who called it provocative many Israeli security and political officials questioned this latest statement by Netanyahu and the timing of it as he has been accused even by the families of the Israeli captives in Gaza of trying to torpedo these talks and Hamas issued a statement also on Monday uh saying that these obstacles that Netanyahu is putting ahead of uh resuming negotiations are taking everything back to to to square zero and also saying that the mediators need to exert pressure on Netanyahu uh because of that but also today har it’s the daily newspaper in Israel said and they’re quoting an Israeli official that the gaps between the two sides are still big and the negotiations are difficult and complex and also they’re reporting that if a deal is signed that both far right ministers itar Bing and betel smotrich will leave the government and if that happens this will lead to the collapse of netanyahu’s government leading to early elections something that Netanyahu doesn’t want to see happen and this could be a reason an incentive for Netanyahu not to sign a deal so uh even though there is a level of optimism in the air negotiators are meeting in Cairo today director of the CIA Bill Bill Burns and the White House Envoy Prett mcgurk met with Egyptian president fi they talked about a number of issues among them reopening of the rafah crossing uh but also uh they will be meet meeting with the Qatari mediators in in in Cairo I should say before they move to Doha but given all these uh elements or factors and also the Israeli assault on Gaza City and elsewhere uh in Gaza the continuation of blocking uh the entry of humanitarian a doesn’t seem to be conducive to an environment to see a deal taking place anytime soon ran I think there’s little denying Muhammad that this was proving costly for Israel um of course for Gaza too but let’s talk about Israel both for the Army and its economy just what sort of pressure is netanyahu’s government under internally right now many uh pressures coming from different parts of the Israeli Society whether from the anti-government demonstrators who have been taken to the streets for the last nine months increasing their pressure on prime minister Netanyahu with their almost daily uh protests outside his house in West Jerusalem in Tel Aviv elsewhere across Israel even calling on the labor unions to join so they can uh start massive journalist strikes in Israel paralyzing the country but also the opposition is attacking and criticizing uh Netanyahu for his lack of flexibility to get a deal done uh we’ve seen Benny gans’s War member War Cabinet member who resigned his position in protest saying that Netanyahu doesn’t have a clear vision of the way forward but several uh sectors within Israel uh when we want to talk about the economy are struggling the construction Hospitality agriculture for lack of Palestinian workers before the war more than 155,000 Palestinians crossed daily into Israel with pyramids to work in Israel almost none of those now cross into Israel paralyzing almost the the sector in in Israel the Hightech sector which was flourishing before H the the war on Gaza is also facing difficult ulties uh so pressure is coming from all over on Netanyahu but he seems to be only paying attention to his far right uh flank within his coalition government the likes ofar Bing and bet mric and the ultra Orthodox uh parties in his government if he appease them and if he keeps the 64 seat uh uh of his uh of his government stable then he doesn’t need to worry about any anything else and that’s where the accusation comes on Netanyahu say for those who accuse him of putting his own uh political interest and his own political survival survival ahead of the uh of the uh of the country and Netanyahu seems to be so far dismissive of the protests of all those who have been criticizing him only paying attention to his own Coalition if if he makes them keeps them happy then he stays in in his position he’s even entered into a back and forth between him in the White House increasing tension with the Biden Administration ran Muhammad thank you very much Muhammad Alum live from occupied East Jerusalem meanwhile in the occupied West Bank explosions and gunfire have been heard across the city of tarum during a raid by Israeli forces soldiers accompanied by bulldozers stormed the city’s refugee camps mosques and hospitals several Palestinians were arrested before troops retreated raids for also carried out in other parts of the occupied territories where a 13-year-old was killed and 16 others detained Ukrainian forces have launched dozens of drone attacks towards Russia killing one person and damaging energy facilities it follows several Russian strikes on Ukraine on M day including at a children’s hospital in ke which Moscow denies Ukrainian forces hit an oil refinery in vulgarr as well as an electricity substation in the rosof region well let’s get more on this now with Sergey marov the director of The Institute of political studies in Moscow Sergey thank you very much for your time is this ke striking back in retaliation for Monday’s strikes and how much of an escalation are we seeing in crossb fighting now uh of course uh this killing of civilians in Ukraine in K it’s a big tragedy on Monday jary uh s0 uh civilians have been killed of course it’s much more less than number of civilians who killed in a sector Gaza which is usually by day more than 100 but nevertheless for Ukraine it’s very unusual in the pr during this previous two years uh approximately uh two civilians per day can have been killed in uh Ukraine it’s first of all because for Russia citizens of Ukraine it’s our Russian people for the 80% of them Russian language is native language they Orthodox Christianity and Ukraine you may know been part of the Russia during 1,000 year and now just uh Americans took control of the Ukraine and split Ukraine from Russia so that why Russia Army targeted only the military uh targets uh and try to uh save civilians as much as possible because Russian army come to Ukraine to liberate Ukrainian people from the uh Ukrainian regime which we be believe it is pro-american puppet regime russophobic and neoni region uh what will be the result uh we believe that this attack against Children Hospital was organized by Vladimir zelinski specifically to influence a result of the summit NATA which started uh uh today uh so we will see a result of this NATO Summit V zansi uh uh decided to Kill You children’s in ke uh to make pressure on the NATO Summit to get more anti-rocket missile system and more uh military jets like F6 but but hang on a second Sergey the UN has said that the children’s cancer hospital was highly likely hit by a Russian missile why is Moscow insisting on denying this Russia not denying this Russia directly accusing Ukrainian Army for dealing this you can everybody could see see krators Railroad Station uh rocket missiles on on the Ukrainian territory it was clear 100% Ukrainian rocket missiles you can look on the market all constant car it’s also rocket missiles it’s also I kill a lot of civilians it’s also Ukrainian territory so it’s normal for the Ukrainian Army uh to send uh uh rocket missiles to the uh and to kill Ukrainian citizens why why everybody could ask some of them because of mistakes and as it’s happened for example in constantina but some of them as I now in keep zinsky wants to kill Ukrainian childr to influence Nat Summit uh uh results that’s that’s quite a strong claim Sergey and and Russia has been denying the the the strike on the children’s cancer hospital um you you me you you mention zalinski at the NATO Summit what are the expectations from this Summit and also did to ask you about hungary’s Victor Orban um who who’s recently visited both Mo Moscow and keave what do you make of his ceasefire proposal uh Russia uh doesn’t like uh Victor Orban suggestion of ceasefire because we have experience of the pr Minsk one and Minsk 2 and stul agreements which have been used by Ukrainian pro-american regime and by United States of America just for rearming uh of the Ukrainian Army and starting the war again so we have no trust to Americans and to pro-american uh Ukrainian regime so uh we believe that it should be not jce fire it should be real peace but for the real peace we need first of all Russian language should get status of the second official language of uh Ukraine then should be demilitarization of Ukraine and then machine of Terror which had been created by Americans for Terror against Pro Russian people in Ukraine should be diminished all political prisoners in Ukraine but there are thousand of them should be liberated all prohibited political parties and media in Ukraine which have been prohibited by ziny they should be also free it’s Russian demands and believe that this will be conditions for the real peace uh Sergey we really appreciate your time thank you very much Sergey marov speaking to us live there my pleasure now Indian Prime Minister NRA Modi has completed his two-day visit to Russia after a series of meetings with its President Vladimir Putin peace in Ukraine dominated the talks during which Modi expressed his Devastation at the deaths of so many innocent children his visit concludes as the NATO Summit in Washington begins it’s also expected to be dominated by the war in Ukraine when there is a War battles or even militant attacks every person who believes in humanity feels pain when they see death especially when innocent children are killed the sight of innocent children dying shatters your heart and that pain is extremely horrific I had a detailed discussion on this is with you the US is hosting the leaders of NATO’s 32 member countries in Washington for a summit of the transatlantic security Alliance allies will make key decisions about how to continue to protect their 1 billion citizens as the world faces quote dangerous security environments the leader will exchange views on the organization’s efforts for deterrence and defense in the face of challenges the