Welcome to our Sunday morning service! It’s great that you can try us out online. Why not come along to our next Sunday service in person – we love having newcomers along.

    e e e e e welcome this morning to Christ Church and we are so pleased that you have decided to join us and may I add Andrea’s welcome it’s delightful to see so many here this morning yes I did watch the football last night uh and we do hope uh you have uh you enjoy your time of Fellowship uh with us going to read out a verse uh that we’ll be thinking about a little later on uh this morning I will greatly rejoice in the Lord my soul shall exalt in my God for he has clothed me with the garments of Salvation he has covered me with the robe of righteousness let us pray almighty God and everlasting father we thank you for the freedom to meet together this morning we remember all around the world for whom that is not possible may your Holy Spirit move Among Us this morning and may He remind us of fresh what a wonderful God you are amen am our opening himym is a a great uh Hymn of of praise the first four words says it all uh blessing and honor uh is uh worthy to uh God and after the first himym we shall remain standing and sing Jesus is the great than the greatest hero and we hope many children will help me with playing some instruments okay so children that’s a call for you to help Angela as we’ seen the second last song so let’s stand to sing blessing and honor [Music] [Music] all creation all creation cre [Music] [Applause] [Music] GL [Music] [Music] [Applause] sing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to the [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] worship [Music] God I’m going need some help [Music] J J [Applause] [Music] [Music] God [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for [Music] [Music] okay thank you very much Jan you like SE uh nice impromptu Solo in the band we did appreciate uh that uh another verse that we’ll be uh looking on uh a little later in our reading in fact it’s the uh the first verse uh we’re going to come to that in a moment I do apologize as we come together we remember that we have all done things that are wrong so there’s a chance where we can pause and say sorry uh to our merciful and forgiving God if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us if we confess our sin God is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all wrong so trus in God’s promise let us together confess our sins most merciful god father of our Lord Jesus Christ we confess that we have sinned in thought word and deed we have not loved you with all our heart we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves in your mercy forgive us for what we have been and lead us to what we should be that we may act justly love Mercy and walk humbly with you our God Amen May the god of love and power forgive us and free us from our sins heal and strengthen Us by his spirit and raise us to New Life In Christ Our Lord amen first verse of a reading uh we’re having this morning is this the spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord has appointed me to bring good news to uh the poor we’ve had a little bit of good news this week Wednesday evening it was Jude uh that provided the good news with that spectacular kick and last night ends The Voice Trent sends England through uh did I hear some of you screaming when that equalizer last night uh went in uh one of the favorite bits of good mus I remember was Willie Wonka when he opened that favorite good uh golden ticket and he went home to his M and Dad Absolut Grandma and Granddad uh to tell him uh the good news wow wouldn’t it be amazing if you got one of those uh I realize it’s about 8 years out of date but I don’t think they do pay the tickets anymore but if you suddenly a couple of weeks ago landed on your doorstep a ticket to the Taylor Swift concert that would be good news and if you don’t know who s Swift is that’s a picture of that and for me even better news was suddenly maybe Center Court tickets for the men’s final again that was a few years ago don’t look too close to the ticket wouldn’t that be exceptional news if one of those suddenly landed uh on your doorstep and I dare say a number of our younger people are off to party put your hands up if you’re going to a party this week anyone going to a party yes one 2 thank you John never too old for a party invitation mine hasn’t arrived by the way yet John but you can give it me afterwards so number of you going to parties and when one of those drops through the door it’s good news good news for your mom and dad they get a couple of hours on their own um they do have to buy present but generally it’s really good uh news and it was certainly good news for 30% of the population and certainly good news uh for this couple as they got uh into uh Downing Street and just to read that verse again it reminds us that Jesus Jesus and no one else is good news and because Jesus is good news then we need to tell others and that’s not always that easy let’s pray father thank you that the real good news can only be found in Jesus help us to tell others about that good news amen right I’m Del like to hand over to John our Minister who’s going to give us some uh important uh notices hi everyone good to see you um a big welcome if you’re new with us here at Christ Church if you’d like us to get in touch you do fill in one of these welcome card forums and give it to me at the end and we love to um get in touch with you letting you know more about what’s going on at church going to flag up a few things uh first of all we have our evening service tonight 6:30 in the church land we had a brilliant time last Sunday evening looking at