🇬🇧 | Design Prize : For the team which boat design combines aesthetic, performance, innovation and sustainability

    -Team Sea Sakthi
    -HydroVinci Team
    -Adria Energy Boat Team
    -Messina Energy Boat
    -Cambridge University Riviera Racing
    -Team Elettra UniGe

    Special Prize FPAII Award : The university with the best technological solution for yachting regarding energy efficiency & carbon reduction

    -Politecnico di Milano
    – Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

    🇫🇷 | Prix du design : Pour l’équipe dont le design du bateau allie esthétique, performance, innovation et durabilité

    Les participants :
    -Équipe Sea Sakthi
    -Équipe HydroVinci
    -Équipe Adria Energy Boat
    -Messina Energy Boat
    -L’équipe Riviera Racing de l’Université de Cambridge
    -Équipe Elettra UniGe

    Prix spécial FPAII Award : L’université avec la meilleure solution technologique pour le yachting en matière d’efficacité énergétique et de réduction des émissions de carbone.

    Participants :
    -École polytechnique de Milan
    – Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

    #energyboatchallenge #monaco #yachtclubmonaco #innovation #MEBC2024

    good afternoon everyone so soon we are going to start the tech talks first of all I would like to check if all the teams are available here in the meeting room so design prize today team C Shakti okay hyro Vinci team hello Adria energy Bo team it’s on the site meina energy boat okay Cambridge University Riviera racing great team Electra unii perfect so for the Prince Albert for the Ford Nation award Poly Technical de Milano okay and University poly Technica the Madrid okay great so we will start soon just give us around 2 minutes we are still waiting for a few of you to arrive thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] let [Music] you you want [Music] I don’t want to you up [Music] and ladies and gentlemen I would like to welcome everyone to today’s Tech talk which is going to be the design prize so the best design will be uh decided today we have our uh International jury just here in the front line and first of all I would like to ask Jill the head of section to summarize the main principles of the design prize and uh give some insights to us please thank you J thank you z um first I would like to thank uh Y and uh challenge for uh having this year for the first time uh the design price um some f is but uh about this price uh our approach as designer is uh the global project or the boat you’ve uh you’ve created and uh all from all the aspect uh all run from engineering to shape or styling um what we really wants to push forward is you as engineers and student future Engineers um is to take into account that what you will build will be at the end a product that will be used probably mainly by a human being in connection with the market uh the design is not only about styling but it’s about making all these together to make a final product that will match all the requirements of engineering Marketing sales and uh obviously the interface with the human so ergonomics is part of it science uh but also emotional is important so today we will have job to decide who of the project will match the best all those criterias thank you I just I wanted to ask as adding the the de Studio of uh Oceano uh so Oceano Shipyard uh we building yacht uh you’re here for uh an event which is based on the future of yacht and uh as shipyards we are really interesting interested in uh the way you envision the future of your team thank you thank you very much Jill so first of all I would like to ask uh Team C Shakti to come to the stage and please show us your beautiful design thank you check check so um manam bonu and very good evening to all of you um so we are team C Shakti I am Roshan Manoj and this is my colleague him Lata and today we’re going to be talking about our design of the boat um so to start off with so we are from a college called as kumuru College of Technology it’s a group of Institutions called as kumuru institutions which is in katur a city in the south of India so kumaraguru institution has a 40-year legacy of world class teaching and world-class infrastructure as well and this is where we built our boat yali 3.0 to talk about um before we get into the design right to talk about our where we come from so we are from a city called K like said and it’s a city that’s enclosed by other cities but one very beautiful thing about katur is the Western GS which is a range of Hills that flow through it so that is where we started to research for our design this year we uh looked at the flora and fauna and found out that close to 300 species of birds are there in this area and here is where we decided to research about birds while looking about a lot of birds we came across The Majestic bald eagle the Majestic bald eagle is set to go at a speed of 160 km per hour when it’s going to catch a spray and that’s where we did not look back and went with the Majestic Bal Eagle so what we’ve done is for the nose of our boat nose of a cockpit we’ve taken the curve lines of the eyes and the nose of the Majestic bald eagle and applied it to our cockpit and another thing is we wanted to reduce the weight of our boat significant L from the last two years so what we’ve done is separating the cockpit where the pilot sits and the battery component which actually reduces the surface area thereby reducing the weight and also gives us a a safety aspect which is better for our boat so for this year we’ve used uh like I said we’ve used pineapple fiber for our cockpit like we spoke about in the uh Innovation price why we decided to go with um this kind of a design is basically when the uh boat goes at a fast speed right it splits the wind into two different flows and these flows combine at the back to form a laminar flow which helps us reduce the drag significantly from the last two years and after several impact tests load tests and uh uh various other tests we were able to decide that pineapple fiber and carbon fiber were much better options compared to the other natural fibers that we actually tested for this year so this is our cockpit um you can see the photos of our cockpit and how it’s designed and the nose of the cockpit as well so coming to the seat so during the fiberglass production 90% of the composite materials produces harmful substances like silica D soda ash to the fragile ecosystem so you see uh so so we have uh for determined to tackle this headon we have found a treasure in our backyard the discarded Plastics so we took that to the garage so suddenly a mar like the material science engineer came to the game and he said why not a thing why why can’t we design a why can’t we design a seat from this and hence we have took that the plastic and we have cut that split woven and we have made a beautiful seat so talking about so this is where the Innovation sustainability and three friends come to the role because when we reimagine a waste as a resource that opens a door to navigate towards a sustainability right so coming to the aluminium bars so this was taken from the last year’s board even though we are using the twin propulsion system this year we have gone through many torsional twist analysis and the strength analysis to analyze like what is the threshold point of bending and what is the maximum load it can withstand and everything so everything was perfect and all the analysis have been uploaded in the QA for your for your reference so having so coming to the propellers this year we have opted for the 3D printed propers because unlike the traditional propellers we 3D printing offers a ease for the prototyping and production right so by having the diameter as 10 as a constant and the making the number of blades three we have varied the pitch for the propellers and we have found the different efficiencies so the 3D printing propers was made up of pla material using additive manufacturing method so uh so you can see the cost is effective we have reduced up to1 16 per propeller and uh this is a custom hydrodynamics and is ideal for both the small boards and the prototyping as well so in the design as as approach sustainability has been our guiding principle because uh for the whole boat production we have uh took the power from our 250 KW solar panel grid which was installed in our campus so for the whole boat manufacturing we took the power from this grid so apart from our efforts we also planted 150 healthy samplings to offset the carbon emission for the whole Bo boat production so all the certifications the green initiatives we have initiated all the certificates have been uploaded here so the construction cost for the boat technically comes around €1 19,000 and for the whole project it breaks down around 61,000 and all the open source the kit the PCB design the board design the simulation the analysis res everything has been uploaded here because this initiatives may seem small but this means a lot uh the this is a wider knowledge so it so it should reach the broader audience out there right so all have been uploaded here and uh talking in the long-term Vision this for every each and every materials we use in the design is more focused towards the eco-friendly and the sustainable approach so it should all the environment responsibility should go hand in hand so that’s it from RN so open for the questions thank [Applause] you hello thank you um uh just a question about the economy of uh going on board and outboard because uh you think I think uh you’ve done a lot about designing the overall shape and giving some inspiration but what is about going and escaping in case of emergency for example for emergency purpose the pilot has to exit the cockpit is the questions yeah but even for going on board is it easy for the for the pilot uh yeah sir uh for entering the uh the cockpit is wider enough to enter the pilot to get in and the exit okay do you have a step or something to grab on or to uh no sir uh the beam is provided at the side the pilot can be handled with the beam so he can easily get out and get in okay thank you um I have a question because we are speaking about design but um I am a bit more concerned about efficiency in the design because I think a good designer have to think about the two um so most of the time we are thinking about okay I want to reduce the drag whatever but I do not see enough that you want to put the gravity Center more down or closer to the water so when I have seen your pictures about having a seat with a KNE a bit bent did you consider having the the seat a bit more down by having the front beam in the middle of the the leg of the driver yes sir um one second uh can you repeat the question sir one second sorry um by by having this design you you you were limit by the front beam uh as a z position of the gravity centers why don’t you go lower with the seat with all the cockpit what was the limit in order to try to reduce the gravity Center position yes sir uh first of all we think about the uh weight distribution of the boat uh first we calculate the uh Center of mass of the boat and then uh weight distribution in the beam uh first uh pilots in the front uh at um it’s around 60 kgs and we kept the 60 kgs as the uh C Beam for the uh pilot and the other than uh propulsion system and the battery systems are coming at the back so to uh distribute the weight properly we uh move the cockpit to the front at the uh top of the beam so it’s showing that uh the beam is aart in that yes uh thank you for effort uh about introducing um B mimicry in your design um on the opposite way um to technical presentation about propler was interesting more about the fact that was sorry a bit more uh effective uh but I know from the pre your previous presentation uh that that you have worked a lot on the human interface with the OS this is typically what the global design of the product is and I would love to have this part of your presentation again for today um because this is typically what is the design if you think about the iPhone being one of the good or not best but good design for uh a phone today OS is part of it and the human interface is exactly what you have developed and what you