situation in Ukraine and the assistance for the country war in Gaza and also Mark the 75th anniversary of the alliance this Summit will be a summit where we celebrate the most successful R in history but we’re also going to make important decisions for the future uh on the turns and defense on Ukraine on Partnerships in the Asia Pacific and of course none of this would have been possible without the leadership of the United States of President Biden of you uh to ensure that we have now 32 allies agreeing on all these important decisions we will take uh uh during the summit here in Washington NATO coming together for 75th Anniversary here in Washington of course celebrating those 75 years but more important focused on today and the following days and making sure that our alliance continues to do what it’s done so successfully for 75 years which is to ensure the defense of its members thanks to the Secretary General and his leadership we have an alliance that is stronger that is larger uh and that is more fit for purpose uh than it’s been well Jennifer Cy is a former un and EU Diplomat and lecturer in diplomatic studies at the University of Oxford and joins us live from here in the UK Jennifer thank you for your time a revived NATO as we were hearing marks 75 years but how much is the political uncertainty that surrounds it clouding its future ahead of this Summit would you say so it is very different to the NAIA Summit that was last held uh in Washington in 1999 when they were also celebrating a milestone they also had the key issues of facing a war in Europe um and also welcoming new members so there’s um Sim similar variables now um compared to the uh 50 Year celebration of NATO but today it is facing an increasingly uh geopolitical um uh environment of uncertainty these seems like cliche phrases at the moment that we are just repeating but it is uh simply the truth with the European elections which we saw some were positive some were negative we’re also going to be seeing the upcoming of course uh US presidential election will which will play a key role in how Nation will be governed uh particular over the next four years so there’s a lot of political uncertainty uh surrounding uh the the summit which began today in Washington and how vital Jennifer will long-term commitments to ke be to showing Russia’s Vladimir Putin that the West is United against him at this Summit yes so one of the one of the key pillars there’s four key pillars being discussed um at at the the nation sumers one of them and one of the primary being uh Ukraine and here they are planning to announce a 40 million euro uh Aid package for military spending and training to Ukraine which is not just going to be spending which will be given kind of at will or in bits it will be institutionalized and so Ukraine will know that they will be getting this 40 um uh billion excuse me billion package each year and that’s in addition may I add to bilateral spending between countries who are also um who are also giving Aid to to Nato and what we’re also expected to hear is an announcement that there will be a creation of a command base in Germany which will allow for training and expert uh expertise given uh to the Ukrainian Army regarding their military capabilities and for them to um you know stock up on uh a lot of hard power and Military and and also as I said continue their training and expertise so that’s one of the key thematic chematic themes to to come out or that they’re intending to come out of of this Summit is their renewed and continued support to Ukraine we understand that China and belus have been holding joint drills near the Polish border how much does NATO’s strategic Focus Encompass China this time round in particular this budding military partnership between Beijing and Moscow so yes it’s important to note that see it it was only on it was only in 1999 that NATO actually announced formerly announced that China they deemed China a threat to Nato and since then they’ve be getting more aggressive on their language and now with uh Russia’s invasion of Ukraine we have seen that language even ramped up even more and now the increasing relationship between Russia and China this is leading to increase assertiveness uh not only uh in language but as I mentioned also in in increased military spending so China’s we with along with Ukraine China is another dominant pillar uh and when I say China it is the increasing aggressiveness that uh n are accusing Beijing of of uh commission particularly regarding the relation ship that you just mentioned um that China has been supplying Russia with a jeal military Machinery which has uh they have accused Beijing I might have to use the word accused they accused Beijing um of giving to Moscow which uh was used in the Ukrainian war and threatened EU secur EU security and also we must note that in 2013 Russia imported 90% of its um micro Electronics from China which were used for missiles tanks um and other hard capabil um Hardware capabilities regarding the war so there’s an increasing uh fear uh surrounding this this integration of relationships between Russia and China and it’s key key on the on the agenda particularly as you just noted with China now at this current time and have started on Monday with along with bellus theyve began an 11 day what they pulling um Eagle assault that’s the name of the mission and they are saying that it’s just a training exercise um on the border of Poland between China and B but you know thank you so much for speaking to us this evening Jennifer Cassidy speaking just live there from Oxford here in the UK well as he hosts the NATO delegations President Joe Biden faces increasing scrutiny over his health US president has been under extreme pressure to step down from the Electoral race since his widely panned debate performance against his rival Donald Trump despite insisting he’s fit for the fight politicians from Biden’s own party are meeting today to discuss whether he has what it takes to keep the White House well our North America correspondent John brain joins us live now from DC for more on this uh John as I mentioned there Democrat lawmakers they’ve been discussing today Biden’s situation what more can you dis tell us about that well they’ve had that meeting uh before it began there had been a feeling that it was a case of when rather than if Biden would be forced to step down but clearly the me the mood has shifted within senior Democrat circles because after this meeting a private meeting we you were told that there is now an overwhelming consensus among lawmakers that Biden should stay in the race uh now that doesn’t mean the concerns have gone away anything but but at this stage only a handful of members of the House of Representatives have come out publicly to say that he should stand down and not a single Senator uh now this could be of course because the they feel that the barrier to making Biden step down and getting a new candidate is just too insurmountable at this stage he’s made it absolutely clear he’s going nowhere uh but it the lawmakers what they want to see now they want to see Joe Biden put on a performance starting here at the NATO Summit a shooted performance where he looks coherent where he’s able to show that he’s the so-called leader of the Free World on the international stage here no more gaffs no more stumbles no more so-called brain freezes so the concerns are there but for the moment within the senior echelons of his party he seems to have held the for and for now he does Remain the presumptive nominee for the Democratic party so Biden will be under close scrutiny as you mentioned there at this Summit just how vital is it to Biden’s candacy especially considering that the the end it will comminate in the solo press conference on Thursday afternoon how do you see that going well it is crucial and he’s going to be under such scrutiny that there are many involved in this Summit who are concerned that it could overshadow the entire event because the US media in particular will be obsessing over the Biden situation they’ll be analyzing every comment he makes how he makes those comments every action even the way he walks up to the podium to give his speeches and press conferences and yes that press conference very rare one for him he very rarely does solo ones that’s going to be uh heavily scrutinized and will there even be any questions about the NATO Summit to him uh at that uh conference uh if it’s a free-for-all for the press or will every question be about his health and his Fitness to lead this country for another four years John thank you very much John Bray live from Washington DC Turkish president Reb T erdogan has arrived in the US capital Washington to attend that NATO Summit Turkish president will address the meeting of NATO heads of States on Wednesday he’ll also have hold bilateral meetings on the sidelines of that Summit our diplomatic correspondent Andrew Hopkins has more for us from Marland well there are two main aims according to what Turkish officials have been saying in the last few weeks one of them is to see the remaining arms embargos on Turkey lifted by some of the other NATO countries uh these all most of them date back to 2019 when there are a series of disputes between turkey and some of the other countries about its military operations in Northern Syria against terrorist groups like The pkk and the one ipg and what Turkish officials have said recently is that a lot of these embargos have now been lifted I think this particularly since uh turkey has decision to approve to back uh SW Sweden and finland’s NATO membership applications the other issue is to sort of really get home the point they want to make about the fight against terrorism and what NATO can do with that because in the last few years turkey has come up against repeated problems really about uh what it wants to achieve what it thinks NATO should be achieving on its Southern flank because again this is to do with the pkk and also the ypg these are both