Joshua I’m going to be doing that again tonight so come along for our next installment from that book and um we’ll be praying and giving praise to God uh with that um and then this week um we have a special event happening on Wednesday afternoon we just had our men’s Barbe which is great A bit wet but it was good on Monday um and this Wednesday we’ve got our afternoon tea for women it’s going to be happening at 2:15 in the vicarage back Garden so um this is open to all women to come along and it would be great to have a really good crowd there um and then um we have another barbecue coming up so at this point I’m going to swap with CLA good morning everybody church family Barbecue Sunday the 21st of July it’s at the vicarage I will be at back of church today next Sunday if you come to the Gathering wait till tonight and speak to me tonight I will have a piece of paper and if you would like to come that will give you all the details you’ll need to know and also if you’re in a position to be able to bring an item of food food or some food to share um I’ll have a sort of a list and we’ll decide what you’re going to bring you’ll then take that away with you and keep it safe because it’s got all the details if you can bring a chair some people may be making their own way without a vehicle there are a couple of dozen chairs at the vicarage but if you can bring a chair or a blanket that’ be perfect and then there’s something else on this list which every now and then we all know that to our nearest and dearest you have to say are you listening to me so are you listening to me you need to bring your Crockery and cupy you don’t need paper cups they will be provided but a plate a bowl knife or and Spoon please would make life very easy okay so I’ll see you afterwards really so we’re looking forward to that as our big kind of bringing share barbecue of the summer everyone’s invited and we usually have a really big crowd for that one so we’re looking forward to it and a very sunny Sunday afternoon has booked in brilliant um another thing to mention um we do a kind of annual clear out of Lost Property um there’s a table at the back we’ll have it on display this week maybe next week as well and then we’ll probably just take it to a charity shop whatever’s left over so it’s your chance make sure you check it um before you head out brilliant that’s all I need to mention for now do look at our new sheet for more info of stuff happening and I’ll hand over to Peter who’s going to be praying for our children and youth as they go to their GPS can’t believe my wife said that about me anyway uh we prayed for the uh leaders at the start of the service so let’s just pray uh for the children now Heavenly Father we want to lift up every young person with us this morning we want to thank you for them and we pray that as they go across next door now uh that they too might be uh thrilled as they remember that you are a faithful God uh who keeps his promises amen so children if you’d like to go that’ be safely looked after and they will join us at the end of the service e we come to um another hymn of praise and uh again the title says it all King of Kings Majesty uh but it was an amazing song because it’s I Supply what says what the Christian uh message is all about that despite that uh that God that Majestic God can actually live uh in US and amongst us so let’s stand to sing King of Kings Majesty [Music] God Of [Music] [Music] Heaven your [Music] I my [Music] worship you [Applause] et [Music] and [Music] all PR [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mesty [Music] [Applause] [Music] I I [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] please do take seat hand over to Mick who’s going to read us God’s word and then John’s going to unpack it for us directly afterwards thank you Mick our reading this morning comes in three parts it is to be found on page 790 in the large print and the Bibles which most of you are using 751 Isaiah 61 1 to 4 then from 10 to 625 and finally 63126 the spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor he has sent me to bind up the Brokenhearted to Proclaim Liberty to the captives and the opening of a prison to those who are bound to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of Vengeance of our God to comfort all who mourn to Grant to those who mourn in Zion to give him a beautiful headdress instead of Ash is the oil of gladness instead of mourning the Garment of Praise instead of a faint spirit that they may be called Oaks of a righteousness the planting of the Lord that he may be glorified they shall build up the ancient ruins they shall raise up the former devastations they shall repair the ruined cities the devastations of many generations I will greatly rejoice in the Lord my soul shall exalt in my God for he has clothed me with the garments of Salvation he has covered me with a robe of righteousness as a bridegroom decks himself like a priest with a beautiful headdress and as a bride adorns herself with her Jewels for as the Earth brings forth its Sprouts as a garden causes what is sewn in it to sprout up so the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to sprout up before all the nations for Zion’s sake I will not keep silent for Jerusalem’s sake I will not be quiet until her righteousness Goes Forth as brightness and her salvation as a burning torch the Nations shall see your righteousness and all the kings Your Glory you shall be called by a new name that the mouth of the Lord will give you shall be a crown of Beauty in the hand of the Lord and a royal diadem in the hand of your God you shall no more be tered Forsaken and your land shall no more be termed desert but you shall be called my delight