presented that I would love to have it in that presentation so for for the next time next year please think about it the you have a product the interface is with a human being this is the thing that I think you need to focus on so um mainly uh why would not include that is because we did not want to keep repeating ourselves I mean we we we wanted to make sure that something this actually stands out uh in every presentation we do but as you said we will take that into consideration for the next time so thank you thank you I have a question as well um so now you you’ve used the boat in in real conditions um what would you improve in the design the Comfort or I don’t know for the for the pilot the usage do you did you get any experience for the from the races you did and what would you optimize for for next year so of uh so about the battery ma’am of course we will reduce the weight for the next year so so the battery weighs around 75 kgs this year so we should think about the weight reduction next year so that is that will be the main thing to reduce next year apart from the comfort and everything weight should be reduced thank you so [Applause] much thank you very much for team C Shakti and our next racer is hydro Vinci team please come to the stage [Music] so hello everyone hello everyone uh I’m Sarah the co-president of the association Hydra viny and today I’m here with Lis the project manager and Liam the budget manager we are very uh honored uh to uh present our project for the design prize at the Monaco energy Bo Challenge and we are uh very grateful to be selected for this price um first things first sorry who are we uh hyeny is a Student Association uh navel engineering special special sorry specialized in uh navel engineering um uh we are based at the uh in the business District of Paris uh at the Leonard de van campus uh we we are um the association sorry was created in 2017 so it’s uh it’s a very young Association and uh we are now composed of 70 students that work on uh two main projects one of them being the Monaco energy challenge so our project uh features two motivated teams sorry um and throughout the project we were able to develop uh our theoretical skills but also our technical skills in uh to uh for um Keys Aras like conception of course uh 3D modeling simulation a lot and of course uh the final construction and we played a role in every of those tapes of uh our project and we are happy to present you today all right so to go a bit further with what you’ve with what you’ve been saying before uh you have to know that every ideas or every structual decisions that we uh decided before uh came from our mind and Imagination uh so it means that we turn these ideas into uh a tangible product uh using uh classical tools such as CNC Machining um uh surface finishing and uh ler cutting equipment uh we were fully prepared uh of uh operating these machines uh ourself uh handling step by step uh from start to the end um in addition uh we also uh source the materials uh in uh especially uh F we were especially focusing uh on the echo uh consumption part uh and in addition to some budget uh friendly Solutions uh and this uh is linked to the challenging aspect of transporting the materials from their place where we are buying them from our workplace in s uh uh and to be more Linked In Our idea of Eco of being eco-friendly uh we were trying to use the common transports you know to bring the materials so so now let’s talk about designs uh design in essence is the creation and planning of the form and function of objects or system or systems sorry to combine uh Aesthetics and utility uh to follow the objectives of uh of sustainable development and to aim for uh zero carbon fit prate construction we uh our design approach focused on natural natural mat materials to uh emphasize um the the the benefits and the characteristics of nature uh we aimed to showcase the the RO beauty of materials and uh highlight their sustainability and this is why we choose uh some materials such as uh cork wood and uh bamboo in our uh in our boat talking about environmental benefits we use cored um because it’s um a eco-friendly material indeed it’s um bark tree so you don’t need to cut tree and the production is mainly in um Portugal that is not far away um and the main thing is um that is lightweighted so we were able to add a battery to our boat uh because of the uh the weight we gained with uh this material moreover bamboo is stly uh used for many applications aligns with our um our desire to return to more fun fundamental method uh of constriction and lotex so the use of two um two BS of bamboo um is um a straightforward but still Innovative IG that we use to replace the two metal uh bars that the teams usually use by biom materials um in addition of the bamboo and the cork we used um some okum and duglas um for the High um straight to weight ratios so the okum is widely used in Marin application so is resistant to water but some of our pieces were too big to be made in a Kum so we used two glass that has um similar properties um and we used um this uh type of w strategically on our boots um based on their specifical needs and constraints finally we adopted this core geometrical um format like you can see um for a futuristic itic and to aim for um for um functional comfortable and lightweighted uh boat all right so in this project we merge traditional woodworking techniques with Cutting Edge Technologies like AI so in this case we use artificial intelligence to generate Creative Solutions to respond to our different constraints uh then we run the simulations to evaluate the best option for example on anwers uh these Technologies assessed Us in designing unique and functional support bars that are more efficient than the traditional ones so in conclusion our design strives for lightness Elegance uh while retaining a natural look uh and aesthetic it aims for a sustainability in boating and yting challenging the idea that usually boats or Yachts are uh posative uh we believe in a future with uh Greener boats and we are very eager to participate in that transition uh thank you for your attention and we will gladly answer your questions [Applause] hello um thank you for your presentation it’s very based on the sustainability and uh maybe uh very focused on the use of the material you you just uh talked about but maybe uh too much because uh maybe missing a way to give an approach with the thinking of the way you’re using it and not driven by so maybe you can use the material but thinking very much more forward of it the way you’re are going to use it and not just uh giving the shape very simple maybe too simple maybe it’s futuristic as you said but maybe you should have another approach for giving a new a new way a new maybe um yes we we did uh emphasize on the sustainable part of the project um what I can add right now is that uh our design um was um highly um driven by the the idea that we have to but uh the the little amount of material um and so we created the the structure to uh the to use um as less uh materials as possible that’s why it is um basic but also um complicated because we have to have a a strong and um um uh uh strong enough structure with the the the smallest amount of material okay thank you and yes umbly close to Florance question with uh what was your inspiration about the shape of your cockpit um because it it looks to be very driven by material uh you’ve used natural material which are flexible most of them um because we build both for centuries in woods never saw any boats being so squarish um and I truly believe that there is probably an inspiration by choosing those really uh brutalist uh design the idea was really to um show that we could use like materials like cork um people were not believing in it uh at first so we wanted to show it um like um at the front piece and not um not hide it in some um Shades or thing like that so it was um it was um I can say it in French but not in English uh it was a challenge but um something thing we um we took uh for some who so um but yeah so certain person think it’s too geometrical but certains loved it so it was a a way to try something um new maybe yeah thank [Music] you just a question have you considered your seat the back of your seat is perpendicular to the water have you considered to change the angle just going back that would have decreased the crosssection and you would have lowered also the center of ground have you consider a different shape because obviously design is integration of Aesthetics but also without forgetting the engineering uh requirement yeah we thought of that um and first of all we wanted to do like you said but um our um ID res to use um um materials that we reuse um so we wanted to have um something that was maybe on a school on um not far away so we hadn’t the materials to do that and we didn’t want it to place like metal or plastic so that he is in plastic but uh it’s reusable and reused um so we prefer to stay on there uh on this uh line of e conception and the materials and all that that to change and uh apart from that uh we uh soon realized that our pilot is not that tall and if we uh move the the bike to to um if he’s too on the on the back he will not be able to see the front of the cockpit and uh the cockpit was the design in a certain way we will we were not able to lower it if we would change the the seats [Applause] [Music] after so thank you very much for hyra Vinci team our next participant tonight is adri energo team please come to the stage test test hello dear guests and fellow contestants um good afternoon and thank you for joining us um we are glad to be the part and the finalists of this prestigious uh Monaco boat energy energy boat challenge um I’m going to show you now the project we done for this year so who are we we are we come from the city of Rea we are a student part of Association uh of applied technical Sciences uh in Rea so we gathered A specific group of uh students Engineers volunteers and professors from the University of riaa so we are we we are founded in the 2018 Ina and uh I have to say that we are growing as a as a group and we have over I would say 15 members where each member is given a specific role uh and a department where they work in my name is Nora Mish and I am the novel architect in our group and I’m glad that I had the role to help in this part uh the thing that I want to point before going into production is that uh in this project and in this uh through the association we get the chance to publish a lot of uh s ien ific and Master’s papers so a lot of things that we face in the production and Innovative problems uh solved uh we have written and published a lot of uh Publications and papers so uh we are proud to say that this year um we manufactured our own Halls so we went from the beginning so from the positive forms of molds uh made from polyutherine uh we uh done the preparation so applying the primer and the gloss covering uh then um polishing it to the right smooth tolerance applied in the second photo you can see of gel coat uh in the right thick layers and then the hand Laminating can start on these three photos you can see the production uh and the method that we used uh is the vacuum epoxy infusion um I would say that over the years um because this is not the first time we’re um using this method we already came to a really astonishing level of using the vacuum epoxy infusion we use B epoxy and uh different kinds of uh carbon fibers so from plain toel uni directional we also use three has also the filling in for easier uh uh epoxy infusion I would show you now the video I hope it’s going to work uh so this is from the testing SE trials uh as you can see it’s in Thea quer Bay so we also have a beautiful coast and it was a beautiful testing you can see that in the design uh we um decided to use and show the uh national colors of our flag so it’s really easy to spot and guess even from which country we arrive we also you cannot see it on the SE trials video but when if you can see and come to the vessel you can see that we also put our recognizable uh white squares in the back and the front of the vessel on the cockpit so uh as I said the hall molds