Forget Fiji – Iceland’s the real hydration destination! But before you stock up on bottled water, hit pause. Crystal clear streams and near-mythical purity flow freely in Iceland. In this video, we’ll uncover why bottled water might be a surprising misstep in this land of natural wonders, and explore the sustainable (and delicious!) alternatives that await you.
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    so you’re getting ready for your adventure in the land of Ice and Fire but before you switch your phone to volcano Explorer mode hear me out you need to pack properly to get the most out of your trip now never underestimate the Icelandic weather it doesn’t matter if you’re going there in May or January you can expect all seasons in one trip or even one day if you’re going in summer pack both light and warmer layers and some good hiking boots you’ll definitely need a waterproof and windproof outer layer don’t be shy to bring an insulated winter jacket it’s always better to take them off than not have it and freeze one more thing you need to know about the Icelandic summer is that between June 15th and June 30th you can expect something known as the midnight sun the sun doesn’t set until after midnight and even then it barely goes below the Horizon so it looks more like the evening Twilight unless your accommodation has extra dark and thick curtains you might have trouble sleeping when it’s so light outside that’s why it’s a good idea to pack a sleeping mask and for the daytime you’ll definitely need sunglasses and sunscreen or you could just pop by in December when it’s only light for 4 hours and 7 minutes a day winter temperatures aren’t as terrible as you might think but the snow and wind coming from all directions make things worse so focus on staying warm and dry and insulated jacket another warm layer or two thermal pants reflective waterproof pants to stay dry and noticeable in the Snows a good warm hat oh and sturdy boots will literally take you a long way ice cleats as an add-on will help you stay stable on icy terrains spring and fall are pretty short just like my dad and the weather is also super unpredictable so the same set of items you’d pack for winter will do even if you’re going to Iceland in the cold oldest weather definitely pack a swimsuit Iceland sea isn’t the warmest in the world but you’ll need that swimsuit for Outdoor Pools and Hot Springs the country is full of since all the pools are heated with geothermal energy they’re always warm the locals and tourists swim in all sorts of weather conditions yes even in the snow the Blue Lagoon is the most famous geothermal Spa it uses seawater coming from around 6,500 ft underground and it comes with useful Earth minerals once it gets heated up by a nearby geothermal plant a mix of ocean and fresh water pours into a lava pool at a temperature of around 102° f it gets its postcard worthy turquoise color from the silica in it reflecting sunlight definitely bring a reusable water bottle for the trip you can refill it with tap water since it’s perfectly safe and healthy the country is full of Pure Springs and Glaciers and that highquality water goes to every tab there are zero chemicals in it so it’s officially some of the clearest kinds of water in the world all you have to do is wait a bit when you change from hot to cold water hot water also comes to Icelandic Combs straight from the spring and is heated by geothermal sources the sulfur in it makes it smell like rotten eggs although it’s yucky it’s totally harmless bottled water is overpriced and it literally comes from the same tap icelanders will have no problem speaking and understanding English but if you want to feel more like a local you could bring translation earbuds Icelandic is pretty difficult to grasp on the go and might sound unusual the language has less than half a million native speakers but they’re super proud of it and it keeps growing instead of borrowing words from other languages for New Concepts they create new words or repurpose some old ones the Icelandic for computer for instance totally translates as the number Oracle there are over 130 ways of saying wind and 112 of them are written on a wooden walkway from the calmest to the strongest wind just in case you want to learn them there are also some Concepts the English language just doesn’t have for example this window weather it’s the kind of weather that looks good from the inside but once you step out you regret your decision makes sense to me in case for some reason you were planning to bring a horse to Iceland stop right there the Icelandic horse is one of the oldest and purebred horses in the world with a history of the breed going back to the 10th Century The Story Goes that the ancestors of today’s Beauties were carefully selected to be brought to Iceland from Norway during the Viking years and no one has imported any other horse breeds to Iceland since the 11th century it is banned by law this complete isolation helps the Icelandic horses stay super healthy and live a long life these Beauties used to be the only form of transportation in the country they’ve adapted to survive in all kinds of weather conditions and have grown although they still don’t look huge and oh when you see it never call it a pony it can offend the locals now I don’t want to be the one to tell you but your wish won’t come true just because you threw a coin in one of Iceland’s thermal Springs the signs forbidding throwing coins are all over the place for a good reason the coins keep hanging in crystal clear waters ruining the natural look of geysers and Pools Plus researchers have proved that coins and other trash can change the color of the thermal water for good that’s precisely what happened in Yellowstone the Morning Glory pool changed his color from tropical blue to green with orange and yellow Hues if you don’t want that to happen to the beautiful Icelandic Landscapes then keep the coins for souvenirs or in your pocket now elves are a big deal deal in Iceland about half of the population believes in their existence the local folklore sees elves as the hidden people who live in the lava Fields when someone wants to build something in one of those they have to take into account the elves opinions yes these guys have a spokesperson who comes to meetings sometimes road construction is even diverted around Boulders where the elves live so not to disturb them these little guys go house hunting during the winter holiday season and it is 13 elves called the Ule lads who bring the Young Generation of icelanders their gifts if you want to learn more about the elves during your trip you can sign up for raikov viix Elf school you’ll get textbooks a legit elf diploma and tea with cookies as a bonus they might seem like a regular photo prop but these little pyramids of rocks actually have a name and history the humans of the past used to build parents to be used as kind of a GPS system long before the concepts of cars and GPS was even created Travelers Mark certain spots along their routes to help other Wanderers find the PATH they used to be the only way of marking the routes and you can still find them all over the island Iceland of course has GPS now but it’s illegal to move rocks from the Carns because they’re considered an important part of History plus some hikers still use those pyramids for navigation so if you randomly build one of those hikers can easily get lost as they’d follow the wrong route oops now if you want to bring a good gift to your new islandic friends a book is a great idea for many years the country had the highest rate of publishing books per capita in the world on average one out of 10 icelanders publishes a book in their lifetime there’s even a special book giving holiday Icelandic sagas go back to the 13th century Riders create their sagas even on napkins and coffee CS each geyser and waterfall has its own tale about heroes and heroins attached to it you can also scan barcodes on public benches to listen to Audi books on your smartphone cool how do you prepare for a long trip you probably look up the route on Google Maps or watch a walkthrough on YouTube or maybe you ask someone who’s been there recently but what if you’re bound for a place humans have never existed yes I’m talking about our next door neighbor the red planet NASA is planning a mission to Mars in the late 2030s or early 2040s that’s too far in the future so why start preparing now well it’s closer than you think rookie astronauts spend at least 2 years training just to go out in space for every hour they spend in space they need to spend 10 hours underwater on Earth this training only applies to spacewalks and the International Space Station so far some 600 people have been to space but humans have never set foot on Mars traveling to this planet will require a different kind of training is there a region of Earth that closely resembles Mars the Apollo missions astronauts trained in Nevada this is where Neil Armstrong and his fellow astronauts got a sense of what the surface of the Moon would feel like but Mars is different from the Moon it has gravity and an atmosphere in this aspect it resembles our own Planet just one country to be more precise Iceland NASA used this island in the far north of Europe as a testing ground for its 2020 Mars mission and no the mission didn’t involve humans landing on the red