[Music] Jared where are we we are halfway to halfway there British Foundation London to Brighton cycle Matthew was coined the phrase halfway to halfway thereo Paradox it also Jared was amazed because over here they’re doing Cups of Tea yeah fantastic and bacon butties like you would ever want a bacon butty with not getting there slow and steady slow and steady okay next next stop has the uh uh obligatory Brass Band what’s going on here what’s going on here also for complete world of contrast obviously got your mandatory bike repair Stu but um Cubs and’s cats are serving burgers in Hot Dogs which I don’t know they smell amazing but this is definitely not the time [Music] for you stop no no he’s mine oh my God so we just finished the big big hill at the end um br’s only 6 and2 miles you see here oh my god look how low the ground level is like aison oh my God go that was brutal just made it all the way to the top there the home stretch 6 and half miles from Brighton to Bri all downhill oh it’s time for a rest break perfectly positioned as they’ve all been at the top of this hill

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