is in her and your land married for the Lord Delights in you and your land shall be married for as a Young Man marries a young woman so shall your sons marry you and as a bridegroom rejoices over the bride so shall your God Rejoice over you who is this who comes from Eden in Crimson garments and bura he who is Splendid in his apparel Marching In the greatness of his strength it is I speaking in righteousness mighty to save why is your apparel red your garments like his who treads in the wine press I have I have choden the wine press alone and from the peoples no one was with me I trod them in my anger and trampled them in my wrath their life blood spattered on my garments and stained All My Apparel for the day of Vengeance was in my heart and my year of redemption had come I looked but there’s no one to help I was appalled but there was no one to uphold so my own arm brought me salvation and my wroth upheld me I trampled down the peoples in my anger I made them drunk in my wroth and I poured out their lifeblood on the earth this is the word of the Lord thanks to brilliant thanks Mick for reading that passage to us um let’s pray dear God we want to pray that you might take us deeper into Christ This Morning Show us him show us how he is bigger than all our fears and worries in life amen I was at a wedding yesterday and it was chance to catch up with old friends and hear then news and news of friends that we knew who weren’t there uh so many though are facing discouragements and difficulties uh a friend has not motor neuron disease and is gradually getting worse a Vicor undergoing cancer treatment a friend shaken by abuse scandals inside the church a woman giving up her job to become a full-time carer for aging parents with dementia another friend who’s going to get kicked out of his accommodation soon and and things pile up it can leave us feeling discouraged can’t it more than that it can leave us feeling that Jesus’s incredible Promises of a new perfect world are just too incredible to be true too much is against us in this world and so we wonder will Jesus really conquer everything that stands against us well if you can relate to that I want to speak to you this morning uh last week we were in chapter 60 and Isaiah chapter 60 sets out that Christ the Lord’s incredible promises for the Old Testament Church of Jerusalem the chapter ends have a look at the end of chapter 6 with these words Christ the Lord says I am the Lord in its time I will hasten it but can we really be sure will Jesus really conquer everything that’s against us well the big answer our passage gives is this take a closer look at Jesus number one Jesus was anointed for his mission uh there were no chapter divisions in the original Hebrew of the Old Testament chapter 60 ends with Christ the lord speaking and in chapter 61 he just carries on speaking so the end of chapter 60 I the Lord in its time I will hasten it and the spirit of the Lord is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor he has sent me to bind up the Brokenhearted to Proclaim Liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to those who are bound to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of Vengeance of our God here Christ the lord is speaking as though his future coming as the Messiah has already come and what he wants us to see is that God’s holy spirit has been put on him to equip him for his mission from beginning to end Jesus will do everything in the power of the Holy Spirit In God’s power now in in the Old Testaments prophets priests and kings were Anointed with oil when they began their work it was a picture of being Anointed with God’s Holy Spirit and the Messiah would be the ultimate anointed one in fact that very word Messiah means anointed one he’d be a prophet priest and King all rolled up into one as it were and already in Isaiah we’ve already seen these incredible prophecies about Christ’s coming how he would be a king filled with the Holy Spirit how he would come as a suffering servant filled with the Holy Spirit and now we see he’s coming to preach filled with the Holy Spirit and so all Isaiah is doing is setting before us our great hope is the Messiah the anointed one who will be filled with Holy Spirit power and notice that power comes channeled through his words he comes bringing good news he comes proclaiming God’s message now we saw actually when we looked at the suffering servant and Jesus would come there as one who would go through trials and God would use those trials to shape and form him so that he would be ready to speak a powerful word and now we see what he will do through those powerful words he will come bringing good news to the poor now the poor here doesn’t mean material poverty uh you look at the footnote it talks about the one who’s Afflicted it’s talking about those who are afflicted and downtrodden in the context it it’s it must be talking about the Exile uh the people had been conquered by the Babylonians and taken off into Exile and Babylon and that’s what the rest of verses one and two are talking about and now they’ve returned but they’re standing in front of the ruins of Jerusalem and now they see that that their their whole captivity the whole of the Exile happen because of their hard hearts and they’re mourning over their sin they here are the ones who are lonely and contrite of heart and it’s to such people that Jesus comes and he proclaims good news he will bind up their wounds the wounds of the Exile he will free them from captivity he will comfort those who mourn over that evil and sin and he will Proclaim that A New Day Has has arrived his words come with holy spirit Power what he says will happen verse two the year of the Lord’s favor