Biniam Girmay wins again in the Tour de France 2024 in Stage 8, securing more green jersey points along the way. Gregor Brown highlights the stage and the win over Jasper Philipsen. #TDF

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    bam gmet has now won two stages in the tour to France in this year’s Edition the 2024 Edition no team has won two stages so far in this race and his team inter Marche has done so today he gave him their second win in the race stage eight following up stage three where he won in Torino in Italy becoming the first ity Tran to ever win a stage in the tour the first black cyclist to ever win a stage in the tour and today he dou on that he showed he’s a force and he’s a force among the sprinters and one of the star favorite sprinters 24 years old he had complete dedication from his intermarche team to win right here behind us on the Sprint into a headwind and throwing his arms up for victory and doing so securing more points in the green jersey competition for best Sprinter and with that he’s well on his way to possibly winning the Green Jersey we still have two more weeks to go and a lot more racing action but let’s unfold everything that happened to get to this point where geret scored his second win in history in the tour to France and a second win in the 2024 Edition it was a long hard stage made worse by the rain coming down five categorized climbs we had two cat 3 three Cat four climbs and right from the gun EF education easy post as promised went on the attack Nelson Palace the American told me this morning that he was going to do it he was going to go on the attack all of the teammates were going to try today and he got away with Stephan besser those two and yeah one of the most widely viewed riders in this year’s Edition because he’s always on the attack Jonas abrahamson those three would go free abrahamson would be picking up the points along the way soon after even though they were on a good one we got the call from back in the car from back in the car in the EF pink Cadillac EF education decided to pull back its Riders Bessinger and palas they didn’t think that escape was going to make it to the line and they were probably right with just three Riders and the Sprint teams wanting to control things for a possible Sprint even though it was a hard day out there with the rain with the wind and the climbs on tap at least in the first 2/3 of the stage Palace besser back it was all up to abrahamson the Norwegian rider in the polka dot Jersey and he’s enjoying every moment of it well he did it he got a gap at one point up to 6 minutes but we knew it was a suicide mission the teams behind were controlling things and as we get closer and closer to the line passing all the climbs here in col Bay leus eles and of course this is a little town of population not more of 200 people but it’s home of Charles deal you might know for the Charles deal Airport in Paris but he was the late great General and then the French President of France here well this is the place where he came from and we’re east of Paris to give you an idea and just a little bit south of the Champagne region where we’ll be tomorrow in tuah well abrahamson’s day would soon be coming to an end but behind there was a lot of stress and a lot of chaos at 67 km to go we saw a small crashed that involved Warren barill about three Riders went down and then later on we saw betti all had a puncture Sam Bennett the Sprinter from decathalon was dropped I think he worked his way back up before we got to the eventual Sprint the Gap was going down and down team inos Leal Trek EF education they were all at the front we also saw team lotto and Israel working at the front as well and they eventually swept up abrah hamson now I want to take a moment to explain some news some unfortunate news over in the tour of Austria because there on The Descent today one of the Riders a Norwegian Rider crashed and died Andre DGA he hit the ground on The Descent we hear that he had a puncture I think on his front tire crashed and then it was reported at the end of the stage he died passed away unfortunate news especially for abrahamson and all the Norwegian team Uno X when Kristoff H at the Finish Line he was upset all the team was upset so we send our warmest regards out to the family and out to the Norwegian fans turning our attention back over to the Sprint in the final kilometer it was team kofidis setting things up to Brian kard doing an excellent lead out now team inter marade already placed benam gmet there in the green jersey the first irran to ever win and wear the green jersey placing gmet on the wheels of the kofus train and they had two Riders up front setting up Brian card gu rode that in now we saw over on the right hand side we saw saen CW Anderson from Team opposite dunic doing the lead out today for yasper Phillipson Matthew Vanderpool wasn’t up for it today so they gave it over to S CK Addison to do the lead out and we also saw the Belgian Jersey from Team Lotto Destiny Arnold dele working his way up and really charging hard at that point yasper philipson yes he was doing a clean Sprint today he was coming close to ge ge was on the left and they were both pushing hard towards the line gear gets it right on the line throws his hands up more points to the green jersey Arnold Dee frankly he might have had the stage win here in his debut tour to France but the gap for him closed out right as he was charging ahead Pascal arrian it well it was a headup photo finish between arriman and dele dele got the third place acrian got fourth second was philipson but the news of the day was Benny gmet winning his second stage win in this year’s tour to France and speaking over there to the team inter Marche they were explaining that your may just has confidence confidence confidence really going in to this tour to France and they pinpointed these Saturday and Sunday stages today and tomorrow’s Sunday stage winning stage three early on well that surely helped with the morale and already I noce speaking with G in the mornings every day when in the interviews he has much more confidence than we saw in 2023 and that confidence is not only in the way he comports himself in the interviews and with the rest of the press and with the other cyclists but also on the bike it’s showing more confidence and now think about it two stage wins in this 2024 T to France he’s now the Sprinter to watch when we go into Sprints who would have thought 24-year-old gear may already had won a stage in the J Italia already had won G wev gam making history there making history here in the tur of France heading up stage eight here in the home of Charles deal and we already spoke about the top four fifth went to Marine vanderberg we saw an excellent lead out work from Sha Quinn EF education there in the US national championship Jersey working for vanderberg EF education when they pulled back besser and Palace they were thinking about vanderberg trying to do the Sprint with him he pulled off fifth for the day Ryan Gibbons with mattz Pon deciding to pull the plug on his tur to France after the crash a few days ago Ryan Gibbons the South African Champion went for the Sprint today picking up sixth Anthony turus there in seventh Fred Wright there in eighth Alex aduro ninth and Remco Evan in 10th so we saw some GC guys up there because also our race leader T pachar in 13th at the end of our Eighth Day of racing one week after we began this race in Florence Italy we’re now up here in the heart of France and it’s Benny gmet throwing his hands up celebrating another stage win


    1. He's a star; nobody is leading him out. He's basically doing it on his own. I'm a fan. Bike racing is one of the most dangerous sports; everyone out there is brave. They need more separation from the fans.

    2. Sometimes, our culture makes us seem as if we luck self confidence! Unfortunately, the decency and being down to earth shows up as luck of self confidence .

    3. Bini Bini well done 🇪🇷❤️❤️❤️🇪🇷we proud of you. Asmara is fuelled with happiness. Congrats superstar Eritrea 🇪🇷💪💪💪

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