After riding along the Danube cycle path all the way to Vienna, we take the train back to Zurich, taking a couple days to explore northern Switzerland. We ride through Zurich north to Winterthur, and then on to the Bodensee. Or Lake Constance. Or the Obersee. Whatever it’s called in your country. We planned on circling this beautiful lake but weather forecasts call for heavy rain. We decide to head back to Zurich, following the Rhine south into the Alps, to Sargans, where we catch the train back to Zurich. The beauty of Switzerland never fails to impress!


    1. I've been to Switzerland many times and I'm always blown away by its beauty. Thanks for helping me to retrieve some of those long cherished memories. I love the music and narration in your videos. They fit together so well. I hope you consider coming over and riding in Thailand one day. JP

    2. I'm really liking your style of editing it makes an exciting and informative journey which captures all your memories/highlights.
      really well done!

    3. What a great video and epic bike tour. As a Swiss and avid (road)cyclist I often think that the views and landscapes here are too unreal to believe and one could really think to be in Swissnyland. Without all the plastic, however 😉 Well done!

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