is talking about the Jubilee year you might know about this every 50th year in Israel’s history what was meant to happen is the high priest would blow a Ram’s Horn and announce the Jubilee year had begun it was a fantastic year where debts would be written off slaves would be set free families would return to their family inheritance if they lost it and no work was to be done for a whole year it was a bumper holiday and what’s being announced in verse two is the ultimate Year of Jubilee it will bring about the complete transformation of the church verse three gone of the ashes and mour which was all bound up with their Exile in their place they will be given a beautiful headdress the oil of gladness a Garment of Praise it’s picture language to talk of the Holy Spirit coming on the people and clothing them and it’s been the big promise since the end of chapter 59 remember when we looked at that chapter that God promise that the same holy spirit that was put on his Messiah would be put on us his people and so verse three we will become people Oaks of righteousness we will be people so rooted in Jesus by having his holy spirit in us that we will be known for living out God’s goodness his righteousness now verse four we will rebuild the ruins it’s picture language of the rebuilding of Jerusalem yes but it’s used to talk about the rebuilding of the church itself more and more people will be added verse five speaks of the Nations coming in and getting stuck in with the rebuilding work is talking about us now verse six is saying that the Old Testament Church of Jerusalem had been through the Exile and and so because of that trial they had been through they will get the most honored places serving in God’s presence of priests and verse 7even says they will get a big inheritance it all picture language to speak of the rewards that we will receive in God’s kingdom forever now verses 8 and9 talks about it being a forever thing there will be an Everlasting Covenant it will be guaranteed and we saw again we’ve already seen how the holy spirit will be put on us as God’s Everlasting Covenant we will be God’s people forever and so verses 1 to9 this opening section is making one big point because God’s holy spirit comes on Jesus so he has the power to make us his people forever to rebuild us and restore us and treasure us forever and so let me say even if we feel like we are enslaved to powerful addictions and cycles of sin in our lives that Jesus really will break us free from all that stuff ready for God’s new world forever and if you’re at the moment really struggling with that kind of stuff then look at Jesus think of him getting baptized you know he goes out there doesn’t he to John the Baptist in the River Jordan Heaven breaks open and the Holy Spirit comes down on him that’s that moment when the Holy Spirit Will equip him for his mission but what I find so striking is when does that happen it happens as Jesus goes out to people who were admitting publicly their sin and their evil conf confessing it and Jesus goes out and joins them and gets baptized with them those are the people Jesus has come for and it’s in that moment that Jesus gets baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit Jesus was anointed for his mission and so nothing can stop him that’s the first thing we need to see second thing we need to see is that Jesus Jesus longs to marry his bride in verse 10 um of chapter 61 Christ the lord speaks again I will greatly rejoice in the Lord my soul shall exalt in my God for he has clothed me with garments of Salvation he has covered me with the robe of righteousness as a bridegroom decks himself like a priest with a beautiful headdress and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels and we see here the sheer Delight that Jesus will have in God because of his mission the garments of Salvation And The Robe of righteousness is another way of talking about the holy spirit being given to him uh when the Holy Spirit comes on someone in the Bible he makes that person beautiful uh the Bible speaks of how the fruit of the spirit comes in US as Christians because of the Holy Spirit he brings the fruit of love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control it’s like verse 10 Jesus will come dressed as a bridegroom um back then bridegrooms were dressed in much more dazzling clothes than today but even so today when a man dresses up as a bridegroom and wears the wedding clothes for that day it communicates his intent to marry his bride and enter into a covenant with her and as Jesus gets baptized and receives the Holy Spirit on him so it’s like he’s putting on his wedding suit he’s dressing up ready to go and get married to his bride no wonder he rejoices in God his mission he’s been given is to marry a beautiful full bride and nothing could stop him but let’s follow it through we get a change of imagery in verse 11 it says for as the Earth brings forth its sprouts and as a garden causes what is sewn in it to sprout up so the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to sprout up before all the nations verse 11 begins with the word for and the logic is this uh the Messiah has been Anointed with the Holy Spirit God’s righteousness in order that verse 11 God’s righteousness might Sprout up like a plant like Mighty Oaks of righteousness it’s what we saw back in chapter 53 there we were told by his knowledge shall the righteous one the Messiah Christ my servant make many righteous Jesus is the righteous one and because he chose the righteous way all the way to his death on the cross so now he lives in us and he can shine out God’s goodness and righteousness through us the same spirit that was on him is now on us and so the