You can cycle from Euston in north central London to Westminster, entirely on quiet streets and protected cycle lanes.

    The route is 3.7km long (2.3 miles) and makes use of protected cycles lanes on Cycleway 27, Gower Street, and Cycleway 3, as well as quieter streets around Covent Garden

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    You can see a digital map of the route and download a GPS/GPX file to use on whatever device or app you want here:

    And you can find a viewer-created and maintained map of all the London Cycle Routes videos here:

    I also highly recommend the Safe Cycle London map for route planning, which is compiled by @SafeCycleLDN on twitter:

    hello and welcome back to London cycle routes today I’ll be showing you how to cycle from Houston in north central London to Westminster in central London this ride takes just 15 minutes and you can do the whole thing on quiet streets and protected cycle Lanes by public transport the same trip would probably take around 20 minutes and would require a change of tube line so cycling makes a lot of sense to do this journey if you find this video useful or you just enjoy watching it then please don’t forget to subscribe to the channel as I try to post new videos just like it every week I’d also like to say a huge thank you to everybody who supports the channel on patreon if you’d like to contribute as well then you can find a link in the description below the video all right let’s get going so we’re starting across the road from Houston Station and we’re going to turn around and head straight up Gordon Street which very quickly turns into Gordon square there’s very little traffic on this street and there’s also an interesting new thing here if you look out on the left past these green Planters you’ll see that the road has been closed there and turned into a bit of public Space by Camden Council they’ve removed traffic from there and may added some seating planting and bike parking which I think is a really nice way to use public space you could also check out Gordon Square Gardens which is open to the public and just to the left of that fence there it’s a nice place to sit if you’ve got some time to kill while you’re waiting for a train at Houston now we turn right on to Bing Place note that it’s no right turn except for cycles and we quickly get on to these really nice protected cycle Lanes these lanes were recently redone by Camden and they now have a really sturdy concrete barrier running in both directions they’re also nice and wide and has a really smooth surface I think that they’re great and I’d love to see that treatment used on more cycle Lanes around the city they’re definitely better than plastic ones GA Street which we’re on now also has protected Lanes of a slightly different design you can see that these Lanes have a little step down to the main carriageway so you’re at a different level from both the pavement and the main road they’re a little bit intermittent and there are sections where they turn into painted Lanes like here and I’d love to see them reinforced with maybe those concrete barriers we saw on the other lane just to give a little bit more protection especially through Junctions generally though they’re pretty good although watch out for this loading Bay we just cycled through that’s annoyingly in the cycle track and it does mean that the track can sometimes be blocked by loading Vehicles there are two spots on G Street here that you need to be really cautious of the first is this Junction that we just cycled through and the second is the second Junction that we’re about to cycle through these these Junctions are unnecessarily chaotic and they sometimes just feel a little bit unpredictable at times one particular danger is if you’re going straight ahead on a green light and a vehicle tries to turn left across you without looking or stopping for you just be aware of that and just keep an eye on any vehicles that look like they’re about to turn we want to go down endell street and this is how you get there you just use that cut in the curb in the middle and it’ll let you through Camden’s section of endell street is always nice and quiet like this and there were nice EES and restaurants set out on the quiet street in this lovely Shady spot with loads of trees as well as a pub with lots of people standing outside drinking however you can immediately tell when you cross the border into Westminster as it does get a little bit less hospitable there isn’t a lot of traffic down here but the few people who do choose to drive cars down here do tend to get in the way quite a lot as there are just so many people walking around and it’s really not laid out for Cars one particular issue is that the zebra Crossings mean that cars quite often have to stop so you’ll often get quite long cues of vehicles just like that just take it slowly and make sure you give way to any pedestrians trying to use the crossing just like we’ve done here I say that this video has probably a fairly average amount of traffic for endel bow and Wellington Street some sometimes it can be a little bit busier sometimes it can be a little bit quieter it depends on the time of day and also the time of year I found in the summer and the Christmas period it tends to be pretty thronging with tourists around here now we waited for the lights to let us onto the Strand menu wait for the lights again and we turn down seavoy street Sao street is one of my favorite little cut throughs to get from that endel street link and onto the embankment Cycle Way which we’re just about to go on now if you keep an eye to the right hand side you’ll see these traffic lights here if you’re doing this route in the opposite direction those are the traffic lights that you use to go up Soo Street it gives you your own dedicated phase to cross the road so you don’t have to chance it with the traffic on the main road here it’s quite nicely done and it feels nice and safe the embankment Cycle Way also known as cycleway 3 is fantastic and as you can can see you’ve got plenty of space to ride here do make sure that you obey the traffic lights when pedestrians are trying to cross the road though one bit of Interest along here comes after this bridge here if you look on the left you’ll see that there’s a building site and what’s actually been constructed there is the new temps super sewer to increase sewage capacity in London and hopefully stop so much sewage out if you look through the construction netting there you will see that they are actually building some new public public space on top of the sewer so the embankments actually going to be wider when they’re done the cycle way will also be slightly changed and I’ll be looking at the changes that are made when those come live uh I don’t know exactly when that’ll be but I think the new public space should be opening sometime this year so do hit subscribe on the channel if you’re interested in seeing that we’re now coming up to the houses of Parliament and just be aware that this Junction is always absolutely thronged with people riding bikes in both directions it’s always hugely busy and I think it shows what happens when you build fantastic infrastructure like this in places that people want to get to on our right is Westminster Tube Station in the basement of Port kis house and on our left is New Palace yard which is part of the Palace of Westminster Dead Ahead is Parliament square and I’d like to take this opportunity to say Parliament Square needs to be pedestrianized just look at all that wasted space in the middle of the road for very very few cars at most times a day and lots and lots of people crammed onto the Pavements I think it would make so much sense to turn what is a really important place for not just tourists but also for British democracy into a much nicer public space anyway thanks so much for riding along with me on that guys do hit subscribe if you want to see more videos thanks so much again to everyone on the patreon there’s a link in the description if you’re interested in contributing to it too do let me know in the comments what you think of that as you can see from the map it’s an incredibly direct route now it used to be a bit Wiggly but it’s become much much better in the last few years and hopefully you guys will benefit from it as well when you ride it I’ll see you in the comments speak again soon bye


    1. The Embankment Cycle Way is one of my favourite cycle routes in London but beware of tourists stepping on it without looking sometimes!

    2. A little curious about Hyde Park. Is it legal to cycle there and could it be the way to and from Kensington, or am I completely lost?

    3. Nostalgia and a useful route in one video… I was at UCL 30 years ago (bloody hell… I feel ancient now!) and it’s great to see what Camden Council has done around the Euston end of this route (and how things have changed in general… the Bloomsbury Theatre was looking very smart and the UCL Union building is obviously undergoing some TLC). Another great video, thank you.

    4. That cycleway by the Thames is so nice! I’ve been cycling around London for a few months now, gaining confidence. I was wondering is it generally safer to pass stationary cars on the left or right? I always pass on the left if I can, assuming that motorbikes will filter on the right, but that isn’t always the case. I thought I would ask some more experienced riders.

    5. @2:48 deliveroo rider clearly riding an illegal ebike – not pedalling on flat ground/ using a throttle not restricted to 3.7mph. And went through a red light.

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