Hey guys! Today in this video I will be playing GP bikes . If you enjoyed it, let me know and be sure to leave a like and subscribe!


    SBK 24


    Balaton Park Circuit

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    [Music] hello everyone and welcome back to our brand new GP bikes video now today we are jumping back into the world of proposal Magic on GB bikes we have a new track a track that should have been on the world super bike calendar this year and that of course is the track you’re seeing on screen now baltin park um fun track we’re going to jump into it here in a second we’re going to do all the floor on sh here showing off ad AR Andre’s work but overall fun track we’re going to kind of give a deep dive here in a second but yeah good to be back on GB Bikes let’s get into it just quickly guys if you do enjoy today’s video if you wouldn’t mind let me know with either a like or a comment and maybe even consider subscribing for future videos thanks back to the video so here we are in Balon Park in the country of Hungary this track was built in was was opened in May 2023 it was about four years in development so uh an imagine track probably would have been open a bit sooner if it wasn’t for Co $200 million is kind of the investment that went into it to get it open and it is the aim of the track was to be another fim grade one so top tier race track and I must say I actually quite like this place um it’s actually supposed to be on the B condition unfortunately canel due to track just undergoing the last few tweaks before they got there so it’s been replaced by EST in Portugal and it’s actually one of the reserve tracks on the motor GP calendar so even though many people may have never heard of it have never erased it it actually has quite a quite a standing in word mors for because um with it being a backup track to GP maybe in the future we could see motor GP motor GP here obviously it will more than likely return next year for the first opening round of the world super bik championship and uh feature on it next year I’d imagine it will um it’ll be all said and done I don’t know the exact ins and outs of the work that needs to be done for super bikes for whatever reason just they just weren’t happy with it so they just said we post one of the Year hopefully it doesn’t turn into another kind of Kimmy ring Kazakhstan GP kind of thing where every year they’re unhappy about something or hasn’t met the regulations or this isn’t ready and that isn’t ready cuz you look especially last two three four years in both GP and super bikes there’s a lot of tracks that were supposed to hold races and never never actually came through fruition which is unfortunate that’s why I remember last year when we actually got to go to India such a relief cuz you you want all these like these are the World Championships we were talking about we want to go to all these different countries and Hungary as a country has been trying to kind of break its way into the the bike marketing of motor GP was rumored for many years that hung hungaro ring would end up on the GP calendar now that never really came to fruition either or maybe now we have the this Balan Park Motorsports kind of circuit Arena we might actually see it in the future but I must say uh from a a game stand Point Mr mandry who created has done an brilliant job and it’s really tidy looking track it runs perfectly smooth so that’s always a good thing that when it runs well cuz a lot of the newer tracks They Might on paper in the free camera and flying around look amazing or look amazing on YouTube sometimes the FPS just can be a bit limiting on it when you’re actually riding on track and that just can ruin a track but thankfully for this track here in Hungary there’s absolutely no issues for me and it’s a a very technical one I’m going to stop here second and TR the track map on the right and you’ll see it’s a it has a bit of everything it’s quite hard to set the bike up for you can see there on the right side of the screen just below my controller over there we do have the track map as a bit of everything so com to this last sector here we’ve really really tight first gear chicane you have some nice slow Corners to end off the lap a bit of a painful last sector in my eyes in terms of racing um it’s quite easy to undercut someone here and then get dragged to line I did it already to someone uh night on the super super bik pack we are here of course on the spk 24 pack I’m not going to talk much about the bike um this video is all about this track I will do a separate video obviously this is a new mod so I’ll do a separate video on that in the coming days but then again we get down into a heavy break and turn one another hairpin corner and he start to open up you go through this kind of second or third gear left-hander and you go right out gets tight though it feels like you really want to push out of there but unfortunately it just tightens up and you have to kind of be patient to get a l Apex about there another longish straight into a very tight right-hander hard breaking and just pinching small break after the 200 m board obviously at the moment we’re not a full chat I’m way off to speed again very tight little chicane section here and then goes into a nice flowing right hand here where you want to get up third gear you can rush in a small bit bit of back break and just wait for the bik to come back and then just pin it out of here and it does like to smoke it’s we here down to another really hard breaking Zone into a TAA can actually bit deep here imagine on too bad now the carbs here you can cut them but it’s a bit of a nightmare now this is the worst corner on the can on the track for me so it’s a hair pin that goes on about half a millisecond too long so if you’ve ridden it you’ll understand what I mean by that whatever the radius of that corner is it’s not symmetrical so it just hangs a bit too long so you when you’re learning track you you find you Apex it slightly early which ends up putting you at a weird kind of position for the exit we have that very fast section here into another TAA cane where we end off lap now I’m going to go a bit more Pace it can actually show off the track but it is a bit narrow it’s a bit tricky it’s very technical um it’s a track that it’s kind of terrible to be setting a bike up for because you want stability into turn one into the the last chane there as well into the into the next turn three or four as well heavy breaking zone so straight away heartbreaking all the way down from fifth gear down to first then you want to be able to have a bite that will turn naturally through this opening sector here as we and to go turn two three and four and then again into five it’s not a very heavy break compared to the track so so it’s um it’s one of those ones if you were to race here in a league or something it would be a very very compromised setting and you you never get the B perfect round here and all long Corners there which usually typically when you have a bike breaking pretty strong it won’t feel amazing