nations of the world will look at the church and see God’s goodness shining through US chapter 62 verse1 for Zion’s sake Jerusalem’s sake I will not keep silence and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not be quiet until her righteousness Goes Forth as brightness and her salvation as a burning torch the nation shall see your righteousness and all the kings your glory and you shall be called a new name that the mouth of the Lords will give and mean notice the sheer Passion of Christ the Lord to accomplish his mission he will not rest until God’s righteousness shines out through us the church Jesus’s mission then is to marry his bride us the church and he will make his bride beautiful I mean when a woman gets married on her wedding day she is transformed in appearance to be the star of the show I mean it happened yesterday at the wedding we were at she comes in in such radiant Beauty for her bridegroom is what she and her team does to get her ready for that big moment but here it’s the bridegroom who gets the bride ready ready for his wedding day I mean have you taken in just How Deeply encouraging that is the reformer Martin Luther said the love of God does not find but creates that which is pleasing to it the love of man comes into being through that which is pleasing to it let me just unpack what he’s saying men marry a young woman because they find her attractive and they hope she will never change but when Christ sets his love on the church he takes an ugly woman and makes her beautiful man’s love is reactive but God’s love is the opposite it’s creative jesus takes us as we are and makes his bride beautiful look at verse three you the church shall be a crown of Beauty in the hand of the Lord and a royal diam in the hand of your God I mean in his hand means that Christ will guard protecte and and treasure us his church to him we will be his precious Priceless Crown in fact we will be his crown that means we will be the sign for the whole world to see that he is the king such is his pride and Delight in US I mean the transformation will be so incredible that verse two the church will be called by a new name and that new name comes in verse four you shall no more be termed forsaken and your land shall no more be turned desolate but you shall be called my delight is in her and your land married for the Lord Delights in you and your land shall be married I mean the destruction in the Exile Jerusalem meant that they should have had the name Forsaken and the land should have had the name desolate but the transformation is so remarkable that the L that and so just so incredible that they shall be called heah that’s the footnote that’s the original Hebrew my delight is in her and the land Shall be Called bah married those are God’s sweetheart names for his people and their home now one writer remarked on this verse when circumstances and failure and blighted hopes combin to convince us that our name is forsaken that is the hour to hear the whisper of the bridegroom to his bride with the name that is his alone to give and hers alone to hear Jesus Delights in us his church that much he is that passionate to marry his bride verse five for as a Young Man marries a young woman so shall your sons marry you better so shall your sons dwell with you and as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride so shall your God Rejoice over you uh yesterday at this wedding I was at the bridegroom spre went on for over 40 minutes and it was mainly taken up with telling everyone how he was really happy being single and dead set on being single for life but then he met her and he just was totally boted with her he could do nothing but else but marry her so for 40 minutes this speech went on well let me ask you have you got that that that is how Christ is boted with us have you got that these verses are telling us that Christ’s mission is his passion it is not that Jesus is reluct to do his mission and to save us and marry us and to be with us forever he’s not reluctant at all he is boted with us he Delights in us that we will be his forever there is nothing that will stop him entering into an eternal Covenant with us his people so have you let this sink into our hearts as Christ looks at us he’s mean he sees us ugly and messed up our hearts are black we have made a mess of Our Lives even if we’ve dressed ourselves up and tried to cover it all up and we think in our hearts well if he only really knew who I was he would be half-hearted at best towards me but what Christ sees is not what we are when we first became Christians he sees what we will be on our wedding day what he sees is he he imagines himself stood at the top of the aisle looking at his bride coming down the aisle and that thought makes his heart leap with joy we will be his beautiful bride on that day number three Jesus sets us praying for his coming uh the imagery changes again in verse six now we to imagine the city walls of Jerusalem standing strong and on the walls Christ the Lord has set Watchmen there on permanent Duty verse six on your walls oh Jerusalem I have set Watchmen all the day and all the night they shall never be silent you who put the Lord in remembrance take no rest and give him no rest until he establishes Jerusalem and makes it a praise in the earth Watchmen were to keep watch for what was coming on the horizon and what warn the city so they could be ready but these Watchmen are to pray as they wait praying for Christ the Lord to return to his people to his City they are never to give up and so these Watchmen are to do what Jesus himself does in verse one they’re to be ever Restless until he has accomplished his mission makes sense doesn’t it Jesus is praying up in