Biniam Girmay, our Bini Girmay, won stage 8 of the Tour de France 2024. However, our thoughts are with André Drege, Norwegian cyclist of the Coop Repsol team who sadly left us at just 25 years of age during stage 4 of the Tour of Austria 2024 after a crash during the descent of the GrossGlockner. Here is his story, of course, respecting his past and not mentioning doping. Not even Tadej Pogacar is happy on a day like today.

    we could talk about bie our bie and his second victory in the Toof France 2024 after a stealth preparation in Eritrea On a par with those carried out by the white Kenyan at the foot of kilan Gyro we could talk about the great spectacle yet another one from yonas of the fiords who will quickly lose the 20 kilos he gained to climb better in the mountains from all the kilometers that he’s riding in the breakaways we could talk about the attempt of the doped hipster Jonathan vter to try to win a stage with Benny Healey by throwing four of his Riders ahead of him in the pelaton in the purest Piccolo style we could talk about pacha’s attitude which as always is more helpful to his teammates like the hardworking Alida and to himself we could talk about all these things that we had already prepared as if it were a normal day but it is not today a professional cyclist died in competition gain we are talking about Andre Dreger Norwegian Rider of only 25 years of age of the modest Continental team of his country CP Repsol another cyclist who died in the same way that Gino MAA did last year The Descent of a mountainous Colossus of course rest in peace dear friend Andre may all your loved ones have a good life because they did not deserve to lose you in such a tragic way in cycling there have all always been deaths it’s not new it’s inherent in the sport but there is always room for improvement and that’s what we’re here to do now we try to do our bit so let’s start by talking about this promising cyclist from the fiords Andre Dreger began to take his first steps as a cyclist in local races in 2016 emulating the idol of all the youngsters in the country at the time the legendary Alexander Kristoff who is still competing in the ranks of Uno X Andre continued his training in the ranks of Lily Hammer Cycling Club where at just 19 years of age he was already participating in the elite national championships in events such as the team time trial it took him a while to find the necessary motivation to go to the next level Something typical in young people of his age and it was not until he was 21 years old that he began to stand out in races like the grand PRI himmerland where he finished behind rasmo Solberg pison the Dane always a Dane he even finished in the top 50 in the great race of his country the Arctic Norway race These Fine Results made him sign for the cpickle vest team in the middle of the 2021 season and it wasn’t long before results in a professional outfit started to appear Andre was beginning to stand out as a very complete ruler capable of climbing Hills at a good level with a great top speed and also with a notorious ability to perform in short time trials thanks to the maxim gels the boys of the Norwegian team began to make a name for themselves and of all of them Andre was undoubtedly the most outstanding soon came his first win in what would become his fetish race the Grand Prix of roads in Greece Mark cavendish’s favorite place to train and somewhere that drer was able to get the best out of himself in fact that victory was absolutely hilarious in the purest Matthew Haymon style he escaped from the start went into the next Breakaway and then left the group shivering on the climb to the days pass with five kilometers to go he left his teammates stranded to raise his arms like the Colossus of that Greek city it was the first of the seven victories that the coupe team would achieve in 2022 two of them with his signature and this served to attract a huge sponsor in the form of the oil company Repsol in the form of the oil company Repsol and soon the Norwegian team was invited to a race that would sadly become his grave the tour of Austria even in that campaign his teammate Andrea stock bro achieved victory for the Nordic team in 2023 Andre continued his Evolution modifying his body and achieving a new victory this time in Belgium at the Fred de bruyne Memorial that doped cyclist and director who helped his doped Riders to change their urine bags in anti-doping controls while he distracted the doctors by talking about the weather or politics however Andre became the Mainstay of the coupe team for the 20124 season things were looking up and after an altitude preparation in Sierra Nevada and another stealth preparation near CV’s hotel in denir Alicante the Norwegian boys traveled of course to Greece and there once more Drager showed himself to be a true allrounder a superstar in the making who had outgrown the Continental category first he won the South aan tour with two stages and then he finished second in the Grand Prix of roads that he had won two years earlier and after another wonderful stealth preparation in the mythical Greek city recorded by his teammate Anton stenby we could see how Andre followed the tactic of legendary Riders like the Slovenian alien or Pierre baguette in eating lots of sweets to recover after efforts the Norwegians swept the tour of Roads thanks to an exhibition in the prologue of only 3 and a half kilometers but it was enough to take more than 7 Seconds off the next classified Rider impressive how the candy worked for good old Andre his season was going brilliantly two more victories the first in France with a stage win in the cir dearden and then another one in a small group in the T share proving that he really was a fast man and he could achieve great these seven victories made Shai Andre into an attractive guy for a jump to the world tour and in fact the Ora team had already contacted him with an interest to incorporating him in their squad for 2025 but Andre wanted more and so for that reason he tried to fight for the stage win on the hardest day of the tour of Austria a race where doping has always been present whether in the hands of local Stefan denif or legendary monsters like Ricardo Rico the record holder for stage wins was the addict vom brooka and the leader in this Edition is the Once suspended Diego ulissi in other words Andre knew he had to go fast very very fast to get results he tried it by escaping and being in the Breakaway on the gross glockner pass at more than 2,400 MERS of altitude a very hard climb with more than 21 kilometers of ascent but draer crossed in the lead but sadly he could not overcome the dissent and a fall took him away forever from cycling and from life racing continued with victory for filipo Gana raising his arms and celebrating evidently without knowing what had happened because these tragedies when they happen to lesser known cyclists seem to be of less interest they don’t get the clicks they don’t make the big big money for the big big companies it was the organizers of the race themselves rather embarrassed who commented on the news in a brief statement through their social networks the death of a cyclist ladies and gentlemen and they only Dain to make a sad statement as we’ve already said this kind of thing happens it’s cycling and the cyclists themselves are aware of the risks they’re taking some will start with the highspeed debate maybe calan will now dare to talk about the real content of the final bottles in public but we doubt it we doubt it very much look Andre Dreer has died he wasn’t a star of the pelaton we know that and 5 hours after the norwegian’s death there hasn’t been a single tweet from Adam Hansen commenting on what could be done to improve cylic safety this clown is more concerned with getting bam gay to do some promotions a helmet raffle or whatever’s next selfie learon dedicated a tur tweet to Andre after having spent months commenting on how important safety was in racing well since you became president Mr leaon Hol lbr maheta MAA and now DGA have died in competition these last three overlapped with Hansen’s time gentlemen you should resign let people like Andre’s compatriots from safe cycling do the work and you can abandon the gifts and foods and other sweetness you’re the real disgrace of World sport you w only seem to care when your pockets are picked but more importantly Andre rest in peace at this channel we will never forget you