are made by ham laminating method and the cockpit is made by vacuumed uh epoxy infusion uh the first problem that we faced was using gel cot in the first attempt we the the layer was too thick and uh the time between uh the start of the hand laminating was too early so in the next attempt we already done it really nice I’m really proud where we applied two thinner layers being sure that we covered the whole mold and uh we waited the right amount to for the gel coat to really rest and dry and then we started with the hand laminating so on this three photos you can see the preparation of the uh vacuum the epoxy infusion of the um the things where the thing where we can see that we really improved is because the cockpit has really a difficult shape uh where we focused on um making a self uh supporting structure with a a lot of round and radiuses um because you’re making the form then stiffer and uh but I would say we done it from the first take so both HS and the cockpit as you can see we maybe are 15 members but when you have to work it’s five of us so but I would say that uh after this project being this successful and recognizing our country more and more people Engineers volunteers students are applying so who knows what is going to be the next year this is from the first SE trial and I was the Godmother of the ship the difficulties of course as I said is because of the shapes so the different usage of the materials and different carbon um uh reinforce the types uh and of course removing it for the molds was the biggest problem but again we succeeded so this is the first slide where I’m going to say where we decided um at the beginning of the um contest uh we decided to not uh implement the soral panels panels so we wanted to implement three square meters of solar but because of the overweight of our cockpit and the driver because in the last minute our driver changed and then we went over with a 20 kilos overweight driver and we decided to uh remove to be even better in the C all of the endurance is one of our main things where we want to compete and show the um battery capacity and the propulsion that we are using the motor and the pipe connection I’m going to talk a little bit about this where we went um with a clean uh let’s say solution using ubolt rounded B bends stainless steel um and we also I want to point out uh having a lot of students and volunteers we are learning how to use and we use a lot of 3D printing so for example the uh pipe uh pads also printed and a lot of um elements through the presentation I’m going to show is also done by 3D printing uh this year we took uh we made a battery on our own that is twice the capacity so it’s uh 14 in series and 14 parallels Samsung uh lethon cells um with this uh double capacity of the battery we are doing maximum twice as the uh bigger speed of the and using it to be also not just in the endurance um compatible but also in different speed trials um we also have Telemetry of course to follow all of the uh needed uh par parameters and to be sure of the safety and to see how to use the battery as its best of course we’re here to talk about the design and uh I would say that the design inspiration uh uh comes from the uh concept design of the um Monaco energy uh boat contest because if you see the in the right corner you can see that this is the first idea that even the um uh I’m sorry uh so this is the first idea that even uh the organizators uh thought of so the thing is we went for a monoco uh so one piece body cockpit why because we want to ensure that the battery and the electronic system is covered and protected from the water what is giving the biggest uh safety level for the driver what has to be for us the prime uh let’s say uh strategy to go in the next development uh the second things uh that we improved from the last year is that we also followed the uh influence from formula cockpits so uh we use this form because we know it’s already optimized for the optimal for the optimal um [Music] [Applause] aerodynamics um yes uh thank you for your very accurate technical presentation of 9 minutes and for this one minute design presentation I would love that you have develop a bit more the all the aspects which are very interesting I believe uh about the generation of the shape of uh this monoco bit um so yes you shortly explained the inspiration um what did you do about the human interface so pilot interface terms of design so in terms of the design um so for example we wanted to we went for aerodynamics of course like in last year we were more in a boat shape cockpit where in reality we’re above the water and we saw a bigger let’s say opportunity to go more into aerodynamics with this shape um again we also wanted to make beautiful product and um something that is um where you can see an Innovative design also combinated with technical um let’s say Parts like Hydraulics uh again implemented and it’s really clean so we went for a let’s say a Flawless design and to we wanted to make a whole product so this is one of the beautiful whole product little bit show the how they say uh vacuum vacuum the epoxy infusion to come to his bets what I think that we really are uh in a good how do you say Uprising level but about the the pilot interface so seats um instruments so uh regarding the instruments uh um let’s say regarding the seat so we first took from also formula driver’s seats but we wanted to reduce the weight of in every part so I would say the seat in the in several stages became smaller and smaller because we use the bulkhead uh angled because inside of the cockpit we have a angled bulkhead that is used as a headrest and back rest support so it’s uh how you say uh sufficient idea how to use the form of the cockpit and also reduce the weight thank you um I will ask the same question as the previous team um because you try to design the most efficient uh boat as possible uh during the consideration of the design why you design the cockpit on top of the hle and not integrating the whole inside your design can you repeat the question one more time just to be sure no no um Mo like most of the team you you made a beautiful design but I was a bit sad because you just push the cockp pick on top of the of the hole on the beam and because you you you build your own uh cockpit uh I I was wondering why you do not integrate the front beam inside in order to lower the center of gravity of the driver okay um I would like to say that for example after we didn’t have a lot of time to see trial so the video that we had that’s the reason so what we want to offer to other team is the uh have the chance to contact us later and they can come and we can discuss the manufacturing they can use the H that we made so that everybody can do the sea trials as much as possible in their country uh and we didn’t have the time to test it and for example this is our real testing now in Monaco and for example we already have ideas how we want to improve it we want to move the driver more back to the oft and we want to reduce the splashing near the motor with several ideas that we already have in plan for the next year so I would say that we’re going to stay on top of the tubes on the but we’re going to a little bit play with the center of gravity because we can move the battery still more we can because the battery is safe it’s much more easier to manipulate and move everything back and then you don’t have the diving inside with the Halls what is the main problem when I see now the comp other contestants and us um yeah thank you for your presentation You’ spoken a lot about the cockpit but obviously you invested a lot of time and money in the whole design creating the molds doing the layup I’m just wondering what was the thinking behind the design of the holes they’re very sort of boxy and the sections are unusual so just wondering what what drove that aspect of the design so uh we changed the freeboard of the so we wanted to imitate the monarco halls but we changed the shape in the more Square looking one why to have easier ways of U mounting several new things that we want to implement are the solars or something else so and to reuse the Halls maybe for some different so we’re thinking up front about really sustainability and recycling not just to use one type of the H and that’s all so we were thinking about several ways of using it thank you [Applause] and thank you very much for Adria energy boat team and our next competitor is mess energy boat from Italy please come to the stage check okay so bons y Club The Monaco I’m Victorio one of the student that designed our boat um before going on on the presentation I want to present our team our team is a team of the University of missina we are student phds and Professor from different branches of engineering so we can have a lot of point of view uh of the project before going uh inside the design process that we had I want to talk about the name of our boat unfortunately recently our director passed away and our director was really really interested in um student project and believed in our project so we decided to dedicate our name to him so uh before going on I want want to spoil that our design process has B is based on three main uh pillar the first the first one is the biom mry when we talk about biom MRE we are talking about taking inspiration from Mother Nature as you know Mother Nature if it’s making something H it work a lot and in this case we take inspiration from the flying fishes that really fly on the peel of the water and we used that kind of shape to design our boat the other part that we consider the second part that we consider is the cost the effective cost of the boat we tried to lower as much as possible the budget to make the the boat as cheap as possible now let’s go more an engineering uh aspects to evaluate our structure we is the uh finite element model and we used the the medium uh Heights of waves here in Monaco to consider it the forces that we have on the structure when we are on the sea as you can see our structure is has not critical points so it’s quite stable and it does doesn’t um uh it make me make us feel Comfort comfortable even the pilot this slide is called modularity uh but what we want to mean our boat is modular so we can adjust all the aspect the asset the trim the height of the motor and even the tension of our uh steering system in a much easier way so we can really adjust our boat in some minutes without have to start doing stuff for a lot of time this slide show us the some images of the structure our structure is made of aluminium and this is the third important part of our project the LCI so aluminium as you know is one of the most recyclable uh material that we know we can use this aluminum we can reuse it for another structure and with some treatments this aluminum can have the same characteristic as a firsthand uh aluminium this is some of the part that we have on the boat we recycled a lot of the part of last year boat we have improved some parts as the motor we reuse the batteries and we are one of the few teams that is using solar panel we’re using as much square meters as possible to solar panel because they give us that more uh cap that more um uh durability of the boat uh for the uh endurance race there you can see some of the manufacturing process obviously uh the main part was welding the the structure and we followed it and uh we may we follow all the uh part of the uh the welding process before to go to the Q&A I want to spend a few words on our uh steering system we adopted last year a steering system that is made of ropes so we have dyema ropes that is even more stronger than steel ropes and with this kind of system um we’ve improved it we still use scratch we use the um um crown and um uh and a chain from an old motorcycle and with the system as is it is now we can adjust the tension of the ropes without having trouble to regulate the starboard side and um uh port side uh separately so with one Mo movement as the whole holder adjustment of the boat we can tell we can talk with the pilot and make the boat as custom as possible to him so if you have any question uh I will be happy to answer them yes thank you very much for thank you very much