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    [Music] hello welome to highlights of stage one of the 24 edition of the Jito dialo women a 15.7 km individual time trial kicks off proceedings in this year’s jro as RCS take over as the organizers bringing it in line with the men’s jro Italia stage one in the beautiful Lombardy city of breia technical start couple of 90° turns on the way out an intermediate time check at 6.8 km hot dog turn and then the climb up to the castle with a very technical cobbled descent and then the run in towards the Finish many teams opting to put their big name favorites off early in the day due to the weather forecast Juliet labus came in to the Finish to knock Nicola nosova off the top of the leaderboard last year’s second place r putting herself up there in the general classification she comes into this year’s jro as a potential winner LTE keki in the Belgian national time trial Champions colors what can the runner up the tour to France fam abex zwift and the world champion do in this jro she clearly comes in as team SD Works leader she went through the intermediate time split marginally up on Juliet labus and then coming in towards towards the Finish she would put herself to the top of the leaderboard with this ride but it was touch and go only 4 seconds at the end between keki and [Music] laus Alisa Longo borghini the Italian Road champion in the colors of little Tre she had passed her Italian time trial title onto Victoria guini this year but out on the road Longo borghini after crashing out of last year’s jro back to her brilliant Fest and having a phenomenal season she was setting the time checks Al light out on the course and she came in to the finish and she would set the new fastest time another Rider that had started early on in the day the team of little Trek clearly had got the tactics right sprinting up towards the line Longo bini went to the top of the leader boorder with that ride 25 seconds faster than keki 45691 km hour ride where the Italians going to get the dream start to the jro that they wanted Grace Brown of fdj ss though was not going to make it easy for them the Aussie time trial Champion out of the start gate and would go in into this jro time trial given the distance and the pedigree of the Aussie as the big favorite it was level at the intermediate time check it would mean that Grace Brown was going to have to throw everything into the return leg to brasia and she came into the Finish she was within Striking Distance of Longo bini’s time Brown driving for home and in the end it would come down down to a fight and just one slender second at the line brown marginally outside the time of Longo borghini but it does set up stages to come and an absolute thrilling edition of this jro leoan of Team visma Lisa bike you would say at World Tour level this is with the ride of the young Dutch Riders career came into the Finish she would not keki down to Fourth went into third place with that ride absolutely phenomenal time trial by leoen could she keep herself on the podium Brody Chapman second in the recent time trial in turingan in Germany she had quite different conditions to the early starters Dreadful reain at the turnaround Point Brody Chapman given the conditions that she was dealing with out on the course was heading back in towards Bia and she was pushing the time of Alisa Longo borghini close the final climb up to the Finish roughly 900 m in length averaging 5.1% maxing out at 7.4% broy Chapman hit the clim could she carry that speed to the top and then take in the treacherous switch back descent on the way down we had seen Silka schmers crash on The Descent Brody Chapman took it in her stride and she came in towards the finish and she would put herself into third place so Italy and Australia second and third in the standings Ruth Edwards the winner of the Turan State race in Germany last week has taken a jro stage win in her career she showed her time trial form to take that turingan race and Edward who retired from the sport and came back this season with the team of human power and health is showing what a force to be reckoned with she is in 2.0 of her career you would say stop the clock with a time 30 seconds down on Alisa longa bini she went into eighth place and T noan of Vietnam and Roland was the final Rider to finish he was over two minutes down on Elisa longa bini which meant that the first m Rosa and the first stage win of this year’s Jalia women goes to Italy and atast a Longo bini your top 10 looks like this Elis long goini takes a stage ahead of Grace Brown and broy Chapman no keki Harman labo Edwards caban and at your top 10 Elisa longa bini will start stage two in the malosa a great start to this year’s race for the Italian but it is tight it could come down to a fight for bonus seconds bet that Grace Brown will look to try and wrestle that off her shoulders but for Italy and Alisa Longo bini what a dream start to the 2024 edition of the race Longo bini sprays the famous asoria prco who always produce a limited edition uh prco for this Edition we start on the banks of Lake Garda tomorrow in serion it is a beautiful setting for tomorrow’s stage it’s fairly lumpy just two category 4 climbs along the Route it should be one of the opportunities for the sprinters in this Edition we head into forto Manana for stage to 110 km could it be a day for the likes of kiar conson or LTE keki make sure you join us for more action tomorrow [Music] [Music]


    1. The commentary on the women’s racing is superb .I have spent many hours watching men’s events this year and after one event I have learned more about the riders in the women’s peloton than I have learned all season about the men’s .Every rider on the screen is named and their nationality and team given %Unlike the men’s commentary where I learn more about the commentators than the riders .

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