PRISTINA, 29 June 2009 In a desolate corner on the outskirts of Pristina, Kosovo, two men sit on the bare ground, mending a bicycle that is a lifeline for their families.

    Without their bicycles they could not earn the money they need to keep their large families alive. And what they earn is little enough because their days are spent sifting through the citys garbage for what others throw away.

    As Kosovo rebuilds after years of conflict that led to a declaration of independence from Serbia, too many members of these marginalized communities do not know how to go about getting the birth certificates and citizenship papers they need.

    The problems are many because if the children arent registered, they cant go to school. And within a few years those children will grow up, get married, establish their own families and then they wont have documents for their children, who cant be registered either, says social worker Barjam Marolli.

    The acting head of UNICEF in Kosovo, Tania Goldner, calls it a vicious circle of poverty.

    To read the full story, visit

    1 Comment

    1. me te vertet nuk e di shume gjuhen anglishte por,,,.. guhen shqipe po,, bile edhe shume,, jam hashkali jetoj ne itali,, po ket klip kur r kam shikue jam mbet pa fjal,, kjo eshte marrija e kosoves,, e cila edhe me tutje do te jet shume e ma shume e papapame,, jo vetem rom,, apo hashkali apo gabel,, po shume popullata kosovare nuk kan as kulum mbi kokè…. e vdesin prej urije.

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