planet just a small Rover looking for signs of life but the high-tech robot still needs some practice let’s do a little test of our own compare the Landscapes on Mars and Iceland are you struggling to Spot the Difference good that means that scientists have picked the ideal training grounds for the upcoming Mars mission an area entirely Barren and devoid of life that’s how one researcher involved in the mission described Iceland and this description perfectly matches the conditions future astronauts will encounter on Mars but what’s so special about Iceland there are valleys that were created by volcanic eruptions the island is still young in geological terms simply put it’s still forming lava flows water volcanoes raging winds Iceland has it all the country slogan is the land of Fire and Ice the Island’s population is just above 350,000 for comparison the city of Cleveland and Ohio has more residents than the entire country of Iceland but the size doesn’t always matter remember Euro 2016 when England lost to Iceland 2 to1 their player became Stars overnight but icelanders are closer to the Stars than you think the country has a space agency yeah you heard it correctly now this agency actually consists of two people who are trying to promote Iceland as a terrestrial analog to Mars in short this means that Iceland looks a lot like the red planet the local Duo wants to get Space scientists to choose Iceland as a training ground for future astronauts their biggest argument is that it’s cheaper sending people and Equipment into space is expensive duh according to Elon Musk SpaceX launches cost around $2 million that’s way less than a typical NASA launch a large portion of space research takes place back on Earth Antarctica is ideal for studying cold and desolate places in outer space Hawaii is perfect for exploring lava tubes and the composition of rocks just imagine the logistics behind going to both of these regions at the same time this is where Iceland comes into play it has diverse habitats that are relatively close to each other so what exactly will future mars-bound astronauts do in Iceland to answer this question let’s travel back in time Nevada wasn’t the only place NASA’s astronauts visited more than half a century ago they prepared for walking on the surface of the Moon in Iceland too their primary objective was collecting samples these can mainly be found near volcanoes and lava fields and Iceland has plenty of those around 60% of the local landscape is Rocky and rugged this makes the island the size of Kentucky feel like another planet add that to the fact that 80% of Iceland is uninhabited and you get the perfect playground for astronauts and there’s another similarity with Mars in summer it can seem as if the Sun never sets in Iceland locals go shopping at 3:00 a.m. in June for example the night can last only 2 hours sounds like a perfect open air party destination well not really who would want a party at a freezing temperature of 42° F that’s the average low air temperature in June future astronauts spent weeks in Iceland trying to adjust to these strange conditions this helps them prepare for the long days on Mars This is not a figure of speech since days on the red planet are long longer than the ones on Earth by 40 minutes that’s not much considering the length of days on other planets on Jupiter a day is over in just under 10 hours while a day on Venus equals 243 Earth days but let’s first land on Mars and then think of other planets shall we have you been doing some math in your head if one day on Mars is 40 minutes longer than on Earth then how long is a Martian year nope I’m willing to bet your calculations aren’t correct you forgot to factor in an important detail the planet is farther from the Sun than Earth this means that a year on Mars lasts 687 days nearly twice as long as a year on Earth sorry future astronauts you’ll get a birthday cake once every 2 years there’s another minus to the red planet literally the planet’s average temperature is- 76° F makes Iceland’s climate feel like the Tropics huh despite these extreme weather conditions scientists believe that water once flowed on Mars and where there’s water there’s life that’s why NASA scientists lowered the tiny Rover in the middle of a crater that they suspected was once a lake this is where it stands the greatest chance of finding evidence of Life what about life forms on Mars looks like it’s not science fiction the planet has polar caps like Earth and that’s not all scientists believe they’ve even detected snowfall on Mars its atmosphere is a 100 times thinner than that of our planet it isn’t a breath of fresh air but it isn’t extremely inhospitable like other planets on Venus it rains acid and the temperature is high enough to melt lead and on Jupiter there are gigantic storms that rage on for centuries makes you fall in love with the blue planet all over again even Iceland sounds fun at this point you might even want to learn Icelandic if you’re successful then you can even read Old Norse the language of the Vikings and you’ll know 100 words for wind this will come in handy as wind speeds on the island can reach up to 40 mph out in the open you have to hold on to a fence or a signpost to stay on your feet Iceland’s climate will make you think twice before moving there but for astronauts preparing for another world this place is perfect Iceland is equally impressive underground in fact the island might hold the key to sustaining human life on Mars the surface of this planet is not very hospitable the soil is poisonous and abrasive it can easily cut through an astronaut’s suit but underneath the ground the living conditions are more tolerable and Iceland has a real life model of this potential underground dwelling Lava Tubes long tunnels carved out by lava making its way to the surface these mazike corridors are are perfect human habitats and they’re cost-efficient nature had already built them for us future astronauts can walk through similar lava tubes in Iceland who knows one day their cautious steps might turn into giant leaps for mankind all right let’s go on a world tour I’ll show you the most curious things internet users have found across the globe little things light up cultures like nothing else let’s start in a Wonderland World Asia first stop India the country that will soon surpass China and will become the most populated country in the world this right here is a street where many training and coaching centers are located now in some states of India people still widely follow a sustainable tradition of serving meals on banana leaves a kind redditor shared what a typical meal looks like another user commented that it is also common across the world in Puerto Rico this right here is a regular day in Sri Lanka fishing Tic Tacs are so expensive in Sri Lanka that little packs of eight pieces are a thing in China some malls have a husband storage women can leave their husbands there so that the boys can enjoy video games while their wives are shopping it spares women from a lot of whining now this is a McDonald’s located in an old newspaper stand even manholes are a work of art in Asia here’s one example example a dragon art spotted by a user in wooie China turns out in China eggs are sold in mesh bags and of course Asia has a bunch of snacks with unusual flavors they even have cucumber flavored chips this guy went to get a coffee in Singapore and got it in a bag turns out it’s quite common in Southeast Asia also they take ice cream sandwiches there quite literally in Singapore thing is they put ice cream between actual posts the redditor confirms that it’s weirdly delicious would you dare to try here’s a first look at a city in Japan a redditor shared a beautiful photo made at night in Yokohama other internet users shared that they felt very safe there even when walking at night and this is a photo of a snowfall I didn’t know that in Japan they get that much snow turns out many toilets there have sinks on top of them the dirty water after washed your hands is used to flush which saves Japan millions of gallons of water they also collect rainwater and then use it to wash the roads the water in the street canal in Japan is so clean that fish swim there in Japan many manholes are beautifully ornated too and several users shared some of them these are Japanese rice fields and this is one of the designs in their cans a redditor spotted a tiny house somewhere in Japan I wish I could have had the tour they have driverless KFC trucks roaming the street and selling you food turns out the Japanese don’t have signatures instead each person has a personal stamp that they use to sign documents and this is a photo of a Night Bus I wish every country’s public transport was this cozy and comfortable one redditor went to see the white temple in Thailand you see the buildings there are so stunning that even the toilet looks like this this is a mobile 7-Eleven in Thailand in Vietnam tour guides can row with their feet only this redditor has proof and now we’re off to Australia some buses there have special stands for the passenger surfboards since we like traffic lights today I can’t but show you this one it features Mary poppin and it’s installed in Queensland the hometown of PL Travers the author of Mary P the next country on today’s tour is New Zealand look at this Urban Wonder a new apartment