heaven to complete his mission right now and we on Earth are to pray for him to complete his mission because the Same Spirit that’s on him is in us on earth and the same spirit moves us to pray what he prays and so Jesus calls his followers in the gospels to watch and pray we are the Watchmen who are to watch and pray we are the Watchmen on the city walls waiting for him to return at verse 16 it’s striking how prayers describe our prayers are to put Christ the Lord in remembrance and give him no rest now not it’s not of course that Jesus will forget us I mean after all we are his bride he’s waiting for to marry but he knows how prone our hearts are and our minds are so prone to doubt and discouragement and despair that he sets us praying for his coming he wants us to be free of all doubts I mean that’s how prayer works we call on him to do what he has already promised verse 8 he is sworn to that that that that the Exile will never happen again and instead we will rejoice and feast in God’s presence forever in prayer we call on him to do what he has already promised and those kinds of prayers always get answered uh verse 10 the city gates are to be open and the way prepared for ready for the arrival of Christ the lord uh we’ve seen that imagery before in Isaiah of a great Highway of Christ leading his people from both Jew and Gentile to come to a New Jerusalem uh verse 11 The Watchmen are to Proclaim to the people of Jerusalem behold your salvation comes behold his reward is with him and his recompense before him Christ the lord is coming he is our salvation his reward and recompense it’s us it’s his bride he’s going to bring to his City his bride his crown his reward he Delights in us so much so that verse 12 and they shall be called the holy people the redeemed of the Lord and you shall not and you should be called salt out a city not forsaken but when the Watchmen spot his coming what a surprise they get chapter 63 verse one who is this comes from Edom in Crimson garments from bosra he who is Splendid in his apparel Marching In the greatness of his strength Edom had long been a thorn in the side of Israel God’s people and here Edom stands for all the nasty enemies of the church over the centuries and the reason their named here is because Edom sounds like the Hebrew word for red this person The Watchman has just spotted on the horizon is dressed in bright red and Crimson of course it’s Christ the Lord he’s the one coming end of verse one it is I speaking in righteousness mighty to save it’s him and he’s coming in the power of the spirit and so the big question is why is he dressed in wed I I mean I’ve never been to a wedding where the bridegroom is dressed in red say verse two they ask the question why is your apparel red and your garments like his who treads in the wine press the answer comes in verse three and it’s gruesome if you thought you were watching a romantic movie you’re actually W watching a violent action film verse three I have troen the wine press alone and from the peoples no one was with me I trod them in my anger and trampled them in my wroth their lifeblood splattered on my garments and stained All My Apparel I mean bosra mentioned in verse one was known for its wine production as as if Christ has been in a giant wine press stamping on the grapes so much so that he’s just splattered in the grape juice except it’s talking about blood he’s been trampling on all the the Nations who’ve been so vicious to the church and now his clothes are covered in blood if you don’t find this image shocking there’s something wrong with you we’re meant to find this shocking let me make three comments firstly this was written to people who had been at the end of vicious superpowers killing taking hostages burning down their family homes if we’ve never experienced anything like that that then passages like this won’t really make full sense to us secondly Isaiah 49 told us that Jesus’s sword will be his mouth and we’ve already seen today how God’s holy spirit power comes through his words at the end of the Bible Revelation chapter 19 picks up this image of the wine press that Jesus Will tread and says that his sword SW will be his mouth the ultimate enemies of the church that Jesus must conquer are not humans but evil spiritual powers and the way he will do that is through the sword of his words and number three uh Christ must conquer to save his people that’s why he’s doing this it is I speaking in righteousness mighty to save verse four on his heart is the day of Vengeance and the year of redemption this judgment happen so salvation can happen uh what he announced at the end of in beginning of chapter 61 is now here the Jubilee year is beginning but it must begin with vengeance because you can’t have a perfect new world without dealing with the evil of this world at verse five uh we’re told how he looked and no one else could do it this is like one of those action movies where the hero has singlehandedly taken out the bad guy’s evil empire he emerges from the rubble and the destruction covered in blood and ripped claves but he emerges Victorious but as is almost predictable in these action movies it’s not taking out the evil that really drives the hero so often as it it’s the young woman in the story we all know the classic plotline she gets caught by the bad guy and needs to be rescued and it’s that girl being caught by him which fills him with the most passion the hero with the most passion and anger to get the job done and so it is here Christ is coming in this awful destruction as it were but he’s coming to rescue his bride Christ comes from Heaven to seek out his bride he doesn’t win her by going on a dating app he goes with weapons and armor and