for your presentation can you switch back the slides to the first one thank you oh no second one yeah um could you explain me the two first picture on the top left okay and how you go from that shape to your project okay is a problem of manufacturing so this we have this inspiration so uh this kind of fish to escape from predators start to fly a few centimeter of the water our boat when reach high speed start to navigate on the peel of the water so we use that similarity to improve our shape of our boat for uh maybe is not the same I know but we have a pro a production process that is real quick so we’ve made the structure in a few days and uh it isic efficient and lightweight so we can um we can uh compare um carbon fiber or laminated structure as this so it weighs uh in total uh 15 kilos so it’s still the same okay thanks um I do have a question from uh also the the weight approach um normally when you are doing a aluminium structure um so I understood you was limited by the the price but you try to put as less aminium as possible but when I see your design I see quite a lot of tube so have you done some uh calculation in order to be sure that it was uh okay not okay yeah as I said we used uh FM uh um systems to analyze our structure and as you can see the structure uh it’s um secure so even if there uh it don’t have a lot of stresses in older uh places where maybe there will be higher stresses the structure will react properly so we don’t have any uh preup pre preoccupation and how our pilot feel safer and and he can uh use all of his uh uh how can say it uh but he don’t have to worry okay now my my question was I understood that but how many Improvement have you done in the design because I guess with Jill we are looking for the design process so you have an inspiration you have a first design after you see that you have a limit of budget so you know we are looking for this you explain us this Loops of design from the inspiration from the engineering point of view and after for the interface of the pilot yeah okay for the interface of the pilot so uh let’s start from design process uh how design process uh was repeated a lot of time and we’ve uh arrived at this solution that was easier to make and fast so we made it in a few days as I said and we’ve improved uh hits as much as possible for the pilot interface uh we have a big screen so he can see even on the sunny days uh all the data from the boat so he don’t have to worry about not seeing what is going on behind him so it’s a question of uh worrying and uh uh also the cockpit itself is made it on the measurement taken on the pilot so it he fits inside it uh well and he don’t have to worry even to leave the boat so like in the uh uh escaping procedure that we simulated here he get out of the boat in a few seconds even less that what you require and just go back to Jeremy question if I see correctly you have used an aluminum profile more or less of square uh kind of cross-section probably 15 mm * 15 mm have you tried to examine the different uh solution maybe with something that was 12 mm and also instead of using a square kind of cross section if you were using a a a rectangular cross-section with a higher uh part toward where you are having a higher kind of stress have have you tried different dimension profile or not yeah we’ve tried it and we tried it and we’ve seen that with square with this kind of profile we have um the most simple and the most efficient solution so having all the tubular of the same um uh the same cross-section and same Dimension we can weld it in an easier way the welder doesn’t have to worry about having I understand the question of the similar but instead of using 15 if you were using 13 you are having really of course we will have uh an increase uh but you have tried different we have tried different solutions at least from a theoretical point of view yeah yeah we’ve tried uh in a theor theoretical obviously point of view and we’ve seen that this is one of the best solution obviously we can improve it it’s not perfect I know and uh but this is the uh final result of a starting and uh uh obviously uh starting of the structure of the boat a very quick question for me so you mentioned the uh adjustability of your boat the adaptability as a as an asset for uh for your design um can you explain a bit more what exactly is adjustable and to do what is it to uh maybe adapt to different weather conditions or is it just for different Pilots that have different you know shapes and weight Okay so we can adjust all M all the aspect of the boat so starting from the motor uh uh let me see okay maybe this light okay uh like let’s start from the a the propeller the motor is adjustable in height uh um it’s adjustable on trim so we can adjust it in different condition in a wavy condition or in a flat condition we can adjust the position of the box of the batteries so we can uh put them a little bit more further and a little bit more on the back to have obviously a different asset of the boat we can adjust the position of the cockpit so where the pilot is sitting we can put it on the front or in the back and uh uh we can adjust the uh pilot seat and we can adjust the tension of the um rops that we have to control our uh steering system uh with only one [Applause] movement thank you thank you very much so the next team is on the stage is Cambridge University Riviera racing please welcome the guys Co hi everyone I am harsh from Cambridge University revier racing this is Ray we are the co- captains of the team and before we go into our design firstly we’ll give you a quick introduction into what the team actually is and what our aims are so uh if we look here here’s here’s a little selection of some of our team members we are a team of about 30 student members with a very simple Mission and that is to be a hub for inventive students at the University to develop their skills in a real world engineering challenge you see a lot of opportunities to calculate things but for us it’s about making and building and learning that way and then what’s the point of us doing this specific Challenge and making our project um we have a visit a vision where a more sustainable Maritime future is fueled in part at least by hydrogen and what we’re trying to do is show that it is both sustainable but it’s also high performance uh so to tell you a little bit about the project itself this is the first British team in the energy class and is intended to also be the first foiling boat in the energy class um the idea with us was we didn’t want to just turn up and you know plunk a motor on on this chassis uh we wanted to really try and find the best most interesting Innovations in the industry try and integrate them it might be difficult but we really did believe that it’s it’s worth the effort it’s it’s worth taking the time to go and find you know the the more interesting battery the more interesting Port solution things like that so we are entering all three The Innovation Eco and design prizes and today we are presenting on why we believe we should be a front runner for the design prize here today so I’ll start with the name the name of the project and of the boat is meridian so for a very very long time the uh Maritime industry and other Industries have navigated using these meridians on the map and for us we think this represents what we want to be we want to be a line or a Guiding Light for the industry as we move forward um and that’s that’s really the inspiration for the name of the project um I will now pass over to Ry who will go through some of the key features of the ba thank you har so um obviously there are two aspects of design that we decided to focus on from one one hand this is obviously a racing boat racing boat has to have a good performance in the races on the other hand we understand the purpose the core of the Monaco energy boat challenge is at its heart a green boating challenge so we want to respect sustainability uh within our design and trying to find a balance between these two has been much of the work of the team for this past year so on the performance side uh in order to uh be competitive during the insurance race we’ve designed for a very low cruising power that can be fulfilled by a hydrogen fuel cell additionally we are uh our boat have a lightweight construction and that sort of is centers around the main elements of our chassis design uh and we wanted to also uh increase performance by reducing drag and increase flexibility with our variable angle hydrofoils so that’s how we intend to perform well in races on the sustainability side we’re using low EMB Ed energy materials so that’s wood for our underlying cockpit frame additionally with wood it’s designed for easy repair and upgrade simple materials such as SS wood glue um and readily available local Timber can be used to upgrade and repair of a frame in case of any damage um and the final aspect of sustainability is we have used uh the repurpose nose cone from another University team uh at Cambridge um and that helps provide sort of a core of the structure at low sort of carbon cost so to guide you through how we landed on our final design let’s take it back right to the start and here on uh on this side of the screen you will see our initial idea so very Sleek cockpit um very aerodynamic perhaps generating some aerodynamic lift but of course with this sort of rigid body we would have to use a fiberglass or a carbon fiber body and as we all know these Composites are notoriously bad for the environment despite being perhaps quite lightweight um and also the cost of manufacturer was not fantastic so uh having done some efficiency calculations and found that the aerodynamic drag was sort of significantly less than the hydrogenic drag we decided to move away from this idea of having an aerodynamically optimized shell so then where do we look for inspiration and strangely enough we actually looked to the aircraft for inspiration um so we were very kindly given a tour of the shuttleworth aircraft uh collection in the United Kingdom and uh here there’s a a very large collection of World War I era aircraft and I’m sure you all know sort of fundamentals of construction perhaps you can see in the S with triplane there uh in the corner we have a number wooden Spas along the uh along the wing of aircraft and that’s reinforced by strips of wood running throughout it provide stiffness um at very light uh yeah so essentially this was back perhaps 100 years ago when manufacturing techniques were not as advanced therefore at a lower cost um easier to manufacture and actually very lightweight because again it’s used in the aviation so we took idea and we transformed it into our cockpit Chessie which we’ll see on the next slide so our in initial uh design of this used plywood Marine Marine Wood ply um ribs to act as essentially what would be the wings spars from the aircraft and we also used flexible ratan cane running along to provide tension misdirection um and of course this was CED with a hydrophobic fabric so we built this and upon some more consideration we decided to make some slight amendments to reflect our final design so one thing we changed was a hydram fabric firstly this was quite difficult to apply and couldn’t be applied smoothly uh as this was not very flexible fabric so instead we switched to a flame retardant shrink wrap which is both safer easier to apply quicker um yeah so we can just simply roll over the fabric and apply a heat shrink which will mold it perfectly to the body and this is a similar technique actually that is used in some of America’s cups uh sales to replace uh the sale material in terms of the longitude nor ratan can we found that this was fantastic in tension but would Buckle very quickly in compression and instead of that again we move to the more conventional um uh longitudinal Pine strips which is similarly used in aircraft so I’ll pass back to harsh to talk over some more of the overall features for performance and sustainability so on the whole it was very important to us that we balance these two factors because really you don’t have a commercial product without having both uh performance and sustainability especially in today’s