building built over an older house also the citizens of New Zealand enjoy a unique lemonade drink Coca-Cola produces just for them what a VIP treatment now let’s move across the Pacific Ocean to North America we start in the second biggest country in the world Canada one of the most common stereotypes about Canada is that they are very polite well a redditor posted a photo of a Canadian bus saying sorry for being full even the buses are polite there another user found an outdoor toilet but of course dressed for cold weather and one more user shared this photo it was so windy in the town that the grass got blown off as some redditor commented I can’t own anything the wind tried stealing my grass one more unusual occurrence a redit shared a photo of a huge Iceberg passing by now let’s move to the US and start in the northern state Alaska these Light Pillars are reflections of the ice crystals in the sky a resident of Alaska opened the front door after a snowstorm did you know that the US is the homeland of skyscrapers yep the first skyscraper in the world was built in 1885 in Chicago the home insurance building had 10 stor Ries now it’s not even close to a skyscraper but that was the start and look what this redditor found in Seattle it’s not unfinished work it’s a skyscraper built on top of an 11-story pedestal called reneer Tower this is an abandoned Diner somewhere in the California desert here’s another interesting photo from a redditor a Mexican restaurant moved to a building where KFC had been instead of removing the logo They just added a sombrero a mustache and a poncho I say genius since we talked about Mexico let’s move there one user shared a pack of toast bread without any crusts and another redditor showed that potato chips go with a small packet of salsa there here’s a Mexican crosswalk the man on it has a dog and a hat and this user shared photos of how his grandma hand painted a toilet in Mexico and this toilet brush holder gives me chills Mexico is a whole different world cotas are caused by erosion in the Limestone bedrock and they hold ground and rainwater but this redditor probably didn’t expect to see this Wonder right by a CCO store the award for the stadium with the most mesmerizing view probably goes to this one turns out the Bahamas are home to the biggest underwater statue in the world which is called ocean Atlas here’s a photo from a redditor it’s magnificent you can even see a woman sitting on its hand for comparison and here’s a curiosity from bise apparently they sell bag drinking water there it’s very common in Central and South America and this user met a grasshopper in Costa Rica the hand is for comparison now I have a question what do Costa Rica and Australia have in common Central America is hot the average annual temperature there is 81° f no wonder this taxi in Panama only has controls for cold air okay let’s say bye to Central America and see what South America has in store for us and the first store is in Colombia a redditor shared that in Bogata people are paid for dressing as traffic cones and shaming drivers for parking on the street which makes them move somewhere else having a stroll down the the stairs of Brazil doesn’t seem easy you can run into trees like this one Asia is well known for crazy chocolate flavors but look what this redditor found in Brazil Snickers bars with coconut flavors passion fruit and even caramel and bacon here’s a 20 peso bill from Argentina it has guanaco on it we still have to move across the Atlantic and visit Europe and Africa let me continue my world tour and now we’re heading straight to Europe let’s start our journey in Greece a place with thousands of years of History even in modern days there are still ancient ruins there that are being carefully preserved and it’s an interesting ride the airport of Athens has a built-in museum with ancient artifacts and here’s how ancient and modern coexist there here’s the view of the Acropolis from the street a Spartan roaming the streets of Greece a redditor shared a photo of a modern building built right over the ancient ruins the visitors can see the ruins through the glass Greece is also very well known for its cats roaming the streets everywhere this redditor spotted a cat guarding the National Bank of Greece these days everyone is trying to reduce the usage of plastic some use paper straws and some go with glass straws but this Cafe in Greece offered to use macaroni as straws I’m not sure if it’s stupid or genius another user went to a restaurant in North Macedonia and got baffled when they served slices of pizza on waffles double win a snack and no waste in Romania vending machines seem to be a thing this one for example is a machine with ham and here’s a better one a vending machine selling cartons of eggs scrambled eggs probably Europe is a place where old neighbors are modern and this combination is mesmerized I’ll show you this redditor shared a photo of a modern basketball court squeezed between 700-year old walls in Croatia and here’s a photo from inside a grocery store look at these old columns Modern Problems require modern solutions these traffic lights light up the ground so that people who store their phones could notice when the light changes Italy is a work of art with thousands of years of History I have quite a bunch of stuff for you from there some ruins date back thousands of years and a lot of that gets preserved a redditor shared a photo of a Lobby of a hotel that has a glass floor so that the ruins were visible and these are the railing in an Airbnb even street signs are a work of art in Italy look at this one another redditor shared even more designs this redditor showed a photo of a supermarket that is located in an old theater in Venice another user added one more photo of that Supermarket since we’re talking about supermarkets apparently pets are allowed there there are even special carts to carry them cities are centuries old and there are quite a few narrow streets so post vehicles have to adjust to fit them here’s one of them some cities have canals or are located on Islands so boats are a thing this is a UPS boat at Morano Island Europe is packed with countries the city of Bassel in Switzerland is located right on the border with France and Germany so the airport has three exits you can walk out of it to France Germany or Switzerland let’s walk out in Germany look there’s a traffic light with a girl walking a camel the reasons are a mystery to me because camels aren’t really a German thing but it’s cute here’s another unique street light featuring Carl Marx a famous German philosopher back to baffling vending machines in Germany you can find vending machines with sausages Hamburg is Germany’s major port city there’s a river that connects it to the North Sea no wonder there’s a drive-thru McDonald’s for a boat look at this design of mineral water that is being sold in the Swiss Alps a redditor brought a souvenir from France these are baguette shaped pens look at this narrow house in in Spain I wonder what it looks like inside but unfortunately the redditor only shared the exterior in Portugal cell phone towers are disguised as trees and this is a bus that can ride the roads and then turn into a boat a redditor spotted doors in London that have door knobs in the center this seems super inconvenient but apparently the handle doesn’t turn and exists only to pull the door closed and the metal part with the keyhole has a little handle on the bottom of it Europe is a historical place this post box Bears The Mark of a king ruling over a century ago back in the day red telephone boxes were in high demand nowadays when every person has a cell phone or two not so much so telephone boxes are being used in different ways this one for example is now a smartphone repair shop Luxembourg is a small but rich country squeezed between France Germany and Belgium and they have baguette vending machines let’s move north first to the Netherlands Farmers border their fields with a strip of flowers and put up a sign with a QR code where people can pay for picking the flowers and here’s just a weird installation spotted by some redditor in Denmark in Aros a city founded by the Vikings in the 8th Century you can find traffic lights with Vikings pictured on them some trash cans in Swedish Subways have a separate space for cans homeless people can pick them up and exchange the cans for some cash there’s a giant statue of a silver moose in Norway and these are signs on bathroom stalls depicting reindeer apparently Finnish people are as polite as Canadians on the bus they have a button to thank the bus driver also a redditor spotted a raccoon pattern on a bus seat we all know rocking horses most of you probably had one in your early days well Finnish little people have rocking moose many people come to Iceland hoping to see the Northern Lights our redditor had a phone in the hotel which had a special button to wake the guest Up When the Northern Lights appear lithuanians sometimes put fake police cars on the sides of the road to combat Road speeding your Europe has been ruled by kings and queens for centuries even today many countries like the UK the Netherlands Spain Denmark Belgium and some other countries have monarchs so no wonder that there are hundreds of castles scattered across Europe Poland doesn’t have any monarchs these days but it still has 500 