singlehandedly goes into battle to free her from hostage this is the day he’s gearing up for this is the day we are to pray for this is the day the spirit anointed him for and more than once we are told In this passage that it’s his anger in his heart which drives him on this day I mean we we can we go whoa that’s a bit full on but a husband who discovers his bride he is boted with has been kidnapped and horrible things are being done to her he has got every right to be filled with anger and to come and get his bride otherwise his love means nothing at all and so here we see just how deeply Christ feels about his church it’s how he feels about us many things in this world might seem like they stand against against us what is it in your life at the moment I don’t know many things might seem like they’re against us but Jesus Will Conquer them all he is filled with anger at them and no wonder he has set us as his Watchmen to watch and pray and to pray your kingdom come and so we pray that in Jesus’s name amen we’ll stand to sing Jesus the name High Over All [Music] Jesus all the [Music] angels and [Music] before Jesus to see the s [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesusis to Str the soul he s and to the the world might and see the rich PR [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh and and PR holy to [Applause] [Music] the all my to [Music] Happ and behold beh all [Music] please take a seat we’re going to have a time of prayer now I’m going to pray uh for General silot and the general election Beth is going to pray for the summer and and’s going to pray for things happening in Christ Church so let’s pray our gracious Heavenly Father we thank you that our land is a democratic one and on Thursday uh everyone had a chance uh to speak we thank you for the freedom of speech uh for the living and health care that we have that so many countries do not remind us always to be grateful for what we have and enjoy we pray for our new government we pray for K starma as he leads our Parliament though he denies you uh we pray that he will still uh lead uh for the good of all and leave all self Ambitions behind but we do pray that you may open his and his family eyes uh to your love we pray for all MPS of all parties uh may they uh remain true to their word and pledges uh and fill them with Insight compassion uh and energy as they carry out their job in an honorable way we pray for all MPS who have lost their jobs thinking particularly uh Peter Oris we pray that you may guide them in their new careers May many of them look to you for help and guidance and finally uh we pray that our government May tackle issues like immigration the NHS defense and crime so that our country might become a fairer safer and better place uh to live and we pray also that Christians may continue to have the freedom to Proclaim uh Jesus and act out what they believe amen father we turn our prayers to our church of England’s General Sant sinod particularly as they are meeting at this very moment in York we are so sad that many in that group seem to have turned their back on what the Bible says about certain subjects like gender human sexuality and marriage we pray that the Holy Spirit may move many to repent Bishops and Ley alike we pray for those who have taken a stand against the majority as they follow your word and we pray that you may give them the voice that is heard and give them courage and perseverance to stand up for what is Right according to your word and we pray uh in the future that the Synod will change its ruling and make it clear that marriage is between a man and a woman and finally we pray that the correct decision may be made regarding the reparations uh fund that the sinot is paying uh to those as a result uh of slavery and we ask all these things in the name of our Lord Jesus amen dear heavenly father we thank you for all that we’ve been learning through Isaiah we thank you so much that it points us to Jesus that even long before um Jesus came as a baby on this Earth that we were told and given those promises um of what of what you would do and um and your salvation that um would come through that and the hope that is found in in you alone we thank you that you came in the power of the spirit and that same Spirit um will be on us and in us too and that we pray that people around will see that shining through us um that many will come to know you we thank you that you build your church and that it’s you that will make your church your bride beautiful that often we may see problems and difficulties um around us but Lord that you will con conquer all of those and that you will come back for your bride uh that we have this sure hope in you help us to be a people that keep praying and keep watching for that return and help us to keep praying that your kingdom will come we think as well of our prayer Focus this morning for the growth groups we thank you that we’ve been able to look at Isaiah in those times um as well and we just pray that you will really help us to understand the message of Isaiah and that great hope that we have in you we pray for the different groups for the women’s and men’s group groups um the mixed groups the nurture group and the daytime group we thank you particularly of the daytime group um this new group that’s been able to start and we thank you for those that have come along and we just pray that um following the break in the summer as the start back up in September you’ll really establish that group that there will be many others who come and find um that support there and that encouragement to keep walking with you we pray that for all of our growth groups as well that you’ll just bring us together um that you’ll