terrorist organizations in turkey and what it’s been trying to do is to try and get more cooperation more support for these kinds of issues on NATO’s Southern flank because turkey is right on the southern border the Southeastern border of all of the NATO countries so it wants to try and sort of drive that message home too as well but the major St stumbling block it has is mainly with the United States with one or two other countries but in the United States’s case it’s currently working with the Syrian Democratic forces in Northern Syria which is effectively largely made up of the ypg and some other groups so on this particular issue uh the Turkish government still got I think quite a hard job ahead of it the president of the Grand National Assembly of turkia Numan kurul mus says turquia is urging NATO allies to put pressure on Israel’s government to stop its aggression in Gaza at the NATO parliamentary speakers meeting in Washington Kur mus has warned the alliance shouldn’t turn a blind eye to the human catastrophe unfolding in Gaza we members of the most powerful defense organization of the world cannot turn a blind Blind Eye to one of the most pressing Global issues the to the impen catastrophe unfolding in Gaza this Bloodshed and the massacre of Israel must be stopped there is a grave risk for the situation escalating into a regional war in our discussions on Global Security we must align ourselves with the common front of humanity for fairness and Justice we call on all we call on Alliance to declare no more to Netanyahu government aggression Ethiopian Prime Minister ABI Ahmed has met with Sudan’s Army Chief General abdal fat aloran in Port Sudan AB becomes the first foreign leader to visit him in his War Capital since the start of the conflict between the Army and the rapid support forces Ethiopian Prime Minister previously seen the Ethiopian Prime Minister had previously been seen as closer to the rsf as he hosted its leader Muhammad in the December Abby’s office as the visit comes as part of a push to bring stability to Sudan since 2017 more than a million Venezuelans have entered Brazil fleeing financial crisis at least half of them remain in the country and their numbers continue to rise whilst Venezuelans largely enter Brazil through the northern border the state of Santa Katarina received the most immigrants through a unique program called operation open arms Michael folks has the story from Southern Brazil Lis and El de Navaro are from the Venezuelan state of binas when times got tough back home they decided to leave in search of a new life abroad they found it in Brazil it was hard we arrived with nothing no expectations and only about $100 in our pockets they’ve been slowly climbing up the ladder today egy runs this beauty salon in inside their apartment Louise drives in Uber they are not alone roughly 30,000 Venezuelans have immigrated to this Southern Brazilian state of Santa Katarina over the last 6 years they come for the beauty the relative safety and the promise of employment many have found work in construction or factories in the countryside others are still searching when I arrived I spoke just basic Portuguese I was constantly learning I had to do everything fast I didn’t understand and I would get nervous earlier this month Luis Antonio attended this day of services and workshops to help local immigrants receive support with paperwork residency and employment it was put on by the hospitality circles an immigrant support group that’s helped 13,000 refugees and immigrants over the last decade people like 25-year-old Venezuelan Sebastian cus he arrived 2 years ago he says he found a restaurant job quick but the first months were chaotic adapting to the new language most Latin American countries speak Spanish in Brazil it’s Portuguese yeah that’s my biggest need right now employment it’s one of the top challenges that all of us immigrants have many Venezuelan immigrants say they faced xenophobia racism and a more closed Society it’s been hard I’ve been waiting here for almost 5 years and it continues to be hard but I’m adopting like everyone Caston hopes the situation back in Venezuela improves but she says this is her home now and almost everyone agrees they’re glad they came Michael Fox TT World fanopoulos Brazil time for all the sports news now with Charlotte Bates the first semi-final Clash at Euro 2024 is almost punished as France takes on Spain and Munich for a coveted place in the final these two European Giants in football and a Tuesday’s showdown in contrasting form L Roa have 100% winning record so far that’s after seeing upost Germany in extra time while L blur have been pretty uninspiring on their way into the final four scoring just three goals but the silver lining for did Des shp’s men has been their defensive record only conceding once this tournament sometimes it’s much more valuable to have a great team to be better as a whole than to have stars and I think we’re proving that maybe we don’t have those standout names or Superstars but as a team we’re very good we play good football and so far things are going very well for us Spain are the great entertainers thus far of Euro 2024 now if you look at all of the attacking charts Spain are on the top or near enough they boast the most number of chances created they’ve scored the most goals uh and uh they also have a highest XG probability of scoring goals they’ve changed their traditional possession based football to a much more attacking approach a sort of Premier League gun ho approach and they have threats all over the park but it is their two wings that have been so exciting niiko Williams Lin yal how good have they been Williams probably up there right now for player of the tournament at the moment with Morata sitting in the Middle with all of that experience you’d have to say having seen both of these sides play France not scoring a goal yet from open Play There’s question marks hanging over antoan griezmann’s current selection in the starting lineup they have been that dull so far and if you contrast that to how the Spanish have been well you’d certainly say that Spain must be the favorites for this but then you look at that French side and you look at the likes of killing in and you look at what d DES has at his disposal and the fact that while yes France might have been quite boring so far in this competition they’re barely conceding they’ve got a rock solid defense and they have the best squad on paper here at the European Championship so the issue that Spain and Lis DEA fente has is that maybe just maybe this could be the game and it would be a great time for France wouldn’t it to finally wake up and when they do wake up and we saw what they could do in Qatar we saw even coming from behind how mbappe can destroy sides even in a World Cup final that that must be the fear for the Spaniards and it is still a particularly young Spanish side uh they weren’t expected to get this far they’ve exceeded expectations and as good as the Spanish have been the Germans caused Spain a lot of problems and that was a game in extra time that was looking like it was going to penalties and then it’s the toss of a coin Spain might not be here and the host would still be around so that’s how tight the margins are and the Germans have provided France with a bit of a blueprints of saying to of how to nullify that attack of yamal and Williams over at Wimbledon the quarterfinals begin on Tuesday with action in both the men’s and women’s last eight and on a vage was the first women’s through to the final four after a three set win over on fire qualify Lulu Sun the Ki we continue the form to show to win seven matches so far this tournament by taking the opening set but the emotional and physical strain of those matches may have taken its toll on the 23y old ranked 123 in the world as beckage edged the second and stalls through the third set to win 57 64 61 and reach her first ever Grand Sam semi at the age of 28 in her 43rd major appearance so the dream is over for Sun as donovic Marches On In the other matches French Open runner up Jasmine Pini plays American Emma Navaro Bora kova faces yena Austin penko and 2022 Champion Elena rakina meets 2019 and 2023 semi-finalist Elena SL slina well meanwhile in the men’s it went five sets in an epic battle between world number one yanx Daniel madep C Edge the first set on a tie break but mad responded taking the next two with the Italian receiving attention for injury but it just sparked the Australian Open Champion racing through the four set to level the match but Mev broke early in the fifth and held on to his serve to claim a famous 67 64 76 26 63 win the Olympic Games in Paris are now just a little over two weeks away all around the world athletes and teams are at work preparing for the global spectacle team USA’s basketball players are in for a busy periods in the lead up to Paris 2024 they’ve got an exhibition game against Canada in Las Vegas coming up then they’re jetting out the Middle East for games against Australia and Serbia well that will be followed by trip to London for more warm-up matches before heading to France still Team USA say they’re now nowhere near ready for the summer games and that’s his sport for now thanks for watching and in that Euro 2024 semifinal between Spain and France it’s halime with Spain leading 2-1 and the winner of course will play either the Netherlands or England in the final on Sunday and that’s your newsour we’ll be back in just a moment at the top of the hour with more news do stay with us the Balkans is at the crossroads of History foreign influence has always weighed heavily on the people here the war in Ukraine has tested the fragile C AS Global Powers consider their next step if you take into consideration what the people want we bring you their voices and their stories across the Balkans on trt world this is the night here ready for the darkness no fear Cast Your Shadow on our light this is our Battlefield we win this fight it’s our destiny know what we stand