Come along during two days with riding, cooking and preparations for the upcoming races with Lotus Team. This time from my new home home, Pécs in Hungary. Long time no see, but now we are back on track!
    Enjoy 🙂

    [Music] good morning everyone and uh welcome back to my uh Channel also welcome back to me I think last time I was filming anything was in Spain which is like half a year ago yeah I was thinking about taking my camera with me for a while yeah for a day or two and uh that’s what I will do now I just made a course for today’s ride and quite a lot of session today and we’re going out on the flat anyways hungry is where we are right now hungry is where I live right now so I’ve been up for a while making the root and SE I will make some oats some porridge like quite soon and uh then we eat and then we [Music] ride have my oats here a big portion like you as you saw that I uh that I prepared with some vitamins vitamin um tablet here in the water and of course coffee yeah it is the first coffee of the day but I am quite sure it won’t be the last one [Music] half an hour in uh I’ve just passed gy and H the first session today is half an hour High Zone to it’s really hot today my garment is showing 35° right now and uh so it’s important to not like push the body too much we start with my high on to fairly soon and uh then we’ll see where this take where this day takes us [Music] ciao okay high on 2 done uh it’s really hot it’s crazy like I had over 170 in average heart rate now it was grippy so we really see how the intervals go goes but now it take some water n my second uh water stop it’s so hot uh it goes well during Zone 2 no problem but on intervals and when I go up Zone Zone 3 and zone 6 which is the intervals I have I’m having today over under zone 6 Zone 3 um so yeah it’s tough totally soaked and uh I have uh yeah 52 K to go so yeah I’m going just fuel up fill off my balls and uh then we leave oh almost ahuh that was uh the third interval in total and I can tell you that the heat is killing me for sure my garment is telling me that it’s 43° right now as you see I’m totally exposed for the sun we keep on rolling [Music] he [Music] [Music] come on finally woo [Music] back uh home I’ve just taken a shower and now we will prepare some uh food some lunch it will be very simple so we will do that eat and then look at the training [Music] some oats from the morning two eggs and uh a peach that’s sliced up there usually I’m not very hungry after training but I want to get in something still with the protein and carbs and everything and salt of course oh I did uh I was out just under 4 hours and I did 129 km uh the TSS here says quite a lot that it was a tough a tough one today but here is a bit better on straa to see how the corse was this is how it looked like uh quite flat as you see here at the profile and average temperature today was uh 36° so that’s quite a lot so uh yeah I think next time I’ll see you will be in the kitchen as well preparing dinner see you later I will start to cook some dinner today it will be some sort of uh turkey Curry um stuff with some rice and non bread as well I will show you when it’s done of course but you will come along during the cooking as well carrot and onion here that I will um have in this pot here we will do like a big stew here a turkey meat here uh we will fry that in the pan and then go uh with the the turkey in with the vegetable as well uh I’ve added some corn with the vegetables H we will go in with the first um with the first session of curry turkey is soon ready to go in here as well so um yeah we’re cooking so now I’ve going in with uh the coconut milk and um the tomato sauce in here uh some soy sauce as well a lot of spices not least Curry of course uh the rice is uh almost done here we are pretty much ready actually so uh I think it will be good I tast it a little bit now good got more curry got to be sure it really tastes Curry if you got to make a curry dinner um I will go and meet my girlfriend up now then I will put in the Nan bread in the oven when uh we come back I think we will see each other tomorrow otherwise you will know in in 3 2 1 B good morning and uh yeah welcome to a new day here in Hungary um last day when I was with was 2 days ago but I did something yesterday uh so I head down to uh ludvig in the past ready to go okay guys back again it’s me from the future or from the past I don’t really know I’m at guess where the lus team base so I was thinking to just show you a quick um yeah a quick house tour of the or base tour here’s my bike it doesn’t stand here always but it does now uh some Jersey Hungarian um national team jersey our Jersey from last year at least and then the um youth jersey from the footsteps of the Romans I think um kitchen and coffee area I would call this yeah lounge and some uh uh stuff here uh Pelon Sport magazine about the tour of hungry nice we pass the entrance again and then we come to voila the working area where our mechanics is this is where they are hanging out um not least Patrick that also lives in uh in pig shout outs to Patrick further on we go up here bum bum bum here we are home at the uh gym area a good GBL standing there and quite a good of of space here here as well so not bad at all last but not least the top so this is a good area for meetings conferences we’re doing tests here as well uh quite big a lot of space here as well which is really good so yeah back to ludig in either the past or the future back from ludig from the past this is the biggest goals for for July for sure the vrad races and I will it’s four four races uh and it’s like a cup a small cup I guess um first one in Hungary then Slovakia czechia and Poland and the race in Hungary on Saturday we will start right in in the middle of Budapest this is the root and the profile uh and here is where we will start we will actually start at the Parliament building I just made my breakfast here uh since it’s quite rainy today I will wait out the rain it’s stopped rain now so I will wait for the roads to dry a little bit I’m at the first top of the day out of Manny I will uh take on my um my uh wind vest actually uh cuz it’s quite chilly as well uh since it has been raining during the morning now downhill and then cruising a bit more to the next climb we are right uh off to the finish line on the Hungarian cup that was here for was it a month ago maybe um and I was second so we will do actually the loop that we did we did three Loops of that we’ll do one and a half today so I will just show you a little bit uh maybe make a small recap on what happened where uh on the last lapis n [Music] [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] there back home now from uh from the ride um that was 2 days with me in July preparations thanks for watching uh I hope you liked it I enjoyed it for sure anyways take care until next time and uh see you ciao

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