Today we take a look at Phoenix Surfacing Ltd, 12 Henson Cl, Telford Way Industrial Estate, Kettering NN16 8PZ.

    We speak to Charlie who tells us great things about the company.

    Google Maps 360 Degree Panoramic Drone Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    what’s the purpose of the video to Showcase what’s on Industrial Estates okay nice 2 minutes of your time just in general what what you doing that you want to shout about at the minute um Road we’re Road Servicing Company uh trying to repair everyone’s potto that’s about [Music] it so welcome back to the channel guys today we’re here in kerin taking a look at this place Phoenix surfacing also known as Phoenix traffic management and kerin can’t quite read that Bottom Line kerin binus binous Products so all to do with Road surfacing it does look very nice you got some planters here also got a fake little road here with the double yellow lines and the line painted and this uh roller tomat roller is the gate Guardian gives everybody something to look at and something to take photos of so these should not be concerned at all with photography outside here should they and the great first impressions continue as you come around they’ve put this uh resin Stone stuff down yeah you don’t see see that every day do you look at that it looks like uh the road is so long it disappears into the distance electric charging here for the staff free of charge of course and they must reverse park for a small company they’ve got great health and safety rules and they’ve also got a bit of a backyard here oh quite a decent size backyard can see some traffic lights in the back that’ll be for the traffic management division will it got some storage containers just to the immediate right great CCTV all around Stacks and stacks of it all around the outside and Bob wire of course which does help do it it certainly helps but look at these cars in the car park they are doing very very well aren’t they you right yes mate yeah so what Phoenix just wondering what you what you were doing are you doing a survey or no it’s a YouTube video oh okay nice yeah yeah it might sound a little bit weird but I just go around industrial Estates okay yeah and this is just very photo enic fair enough yeah no I said just just just interested that all what do you want to um tell me for the video nothing why nothing told you a little bit about me what what’s what’s the purpose of the video to Showcase what’s on Industrial Estates okay nice 2 minutes of your time just in general what what you doing that you want to shout about at the minute um road we Road Servicing Company uh trying to repair everyone’s potto that’s about it where did you get most of your business from is it cancelled or private some some of it cancel some of it some of its private is about 5050 what do the councils do like tendering you have to put your price in or yeah yeah the the the count northampt highways will they they offer sort of five 10 year packages um that you tender for on a periodic basis when they’re up and they’ll they’ll receive probably five tenders from various contractors for different packages within their overarching overarching scheme of work are you big enough to take on a whole work or do they offer it to multiple people it’s it’s not no one contractor our size could take on all the work they’ve got they they divy it up in small Parcels do they right okay and have you won any contracts in the council SE yeah we do we do stuff for Kia Kia highways who obviously take the contract on for Northampton sh highways oh so they’re the main contractor and you’re we’re only a subcontracted TOA yeah we wouldn’t tend if the whole package cuz it’s drainage works it’s all that sort of stuff so right okay yeah we’re we’re predominately a small scale civils and servicing contractor so who would be your biggest competitor then um locally um we charmac snd um other other midscale servicing contractors Edwards Premier those sorts of people okay but somebody just want in their driveway done let’s just say it was like 100 square meters would you do things like that we PR anything from driveway to going and working for K on the on the on the council contracts it’s um you know how competitive we are given the fix cost that we have it it it varies depending on where the job is you get what you pay for I presume yeah absolutely yeah all right and how would somebody put an inquiry in you got a website contact Phoenix suring uh Phoenix servicing website and we’ve got uh our inquirer’s email address on that page and yeah they could fire a shot into that and go that’s one and you I’ve got two other traffic management haven’t you yeah we got a small traffic management arm yeah which is low low speed traffic management for councils again or um again we’re not we’re not a um approved contractor on the C but we’re yeah I’ve got you so you’ve got the capability then to for somebody to sit in a vehicle and control the the lights you know they’ve got that new technology haven’t they so the lights that we put out are all done on sensors so they’re on motion sensor so you know when you see people flashing the lights that don’t work does it it’s got to recognize mov it’s going to move and that’s why when you put a set of traffic lights up there’s a sign that says when red light shows weight here cuz it wants you to get close and have to pick up the movement and then it’s Auto auto I seen one video where the car got too close and it didn’t recognize it so It reversed and then it recognized it cuz it was stuck on red but it will stay on red if there’s no one there is that right it will it’s also um it’s also to do with the um there’s like a a gap time to make sure that the the through flow of traffic is cleared coming from the other direction so the longer the lights are the longer the longer the span of Lights the longer the gap between what where both sets of lights will be on red I think it was a freeway and on one of the roads in it was such a dead Road it didn’t need to be on Green at all unless the vehicle was there control that yeah you control the phasing and not not from the van but you set them up on the phasing that you want um and then you do it on motion motion technology so nothing can be like accessed remotely from you you have to go on site and do it go site you program the lights you test them you run them through a number of Cycles to make sure that they’re working compliant before you put them on the public Highway you set them up if a client has asked for man traffic management you’ll have a van there if they’ve asked for it to be unmanned then it’ll be set up and then there’ll be a number on the lights to call if for whatever reason a member of the general public identifies that there’s an issue with them and do you get that do cuz you hear about them freezing don’t you is that a real thing what makes them Jam uh they they can often they never never never freeze per se the issue tends to be with impatient Road users so the issue will be if someone skips the cycle breaks the cycle because they they go oh hold up we’ve not seen a car for ages while I’m sat on red and they go that throws the lights out of kilter CU obviously for every time you have it on green you then have to have the other one on red you have to have them both on red to clear the traffic in the middle before they flip over the mistake people make is they jump the red based on the fact that they can’t see anything coming the other way it sets the ligh out to kill to and at which point it confuses other motorists and the longer that continues to go on the longer it takes for the lights to reset themselves I’ve got yeah and that’s only on some sort of Lights that’s on your lights that’s on the the mo the motion set the motion sensor lights that which most traffic management