Remco Evenepoel explains how he managed the Galibier attack everyone saw coming by Tadej Pogacar, what he called a ticking time bomb in the Tour de France 2024. #TDF

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    Remco heck of a day out there when the attacks went at the top of the glier it maybe looked bad for you but you got third place over the top and you did a heck of a descent how satisfied are you with the day yeah it was not bad I mean uh I think T showed his his quality is again uh High pace and then a brutal attack I think uh it was clear that he’s uh he’s the strongest of the field so uh uh yeah congrats to him of course and uh for my side I think it was a pretty pretty good day uh uh I came quite close to yonas on the top um but then I I had to risk in in The Descent in the first part uh there was some Irish water on the road and I I slipped sometimes so uh yeah it was pretty sketchy uh made some small mistakes uh and then the guys behind me came back so then uh we had to to to ride all together to uh to kind of uh limit the the time loss and then yeah quite a good Sprint to finish second so uh very good day in the off of today we ALS saw we all thought the t attack was going to come you the way UAE was working what do you do when it comes and how do you manage that uh it’s like a bit of a a time bomb that is uh is sticking so uh you just wait and and see when when he goes and of course I think it was uh pretty clear he was going to go in the last kilometer as there it was a bit of tailwind and then also it was the steepest kilometer so uh and especially with the bonus seconds on top I think it was a very smart attack uh one moment I was thinking to go myself but then uh yeah it was better to wait for today and not explode uh but yeah like I said his attacks are so um explosive that it’s pretty difficult to to get on the wheel uh you need to get as as fast as possible on his wheel otherwise he’s gone like like we saw so uh but I think yeah finishing second in a in a big mountain stage in the tour is not bad and uh for the moment second in GC uh I think it’s uh it’s going like uh yeah like we we planned and uh good start for us of course thank you thank you very much


    1. Remco is well positioned. He is by far the fastest on the flats. If he manages to escape, he could put time into Pog and Vingo. Could see him win the next TT as well, perhaps by as much as half a minute.

    2. For now he doesn't seem to be able to match the explosiveness of the other two, but I'm still very impressed by how much better he looks in this race compared to what I had expected from him.

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