A video shows Roger from unicycle.com in the UK preparing for the penny farthing racing at the Sweden 3 Day Event. It shows the set up and shipping of the penny farthing from the UK to Sweden and the races in the event.
    #unicycledotcom #udcpennyfarthing #pennyfarthing

    hello welcome un cycle.com videos um g a quick video might actually not being quick I don’t quite know how long this is going to take but we’re going to uh uh a video on Preparation and uh everything ready for going for this we 3day event so that’s a um actually Four races that happen over three days in lond or near lond to be exact because they do move around a little bit uh in southern Sweden they’re Fast and Furious races absolutely fantastic great event so I’ve been for the last couple of years and uh looking forward to to going back this year so taking my penny fighting with me uh it’s going in the uh the bag which I made a couple of years ago but to do that I’ve got a a little modification I need to do to the penny faring because I take the the rear step off which I I welded on uh for the nutsford race quite pleased I did actually um so that needs unwelding I need to put a bolt in and do some other stuff and some prep stuff here so I’ll video some of that and show how we get on the dirt e ah now you can see we’ve um we’ve got the the rear step off and I’ve tied it up and I’ve painted everything um I’ve done a little bit more than that as well so you can see there I’ve put a couple of holes in and nice and tied it up and I’ve also put inserts on the frame so they M6 inserts so I’ve got a couple of um M6 set screws which will just go in and hold it in place um and hopefully I mean they don’t have to take it on and off then it’ll be there permanently and come off when they need it so there we go frame is ready um looking a lot TI than it was before um put new stickers on and uh looks almost like a brand new Penny faring so we’ve um done what you should do everything is unpacked and repacked so that’s the penny faring um just before I see SE it all in um we’ve got a little poster there as well just to take along we’ve got my riding gear which will go inside the wheel um so since I’ve looked at the forecast and I know it’s due to rain so I’ve got wet weather gear um next bag is the my uh bib shorts and then I’ve got my tops just trying to be prepared so everything there is what I’m riding with I then have my helmet which I will carry on to the plane don’t want to pack that uh check that in I’ve then got my computer bag and clothes and my day bag basically so that’s everything I’ve got to take um so everything’s going to get packed up and then drive down to London uh ready for catching the flight tomorrow morning hello so now I’m in Sweden um let’s uh see what ST penny farings in it got a bit battered uh on on the flight over so I’ve seen some rips in the bag I think it’s all right but let’s see and then we’ll do some building [Music] [Music] oh this is takes takes some effort to open [Music] um okay well shoes are going to be all [Music] right looks like the frames all right at least the legs are and not much wrong with a rear wheel that’s wrapped in the bag so that’s W [Music] Forks kind of over this ones wi these I’m certain will be okay cling up and a bit cardboard on the sort of Overkill but um [Music] perfect absolutely perfect brilliant okay so there are always a bit of apprehension when you is it going to have survived so riding gear there of course no problem ah need to take the frame out so this is the spine Liv in let me see if I can open this up there a little bag here that sits around the edge so it can’t move and this is the spine of course it’s one of the heavy units so didn’t want it uh getting damaged there [Music] comes nice no damage at all so that’s really good I sound like I’m expecting damage but uh when the uh when the bag was damaged I I thought oh no that the tools handle pass okay although I might rewrap them did way around and the [Music] wheel one more B you come out has its own socks and there are only bit left in there there a saddle that I’ve pushed in in the middle between the uh things so you can see there Penny faring is uh together look good so the reason it was built on the Thursday night was we went downtown so this is in the center of land we um we actually went to the um actually hotel and met the mayor and had speakers and things like that and we then went to a park and had a bit of fun really U they’ Got a Lovely Fountain there so um pennying Riders being Penny faring Riders decided to ride around it great for publicity um it it really was a bit of fun the other thing that happened is um the band turned up so this band there every year they’re a bunch of Nutters they we’ve even had them on the penny faring which is is really quite fun um and as you can see we’re sat there and having beers and ice cream and things oh there’s Rory and you can see T in the background uh all good the other nice thing that happened is that wackin turned up so he’s not rating this year but came to S Sayo and we messed around had a meal was all good okay so uh first over racing so just packing getting things ready so this is uh kind of laying things out ready to to go so it’s uh what is it it’s 8:00 in the morning and we leave at 9:00 so the penny farings ready packed well almost ready so this is kind of the kit that I will take for today’s races there two races first race is a time trial second race is circuit race so um so run through what we’ve got here so obviously uh sunscreen we’ve got uh two lots of glasses um we’ve got um there’s there’s clear glasses and there’s also a set of um mirrored glasses just for uh depending on the weather it looks like it’s thunderstorms today so we’ve got the wet weather gear I’ve got my cycling top with my number I’m number 28 got a hoodie for uh when it gets cold after the race and it does do after you’ve been racing you need to keep yourself warm mits um I just uh there’s a tripod there for filming um reading reading glasses that shows my age Garmin there’s uh shoes for racing Garmin Mount uh inhalers a bag for carrying everything we’ve got uh my helmet and uh with a built-in visor we’ve got uh two lots of water ready for the races and of course coffee so that’s a fa chunk to take um we’re being given a lift over to uh the race course which is 70 kilomet away um and uh the last few years it’s been absolutely beautiful on the time trial so it’s a 9 and a2k time time time trial course and then um it’s a 1K loop around a racetrack um which will’ll come to later on anyway so but I actually finish off and get packed and get downstairs okay here we are at the start of the uh time TR race briefing I don’t know never slightly worried about this but always am always apprehensive okay when at 28 minutes nice fast bit to begin