for you may have won the battle but we have won the War I we’ll make it till the end live to tell our story we’ll make it till the end a moment of Glory war no it’s much more important beyond the game on trt world is just coming into trt World our trt news team are the first on the P for America’s Most Wanted we’re piecing together all the facts we’ve discovered more than we ever imagined days or even weeks it’s taken months upon months upon months no stone has been left unturned information has been scoured from the darkest corners the truth is coming to life this is one story that will touch millions of people the Palestinian red crescent says all of its facilities in Gaza City are now out of service due to forced Israeli evacuation orders the CIA Chief meets with the Egyptian president as part of ceasefire efforts as Hamas warns truce talks could collapse if Israel’s Relentless bombing of Gaza continues hello and welcome to trt world live from London I’m ranan Jones also ahead on the program leaders have started arriving in Washington for the NATO Summit the biggest test yet for US President Joe Biden amid growing scrutiny over his election campaign Moscow says drone strikes on energy facilities and vulgar grad have killed at least one person a day after a deadly Russian missile attack on a school in Keef and it’s heating up in EUR in the Euro heavyweights France and Spain are playing in the first semi-final with both teams heading into the game in contrasting form we begin in Gaza where Israel pushes on with a major military offensive in war ravaged Gaza City causing dozens of fatalities including children who’d been playing in the street at the time aid supplies are running scarce and medical facilities increasingly out of service due to his ready forceable evacuation measures as the humanitarian crisis in Gaza deepens and the death surpasses 38,000 the United Nations relief agency highlights the tragedy of children bearing the BR as Shad Edward stachy now reports wounded children fighting for their lives are rushed to hospital in di Al Bala in central Gaza following another Israel strike doctors administer treatment on the floor as facilities are completely overwhelmed outside a funeral is held for another child killed in strikes while families search among the rub for survivors we are still trying to pull out Mars this area needs more equipment and more crew to assist extracting these Marts from under the rubble of the house according to the Palestinian authorities more than 38,000 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed in the 9-month long Israeli assault mostly women and children as the majority of Gaza Now lies in ruin disease is rif amid the crippling blockade of food and clean water and with medical clinics taken out of service many families search in vain for lifelines as their children succumb to malnutrition it’s distressing to see my child in front of my eyes lying there dying from malnutrition because I cannot provide him with anything due to the war the closing of Crossings and the contaminated water with medical supplies shut off doctors are left with no other choice but to set up make shift medical tents to offer services to displace people in di alal we do not have any more clinics left for us to get treatment and this is in light of all the pain diseases and epidemics we are facing as the war on Gaza continues Palestinians are forced into Mass displacement the United Nations relief agency says there is nowhere safe left to go since the beginning of the war almost every gasin have been displayed more than once twice three times four times five times showing how basically there is absolutely no safe space in the Gaza Street scenes of doctors carrying the dead bodies of children they have been unable to save an all too familiar sight mourners gather outside to say goodbye as they come to terms with yet another child’s life lost in Israel’s continuing attack on Gaza sh Edwards Dashi trt world and Ash Shannon has the latest for us from hanun in Gaza out of the 2.4 million people in the Gaza St nearly 60% are people under the age of 18 their children uh and this is why we have uh thousands of children were uh killed and wounded uh over the last uh nine months during Israeli uh attacks uh over just over the last 24 hours uh at least uh 15 children uh were killed during Israeli air strikes the latest air strike on E Khan unit claimed the lives of 29 people another another uh air strike on uh onah killed three more people and many wounded uh since yesterday this as uh Israel presses ahead with the its attacks on the people in Gaza City uh uh people there uh are describing the situation in Gaza City similar to the first days of the War uh since October 7th the intense Israeli attacks the evacuation uh orders Under Fire under ter fire under tank fire under Israeli uh uh drone and uh warplane warplane attacks uh people uh are hungry people are thirsty people are super exhausted people have nowhere to go and they evacuation orders uh came as I said Under Fire and people are literally sleeping on the streets throughout Gaza City right now this only means that those who are wounded will die eventually because most most people die during attacks during injuries because of bleeding loss of blood and if you can’t provide them with a quick uh uh Emergency Services they will die and this is the reason why a lot of people died during this War because Israel has attacked ambulances attacked hospitals the attacks on on hospitals were systematic since they W of the war the red Christen Society is is the is the Premier provider of am Ambulance Service throughout uh the Gaza Strip and when they say that all their uh uh medical points have stopped this also means uh their uh Emergency Services have stopped this also means Ambulance Service H is likely has stopped as well jight Sultans a consultant vascular surgeon who worked in Gaza back in April he told us a lot of his patients were children when I was there I witnessed myself two-third of my patients were uh children and women and every time there were like families coming and the whole family were being kind of you know attacked and killed uh or injured as part of that uh and most of the mission members I spoke to uh and not only just our but every other Mission member like uh many others they all witness the same thing so the experience has been Universal across all the humanitarian missions um and that makes us question that is it truly a war because what we see is that like every day like 2third of the injuries or casualties which come are just of children the way the healthare infrastructure has been decimated and dismantle it is having a direct and indirect impact act on the casualties and number of injuries and deaths uh right now the main functional primary uh the main hospital European General Hospital has been evacuated and it’s out of order that was essentially the main hospital with the main or major uh facilities and that has been out of order right now plus the other uh Primary Care centers for uh palestin R tree that five of them have been evacuated so this means that when patients are not able to go to a proper hospital or to the primary care setup where can they go for their casualties where they can go and get any sort of a treatment so as a result patients are having no uh medical care at all and that is kind of you know uh making them lose their lives limbs plus a lot of other problems at all the impact of closure of the P RCS Center is even significant in the way because you must have seen a report by wh in which they have shown that 150,000 or more patients are having skin diseases and other communicable diseases which includes the chest hepatitis A uh and many other communicable diseases and these PTI are having a huge significant impact on these patients because when they are not able to get any treatment it spreads and uh it results in further casualties so there is a huge impact due to that un experts say recent deaths of morgar and children from malnutrition show that famine is spreading they accus Israel of carrying out a targeted starvation campaign against Palestinians the group of Rights experts listed three children who’d recently died from malnutrition and due to a lack of access to adequate Health Care the children were 13 n and 6 months Health authorities in Gaza say at least 33 children have died due to malnutrition mostly in northern areas since early May Israel’s war on Gaza has spread to Southern areas with the invasion of Rafa which has impacted the flow of Aid after almost 10 months of bombardments vast parts of the Enclave lie in Ruins and the passage of food clean water and Medicine into the strip has all but stopped well mad Gilbert is a professor at the University Hospital of North Norway he says the famine caused by Israel in Gaza is a war crime it’s important to uh repeat that the use of starvation is Criminal you are not allowed to use a starvation like of food lack of water as a war uh tool and in particular in Gaza this also constitutes a form of collective punishment so this is completely illegal and constitutes of War crime the situation in Gaza has been reported repeatedly by the international organs who look after the nutritional status the IPC and it has been documented again and again that the lack of food and the lack of uh uh drinkable water in Gaza constitutes a major threat to Public Health and to the lives of the people of Gaza in particular the most vulnerable who will be the children the lactating women the women who are pregnant the elderly and of course those people who are already sick like diabetic patients and the wounded so this is a a longterm warning that finally now comes with a new warning and uh it is all man-made it’s not the result of a famine or a drought or an earthquake or a landslide this is all meant to be I think it is abhorent that the state of Israel and the occupation Army is allowed to perpetrate this massive crime against the people of Gaza efforts to secure cease