A quick history…

    Strasbourg’s Neustadt is the urban extension undertaken from the late 19th century, during the period when Alsace belonged to Germany. Its construction, which began in the 1880s and continued until the 1950s, represented a vast building project encompassing almost 10,000 new buildings that would triple the city’s surface area.

    The German annexation having given rise to extremely high German immigration to Strasbourg — in forty-five years, the city’s population more than doubled, rising from 80,000 inhabitants in 1870 to 180,000 in 1915, the German administration rapidly devised a vast architectural policy.

    Germans built this building they have an Imperial Eagle under the balcony William II stayed here during World War I it served as a military Hospital [Music] Pala pretty the Germans built it in strawberg France and in World War I it was a military Hospital

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