help us to grow in unity and um have those relationships that mean that we can keep encouraging each other that that we will draw closer to you and keep our eyes fixed on you um as well we pray for the each of the um leaders that you will um just be with them and help them as they prepare the sessions and lead the groups we pray too that there will be new leaders that are raised up um and that there will be that ability to have more growth groups in the future Lord we want to see the church grow more and more and more people come in to know you so we pray that there will be leaders to support those um new people coming in as well um and we pray for um John and the leaders as they look at what we should be looking at next year um in September when we meet back as well we just pray that you’ll give wisdom and guidance in that too in Jesus name amen dear father God as we approach the end of the school year with many taking holiday breaks during this time we pray this will be a season of refreshment to all who enjoy our town with its Beach and broads and for those who Venture further field may you refresh physically and spiritually our leaders and regular helpers in Christ Church that take a break from some of the regular activities during the year may we all use our time wisely that we may draw closer to you hear your voice aresh as we spend time with you from the normal routine and enjoy the wonderful world that you have given us we pray for all who live in Loof and who will visit Loof of during the summer that you will keep people safe as they enjoy the lovely Coastline you have given us be especially with our coast guards that man our beaches that all will be kept safe in our Waters as Sumer camp start up shortly for our young people we pray for our youngsters from this church who will be going to them in a few weeks time we pray for the two children who will be attending the 14 to 18 year group at allwell one and for the 8 11 to 14s who will be going to allwell 2 may you prepare their hearts for this camp and cause nothing to stop them going thank you for the increased number that are attending this year and we pray for each child that they may enjoy the camp experience having great fun and growing in their faith we pray especially for those who have never been to a a a weekl long residential Camp before that they will settle in quickly and not be homesick May there be decisions made to follow Jesus that will change the course of their lives as many in the past have experience at camps such as these we pray for Eddie and the other leaders and helpers that you will inquit them with all that is needed needed as they rely on the strength of the Holy Spirit to enable them please keep them physically well in the lead up to the camps and your protection over them as they serve these young people and for the studies that will take place Lord on the book of Exodus we pray also for the women’s Fellowship tea this Wednesday at the vicarage and for the church barbecue later this month that these events will be well attended and be a great time of mixing together and getting to know each other more we also Lord pray for fine weather too for all outdoor activities taking place during the summer months father God may you refresh each person in our church this summer with a deepening of your love and a desire to continue to live out our lives for your glory in jesus’ name we pray amen and we fin finish uh our time of prayer with the uh Church of England’s prayer for today God our Father you have prepared for those who love you good things that surpass our understanding pour into our heart such love towards you that loving you Above All We may obtain your promises which are greater than we can desire through Jesus Christ Our Lord amen we come to our final hymn John Wesley wrote it over 300 years ago and it’s as true now the words as it was then and that first line can it be true it was almost Charles was thinking can it be true that God’s that he should be that we should be a part of God’s Great mercy so let’s stand to sing [Music] heart theor [Music] for [Music] [Applause] his toaz [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] for the strange [Music] [Applause] [Music] and [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] his J [Music] GL [Music] [Music] all [Music] might sing [Music] and the [Music] bring the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] heart [Music] Jus my Liv just [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hallelujah would you like to uh take a seat welcome back children nice to see you I hope you’ll show us uh older ones what you’ve been up to and what you’ve been making across the road right don’t rush off afterward please hang around and join us for a cup of coffee and please uh feel free to come along uh tonight to hear more about uh Joshua right let’s have uh a final two prayers Heavenly Father first we want to thank you for all that you’ve given us and we pray that what we have given back to you uh through various ways you may use uh to spread the good news of the Lord Jesus amen andk Amazing Grace can it really be true thank you for reminding us through the hymn uh thank you for reminding us through Isaiah how much you love us and we pray uh that that that thought that promise May remain with us uh this coming week uh and in the weeks to come remind us of your great love uh and your great mercy your great love that you have for us at your church and now may the blessing of God the Father Almighty May the blessing of God the Son and the blessing of the Holy Spirit be with us all and with all those whom we love dearly now and forever more amen am for

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