farming while are accelerating with the Egyptian president and the head of the CIA the latest to meet to discuss a path forward president abdal fat CCE met with William Burns in Cairo as part of an ongoing effort by Egyptian and Qatari mediators to pause the fighting there had been some hope of a breakthrough after Hamas relented on the need for a permanent ceasefire but recent fighting has threatened to set negotiations back well mmad alums in occupied East Jerusalem he says that despite indications of ceasefire May well be close those hopes are fading they started with a level of cautious optimism when the mediators the US announced that Hamas has dropped one of its major demands where Hamas was demanding a complete end to the War uh before the uh deal takes effect now they said okay they’ll agree to it in this first or second phase that has uh you know was faced with a four red lines demands non-negotiable demands by the office of prime minister Benyamin nyaho who issued uh these demands on Sunday night saying that Israel will reserve the right to resume fighting in Gaza anytime it feels uh that it needs to that was criticized by the opposition leader y laid who called it provocative many Israeli security and political officials questioned this latest statement by netan yaho and the timing of it as he has been accused even by the families of the Israeli in Gaza of trying to torpedo these talks and Hamas issued a statement also on Monday saying that these obstacles that Netanyahu is putting ahead of uh resuming negotiations are taking everything back to to to uh Square zero and also saying that the mediators need to exert pressure on Netanyahu uh because of that but also today har it’s a daily newspaper in Israel said and they’re quoting an Israeli official that the gaps between the two sides are still big and the negotiations are difficult and complex and also they’re reporting that if a deal is signed that both far right ministers itar Bing and betel smotrich will leave the government and if that happens this will lead to the collapse of netanyahu’s government leading to early elections something that Netanyahu doesn’t want to see happen and this could be a reason an incentive for Netanyahu not to sign a deal meanwhile in the occupied West Bank explosions and gunfire have been heard across the city of taram during a raid by Israeli forces soldiers accompanied by bulldozers stormed the city’s refugee camps mosques and hospitals several Palestinians were arrested before troops retreated raids were also carried out in other parts of the occupied territories where a 13-year-old was killed and 16 others detained the US is hosting leaders of NATO’s 32 member countries in Washington pH Summit of the transatlantic security Alliance allies will make key decisions on how to continue to protect their citizens the war in Ukraine and Israel Israel’s assault on Gaza will Top the agenda the some Sumit also marks the 75th anniversary of the alliance this Summit will be a summit where we celebrate the most successful R in history but we’re also going to make important decisions for the future uh on the turns and defense on Ukraine on Partnerships in the Asia Pacific and of course none of this would have been possible without the leadership of the United States of President Biden of you uh to ensure that we have now 32 allies agreeing on all this import decisions we will take uh uh during the summit here in Washington we have NATO coming together for 75th Anniversary here in Washington of course celebrating those 75 years but more important focused on today and the following days in making sure that our alliance continues to do what it’s done so successfully for 75 years which is to ensure the defense of its members thanks to the Secretary General and his leadership we have an alliance that is stronger that is larger uh and that is more fit for purpose uh than it’s been well Jennifer Cassy is a lecturer in diplomatic studies at the University of Oxford she says NATO is facing geopolitical uncertainties it is very different to the nasia summit that was last held uh in Washington in 1999 when they were also celebrating a milestone they also had the key issues of facing a war in Europe um and also welcoming new members so there’s um Sim similar variables now um compared to the uh 50-year celebration of NATO but today it is facing an increasingly uh geopolitical um environment of uncertainty one of the key pillars there’s four key pillars being discussed um at at the the na sum and one of the primary being uh Ukraine and here they are planning to announce a 40 million euro uh Aid package for military spending and training to Ukraine which is not just going to be spending which will be given kind of at will or in bits it will be institutionalized and so Ukraine will know that they will be getting this 40 um uh billion excuse me billion dollar package each year and that’s in addition may I add to bilateral spending between countries who are also um who are also giving Aid to to Nato and what we’re also expected to hear is an announcement that there will be a creation of a command base in Germany which will allow for training and expert uh expertise given uh to the Ukrainian Army regarding their military capabilities as he hosts the NATO delegations Joe Biden faces increasing scrutiny over his health and election campaign the US president has been under extreme pressure to step down from the Electoral race since his widely paned debate performance against rival Donald Trump despite insisting he’s fit for the fight politicians from Biden’s own party have met today to discuss whether he has what it takes to keep the White House well our North America correspondent John brain has more on this from Washington there had been a feeling that it was a case of when rather than if by would be forced to step down but clearly the me the mood has shifted within senior Democrat circles because after this meeting a private meeting we were told that there is now an overwhelming consensus among lawmakers that Biden should stay in the race uh now that doesn’t mean the concerns have gone away anything but but at this stage only a handful of members of the House of Representatives have come out publicly to say that he should stand down and not a single Senator uh now this could be of course because the they feel that the barrier to making Biden step down and getting a new candidate is just too insurmountable at this stage he’s made it absolutely clear he’s going nowhere uh but it the lawmakers what they want to see now they want to see Joe Biden put on a performance starting here at the NATO Summit a shooted performance where he looks coherent where where he’s able to show that he’s the so-called leader of the Free World on the international stage here no more gaffs no more stumbles no more so-called brain freezes so the concerns are there but for the moment within the senior echelons of his party he seems to have held the for and for now he does Remain the presumptive nominee for the Democratic party Turkish president Reb Ty erdogan has arrived in the US capital to attend the NATO Summit erdogan will address heads of States on Wednesday he’ll also hold bilateral meetings on the sidelines he’s expected to meet with Hungarian prime minister vikor Oran on Tuesday and on Wednesday Greek Prime Minister kirakos mitsakis and German Chancellor Olaf shz our diplomatic correspondent Andrew Hopkins has more for us from Maryland well there are two main names according to what Turkish officials have been saying in the last few weeks one of them is to see the remaining arms embargos on Turkey lifted by some of the other NATO countries uh these all most of them date back to 2019 when there are a series of disputes between turkey and some of the other countries about its military operations in Northern Syria against terrorist groups like The pkk and the ypg and what tur officials have said recently is that a lot of these embargos have now been lifted I think this particularly since uh turkey decision to approve to back uh SW Sweden and finland’s NATO membership applications the other issue is to sort of really get home the point they want to make about the fight against terrorism and what NATO can do with that because in the last few years turkey has come up against uh repeated problems really about uh what it wants to achieve what it thinks NATO should be achieving on its Southern flank because again this is to do with the pkk and also the ypg these are both terorist organizations in turkey and what it’s been trying to do is to try and get more cooperation more support for these kinds of issues on NATO’s Southern flank because turkey is right on the southern border the Southeastern border of all of the NATO countries so it wants to try and sort of drive that message home too as well but the major stumbling block it has is mainly with the United States but one or two other countries but in the United States’s case it’s currently working with the Syrian Democratic forces in Northern Syria which is effectively largely made up of the ypg and some other groups so on this particular issue uh the Turkish government still got I think quite a hard job ahead of it the president of the Grand National Assembly of Tura Numan kurul says turkia is urging NATO allies to put pressure on Israel’s government to stop its aggression in Gaza at the NATO parliamentary speakers meeting in Washington Kush warned the alliance should turn a blind eye to the human catastrophe unfolding in Gaza the members of the most powerful defense organization of the world cannot turn a blind Blind Eye to one of the most pressing Global issues the to the impen human catastrophe unfolding in Gaza this Bloodshed and the massacre of Israel must be stopped there is a grave risk for the situation escalating into Regional war in our discussions on Global Security we must align ourselves with the common front of humanity for fairness and Justice we call on all we call on Alliance to declare no more to Netanyahu