In this part 2 of my North Cape Adventure 2024 I ride the Trans Euro Trail Sweden Track. Part 1 shows the ride in Norway. The TET Sweden is a wonderful track and if you are lucky you will encounter reindeers along the track. Quite an easy track to do with a suitable bike like the Himalayan. For part 1 go here:

    00:00 Intro
    00:22 What is TET?
    01:49 Border Norway-Sweden
    05:20 Some small water crossings
    06:20 Some mud to traverse
    07:19 The Broken bridge
    08:08 Sand traps
    09:27 Tenting
    12:30 Polarcircle at Jokkmokk
    14:25 Navigation Fail
    15:10 First Reindeer herds
    15:30 More reindeers
    18:00 Kangoos
    18:29 Lainio River crossing (ferry)
    24:00 Border to Finland

    #insta360x4 #motorcycleadventure #royalenfieldhimalayan #transeurotrail

    hello everyone and welcome to the m Adventure Norway Channel even it is mostly norion roads I will sometimes show you some uh other roads for example the trans Euro Trail uh Sweden if you don’t know what trans Euro Trail is for anything just go to the trans website from that website you may download the files to put into your G GPS unit to follow Trails all over Europe also in Sweden and Norway there are such Trails uh which you may follow so here in this uh video I will show you the Swedish version of the trans Euro Trail we will start at uh the Norwegian Swedish border quite South in Sweden at St or St in origion and up to ymok and from ymok up to moonu in Finland so I will show you a lot of uh the trails in Sweden you will get an impression of the diffic difficulty and how it looks I was very lucky with the better all the time it was not raining if it’s raining the Trail May of course be a little bit more challenging but manageable for beginners also I would say so now let us jump on the bike at the Norwegian Swedish border and follow the Swedish T all the way up to Finland [Music] oh [Music] [Music] w n it’s no two strong River and two at on side with my every bik so I will skip this and find another way around yes [Applause] [Music] yes it has been a very nice day on the Swedish T from the Swedish B and here up to S about 50 Kil from and I found a very nice uh camping spot here so I have put up my tent and uh now I’m ready for a little rest until tomorrow where I continue the Swedish Tech and I have to have some uh mosqu to Fighters here Centura and this one and also this tasell so hopefully it helps there is quite a lot of mosquitoes around here Skool as you say in uh nor Norway I brought with me some port wine from Portugal which I bought uh on my motorcycle ride in uh Portugal and it looks like a Coke good morning from uh trans Ro Trail Sweden I am on my third day on my adventure to North Cape riding the transo trail uh tracks quite nice uh ride uh roads to ride the Himalayan hi again we have now arrived the polar Circle and uh we are just some kilometers from the city of ymok in North Sweden so I am riding down there to stay for the night and then I will uh continue the trans AO Trail tomorrow yes morning in uh ymok so now we are starting the last bit of uh the con Sweden so let’s jump on a bike and uh start the ride [Music] f [Music] right yes uh just uh left the little village ulti and I am on the last part of the Swedish uh T I’m uh um closing in to the Lio River where I will take a f uh and over to n in uh th line how many kilom is it to the B it’s a it’s quite a bit actually you’re going to go through a a big Big Stretch of gravel road and then there’s a bit of asphalt as well so you have a a bit to go but it’s the grael so kind of you go alone yes alone is the best companion I think so um you decide everything yourself yeah no I think uh but you have to be friend with yourself yeah yeah yeah that special people to be alone yes is it a lot of those uh riding uh bikes with gravel tires and such yeah we had this gang uh 3 days ago I took the photograph uh see where there we oh a big gang yeah three days ago it’s the same sort of same bike you have mhm the the car stylish yes it’s a Indian made bike Indian Indian make Himalayan they are riding these bikes in the Himalayas I see yes we have arrived the other side thanks a lot yeah and it was a great ride the state of the Y LLY new fairy yeah thanks a lot yes and good luck on the gravel roads thank you I have ridden it once before oh yeah in the 2000 8 I see I didn’t see you then but probably see you again yeah maybe sometime yeah yeah yeah good luck thank you bye-bye byebye a beautiful place on the Sand Road uh up to B very beautiful nature here it’s a Nature Park and uh the nature ha is just stunning [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]


    1. Har ikke ord !!! – helt utrolig – en fantastisk tur !! 😀😀👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
      Sven – hvis du liker åpne hjelmer, og kanskje, av og til, kjøre med hjelmen i åpen stilling – som en 1/2 hjelm….. Jeg kan anbefale : LS2 FF901 Advant X ( finnes også i Carbon ). Hvis ikke du allerede har en …. Kjempe behagelig. Kan kjøre åpent, uten å anstrenge nakken, med kun visiren/e nede eller å komme inn i butikkene uten å ta den av….. Sert. ECE 22.06. Jeg har de nyeste Shuberthene og Shoeiene, men bruker, stortsett denne LS2en !

    2. Vilken go resa 🙂 Fint väder verkar ni även haft. Vi körde en bit på sektion 1 och 6:an i helgen, var regn och regn och lite mer regn och stom 😂

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