castles here’s a warning sign for ghosts next to one of them in VAV all landmarks have a model so that visually paed people could touch and see them too there’s also a statue of Darth Vader in one polish city in reality it’s a statue of a Polish magnate who supervised the construction of a port but from time to time locals dressed the statue in Lord Vader’s costume this sign in Poland specifically prohibits bikes tractors and horses to go on a highway in some places there’s a separate line on the sidewalk for people who are walking and staring at their phones and now we travel across the Atlantic to Africa this is Dune 7 in Namibia the seventh biggest Dune in the world it’s as tall as the Empire State Building an internet user shared this photo someone in Tanzania put a literal penthouse on top of the building I did some research and found out that it’s a hotel still doesn’t explain the roof but I’m totally buying it maybe it’s marketing drivers in mosm Beque should be careful and watch out for elephants and this is a sign from South Africa watch out for penguins and another one that asks to baboon proof the trash bins so baboons are the raccoons of South Africa trees growing through the roads aren’t surprising anymore but this is a palm tree in Morocco growing through multiple balconies a redditor shared a photo of a runaway horse in Israel returning to the backyard in an urban area Urban horse encounters are relatively common in the country a hotel in Turkey served a whole honeycomb for breakfast to this redditor in India some people have tasty chickpea and tomato Curry for breakfast it’s also accompanied by porri deep fried flat bread try to say that fast it’s Hollow in the middle and gets puffed up with steam when it’s heated up some South Africans eat poutu Pap for breakfast it’s a sort of oatmeal but it’s made from Maze and water this dish can be eaten throughout the day but if you’re having it for breakfast it’s paired with milk and sugar sanges coffee is nothing like a tall Americano the powder they use to brew this drink is made from coffee beans grains of sine pepper and cloes it’s way spicier than the good old pumpkin spice latte and gives you way more energy over in Morocco people prefer drinking mint tea for breakfast they grab a couple of freshly cooked flatbreads they’re layered and can be served with Jam or honey but sometimes you can find one stuffed with veggies or even meat the chickpea soup called leani is a typical breakfast dish in Tunisia it can be pretty spicy thanks to all the onion cumin and herbs they cook it with you might get a poached egg on the side if you’re lucky in Nigeria and some neighboring countries people have fried bean cakes for breakfast the main ingredients are blackeyed peas spiced up with dried chili fresh onions and fresh red chili pepper these cakes are deep fried and are a popular street food Korean breakfasts are usually pretty filling they’re made up of many bonan which are basically side dishes there’s kimchi a sort of fermented cabbage a rolled omelette marinated veggies and June a sort of pancake wow a Japanese breakfast can seem a bit more like lunch or dinner in other countries you know soup rice salmon even pickled veggies in Jamaica people eat saltfish and akie for breakfast Aki is a exotic fruit similar to Luchi with a soft and creamy texture one more tiny detail it’s kind of illegal in the US it’s mostly because the seeds are toxic but you can eat the flesh safely as long as it’s fully rip better another difference maybe the world’s craziest breakfast sandwich ever comes from from the Netherlands they have sandwiches with candy sprinkles on them right it’s just sprinkles on top of buttered bread hoggles slot as it’s called means hail storm and it comes in various flavors chocolate vanilla and fruit a German breakfast might seem kind of heavy if you’re used to just having a bowl of oatmeal we’re talking bread rolls an assortment of cheeses and meats and if need be they can top it off with an egg or two coffee is the drink of choice to wash down this hearty meal oatmeal lovers head to Finland the traditional breakfast of this wonderful country consists of oatmeal they call pururu it’s served with fresh or sometimes frozen berries sugar and milk the Italian breakfast is definitely not the main meal of the day they might grab a cornet up which is basically a Quant maybe with a sweet filling and a cappuccino by the way Italians usually only drink cappuccinos in the morning and if you ever order a latte in Italy you’ll get a glass of milk what we call latte in English is a cafe latte in Italy mucle is enjoyed all over the world but especially in Switzerland a typical breakfast musely consists of oat flakes raisins dried fruits nuts usually mixed together with yogurt in Sweden people eat typical breakfast sandwiches called smos it’s a generous buttered slice of bread with some sort of topping it can be ham fish or cheese and it usually has some cucumbers lettuce or tomatoes thrown on there many people like it with hard-boiled eggs people in Sweden are crazy about filter coffee it tastes so good the French breakfast is perfect for bread lovers they have a full range of yummy Breads and buns and yep they got that quasa thing that most people can’t pronounce right hey did I nail it maybe put a little French h on it get yourself some plain bread and some butter and jam on top or up for pen CH the most common drink is coffee but many people prefer juice instead an Argentinian breakfast can be similar to the French one they have pastries and coffee for breakfast too meal Lunas which is Half Moon in English look a whole lot like Quant they’re just a bit smaller and sweeter if you’re not a fan of sweet pastries grab a piece of toast called a tostada and if coffee isn’t your thing just have a glass of orange juice yogurts cereals and eggs are mostly reserve for tourists if you ever want to try traditional Mexican breakfast cook Chila kiles cut a bunch of corn tortillas into pieces and simmer them in salsa the tortillas get a bit soft next add some fixings avocado soft cheese even chicken put some rice and beans on the side and buen preto want something lighter Mexico has awesome pastries there’s one that’s shaped like a shell and one that looks like two ears stuck together a Peruvian breakfast looks really exotic for those who’ve never been there one of the traditional dishes is tachio conens hope I got that right it’s basically roasted plantain with bits of pork it’s a popular type of street food too the two most important things for a Brazilian breakfast are bread and m not exactly a toughy coffee the favorite kind of bread for many Brazilians is the French roll which should be generously buttered before eating and might be followed by a few cold cuts tropical fruits like papaya aren’t exotic at all in Brazil so don’t be surprised to see them on your table when you travel to Rio Colombians have dozens of cool breakfast recipes in Bogata the capital you can find shanga which is egg and milk soup with cilantro and taale bread softened in the broth another hearty dish is a cantando made of reheated rice or Bean leftovers served with sausages avocado and eggs in Costa Rica people usually eat rice and beans for breakfast too surprise surprise unlike in Colombia Costa Ricans Grill plantains they’re like bananas but a lot less sweet instead of sausages drinks are simple coffee or juice getting hungry yet One More Country where rice for breakfast is super common is Malaysia the way they make it is really cool though it’s cooked in coconut milk and served with a variety of side dishes it can be a boiled egg a cucumber and chovies or even peanuts eggs in the form of an omelette and cake filling deep fried dough stick softened in warm soy milk Twisted pancakes stuffed with veggies if any of that sounds yummy to you you should try a Taiwanese breakfast at least once wash it down with a variety of warm soy milks there’s plain or black which is milk seasoned with Sesame powder and peanuts a Hong Kong breakfast wouldn’t be complete without its very own milk tea it’s all about the technique they use to brew it the soof looking cloth that filters it is really thick when the black tea finally comes out the other end don’t forget to add some evaporated milk in sugar to get that authentic creamy Flavor now don’t get this one wrong if you see sausages eggs and roasted meat for breakfast it doesn’t mean it’s an English breakfast take a closer look see that rice sweet bacon marinated in brown sugar and soy sauce and a cup of hot chocolate welcome to the Philippines and enjoy your meal it’s scrumptious if you ever travel to Indonesia don’t miss your chance to try some black rice coconut milk based porridge for breakfast disclaimer it’s actually not black it’s more purple it’s it’s called I’m going to try this Boer kitan kitam was I even close this stuff is especially yummy when topped with sliced bananas and cinnamon they also have Papa an oatmeal thing made of Sago flour it’s starchy sticky and looks like pudding or slime people in Myanmar are used to eating a hearty breakfast soup called moena it’s bursting with flavor it has Ginger fish paste lime juice chili pepper cilantro and onions the soup’s made with catfish and even has noodles in it salty sweet spicy and sour all at the same time if there was a contest for the biggest breakfast in the world