government’s aggression Ukrainian forces have launched dozens of drone attacks towards Russia killing one person and damaging energy facilities it follows several Russian strikes on Ukraine on Monday including at a children’s hospital in ke which Moscow denies Ukrainian forces hit an oil refinery in vulgar grat as well as an electricity substation in the rosov region well Sergey marov the director of The Institute of political studies in Moscow so spoke to us about this earlier this killing of civilians in Ukraine uh in K it’s a big strategy on Monday jary uh s uh civilians have been killed of course it’s much more less than number of civilians who killed in a sector Gaza which is usually by day more than 100 but nevertheless for Ukraine it’s very usual in the Peri during these previous two years approximately uh two civilians per day can have been killed in uh Ukraine it’s first of all because for Russia citizens of Ukraine it’s our Russian people for the 80% of them Russian language is native language they arodo Christianity and Ukraine you may know been part of the Russia during 1,000 year and now just Americans to control over the Ukraine and split Ukraine from Russia so that why Russia Army targeted only military uh targets uh and try to uh save cidan as much as possible because Russian army come to Ukraine to liberate Ukrainian people from the uh Ukrainian regime which we be believe uh it is uh pro-american puet regime russophobic and neonazi regime Indian Prime Minister nandra Modi has completed his two-day visit to Russia after a series of meetings with its President Vladimir Putin peace and Ukraine dominated the talks during which Modi expressed his Devastation at the deaths of innocent children his visit concludes as the NATO Summit in Washington begins it’s also expected to be dominated by the war in Ukraine when there is a War battles or even militant attacks every person who believes in humanity feels pain when they see death especially when innocent children are killed the sight of innocent children dying shatters your heart and that pain is extremely horrific I had a detailed discussion on this issue with you Ethiopian Prime Minister ABI Ahmed has met with Sudan’s Army chief General abdal Fat Al Boran in Port Sudan Abby becomes the first foreign leader to visit him in his War Capital since the start of the conflict between the Army and the rapid support forces the Ethiopian Prime Minister had previously been seen as closer to the rsf as he hosted its leader Muhammad back in December Abby’s office says the visit comes as part of a push to bring stability to Sudan since 2017 more than a million Venezuelans have entered Brazil fleeing financial crisis at least half of them remain in the country and their numbers continue to rise whilst Venezuelans largely enter Brazil through the northern border the state of Santa Katarina received the most immigrants through a unique program called operation Open Arms Michael Fox has the story from Southern Brazil Luis and eles de Navaro are from the Venezuelan state of barinas when times got tough back home they decided to leave in search of a new life abroad they found it in Brazil it was hard we arrived with nothing no expectations and only about $100 in our pockets they’ve been slowly climbing up the ladder today eges runs this beauty salon inside their apartment Louis drives in Uber they are not alone roughly 30,000 Venezuelans have imig ated to this Southern Brazilian state of Santa Katarina over the last 6 years they come for the beauty the relative safety and the promise of employment many have found work in construction or factories in the countryside others are still searching when I arrived I spoke just basic Portuguese I was constantly learning I had to do everything fast I didn’t understand and I would get nervous earlier this month Luis Antonio attended this day of services and workshops to help local immigrants receive support with paperwork residency and employment it was put on by the hospitality circles an immigrant support group that’s helped 13,000 refugees and immigrants over the last decade people like 25-year-old Venezuelan Sebastian compus he arrived 2 years ago he says he found a restaurant job quick but the first months were chaotic adapting to the new language most Latin American countries speak Spanish in Brazil it’s Portuguese yeah that’s my biggest need right now employment it’s one of the top challenges that all of us immigrants have many Venezuelan immigrants say they faced xenophobia racism and a more closed Society it’s been hard I’ve been waiting here for almost 5 years and it continues to be hard but I’m adopting like everyone Caston hopes the situation back in Venezuela improves but she says this is her home now and almost everyone agrees they’re glad they came Michael Fox trt World fanopoulos Brazil once a week displaced children in the focus Congo camp in the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo gather to play chess the chess and the city initiatives trying to break the cycle of violence in the DRC by keeping children busy as Grace Korea kja now reports Emmanuel lar the longest running chess champion in the world said when you see a good move look for a better one the children here have become experts at moving their pawns displaced by the DRC conflict that has lasted over three decades they crave something other than War I myself was born into war and violence so for us adults it’s somewhat possible to cope but for young people we want to break this infernal cycle of violence because when a young person grows up and lives in a state of displacement they will soon spend more than 2 years in these camps their intelligence will focus more directly on the wall like a break moving chess which breaks up an opponent’s pawn chess in the city aims to disrupt that cycle firstly by occupying their minds because chess eliminates stress it manages stress it gives people the to find peaceful solutions to problems so that’s why we are much more interested in them so that chess can bring peace say the children says close to 4 million children are currently displaced in the DRC these children were scattered they were playing dangerous games but since we started this activity here you can see for yourself how very very concentrated they are and we say to ourselves that if we had the means to look after them every week we wouldn’t have children roaming around Focus Congo Village begging here they’re so interested so concentrated we tell ourselves it was worth it the goal is to train them to compete in major tournaments and even represent Congo internationally and allow them to discover the world and the peace that exists outside the violence Grace Korea kja wal to Euro 2024 now and that semifinal between Spain and France I can tell you that Spain currently lead 21 and the winner will play the Netherlands or England in the final on Sunday and that’s the news for now news makers is coming up next while France avoids a right-wing Landslide the European Parliament recognizes a new hard right Force led by hungary’s Victor orbon Patriots for Europe has met the quota for formal recognition bringing together nationalist MEPS from across the EU so can left-wing forces in France and the UK temper a General European turn to the right and what kind of leadership do Europeans really want I’m Andrea sanki and this is the newsmakers well across Europe right-wing nationalists have been gaining power and influence ironically Wild conservatives have lost national elections in both the UK and France it’s getting hard to read exactly how European voters really feel far-right nationalism and xenophobia seem to appeal to many and their leaders hold a highly influential position now in the EU Parliament as well as in several European countries last week the Dutch party led by the openly islamophobic her Builders took the Reigns in the Netherlands the latest country to join the likes of Italy Finland CIA Slovakia Hungary and Croatia there’s also popular support for the far-right in large EU countries like Germany and Poland within the European Union Parliament June’s election also produced a shift to the right the parties shown here in blue are conservative although the largest block the European people’s party is more Centrist the darker Blues represent the far right and a new nationalist block has been added over the weekend Hungarian president president Victor orban’s political movement Patriots for Europe gathered enough MEPS to form an alliance within Parliament meanwhile in the Netherlands Ker’s PVB party has been forced to water down some of its more extreme policies such as Banning the Kuran closing Dutch borders and holding an exit referendum on the Netherlands future within the EU but the fact that the pbv is the ruling coalition’s largest party in a country previously viewed as one of Europe’s most liberal sent shock waves across the continent vilder successfully campaigned on an anti-immigration ticket and managed to harness widespread anger over the nation’s housing crisis blaming it on a growing number of immigrants now the pay Temple is the largest pvv footprint is the strictest policy on Asylum ever a crisis law on Asylum retracting the law on compulsory shelter will make sure that Asylum status holders will no longer get priority over Dutch people for social housing the strongest measures on the inflow of immigrants so that I think is the signature of the pvv and perhaps more worrying still is the support for the far-right afd party in Germany its policies are so extreme even the far-right identity and Democracy party in the European Parliament expelled them from their block the German government has designated the afd as a potentially extremist party giving it the power to legally bug and monitor its leaders yet it currently stands as Germany’s second most popular polling at around 22% and it now looks set to perform strongly in next year’s German federal election for now though France and the UK have shifted leftwards but it’s precarious