market so from a performance point of view these are the four key kind of criteria that we set ourselves and first of all it must be lightweight uh it’s it’s very clear that um to be fast you must be light and that’s probably the easiest way to go about it you can put a huge motor on a very heavy thing but that’s just an inefficient way of doing it uh secondly we were very excited to try out Hydro foiling uh we thought this is something that a lot of the industry already does and it would be although only partially foiling it would be an exciting way to try and see how far we can push the performance of these standard holes that we’ve been given then of course it’s important important that our our very precious pilot is comfortable and we need to make sure that during the 4-Hour endurance race she isn’t suffering so we use some memory foam cushioning just to make sure she’s all right and then lastly um and this this took a few iterations actually we came up with a a modular adaptable system and what this means is we have some sliding rails uh behind our clock pit and on these rails are all our key components our battery our fuel cell our cylinders things like that uh all of these have a stand mounting plate and we can slide them around or even swap them around in the case of needing a change to the center of mass uh easy adjustment and it allows us to dynamically adapt to the conditions of the race so that’s performance what about sustainability in terms of sustainability again four main things firstly was at the very core of our product is let’s keep the embodied energy as low as possible a lot of people would go it’s a boat it’s fast it’s meant to be carbon fiber and as as c as carbon fiber is it’s very clear that it’s not a sustainable material therefore we just went to to the traditional approach as Ray mentioned we went with Timber as as kind of the basis for a lot of our construction where we did feel the need to use carbon fiber um kind of as a core component for making our cockpit was um right at the front and to make sure this was as sustainable as possible we borrowed a uh an existing nose cone from a formula student team rather than fabricating [Applause] ourselves should I finish up quickly carry on questions questions questions okay yeah feel free um yes gentlemen so you know when you we are today the jury for the design price um it’s like uh my colleague which are design experts they have a client asking them I want a boat with this assumption and most of your slides the Assumption was I want light boat uh if I see to the number I just received you are today the heaviest boat on the water how could you as a Cambridge University come with 100 kilos heavier than expected as that was the main call of all your slide what was the mistake and I think this mistake might be very useful by lessons that we all have to know and to share all of us so could you explain us how that was possible please yes so um I think something we didn’t account for was uh we put a lot of uh elements on board uh and that was something I think was the core mistake um and each of those elements had a slight increase and added together of course if if so many elements have increase it multiplies to a large one so I’ll take an example for instance um our proportion system uh again the double proportion system as opposed to a single um cuz we wanted a higher power solution for for performance I think yeah and uh and again the mounting for that was quite a heavy solution because we wanted um we wanted the flexibility for the hydro foil in the proportion depth so from that point of view I think we tried perhaps to integrate too much many different aspects into the system and may I ask you a question who was in charge of the control of the weight on your boat uh originally the structures team within the boat um who themselves actually did a good job up their pot with with a cockpit but perhaps yeah it got a little bit out of control with alliances for the other aspects and that’s something very very important and I think the designer knows that more than anyone um when you design the boat you have to be on the well position on the water so if you have a difference of weight it’s a huge difference so all the team you have always to have a clear bill of materials with the correct weight and being sure that every modification is always linked to this uh list of weight so and I hope you will do that next year I am sure never in your life again you will make this mistake yes yes of course um yeah classic is for trying to fit too much on on one yes thank you yes uh thank you very much on the other hand I would like to con congratulate you about how clear your design process was even at the end it seems not to be such a success but uh at least it was clear for for us how process the thinking about and uh the inspiration so on um so there there’s one one question so but I see it in the last uh slide so why didn’t you push a bit forward I mean till the end the process to also make the the nose of your uh of your cockpit uh following the same uh philosophy yes sure um essentially um well from the AR DC loading we figured that essentially all of the load would be towards the nose cone so if there was one component that had to be very structurally sound very rigid that would be that component obviously we didn’t want that to then reflect in uh yeah in in having to a go through the cost of producing that component and B um if a component exists we may as well reuse to to prevent this going to scrap which it would have so the one piece of aerodynamic uh reinforcement we need we’ve gotten from uh a secondary source as opposed to trying to make out of wood uh which would have been perhaps difficult to shape uh into this this configuration and perhaps would have required uh more material uh because it’s a very thin material which gives a lot of cockpit space so that’s another aspect that was uh desirable yeah okay thanks just a two quick question you mentioned that uh you were looking uh for application of wood and I have just a question if have you try and and at least explore the different mechanical characteristic of the wood so there a different type of wood and second if you know what type of wood was in fact used by the aeronautical industry between the two War because there is one special type of wood that was used do you know it which was no it was Birch Birch was the material wood material with lighter weight and higher mechanical resistance yeah perhaps we could give that a go next year maybe maybe some Birch on the boat um we did indeed um the the timber we selected is of course cost effective we’ve gone with a mix of plywood and at the moment uh the reason for that is first of course cost for a student team is is a big deal um but also these did have the appropriate mechanical characteristics um I think a few people suggested if you’re going cost why not MDF and and we didn’t think that would be um sufficient for our purposes which is why it’s a a combination of plywood and Pine [Music] so thank you very much for Cambridge University our last uh competitor for this prize today is team elra unig please come to the stage check afternoon to everyone I’m Tomas robano from the University of Genova and I’m a member of our electrical team and this is Danielle kazza our team leader and this is our second participation in the Monaco energy board Challenge and uh our team is composed of Bachelor master and PhD students from three different Departments of the University of Geneva that we talk about later on during the presentation and supervised by uh researchers and professors uh who work together uh to create a multi disciplinary collaboration and uh so uh for our design price presentation I want to uh first first show you the highlights of our project that started by asking ourselves uh how far could we go uh in producing the boat by ourselves and we managed to make significant Improvement and changes compared to last year configuration for example new Communication System uh new battery pack with custom cells and lighter cockpit with recyclable materials and so on but we talk about this later during the the presentation and um so our goal is to promote a cross divisional collaboration uh among three main groups the Marine the electrical and electronics team to by working together to find the best possible solution for the design development of our boat and uh so regarding the Marine team the first uh Focus was on conducting preliminary analysis to evaluate the implementation of T foil’s structure uh mainly addressing the stabilization issues uh by uh studying 3D models and related graphs to uh start to identify the uh feasibility and um of this solution and uh then the uh after solving the stabilization problem uh the idea was to improve the ventilation by uh designing and developing the Fairing and uh a new base for our uh that uh could help us to um obtain a sufficient immersion during flight and at the meantime the foil structure was created and the Next Generation propellers were deeply studied and in part modified uh after these main interventions our marine team uh redesign key components uh such as the cockpit uh The Spark cost beam connections and the new battery cells and closure uh and other minor elements always uh focusing on 3D models uh to evaluate and identify the best possible solution uh for our uh electrical team the uh the first issue was to achieve a higher energy density uh for our battery pack uh and does choosing the best possible technology for uh a ailable on the market and at the end we selected the lithium nmc uh battery cells it was uh the best option for our goal and after carrying out charging and discharging test to uh verify the sell performance and the correct interaction with the new battery management system uh for an optimal cell management and balancing we uh properly arranged them uh in serious and in parallel to uh obtain the desired voltage for our for the old battery pack and uh after this to enhance the our performances uh especially in the speed races uh the idea was to replace our the inverter of our 11.5 Kow outward electric motor with a more powerful one that could allow the motor to overload and obviously to uh study the phys ility and the safety of this solution we carried out a lot of thermal and mechanical tests both uh out of the water and into the water as you can see also in these pictures of from our Laboratories and in particular in the picture on the right where you can also notice another motor on the floor of the of the picture and uh to which it was connected the position sensor of our electric outboard in order to simulate at the overload only from a thermal point of view uh by aligning the the two motor shafts and uh so um I have to admit that it was quite challenging to complete all these test but at the end we were able to um to evaluate that the motor could handle up to 15 Kow Conservatory since these initial tests were down out of water and to conclude for the electrical team uh photo custom photovoltaic panels and the CDC uh converters were purchased to charge and so extend the duration of our batteries during all the races but especially for the endurance race and uh to evaluate the advantages and possible drawbacks of this implementation we developed a matalab simulink model to uh estimate all the main electrical parameters uh such as as the duty cycle the converter duty cycle the and the power and current flowing uh to the batteries uh for our last group the electronic steams the uh initial work phase focused on integrating uh sensor to monitor uh all the most important parameters uh on board uh such as the battery uh voltage the state of charge of our battery pack and the battery and motor uh Uh current and battery and motor temperatures and the GPS location and the speed in RPM and so the uh ensuring at the meantime an accurate data collection and the system Health monitoring and then the The Next Step was to develop a graphical user interface in order to uh be able to display uh the sensor readings both both uh onshore on a personal computer and offshore for uh on board the boat uh with a rugged phone and so providing a real-time data visualization