the Irish would take the grand prize just think a traditional Irish Breakfast has bacon white pudding black pudding hash browns fried eggs or scrambled eggs a couple of sausages beans and probably some fried liver already figured out how to burn up all those calories all right dish about condiments in French Schools they’re keeping a tight leash on ketchup mayo and vinegret why well they’re trying to up their meal game for the students the rule is simple these sassy sauces can’t be just hanging out randomly no they must be served up with the most appropriate dish it’s all about making sure those kiddos are getting the best meal possible Bona Petit did you know that chewing gum is a big no no in Singapore yep it’s illegal to bring in any old gum but you can get your hands on some special medical gum if you really need it and let me tell you Singapore doesn’t mess around when it comes to gum you could end up with a hefty fine or even spend some time Behind Bars maybe they’ll really chew you out so just leave the double bubble at home if you’re planning a trip over there now in Victoria Australia you’ve got to keep it down during certain times yep you heard me right no loud no noises are allowed at night when everyone’s trying to catch some z’s and on Good Friday try to keep it quiet all day long so let’s be considerate and give our ears a break shall we now in Rome you can’t keep your goldfish in a boring old glass bowl no sir that’s considered cruel because those little guys need their oxygen flow plus if you keep them in a bowl too long they might go blind and get this you can’t even give away goldfish as priz the law has got a whole subsection about it so if you’re planning on bringing a goldfish Along on your next trip to Rome make sure you’ve got a fancy tank ready for them now let’s play a little game check out this picture can you guess where it was taken good luck with that that chair you see is called a monoblock chair and it’s pretty special you see most objects give away clues about when and where they’re from like the shape of electrical outlets or the labels on your shampoo bottle but the monolock nope it’s totally what they call context free crazy right but at this these chairs have caused quite a stir now some folks think they’re the bees knees calling them one of the world’s most perfectly designed chairs others not so much they say the homogeneous nature of the chair is disturbing and the real evil of globalization and get this in basil Switzerland they actually ban these chairs from public spaces from 2008 to 2017 to keep the city looking pretty but they’re back now one more thing you can’t do in Switzerland is flush your toilet after 1: p.m. oh no wait it’s an urban myth someone posted it on the internet and thus the funky rumor spread but here’s the deal taking baths at weird hours is kind of iffy it’s not okay to run a bath late at night because it’s noisy and rude but listen up the there’s no way anyone can stop you from taking the shower between 10: p.m. and 6:00 a.m. as long as you don’t hog the bathroom for more than 20 minutes so go ahead get your scrub on whenever you please and make sure to flush the toilet preferably with the lid close you don’t want to have a germ convention in your bathroom uh-oh looks like you don’t want to run out of gas while cruising on the Autobon in Germany the authorities have put a ban on stopping your vehicle on the highway so make sure you fill up that tank before hitting the road and don’t even think about taking a stroll on the Autobon because you could end up with a fine for putting other drivers at risk not to mention getting run over hey did you hear about the musician that was run over on the Autobon he be flat anyway stay safe out there in Greece wearing high heels at historical sites has been a no no since 2009 apparently those pointy shoes can cause some damage to the ground and the architecture so if you’re planning a trip to the Acropolis you should leave those stilettos at home but there’s more did you know that high heels are also banned from Disney Parks yeah it’s true as much as we love our fancy Footwear it turns out that they can be a hazard in crowded places so if you’re planning a trip to the happiest place on Earth make sure you wear some comfy Flats instead your feet and Mickey Mouse will thank you in Canada you’re not allowed to use more than 25 p per transaction y it’s true this is all part of a plan to phase out the penny which started back in 2013 so if you’re planning on paying for something with a bunch of pennies you might want to think twice like in a penny for your thoughts but hey at least you won’t have to Lug around all that extra change anymore now sharing memes in Australia is technically illegal yeah the Copyright Act says it’s a no no to distribute anything that might hurt the owner’s copyright but let’s be real Aussies love their means too much to let a little thing like the law stop them so don’t worry they’re still spreading those hilarious pictures around traveling to Guatemala with your kiddos well just make sure they don’t try to sneak any party whistles onto the plane yep you heard that right whistles are a no no in this country apparently too many people were using them to pretend they were police officers So to avoid any confusion the guat in authorities crack down and banned them but don’t worry they didn’t ban fake uniforms go figure just kidding if you were ever thinking of bringing a wheelbarrow into Nigeria I’ve got some news for you don’t even try sure you can totally grab one once you’re there but they won’t let you bring it across the border why well they’re all about supporting their own manufacturing industry so they want to give their local wheelbarrow makers a chance to shine who who knew wheelbarrows could cause such a fuss now if Tunisia is your next vacay destination listen up before you toss in a pencil for your seduko or crosswords let me tell you something Craig Craig pencils are a nogo in Tunisia yeah you heard that right but relax it concerns cases of import only it’s a mystery why they’re ban but better safe than sorry right so pack your bags wisely and leave those pencils at home who knows maybe you’ll discover a new way to keep your brain sharp on the plane ride over hey guess what China has banned time travel movies and shows since 2011 apparently the authorities think they’re too accurate and could mess with people’s perception of History so if you’re heading to China you don’t have to worry about getting caught with a DeLorean in your luggage but maybe leave your Back to the Future DVD at home if you plan on watching it on the plane trust us you don’t want to mess with Chinese time travel laws hey did you know that on the beautiful island of Capri in Italy flip-flops are a big no no apparently the locals love their peace and quiet so much that they’ve made it illegal to wear quote excessively noisy Footwear end quote but don’t worry you can still rock your favorite pair of clunky shoes in the rest of Italy just make sure to leave the flip-flops at home if you’re planning a trip to Capri and if you do decide to break the rules be prepared to face the consequences tourists have actually been prosecuted for disrespecting this law so let’s all be respectful of the locals and keep our Footwear quiet shall we have you heard about those Kinder surprise candy eggs well in the USA they’re banned can you believe it apparently the little toy inside is a major choking hazard and get this some folks have even been caught trying to smuggle them in from our neighbors up north in Canada talk about a candy [Music] Caper all right let’s go on a world tour I’ll show you the most curious things internet users have found across the globe little things light up cultures like nothing else let’s start in a Wonderland World Asia first stop India the country that will soon surpass China and will become the most populated country in the world this right here is a street where many training and coaching centers are located now in some states of India people still widely follow a sustainable tradition of serving meals on banana leaves a kind redditor shared what a typical meal looks like another user commented that it is also common across the world in Puerto Rico this right here is a regular day in Sri Lanka fishing Tic Tacs are so expensive in Sri Lanka that little packs of eight pieces are a thing in China some malls have a husband storage women can leave their husbands there so that the boys can enjoy video games while their wives are shopping it spares women from a lot of whining now this is a McDonald’s located in an old newspaper stand even manholes are a work of art in Asia here’s one example a dragon art spotted by a user in wooie China turns out in China eggs are sold in mesh bags and of course Asia has a bunch of snacks with unusual flavors they even have cucumber flavored chips this guy went to get a coffee in Singapore and got it in a bag turns out it’s quite common in Southeast Asia also they take ice cream sandwiches there quite literally in Singapore thing is they put ice cream between actual toasts the redditor confirms that it’s weirdly delicious would you dare to try here’s a first look at a city in Japan a redditor shared a beautiful photo made at night in Yokohama other internet users shared that they felt very safe there even when walking at night and