Nigel farage’s right-wing Pro brexit Reform Party gained four seats in the UK Parliament it’s his best showing ever and in France the loss for the national rally was more down to the tactics of its opponents agreeing not to split the vote that leaves a hung Parliament with the national rally well placed to wait in the wings while France muddles through the process of forming a coalition between parties with vastly different plans for the country honestly in a way it reflects what France is France is a democracy there are many different opinions and means to express them there are many ways to say what you think it’s a privilege but sometimes it’s also tricky good luck to everyone but it’s through that the fact the national rally party didn’t win is a very good thing for us so where is Europe really heading and is the shock win for the French left simply masking a growing right-wing momentum well joining me now to debate that and more our from Winchester in the UK former member of the European Parliament and director of the center for migration and economic Prosperity Steven wolf from Amsterdam associate professor of political science at the University of Gulf Edward cing and and in London professor of French and European politics at the University College London Philip Mia thanks all so much for being with me Philip I’ll I’ll start with you because I need you to explain what you think happened in France this weekend you know where we saw the national rallies representation in the National Assembly reach its best showing really ever yet still represent a huge loss and coming in third when they were predicted to win overall now you’re going to have a hung Parliament and many worry where that’s going to take France because Marine Leen herself said actually our Victory is only delayed do you think she’s right well we shall see about that but I think one thing is for sure is that uh National rally were on course for um Victory uh last week they came out on top of the first round of the election and I think surprisingly because no opinion polls predicted uh this outcome it’s finally the left which topped uh the the sword of all parties and the national rally came third so it’s a bit of a surprise but I think you can explain it quite easily it’s due to Tactical voting I voters from the left and macon’s party joined forces in order to stop the far right getting majority or simply a cad so it means one thing it means that National rally on the one hand is going from strength to strength because it has now 60 more MPS compared to 2022 now with a total of 143 so you could say that it’s a success in this respect however they’re still blocked when it comes to actually winning an election that means another thing it means that there is still a majority of French people who regard the far right as a threat to democracy and to its values that’s why in the end they did not Prevail it’s interesting Philip though because over time over the last decade and a little bit more we’ve seen this rise of mar Leen and this acceptance of the national rally into the basically the mainstream when they were seen as a fringe party before um but when it comes to the final step in every national election all of a sudden the people seem to revolt because they actually don’t seem to want the national rally to be at the top but again it seems that with these incremental steps and gaining more and more seats does France ultimately want the majority of French people a right-wing government well yes absolutely it’s a paradox here because in French politics we’ve been talking for the past 40 50 years about a so-called glass ceiling that the far right allegedly uh has reached each time you know it makes a breakthrough and in fact that glass ceilings keeps getting a push back you know to higher Summits so in the end yes I think they could they could Prevail in win an election no later than 2027 when Leen will attempt yet again to win the presidential election but I think it’s it’s a paradox because clearly on the one hand the policies and ideas of the national rally have been mainstreamed banalized not least by MCO himself as a president but on the other when it comes really to crunch time uh voting and the people feel that that party could actually stand a chance of of winning it uh there is yes there is a strong resistance to it so it means in the end it’s not National rally is still not regarded as as a normal mainstream party yeah but that uh could change and if we look at the wider European context Edward I’ll come to you because I said it at the top of the program it’s kind of hard to discern exactly how Europeans are feeling how much there’s still a European sense of solidarity when you have leaders like herfi is in in your country plus an increased right-wing presence in the EU Parliament is Europe and the European project having an identity crisis well that’s a that’s a very big question um I think the um the question of how much um European support the European Union has been one that’s been asked for a very long time um I don’t think support has been particularly large um ever and I think in the past it was more sort of disinterest um rather than anything else and I think now the antipathy towards the European Union is being mobilized by um the kinds of parties we’re talking about today okay um so and I think very much in line with the comments by Philipe um I think what you see is that the population of Europe is just split on on some of these issues and if you look at surveys that are being done asking people to rank parties from a score from one to 10 saying one I hate them 10 I love them you see the parties like R National um and similar parties elsewhere in Europe typically getting a lot of tens and a lot of ones right so um so it’s uh it’s um it’s it’s pretty difficult to talk about what do Europeans want because a lot of Europeans want different things yeah but is the big divider in the end Edward immigration well immigration is certainly a large Factor uh driving people to parties like National but also reform UK which we’ll be talking about as well today um I think the other story of course is also just a protest vote being um unhappy with the incumbent government um feeling like um you know mainstream parties don’t really offer much of a much of a of a of a different option um for voters so then they look for extremes or or very loud voices who criticize the incumbent governments I think this is especially case when you have incumbent leaders like um Rishi sunak in um in the UK um or maon in friends who are seen as figureheads of global capitalism right like as people who want we’re there for the rich um Rich themselves um they um um they want free trade they don’t care about people who are unemployed Etc right and so when the um when the far right or the populist right however you want to call it um um targets those type of Voters they can be really successful you know Stephen it’s interesting that Philipe kind of described the situation in France as a paradox because you know some might say that in the UK as well and it earlier you know pre- brexit it almost seemed like the EU Parliament was where nationalists could go to kind of see their values represented while having less representation in their own National governments but now we have the reform UK party even though it sounds like a small number four seats it’s more than they’ve ever had as well so is that equal Paradox in existence now in the UK even if with this left-wing landslide uh well actually reform have five seats and they got 4.3 million people uh who voted for them which is far more than the previous incarnation of ukip did in 2015 well over a million and it’s clear in the United Kingdom that once I get Edward’s point that he talks about populism and people are are turning against as a as a kind of protest vote against Rishi sunak or maybe k stama there’s actually something much more fundamental when I was talking to people and doing polling during this election they actually making a concerted choice not to choose these political parties of the of old whether they’re left or whether they’re right because they see them as parties a that have been around a long time that don’t address their concerns or issues anymore and that is why we’re seeing about 30 to 40% of them looking across Europe and you can see similar numbers I believe that in 37% of the voters went for the national party on Sunday and they’re coagulating around that number but for me going forward I think that number 37 to 40 is probably the Hiatus they’ll ever get and the way that politics is structured across Europe the voting systems in France as uh Philipe mentioned where you can have all the political parties of the left and right voting to make sure the conservative right of Leen doesn’t get in and similar for has passed the post in the UK will not allow those parties to ever gain power is it fair Steven I mean I do these voting systems need to change to represent truly what popular sentiment is or does it actually represent it it’s just a matter of yeah a little bit of political maneuvering uh to actually reflect what the population wants other than the UK many of the the European voting systems came and and changed a lot after the second world war and and it was and of course the European Union was created as as a an issue because of that and so they created political systems in order to ensure that no one populist as they called it like Hitler would rise again in the UK slightly different we’ve had a longer system in place of first pass the post and they do need to change because I think people have changed people are no longer considering themselves as being left in the old traditional working class supporting for labor I spoke to many labor MPS and they recognize now that they’re the party of civil servants and the university class where you’ve got the liberal Democrats of those who the comfortable class those who live in lovely leafy areas have jobs where they’re not predominantly business