firms will use now right I didn’t know that okay so if somebody skips the um the sequence it will throw it out and it will make others believe that it’s stuck on red where really it wasn’t you’d just had somebody in between skip the lights so it’s very rare for it to to break then and stay on red and I mean don’t get you don’t get me wrong you do get traffic lights there what causes that what causes it to it does it need doesn’t need tur it off and back on again sort of thing yeah it’s like any technology it’s like your phone why does your phone in your PC freeze you know it’s it sometimes it needs rebooting um at the end of the day it is technology technology can default it can break we do run everything through pre-used checks in the yard before they go out on the road they get another set of checks before they get put on the public Highway um but yeah that’s why the lights when they’re manned obviously are operatives will be able to address it straight away when they’re unmanned you know and people pay for unmanned lights because it’s cheaper than sending a bloke there to sit in animal day um that’s why there’s always a number on the side or there should always be on good traffic management firms and a contact number office hours only no we have we have a 247 mobile it we have a 247 out of hours contact number I can guarantee you that sure but I didn’t know some of that you see so thank you that’s on the uh recording that’s on the video so from a from a perspective of obviously it going onto a YouTube video um I mean I have no problem sort of using the the the company and the building and that sort of stuff but I’d appreciate from a data protection perspective me not being on the video are you joking that’s the interaction no cuz you’ve been great I know that I know that that’s great but I just from my own perspective CU you know it’s it’s one of those things that really as a company we we want to get authorized before I’m not no your bosses will honestly they’ll be proud of what you’ve just said cuz You’ made the company sound great you’re more than welcome to send the to our inquiries email address and we can review it have you ever heard of have you ever heard of auditing videos that we promote photography from a public place so that’s who I am okay lovely anybody that objects to the filming say like no we don’t want our building being filmed yeah that’s one of the things that we’re promoting the rights of the photographer from the outside they can literally make a video of anything they want nowadays including people that are in it so I know you’re saying that you’d rather not be on it but my video is from the start to to the end nothing’s edited right okay but please be proud of what you’ve just said that’s amazing information for the company and I’d love just to I do a quick drone shot before I leave I hide something hide a key ring actually and then the viewers come and find it I do a treasure hunt oh okay nice yeah yeah I could GE cash don’t worry no no again you know it’s it’s just one of those we always always ask a question because sadly in today so we have a lot of Kit going missing we have a lot of we have lot of issues on S side youve got great security here so uh yeah it’s just one of those we just got to be got to be mindful as well so you came out pretty quick when somebody’s nosing around you sus them out you’ve got my YouTube channel you can have a look to I do this all the time yeah I put a video out every day you’ll see I’m genuine I’m not here to rob you I’m just going to finish up the video now do a drone shot and I’ll be gone but thank you so much for that information and I hope DJ DJ yeah and I hope you get at least one inquiry cuz there’s quite a few people that watch these videos you’ll be very surprised when you see the numbers finger crossed your fingers crossed and what what was your name Charlie Charlie thank you Charlie thank you so much Che right take care so there we go Charlie from Phoenix surfacing despite being one of the friendliest guys I’ve ever met and given us some great information he still would rather not be used on the video but unfortunately Charlie you are the video and thank you so much for being so welcome in so let’s jump straight into it let’s get David up and let’s see what Phoenix surfacing looks like from above so as always we checked on drone assist there are no flight restrictions in the area today Phoenix surfacing let’s have a look at you then shall we take off so there it is up at 40 m and we can see the Fantastic Wallace and Stevens Tac roller down there and Phoenix surfacing building and yard just there and we’re not going to get too low to show you exactly what they have because he did mention that we have quite a few ffs so we to show the Fantastic yard the Fantastic Bay with all the materials in their capability to do your job at the highest standard with all this equipment to hand whether it’s a small driveway or a long road you heard Charlie’s information there and you know how to contact them I’d certainly put work their way if I was in the area at least get a quote but you know they are one of the big boys they have got the overhead costs and their price might not be the cheapest but you will certainly get a good result won’t you so fantastic there Phoenix surfacing there is your whole sight in one shot let’s do a 360Β° photo for Google Maps and move on and that does conclude the video from Phoenix surfacing from their website they say they are the leading Surface Experts a multi-disciplined surfacing contractor based in the Midlands highways civil engineering special projects resin systems possibly that uh path that they put down on their own Frontage over 25 years experience blah blah blah and there’s one of their vehicles leaving now very nice 23 plate so that’s that the location of the DJ audits key ring on this video is just in this tree outside Greg’s just up there look so if you are one of the first people to watch the video and you do want a queueing good luck with that and thank you very much to Charlie oh I’m rubbish of names anyway I’ll put your name on the screen now again thank you very much if you have enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs up for me and I’ll see you on the next one guys bye-bye for now in Phoenix surfacing where the work begins Charli on the scene showing what they do from Big Time companies to homeowners too traffic lights motion keeping it all safe filling from the sky no need for any strength Charlie’s Got the knowledge with presenting proud Phoenix surfacing standing out in the crowd Charlie’s the name Phoenix is the game Tom resin they’re leading the fame driveway roads they got the plan [Music] Phoenix the best in the Land mod and trucks and Machinery all set to roll tools for every job that’s how they stroll since 91 X is clear IO standards they got no fear in design and build highways and car Parks they’re highly skilled from local P the highways Grand Phoenix Sur and they in demand Charlie’s the name Phoenix is the game resin leading the same way they got the plan Phoenix Sur the best in the land multin natural clients to local jobs Phoenix surf they handle the mobs accreditations that set them apart quality and safety right from the start Charlie’s the name Phoenix is the game tomin they’re leading the fame d W mod take up the plan Phoenix suring the best in the [Music] land multinational clients to local jobs Phoenix surfacing they handle the mobs accreditations that set them apart quality and safety right from the start Charlie’s the name Phoenix is the game horin they leading the fame W roads they got the plan Phoenix the best in the land DJ out it’s capturing the scene Phoenix surfacing run it clean and ke for your road surfacing you know who to call Phoenix surfacing they’ve got it all [Music]