this is a photo of a snowfall I didn’t know that in Japan they get that much snow turns out many toilets there have sinks on top of them the dirty water after you washed your hands is used to flush which saves Japan millions of gallons of water they also collect rainwater and then use it to wash the roads the water in the street canal in Japan is so clean that fish swim there in Japan many manholes are beautifully ornated too and several users shared some of them these are Japanese rice fields and this is one of the designs in their cans a redditor spotted a tiny house somewhere in Japan I wish I could have had the tour they have driverless KFC trucks roaming the street and selling you food turns out the Japanese don’t have signatures instead each person has a personal stamp that they use to sign documents and this is a photo of a Night Bus I wish every country’s public transport was this cozy and comfortable one redditor went to see the white temple in Thailand you see the buildings there are so stunning that even the toilet looks like this this is a mobile 7-Eleven in Thailand in Vietnam tour guides can row with their feet only this redditor has proof and now we’re off to austral IA some buses there have special stands for the passenger surfboards since we like traffic lights today I can’t but show you this one it features Mary Poppins and it’s installed in Queensland the hometown of PL Travers the author of Mary Poppins the next country on today’s tour is New Zealand look at this Urban Wonder a new apartment building built over an older house also the citizens of New Zealand enjoy a unique Lim Lade drink Coca-Cola produces just for them what a VIP treatment now let’s move across the Pacific Ocean to North America we start in the second biggest country in the world Canada one of the most common stereotypes about Canada is that they are very polite well a redditor posted a photo of a Canadian bus saying sorry for being full even the buses are polite there another user found an outdoor toilet but of course of course dressed for cold weather and one more user shared this photo it was so windy in the town that the grass got blown off as some redditor commented I can’t own anything the wind tried stealing my grass one more unusual occurrence a redditor shared a photo of a huge Iceberg passing by now let’s move to the US and start in the northern state Alaska these Light Pillars are reflections of the ice crystals in the Sky a resident of Alaska opened the front door after a snowstorm did you know that the US is the homeland of skyscrapers yep the first skyscraper in the world was built in 1885 in Chicago the home insurance building had 10 stories now it’s not even close to a skyscraper but that was the start and look what this redditor found in Seattle it’s not unfinished work it’s a skyscraper built on top of an 11-story pedestal called reneer Tower this is an abandoned Diner somewhere in the California desert here’s another interesting photo from a redditor a Mexican restaurant moved to a building where KFC had been instead of removing the logo They just added a sombrero a mustache and a poncho I say genius since we talked about Mexico let’s move there one user shared a pack of toast bread without any crusts and another redditor show that potato chips go with a small packet of salsa there here’s a Mexican crosswalk the man on it has a dog and a hat and this user shared photos of how his grandma hand painted a toilet in Mexico and this toilet brush holder gives me chills Mexico is a whole different world cotas are caused by erosion in the Limestone bedrock and they hold ground in rainwater but this redditor probably didn’t expect to see this Wonder right by a Costco store the award for the stadium with the most mesmerizing view probably goes to this one turns out the Bahamas are home to the biggest underwater statue in the world which is called ocean Atlas here’s a photo from a redditor it’s magnificent you can even see a woman sitting on its hand for comparison and here’s a curiosity from bise apparently they sell bag drinking water there it’s very common in Central and South America and this user met a grasshopper in Costa Rica the hand is for comparison now I have a question what do Costa Rica and Australia have in common Central America is hot the average annual temperature there is 81° f no wonder this taxi in Panama only has controls for cold air okay let’s say bye to Central America and see what s South America has in store for us and the first store is in Colombia a redditor shared that in Bogota people are paid for dressing as traffic cones and shaming drivers for parking on the street which makes them move somewhere else having a stroll down the stairs of Brazil doesn’t seem easy you can run into trees like this one Asia is well known for crazy chocolate flavors but look what this redditor found in Brazil Snickers bars with Co ocut flavors passion fruit and even caramel and bacon here’s a 20 peso bill from Argentina it has guanaco on it we still have to move across the Atlantic and visit Europe and Africa let me continue my world tour and now we’re heading straight to Europe let’s start our journey in Greece a place with thousands of years of History even in modern days there are still ancient ruins there that are being carefully preserved and it’s an interesting ride the airport of of Athens has a built-in museum with ancient artifacts and here’s how ancient and modern coexist there here’s the view of the Acropolis from the street a Spartan roaming the streets of Greece a redditor shared a photo of a modern building built right over the ancient ruins the visitors can see the ruins through the glass Greece is also very well known for its cats roaming the streets everywhere this redditor spotted a cat guarding the National Bank of Greece these days everyone is trying to reduce the usage of plastic some use paper straws and some go with glass straws but this Cafe in Greece offered to use macaroni as straws I’m not sure if it’s stupid or genius another user went to a restaurant in North Macedonia and got baffled when they served slices of pizza on waffles double win a snack and no waste in Romania vending machines seem to be a thing this one for example is a machine with ham and here’s a better one a vending machine selling cartons of eggs scrambled eggs probably Europe is a place where old neighbors are modern and this combination is mesmerizing I’ll show you this redditor shared a photo of a modern basketball court squeezed between 700e old walls in Croatia and here’s a photo from inside a grocery store look at these old car columns Modern Problems require modern solutions these traffic lights light up the ground so that people who store their phones could notice when the light changes Italy is a work of art with thousands of years of History I have quite a bunch of stuff for you from there some ruins date back thousands of years and a lot of that gets preserved a redditor shared a photo of a Lobby of a hotel that has a glass floor so that the ruins were visible and and these are the railing in an Airbnb even street signs are a work of art in Italy look at this one another reditor shared even more designs this redditor showed a photo of a supermarket that is located in an old theater in Venice another user added one more photo of that Supermarket since we’re talking about supermarkets apparently pets are allowed there there are even special carts to carry them cities are century old and there are quite a few narrow streets so post vehicles have to adjust to fit them here’s one of them some cities have canals or are located on Islands so boats are a thing this is a UPS boat at Morano Island Europe is packed with countries the city of Bassel in Switzerland is located right on the border with France and Germany so the airport has three exits you can walk out of it to France Germany or Switzerland let’s walk out in Germany look there’s a traffic light with a girl walking a camel the reasons are a mystery to me because camels aren’t really a German thing but it’s cute here’s another unique street light featuring Carl Marx a famous German philosopher back to baffling vending machines in Germany you can find vending machines with sausages Hamburg is Germany’s major port city there’s a river that connects it to the North Sea no wonder there’s a drive-through McDonald’s for a boat look at this design of mineral water that is being sold in the Swiss Alps a redditor brought a souvenir from France these are baguette shaped pens look at this narrow house in Spain I wonder what it looks like inside but unfortunately the redditor only shared the exterior in Portugal cell phone towers are disguised as trees and this is a bu that can ride the roads and then turn into a boat a redditor spotted doors in London that have door knobs in the center this seems super inconvenient but apparently the handle doesn’t turn and exists only to pull the door closed and the metal part with the keyhole has a little handle on the bottom of it Europe is a historical place this post box Bears The Mark of a king ruling over a century ago back in the the day red telephone boxes were in high demand nowadays when every person has a cell phone or two not so much so telephone boxes are being used in different ways this one for example is now a smartphone repair shop Luxembourg is a small but rich country