in the long hanging Corners get down to the 200 m board again bit early I’m not really looking for lap records here I know 34s are about where I’m at on this track Moment Like cut his Corner slightly here and just trying and open up the very fast right here again here so high speed some low speed some tight opening corn it has a bit of everything it’s a fun little track not too sure how well it’ll race I know in the game it’s it’s pretty decent cuz again a lot of these Corners you can go for a bit of a block pass you can go for a bit of a lunge but um overall I’ll be interested to see some real of racing especially bikes cuz cars really don’t do itjust you just see again you might be a to see it on the camera but just hangs a bit too long that corner it’s just slightly weird CU in here you’re flat out into six on my guar isn’t right so we’re going to be on the limit to roll slightly but you can basically flat your here pick the 200 me board out back to second now the chicane looks really tight you actually if you really Apex early you can kind of straight line it a bit want white here don’t really want to hit the Apex that one and then you stay white here to open up the final Corner get a better line Char Shi the third can cut that car but it does like to set the bike up now we’re down to 38 shut here at the end and see can actually get a good lap here I know I said 34 is where I don’t know if I’ve done a 34 I know I’ve done very low 35s but um 34 to track would be some real speed but and first sector really real technical but I must say I do like it and H on this Z feels pretty decent but you just have to watch yourself cuz you get out too far in that curb we just let go and your just waiting for this late Apex get the bike up use all the track on the road and it’s just a drag race down here we going just pinch a bit of break after the 200 m board you can see we’re kicking out you don’t want to go deep here cuz it’ll sacrifice the entry into the next left so you open this up again just take a small bit of car but missed it that time blow through the corner here you want a just bit of Carn spe you’re looking for that exit carb there and then you just pick up the trottle it does usually slide out of here and then put 170 on the brakes back to Second like slightly unsettle there going to take a small bit of carb on Entry I’m a lot on exit just to make sure I open this very difficult open up that 10 protesting again this goes on for weeks you want epics there but that would be touch early so you go just a bit later up to this fast left you’re going to keep it pinned and the limiter just pulls you back and enough that I can kind of go flat through there pretty comfortably back to second I’m a bit deep I’m very deep the Epic is somewhere over there that’s the L pretty much gone but we’re still going to improve by seconds oh rear completely side there this last sector very difficult cuz the Apex that last but ultimate corner there very much so is just tricky with the point if you ENT it wrong I’ll explain it better when I get around the next lap I’m going to go for another push lap see can I take time off that cuz that was an amazing lap overall 36 isn’t particularly fast definitely can get myself down into a 35 I know 34s is where I would want to be but on a a bike not set up on it a green track I’ll be doing well to get a 35 I think again you want to just let the bike turn naturally here you don’t want to be putting too much input into it better there use a bit more Road [Music] H in the limiter and turn in as late as possible but don’t run way like I did AR just a second this time going to make sure I get a bit of car but D stepped out so he missed it again oh it’s not been a perfect lap you can see we’re pretty much in touch which just shows that lap time is there so I’m going to pinch a bit more going to go more 150 here gear is a bit slower again you don’t want to rush this corner too much cuz you would lose the front take a lot of second curve go to Second this time I’m going to keep in second going a bit more tight on the hairpin and this is when you go bit tight when you go on the offensive line that carner can turn into a bit of a pig you’re just trying to deal with the wheelies open this track up so we can carry as much speed in and banging off the limit poor kawazaki bre touch ear this time I’m going to get off The Brak so the bre naturally wants to rotate around with me lot more curb I’m a bit deep again slightly illegal this lap should bring us down to a lower lap time just in here as well it’s very easy to Epic spit to early and that will will cost you up to line it’s going to be a 359 nothing special that lap there’s a lot more time in it but trying to commentate and talk and trying to actually explain things and sound half water like I know what I’m talking about 35 is PL you can see there now that lap there when I completely shut the brain off I backed it in it was 2 t0 under so 34s are well available on this track and kind of finish up in it good fun track I don’t know how it’ll race in real life that’s my only concern I think it’s a bit too small in my GP some of these runoffs are questionable if you’re doing like down here on a GP bike you’re you’re definitely hitting 190 here I’d imagine Just In The Raw acceleration you think of M that’s probably not too disimilar a bit slightly shorter than the M shade so maybe 180 on on on a GP bike again a small mistake that barrier there is very close and again through here any contact not Rider easily you could end out in that barrier there so it it’s a whatever it’s designed it feels very tight on itself if you look at the track map there’s not a lot of space between a lot of the different parts of track which Le leaves runoff very sketchy in places so we’ll see I do hope at least super bike gets a run out here I’m skeptical whether we’ll ever see a GP Paddock make their way here at the moment GP is kind of struggling to go anywhere else anywhere new uh like I said India was probably the last kind of big one that we got to see and even I thought it was a bit of a bit of a question if we saw that been cancel again this year and we’ll hope to see it again next year bu new tracks and new countries on the world pcks are a bit of a a bit of an awkward kind of suggestion and kind of comment at the moment because they just they seem to appear that oh it’s it’s guaranteed we’re 100% going to get this track at that circuit in in this part of the world and it just fails away and you just kind of again another karing situation where we’re not going to see that again and unfortunately Kagan at this point um is probably going to be same as that but anyway we’re going to finish up with this one I hope you have enjoyed and yeah this is baltin pack let me know what you think in the comments down below and yeah let me know if you like the track if dislike this and yeah thank you all for watching hope you enjoyed see you next time long ofo [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]

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