    1. The old tarmac roller must be a old one as it’s still go the old STD code as 0536 instead of 01536 which was introduced in 16th April 1995 nearly 30 years ago

    2. Charlie you deserve a pay rise. Amazing good look for the company and they should be very proud of how you represent the company. So from way down in New Zealand you have a good one. Excellent DJ and Charlie. I need a drive way and if this was here, they would get my business for sure.

    3. Charlie should get a promotion for this ten minute clip alone, he got the best free advert in anyone could have ever done with NO WARNING in advance. the DJ song at the end was also perfect.

    4. What a difference over there in the UK, yet here in Australia it’s so very different as any such company would be worth millions with a contract. Here councils don’t do any repairs until there maybe a death due to a pothole or something seriously has happened. We have I believe more potholes than people and politicians blaming funding to get these holes filled. Great interview would like to see more of these to come. Well done mate DJ.

    5. I'd say 9/10 for Charlie. Really helpful informative and professional and friendly. Ok I can understand he wasn't prepared to be on camera but didn't kick off just politely asked not to be on film. But kind of said ok but I'd rather not. He was great. Well done. Now for the cool tune. X

    6. should've asked him DJ about the law & temporary lights ..we`ve all been driven daft when we think they've packed up 😫😫whats a reasonable time to wait ?charlie explained red light jumpers well but we all done it πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    7. Charlie don’t be shy. U r doing a great job😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

    8. Well done Charlie at first a little sceptical but realised DJ was nothing to worry about .
      Like DJ I really hope you get some inquiries regarding your business .😊

    9. So many good one's but this is probably the best interaction ever with a company. Really well run company and Charlie is a genuine nice guy educating us on the workings. Thanks!

    10. do people ever get back to you in order to give you their boss's feedback on the video they promoted the business or just to thank you for the video itself ?

    11. Charlie was an absolute tool, a dick of the highest calibre. Why? My missus said he was hot and she hasn't given me a compliment in years. Hate him, hate him, hate him!!!!!! (good lad really)

    12. DJ, I've been watching your channel since you started and consider you the best auditor out there but just lately your posts have become a bit short and soft, it appears that you are becoming too well known and the places you're visiting are being too nice to you.
      I think you could get some great content from the establishments that house asylum seekers as there are so many all over the country and their staff are very annoying and obnoxious and not from this planet😀.

    13. DJ is the UGREEN USB to USB C Cable Right Angle 3A 90 Degree USB C Charger Cable Fast Charging Cable waterproof or water resistant. Was using my gopro today when a bucket load of rain came down luckily i was near cover to go in.

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