    1. This channel is the only one in the whole media space, which has truly a passion for cycling. Dumb people just can't see this past thick layer of sarcasm. Cycling is a joke. And so is reaction of cycling authorities. RIP, André. Condolences to his family and friends.

    2. What sort of financial assistance are professional cyclists eligible for , after a tragedy, does the TOUR provide financial support?

    3. Thank you for this timely video on André Drege. The way monetary wealth is so transparently valued over riders lives is more than a tragedy it's criminal. Sadly it's a young man's life gone forever and family and friends are left to bear the unbearable loss. It's a parallel on a small scale to the forever wars wages around the planet by corporate lobbying of the wayward criminal political elite. That a young man's life should be held in such disregard is itself a criminal act by cycling authorities. We know who they are.

    4. 😢😢😢R.I.P.condolences for all family and friends.Really sad when a young promissing cyclist dies doing what he loves best.

    5. Heres my take on it…cycling should adopt a similar method as in motorsport..theres a reason why a safety car is deployed in i say..whenever there is a mountain to ride up…take the time of each rider at the top..deploy a safety car at the top of the mountain to safely guide the riders down at a minimum speed…then when the riders reach the bottom then the safety car can be withdrawn and the race can continue.

    6. I just came home from the condolence ride at Patscherkofel / Austria. So sad to see the parents and the peloton in a state of shock and pure sadness..

    7. Condolences to his friends and family. Not as many racers died even when they races sans helmets… Perhaps having a director screaming in their ears to go faster and race pacing that has increased so that they are on the rivet much of the time has contributed to racers taking too many chances. There was a time when racers controlled the race rather than greedy directors trying to maximize the team value.

    8. Thank you for bringing humanity and decency to a for-profit sport. I'm not an expert at all, but wouldn't it be possible to use safety nets in areas where crashes are likely to occur during descents? They could be repaired and reused constantly during this and other races. My heart and prayers go to André's family and friends and to the entire cycling community. RIP 💔

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