uh to enhance the operational awareness and decision making both for the the pilot and the Our Land team and uh for our the for the last work phase the the focus was on uh verify the correct uh signal Transmissions between the monitoring team and the landbased team by conducting experiments both uh on internet and radio connections and so to uh evaluate the correct sensor readings between the the two the two teams right now uh we explained how every team worked as a single task uh in the last part of the project we started to collaborate to see if everything was uh uh coupled together correctly so at first uh we started to connect the inverter and the BMS with the telecommunication system and we tested if we can read uh every measurement from the inverter and the mbms but we didn’t stop there uh from the raspberry so from the te telecommunication system we are able to change the parameter of the ventor while the boat is on the sea from the electrical Marine part we focus on the matching uh on the propeller and the motor so we tried to see which was uh the Tor KPM curve of our custom propeller that we developed for our boat plus we saw uh which was the mechanical stress of our battery pack how to build uh the pack of the of the battery cells by doing FM and simulation and 33 mod modeling uh our electronic team our marketing team working together to see which are the main parameter and measurements that need to be evaluate while the ship while the boat is going out especially in the endrance uh race and they were all displayed by a grafana system to or a PC or the phone thank you for your attention [Applause] yes thank you for your technical presentation um how did you integrate all those elements on your boat you mean in terms of weight or in terms of where they are for example the you spend some time on the graphic user interface yeah it is on a Raspberry so we have n uh 56 box that’s not my question my question how did you integrate it into the boat and how the pilot interact if this with this element because what is important is the interface with the human how do you integrate this system which is elaborated okay and in which way basically pilot interact with this graphic user we have a rugged phone uh which is the display of the raspberry so we are sending the data to the phone we uh through the router that we have on the boat I cannot go back I think okay so here uh has explained we tested the radio system and the internet system so that what you can see there it’s a rotter yes so from the raspberry we go to the router which is in a box and from the router we can connect the phone which is on the boat which is the display of our P pilot to the router so him can see everything and they’re displaying as a grafana system so the measurements you see there are what our palot see yeah what is interesting for me as a designer is where did you put the display and how the pilot interact with the display okay so there is the steering wheel at the left at top left of the steering wheel there is the phone in a vertical way and it’s zoomed so is a phone so it can touch and scroll down okay and oh everything is there it’s displayed in one single page so if he has a data is scroll down basically there are for temperature mandatory for the competition speed and the Amper of the battery yeah what for the design price what is important in where is where you have put the display okay is ergonomics and this is how you interact as a human with your project and this is what’s important in design okay I at the beginning of your presentation I was a little bit scared because you presented as all single developments without developing the boat as a whole no so each independent uh development that was not taken into account did you coordinate this development or you said that we talked after some months and recently we put all together and the second um comment is um what about the development of the 3D model of uh the cockpit no because it seems that uh you have I don’t know where it comes from the shape you said you worked on that but uh I would was not able to understand where does it comes from okay so basically when we started the project we were too many to be all in the same room and work all together so me as a team man manager I divided the the the students in three department and I was coordinating the data between basically the teams every team has an ad so every team of let’s say the marine department are 10 12 students they have the head so between the head of every department they are sharing the information uh basically is Common from sharing information between the ad it’s not it’s common also from other part of the students basically uh we do it uh normally but when we arrive to the last part of the project let’s say April or May we start to do a lot of C trials and there that’s the moment where we all share the thoughts together and we can all together build the bolt uh from the second question uh the project was coming from the last year configuration so we took the cockpit from the previous project of our boat and we changed the material and just show chared the cockpit form so basically we modified and already done cockpit uh now just as a general remark um I think we are out of question um congratulation for the Improvement you have done since last year it’s very very good um I am a bit disappointed not to see that you directly answer the design in the way where we want to see that the designer you know with human interface inspiration from that let’s say a bit more stylish way of thinking but anyway you have made a very good job compared to last year so don’t be sad and we I I wanted to to say very congratulation for the Improvement since last year thank you [Applause] um let me two minutes to explain um the the design jury uh has been a bit disappointed Al so probably we possibly mislead all the teams about what is the design because we have seen mostly a lot of engineering design presentation uh that was not the aim um the aim was to bring on stage uh people that would have understand that what they are doing is a product and this product needs to be think as one thing made of a lot of elements uh technical is part of it because here we are focusing on what is improving uh all the engineering on board but um you you have to think about how the human will be integrated in that uh engineering technical environment so we are an aesthetic also part of it um you’ll have in your uh near future have to work uh in an industry uh you will have to deal with marketing people you will have to deal with sales with uh designers and many other parties that you’ll have to convince of your work but to work with and to combine all your effort to have a final product which is a thing um so uh this is what uh as head of Des jury want to encourage you to think about from the beginning of your um project for next year uh but also for your presentation is the the design price is not about technical is about how you make your product something which has a sense as a wall that’s it but uh thank you very much for your effort uh and I hope that there will be more uh Team participating to this price next year and uh there is no shame on collaborating with other universities uh design or marketing because we have seen that collaboration with marketing teams uh works very very good for the presentation and uh so let’s do better for next [Applause] year thank you very much Jill so basically now this was it for the design prize and we are moving forward with the FBA the sustainable acting award and our first speaker today is Poly Technical de Milano please come to the stage okay so hello everyone um Alexandro electrical technical director at physic BB uh nautical team from po Technic Milano I’m glad to be back on this stage to present to you what we consider being our main technological innovation for this year sinergy project in collaboration with our main sponsor science so uh let’s start uh with considering why we reckon our project as uh solid foundations so as the name suggests uh uh our project strength relies on the collaboration between freedom entities with important expertise in free in different aspects of the development uh the project development so research and development is carried out at polych Milano Cutting Edge Laboratories the manufacturing of most of the necessary components takes place at science C Bol site located in Milan and the testing and application uh is carried out at physic PEB student team so um physis by now has three years of experience in designing and building integrated hydrogen power system uh to be competitive in a Monon Bo challenge so our goals remains unvaried uh giving frust to the uh to hydrogen Power Solutions especially for a marine Mobility and creating a student driven research and development Hub in uh in the premises of uh po technical Milano Laboratories so our proposal for this year is to build the first team branded hydrogen Pam fuel cell stock up for uh Marine applications so um last year effort of the team was put completely uh into designing our first step uh which leads us to a self-sufficiency concerning uh Mobility power system so uh I will present uh our first uh fuel set stock prototype AKA 01 so AKA in Italian stands for letter H which sends back obviously to hydrogen which is the fuel we are using in our stack hydrogen is then injected in our particular designed bipolar graphite bipolar plates uh which feature uh an Innovative sinusoidal interated gas channels which allows for um more homogeneous distribution of the reactants um more homogeneous thermoelectrical properties and enhanced by producted water management so in this picture uh you can see how the testing assembly is uh is made and you can distinguish the several components here so we start with our end plates the orange components which are made of recycled um 3D printed materials then we have the copper Caron collectors and the graphite bipolar plates I was talking about before at the art stack there is the membran electr assembly or mea uh which is manufactured entirely by us within science Co um Laboratories here we can see uh the results uh we have retrieved from uh our prototype stack so the key data here is 32 VTS per layer with roughly a 7 * 5 cm square active surface uh consider that our uh whole cross surface of the bipolar plates right now is 100 cm square and a 50 per uh efficiency at roughly 20 watts per layer which is which are remarkable data if we consider our uh geometry is not finally optimized yet so uh carrying out a comparison we have a current stock that is mounted on y 3.0 um prototype catamaran at an average 2.2 KW uh Power output uh using our current geometry uh and same active surface stack will lead to 20% less lower less hydrogen consumption um three points of effici three points increased efficiency and blue hydrogen refill savings estimated at 19.5 us per sailing hour so uh our geometry is not the only Innovation we are bringing to the table but we also focus on Innovative materials for our components so for the uh bipolar plates which are a key component in in every stack that ensure um electrical and termal conductivity uh we have used isostatic graphite which allows for no uh pfsa anti-corrosion uh treatment and en THM electrical property respect to metal bipolar plates for the mea um we use a science cor acum patented uh water-based dispersion which allows for high temperature stability higher crystallinity which enables finner membranes our is just 70 microns and this results in lower hydrogen uh crossover rate and a lower equivalency wage which means um higher um electrical conductivity all the solution together uh leads to lower life cycle assessment impact higher performance and durability and lower operating and maintenance costs so uh right now we’ll introduce to our project road map so from the Prototype I’m presenting here today at this edition of The monoc Challenge to a market scalable product so uh our technical development process is mainly divided in three phases um the whole uh our whole plan which uh nearly be accomplished in two or 3 years okay starting from now so the first phase will take place um roughly in six 6 months from now