squeezed between France Germany and Belgium and they have baguette vending machines let’s move north first to the Netherlands Farmers border their field with a strip of flowers and put up a sign with a QR code where people can pay for picking the flowers and here’s just a weird installation spotted by some redditor in Denmark in arhus a city founded by the Vikings in the 8th Century you can find traffic lights with Vikings pictured on them some trash cans in Swedish Subways have a separate space for cans homeless people can pick them up and exchange the cans for some cash there’s a giant statue of a silver moose in Norway and these are signs on bathroom stalls depicting reindeer apparently Finnish people are as polite as Canadians on the bus they have a button to thank the bus driver also a redditor spotted a raccoon pattern on a bus seat we all know rocking horses most of you probably had one in your early days well Finnish little people have rocking moose many people come to Iceland hoping to see the Northern Lights a redditor had a phone in the hotel which had a special button to wake the guest Up When the Northern Lights appear lithuanians sometimes put fake police cars on the sides of the road to combat Road speeding Europe has been ruled by kings and queens for centuries even today many countries like the UK the Netherlands Spain Denmark Belgium and some other countries have monarchs so no wonder that there are hundreds of castles scattered across Europe Poland doesn’t have any monarchs these days but it still has 500 castles here’s a warning sign for ghosts next to one of them in VAV all landmarks have a model so that visually impaired people could touch and see them too there’s also a statue of Darth Vader in one polish city in reality it’s a statue of a Polish magnate who supervised the construction of a port but from time to time locals dress the statue in Lord Vader’s costume this sign in Poland specifically prohibits bikes tractors and horses to go on a highway in some places there’s a separate line on the sidewalk for people who are walking and staring at their phones and now we travel across the Atlantic to Africa this is Dune 7 in Namibia the seventh biggest Dune in the world it’s as tall as the Empire State Building an internet user shared this photo someone in Tanzania put a literal penthouse on top of the building I did some research and found out that it’s a hotel still doesn’t explain the roof but I’m totally buying it maybe it’s marketing drivers in Mozambique should be careful and watch out for elephants and this is a sign from South Africa watch out for penguins and another one that asks to baboon proof the trash bins so baboons are the raccoons of of South Africa trees growing through the roads aren’t surprising anymore but this is a palm tree in Morocco growing through multiple balconies a redditor shared a photo of a runaway horse in Israel returning to the backyard in an urban area Urban horse encounters are relatively common in the country a hotel in Turkey served a whole honeycomb for breakfast to this reditor in India some people have tasty chickpea and tomato Curry for breakfast it’s Al accompanied by Puri deep fried flat bread try to say that fast it’s Hollow in the middle and gets puffed up with steam when it’s heated up some South Africans eat pup for breakfast it’s a sort of oatmeal but it’s made from Maze and water this dish can be eaten throughout the day but if you’re having it for breakfast it’s paired with milk and sugar sanges coffee is nothing like a tall Americano the powder they use to brew this drink is made from coffee beans grains of sine pepper and cloves it’s way spicier than the good old pumpkin spice latte and gives you way more energy over in Morocco people prefer drinking mint tea for breakfast they grab a couple of freshly cooked flatbreads they’re layered and can be served with Jam or honey but sometimes you can find one stuffed with veggies or even meat the chickpea soup called leani is a typical breakfast dish in Tunisia it it can be pretty spicy thanks to all the onion cumin and herbs they cook it with you might get a poached egg on the side if you’re lucky in Nigeria and some neighboring countries people have fried bean cakes for breakfast the main ingredients are blackeyed peas spiced up with dried chili fresh onions and fresh red chili pepper these cakes are deep fried and are a popular street food Korean breakfasts are usually pretty filling they’re made up of bonan which are basically side dishes there’s kimchi a sort of fermented cabbage a rolled omelette marinated veggies and June a sort of pancake wow a Japanese breakfast can seem a bit more like lunch or dinner in other countries you know soup rice salmon even pickled veggies in Jamaica people eat saltfish and AI for breakfast akie is a exotic fruit similar to Luchi with a soft and creamy texture one more tiny detail it’s kind of illegal in the US it’s mostly because the seeds are toxic but you can eat the flesh safely as long as it’s fully ripe better know the difference maybe the world’s craziest breakfast sandwich ever comes from the Netherlands they have sandwiches with candy sprinkles on them right it’s just sprinkles on top of buttered bread hoggles slog as it’s called means hail storm and it comes in various flavors chocolate vanilla and fruit a German breakfast might seem kind of heavy if you’re used to just having a bowl of oatmeal we’re talking bread rolls an assortment of cheeses and meats and if need be they can top it off with an egg or two coffeee is the drink of choice to wash down this hearty meal oatmeal lovers head to Finland the traditional breakfast of this wonderful country consists of oatmeal they call pururu it’s served with fresh sometimes frozen berries sugar and milk the Italian breakfast is definitely not the main meal of the day they might grab a cornet up which is basically a Quant maybe with a sweet filling and a cappuccino by the way Italians usually only drink cappuccinos in the morning and if you ever order a latte in Italy you’ll get a glass of milk what we call latte in English is a cafe latte in Italy mle’s enjoyed all all over the world but especially in Switzerland a typical breakfast muscle consists of oat flakes raisins dried fruits nuts usually mixed together with yogurt in Sweden people eat typical breakfast sandwiches called smos it’s a generously buttered slice of bread with some sort of topping it can be ham fish or cheese and it usually has some cucumbers lettuce or tomatoes thrown on there many people like it with hardboiled eggs people in Sweden are crazy about filter coffee it tastes so good the French breakfast is perfect for bread lovers they have a full range of yummy Breads and buns and yep they got that Quant thing that most people can’t pronounce right hey did I nail it maybe put a little French honk on it qu get yourself some plain bread and some butter and jam on top or up for pen CH the most common drink is coffee but many people prefer juice instead an Argentinian breakfast can be similar to the French one they have pastries and coffee for breakfast too meal Lunas which is Half Moon in English look a whole lot like quants they’re just a bit smaller and sweeter if you’re not a fan of sweet pastries grab a piece of toast called a tostada and if coffee isn’t your thing just have a glass of orange juice yogurts cereals and eggs are mostly reserved for tourists if you ever want to try traditional Mexican breakfast cook Chile kiles cut a bunch of corn tortillas into pieces and simmer them in salsa the tortillas get a bit soft next add some fixings avocado soft cheese even chicken put some rice and beans on the side and buen proo want something lighter Mexico has awesome pastries there’s one that shaped like a shell and one that looks like two ears stuck together a Peruvian breakfast looks really exotic for those who’ve never been there one of the traditional dishes is tachio conens hope I got that right it’s basically roasted plantain with bits of pork it’s a popular type of street food too the two most important things for a Brazilian breakfast are bread and not exactly a toughy coffee the favorite kind of bread for many Brazilians is the French roll which should be generously buttered before eating and might be followed by a few cold cuts tropical fruits like papaya aren’t exotic at all in Brazil so don’t be surprised to see them on your table when you travel to Rio Colombians have dozens of cool breakfast recipes in Bogata the capital you can find changua which is egg and milk soup with cilantro and stale bread softened in the broth another hearty dish is a cantando made of reheated rice or being leftovers served with sausages avocado and eggs in Costa Rica people usually eat rice and beans for breakfast too surprise surprise unlike in Colombia Costa Ricans Grill plantains they’re like bananas but a lot less sweet instead of sausages drinks are simple coffee or juice getting hungry at one more country where rice for breakfast is super common is Malaysia the way they make it is really cool though it’s cooked in coconut milk and served with a variety of side dishes it can be a boiled egg a cucumber and ch kovies or even peanuts eggs in the form of an omelet and cake filling deep fried dough stick softened in warm soy milk Twisted pancakes stuffed with veggies if any of that sounds yummy to you you should