owners but they’ve got nice comfortable areas and where you get the parties like Leen what’s happening in Maloney in Italy it’s all those who are used to be working class voters or conservative workingclass voters now coming together and that’s why success is occurring also for Don Trump in the United States so politics is changing people’s views are changing and maybe the electoral system needs to go along with them so Philipe do you think the electoral system needs to change or is it doing exactly what it set out to do Post World War II by stopping the rise of what could potentially be dangerous right-wing I’ll use the word fascism yes I believe that the Electoral systems at least in some of the European countries need to change I think to start with in the UK and in France interestingly in France is it’s a majoritarian system with two ballots two rounds if you don’t secure in a constituency 50% of the share of the vote in the first round you need to run again against an opponent or two opponents you’ve got three-way contest sometimes and that system was tailored uh after in 1958 when Charles the Go pass the new constitution as a way to stop uh the extremes including the far right get anyone elected but look now what what what’s happening it’s it doesn’t deliver that anymore it means that a party on the Fring on the far right that is here is able to get now almost 150 seats and with that tactical voting yesterday I think that party may have come out on on top of all parties so electoral system needs to changeed not only because of course you have now more parties people uh the old allegiances and loyalties to if you were working class you voted labor or for the Socialist or Communist party in France it’s all that is quite over there are new forces greens for instance um and and other parties National Regional parties they need to be represented you know it’s um it’s a sort of um it’s a question of democracy it’s a question of democracy simply Philly the quick question for for you though is that if you look at what happened in in England and sorry the United Kingdom where labor had a a a less votes than they did on Corbin but a smaller percentage than actually Marie Le Pen’s party voted in France You could argue that the people had actually chosen their winner in Marie Le Pen and the voting system has therefore prevented a natural winner of the one who got the most votes and that is why I’m saying that you’ve got this political system that is varying in different countries but they’re using it as the same way to ensure that conservative right in this case or In Another Country what you might regard as the far left from getting in so you’re trying to cement this view in the middle which is losing ground all the time I I think what I’m simply saying that for instance PR proportional representation would be a fair representation of votes and what people want in general you know to to get smaller parties for instance would get a majority which they would get seats which they can’t get at the moment either in the UK or in France uh when it comes to National rally now it’s no longer a French party although I said I called it this way a moment ago it’s a party which has been on for at least 50 years it’s a party well known its leaders are well known too so it’s a bit of a different proposition in a way it’s much more anchored in the sort of French politics than Reform Party and farage are in the UK so and it takes time to to get that kind of recognition I think what proportional representation would do simply is that again it would it would certainly prevent you know this sort of winner Tex it all type of thing that you get in majoritarian system and I think they they’re pretty dangerous the last point tactical voting is not illegal I think voters were absolutely entitled to do to vote this way uh yesterday in France to stopped a national rally let me get Edward back into the conversation is tactical voting in your opinion undemocratic or is it there for a reason to keep you know what earlier was seen earlier at least was seen as more Fringe elements uh from managing to take over uh governments in a way that’s not in the best interest of their people maybe so I think I mean obviously there’s no every electoral system produces a different transformation of votes to seats um which one is the fairest is subject of lots of political theorizing right the argument for majoritarian systems or two or in particular the two round system that France has um is that you keep not so I wouldn’t say Fring or specifically parties of the right um or specifically parties of the left but just very polarizing figures right the the the goal is indeed to to get people into Power who are at least not loed by a large number of people um so the idea of um I mean other other countries have voting systems right where you rank them um and so you make sure that you end up with someone that most people can at least live with um and so it stops Society from polarizing further which could be yeah the other thing I was going to say is that I’m um so uh I was born in a country with the most proportional electoral system in the world the Netherlands doesn’t have any electoral threshold whatsoever so if you get 150th um of the votes so 0.7% of the vote you get a seat and so as a result I think we have 14 uh parties in Parliament at the moment leads to Mass to fragmentation uh makes it very hard to form coalitions um and um makes it very hard for governments to stay put because um they fight over um over trying to reach compromise especially yeah especially parties like Wilders uh Wilders Freedom Party are are part of it Edward I i’ I’ve got to stick with you for a second and and move on now to uh the European Parliament actually because now we are seeing this Patriots for Europe party of officially recognized it’s led by Victor orbon and it’s strangely pro-russian while the EU has a general foreign policy that supports Ukraine I’m wondering how much longer you think this can go forward because it it sets the European Union up for a real Clash of of interests here um and it’s it’s only just starting but what do you think kind of the future is when we have parties and mind you today Victor Orban also said no to the afd uh joining its ranks in in the European Parliament so it’s an interesting Dynamic there as well but where do you see it uh going forward yeah it’s a very good question and um I think what we are seeing is that like I was saying earlier that European people’s opinions on the European Union used to be one most of mostly of apathy but what we’re seeing now is that more and more and and so as a result you know when people go to the um Ballot Box for European parliamentary elections the turnout rates tend to be much lower than for other um other elections national elections um but the people who do come out to vote they they almost go out to vote as a referendum on whether or not they’re happy with the European Union or not um so what you’re seeing is that indeed lots of people who who strongly dislike the European Union are more incentivized to come to vote um uh in the European parliamentary election and then exactly vote for people who don’t want the European Union and then go to sit in an institution that they don’t want so it definitely creates a very St wol he’s describing you yeah didn’t mean to make that personal but uh but yeah more or less Edward I’ve had so many more personal things taken to me in the past it really isn’t isn’t an issue I I I’m intrigued by um what Victor Orin is is seeking to achieve um I I I I know how the political works how the attempt to form political parties I saw it with you trying to to initially talk with Marie Le Pen’s party and and failing I think I think his importance will only come if he does manage to succeed with enough MEPS as they’re suggesting that it can take them into third place above the EP because that then gives them power of how they might select who the commission president would be what the particular leaderships of committees would would amount to but other than that these parties form and break up very very easily and and and that’s what potentially could happen as during the course of the election course of the parliament people fail to get what they want and I’ve seen that happened before and and I wouldn’t be surprised if this happens again the mainstream parties will continue they know how the levers of power work they have the background in the commission the council and all the civil servants working for them so I don’t think this will succeed for long it may do in the short term but still uh Stephen would you agree that the European Parliament has is in a sense you know become a place for people uh whose mission is to keep nationalism and their their own country’s individual interests uh as a priority rather than what was supposed to be a shared sense of mission for the European project I think what’s happening is most of these parties don’t want to leave the European Union so they’re simply asking the question what is the European Union meant to be now and so this big debate that will happen within the is whether we are a nation states that and that’s what Victor Orban wants the nation states are important they should be in control they should be making the fundamental decisions and the EU really should be listening to them rather than the other way around which is where the EU seems to be making those decisions through the through through the commissions and and the way that that that works and that’s where your big debate is how you’re going to go forward with the challenges of the modern world with the United States rising and its power whether China n


    1. The U.S. will not allow for peace in its endless wars. U.S. death merchants profit too much from massacring innocent children and adults in Gaza and Ukraine. It is the number one multi-trillion dollar industry of killing people and all life on the planet via ecocide.

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