okay um it comprises with the pilot uh starting the pilot production of the final meas and bipolar plates which will look like this uh probably and the next year physic team will start to design and develop all the control electronics and Power Electronics and balance of plants of the stack which comprises of um liquid cooling system and and the reactant conditioning system and probably our final product will look like this so a fully integrated plug andplay system which could be purchased from a manufacturer of small or mid vessels okay and installed easily in their um in their boat okay the Final Phase will be uh the uh patent filing for our technology and then uh start of founding by uh increasing our third party um third party investors and engagement so here you can see a detailed uh picture of how the final bipolar plates and mea assembly will look like and we increase the cross-sectional area and you can see the whole uh layer of the fuel cell stack will be just three um 3 mm fake so last but not least I will present you our business plan so we carried out a um a forward uh cost evaluation for our solution uh for the the technical development of our Solutions so uh uh the the first phase and the second phase I uh introduce you before um and the overall cost of a solution is estimated at 82,000 uh EUR uh which uh the this cost uh cover all the energy control unit and control Electronics development and production the graphite bipolar plates Machining and the mea’s production with also other components being developed such as the casing and the piping instrumentation system so throughout the all here we try to enhance the um uh our sponsor sponsors engagement and we successfully collected a budget of 57,000 um uh in order to cover all the cost for the sectors of the technical development of our solution uh as you can see the uh sustainable y award Grant will cover evenly all uh the remaining uh cost of uh the development and for the first phase so um we we will uh increase our stakeholders engagement in order to be helped to launch our product to the market so uh right now I’m finished and I’m inviting my colleague John Luka to the stage in order to uh hand over our bipolar plates and meas we have produced along the year in order to show you uh to touch your hands our future [Applause] congratulation um sry we will ask you some startup question to be sure that you deserve this uh this grants um I understood that there is patent around this Innovation is it correct I I didn’t understand I understood that there is some patent in this Innovation is it correct yeah who is the owner of the patent will be po Milano okay then um could you explain me a bit more in details um the creation of the company the spin-off the business model who is the shelder and what’s the relation in between FES which we are so happy to support and cnco which is a company from my understanding that we will not give any money to a company so we are happy to support University student but not a companies that need money to develop a prototype yeah so science code supports only uh in supports us only in the manufacturing process of uh our solution okay so just a manufacturing um uh in the manufacturing part um all the uh design and research and development is carried out at Poly techn Milano and um the patent pending application will be filed uh into uh throughout the poly techn Milano Administration in order to um bring to reality a spin-off or a startup Foundation okay um our Pro our business plan will be to uh uh in opposite to other um to other projects this is not revolving around the single personalities of the team so it’s not a master tasis uh project but it’s something that uh would likely create um a new Department into uh the team okay so it’s something that is renovating year by year and increasing the complexity of the project year by year and here in the Mony Bo challenge will uh we will test and uh our our device okay and so disclose all the um all the the work of we made year by year into uh to this community and enlarge and broaden the Horizon of hydrogen sustainability into the Marine sector let my colleague if they have some other question thank you very much for your presentation uh are you just focused on the Marine sector or have you thought about the applications this technology might have so uh maybe I can canot go back to okay okay so as I showed before this uh is something that this is uh a picture of an integrated system and balance of plant of a fil stack but this is not also just for marine applications we are in Sp man Mar application because um requires more um uh for f design uh better than the automotive Market just for um uh the reason why is the the difficulties in marine application by the Water Management and uh Air Supply so this uh eventually could be installed uh in every Mobility application um so yes uh it’s something that is transcends from the origin of the project project um I’m sorry but uh it’s very very important that we understand very clearly because uh you know I am working in the fuel cell company and we know quite Julian and myself C CCO and basically I am a bit um surprised because most of the slide you share was a sansco slide and not the FY slide so that’s why I really really need to understand clearly who is the owner of what so s basically uh is like uh if we were already uh a company it’s just a third party company that uh give us uh material supply okay it’s not the the owner of uh any any patent or the Creator or any technology except for the materials uh of the mea in this case so uh it’s if you were a company already it’s just a supplier uh we take the raw materials uh for example and then we are the Transformers into uh the final product and another question if uh you can imagine that have the grants with Foundation of Prince Albert and the Y Club of Monaco uh would you be okay to supply several fuel cell to the people that want to have a fuel cell at the Monaco energy boat challenge yeah why not we are here to uh enlarge the uh our hydrogen sustainability market so yeah as I said before it’s something that uh will take for the final for the final assembly to to be completed roughly to or three years and then the cost will be uh taken down by the repe the repeatability of the solution so it will be an option yes um um nonex uh question um your original design you expect to improve it uh a bit yeah uh in the The Next Step yeah yeah as I told you um the fact that this is not something that concludes with a master thesis okay allows us to uh let’s say uh improve our work year by year uh also by taking into account other members consideration and other professors and and and so uh this already is something that is is already improved okay as you can see we have uh distribu Ingress we combine dots and Metric for more homogeneous thermoelectrical properties along the bipolar plates we redesign a little bit even the staggered uh configuration of the gas channels and we also integrated liquid cooling system okay uh on the perimeter of the bipolar plates so yes and do you think that’s the even if it’s uh slightly improving uh is that the best design that you can achieve or is there completely different design that could do better research and development uh up to now has shown that this configuration okay uh even if uh even though uh this is something that will be uh mirr to research and development activities within universities has shown that this is the best uh configuration uh right now for the fuel cell uh water management and therm electrical properties but uh nothing prevents us to take another design to consideration in the next years for another product this is just the starting point and about uniqueness this design does not exist no mean in the market no yeah yeah thank you yeah normally they are straight basically uh maybe one last question sorry because I think sard is looking at us and we are out of time when you are sharing some slide with a gain on efficiency and durability and uh I want to know who is the reference what is the reference not the other the next one oh okay yes you see minus 20% uh so basically plus 3% efficiency I need to understand who is the reference the our reference is our current stack uh which underwent to several testing both on test benches in our Laboratories and then on water uh before the monog CH what is your currenti Set uh Horizon H300 okay open Pam and open C okay but you know that this one is almost 10% less efficient that other P today on the market yeah I know but as as I stated before this uh will will will be the results we f um with just the 72 layers of this so uh if we are going to uh for instance if we are scaling up the results on this bipolar plate we will add roughly uh 10 watts per layer just with this okay now but when you do a speech presentation in front of investors you have to share who is your reference always yeah thank you very much and congratulation thank you thank you very much and we have our last participant for today Technical University of Madrid please come to the stage he um good good evening everyone oh sorry okay good evening everyone where Santiago and Mato from Green foiling Spain our team is uh building and designing a ship for the calab category and we will be competing next year we are 36 students from five different faculties from the University polyn Madrid and our team is a research Hub with over 10 Theses being conducted um additionally we count with the help of 18 advisers among which three stand out um Manolo the Dela who won four times the America’s Cup igno Castaneda who was head designer for sale GP and uh Marcos rer who designed the first electric darar and the first hydrogen powered boat for the Ocean Race last year we had the pleasure to present our design but since we’re moving on to the cab category we are now going to present our new design our technological advancement this is our boat is about 8.8 M long and it is the first Hydrogen power foil boat at National level it fits a crew of three and it’s fully electric with hydrogen and lithium batteries sparring an electric um propulsion it has a t foil on the back a main pie foil and the hole is fully carbon which um this material is supplied by our paret git the general Arrangement is in align with the crew followed by the tanks the Fuel Cell lithium batteries and propulsion this is a choice to maximize safety which is our number one priority in the hull um it might stand out the inverted bow the traran configuration or the Slender and Sleek shapes these is to um benefit seeping of course our design has been optimized and validated through cfds and FM studies thank you mat um for our hydrol configuration uh two key characteristics stand out really one is that we don’t deflect the entire surfaces but rather just the flaps we have three independent flaps on the main foil and a single flap on the AF T foil uh this allows us to have much finer control over the lift that we are producing at all times uh on top of that we introduce another Innovation which is that we install carbon uh sorry optical fiber embedded inside the composite material this is something usually done in America for example uh this allows us to measure the strain that the material is subject to and with that strain with that strain we can calculate the lift that the foil is producing which is a very useful information for uh control purposes as well as monitor structural monitoring uh our frag control system is an electronic one we have an inertial measurement unit and uh we also include ultrasonic sensors that allow us to correct the drift in the vertical position the measurement of vertical position uh as for actuators we have stubber motors for uh flap deflection as well as an electric motor for propulsion all of these uh components are controlled from a central processing unit uh this is our flight control Loop schematic of it uh the rigid body Dynamics and the forest model uh make up the plant of our system uh the sensors uh measure take measurements from the state of the plant and uh from those measurements they are combined in the common filter to produce an estimation of the real state of the boat with this estimation and the the