try a Taiwanese breakfast at least once wash it down with a variety of warm soy milks there’s plain or black which is milk seasoned with Sesame powder and peanuts a Hong Kong breakfast wouldn’t be complete without its very own milk tea it’s all about the technique they use to brew it the soof looking cloth that filters it is really thick when the black tea finally comes out the other end don’t forget to add some evaporated milk and sugar to get that authentic creamy Flavor now don’t get this one wrong if you see sausages eggs and roasted meat for breakfast it doesn’t mean it’s an English breakfast take a closer look see that rice sweet bacon marinated in brown sugar and soy sauce and a cup of hot chocolate welcome to the Philippines and enjoy your meal it’s scrumptious if you ever travel to Indonesia don’t miss your chance to try some black rice coconut milk based porridge for breakfast disclaimer it’s actually not black it’s more purple it’s called I’m going to try this booer kitan ketam was I even close this stuff is especially yummy when topped with sliced bananas and cinnamon they also have Papa an oatmeal thing made of Sago flour it’s starchy sticky and looks like pudding or slime people in Myanmar are used to eating a hearty breakfast soup called moena it’s bursting with flavor it has Ginger fish paste lime juice chili pepper cilantro and onions the soup’s made with catfish and even has noodles in it salty sweet spicy and sour all at the same time if there was a contest for the biggest breakfast in the world the Irish would take the grand Fri eyeses just think a traditional Irish Breakfast has bacon white pudding black pudding hash browns fried eggs or scrambled eggs a couple of sausages beans and probably some fried liver already figured out how to burn up all those calories it’s 10: p.m. you suddenly feel hungry and go to the fridge but there’s nothing inside you decide to hop to the nearest supermarket there you find the snack you want and pay by card on the way home you want Wonder was it this easy to get food in the city a century ago one of the street lights flickers and goes out you are now in the dark feeling scared now you know how people felt after sundown in the pre- electricity era we are so used to power that we forget that it isn’t even a century old in 1925 only half of all us homes had electricity without it nothing would be possible today the light in your room the refrigerator store signs and credit card they all need electricity to run so how did people live without it did our cities lie in complete darkness not quite the history of Illuminating our homes and streets is thousands of years [Music] old recently 2022 archaeologists discovered the oldest intact oil lamp they estimated it was 2,300 years old there is evidence of workshops that produced these lamps on a massive scale Italian scientists have discovered similar lamps in Modina this city was the center of oil lamp production in the Roman Empire the workshops were so widespread that they even had different brands foris fasb and strobili some Brands were in high demand so other manufacturers copied their maker marks and you thought that fakes were a modern problem these oil lamps were simple in design high-end lamps were made from bronze and other metals but the most common mat material was Clay people would pour oil through the central hole and then burn a wick inside the nozzle area the wick was mostly linen but oil lamps were small in size and were used indoors there was no way to light a whole street with them the alternative was you’ve guessed it candles humans still use candles today your grandma probably has a candle and a box of matches hidden in a drawer somewhere just in case of a power outage humans have been making candles for 5,000 years when you think of a candle you think of beeswax but the range of candle materials is pretty wide in the Middle Ages only the rich could afford beeswax candles the rest of the population had to be happy with Tallow by modern standards candles have terrible Energy Efficiency do you remember the time when you first saw a candle and tried to touch it ouch you never got that idea again did you candles use a lot of energy to generate Heat that’s why they are far from ideal light sources and the light they emit is not the kind we need it’s infrared humans cannot see this sort of light the numbers are staggering only 1% of candle light is visible to us humans modern light bulbs are way more efficient they shine 80 times brighter than candles in such dim conditions our ancestors had to be imaginative for instance they covered artwork with a thin layer of gold this technique was called Gold Leaf artists didn’t do this to make their artwork look luxurious they wanted their paintings to Glow in the candlelight and they had another Ally in the struggle against Darkness natural light have you ever wondered why old churches have tall elongated Windows their main function was to let sunlight inside after all these structures were huge there was no other way to illuminate them just take notra Dame Paris France as an example it covers an area four times as large as a hockey rink and the building was 211 ft High that’s about half as tall as the Great Pyramid of Giza so it made sense to build large windows in homes mirrors had the same effect as Windows they would reflect natural light around the house before electricity our homes were packed with mirrors and how many do we have today one in the bathroom and maybe one in the hallway that’s because we no longer need them to reflect light all those mirrors have been replaced with a simple flip of a light switch today interior designers advise people to remove mirrors from their bedrooms for better sleep talk about a plot twist but what about buildings that people visited at nighttime such as theaters and Opera Houses the solution was surprisingly low Tech candles like thousands of them Builders mounted them on large chandeliers but there was a problem all those candles created heat and would burn for an hour or so max playwrights and composers had to add pauses so staff would have time to replace the C Les have you ever shattered a light bulb by accident not a pleasant experience but luckily you can clean the glass with a broom in seconds before electricity such clumsiness cost people their lives knocking over a candle could start a major fire and there was another danger ladies wore long dresses that presented a fire hazard our ancestors were literally playing with fire and this is all indoors outside the house you would have to carry a flaming torch or hope that the sky wasn’t cloudy so you could navigate By Moonlight and one smart American decided not to go out at night at all Benjamin Franklin went to bed at 10: p.m. and got up at 5:00 a.m. but over in London going out at night created a new business link boys carried torches for victorians these youngsters would wait outside ins for patrons to come out after dark and offer their services and they did their job in times of thick fog as well that’s the English weather for you [Music] before electricity it was dangerous to go outside after Sundown but this was about to change in 1807 that’s when a German engineer Frederick Windsor lit a street in London using gas lamps it was finally becoming possible to go out at night and feel safe now these gas lamps weren’t easy to operate at dusk a Lamplighter had to carry a torch to turn them on so to say and then at dawn they had to do another round to put out the Flames that sounds like some good cardio and it was during their entire career a Lamplighter could easily walk 150,000 mi in total and then came electricity in the 1870s Thomas Edison was the first to produce commercial light bulbs a city in the west of Romania timara became the first place in Europe to have electric street lights half of the homes in Britain had electric power by the end of the 1930s the age of electricity had begun but there was still room for for improvement at the time the most common type of light bulb was incandescent this means that the light bulb has a filament inside that produces light when heated by electric power this type of bulb is similar to a candle it produces heat rather than light and the ratio will stun you 95% of the electricity that flows through the light bulb is converted into heat yes you’ve heard it right only 5% of energy is used for creating actual light despite this electric power has changed the way we live in the year 1800 only 2% of the world’s population lived in cities and there is a good reason for this cities were Dark Places illuminated only by candles and oil lamps there was no Street lighting after electricity became a thing the numbers turned according to the World Bank more than half of the world’s population 56% lives in cities today and our Urban settlements look a lot different than they did just a century and a half ago they now shine bright on satellite images from space Las Vegas is the city that shines the brightest at night but the story of Illumination is far from over in 2006 Ann Arbor Michigan us became the first metropolitan area to use LED for Street lighting it is short for light emitting dodes this new type of lighting uses at least 75% less energy than the light bulb perfected by Edison in the 1800s and they last longer too up to 25 times

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