Latvialaisissa juhannusjuhlissa syödään juustoa ja juodaan olutta, poltetaan kokkoa ja tehdään taikoja. Mukana on tietenkin hukkumismahdollisuus ja dubstepiä. Jaksossa esiintyy myös runoilija, ja mitäpä olisi keskikesä ilman pellolla kirmaavaa ylipainoista keski-ikäistä alastonta miestä.

    // Beer, cheese and bo-bo-bo-bonfire are the essential parts of Latvian midsummer party. Here is also Latvian poet and of course beer bellied naked men.

    Sankarimatkailija Latvian maakunnissa. Se on hyvä kirja. #Like kustannus julkaisi. Osta pois kuleksimasta.

    Matkaajat: Tero H. Savolainen ja Ivanda Jansone
    Leikkaaja: Jani Sorsa
    Tuottaja/ohjaaja: Tero H. Savolainen

    Midsummer special I watch television… Welcome to watch midsummer special. We were invited to a Latvian midsummer party. First, we went to see village theater play. Now we are at the party location, on a field by the forest. These are the fundaments of Latvian summer solstice celebration. This is beer and this is like home-made cheese. Typical midsummer cheese. This is flavored with cumin seeds. Thanks! -Thanks! Name of the midsummer eve in Latvian is Līgo. It’s easy to remember because of this song. Name of the midsummer day in Jāni. Jānis is also a man’s name. To the heroes of the day is given a oak crown, which symbolize health, power and wealth. Ans now Jānis, man like an oak, recites midsummer poems. Jānis Gutāns poet, environmental artist I’ll grow I’ll grow upward And when I’ll be grown up I’ll call you over And then we’ll fly And then we’ll nest Essence of Jāni is harmony. Shortest night… …shortest… …Latvia. I think this harmony is so strong that we don’t even realize how strong it is. We sometimes escape from from it, and we don’t even know why it happens so. We have to get ready. Merry summer solstice! The bonfire just fully blazed. The bonfire enlighten the darkest hours of the night and repelled all the evil demons. When the Sun raised back to the horizon, I needed to make sure couple of little things. These king of crowns belongs to the Latvian celebration. I made also one for myself, but made accidentally women’s model. Well, I wear it anyway. Many beliefs belong to the summer solstice celebration. Now the luck to get laid/married is ensured. It’s ready now, morning dew has risen. If one walks in shallow water, in the morning there will be money in the shoe. It is believed also that by jumping over one can drop off all the stress of the last half an year. And then the person can face the coming half year with shiny clean soul. And then the person can face the coming half year with shiny clean soul. Oh, I just dropped all the stress of last six months. Now I feel very light, relieved and stressless. I need some beer with cheese…. Wake up! Oh, it was such a great party. Now on nights are getting longer… what do I have…? It works, I had my wallet in my shoe. I wish a happy rest of the year to everyone. Maybe there still some cheese left…. Let’s cut to this picture now. In the next episode we travel to Riga. Thanks for watching!

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