command from the pilot uh we the Control Function the controller uh produces the appropriate actuations to modify the forces acting on the boat so as to guarantee at all times stability of the platform so when trying to combine the information from ultrasonic sensors and the inertial measurement unit the big problem arises especially when there are waves present this problem is even present in America Cup Chase boats because in order to saell you want to know the flying height in regards to the mean-free surface which is that straight line over there but you can only measure the distance to the water which includes wave elevation by using a calman filter we can distinguish between wave elevation and the real flying height as you can see in these simulations um the correlation between estimation shown in green and the real value shown in red is quite high for both the flying height and wave elevation additionally we can use this wave elevation as an input for our control system uh when designing a about of these characteristics it’s actually really important to be able to precisely calculate the forces that these lifting surfaces produce to this end we have been developing uh a software tool in Python that uh implements a lifting line model and uh is even able to handle non-uniform inflow to these surfaces uh with this model uh it has been uh thoroughly verified against cfd results and has the advantage of being computationally very inexpensive compared to such kinds of methods uh therefore it it allows us to iterate very fast between designs optimize them greatly and uh in a fast and cheap way achieve fantas classic foil designs uh another advantage that our program has is that it’s not specifically made for a boat but rather it allows the user to Define any kind of foil configuration and geometry that they desire uh so it has direct industrial application in the design of any uh foiling uh vessel our foil uh sorry our force model will coupled to rigid body Dynamics allow us to produce Dynamic simulations that uh allow us to understand the dynamic behav behavior of our ship uh here we can see a turning maneuver simulation on your left you can see the trajectory of the ship in a circle and on your right you can see the time histories of different degrees of freedom of the ship uh the simulation included waves uh so you can see that those degrees of freedom present a solation uh the simulations allow us to evaluate the performance of our uh of the controllers that we design and uh allow us to iterate and produce better uh controllers from the simulations we can also extract information from the actuators such as the torque that they uh are required to produce from this information with many simulations we can uh extract uh requirements for these uh actuators which allow us to design and choose the proper um the proper actuators that we have to install on board uh as for the power unit we already said it’s a hydrogen power unit um with a fuel of 55 KW uh hydrogen tank capable of carrying 8.2 kgrs at 350 bar here our main focus really was uh safety uh all of the components are of the shelf and we focus on the integration of them inside of the design of a ship of these characteristics and here the the role of our partners DMV and bitas are key really uh as they are working with us to validate our designs uh and to assure that at every point and in every operational condition this design is safe for uh the use of hydrogen propulsion in vessels uh another partnership we are working with is with buikus uh they are uh designing a tailor made propeller for our ship and uh something fantastic about this uh collaboration is that um uh the research and development that they have put into this project will allow them to uh release a full um a full commercial model of such a transmission and propeller for commercialization so working with us is always a fantastic uh opportunity to tackle the the challenges that the industry is presented with we are currently building the actual competition boat for next year but in the meantime because it’s a rather long process we have built and uh designed uh our test model which is a smaller 3 m long ship uh which will allow us to accelerate our development in other areas such as Electronics uh validation of our foil design uh flight control um we have presented this model at the Spanish ship building exhibition and uh we received an innovation prize there and we are very happy to start working with it in order to start testing early so that we can save a precious amount of time later um all in all this development will allow us to produce a ship that will be able to achieve 33 knots of top speed 25 knots of uh Cruise speed at which speed we will be able to achieve a range of 130 nautical miles all while being the first ship uh of this characteristics foiling and hydrogen power in Spain thank you very much for the organization for inviting us thank you very much to all of you for your attention thank you very much to our sponsors for making all of this possible and we will be very happy to answer all of your questions now now thank you very [Applause] much hi guys congratulations I I would like to know something more about the market potential of your product thank you m uh well we have really identified a niche in the market for a ship of these characteristics really we have two main key aspects of a ship of for ship and really our development we are working towards uh making the industry believe that this is viable uh these two main things are the efficiency that Hydro foils uh allow us to to have and the other one is the the use of hydrogen as a clean and safe uh way of proposing shifts so uh really the the market that we find the niche of the market is a short passenger trips u in Bays things like these where a small maybe 12 M uh ships will be able to carry around say uh 12 15 20 people maybe in know very fast uh very comfortable uh very efficient and a very clean way so we we find uh a niche of the market there we see that there are uh potential clients for such ships and we are eager to really get going with this project and uh go on and make uh company and uh try to make a living out of this because we really do believe in hydrogen as the future of uh Naval Transportation um thank you for your answer but I will go deeper in judah’s question because you know um if uh we we have as a jury to to deser these grants I hope you you read clearly the the objective is to have uh something that remain that has an impact and that give you an opportunity to have an imp in order to decarbonize the ocean so it’s not only to come next year to the cab and you have you have done amazing job what we are doing congratulation for that but we really need to understand what you will do with these grants what will be the impact with without uh is it to spin-off what is the market you want to Target if you want just to sell the tool of simulation if you want to create a company to sell boats if you want to create a transportation company I don’t know but we need to understand that if you do not answer to that question I’m sorry but we will not be able to give you the correct evaluation I will be very happy to answer that question precisely and it’s the answer is really simple it’s that we really do want to make a company in order to sew these kinds of boats not precisely this boat but rather boats in the in the spirit of this one so as I was saying like 12 M uh passenger boats foiling and hydrogen powered that’s the main goal of course um life is difficult and sometimes it takes uh going through alter alternative routes so maybe we can start with a uh Consulting in smaller part of a project of such a ship but the ultimate goal really is to uh collaborate with in the industry to find synergies and in collaboration with different uh companies and eventually create a startup that will sell uh these kinds of boats with the proper certification with the proper trust from the clients and uh and really help uh decarbonize and deute the the near the shore environment which is where these trips would take place and it’s where most of the pollution is a pretty you know it’s a pretty uh important to tackle it because of the marine environment near the shore it’s important to preserve it thank you thank you very much for the presentation I have a couple of uh questions the first one on the simulations because I saw that you have a maneuver of a turning radius of 10 m that doesn’t seems realistic on your boat uh uh well yeah that’s and also the relationship with the possible validation of these results and another thing that is not clear we see a lot of names of sponsor and things like that so it’s not clear for me what is done by you by your research team and what by other companies what I find that could be a good um result of your project is uh a collaboration that you are dealing with the certification offices because that is probably helping most to introduce better the hydrogen into the mobility but for the rest I wait for your answer yeah thank you very much for the questions they are both great and they allow me to uh expand on some topics yeah yes you really caught us there this simulation is not of the actual big ship but it’s rather of the test model as I said in the last slide we are working on a test model we have already built it it’s a 3M model and it will be uh achieving speeds much uh smaller than these so yeah for that uh 3M Model A turning radius of uh 10 m really is realistic so that’s uh that’s one thing um and the other one is uh a about our collaboration really the only place where uh we really hand of control to uh another company is uh here in the propotion where uh BOS really is designing uh the propeller for us but really in all other aspects the development is done by us so um the general arrangement of everything the integration of the components choosing all of the right components all of the simulation that is all done in house so our first model is entire irely line by line programmed byas all of the uh 2D profile results of the cfd you you see the 2D uh profile results uh with lift and drag and things like these are done in xfoil again in house uh the the simulations are done in house and all of the engineering that comes out from these simulations so the design of the actuating systems of the uh of all of the the choosing of all of the components the uh design of the structural design the whole design everything is done in house so really yes the of all of these companies um mainly with within Alia we are working on installing the uh optical fiber with K engineer engineering they are helping us with cfd results because they are really reliable and fantastic at it uh and vus DT are working with us in in the propotion but really most of the development is done in house by us so thank you for your question thank you I have one additional question from what Jeremy asks you so we understand that you want to create a startup with that so but if you get the grants um how exactly will you use the grant so the first step is next year but how exactly will you use it yes uh well the first step really is next year so uh we with the grant what we plan on doing is um using that for uh basically assuring the viability of the of obtaining a hydrogen uh a hydrogen propulsion system which is a rather expensive uh piece of equipment as you pretty surely understand and uh the grand money will be a fantastic Aid to that end because it will allow us to convince uh other investors that we have the financial solidness to guarantee that their uh their help their support will be enough to get there to get to a uh to um uh a hydrogen power unit and really with that development thank you very much thank you very much everyone this is it for today the the international jury will make its decision and you will know all the results uh tomorrow uh during the the price giving ceremony so please do not miss it otherwise you can join our esport Championship uh final event so that’s going to be also a super exciting event just in the meeting room so please join and thank you very much for attending this Tech talk thank you very much


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