with and then headwind I had no idea how well I did soory now it’s time for the men and I will change this third place from France Eric tag [Applause] [Applause] [Music] 9 Andra plots second place for sliming that’s Sweden Maas that’s Matias in English or in American Matias Nordstrom [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and then we actually have one t t oh Eric’s time was 20 50 minutes 9 seconds Matias 20 minutes 5 Seconds 15 we had actually quite an outstanding outstanding winner today from United Kingdom yay Roger [Applause] DAV 18 minutes [Applause] you stand there have the two winners together in the middle okay you probably realize that was actually quite a surprise to me and I was extremely pleased with that uh we went off and had a meal and this happened lots and lots of rain so we went to the beach slightly better those are our riders in there as well by the way um and uh then second race says we’re already ready for it so this is at the uh the racetrack quite fun here getting ourselves ready as you see it stopped raining actually it wasn’t a bad evening although it was still incredibly windy you know the the wind here was incredible so here you see I think this is my and uh I’m not sure who the other person is um but it’s in the Heats they’re not absolutely bombing it around but it gives you some idea of the the course this is swinging around the bottom of the the course and there’s then a long straight uphill um into the wind so uh this is one of the places where you could play games with tactics and try and get past people um but uh yeah it it it’s a nice course it’s got enough straight and enough windiness in it um and it’s got a couple of really tight Corners as well so it’s it’s quite a fun one to do with a men and on third place representing team axis and Sweden Henrik headstrom otherwi when we get home in three or four days we won’t have any second place representing United Kingdom Roger Davis someone is thinking of POS and the winner from sliming represent team freedam sickle and Sweden with the time 16 minutes 9 seconds Matias [Applause] NS you to some so you can see I got beat amazing Sprint from matus at the end which was fantastic okay today we’ve got uh another circuit race so um this is a park but it’s a specially built circuit and it I think it’s 1.2 km round and it’s exactly round so guys comes all the way back and there we are I’ll probably try and get some video of the circuit itself [Applause] so here’s uh just some pictures of the final races well in fact both both the Saturday and the Sunday race at the at the big oval um just giv you just a feeling of of racing the penny farings on this this massive space we had there really fun U but uh yeah hopefully you get some idea of the racing there [Applause] hello well uh I’m back home uh it’s Monday evening 9:00 um it didn’t take me all this time to get home so I actually set off directly after the race on Sunday and uh spent some time uh down south I uh saw Ed Hawks and did a sdfu podcast which uh I’m sure you’ll you’ll see or he later on um but that’s a long journey back um as much as anything it’s it’s coming back uh up uh through England it takes time so I’m in the UDC van and uh you can see there we’ve got the penny farthing with us and you might be able to see there you can actually see some damage um I’ve been in the bag and and the penny faring looks as if it’s okay so that’s quite good um do apologize there isn’t much on the last race um but it was an interesting one I’ll try and uh grab some photos for the video um but uh it was 2hour um race and me and Matas uh kind of battled it out right to the end and had a Sprint finish and he did his trick um he just beat us um but so it was two allall two allall on the races so uh um it was wet as well which I kind of don’t like actually no one likes it when it’s that wet uh lovely ceremony uh with a handed out prizes um T won the overall because they they gave the final race as the The Cider between the two of us um but uh no it was fun um so a little summary of of the weekend um so the first race was the time trial of course and um that went in my favor um with me taking 2 minutes out of uh everyone else so 10% faster I was not expecting that so that was very satisfying second race was um was at the RAC trck um W very windy uh it’s slightly hilly and immense fun to race on uh just being within a bunch so um uh again that’s that’s the race that matus uh beat me on the Sprint uh really interesting the speeds we got up to so as I came through the Finish Line I was doing 51 kilometers an hour and Matas went past me so he was going faster so we checked on his stra afterwards 53.2 kilm an hour now that’s going some um next race was at the big oal uh in lond and uh well big it’s uh what is it it’s 700 50 m round um little bit of a raise in it and it’s quite a windy area so that was interesting I’d got tactics there and I tried to pull away from uh the by forcing him to ride into the wind and then taking him with a wind behind me and I did succeed so so I won that one and then as I’ve already mentioned the final race which was the was at the same place as at the big oval was a two-hour race everyone on the track together great camaraderie um great uh kind of pack riding with lots of drafting the lead group um mixed the the work so we ended up with four of us working together to um to kind of break everyone else which was quite good and in fact we um we got I think three quarter way around to actually catching the lot behind us um and then by a fluke um it ended up with myself and Matas together um we actually did lap every other person um and we then rode for over an hour together um just gaining on everyone again so trying to get get two laps ahead a lot of people we we we lapped multiple times but even of the Front Runners we were trying to um to get two laps on didn’t quite succeed but um it was fun trying and then Matas sprinted at the end um must say thank you to um to Pelle kiple for his help on organizing this event did a fantastic job the team he’s got there is fantastic and he really did do a good job the the prizes were great the support from the lond um City organization the the the mayor was the mayor’s fantastic by the way uh he’s a lovely guy um and the whole organization was was really good um and we have news so next year it’s not in lond it’s not in Sweden so the Swedish 3day is actually going to be in Belgium so uh that that will uh be easier for some people to get to uh the Belgium have great reputation for racing and I’m absolutely certain they’re going to put on a great event there so that’s one to look forward to so anyway hope you uh have enjoyed this little snapshot of the event and we’ll see you at some more racing thanks very much


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