I spent a day on the beautiful island of Nisyros in the heart of the Dodecanese. The island impressed me with its stunning nature, charming main town, and many things to see and explore. Of course, things don’t always go as planned, and my adventure with a rented bicycle didn’t end where I intended – at the volcano in the center of the island. The midday heat in the Mediterranean summer was intense, and my GoPro battery was down to 10%, so I left this as a reason to return for another visit…

    Nisyros also spelled Nisiros (Greek: Νίσυρος,) is a volcanic Greek island and municipality located in the Aegean Sea. It is part of the Dodecanese group of islands, situated between the islands of Kos and Tilos.

    Its shape is approximately round, with a diameter of about 8 km (5 mi), and an area of 41.6 km2 (16.062 sq mi). Several other islets are in the direct vicinity of Nisyros, the largest of which is Gyali, with a population of 22 citizens. The Municipality of Nisyros includes Gyalí, as well as uninhabited Pacheiá, Pergoússa, Kandelioussa, Ágios Antónios and Strongýli. It has a total land area of 50.055 km2 (19.326 sq mi) and a total population of 1,048 inhabitants (2021). The island was also called Nisiro in Italian and İncirli in Turkish.

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    so hello and Cera this is the neros I just arrived with fair you see leaving the port now I arrive from Ros town I’m pretty much in middle of this chain of islands in the middle of to the canus in that direction there is the tilos next one is co and today is the day for exploring n it’s a most popular about one thing this island has still one active volcano probably that’s the main thing why people coming but there is of course much more to see on MOS and plan for today is first go to check main town I think it’s name mandra see what’s pretty usual name for so welcome to MOS pretty usual name for main Harbor Town MOS Island and we are somewhere here in Mandi so first mission go to explore main town then I’ll try to find a way to visit volcano and of course to find some nice Beach so milr everything on Greek language so I can’t say what about but probably this is a basic info about neros myos 42 km area and posidon the god of the sea in the battle of the God against the Giants create neros but thr Rock from Co and buring them pitus under it then neros is created so basically according to Greek mythology myos is ated when poon God of sea throw the rock so probably because F just arrived there is a little busy on the streets but I’m pretty sure n will be one very peaceful and nice nice Greek Island so electronic bikes interesting maybe it will be best solution to explore this island ni thank you [Music] is spee for [Music] it’s a pretty much middle of the day so not too many people on the streets also this small Beach looks pretty empty but I’m sure n has much more to offer about Beach and swimming and probably in late afternoon this all restaurants will be full with people so time to continue exploring main town okay let’s try this way two BS vanilla and cappuccino what way let’s go this way okay nice mazes nice view but I can tell you what’s this exactly spee speeech speech speech speech speech now it’s what I expect it to be very nice very peaceful place just Greek island I like to visit archaeological Museum of mos but it’s closed oh Tuesday closed what the spee [Music] spe [Music] let’s check this part as I remember correctly from the videos from my favorite YouTuber Gabriel traveler and also my second favorite YouTubers Jumping Places I think in this direction there is a beach I watch both video from jumping places and Gabriel trailer uh like any other of course both video are amazing everyone his way and if I remember correctly well nice viewpoint for to Monastery of course maybe when I’m going back why not looks like very nice viewpoint but this island looks very very nice oh this will not be proper way but GE diversity northest coast of neros is dominated by formation of basilic and at tastic pillow lows that formed during the first cycle of volcanism so let’s continue not much wind today and that is good news for quality of sound of this video I even didn’t attach my GoPro Media mode because I hope it will be okay but it will be pretty hot for walking so I need to figure out how to go to volcano without too much walking and here we are it’s a beach pretty massive rocks I must say and so black probably it’s understandable because we are on live volcano island so oh what a nice place to rest a little bit okay I’m not sure maybe later I will check the water on this beach but now time to go back and explore more of beautiful Nas and you see my next stop time for go to monastery for it’s not easy to be a dog in the Island full of cats dog life so we have a sign to the monaster so we are in this is a this is a beautiful neros and we are in the monastery for [Music] and I am back to town time to continue exploring main Town finally I have some wind because I already set it too much so now plan plan is to find the way how to visit volcano definitely will be too hot for walking oh way to Palo Castro well let’s see how things going CH well for well I’m hoping to go back to Port this way but not so sure that is a possible let’s find out [Music] good okay very nice Square probably I will try to find this Square again once and I finish with all exploration for today looks like perfect place for rest a bit little bit and of course to eat something and I stopped filming for a moment because I was worried that I will fished in someone house because all of these small streets in one moment I was so sure that way I choose will go directly in someone house but always continue and pretty much I’m back you already recognize this street so time to find a way how to visit last active volcano in Greek Islands let’s find it and now you see M Town in distance and I found the way how to explore more of this beautiful island I have bike electronic bike I didn’t take my driver license so bike will be perfect of course I prefer to walk but it will be too much so we have everything beautiful neros is around here and let’s explore see you on next stop so we made some progress we have 9 km to volcano my bike works very good for now I hope it will continue and I am pretty good form so still not tired so hope in next half hour maybe a little more we will be on volcano then after that maybe we have some time to explore some beaches so see see you soon I hope so beautiful blow water it looks so amazing now I’m pretty tired I have about 10 minutes left I hope so and now I need to make stop number two start to be really heilly even with electric bike it’s not so easy of course it give me some assistance but still with hot sunny day combination it’s pretty hard so hope in next 10 minutes or 15 I’ll be on my point and we will see volcano so cross the finger and let’s continue and here they are you can see volcano in distance and pretty close but I have another problem my GoPro battery is almost dead and I’m not sure that I have another one All Day [Music] filming on neros and now very close to the volcano Sy we got a problem I hope I can record something with my mobile phone my battery on mobile phone is much better condition so hope it will work for the end of this video if not maybe I will have luck to find where is my other battery so electronic bike still in good condition I’m ready to continue go to volcano see you I hope so we will see you very soon of course if this GoPro stay alive so let’s enjoy viiking in beautiful neros actually it’s a a biking of course I don’t share any equipment my GoPro this of the video but that’s it so one more beautiful Village on neros I am on the way to go back to mrai because I need to catch my ferry to rodos because of lack of time I already missed to visit complete volcano and my battery on my GoPro is almost dead maybe few more minutes to record but let’s try if we can catch something from this place for wait both to go so one more beautiful Village in the N Island I’m very close I’m going to check it so I have hard choice to decide where to go my my last few percent of my GoPro battery can it be on should it be on filming Volcan or some biking and other places on isos because I’m pretty sure you already see volcano on every YouTube video from neros I decide to spend this few recent of battery on some other places sorry this will be very short parts of a video but I’m just trying to show you as much as I can from neros and if you check I just see how n neros is green compared to tilos or Hy it’s a very Green Island not just rocks you can see everything is green in nisos so my bike is still ready we don’t have too much to go back I hope so let’s continue so it’s a time for officially end of this video nice day in beautiful misos there’s a lot more to see but I need to go back to rodos town and it was a nice day of exploring hiking bike riding definitely I need to go back to neros to see more maybe next time I need to take my driver license with me because it’s very hard to walk in the middle of the day but still we manag to see a lot I think for so I hope you you like this video it’s just one more day in the deesis at the start of this video I mation few of my favorite YouTubers I know they make much better videos from MOS thanks to him I decide to go here but I’m pretty sure that this video also can help you to find how mysterious like light looks in summer to 2024 and maybe you decide to go and explore by yourself this beautiful part of to canis Island so thank you and see you in next one the

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